Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The role of catalytic converters in automobile carbon monoxide poisoning: a case report,1999,115,2,580-581,Vossberg Vigilance and automobile accidents in patients with sleep apnea or narcolepsy,1995,108,3,619-624,Findley Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome sleepiness and quality of life,2004,125,6,2091-2096,Guilleminault Sleep-disordered breathing in middle-aged adults predicts no significantly higher rates of traffic violations,2001,119,5,1623-1624,Kripke "Steering clear" of automobile accidents in patients with sleep disorders,1995,108,4,889,Collop Sleep and sleep-disordered breathing in commercial long-haul truck drivers,1995,107,5,1275-1282,Dement Acute respiratory failure associated with a motor vehicle accident,1992,102,5,1581-1582,Cragun Traumatic aortic valve injury sustained despite the deployment of an automobile air bag,1993,103,5,1603,Reiland-Smith Sleep apnea and commercial motor vehicle operators: Statement from the joint task force of the American College of Chest Physicians the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the National Sleep Foundation,2006,130,3,902-905,George Paying attention to at-risk commercial vehicle operators,2006,130,3,637-639,Phillips Seat belt-induced chylothorax: a cause of idiopathic chylothorax?,2007,132,2,690-692,Agrawal Sleep-disordered breathing and quality of life of railway drivers in Greece,2008,134,1,79-86,Nena A 22-year-old man with headache and stiff neck after a water skiing fall,2009,135,1,225-227,Jones Sleep-related problems in common medical conditions,2009,135,2,563-572,Parish Parasomnias: clinical features and forensic implications,2006,130,2,605-610,Mahowald Licensing the driver with respiratory dysfunction,1971,59,4,451-452,Burg Suicidal hanging. An association with the adult respiratory distress syndrome,1977,71,2,225-227,Fischman Intravenous self-administration of metallic mercury in attempted suicide. Report of a case with serial roentgenographic and physiologic studies over an 18-month period,1978,73,2,234-236,Chitkara Hemodynamic alterations of heat stroke in the elderly,1979,75,3,362-366,Sprung Traumatic injuries of the diaphragm,1979,75,3,306-313,Estrera Disseminated intravascular coagulation and hypopotassemia associated with blast lung injury,1986,89,5,690-693,Fischer Marked suppression of ventilation while awake following massive ingestion of atenolol,1985,88,6,920-921,Montgomery Traumatic asphyxia,1972,62,5,634-636,Moore Air-fluid levels in the left lower thorax following a fall,1972,62,5,621-622,Wilkov Acute mercury vapor poisoning in the home,1971,59,6,677-678,Natelson Ice fishing as a risk factor for pulmonary emboli,1993,103,6,1930,Baggott Tricuspid valve regurgitation following blunt thoracic trauma,1992,102,4,1294-1296,Kleikamp Aspiration injury due to polyacrylamide,1992,101,2,576-578,Tobin Aspiration of potpourri,1993,104,3,985-986,Hopkins Bronchiectasis in a child after acrolein inhalation,1993,104,4,1286-1287,de Blic The wonderful floating features in medical imaging of chronic aspirated motor oil in the lung,1994,105,1,326,Hu Risk factors for early onset pneumonia in trauma patients,1994,105,1,224-228,Moro Expectoration of an occult foreign body six asymptomatic years after aspiration,1993,103,6,1930-1931,Brandstetter Handedness and sleep apnea,1993,103,6,1860-1862,Hoffstein Pneumoperitoneum associated with suicidal hanging,1994,105,4,1300,López Rodríguez Effects of abstinence from smoking on sleep and daytime sleepiness,1994,105,4,1136-1141,Bonnet Fulminant malignant arrythmia and multiorgan failure in acute arsenic poisoning,1995,108,6,1774-1775,López Rodríguez Blunt myocardial injury,1995,108,6,1673-1677,Feghali Do we know the risks?,1995,108,6,1481-1482,Lenox Invasive evaluation of patients with heat stroke,1993,103,4,1210-1214,Akhtar Accidents in obstructive sleep apnea patients treated with nasal continuous positive airway pressure: a prospective study. The Working Group ANTADIR Paris and CRESGE Lille France. Association Nationale de Traitement à Domicile des Insuffisants Respirat,1997,112,6,1561-1566,Levy Blast lung injury from an explosion on a civilian bus,1999,115,1,165-172,Rivkind Bilateral pneumothorax following air bag deployment,1998,114,2,624-626,Morgenstern Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome in three police officers following a roadside chemical spill,1990,98,4,928-929,Promisloff Traumatic rupture of aorta. Diagnosis by Doppler echocardiography,1990,98,4,1016-1017,Sanchez