Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Young people's experience of emergency medical services as road traffic accident victims: a pilot qualitative study,2004,8,4,301-311,Salter Age and sex of drivers associated with child pedestrian injuries,2003,7,3,184-190,Choonara Consumer satisfaction and child behaviour problems in child and adolescent mental health services,2006,10,1,9-21,Barber Perceived vulnerability: a comparison of parents and children,2004,8,4,279-287,Gleason Social research on the under-16s: a consideration of the issues from a UK perspective,2004,8,4,253-263,Piercy Ducks might quack.... children and domestic violence in rural areas,2003,7,4,226-229,Carter Home accidents in Arab Bedouin children in southern Israel,2003,7,3,207-214,Broides Exploitation of children and young people through prostitution,2002,6,3,182-188,Walker Young Asians and drug use,2002,6,1,51-59,Obe Munchausen syndrome by proxy abuse,2000,4,4,163-166,Bennett Excessive infantile crying: a review of the literature,2001,5,3,111-116,Long School age prostitution: an issue for children's nurses?,1999,3,2,5-10,Davidson Young people's drug use: facts and feelings,1998,2,3,138-142,Wibberley Childhood accidents: how a health promotion model may help,1998,2,3,128-131,Lee Compliance with child accident precautions by child health nurses,2006,10,2,149-159,Carlsson Guilt and shame: experiences of parents of self-harming adolescents,2007,11,4,298-310,Jackson Child prostitution in Thailand,2008,12,2,144-155,Lau Adolescents' experiences of emergency admission to children's wards,2007,11,3,195-207,Clift The specificity of post-concussive symptoms in the pediatric population,2009,13,3,227-238,von Wendt A self-harm training needs assessment of school nurses,2009,13,3,260-274,Cooke Risk-taking behaviour in adolescence: a literature review,2009,13,3,295-304,Leather The efficacy of family support and family preservation services on reducing child abuse and neglect: what the literature reveals,2010,14,1,82-94,O'Reilly Motor vehicle collisions involving child pedestrians in eThekwini in 2007,2010,14,1,67-81,Knight Gender assignment surgery on children with disorders of sex development: a case report and discussion from South Africa,2008,12,1,49-59,Rebelo Establishing the boundaries and building bridges: a literature review on ecological theory: implications for research into the refugee parenting experience,2010,14,1,35-51,Williams Peer victimization in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,2007,11,3,248-260,Storch The contribution of nurses to child health and child health services: findings of a scoping exercise,2007,11,3,231-247,While Fear failure outrage and grief: the dissonance between public outrage and individual action?,2009,13,1,4-6,Jackson Teaching kids to cope with anger: Peer education,2011,15,1,5-13,Puskar Do testimonials improve parental perceptions and participation in parenting programmes? Results of two studies,2011,15,2,85-98,Morawska Convergence at the surface; divergence beneath: Cross-agency working within a small-scale schools-based project,2011,15,4,370-379,O'Brien Welcome back? Frequent attenders to a pediatric primary care center,2011,15,3,175-186,Klein Mental health disorders in children of non-drug-abusing parents: A sample from a rural community devastated by methamphetamine,2012,16,1,15-25,Asanbe Parental beliefs about behaviour problems of their asthmatic children and interventions to support parenting,2012,16,1,75-90,Morawska Supervision to prevent childhood unintentional injury: Developmental knowledge and self-efficacy count,2012,16,2,141-152,Karazsia The daily patterns of time use for parents of children with complex needs: A systematic review,2012,16,1,26-52,McCann How children's rights are constructed in family-centred care: A review of the literature,2012,16,2,190-205,Kelly Using genograms to understand pediatric practices' readiness for change to prevent abuse and neglect,2012,16,2,153-165,Kairys 'Nurses do assess pain they just don't write it down!',2012,16,1,3-4,Simons Bed-sharing influences attitudes and practices: Implications for promoting safe infant sleep,2012,16,3,274-283,Krouse Children's well-being: Priorities and considerations,2012,16,2,107-108,Carter Surplus suffering mothers don't know best: Denial of mothers' reality when parenting a child with mental health issues,2012,16,4,355-366,Clarke Moderating effects of gender on the relationship between poverty and children's externalizing behaviors,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Henninger Enhancing early attachment: Design and pilot study of an intervention for primary health care dyads,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Leigh 'I had to help my child!': The role of emotions risk and trust in use of nasal decongestants in children,2012,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salmane-Kulikovska Factitious disorders and Munchausen syndrome: The tip of the iceberg,2013,17,4,366-374,Ferrara Health care access disparities among children entering kindergarten in Nevada,2013,17,3,253-263,Chino Inequality in child mortality across different states of India: A comparative Study,2013,17,4,397-409,De Parental concerns' prevalence and socio-demographic variables in general parenting,2013,17,2,204-214,Maroco Children's social/emotional characteristics at entry to school: Implications for school nurses,2013,17,3,317-331,Shields Do parents of obese children use ineffective parenting strategies?,2013,17,4,375-386,Morawska Predictors of mortality in childhood burns: An 8-year review,2014,18,1,84-95,Aslan Parenting and relationship characteristics in mothers with their children having atopic disease,2014,18,3,215-229,Im Comparing the psychometric properties of the pediatric outcomes data collection instrument and the Activities Scales for Kids: A review,2014,18,3,207-214,Christakou Developing indicators of service integration for child health: Perceptions of service providers and families of young children in a region of high need in New Zealand,2013,19,1,18-29,Dowell Development of personal identity among refugee adolescents: Facilitating elements and obstacles,2013,18,4,369-377,Ndengeyingoma Children's knowledge and beliefs about medicines,2013,19,1,73-83,Dawood A meta-analysis of the effect of school-based anti-bullying programs,2013,19,2,136-153,Lee Drowning risk perceptions among rural guardians of Thailand: A community-based household survey,2013,18,2,168-177,Laosee Unintentional injuries in child