Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Differences between males and females in traffic accident risk in France,2004,52,4,357-367,Laumon Gender differences in premature mortality and avoidable deaths,2004,52,4,317-328,Lefevre Risk of driving: male aggressiveness violence and delinquency,2004,52,4,368-375,Pérez-Diaz Prevention? the example of childhood accidents,2003,51,5,457-459,Tursz Suicide mortality in adolescents and young adults 1980-1999,2004,52,6,590-595,Lucchini Evaluation of the effectiveness of 1973's safety measures on the frequency and gravity of traffic accidents,1982,30,3,291-303,Lassarre Analysis of biases in epidemiological knowledge of road accidents in France,2002,50,3,277-285,Laumon Child abuse in france: how much how reliable are the numbers?,2003,51,4,439-444,Crost Are accidents accidental? 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III. 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