Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Effective product label on prevention of poisoning--from the viewpoint of consumers,2004,17,3,287-292,Iizuka Disaster planning from the standpoint of fire authorities,2005,18,1,41-45,Fujiwara Human acute poisoning data collection by Japan poison information center,2005,18,3,277-283,Kuroki Report on European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists (EAPCCT) XXV International Congress,2005,18,3,275-276,Kuroki Investigation of acute exposures to household chemical products: Investigation of the cause of the accident and developing of the guiding database for product label contents to prevent foreseeable. exposures,2005,18,4,393-400,Hatano Proposal of an analytical pathway for the treatment of poisonings--2--the effectivities and limits of the simple poison detection methods in the emergency room,2005,18,4,383-386,Iseki Present status and problems in the management of poisoned patients in ER,2006,19,2,121-123,Yamashita Comparison between patient and family report and poison deleterious substance result of analysis,2006,19,2,105-109,Suzuki Rescue and medical responses for an accident caused by an escape of carbon monoxide in a chemical factory in Matsuyama,2006,19,3,241-249,Nishiyama Chemical accidents and disasters,2006,19,3,225-226,Ohashi Carbon monoxide poisoning of children,2006,19,3,283-284,Takeuchi Group suicide due to charcoal burning with administration of melatonin,2006,19,1,55-56,Hitosugi Health hazardous cases caused by powder fire extinguisher which were inquired to Japan poison information center,2006,19,4,423-428,Yayoi A survey on the initial management of acute poisoning in Japan,2007,20,4,324-353,Endo Clinical analysis of 104 cases of overdose in a suicide attempt,2007,20,4,367-374,Yagi A retrospective study of two cases of acute datura poisoning,2008,21,2,177-181,Tanaka Study of acute poisoning at facilities for aged person,2008,21,3,337-343,Takano Department of poison laboratory Niigata city general hospital,2008,21,3,329-332,Hori Envenomation and poisoning caused by marine biotoxins in Okinawa,2008,21,3,293-297,Iwanaga Mushroom poisoning in Japan--recent trend and prospect,2008,21,4,397-404,Yokoyama Government action for the matter of frozen Chinese gyoza poisoning,2009,22,1,56-59,Sasaki Acute encephalopathy caused by cyanogenic fungi in 2004 and magic mushroom regulation in Japan,2009,22,1,61-69,Yokoyama Poisoning inquiries and correspondences of Japan Poison Information Center,2009,22,1,51-53,Kuroki Methamidophos poisoning--a five years old girl's case,2009,22,1,48-50,Ode A case of organophosphate poisoning caused by Chinese-made frozen dumpling,2009,22,1,46-47,Ito Acute hydrogen sulfide poisoning-risk assessments and management problems associated with H2S exposure by suicide attempt,2009,22,1,19-24,Yamamoto Disaster risk management of mass poisoning,2009,22,1,11,Soma Countermeasure against chemical disaster and terrorism,2009,22,1,3-9,Okumura Risk management of the mass disaster induced by chloropicrin,2009,22,1,25-31,Koyama Investigation into the actual conditions to prevent secondary disaster during treatment of acute poisoning patient,2009,22,1,33-37,Kurokawa Suicidal poisoning due to hydrogen sulfide produced by mixing a liquid bath essence containing sulfur and a toilet bowl cleaner containing hydrochloric acid,2008,21,2,183-188,Kobayashi Patient with warfarin poisoning caused by coumarin rodenticide,2008,21,2,169-175,Suzuki International cooperation for chemical terrorism,2009,22,1,38-44,Kondo The social worker and the treatment of toxicosis,2008,21,1,55-62,Sahara Role of the psychiatrist in the treatment of poisonings,2008,21,1,45-53,Yamada Case of sodium monofluoroacetic acid intoxication,2008,21,4,391-392,Fukushima Acute poisoning with neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid,2008,21,4,387-390,Kaneko Two cases of diphenhydramine related suicide,2007,20,2,137-140,Ohtsu Diphenhydramine poisoning presented with psychotic-like symptoms and choreic involuntary movement: report of two cases,2007,20,2,125-129,Kumagai Case clinically diagnosed as depressive state after being stung by a lumpfish (Inimicus japonicus),2006,19,4,401-405,Takeda Epidemiology of carbon monoxide poisoning in Japan,2006,19,1,13-21,Ueda Why should we discuss CO poisoning now?,2006,19,1,11-12,Kamijo Hydrogen sulfide gas poisoning,2006,19,3,251-255,Nasu Inquiries of food contamination by chemicals in Japan Poison Information Center,2009,22,3,273-280,Kuroki Poisoning in Vietnam,2009,22,3,270-271,Kikuno What is poisoning?,2009,22,3,250-255,Fukumoto Increase of poisoning by the tropical mushrooms in Japan in recent years,2009,22,3,240-248,Yokoyama A case report of methanol poisoning who can not drink alcohol,2009,22,3,238-239,Iseki Prevention and correspondence of poisoning accidents of consumer: for progress of the collaboration,2009,22,3,208-233,Iizuka Prevention and correspondence of poisoning accidents of consumer: for progress of the collaboration,2009,22,3,207,Kuroki On the Internet and suicide,2009,22,4,325-329,Koike Hydrogen sulfide poisoning and internet,2009,22,4,315-319,Iseki The Internet and acute poisoning,2009,22,4,309-314,Kiyota Light and shadow of the Internet society from the view point of poison information service,2009,22,4,302-308,Kuroki Editorial. Toxicology in the network society: focus on suicide attempts,2009,22,4,301,Kamijo Prevention and correspondence of poisoning accidents of consumer: For progress of the collaboration from the standpoint of Japan Poison Information Center,2009,22,3,226-233,Yoshioka Prevention and correspondence of poisoning accidents of consumer: For progress of the collaboration from the standpoint of a chemical analyst--informations obtained from the poisoning analysis,2009,22,3,222-225,Hori Prevention and correspondence of poisoning accidents of consumer: For progress of the collaboration from the standpoint of a pharmacist,2009,22,3,216-221,Minemura Mass casualty chemical incidents (2003-2005),2006,19,3,297-315,Yoshioka The suicide re-attempt risk evaluation scale: a trial in a critical care center without an exclusive duty psychiatrist,2010,23,1,47-53,Yanagisawa 2009 report from the Japan Poison Information Center,2010,23,2,137-168,No Author(s) Listed A case of chemical burns caused by hexavalent chromium,2010,23,3,238-242,Takahashi Two cases of methanol poisoning with serial measurement of blood concentrations of methanol ethanol and formate,2010,23,3,232-237,Hori The medicolegal aspect of hydrogen sulfide poisoning,2010,23,3,217-221,Yoshitome Response of the Tokyo fire department to hydrogen sulfide poisoning incidents caused by detergents and other household chemicals,2010,23,3,206-211,Ishikawa Epidemiology of hydrogen sulfide poisoning in Japan,2010,23,3,199-205,Kaoru Should "harmful" information on network be restricted to prevent self-poisoning?,2010,23,3,197-198,Mizutani Problems in simulation training for chemical disasters,2005,18,1,65-68,Okumura Disaster planning from the standpoint of Japan Poison Information Center,2005,18,1,57-63,Kuroki Major chemical disaster and police response,2001,14,3,227-232,Kuroki Chemical disaster,2001,14,3,205-208,Ohashi Suicidal deaths due to hydrogen sulfide after watching the internet: proposal for a comprehensive regulation in the internet,2010,23,3,222-223,Hitosugi Case of caffeine poisoning survived by percutaneous cardio-pulmonary support,2008,21,1,69-73,Fujiyoshi Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology. 