Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Increasing bicycle helmet use among school-age children,1996,21,4,14-6 150,McEvoy Head Injuries in Children,2005,30,2,63, Senior drivers: risks interventions and safety,2006,31,3,38-40 43-4 49,Brown Nursing responsibilities in a disaster,2006,31,11,56,Klein The role of the nurse practitioner in cases of child sexual abuse,2007,32,9,45-49,Brown Child abuse prevention for former preterm infants in primary care follow-up,1995,20,11 Pt 1,12 14 16,Lawless Alcohol abuse not a proven risk factor for violent behavior,1992,17,11,24,Dauner Tai chi may prevent falls,2007,32,12,45, Head injuries in high school and college football players,2007,32,11,12,No Author(s) Listed Scratching the Surface: Addressing Self-harm in Adolescents,2008,33,6,30-36,Overcash Domestic violence linked to chronic conditions,2008,33,6,48, Characteristics of abuse: a report of five families,1977,2,8,23-27,Snyder Evaluating suicide potential,1977,2,5,30-31,Prentice Adolescent suicide,1978,3,5,44-45 53,Cline Understanding child abuse,1978,3,1,36-37,Cline Dealing with sexual abuse of children,1980,5,3,5254,Cline Abuse of the elderly,1981,6,1,29-34,Johnson The battered woman: is she a silent victim?,1986,11,6,38 40-4 47,Blair Elder abuse screening and intervention,1986,11,5,33-38,Fulmer Child sexual abuse: the role of the NP,1986,11,1,15-6 19-20 22,Berkowitz Geriatric suicide: the preventable death,1988,13,6,10-1 15 18-9,Boxwell Survivors of a family member's suicide: implications for practice,1991,16,7,31-5 39,Van Dongen Examining the dynamics of spouse abuse: an alternative view,1991,16,4,11-16,Gage Nursing protocol on domestic violence,1992,17,11,24 27 31,Braham Preventing violence through primary care intervention,1992,17,8,62-4 67-70,Roberts Evaluating suicide risk in the medically ill patient,1993,18,9,41-50,Valente Promoting driving safety for teens and adults,1989,14,10,28-31 34-9,Wilson Preventing nervous system sports injuries,1989,14,3,42 44-6,Lehman Falls in the elderly,1987,12,11,30 33-4 36-7,Schulman Motor vehicle injury prevention for older adults,1994,19,2,26-28,Burke The comprehensive sexual assault assessment tool,1996,21,4,66 71-6 78 passim,Fawcett Preventing teen hate crimes: our role as NPs,2005,30,4,62-63,Gerst Prevention of child abuse and neglect in the primary care setting,1998,23,9,61-2 67-70 73,Nester Gay lesbian and bisexual adolescents: providing esteem-enhancing care to a battered population,1997,22,2,94 99 103 passim,Nelson The relationship between parental socioeconomic levels and potential for child abuse,1996,21,3,144-146,Schowengerdt Preventing and diagnosing sexual abuse in children,1987,12,2,47 51-8 61 passim,Flynn Evaluating and Managing Adult PTSD in Primary Care,2010,35,11,41-47,Valente Effectively detect and manage elder abuse,2004,29,8,22-27 31,Burgess Preparing for bioterrorism: category A agents,2001,26,12,12-15 19-24 27,Young Clinical guidelines. Injury and domestic violence prevention,1997,22,8,120-3 127-30, The importance of screening for domestic violence in all women,1997,22,5,105-8 111-2 115 passim,Poirier De-escalating verbal aggression in primary care settings,1996,21,10,95 98 101-2 passim,Anderson Personal aerosol protection devices: caring for victims of exposure,1995,20,11 Pt 1,52 54-6 58,Claman When the client is armed or dangerous: management of violent and difficult clients in primary care,1995,20,6,26-32,Sanchez-Gallegos Enclosed automobiles and the risk of hyperthermia,2000,25,5,14 17,Thomas Depression in the college population: An E-S-A approach to primary prevention,2011,36,2,33-39,Lazenby End the bipolar tug-of-war,2010,35,2,36-45,Valente Recognizing depression in children,2004,29,9,18-29,Murphy How to diagnose and treat depression,2002,27,10,12-15 19-23,Solnek Lesbians also need attention as adolescents,1994,19,5,21-22,Stine Anorexia nervosa bulimia nervosa: causal theories and treatment,1990,15,4,12-18 21,Palmer Providing sensitive health care to gay and lesbian youth,1989,14,5,30-2 35-6 39 passim,Sanford Health care in Africa,1984,9,7,38-43,Brown Summer is prime time for diving injuries,2003,28,6,28-34,Hess Counseling children and adolescents on safety,1997,22,7,112 115-6, The identification and management of self-mutilating patients in primary care,1997,22,5,151-3 159-65,Dallam The sequelae of childhood sexual abuse: