Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Safety helmets for bike-riding children,1994,119,28-29,1021, Shallow pools as a hazard to young children,1987,112,23,943-944,Sachtleben Alcohol and road traffic accidents in southern Baden.],1957,82,26,1100-1103,Weyrich Injuries by seatbelts avoidable,1978,103,11,478,Langwieder Safety belts for pacemaker patients,1978,103,9,376,Wagner Release of handicapped motorists from duty to fasten seatbelts,1980,105,30,1044,Rieger Driving simulator performance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: what consequences for driving capability?,2005,130,45,2555-2560,Schultze-Werninghaus Significance of color vision disorders in traffic,1972,97,6,206-208,Gramberg-Danielsen Fitness for driving while on the "zero diet",1995,120,9,310,Joachim Driver's licence revocation of epileptics,1967,92,49,2285,Schmelcher Gait balance and falls--function assessment diagnosis and prevention,2005,130,15,961-964,Nikolaus Gait balance and falls--causes and consequences,2005,130,15,958-960,Nikolaus Gait balance and falls--a case report,2005,130,15,957,Nikolaus Hashish and driving behavior: An experimental study,1972,97,20,789-794,Hobi Increasing significance of antidepressants in deliberate self-poisoning,2002,127,40,2053-2056,von Mach Epidemiology of attempted suicide using drugs. An inquiry from the Dresden university clinic,2004,129,31-32,1669-1673,Israel The tsunami of 2004: diagnosis of trauma sequelae in primary care,2006,131,50,2859-2863,Vollath Escalator injuries in children,1970,95,7,321-3 passim,Bolkenius Opioids and driving ability -- a problem unsolved?,2003,128,7,337-341,Berghaus Duty to secrecy in a patient's unfitness for automobile driving,1995,120,6,195,Rieger Driving of a motor vehicle after implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator in malignant heart rhythm disorders. criteria for the medical assessment of driving fitness in Europe,1996,121,5,119-123,Lüderitz The acts of violence of the occupation troops in the occupied rhine area,1923,49,,258-259,No Author(s) Listed Remarkable Findings in an 18 Year Old's Suicide,1919,45,,551-552,Strassmann Suicide Attempt Through the Swallowing of Foreign Bodies,1916,42,,1074-1075,Dorschlag The Psychopathology of Suicide,1911,37,,445-449,Sichel The Frequency of Nervous Accident Consequences and Their Practical Significance,1922,48,,289-290,Horn On Death Cap Poisoning,1920,46,,509-511,Treupel The Psychological-Nervous Anxiety After Accidents,1920,46,,89-92,Reichardt Morphine Poisoning and Apparent Death,1919,45,,1413-1414,Joachimoglu A Case of Poisoning With Bitter Almonds,1919,45,,997,Blumenthal Viewpoint - Education and Assessment of Accident Legislation,1917,43,,48-48,Wilms The Diagnostic Importance of Blood Pressure in Accident Neuroses,1916,42,,750-752,Horn Diagnostic Importance of the Blood Pressure in Accidental Neuroses,1916,42,,719-722,Horn The Appraisal of Accident Victim Pensioners Due to War Experiences,1916,42,,1101-1103,Froehlich Acute Poisoning by Benzene Vapour,1915,41,,182-185,Heffter Assessment of Telephone Accidents,1913,39,,1313-1314,Foerster The Assessment of Nervous Accident Diseases As Well As of Nervous State Officials,1912,38,1/26,537-539,Cramer The Material Basic Principles and the Prognosis of Accident Neurosis After Concussion (Commotion Neurosis),1910,36,,745-748,Friedmann The Material Fundamentals and the Prognosis of the Accident Neurosis Following Brain Shock (Commotion Neurosis),1910,36,,698-701,Friedmann Social Medicine - Accident Insurance,1909,35,,306-307,Bahr The dangers of gas hot-water heaters. A supplement to "scheven a peculiar case of carbon dioxide poisoning" in no. 6 of this weekly journal,1904,30,,956-956,Hamm Mustard Gas Poisoning,1904,30,,237-239,Kolbe A Peculiar Case of Carbon Oxide Poisoning,1904,30,,207,Scheven A Case of Stink Bomb (Ammonium Sulphate) Poisoning,1901,27,,596-597,Hess Suicide