Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Cycle helmets--when is legislation justified?,1996,22,1,41-45,Unwin Compulsory health and safety in a free society,1984,10,4,186-190,Boughton The trouble with do-gooders: the example of suicide,1997,23,2,108-115,Savulescu Self-manslaughter and the forensic classification of self-inflicted death,2007,33,3,155-157,Cholbi Natural deaths while driving: Would screening for risk be ethically justified?,1998,24,4,248-251,Whittington Care for suicidal older people: current clinical-ethical considerations,2007,33,7,376-381,Vanlaere Extending the boundaries of the Declaration of Helsinki: a case study of an unethical experiment in a non-medical setting,2001,27,2,126-129,Berman Some ethical issues surrounding covert video surveillance--a response,1995,21,2,104-5 115,Southall The investigation of life-threatening child abuse and Munchausen syndrome by proxy,1995,21,1,9-13,Evans Medical involvement in torture,1994,20,4,208,Dorman Medical involvement in torture,1994,20,4,268,Dorman Child sexual abuse in the Church: the ethics of throwing stones in glass houses,1994,20,3,193-194,Gellert Medical involvement in torture,1993,19,3,133-134,Hoffenberg The ethics of medical involvement in torture,1993,19,3,135-137,Downie The ethics of medical involvement in torture: commentary,1993,19,3,138-141,Hare The response to violence,1979,5,3,128-131,West The danger of dangerousness: why we must remove the dangerousness criterion from our mental health acts,2008,34,12,877-881,Large The ethics of paediatric anti-depressant use: erring on the side of caution,2008,34,10,710-714,Shearer Violating ethics: unlawful combatants national security and health professionals,2007,33,3,143-145,Perron Weaponising medicine: "Tutti fratelli" no more,2006,32,5,249-252,Koch Self inflicted harm--NICE in ethical self destruct mode?,2006,32,3,125-126,Holm Should medical ethics justify violence?,2006,32,8,464-467,Kottow Violence: a summary,1979,5,3,132,O'Brien Coping with the violent patient in accident and emergency,1979,5,3,124-127,Winterbottom The general practitioner and the problems of battered women,1979,5,3,117-123,Pahl The origins of violence,1979,5,3,105-107,Eysenck An end to violence?,1979,5,3,103, The natural history of violence,1979,5,3,108-116,Russell Doctors and torture: an experience as a prisoner,1980,6,3,124-127,Jadresic Doctors and torture: the police surgeon,1980,6,3,120-123,Burges Torture and philosophy,1980,6,1,3, On the permissibility of torture,1980,6,1,11-15,Jones Children in care: are social workers abusing their authority?,1984,10,3,136-137,Foster Children in care: are social workers abusing their authority?,1984,10,3,133-135,Benians Gonorrhoea in a toddler: sexual abuse or accidental infection?,1984,10,2,91-93,Harris Drunken drivers: what should doctors do? Aberdeen Medical Group,1986,12,3,151-155, Child abuse and neglect: ethical issues,1985,11,3,138-141,Harris The medical profession and torture,1991,17,Suppl,23-25,Martirena Torture and the participation of doctors,1991,17,Suppl,21-22,Cilasun Breaking through the postwar coverup of Nazi doctors in Germany,1991,17,Suppl,13-16,Pross Torture--a perspective on the past,1991,17,Suppl,9-10,Eitinger Statutes of the International Tribunal for Investigation of Torture,1991,17,Suppl,64,Espersen How to struggle against torture,1991,17,Suppl,62-63,Beshir Why two torture committees?,1991,17,Suppl,60-61,Sørensen A response to human affliction and social loss,1991,17,Suppl,58-59,Jaffé Medical professionals and human rights in the Philippines,1991,17,Suppl,42-50,Pagaduan-Lopez Torture in Poland,1991,17,Suppl,41,Umiastowski Health implications of torture in Pakistan,1991,17,Suppl,35-38,Mehdi The position of the Chilean Medical Association with respect to torture as an instrument of political repression,1991,17,Suppl,33-34,Seelmann Impunity's psychological effects: its ethical consequences,1991,17,Suppl,29-32,Kordon The involvement of medical doctors in torture: the state of the art,1991,17,Suppl,26-28,Rasmussen Abuse of psychiatry: analysis of the guilt of medical personnel,1991,17,Suppl,19-20,Gluzman The BMA's torture report and afterwards,1991,17,Suppl,17-18,Dawson Perspective on the present and the future,1991,17,Suppl,11-12,Genefke Epidemiology and moral philosophy,1992,18,4,193-196,Smedby The moral choice in prescribing barbiturates,1976,2,2,68-70,Wells Nuclear power--is the health risk too great?,1982,8,2,78-85,Wynne Do strong value-based attitudes influence estimations