a primary care focus for adult female survivors,1996,21,12 Pt 1,42 45 49-52,Roberts Detecting and addressing alcohol abuse in women,2001,26,10,13-16 19-23,Becker The cycle of domestic violence and the barriers to treatment,2000,25,5,26 29,Jensen Evaluating and managing intimate partner violence,2000,25,5,18-19 23-26 29-30,Valente Healthy People 2010 and protecting children,2000,25,7,12 14 17,Pearson NP perspectives on an American tragedy,1999,24,7,11-12,Pearson Domestic violence and its implications on child abuse,2011,36,11,15-17,Anselmi Caring for victims of nuclear and radiological terrorism,2003,28,2,24-41,Persell Depression and alcohol abuse in asthmatic college students,2006,31,2,49-54,Volicer Guidelines for the Department of Transportation physical examination,1999,24,5,78 81 88-92 passim,Wells Multidisciplinary care for sexual assault victims,1976,1,6,21-25,Anderson Case study analysis of pseudocyesis: consideration of the diagnosis of child sexual abuse,1990,15,2,31-32,Hennessy Body piercing: coming to a patient near you,2007,32,2,55-60,Beers Adolescent concussions: When to return to play,2013,38,2,16-22,Jamault Poisoning and its treatment part 1: incidence and clinical signs of poisoning and toxic overdose,1976,2,2,35-36,Tong Toxicity associated with acetaminophen overdosage,1977,2,4,31-32,Little Addressing substance use in primary care,2013,38,9,1-9,Strobbe Intimate partner violence: A guide for primary care providers,2013,38,12,39-46,Shavers Abused women: dispelling myths and encouraging intervention,1989,14,5,47-50 53-8,Ryan The prevalence and characteristics of battered women in a primary care setting,1989,14,6,47 50 53-6,Miller Fall prevention in older adults,2015,40,6,40-47,Saccomano Suicide risk assessment in high-risk adolescents,2015,40,9,30-37,Gray Assessing suicide risk in older adults,2016,41,10,28-35,Diggle-Fox A multidisciplinary response to commercial sexual exploitation of children,2016,41,11,34-40,Avila Nursing process with the battered woman,1981,6,4,11-3 29,Finley Responding to child sexual abuse disclosure,2017,42,12,18-26,Dolan Gun laws in the United States,2017,42,12,e6, Screening for intimate partner violence in women: creating proper practice habits,2018,43,5,14-20,Knox Screening women for intimate partner violence: creating proper practice habits,2018,43,5,20-21, Mental health problems among youth experiencing sex trafficking,2021,46,1,6-11,Fazio Suicide detection and treatment in a nurse-led interprofessional primary care practice: a 2-year report of quality data,2021,46,4,33-40,Raman Unique factors to the implementation of a disaster preparedness plan at Georgetown Public Hospital in Guyana,2021,46,4,41-49,Van Meter The epidemic of gun violence in America,2021,46,6,10,No Author(s) Listed Toxic neuropathy comment on organophosphate poisoning,2022,47,1,1-2,Fustes Suicide among men: risk assessment and mitigation in primary care,2023,48,8,13-19,Scrandis Intimate partner violence: a clinical update,2023,48,9,40-46,Alhusen The primary care NP's guide to prevention and management of falls in older adults,2024,49,2,12-18,Mark Reducing falls among residents of retirement homes: a DNP project,2024,49,4,39-47,Coleman Firearm safety counseling in pediatric primary care,2024,49,5,9-11,Tronzo Screening for serious mental illness in a correctional setting,2024,49,5,41-47,Tovar Gay lesbian and bisexual adolescents: Providing esteem-enhancing care to a battered population,1997,22,2,94-109,Nelson How to diagnose and treat depression,2002,27,10,12-23,Solnek Differentiate depression from dementia,2003,28,3,181923-27,Maynard Suicide risk in elderly patients,2008,33,8,34-40,Valente Establishing a province-wide referral network to improve access to gender-affirming primary healthcare services,2021,46,8,39-43,Lane Assessing and managing depression in the older adult: implications for advanced practice nurses,1994,19,7,66-69,Blixen The impact of group reminiscence counseling on a depressed elderly population,1990,15,4,32 35-38,Youssef Primary care diagnosis and pharmacologic treatment of depression in adults,1996,21,10,72 75-76 78 passim; quiz 86-87,Lesseig Using an interview guide to assess suicidal ideation,2002,27,8,26-29; quiz 30-31,Lyon Medical errors snare more than one victim,2011,36,9,e5,Newland Animal and human bites: navigating evaluation and care,2024,49,6,21-27,Cottrell