Multiple traumatic disruptions of the thoracic aorta,1990,97,6,1307-1309,DelRossi Sleep apnea and auto crashes. What is the doctor to do?,1988,94,2,225-226,Bonnie Transient elevation of serum activity of MB isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase in drivers involved in automobile accidents,1978,74,1,15-18,Lindsey Sudden death and pre-hospital phase of acute myocardial infarction,1972,61,7,600-602,Goldstein Painless ischemia provoked by mental stress in the coronary care unit,1995,108,4,1168-1169,Sharkey Legal issues encountered when treating the patient with a sleep disorder,2011,139,1,200-207,Krishnan Ethical decision making and patient autonomy: a comparison of physicians and patients in Japan and the United States,2000,118,4,1172-1182,Akamatsu Charcoal lung. Bronchiolitis obliterans after aspiration of activated charcoal,1989,96,3,672-674,Kelly Intentional isoniazid overdosage in young Southeast Asian refugee women,1988,93,4,803-806,Nolan Acute intoxication with verapamil,1979,75,2,200-201,Valle Therapeutic hypothermia: past present and future,2008,133,5,1267-1274,Varon Survival after prolonged submersion in freshwater in Florida,2004,125,5,1948-1951,Modell Immersion in fresh water and survival,2004,126,6,2027-8; author reply 2028-9,Dueker Unusual freshwater near-drowning syndrome in a hospitalized postlobectomy patient,2001,120,3,1021-1022,Sogoloff Near-drowning and drowning classification: a proposal to stratify mortality based on the analysis of 1831 cases,1997,112,3,660-665,Szpilman Nasal-continuous positive airway pressure in the treatment of near-drowning in freshwater,1996,110,4,1122-1124,Dottorini Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema associated with accidental hypothermia,1993,103,3,971-973,Morales Airway pressure release ventilation in a patient with acute pulmonary injury,1989,96,3,679-682,Florete Serial pulmonary function studies in survivors of near drowning,1980,77,6,777-780,Jenkinson Clinical course of 91 consecutive near-drowning victims,1976,70,2,231-238,Modell Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis following near-drowning and exposure to short-term high oxygen concentrations,1975,68,3,373-375,Smith The use of spontaneous ventilation with constant-positive airway pressure in the treatment of salt water near drowning,1975,67,3,355-357,Flor Near-drowning presenting as the adult respiratory distress syndrome,1974,65,3,347-349,Myerson Treatment of the respiratory distress syndrome following nondirect pulmonary trauma with positive end-expiratory pressure with special emphasis on near-drowning,1974,66,Suppl,30S-34S,Sluiter Near drowning in humans. A report of 36 patients,1971,59,2,191-197,Hasan Risk factors for pulmonary barotrauma in divers,1997,112,3,654-659,Tetzlaff Pulmonary barotrauma in divers: can prospective pulmonary function testing identify those at risk?,1997,112,3,576-578,Bove Foreign body aspiration into the lower airway in Chinese adults,1997,112,1,129-133,Chen The critical age that the young start the devastating habits of smoking and narcotics,1997,111,5,1466-1467,Koraka Cardiovascular manifestations of severe scorpion sting. Clinicopathologic correlations,1970,57,2,156-162,Gueron Sarcoidosis firefighters sarcoidosis and World Trade Center "sarcoid-like" granulomatous pulmonary disease,2007,132,6,2053,Miller Definitive care for the critically ill during a disaster: a framework for allocation of scarce resources in mass critical care: from a Task Force for Mass Critical Care summit meeting January 26-27 2007 Chicago IL,2008,133,5 Suppl,51S-66S,Rubinson Definitive care for the critically ill during a disaster: medical resources for surge capacity: from a Task Force for Mass Critical Care summit meeting January 26-27 2007 Chicago IL,2008,133,5 Suppl,32S-50S,Talmor Definitive care for the critically ill during a disaster: current capabilities and limitations: from a Task Force for Mass Critical Care summit meeting January 26-27 2007 Chicago IL,2008,133,5 Suppl,8S-17S,Rubinson Definitive care for the critically ill during a disaster: a framework for optimizing critical care surge capacity: from a Task Force for Mass Critical Care summit meeting January 26-27 2007 Chicago IL,2008,133,5 Suppl,18S-31S,Talmor Summary of suggestions from the Task Force for Mass Critical Care summit January 26-27 2007,2008,133,5 Suppl,1S-7S,Rubinson Ominous mesalliance: inhalation of carbon monoxide from motor vehicles and cigarettes,1970,58,5,532,Banyai Cerebral air embolism in