Attempt,1933,59,,1389-1391,Schneider Suicide in Women,1927,53,,1231-1231,Hanauer Suicide and Poisoning Attempts With Rat Poison (Thalium Preparation),1938,64,,1111-1113,Grubel Morbidity and Lethality in Suicide Cases,1936,62,,777-779,Pohlen Sport Accidents and Sport Damages,1935,61,,677-680,Wachsmuth Years of the Profession Cooperative Accident Prevention,1935,79,,1407-1409,Michels The Road Sign,1935,79,,723-726,Schifferer The Issue of Glare and Lighting in the New Road Traffic Regulations of the German Reich,1935,79,,446-447,Born Removal of Lubricating Film From Roads for Automobiles,1935,79,,388-389,No Author(s) Listed Examination of the Braking Effect of Automobiles,1934,78,,1272-1272,Langer The Measurement of the Impactibility of Automobiles,1934,78,,1269-1271,Langer Friction in Road Surfaces,1934,78,,856-858,Graf Motor Traffic and Urban Development,1934,78,,33-37,Muller On the Necessity of Regular Checkups for Automobile Drivers Conducted by Suitable Doctors,1930,56,,105-106,Hirsch-Mamreth The Current Status of the Evaluation of the So-Called Accidental Neurosis,1928,54,,302-304,Reichardt Today's Position of the Evaluation of the So Called Accident Neuroses,1928,54,,261-264,Reichardt The Current Status of the Assessment of the So Called Accident Neuroses,1928,54,,213-215,Reichardt Accidental Poisoning in Childhood,1957,82,43,1836-1838,Wallis Alcohol and Traffic Accidents in South Baden,1957,82,26,1100-1103,Weyrich Causes of Accidental Poisoning in Childhood,1960,85,36,1577-1580,Vonharnack Fatal Accidents of Children,1956,81,19,729-732,Schwarz Aggression and violent crime associated with schizophrenia,2002,127,33,1708-1712,Soyka Questions instead of being quiet--what doctors can do in cases of domestic violence,2008,133,24,24,Hügler "Sleep for seconds" in elderly automobile drivers,1972,97,22,882,Wagner Myocardial infarction during attempted suicide,2009,134,8,339-342,Tapernoux Acute alcohol intoxication in adolescents,2009,134,21,1101-1105,Muller Hit by lightning out of the blue,2009,134,23,1214-1217,Duppel Imported suicide rates,2009,134,11,p10,Weiss Emergencies due to arrhythmias,2008,133,13,659-668,Bohm Current recommendations on the evaluation of the impact of opioids on driving ability,2008,133,Suppl 2,S47-50,Brunnauer The "Driving under the Influence of Drugs Alcohol and Medicines" (DRUID) project of the European Commission,2008,133,Suppl 2,S45-6,Albrecht Medicolegal aspects of driving ability and discussion of study methods,2008,133,Suppl 2,S41-4,Berghaus Effects of psychoactive drugs on car driving ability,2008,133,Suppl 2,S38-40,Brunnauer Influence of opioids on the psychomotor ability of patients in chronic pain,2008,133,Suppl 2,S36-7,Strumpf Mental impairment caused by pain: behavioral indicators and cerebral correlates,2008,133,Suppl 2,S32-5,Lorenz Needs and expectations of patients during pain treatment,2008,133,Suppl 2,S29-31,Radbruch Driving ability under opioids: current assessment of published studies,2008,133,Suppl 2,S25-8,Sabatowski Opioids and driving ability: two incompatible contrasts?,2008,133,Suppl 2,S24,Sabatowski Spinal cord lesions in whiplash injuries of the cervical spine,1970,95,22,1209-1212,Meinecke Falling asleep at the wheel of a motor vehicle,1970,95,20,1132,Kohlhaas Child mortality in the German Federal Republic according to causes of death. Comparison of the years 1952-53 1962-63 and 1964-65,1970,95,16,890-897,Göbel Clinical measures for the evaluation of suicidal attempts,1970,95,16,883-885,Böcker Suicide due to consumption of bananas. Death of a bilaterally nephrectomized female patient due to hyperkalemia after consumption of bananas,1969,94,35,1765-1767,Hüllemann Treatment of sunstroke,1969,94,34,1695-1697,Müller Obligation to report unintelligent and unsuitable motor vehicle drivers,1969,94,24,1300,Kohlhaas Phenobarbital and driving skill,1969,94,19,1033, Drug addiction and traffic,1969,94,10,506,Kohlhaas Driving tests