5--Salicylate salts,2003,16,1,93-98,Kuroki The medical team approach to the suicide--attempted patients by taking drugs or chemicals--participation of the medical social workers,2001,14,2,119-125,Hamada Acute tebufenpyrad and tolfenpyrad poisoning in humans,2010,23,4,324-328,Imada Japan Poison Information Center,2010,23,4,309-313,Kuroki A survival case of colchicine intoxication following ingestion of a lethal dose,2010,23,4,303-308,Namera The earliest managements of Japan Poison Information Center and Japanese Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare and the future point of view,2005,18,3,235-240,Kuroki Epidemiological study of glyphosate herbicide poisoning,2011,24,1,69-72,Mise Gas-poisoning affected by the Internet,2011,24,1,3-8,Ishizawa Lethal myocardial injury associated with hydrogen sulfide poisoning: Report of two cases,2011,24,3,231-235,Hirose Poisonings reported to the Poison Control Center during 2010,2011,24,2,127-158,No Author(s) Listed Acute poisoning induced by nitrogen dioxide inhalation in Japan,2001,14,1,71-76,Koto Acute isoniazid poisoning presenting convulsion and liver dysfunction,2001,14,1,57-60,Hamabe Survey of the current conditions in acute poisoning due to antispasmodic agents--special reference to eperisone hydrochloride and afloqualone,2011,24,3,259-264,Kuroki Information gathering for treatment of poisoning,2011,24,4,318-321,Yagi Poisoning by household disinfectants (mildew cleaner) and response for safety in Japan--from the viewpoint of toxicovigilance,2003,16,1,101-106,Hatano Examination of drugs and poisons in institutions not equipped with an analyzer of them and poisons--focusing on the simple qualitative test of surfactants,2003,16,1,43-49,Kubota Concept and results of cooperation for poison detection between related organizations on acute poisoning incident,2003,16,1,37-41,Yoshioka How each organization for analysis of toxic substance responds in a disaster due to some poison,2003,16,1,21-35,Kuroki Poison control,2003,16,1,11-18,Kuroki Investigation of acute poisoning in household pets,2002,15,1,75-79,Kuroki Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology--glufosinate,2002,15,1,61-64,Kuroki A study of the serum concentrations of acetaminophen overdose,2012,25,1,59-64,Iseki The present conditions and problems of the poisoning medical care education of the vocational training core curriculum at Group Tokushukai Hospital,2012,25,1,49-55,Kambara Determination of inorganic toxic anions in blood and urine for diagnosis of their poisoning,2012,25,1,27-34,Kage News from the Japan Poison Information Center 2011 annual report by JPIC,2012,25,2,129-161, Over-the-counter (OTC) drug poisoning in children and prevention strategies,2012,25,2,99-102,Endo JPIC inquires and responses concerning acute chemical poisoning in the Great East Japan Earthquake,2012,25,3,265-269,Iida Accidental poisoning by Nicotiana glauca: a case report,2012,25,3,253-254,Hanaki Natural disaster and carbon monoxide poisoning,2012,25,3,214-220,Iseki Two suicide fatalities from sodium cyanide ingestion: differences in blood biochemistry,2004,17,1,65-68,Quan Treatment of salt poisoning due to soy sauce ingestion with hemodialysis,2004,17,1,61-63,Sakai Neurocognitive assessment for carbon monoxide poisoning patients,2012,25,4,309-311,Watanuki The pathophysiology and treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning: the present state and problems,2012,25,4,297-298,Yamamoto Drug abuse: how to prevent poisonings by using case reports,2012,25,4,289-296,Naito A case of anaphylaxis after a prairie dog bite,2004,17,2,155-158,Onaka Cases of acute gas poisoning due to the chemical weapons excavated at the site of the Sagami Arsenal of Imperial Navy,2004,17,2,133-137,Yamamoto Poisoning by diphenylarsinic acid derived from chemical warfare agents in Kamisu Japan,2004,17,2,125-131,Ishii Chemical