Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Assessment and management of falls in older people,2004,34,9-10,557-564,Hill Analysis and overview of the guidelines for assessing fitness to drive for commercial and private vehicle drivers,2005,35,6,364-368,Beran Opinions attitudes and practices of Australian neurologists with regard to epilepsy and driving,2007,37,4,251-257,Beran Road not taken: lessons to be learned from Queen v. Gillett,2007,37,5,336-339,Devereux Sleep disorders: a potential role in New Zealand motor vehicle accidents,2002,32,7,297-304,Campbell Prevalence of snoring and sleep-disordered breathing in a group of commercial bus drivers in Hong Kong,2002,32,4,149-157,Li Prevalence of sleepiness in surviving drivers of motor vehicle collisions,2008,38,10,769 - 775,Swann Medical aspects of fitness to drive. What do public hospital doctors know and think [comment],2008,38,2,149; author reply 149,Beran Medical aspects of fitness to drive. What do public hospital doctors know and think?,2007,37,6,372-376,Phillips Causation in occupational injury,2009,39,8,506-511,Gorman Suicide attempt of a physician with 3600 units of insulin and rapid onset acute hepatitis,2009,39,12,e5-7,Guclu STOP Fracture study: Southern Health Osteoporotic Fracture Screening Project,2012,42,5,e74-9,Teede Health effects of war are devastating: pre-emptive conflict demands pre-emptive criticism by the medical profession,2007,37,12,839-840,Huggan A preliminary evaluation of the prevalence of falls pain and urinary incontinence in remote living Indigenous Australians over the age of 45 years,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Flicker Neurological disorders in a rural Western Australian population,2010,40,3,209-213,Panegyres Is there a risk to safety when working in the New South Wales underground coal-mining industry while having binaural noise-induced hearing loss?,2006,36,3,180-184,Viljoen The Bali bombings of 12 October 2002: lessons in disaster management for physicians,2003,33,3,125-126,Fisher Research assessment of elder neglect and its risk factors in a hospital setting,2008,38,9,704-707,Cohen Anger in palliative care: a clinical approach,2007,37,1,49-55,Philip Health effects of war are devastating: pre‐emptive war demands pre‐emptive criticism by the medical profession,2007,37,4,274-275,Huggan Huntington disease in indigenous Australians,2008,38,2,130-132,Panegyres Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV infection in Pacific countries,2007,37,4,216-223,Rupali History of attempted suicide and the medical review of systems,2011,41,6,511,Sansone Predicting Failure to Return to Work,2012,42,8,924-927,Mills The psychology of earthquake induced stress cardiomyopathy myocardial infarction and non-cardiac chest pain,2012,42,4,369-373,Mulder Yam bean seed poisoning mimicking cyanide intoxication,2007,37,2,130-132,Hung Impact of the new National Health Standard for Rail Safety Workers on ischaemic heart disease (IHD) risk factors in train drivers,2013,43,6,650-655,Shanahan Hip fractures among Indigenous people in Western Australia from 1999-2009,2013,43,12,1287-1292,Waldron Suspected white-tail spider bite and necrotic ulcers,2004,34,1-2,38-44,Whyte Secondary prevention of fractures in older people: evaluation of a protocol for the investigation and treatment of osteoporosis,2004,34,3,129-132,Wilkinson Prevention of falls and fall-related fractures in community-dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis of estimates of effectiveness based on recent guidelines,2004,34,3,102-108,Weatherall Analysis of the latest Austroads Guidelines for fitness to drive as promulgated in March 2012,2013,43,8,849-853,Beran Investigating polypharmacy and drug burden index in hospitalised older people,2013,43,8,912-918,Naganathan Hours of work and rest in the rail industry,2013,43,6,717-721,Rajaratnam Causes of hospitalisation before and after the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake,2013,43,9,1031-1034,Petrazzi Hours of work and rest in the rail industry: To prescribe or not to prescribe that is the question,2013,43,9,959-961,Dawson On-road driving assessment in dementia,2013,43,12,1356,Regal Fatalities and hospitalisations due to acute poisoning among New Zealand adults,2014,44,3,273-281,Ameratunga Hyponatraemia in older medical patients: implications for falls and adverse outcomes of hospitalisation,2014,44,10,991-997,Anpalahan Doping in sport: effects harm and misconceptions,2014,45,3,239-248,Birzniece When a patient's ethnicity is declared medical students' decision-making processes are affected,2015,45,8,805-812,Ewen Domestic violence: it is time for the medical profession to play its part,2015,45,5,471-473,Piterman Changing mortality patterns in Kimberley Aborigines,2015,45,9,905-908,Gracey Risk of suicide in Australian adults with diabetes: the Fremantle Diabetes