to determine the influence of alcohol tranquilizers and hypnotics on driing capability,1969,94,7,301-306,Pöldinger Professional discretion and traffic safety,1969,94,1,47-48,Kohlbaas Obligatory discretion does not represent responsibility for prevention,1968,93,41,1974-1975,Kohlhaas The suicide attempt. Psychiatric studies on 820 women,1968,93,40,1883-1887,Albert Suicide attempt with ajmalin,1968,93,38,1809-1812,Hager Fatal poisoning with Pertofran,1968,93,3,117-120,Kunst Traffic tranquilizing agents and alcohol,1967,92,35,1525-1531,Obersteg Experiences in a national poison control center,1967,92,9,386-392,Schubert Right and obligation of the physician to report patients incapacitated to drive automobiles,1966,91,1,41-43,Kohlhaas Poisoning in childhood. Causes accompanying factors and possibilities of prevention,1965,90,,557-565,Gaedeke Depression a widespread disease. Epidemiology care situation diagnosis therapy and prevention,2006,131,1-2,35-40,Hajak Suicidal prenylamine-(segontin-) intoxication,1971,96,41,1614-1615,Beck Traffic hazards due to drug addiction,1971,96,23,1027, Youth in the limelight of preventive medicine,1971,96,20,879-883,Biener Emergency situations in young drug consumers,1971,96,11,449-453,Hasse Obligation to inform the police about drug addicted automobile drivers?,1972,97,47,1839,Weissauer Driving disqualification and professional secrecy,1972,97,21,854,Rieger Medical treatment after attempted suicide: a critical study,1972,97,1,5-7,Köhler Driving fitness and oral contraceptives,1973,98,23,1191,Humke Suicidal digoxin intoxication with hyperkalaemia: report of a case,1974,99,15,756-764,Beck Suicide attempted suicide and psychosis,1974,99,12,583-584,Werner Letter: Reporting of child abuse by the attending physician,1974,99,5,211,Rieger Letter: Hazards of over-the-counter bromine derivatives,1975,100,42,2180,Vorberg Therapy of suicide patients against the will of relatives,1975,100,36,1812,Hollmann Letter: Automobile driver warning and securing of proof,1975,100,13,712,Scherer Warning of automobile drivers and proof assurance,1975,100,8,386-388,Gaisbauer Attempted suicide with glibenclamide: course and therapy. Simulation of a similar situation through the administration of glibenclamide in self-induced hypoglycemia,1977,102,42,1524-1526,Zilker Attempted suicide using glibenclamide,1977,102,38,1360-1361,Zimmermann Attempted suicide using glibenclamide--also a contribution to the characterization of sulfonylurea effect,1977,102,29,1070-1072,Haupt 1000 deaths a year caused by nonprescription bromocarbamide-containing sleeping pills in the Federal Republic of Germany,1977,102,24,885-888,Schwabe Alcohol intolerance in isoniazid therapy,1977,102,16,629,Siegers Suicide with beta-methyldigoxin,1978,103,46,1841-1844,Wojahn Depressions: epidemiology and transcultural comparative psychiatry,1978,103,22,913-918,Angst Analysis of the true death-rate due to alcoholism,1980,105,50,1743-1747,Hackl Problems in ordering a blood specimen collection according to section 81a of the criminal code,1980,105,39,1338-1339,Lippert Epidemiologic factors of suicide,1980,105,25,900-902,Henrich Evaluation of suicide danger by the physician,1980,105,25,877-879,Heinrich Suspected poisoning and actual poisons found in chemico-toxicological emergency investigations,1980,105,21,761-763,Goenechea Hypersomnias--too rarely diagnosed correctly?,1981,106,20,635-636,Kuhl Reaction time,1982,107,18,713-714,Engels Blunt injury to the neck caused by a seat belt. Stenosis of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries,1983,108,1,22-25,Cramer Suicide and weather,1984,109,45,1716-1720,Breuer Epilepsy attacks and driver fitness,1984,109,23,922-925,Krämer Atenolol poisoning,1986,111,40,1523-1525,Hagemann Role of the medical team in caring for suicidal patients,1986,111,9,342-344,Wedler Notes on the disaster in Bhopal,1985,110,45,1749-1751,Diller Poisoning as a method