weapons of the Japanese Imperial Forces and their risk in the environment,2004,17,2,117-124,Hanaoka Chemical weapon in the earth,2004,17,2,113-115,Ohashi Case of accidental ingestion of caster beans: acute intoxication by ricin,2005,18,2,149-150,Nishiyama Triage guideline for suicidal patients with acute poisoning and drug overdoses,2005,18,2,137-140,Hatta Self-poisoning repeater--psychiatric considerations,2005,18,2,127-136,Nakamura Lethal suicide attempts and parasuicide in drug overdose patients,2005,18,2,123-126,Hamanaka Psychiatric aspects of acute intoxicated patients,2005,18,2,119-122,Kamijo Mushroom poisoning,2013,26,1,65-68,Gonmori Delayed myocardial injury following acute hydrogen sulfide intoxication,2013,26,1,44-48,Iwata Recent trends of mushroom poisoning in Japan,2013,26,1,39-43,Yamaura Plant poisoning in Japan,2013,26,2,107-112,Araki Aconite poisoning,2013,26,2,102-106,Fujita Poisoning by accidental ingestion of poisonous plants,2013,26,2,97-101,Kazuma Statistic report on poisoning in 2012 from the Japanese Poison Control Center,2013,26,2,135-167,No Author(s) Listed A case of honey intoxication in Japan,2013,26,4,310-313,Kimura A case of methamphetamine and its analogue poisoning that viewed from Triage DOA,2013,26,4,300-304,Kikuno Blood concentration for poisoning in diagnosis and treatment,2014,27,1,47-53,Inoue Carbon monoxide poisoning: traditional condition with new problems,2014,27,1,31-32,Kohshi Poisoning by the use of Datura plants,2014,27,1,10-13,Fukuda Conservative treatment improved corrosive esophagitis and pneumomediastinum in a patient who ingested bleaching agent containing sodium hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide,2014,27,1,39-44,Iseki Hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla,2014,27,1,26-27,Funayama Tree tobacco Nicotiana glauca,2014,27,1,24-25,Funayama Narcissus,2014,27,1,17-19,Miyazaki Colchicum autumnale,2014,27,1,14-16,Miyazaki Molecular mechanism of acute acetaminophen intoxication,2014,27,1,3-9,Kondo Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology (5). Introduction of a new simple analysis of acetaminophen; ZAP tox Acetaminophen Test,2014,27,1,54-57,Nozawa Sources of information about poisoning,2014,27,4,351-356,Hatano Benzalkonium chloride intoxication caused by intravenous self-injection,2014,27,4,327-332,Yokota Complex regional pain syndrome in a patient with acute drug poisoning: a case report,2014,27,4,323-326,Okada Study of blood concentration analysis for formate in acute methanol poisoning,2015,28,3,243-246,Shimizu Collection and sharing of case information on acute poisoning in Japan Poison Information Center,2015,28,4,402-406,Hatano The pre-hospital medical care for poisoning case,2015,28,4,374-382,Inoue Three cases of an extreme hyperkalemia associated with glyphosate potassium herbicide poisoning,2015,28,4,368-370,Kato Poisoning due to carbon monoxide and cyanide gas generated in the occurrence of fire,2015,28,4,339-345,Moriya Investigation of acute poisoning of cosmetics based on JPIC inquiries,2016,29,1,59-63,Watanabe Lung injury and safety measures for household waterproofing sprays,2016,29,1,45-49,Kawakami Dealing with poisoning patients with borderline personality disorder,2016,29,1,36-40,Hino Three cases of acute serotonin syndrome due to psilocybin mushroom poisoning,2016,29,1,33-35,Suzuki Dangerous marine animals. Food poisonings due to marine biotoxins of fishes,2016,29,1,3-9,Nagashima A close relationship between the Japan Poison Infromation Center and the Japanese Journal of Clinical toxicology,2016,29,4,406-407,Mizutani Japan Poison Information Center (JPIC) and Japanese Society for Clinical Toxicology (JSCT),2016,29,4,403-405,Kiyota The progress of Japan Poison Information Center during 30 years,2016,29,4,394-402,Yoshioka