Study,2015,45,9,976-980,Starkstein Physicians need to take the lead in deprescribing,2015,45,3,352-356,Le Couteur Injury trends from envenoming in Australia 2000-2013,2016,47,2,170-176,Williams Alcohol use disorders in Australia,2016,46,11,1259-1268,Haber Psychosocial screening and management of young people aged 18-25 years with diabetes,2017,47,4,415-423,McDermott Childhood maltreatment and adulthood poor sleep quality: a longitudinal study,2017,47,8,879-888,Strathearn Assessing the practice of palliative care doctors - what driving advice do they give patients with advanced disease?,2017,47,10,1161-1165,Weir Mandatory reporting by doctors of medically unsafe drivers is unpopular and poorly adhered to: a survey of sleep physicians and electro-physicians,2018,48,3,293-300,Smith Medical toxicology in the Old Testament. The poisonous pottage,2017,47,12,1458-1460,Mazokopakis Depression and suicide among medical practitioners in Australia,2018,48,3,254-258,McGorry Severe methanol poisoning with neurological sequelae: implications for diagnosis and management,2018,48,3,335-339,Holt Characteristics of fall-related traumatic brain injury in older adults,2018,48,9,1048-1055,Merchant Health related quality of life and fall risk associated with age related body composition changes; sarcopenia obesity and sarcopenic obesity,2018,48,8,973-981,Kul Medical moulages of farm accidents,2018,48,7,882-884,DeLoughery When should the driver with a history of substance misuse be allowed to return to the wheel? A review of the substance misuse section of the Australian national guidelines,2018,48,8,908-915,Ogden Illicit drug use and acute kidney injury in patients admitted to hospital with rhabdomyolysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hing Yim Recommendations for current and future countermeasures against sleep disorders and sleep loss to improve road safety in Australia,2019,49,9,1181-1184,Howard Sub-acute more than chronic hyponatremia is associated with serious falls and hip fractures,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adams Diffuse superficial siderosis: a rare cause of recurrent falls in elderly,2020,50,2,257-258,Tang Lead poisoning associated with illicit opium use,2020,50,2,239-242,Greene Does the evidence justify routine transfer of residents of aged care facilities for CT scan after minor head trauma?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kelly Workplace stress common mental disorder and suicidal ideation in junior doctors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harvey Dialysis and driving: An anonymous survey of patients receiving dialysis for end stage kidney disease,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Odell Alcohol misuse and critical care admissions in the Northern Territory,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bailey Just "nanging" around - harmful nitrous oxide use. A retrospective case series and review of internet searches social media posts and the coroner's database,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chiew Angela Young onset dementia,2016,46,7,779-786,Draper Prospective associations between pain at multiple sites and falls among community-dwelling older Australians,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Srikanth Cough syncope as a cause of motor vehicle crash: fatal distraction?,2022,52,1,139-145,Guo Self-reported child maltreatment and cardio-metabolic risk in 30-year-old adults,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kisely Sodium chlorite poisoning: a case of severe methaemoglobinaemia and dialysis-requiring kidney injury,2022,52,8,1452-1453,Isoardi Snake envenomation: not your average acute kidney injury,2022,52,8,1446-1447,Ng Semaglutide exposures reported to the NSW Poisons Information Centre: effects of social media marketing and supply chain disruptions,2023,53,4,654-655,Buckley Comment on 'Cough syncope as a cause of motor vehicle crash: fatal distraction?',2023,53,7,1295-1296,Brook Author reply to comment by Brook et al on 'Cough syncope as a cause of motor vehicle crash: fatal distraction?',2023,53,7,e1297,Guo Violence against healthcare providers in Pakistan: an urgent need for policy reforms and safety measures [letter],2023,53,9,e1726,Irfan Can an online mental health training programme improve physician supervisors' behaviour towards trainees?,2021,51,9,1441-1449,Lamontagne Improving the quality of care for adolescents and young adults on an adult medical ward,2022,52,9,1519-1524,Farrant Mortality in mental illness,2005,35,12,733-734,Lennane Acute copper toxicity following copper glycinate injection,2006,36,11,741-743,Oon Clinician perspectives on voluntary assisted dying and willingness to be involved: a multisite cross-sectional survey during implementation in New South Wales Australia,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Arnold