of suicide in children and adolescents,1985,110,4,137-140,Okonek Ethylene glycol poisoning,1988,113,24,978-982,Steininger The fitness of dialysis patients to drive a motor vehicle,1991,116,2,76,Wagner Cocaine poisoning from transport of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract (the body-packer syndrome),1992,117,51-52,1952-1955,John Severe digitalis poisoning after the ingestion of 1 g of digoxin,1992,117,30,1149-1152,Schuster A case of hydrogen selenide poisoning,1950,75,51,1730,Symanski Colchicine poisoning,1950,75,21,717-719,Seifert Necessity for a sociomedical concept of cerebral injury,1950,75,16,539,Wolff Clinical diagnosis of brain injury,1950,75,16,536-539,Zulch Increase of traffic accidents,1970,95,30,1586, The coroners obligation to inform the police,1969,94,49,2570,Kohlhass Evaluation of diabetes mellitus,1966,91,15,694-699,Schöffling Traffic accident hazards in relation to internal diseases,1965,90,,981-987,Franke Successful resuscitation in drowning in icy water,1965,90,,74-80,Kuegler-podelleck Therapy following drowning accidents in childhood,1975,100,28,1507-1508,Saule Causes of death in 1973,1974,99,30,1575, Mortality in the GDR,1974,99,30,1575-1576, Health protection at work. Considerations based on statistics of accident insurance with special reference to occupational diseases,1973,98,41,1923-1929,Gärtner Fees for traffic accident reports by physicians to the police,1972,97,36,1365-1366,Rieger Road traffic accidents in the first half year 1971,1971,96,44,1735, Pancreatic injuries in children,1971,96,43,1662-1667,Schega Relationship between daylight visual acuity and road traffic accident rate,1971,96,33,1343-1344,Gramberg-Danielsen Accidents in schoolchildren,1980,105,40,1397-1398, Tax deductibility of traffic-accident costs,1978,103,37,1429,von Haxthausen Exceeding of speed limit by physicians responding to emergencies. Decision by the Bavarian Supreme Assize Court on 10-1-1990,1993,118,15,561-562,Rieger Digitalis poisoning,1993,118,3,83-84,Baumgartl Icterus after a fall,1991,116,46,1772-1773,Kruse Compartment syndrome after impact trauma from a car bumper,1991,116,10,375-378,Jerosch Heart injuries resulting from blunt force,1984,109,23,928,Schmidt Accidents to drug smugglers: the "body-packer" syndrome,1983,108,25,1001-1002,Mebs On the symptomatology of parathion poisoning in man,1951,76,50,1601-1602,Jantzen Broom (Sarothamnus scoparius) poisoning,1951,76,33-34,1027,Muller Criminal thallium poisoning,1951,76,26,874-875,Voigt Occupational radium poisoning,1951,76,23,776,Roth Two cases of chlorine rubber lacquer paint poisoning,1951,76,22,745,Weihs Injury of tissue by talc,1951,76,13,394-397,Rossle Poisoning with sagrotan-soap solution,1951,76,8,249,Weise Case of persedon poisoning,1951,76,4,120,Hangen Tuberculosis and injury in military service,1951,76,2,56-59,Lehmann Apomorphine a drug to control the alcohol-antabuse drinking test,1952,77,44,1350-1352,Kroll Acutely dangerous asphyxia of different etiology,1952,77,41,1248-1250,Eickhoff Physiology of healing of fractures. The mistakes preventing it especially extension therapy,1952,77,25,808-811,Schaefer Simple rapid blood test for diagnosis of poisoning by the insecticide E605,1952,77,12,372-373,Schmidt Sexual disturbances after brain injuries,1952,77,5,139-141,Fleck Ichthyotoxism,1952,77,2,53-55,Behre Expression ability and individuality of the motor system in young child,1953,78,52,1787-1792,Nitschke Vision disorders and traffic accidents,1953,78,45,1537-1539,Hallermann Basic problems of the accident medicine,1953,78,40,1376-1378,Bauer New data on the nature and therapy of burns,1953,78,31-32,1071-1073,Muller A new type of protection in boxing; prophylaxis of injuries in the area of teeth jaw bone and temporomaxillary joint,1953,78,27-28,982-983,Brock Remarks on the work of sport physicians in other countries,1953,78,27-28,13-14,Mellerowicz Problems of expert testimony