Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Pediatric and adolescent accident victims (ICD  E800 to E829) in Austria 1980 to 1989,1996,22,3,99-109,Foltin Causation and injury pattern in in-line skating,1997,23,4,171-178,Majetschak Injuries through traffic accidents to car occupants with and without the obligation to wear safety belts,1980,6,1,28-34,Hell Problems with the seat belt,1985,11,6,316-322,Weyer Psychological aspects of the use of seat belts,1981,7,5,274-280,Kuner Bicycle accidents--causes and sequelae. an evaluation of the 1986 calendar year,1990,16,1,25-34,Kuner American football injuries in the German Federal League: risk of injuries and pattern of injuries,1998,24,2,60-65,Baltzer Analysis of accidents in children in school apprenticeship and agriculture,1989,15,6,269-272,Hausel Injuries and their causes in bicycle accidents,1987,13,3,135-141,Frobenius The fall of Icarus or the seriously injured young motorcyclist,1982,8,1,1-7,Börner Protective air bags in traffic accidents. Change in the injury pattern and reduction in the severity of injuries,1995,21,2,92-99,Kuner Incidence of acetabular fractures before and after introduction of compulsory seatbelt fastening,1991,17,5,274-279,Blum Pelvic fractures of seat belted car occupants,1980,6,1,35-37,Havemann Medical peculiarities and social effects of accidents with motorcycles,1987,13,6,295-302,Tittel Closed atlanto-occipital dislocation (decapitation) following a motorcycle accident,1987,13,5,278-280,Ludolph A rare cause of compartment syndrome of the forearm and hand following snake bite injury,1990,16,3,158-159,Schnecker Hanggliding--the Icarus syndrome,1990,16,6,286-290,Lob Fatal injury in childhood. Analysis of 160 autopsies,1989,15,4,174-179,Puschel Traumatic ureteral rupture by the indirect effect of force,1984,10,6,313-315,Schüz Diaphragmatic ruptures in children,1983,9,6,345-348,Daum The problem of previous damage in expert opinions,1981,7,5,269-273,Ludolph The polytrauma a task for different fields,1981,7,2,66-69,Ecke An unusual case of gunshot wound to the head,1995,21,6,298-302,Stocker Whiplash injury of the cervical spine--on the role of pre-existing degenerative diseases,1994,20,3,138-48; discussion 149,Jungbluth Attempted suicide--a challenge for the trauma surgeon?,1998,24,2,66-74,Puschel Psychiatric-psychotherapeutic management of trauma patients,1997,23,4,144-152,Rossmanith Injury pattern in leaps from a window. A case analysis of 48 patients,1997,23,4,137-143,Moeller The impact factor--a reliable sciento-metric parameter?,1997,23,4,128-34; discussion 135-6,Meenen Self-induced injuries--surgical aspects,1997,23,3,105-113,Puschel Mortality in proximal femur fractures in elderly people,1994,20,4,211-215,Fischer Polytrauma and economics,1996,22,4,179-185,Gebhard Rupture of the diaphragma caused by blunt trauma (author's transl),1981,7,3,147-155,Müller-Färber Occasional alcohol drinkers and chronic alcoholics. Comparison of two patient groups from the viewpoint of accident surgery,1998,24,1,32-37,Ring Traumatic upper arm amputation due to a bite by a horse,1992,18,1,48-49,Ludolph Roentgen studies of the skull in head injuries--a multicenter study,1992,18,1,10-18,Windolf Medical responsibility for disclosure in legal cases of the German federal court,1986,12,1,34-38,Giesen Severe injuries of the cervical spine in childhood an interdisciplinary consideration,1989,15,2,77-82,Benz Impacted femoral neck fractures,1989,15,2,100-103,Kadletz A rare combination injury in Alpine skiing,1989,15,3,141-144,Kröpfl Economic aspects of replantation surgery,1989,15,3,129-132,Karlbauer Classification treatment and results of fractures of the tibial pilon,1982,8,4,230-235,Börner Sports-related fractures of the facial skull in Austria,1988,14,6,308-310,Strassl [Oropharyngo-spinal gunshot wounds],1991,17,6,359-361,Patzak