care centers in the United States: A systematic review,2013,19,1,93-105,Cunningham The effect of positioning on preterm infants' sleep-wake states and stress behaviours during exposure to environmental stressors,2013,18,4,314-325,Chen Perception of primary care pediatricians of effectiveness acceptability and availability of mental health services,2013,19,2,195-205,Wildman Environmental and school influences on physical activity in South Asian children from low socio-economic backgrounds: A qualitative study,2013,19,3,345-358,Eyre An exploration of children's nursing graduates' ability to assess children's emotional health and well-being,2013,19,3,370-380,Little Managing parental groups during early childhood: New challenges faced by Swedish child health-care nurses,2013,19,3,381-391,Asa The restrictions to the use of codeine and dilemmas about safe alternatives,2013,17,4,335-337,Carter Suicide of a close family member through the eyes of a child: A narrative case study report,2014,19,4,495-503,Jackson Does the small fit them all? The utility of Disabkids-10 Index for the assessment of pediatric health-related quality of life across age-groups genders and informants,2014,19,4,466-477,Moreira Child poverty: limiting children's life chances,2014,18,1,3-5,Carter Parental perceptions of child vulnerability in a community-based sample: Association with chronic illness and health-related quality of life,2014,19,4,454-465,Last Advancing health and well-being through children's rights,2014,18,3,205-206,Carter Parents' perception of their influence on their child's physical activity,2014,20,1,37-45,VanDerworp 'I fell off and landed badly': Children's experiences of forearm fracture and injury prevention,2014,20,1,98-108,Mulpuri Understanding health-care access and utilization disparities among Latino children in the United States,2014,20,2,133-144,Ortega Oral health status knowledge attitudes and behaviours among marginalized children in Addis Ababa Ethiopia,2015,20,2,252-261,Burnett Afrikaans-speaking parents' perceptions of the rights of their children with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities: a descriptive investigation,2015,20,2,234-242,Bornman 'If you see something say something': reducing the incidence of deterioration in children,2015,19,2,133-135,Carter Protecting children in research: safer ways to research with children who may be experiencing violence or abuse,2015,20,3,344-353,Taylor Uncertainty: a little bit not sure. Parental concern about child growth or development,2015,20,3,333-343,Mulcahy Examining the complementarity of 'children's rights' and 'bioethics' moral frameworks in pediatric health care,2015,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carnevale Social relationships loneliness and adolescence: the potential for disruption by chronic illness,2015,19,4,421-422,Carter Transparency in a world of complexity: basic guidelines for improved statistical reporting,2016,20,1,3-4,Geraci Stigma health and incarceration: Turning the tide for children with a parent in prison,2013,17,1,3-5,Jackson Going online to improve child health outcomes,2016,20,2,131-132,Ellis Social interactions and children with asthma,2016,20,4,512-520,Dowell Approaches to better engage parent-child in health home-visiting programmes: a content analysis,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fowler Use of restraint with hospitalized children: a survey of nurses' perceptions of practices,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Coyne Effects of tactile stimulation by fathers on physiological responses and paternal attachment in infants in the NICU: a pilot study,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim The possibilities and challenges in providing pediatric spiritual care,2017,21,4,435-445,Nascimento Impaired mobility associated with an increased likelihood of death in children: a systematic review,2018,22,1,147-158,Shaw Mental health screening of fathers attending early parenting services in Australia,2017,21,4,498-508,Fletcher Behavioural correlates of energy drink consumption among adolescents: a review of the literature,2017,21,4,446-462,Cleaver Stories of survival: children's narratives of psychosocial well-being following paediatric critical illness or injury,2017,21,3,236-252,Manning Co-producing a digital educational programme for registered children's nurses to improve care of children and young people admitted with self-harm,2017,21,2,191-200,Latif Keeping the child in focus while supporting the family: Swedish child healthcare nurses experiences of encountering families where child maltreatment is present or suspected,2017,21,1,103-111,Dahlbo Mothers' opinions on being asked about exposure to intimate partner violence in child healthcare centres in Sweden,2018,22,2,228-237,Almqvist How should we understand family-centred care?,2018,22,3,460-469,Uniacke Psychological and physical violence towards children with disabilities in Finland and Sweden,2018,22,3,317-331,Janson Inequality and poverty: toxic issues that impact on children's health and opportunities,2018,22,1,3-5,Carter Agenda setting with children using the 'three wishes' technique,2018,22,3,419-432,O'Reilly Analysis of sudden infant death syndrome coverage in Canadian newspapers,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518763983,Mitchell The importance of environment: neighborhood characteristics and parent perceptions of child health,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518768453,Cronin The psychosocial impact of NHS Digital Badges on a school-aged cohort,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518767777,Alexander Caring for children - '24-7': The experience of WellChild Nurses and the families for whom they are providing care and support,2019,23,1,35-44,Whiting Using drawings to understand the child's experience of child-centred care on admission to a paediatric high dependency unit,2019,23,1,102-117,Foster Health care utilization and spending among privately insured children with medical complexity,2019,23,2,213-231,Walter Analysis and critique of 'Transforming children and young people's mental health provision: a green paper': some implications for refugee children and young people,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518786021,Cox Assessment tools of immediate risk of self-harm and suicide in children and young people: a scoping review,2019,23,2,178-199,Carter Impact of mild traumatic brain injury understanding on intended help-seeking