asthmatic scuba divers in a swimming pool,1995,107,6,1653-1654,Weiss Pulmonary barotrauma and related events in divers,1995,107,6,1648-1652,Raymond Profile of chest injuries arising from the 1995 southern Hyogo Prefecture earthquake,1996,110,3,759-761,Ishii Carbon monoxide poisoning,1995,107,5,1474,Shumate Using bronchoscopy and biopsy to diagnose early inhalation injury. Macroscopic and histologic findings,1995,107,5,1365-1369,Saizy Recommend caution in defining risk factors for barotrauma in divers,1998,114,6,1791-1793,Clausen High-voltage injury resulting in permanent right heart dysfunction,1999,115,2,586-587,Rahko Carbon monoxide poisoning: a disease of a thousand faces,1999,115,2,322-323,Fisher Bullet embolus of the heart,1972,62,5,627-628,Lewis A crisis in the delivery of care to the critically ill and injured,1972,62,5,616-620,Shubin Can catheters be an electrical safety hazard?,1972,61,7,692,Monsees Some physiologic observations in smoke inhalation,1972,61,1,62-64,Avery Self-inflicted intramyocardial injury,1998,114,4,1225,Frankel Lightning injury with lung bleeding in a tracheotomized patient,1991,99,1,240-242,Frutiger Respiratory failure and death following acute inhalation of mercury vapor. A clinical and histologic perspective,1991,99,1,185-190,Rowens Cold injury and clubbing: a possible relationship,1973,64,2,256-259,Hershkowitz Chest injuries in civilian life and their treatment,1984,85,1,89-92,Ozgen Methaqualone poisoning with muscular hyperactivity necessitating the use of curare,1974,65,2,204-205,Abboud "Hot pot" tracheitis,1974,65,2,225-226,Graves Toxic effects of the herbicide paraquat,1974,65,,Suppl:65S-67S,Kimbrough Rupture of the right coronary artery due to nonpenetrating chest trauma,1974,65,5,577-579,Vermeire Unusual unilateral blunt chest trauma without rib fractures leading to pulmonary laceration requiring pneumonectomy,1974,66,2,211-214,Khan Amitriptyline cardiotoxicity,1974,66,3,304-306,Hong Salicylate intoxication: an unusual presentation,1974,66,5,575-576,Grace Self-inflicted intramyocardial injury with a sewing needle: a rare cause of pneumothorax,1998,113,2,531-534,Jamilla Commotio cordis: cardiovascular manifestations of a rare survivor,1998,114,1,326-328,Estes Pulmonary edema of environmental origin,1973,64,2,182-185,Cordasco Seizure in a scuba diver,2001,119,1,285-286,Ward Half-life of blood carboxyhemoglobin,2001,119,2,661-663,Shimazu Intentional carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,116,2,586-587,Hampson Adult toxicology in critical care: part I: general approach to the intoxicated patient,2003,123,2,577-592,Mokhlesi Extraction of a rubber bullet from a bronchus after 1 year: complete resolution of chronic pulmonary damage,1999,115,4,1210-1213,Pellegrino A comparative analysis of arranging in-flight oxygen aboard commercial air carriers,1999,115,4,991-995,Stoller Tracheobronchial foreign bodies: presentation and management in children and adults,1999,115,5,1357-1362,Rodenstein Posthyperventilation apnea associated with severe hypoxemia,1976,70,4,554-557,MacDonald Sleep Disturbances Among Soldiers with Combat Related Traumatic Brain Injury,2012,142,3,622-630,Lettieri Bilateral thumb burns leading to the diagnosis of crack lung,2002,121,1,289-291,Albert Drug Associated Acute Lung Injury: A Population Based Cohort Study,2012,142,4,845-850,Dhokarh Unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis secondary to carbon monoxide poisoning,1990,97,2,498-499,Joiner Myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries after acute exposure to carbon monoxide,1990,97,2,491-494,Marius-Nunez The pathophysiology of carbon monoxide poisoning and acute respiratory failure in a sheep model with smoke inhalation injury,1990,97,3,736-742,Wang Pharmacotherapy refractory insomnia in soldiers with traumatic brain injury,2013,143,2,582-583,Mysliwiec Smoke/burn injury-induced respiratory failure elicits apoptosis in ovine lungs and cultured lung cells ameliorated with arteriovenous CO2 removal,2004,125,4,1472-1482,Vertrees United States critical illness and injury trials group,2013,143,3,808-813,Martin History and physical exam and simple math go a long way in developing a diagnostic differential: a case of methanol poisoning,2012,142,4,361A,Lambrecht Development of a treatment agent for mass casualty smoke-cyanide exposure,2012,142,4,746A,Brenner A new category: very severe obstructive sleep apnea has worse outcomes on morbidity and mortality,2012,142,4,1075A,Krishnan "K2" "spice" and "bath salts" - the in-vogue