on functional consequences of brain trauma,1953,78,25,904-907,Mascher Athletics in heart damage,1953,78,19,707-710,Mellerowicz Electroencephalogram after covered head injuries; contribution to the differential diagnosis of commotio and contusio cerebri,1953,78,14,480-484,Meyer-mickeleit Affective disorders and changes in the electroencephalogram of boxers,1954,79,48,1792-1795,Soeder Medical examination of automobile drivers,1954,79,35,1294-1297,Grossjohann Disposition and accident; the evaluation of so-called predisposition in expert testimony on accident and war injuries,1954,79,35,1245-1249,Grafe The history of occupational mercurial poisoning,1954,79,21,858-862,Buess Aviation medicine as a task of sport medicine,1954,79,20,823-824,Wunsche Typical injuries in boxing,1954,79,20,817-819,La Cava Concerning the E 605 poisonings,1954,79,17,725-726,Lendle Sport injuries of the larynx by powerful blunt force,1954,79,8,301-303,Leicher Poisoning by anthelmintics containing phenothiazine,1954,79,7,241,Kottgen Prevention of wounds and injuries in winter sports,1954,79,5,181-184,Knoll School and recreation in the life of a city child,1955,80,52,1909-1911,Rutenfranz Toxic injuries of the hearing apparatus,1955,80,41,1501-1505,Maurer Examination of car drivers,1955,80,39,1423-1426,Grossjohann Evaluation of posttraumatic organic personality disorders,1955,80,35,1237-1239,Faust A thorax injury caused by Indian arrows; a letter from Venezuela,1955,80,31-32,1147-1148,Berning Poisoning caused by chocolate anthelmintic containing phenothiazine,1955,80,8,280-283,Haase Weight and age classification,1955,80,5,194-195,Boehmig Methods of medical checkup in boxers,1955,80,5,191-192,Medved Sport and hereditary constitution,1955,80,5,185-186,Grebe The most frequent knee injuries in skiing,1955,80,5,183-185,Reissigl Fatal accident after laevohepan therapy,1956,81,44,1754-1759,Lindner Athletic injuries,1956,81,25,1019-1022,Bader Brain injuries and alcohol content of the blood; do brain injuries caused by a traffic accident cause pathological changes in blood metabolism which influence the alcohol content in blood?,1956,81,22,869-871,Wagner Fatal accidents in childhood,1956,81,19,729-732,Schwarz The German sport badge for handicapped; its origin,1956,81,7,243-244,Siegert Intellectual and biological bases of jujitsu,1956,81,7,237-240,Holker Tasks and problems for the physician in the new juvenile penal code,1956,81,4,139-142,Stutte Mass examinations of professional drivers,1957,82,52,2219-2222,Hoffmann Reserpine poisoning in small children,1957,82,46,1963-1965,Stĕpán Accidental poisoning in childhood,1957,82,43,1836-1838, First aid in injuries due to road accidents; experiences of physicians at accident sites,1957,82,33,1338-1340,Ewerwahn Legend of Mozart's poisoning,1957,82,23,928-932,Greither Skiing injuries,1957,82,8,276-280,Batzner Role of age constitution in work stress and recreation in children and adolescents,1959,84,17,827-837,Rutenfranz Acquired trauma resistance,1959,84,12,558-564,Koslowski Pathophysiological syndrome in traumatic brain injury,1959,84,4,137-142,Wanke Cold injuries to the skin,1958,83,49,2172-2173,Schneider Controlled drinking in persons with alcohol abuse or dependence--contra,2009,134,47,2411,Mann Controlled drinking in persons with alcohol abuse or dependence--pro,2009,134,47,2410,Körkel Training of safer drinking instead of addiction prevention in adolescents--contra,2009,134,47,2409,Surrmann Training of safer drinking instead of addiction prevention in adolescents--pro,2009,134,47,2408,Lindenmeyer Assessment of problematic alcohol use,2009,134,47,2392-2393,Bischof An unusual suicide with dinitro-o-cresol,1960,85,,1649-1650,Richstein How do accidental poisonings occur in childhood? Conclusions for prophylaxis,1960,85,,1577-1580,Onnasch Is camping medically advisable?,1960,85,,1342-1345,Steuer On a fatal injury of the cervical spine after