A Case of child abuse disguised as drug intoxication: Abuse should suspected in cases of accidental drug ingestion,2016,29,4,365-366,Shinya A case of suicide by helium gas,2016,29,4,355-359,Kurokawa Caffeine poisoning in Japan,2016,29,4,347-353,Endo Clinical course of intoxication with large amount of imidacropride,2004,17,1,69-70,Aoki Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology--9--barbiturate,2004,17,1,79-84,Kuroki Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology-8-paraquat,2003,16,4,465-469,Kudo [Acute renal failure and hearing loss due to sodium bromate intoxication],2014,27,4,348-350,Kitamoto [A case of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) and multiple organ failure (MOF) after ingestion of hydrochloric acid],2001,14,4,335-338,Nakamura [A case of fatal acute sodium azide poisoning],2001,14,4,339-342,Suzuki [Fatal calcium polysulfide overdose presenting corrosive chemical injury of esophagus and sulf-hemoglobinemia],2002,15,2,171-176,Kiyota [Serum and urine total arsenic concentration in a case of acute arsenic intoxication],2002,15,2,167-170,Sakamoto [A case of fatal chloropicrine poisoning induced by ingestion],2002,15,4,381-384,Kawashima [A case of chloropicrin detection by purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry],2003,16,3,339-343,Ishizawa [Clinical evaluation of triage as drug-of-abuse test kit],2003,16,1,63-71,Yashiki [Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology--4--Acetaminophen],2002,15,4,385-390,Kuroki [Clinical course of intoxication with large amount of imidacropride],2004,17,1,69-70,Sato [Intestinal edema caused by ingested formalin],2003,16,4,447-451,Kiyota [Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology-8-paraquat],2003,16,4,465-469,Namera [Practical analysis of toxic substances useful for clinical toxicology--9--barbiturate],2004,17,1,79-84,Kuroki [Three cases of organophosphate poisoning treated with pralidoxime iodide and whole-bowel irrigation],2004,17,3,273-277,Fujino [Alcohol abuse case of severe liver dysfunction induced by acetaminophen poisoning which was diagnosed as non-hepatic toxicity on admission],2006,19,3,265-271,Inokuchi [Case in which magnesium sulfate effectively treated ventricular tachycardia due to overdose of pilsicainide hydrochloride],2006,19,1,49-53,Yamaguchi [Drug overdose patients: do all of them need hospitalization?],2006,19,2,125-131,Miyake [Case of concrete hardener poisoning complicated with acute renal failure treated by hemodialysis],2007,20,3,263-268,Fujino [Autopsy case of aspirin intoxication: distribution of salicylic acid and salicyluric acid in body fluid and organs],2007,20,4,375-380,Ihama [Did the toxic drug that stayed in stomach of the patient break the nasogastric tube?; a case report],2008,21,3,317-318,Yamada [Analysis of bialaphos and its active metabolite L-glufosinate in biological specimens by HPLC],2009,22,2,113-120,Hori [Suicide case of carbon dioxide poisoning using dry ice],2009,22,2,121-124,Ishizawa [Effects of mass media on imitative suicides by readily available toxic substances],2009,22,4,320-324,Nakamura [Extreme hyperkalemia in a patient with a new glyphosate potassium herbicide poisoning: report of a case],2010,23,3,246-249,Murao [Policy for the prescription of psychotropic drugs: from the standpoints of emergency physicians and psychiatrists. Emergency physicians' impatience with psychiatrists regarding prescribed psychotropic drugs],2010,23,1,22-25,Suzaki [Case of alkaline esophagitis due to sodium hypochlorite ingestion],2010,23,4,293-296,Koido [Difficulty in determining when to end continuous hemodialysis for lithium intoxication: case report],2011,24,1,42-45,Takahashi [Overdose patient's psychological social background and method of prevention],2011,24,1,9-15,Bando