Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Don't overlook childhood depression,2004,17,9,18-24,Louters Preparing for disasters: what should you know and when should you know it?,2005,18,3,40-3 45,DiMaggio Sexual assault--myths and facts,2005,18,12,16 18,Zarbock Practical approaches to screening for domestic violence,2006,19,9,30-35,Terebelo Managing dog cat and human bite wounds,2003,16,4,28-32 34 37,Correira Public safety versus patient interest: which to choose?,2007,20,2,49 51,Gianola Cross-cultural perspectives on intimate partner violence,2008,21,4,36 38 40 passim,Anderson A review of the unique injuries sustained by musicians,2008,21,4,45-6 48 50 passim,Heinan Child maltreatment: seeing the problem is only step one,2008,21,5,46-50,Paulk An ice hockey player with an unusual elbow injury: Osteochondritis dissecans,2008,21,5,62-63,Powers The big question: "why doesn't she just leave him?",2008,21,1,15,Zarbock Classic adolescent injury mimics a twisted ankle,2010,23,1,57-58,Rizzolo New-onset status epilepticus develops after a motor vehicle collision,2010,23,9,31-2 34 39,Kuppasani Child abuse: be part of the solution not part of the problem,2002,15,8,11-2 15,Paulk You have the power to prevent a parent's worst nightmare,2007,20,10,12,Zarbock Concussion: assessment of traumatic brain injuries,2010,23,11,20 23,Moreau A bullet in the head opened my eyes to the epidemic of youthful violence,2000,13,9,6 9-11 29 passim,Stein In your practice. Recognizing child abuse and neglect,2000,13,11,65-6 69-74,Paulk Responding to evidence of abuse in the elderly,2000,13,6,73-6 82 85,Shock Managing violence in the emergency department (and other settings),1999,12,9,54-6 59-60 63-4 passim,Day Acute left elbow deformity following a fall on the hand,2011,24,7,59-60,Dunderdale Alcohol addiction. Identifying the patient who drinks. Part 1,1999,12,5,24-8 31 35-6 passim,Mosier Foreign bodies ingested and inhaled,1999,12,6,22-4 27-8 31-4 passim,Muñiz The increasingly common problem of middle-ear barotrauma,1999,12,8,16-8 28 31-2 passim,Draper Brain injuries in athletics. Assessment and management to prevent a catastrophic outcome,1999,12,12,40-2 45-6 49-52 passim,Scholl An acute elbow injury after a fall at the playground,2012,25,2,63-64,Smith A fall down the stairs that caused a popping noise,2012,25,7,59-60,Edmiston Pediatric wrist injury after a fall,2014,27,2,43-44,Abzug Identifying and treating adult survivors of sexual assault,2014,27,5,51-52,Wellman Ready! Fire! Aim! Firearm safety is every physician assistant's job,2009,22,12,11,Zarbock Abdominal pain after a motor vehicle accident,2014,27,8,52-54,Ford A role in trauma care for advanced practice clinicians,2009,22,6,33-6 41,Stevens A woman with difficulty walking and multiple falls,2015,28,5,54-56,Iskander Usability testing of a fall prevention toolkit,2015,28,5,46-53,Keuter Putting intimate partner violence on your radar,2015,28,10,24-28,Collett Postconcussive syndrome in a high school athlete,2015,28,10,38-40,Sasek 'No sport is worth sacrificing your brain function',2015,28,10,1-2, Primary care assessment of patients at risk for suicide,2015,28,12,35-39,Bono Abdominal pain after air travel,2015,28,4,63-64,Devine Abdominal injury after a fall,2016,29,5,57-59,Shuaib Recognizing and treating patients with envenomations,2016,29,7,40-45,Hurt Mild traumatic brain injury in a gymnast,2016,29,7,30-34,Knight Evaluating and treating mammalian bites,2017,30,3,32-36,Rasmussen Pediatric forearm injury after a fall,2017,30,11,49-51,Abzug An unusual cause of an isolated scapula fracture,2018,31,3,26-28,Attia On media violence and aggression,2018,31,8,11-12,Grossman Post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans: treatments and risk factors for nonadherence,2018,31,11,21-24,Haveman-Gould Helping survivors of sexual assault,2020,33,1,39-44,Thompson Foreign body aspiration in a child with cardiac arrest,2020,33,2,29-31,George Recognizing and responding to sex-trafficked minors in the healthcare setting,2020,33,9,43-47,Johnston Beyond roofies: drug- and alcohol-facilitated sexual assault,2021,34,1,45-49,Thompson PAs and domestic violence education,2020,33,12,e1,Thompson Defusing aggressive behavior in the healthcare setting,2021,34,9,46-49,Homotoff PAs' attitudes about adolescent suicide screening: the theory of planned behavior,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Daniel Blunt chest wall trauma: rib fractures and associated injuries,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beloy Acknowledging suicidal ideation depression and anxiety in PAs [conference abstract],2022,35,12,e1,Brown High-pressure injection hand injury: what lies beneath?,2023,36,4,1-4,Willette Suicide and homicide deaths of PAs: analysis of the National Violent Death Reporting System,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Robiner Carbon monoxide poisoning: diagnosis and management,2023,36,10,1-3,Overfelt Assessing the frequency of fall risk screening in older adults on chronic opioids in primary care,2023,36,12,e1,Gerner Overcoming barriers to recognizing and reporting child abuse,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harding-Bremner Identifying victims of labor trafficking,2024,37,1,29-32,Meredith Blunt cardiac injury in the hemodynamically stable patient,2024,37,2,35-38,Grossman The weapons of mass destruction-civil support team PA,2024,37,2,1-5,Anderson Acknowledging the risk of suicidal ideation depression and anxiety in PAs,2023,36,4,33-38,Brown Major depressive disorder,2020,33,4,19-20,Giannelli Treatment-resistant bipolar disorder managed with ketamine infusions as monotherapy,2021,34,12,e1,Walsh The patient with borderline personality disorder,2007,20,4,46-50,LaForge