recreational drugs - what the intensivists need to know,2012,142,4,340A,Varma Bath salts intoxication: a case series,2012,142,4,323A,Imam Shock and pain: centipede bite causing reversible myocardial injury,2012,142,4,321A,Kartik High incidence of excessive daytime sleepiness in high-school students,2012,142,4,1074A,Jain What has been going on with my sleep after my car accident?,2012,142,4,975A,Brito Posttraumatic stress disorder in acute lung injury survivors: evaluating the Impact of Event Scale-Revised,2013,144,1,24-31,Hopkins Evaluation and management of pill aspiration: case discussion and review of the literature,2013,143,6,1791-1795,Kinsey Recovery from inhalation of diquat aerosol,1976,70,6,774-775,Wood Bullet in the left ventricle from a remote gunshot wound to the heart,1977,71,2,234-236,Silverman "Pills" and the air passages,2013,144,2,651-660,Küpeli Air travel: Effects of sleep deprivation and jet lag,2013,144,4,1394-1401,Weingarten Chronic disorders of consciousness following coma: Part two: Ethical legal and social issues,2013,144,4,1388-1393,Luce Chronic disorders of consciousness following coma: Part one: Medical issues,2013,144,4,1381-1387,Luce A 20-year-old man with pulmonary cavities post motor vehicle accident: Traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst,2013,144,4_MeetingAbstracts,99A,Cherian Prospective observational study of military personnel with obstructive sleep apnea: Changes in symptoms of service related illnesses and IGF-1 expression,2013,144,4,989A,Barr Prolonged extrication as a risk factor for pneumonia in trauma patients involved in a motor vehicle accident,2013,144,4,379A,Moore Respiratory tract burns after aspiration of hot coffee,1977,72,1,125-128,Jung Pulmonary hypertension associated with long-term inhalation of "crank" methamphetamine,1993,104,2,614-616,Schaiberger Recovery of consciousness after head injury,2014,145,3,664-665,Beretta Poisoning caused by inhalation of hydrogen chloride phosphorus oxychloride phosphorus pentachloride oxalyl chloride and oxalic acid,1978,73,5,623-626,Rosenthal The incidence of pulmonary contusion in blunt thoracic trauma: self-experience study,2014,145,3 Suppl,47A,Novakov Sleep habit among elementary school children in South Texas,2014,145,3 Suppl,452A,Subramanian Respiratory tract burns,1978,73,4,556,Weinstein Chronic beryllium disease: a continuing epidemiologic hazard,1974,65,3,289-293,Kazemi Acute and chronic effects of fire fighting on pulmonary function,1980,77,3,369-373,Smith Effects of smoke inhalation,1980,77,3,335-336,Genovesi Mass ammonia inhalation,1980,77,4,496-498,Montague Heat stroke; modern approach to an ancient disease,1980,77,4,461-462,Sprung Running to death,1981,79,3,346-349,Waller Endobronchial polyposis secondary to thermal inhalational injury,1979,75,5,643-645,Adams Can pulmonary barotrauma cause cerebral air embolism in a non-diver?,1982,81,5,648-650,Bayne Intoxication with ajmaline in an infant,1979,76,1,97-98,Ben-Shachar Severe obstructive lung disease after smoke inhalation,1979,76,1,108-110,Kirkpatrick Is there a selective increase in pulmonary capillary permeability following cutaneous burns?,1979,76,4,374-375,Burke Acute respiratory failure following severe arsenic poisoning,1979,76,5,596-598,Drage Diving and chronic spontaneous pneumothorax,1985,87,2,264-265,Melamed Fatal pulmonary aspergillosis following a farm accident,1984,85,3,448-449, Chest compression-induced vertebral fractures,1986,89,1,154-155,Azuma Bronchial stenosis after aspiration of an iron tablet,1988,93,2,439-441,Tarkka Altitude exposures during aircraft flight. Flying higher,1988,93,1,81-84,Cottrell Left main coronary dissection after mild chest trauma. Favorable evolution with fibrinolytic and surgical therapies,1988,93,1,213-214,Limet Acute fluoride poisoning leading to fatal hyperkalemia,1980,78,4,660-663,Salomon Complications of attempted central venous injections performed by drug abusers,1980,78,4,613-617,Obeid Early occlusion and late stricture of normal coronary arteries following blunt chest trauma,1980,78,5,796-798,Sowton Carbon monoxide effect on alveolar epithelial permeability,1980,78,5,726-731,Jones Heat stroke related to psychotropic medications and prior history of heat stroke,1981,80,2,244-245,Caldroney Airway complications from free-basing cocaine,1989,95,2,476-477,Taylor Chest trauma and subvalvular left ventricular aneurysms,1989,95,2,474-476,French A 72-year-old man presenting with melena and multiple falls becomes acutely decompensated,2014,146,4,e130-e133,Tofts