of future events?,2010,36,4,255-256,Juth Remarks on medical ethics,1991,17,Suppl,39,Bojar Torture and the medical profession: a review,1991,17,Suppl,4-8,Vesti Understanding general practitioners' conflicts of interests and the paramountcy principle in safeguarding children,2010,36,5,302-305,Gallagher The great slippery-slope argument,1993,19,3,169-174,Burgess Reply to Dr. Evans re covert video surveillance,1996,22,1,32,Southall Covert video surveillance -- a response to Professor Southall and Dr. Samuels,1996,22,1,29-31,Evans Covert video surveillance and the principle of double effect: a response to criticism,1996,22,1,26-31,Shinebourne Covert video surveillance--an assessment of the Staffordshire protocol,1996,22,1,22-25,Thomas Guidelines for the multi-agency management of patients suspected or at risk of suffering from life-threatening abuse resulting in cyanotic-apnoeic episodes. North Staffordshire Hospital Trust Staffordshire Social Services and Staffordshire Police,1996,22,1,16-21,Southall Peter Singer and 'lives not worth living'--comments on a flawed argument from analogy,1995,21,1,35-38,Sundström The right to treatment for self-inflicted conditions,2010,36,11,683-686,Golan Ethical issues in long-term psychiatric management,1997,23,5,300-304,Dickenson The medical student and the suicidal patient,1997,23,5,277-281,Barrett Should patients with self-inflicted illness receive lower priority in access to healthcare resources? Mapping out the debate,2010,36,11,661-665,Sharkey Neurotrauma and the RUB: where tragedy meets ethics and science,2010,36,12,727-730,Ho The favoured child?,1994,20,2,108-111,Jones Frequent attenders to ophthalmic accident and emergency departments,2007,33,8,496,Sheth Addict to win? A different approach to doping,2010,36,11,700-707,D'Angelo The utilitarian argument for medical confidentiality: a pilot study of patients' views,2003,29,6,348-352,Jones Bioterrorism and smallpox planning: information and voluntary vaccination,2004,30,6,558-560,Selgelid Inappropriate conclusions in research on assisted dying,2009,35,4,272,Materstvedt French hospital nurses' opinion about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: a national phone survey,2009,35,4,238-244,Bouhnik Lives in a chiaroscuro. Should we suspend the puberty of children with gender identity disorder?,2008,34,8,580-584,Giordano Legal physician-assisted dying in Oregon and the Netherlands: evidence concerning the impact on patients in "vulnerable" groups,2007,33,10,591-597,Battin The acceptability of ending a patient's life,2005,31,6,311-317,Mullet When is physician assisted suicide or euthanasia acceptable?,2003,29,6,330-336,Mullet Conditions required for a law on active voluntary euthanasia: a survey of nurses' opinions in the Australian Capital Territory,1999,25,1,25-30,Kitchener Autonomy rationality and the wish to die,1999,25,6,457-462,Clarke Mum's the word: confidentiality and incest,1985,11,2,100-104,Higgs Retreat from death?,1976,2,4,200-206, Prevalence of depression in granted and refused requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide: a systematic review,2011,37,4,205-211,Levene Cycle helmets: when is legislation justified?,1996,22,1,41-45,Unwin Suffer the little children some autonomy,1988,14,4,204-205,Wachenje Covert surveillance by doctors for life-threatening Munchausen's syndrome by proxy,1995,21,3,131-132,Gillon Is there a right not to know one's sex? The ethics of 'gender verification' in women's sports competition,2011,37,4,216-220,Wiesemann Covert video surveillance continues to provoke debate,1996,22,6,351,Shinebourne Covert video surveillance: the Staffordshire Protocol--a response to Dr Shinebourne,1996,22,6,349-50; discussion 351,Thomas Attitudes of healthcare professionals and parents regarding genetic testing for violent traits in childhood,2004,30,6,580-586,Campbell Medicolegal certificates in investigations of asylum applications,2000,26,4,289,Forsman Ethics briefings,2000,26,4,287-288,English The man who claimed to be a paedophile,2000,26,2,137-138,Hill Proceedings of the International Symposium on Torture and the Medical Profession,1991,17,Suppl,1-64, Infant homicide and accidental death in the United States 1940-2005: ethics and epidemiological classification,2011,37,7,445-448,Hobbs Moral experience: a framework for bioethics research,2011,37,11,658-662,Hunt Straw men with broken legs: a response to Per Sundström,1995,21,2,89-90,Singer Double jeopardy the equal value of lives and the veil of