behaviour,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518799617,McKinlay Early life adversity use of specialist care and unmet specialist care need among children,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518807830,Delva Implementation of pictorial support for communication with people who have been forced to flee: experiences from neonatal care,2019,23,2,311-336,Thunberg "Everybody's responsibility": conceptualization of youth mental health in Kenya,2018,ePub,ePub,1367493518814918,Vostanis Child and youth participation in sexual health-related discussions decisions and actions in Njombe Tanzania: a focused ethnography,2019,ePub,ePub,1367493518823920,Carnevale Friendship changes following a friend's school absence after serious illness or injury,2019,ePub,ePub,1367493519853437,Davies Analysis of written resources for parents of children discharged from a paediatric emergency department,2019,ePub,ePub,1367493519852460,Naughton 'I can hardly breathe': exploring the parental experience of having a child with a functional disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,1367493519864745,Rask Lessons for the future: reflections on a review of child death overview panels through a local lens in the United Kingdom,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanders Are Korean children free from suicide? Risk and protective factors within a transactional-ecological perspective,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cho How 'The Daily Mile™' works in practice: a process evaluation in a UK primary school,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harris Exploring participation after paediatric acquired brain injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manning The Hospital Safety Scale for Kids: Development of a new measurement tool for hospitalized children,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Oh The emotional and psychiatric problems of adolescents on parole whose parents are substance users: A Brazilian cross-sectional study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pillon Using Twitter to improve child healthcare,2020,24,2,163-164,Parker Peer crowd affiliation adherence perceived support and metabolic control in T1DM youth,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hains Depressive symptoms parental stress and attachment style in mothers and fathers two and a half years after childbirth: are fathers as affected as mothers?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johansson Do not get burnt by damn statistics,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lane Validation of a measure of parental responsiveness: comparison of the brief parental responsiveness rating scale with a detailed measure of responsive parental behaviours,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McKean (Re)establishment of fatherhood among fathers of children with mental disorders: a qualitative metasynthesis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wendland Caregiver experiences during their child's acute medical hospitalization for a mental health crisis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Doupnik Preventing internalising problems in preschoolers with chronic physical health conditions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Anderson A systematic review into healthcare professionals' attitudes towards self-harm in children and young people and its impact on care provision,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ribeiro Coimbra Palestinian children living amidst political and military violence deploy active protection strategies against psychological trauma: how agency can mitigate traumatic stress via life satisfaction,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Veronese Caregiver burden of families of children with corrosive esophageal injuries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Özer Özlü An evaluation of factors associated with safe infant sleep practices among perinatal home visiting participants in Florida United States,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marshall Home environmental change for child injury prevention in Nepal: a qualitative study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Deave Barriers and facilitators to discussing parent mental health within child health care: perspectives of parents raising a child with congenital heart disease,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sood Adolescent self-harm: parents' experiences of supporting their child and help-seeking,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Townsend A scoping review of the Choice and Partnership Approach in child and adolescent mental health services,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gardner Acute pediatric cannabis intoxication: a scoping review,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hartling Acute paediatric inpatient care of children and young people admitted with self-harm or eating disorders: a single centre evaluation,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Carter Incidence of child maltreatment diagnosis in electronic health records of a large integrated healthcare system: 2001-2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Negriff Patterns of service provision in child and adolescent mental health care in Australia,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salvador-Carulla Parental beliefs regarding adult and child motorcycle helmet-wearing practices in Vietnam,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jantz Nurses' and midwives' contributions to a public health response to keeping children safe from abuse and neglect - a Delphi study,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hutton Child maltreatment and pediatric pain: a survey of healthcare professionals' pain knowledge and pain management techniques,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Campbell Working with children and young people in research: supportive practices and pathways to impact,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liabo Post-traumatic growth of Afghan adolescents after traumatic loss of father,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Esmaeili Establishing priorities in child health: giving parents and youth a voice,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hartling Are we at risk of commodifying lived experience in childhood disability research?,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reeder