Survival following investigational treatment of amanita mushroom poisoning: thistle or shamrock?,2014,146,4,e126-9,Gores Evidence of prolonged myocardial dysfunction in heat stroke,1989,95,5,1089-1091,Zahger Investigation on the protective value of breathing masks in farmer's lung using an inhalation provocation test,1989,95,1,100-105,Müller-Wening Sleepwalking precipitated by treatment of sleep apnea with nasal CPAP,1991,99,3,750-751,Carskadon Reperfusion injury occurs in the lung by free radical mechanisms,1988,93,3 Suppl,149S,Kennedy A 27-year-old man with pleuritic chest pain and hemoptysis after a rugby game,2009,136,4,1165-1167,De Dios Acute posteroinferior wall myocardial infarction secondary to football chest trauma,1985,88,6,928-930,Baduí "Pills" and the air passages: a continuum,2015,147,1,242-250,Küpeli Predictors of all-cause mortality in patients with severe COPD and major depression admitted to a rehabilitation hospital,2015,149,2,467-473,Alexopoulos Gun violence African ancestry and asthma: a case-control study in Puerto Rican children,2016,149,6,1436-1444,Canino Risk factors for in-hospital mortality in smoke inhalation-associated acute lung injury: data from 68 United States hospitals,2016,150,6,1260-1268,Miller In replay: recovery of consciousness after head injury,2014,145,3,665,Luce Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is associated with lower short- and long-term mortality in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning,2017,152,5,943-953,Guo A medical student perspective on physician-assisted suicide,2017,152,3,475-477,Rhee Scarce resource allocation during disasters: a mixed-method community engagement study,2018,153,1,187-195,Faden Justifying hyperbaric oxygen delivery for carbon monoxide poisoning: time to respond to pressure with a large-scale randomized controlled trial,2017,152,5,911-913,Cowl Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen for carbon monoxide poisoning,2018,153,3,764,Hampson Sleep Disorders in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,2018,154,2,427-439,El-Solh A review of sleep-related violence: the demographics of sleep forensics referrals to a single center,2019,155,5,1059-1066,Schenck The impact of treatments for obstructive sleep apnea on monetized health economic outcomes: a systematic review,2019,155,5,947-961,Wickwire A 3-month-old infant with recurrent apparent life-threatening events in a car seat,2015,147,4,e152-e155,DelRosso Thoracic injury in patients injured by explosions on the battlefield and in terrorist incidents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnston Drowning classification: a reappraisal of clinical presentation and prognosis for severe cases,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Loundou Acute respiratory failure associated with vaping,2020,157,3,e63-e68,Fryman Update on persistent excessive daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Javaheri Obstructive sleep apnea in professional transport operations: safety regulatory and economic impact,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gurubhagavatula Bias and racism teaching rounds at an academic medical center,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Capers Management for the drowning patient,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Szpilman Near-hanging injuries: understanding outcomes among the critically ill,2020,158,6,2243-2244,Schellenberg Pulmonary manifestations of torture,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hiensch A 27-year-old man with persistent breathlessness after an inhalational injury,2021,159,4,e197-e201,Fong Pandemic outbreaks and the language of violence: discussing the origins of the Black Death and COVID-19,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Clinical markers associated with risk of suicide or drug overdose among heavy smokers - 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(Case reports and literature review),1998,114,4 Suppl,332S,Chacko Outcomes in 886 Critically Ill Patients After Near-Hanging Injury,2020,158,6,2404-2413,Argaud Survival in a case of massive paraquat ingestion,1995,107,1,285-289,Lheureux An unresponsive biochemistry professor in the bathtub,2002,122,3,1073-1076,Leikin Development of neurologic symptoms in a 26-year-old woman following recovery from methanol intoxication,2002,122,4,1436-1439,Fontenot Organophosphate intoxication as a consequence of mouth-to-mouth breathing from an affected case,2002,122,2,740-741,Cetinkaya