ignorance: a rejoinder to Harris,1996,22,4,204-208,Singer Fear of a female planet: How John Harris came to endorse eugenic social engineering,2012,38,1,4-7,Sparrow A waste of time: the problem of common morality in Principles of Biomedical Ethics,2011,37,10,588-591,Karlsen Senior doctors' opinions of rational suicide,2011,37,12,723-726,Hotopf Ethical practice in internet research involving vulnerable people: Lessons from a self-harm discussion forum study (SharpTalk),2011,37,12,752-758,Owens Freedom to box,1998,24,1,56-60,Warburton Doctors should not try to ban boxing--but boxing's own ethics suggests reform,1998,24,1,3-4,Gillon Is a moral consensus in medical ethics possible?,1976,2,1,18-23,Mitchell Rationality and the wish to die--a response to Clarke,2000,26,3,217,Ryan Findings from a Delphi exercise regarding conflicts of interests general practitioners and safeguarding children: 'Listen carefully judge slowly',2012,38,2,87-92,Gallagher Intuitions principles and consequences,2001,27,1,16-19,Shaw Operation Lifeline Sudan,2002,28,1,49-51,Taylor-Robinson Ethical issues concerning New Zealand sports doctors,2005,31,2,88-92,Gerrard Nursing obedience and complicity with eugenics: a contextual interpretation of nursing morality at the turn of the twentieth century,2006,32,2,117-122,Berghs Cyborgs and moral identity,2006,32,2,79-83,Gillett Liberty or death; don't tread on me,2012,38,6,338-341,Spicer Physician obligation to provide care during disasters: should physicians have been required to go to Fukushima?,2012,38,11,697-698,Akabayashi A case for justified non-voluntary active euthanasia: exploring the ethics of the Groningen Protocol,2006,32,11,643-651,Manninen Attitudes of Finnish doctors towards euthanasia in 1993 and 2003,2006,32,11,627-628,Louhiala Medico-legal and ethical aspects of nasal fractures secondary to assault: do we owe a duty of care to advise patients to have a facial x-ray?,2013,39,2,125-126,Joseph The outsider: the rogue scientist as terrorist,2014,40,4,282-283,Flower Canaries in the mines: children risk non-therapeutic research and justice,2004,30,2,176-181,Spriggs Tsunami-tendenko and morality in disasters,2013,41,5,361-363,Kodama After-birth abortion: the intuition argument,2013,39,5,e5,Lederman Of course the baby should live: against 'after-birth abortion',2013,39,5,353-356,Rini Abortion infanticide and moral context,2013,39,5,350-352,Porter Infanticide: a reply to Giubilini and Minerva,2013,39,5,336-340,Laing Yes the baby should live: a pro-choice response to Giubilini and Minerva,2013,39,5,330-335,Manninen The moral significance of being born,2013,39,5,326-329,Levy The Italian reaction to the Giubilini and Minerva paper,2013,39,5,317-322,Mori Should policy ethics come in two colours: green or white?,2013,39,5,312-315,Oswald In defence of academic freedom: bioethics journals under siege,2013,39,5,303-306,Schüklenk Response to: Is the pro-choice position for infanticide 'madness'?,2013,39,5,302,George Is the pro-choice position for infanticide 'madness'?,2013,39,5,301-302,Camosy Infanticide and madness,2013,39,5,299-301,George Concern for our vulnerable prenatal and neonatal children: a brief reply to Giubilini and Minerva,2013,39,5,296-298,Camosy Infanticide moral status and moral reasons: the importance of context,2013,39,5,289-292,Silvers The common premise for uncommon conclusions,2013,39,5,284-288,Coady Capacity harm and experience in the life of persons as equals,2013,39,5,281-283,Finnis Infanticide and moral consistency,2013,39,5,273-280,McMahan Discussing infanticide,2013,39,5,260,Singer Abortion infanticide and allowing babies to die 40 years on,2013,39,5,257-259,Savulescu Psychiatric disorders and fitness to drive,2001,27,1,36-39,Kelley-Puskas After Cologne: male circumcision and the law. Parental right religious liberty or criminal assault?,2013,39,7,444-449,Merkel The battering of informed consent,2004,30,6,565-569,Kottow In defence of mandatory bicycle helmet legislation: response to Hooper and Spicer,2013,41,8,713-717,Johnson Helmets or not? Use science correctly,2013,41,8,718-719,Trégouët The harms of prostitution: critiquing Moen's argument of no-harm,2014,40,2,86-87,Westin Prostitution and harm: a reply to Anderson and McDougall,2014,40,2,84-85,Moen Religious circumcision invasive rites neutrality and equality: bearing the burdens and consequences of belief,2013,39,7,450-455,Johnson Infant circumcision: the last stand for the dead dogma of parental (sovereignal) rights,2013,39,7,475-481,Van Howe Circumcision of male infants as a human rights violation,2013,39,7,469-474,Svoboda ADHD and stimulant drug treatment: what can the children teach us?,2013,39,6,357-358,Erler The kindest cut? Surgical castration sex offenders and coercive offers,2013,40,9,583-590,McMillan Systematic review and metasummary of attitudes toward research in emergency medical conditions,2014,40,6,401-408,Pietrobon Why should the baby live? Human right to life and the precautionary principle,2013,39,5,e6-e10,Rocchi Killing fetuses and killing newborns,2013,39,5,e19-20,Di Nucci Limitations on personhood arguments for abortion and 'after-birth abortion',2013,39,5,e15-8,Wrigley After-birth and before-birth personhood: why the baby should live,2013,39,5,e11-4,Knoepffler Personhood harm and interest: a reply to Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva,2013,39,5,e1-4,Beard The moral status of babies,2013,39,5,345-348,McGee Potentials and burdens: a reply to Giubilini and Minerva,2013,39,5,341-344,Beckwith The performativity of personhood,2013,39,5,325,Mills 'After-birth abortion' and arguments from potential,2013,39,5,324-325,Oakley Moral uncertainty and the moral status of early human life,2013,39,5,324,Selgelid Some comments on the paper 'after-birth abortion: why should the baby live?',2013,39,5,323-324,Kuhse Public distress as a moral consideration in after-birth abortion,2013,39,5,323,Biegler The Groningen Protocol for newborn euthanasia; which way did the slippery slope tilt?,2013,39,5,293-295,Verhagen Philosophy critical thinking and 'after-birth abortion: why should the baby live?',2013,39,5,266-272,Tooley The duty to be well-informed: the case of depression,2014,40,4,225-229,Blease Embryonic viability parental care and the pro-life thesis: a defence of Bovens,2014,40,4,260-263,Surovell The acceptability among young Hindus and Muslims of actively ending the lives of newborns with genetic defects,2014,40,3,186-191,Mullet Refusal rights law and medical paternalism in Turkey,2013,39,10,636-637,Flanigan Depictions of 'brain death' in the media: medical and ethical implications,2014,40,4,253-259,Racine Collective action and individual choice: rethinking how we regulate narcotics and antibiotics,2013,39,12,752-756,Anomaly When bad people do good things: will moral enhancement make the world a better place?,2014,40,6,374-375,Wasserman The fox and the grapes: an Anglo-Irish perspective on conscientious objection to the supply of emergency hormonal contraception without prescription,2013,39,10,638-642,Gallagher Which newborn infants are too expensive to treat? Camosy and rationing in intensive care,2013,39,8,502-506,Wilkinson Which newborns are too expensive to treat? A response to Dominic Wilkinson,2013,39,8,507-508,Camosy Victimology versus character: new perspectives on the use of stimulant drugs in children,2013,39,6,372-373,Singh Moral responsibility for (un)healthy behaviour,2013,39,11,695-698,Brown A concise argument: on the wrongness of killing,2013,39,1,1-2,Douglas The place of medicine in the American prison: ethical issues in the treatment of offenders,1976,2,4,173-179,Sissons Alzheimer disease and pre-emptive suicide,2014,40,8,543-549,Davis Pre-emptive suicide precedent autonomy and preclinical Alzheimer disease,2014,40,8,550-551,Dresser Tsunami-tendenko and morality in disasters,2013,41,5,365-366,Asai Police in an intensive care unit: what can happen?,2013,39,12,772-775,Lynøe Bike helmets: a reply to replies,2013,41,8,719-720,Spicer Health research and systems' governance are at risk: Should the right to data protection override health?,2013,40,7,488-492,Di Iorio Non-physician-assisted suicide in The Netherlands: A cross-sectional survey among the general public,2013,40,12,842-848,Schoonman Incest,1978,4,2,64-70,Nobel The Marquis de Sade and induced abortion,1980,6,1,7-10,Farr The right to die and the chance to live,1980,6,2,53-54,Rhoads Truth at the last--a case of obstructed death?,1982,8,1,48-50,Higgs Dying while living: a critique of allowing-to-die legislation,1978,4,4,195-199,Lappe Self-ownership abortion and infanticide,1979,5,3,133-138,Paul The moral status of the human embryo: a tradition recalled,1984,10,1,38-44,Dunstan Actions causes and psychiatry: a reply to Szasz,2002,28,2,120-3; discussion 124-5,Brassington English law and the mentally abnormal offender,1986,12,1,5-7,Hope Murder manslaughter and responsibility,1986,12,1,3-4, The mandatory sentence and Section 2,1986,12,1,28-31,Dell Anomalies of Section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957,1986,12,1,24-27,Kenny Reducing murder to manslaughter: whose job?,1986,12,1,18-23,Griew The origins of the Homicide Act 1957,1986,12,1,8-12,Higgins Insanity legislation,1986,12,1,13-17,Hamilton Suicide tourism: a pilot study on the Swiss phenomenon,2014,41,8,611-617,Reisch Paternalistic breaches of confidentiality in prison: mental health professionals' attitudes and justifications,2015,41,6,496-500,Wangmo 'Suicide tourism': creating misleading 'scientific' news,2015,41,8,618-619,Luley Treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and assisted dying,2015,41,8,577-583,Schüklenk Moral reasoning in disaster scenarios,2015,41,9,780-781,Shortridge Equal in the presence of death?,2015,41,8,584,Sagan Choosing death in depression: a commentary on 'Treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and assisted dying',2015,41,8,586-587,Broome Is moral bioenhancement dangerous?,2015,42,1,3-6,Drake Are healthcare professionals working in Australia's immigration detention centres condoning torture?,2015,42,7,413-415,Isaacs Torture healthcare and Australian immigration detention,2016,42,7,418-419,Essex Complicity and torture,2016,43,4,264-265,Shue Why medical professionals have no moral claim to conscientious objection accommodation in liberal democracies,2016,43,4,234-240,Schüklenk Medical murder in Belgium and the Netherlands,2016,42,9,621-624,Materstvedt Means ends and the ethics of fear-based public health campaigns,2016,42,6,391-396,Bayer Is Australia engaged in torturing asylum seekers? A cautionary tale for Europe,2016,42,7,420-423,Sanggaran Medical involvement in torture today?,2016,42,7,411-412,Boyd How to justify a ban on doping?,2016,43,5,287-292,Breitsameter Second thoughts about who is first: the medical triage of violent perpetrators and their victims,2016,43,5,293-300,Strous Conscientious refusal in healthcare: the Swedish solution,2016,43,4,257-259,Munthe Should violent offenders be forced to undergo neurotechnological treatment? A critical discussion of the 'freedom of thought' objection,2016,43,1,30-34,Petersen Aspects of disaster research ethics applicable to other contexts,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Haire Trajectories to seeking demedicalised assistance in suicide: a qualitative in-depth interview study,2016,43,8,543-548,Onwuteaka-Philipsen Ethics of a relaxed antidoping rule accompanied by harm-reduction measures,2017,43,5,282-286,Kayser Should healthcare professionals sometimes allow harm? The case of self-injury,2017,43,5,319-323,Sullivan Balancing costs and benefits: a clinical perspective does not support a harm minimisation approach for self-injury outside of community settings,2017,43,5,324-326,Pickard The case for and against harm reduction approaches to drugs in sport,2017,43,5,280-281,Fry Does the doctrine of double effect apply to the prescription of barbiturates? Syme vs the Medical Board of Australia,2018,44,4,266-269,Symons Reply to Lorber Cusine and Anscombe,1982,8,1,40-41,Harris Dutch practice of euthanasia and assisted suicide: a glimpse at the edges of the practice,2018,44,5,297-298,Quill Reporting suspected abuse or neglect in research involving children,2018,44,8,555-559,Resnik Informed consent for functional MRI research on comatose patients following severe brain injury: balancing the social benefits of research against patient autonomy,2019,45,5,299-303,Bruni Murder abortion contraception greenhouse gas emissions and the deprivation of non-discernible and non-existent people: a reply to Marquis and Christensen,2019,45,6,415-416,McLachlan Transwomen in elite sport: scientific and ethical considerations,2019,45,6,395-403,Knox To die to sleep perchance to dream? A response to DeMichelis Shaul and Rapoport,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gamble Instrumental rationality and suicide in schizophrenia: a case for rational suicide?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Upthegrove Is the exclusion of psychiatric patients from access to physician-assisted suicide discriminatory?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hatherley Experiences with counselling to people who wish to be able to self-determine the timing and manner of one's own end of life: a qualitative in-depth interview study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Onwuteaka-Philipsen Parental responsibilities and moral status,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rodger Community organisation-researcher partnerships: what concerns arise for community organisations and how can they be mitigated?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pratt The legacy of Caster Semenya: examining the normative basis for the construction of categories in sport,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Camporesi Public health nudges: weighing individual liberty and population health benefits,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Soled Disclosure of non-recent (historic) childhood sexual abuse: what should researchers do?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Richens Civil commitment for opioid misuse: do short-term benefits outweigh long-term harms?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sarpatwari Is the international regulation of medical complicity with torture largely window dressing? The case of Israel and the lessons of a 12-year medical ethical appeal,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Summerfield Risk-relativity is still a nonsense,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Newton-Howes Repairing moral injury takes a team: what clinicians can learn from combat veterans,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kinghorn Self-harm in immigration detention: political not (just) medical,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Essex 'How is it possible that at times we can be physicians and at times assistants in suicide?' 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The role of the psychiatrist and resulting ethical challenges,1999,25,6,451-456,Brockman Decisions relating to Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Commentry 3: Degrading lives?,2001,27,5,321-323,Watt Ethics briefings,2002,28,2,127-128,English End of life issues,2004,30,6,605-606, Politics and end of life issues,2005,31,2,123-124,Mussell Double effect: A useful rule that alone cannot justify hastening death,2011,37,7,437-440,Billings Attitudes toward euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: A study of the multivariate effects of healthcare training patient characteristics religion and locus of control,2013,39,11,713-716,Hains Advance euthanasia directives and the Dutch prosecution,2021,47,4,253-256,Hughes Conscientious participants and the ethical dimensions of physician support for legalised voluntary assisted dying,2021,47,12,E11,Rutherford Is this person with dementia (currently) competent to request euthanasia? A complicated and underexplored question,2021,47,12,E41,Kim Medical assistance in dying for the psychiatrically ill reply to Buturovic,2021,47,4,259-260,Hatherley Spanish regulation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide,2021,49,1,49-55,Velasco Sanz Views of disability rights organisations on assisted dying legislation in England Wales and Scotland: An analysis of position statements,2021,47,12,E64,Chambaere How is COVID-19 changing the ways doctors make end-of-life decisions?,2022,48,12,941-947,Chang Paediatric deep brain stimulation: ethical considerations in malignant Tourette syndrome,2020,46,10,668-673,Smith Integrity and rights to gender-affirming healthcare,2022,48,11,832-837,Cosker-Rowland Compulsory treatment of physical illness under MHA 1983,2022,48,11,821-824,Wheeler The ultimate curse,1995,21,5,277; discussion 278-280,Crisci The ultimate curse: the doctor as patient,1995,21,5,278-280,Macnaughton The case of Ms B: suicide's slippery slope?,2002,28,4,238-239,Keown A volunteer to be killed for his organs,2003,29,3,e175,Leavitt Dangerousness mental disorder and responsibility,2003,29,4,232-235; discussion 237,McMillan Psychiatry and the control of dangerousness: on the apotropaic function of the term "mental illness",2003,29,4,227-230; discussion 230-232 237,Szasz "Personality disorder" and capacity to make treatment decisions,2009,35,10,647-650,Szmukler Mario Monicelli's Grande guerra: the right of living and the choice of dying,2011,37,9,573-576,Frati Beneficence cannot justify voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Panayiotou Competence for physician-assisted death of patients with mental disorders: Theoretical and practical considerations,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gold Reasons for providing assisted suicide and the expressivist objection: A response to Donaldson,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Braun Using coercion in mental disorders or risking the patient's death? 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