diving,1960,85,,1309-1311,Klaus Problems of aging in regard to traffic from the standpoint of the ophthalmologist,1961,86,,2089-2091,Gramberg-Danielsen Recognition and treatment of mushroom poisoning,1961,86,,1121-1127,Alder Is exposure to minimal amounts of roentgen irradiation dangerous for man?,1961,86,,470-473,Lorenz The physician in street traffic,1963,88,,1955-1956,Kohlhaas Psychopaths and maladjusted characters in street traffic,1963,88,,1397-1402,Lempp Ski injuries of the lower extremities with reference to safety bindings and shoes,1963,88,,711-714,Gruenagel Spinach poisoning in infants,1965,90,42,1856-1863,Sinios Plant pesticides and public health,1965,90,38,1687-1688,Cremer Acute renal failure and jaundice following rhubarb leaf poisoning,1964,89,,2379-2381,Streicher Automobile accident of the chief physician in relation to income tax,1964,89,,202-203,Wuth Life-threatening naphthalene poisoning in an infant due to vaporin vapors,1964,89,,1794-1797,Hanssler Amanita phalloides poisoning. Symptomatology clinical aspects therapy,1964,89,,1617-1622,Bock Poisoning by bitter almonds,1964,89,,945-946,Trube-Becker Results of a survey about the current attitude towards boric acid therapy in 51 pediatric clinics,1962,87,,2378-2385,Kaufmann Fatal transcutaneous resorption of boric acid in an infant,1962,87,,2374-2378,Kaufmann Follow-up observations in poisoning with barbiturates,1962,87,,1572-1576,Wieck On injuries of the nervous system in football games,1962,87,,1465-1467,Wuellenweber The physician's role in compulsory sample of blood,1962,87,,1208-1209,Kohlhaas On the psychopathology of traumatic brain damage,1962,87,,1140-1143,Wieck Frequent errors in the evaluation and treatment of the accidentally injured,1962,87,,173-176,Koslowski On the human sense of smell and its experience value in healthy and sick people,1967,92,19,871-876,Klages The whiplash injury of the cervical spine and its various sequelae. Differential diagnosis and therapy,1966,91,13,588-593,Müller Jellyfish and poison-producing animals that endanger swimmers,2010,135,21,1073-1077,Litschauer-Poursadrollah Treatment of poisoning by binding of poisons in the gastrointestinal tract: charcoal of "universal antidote"?,1966,91,50,2241-2248,Henschler Which chemical substances may cause liver toxicity when inhaled?,1967,92,52,2400,Hoschek From what point of view is the "onset" of a disease legally determined in accident insurance?,1968,93,7,318-319, Myocardial changes and hepatopathy following hyperthermia and exertion. Model of cardiac damage following decompensation of adaptation to peristatic conditions,1968,93,5,210-215,Scholer Diagnostic indications in high voltage current burns,1968,93,9,402-403,Ippen Acute toxic epidermolysis (Lyell syndrome),1968,93,20,1005-1013,Niederle Enzyme-and-protein changes in the serum in severe acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1968,93,47,2275-2278,Gramer Paraquat intoxication,1968,93,50,2439-2441,Tilling On the significance of mycotoxins for man,1968,93,49,2397-2399,Gedek Radiation injury caused by exposure to ultraviolet and infrared light,1993,118,41,1501,Mönks Broad beans as a cause of acute hemolytic anemia,1993,118,25,932-935,Muller Paracetamol poisoning in infancy,1993,118,24,898-902,Schröder Acute poisoning in patients of a medical intensive care unit,1993,118,23,849-853,Furst Munchausen syndrome,1994,119,6,192-195,Schneider The premature hospital release of suicide-prone patients,1994,119,12,436-437,Rieger Lead poisoning caused by red lead in paprika powder,1994,119,50,1756,Lohmöller Falls in the elderly,1997,122,50,1564-1568,Hauer Biological weapons,2010,135,33,1612-1616,Becker Survival after poisoning due to intake of ten-times lethal dose of acetone,1997,122,48,1489-1492,Klein Again every summer: burn injuries from barbecue grills,2007,132,33,p16,Meyer Once more: the care duty of the physician in ambulatory administration of sedatives. Decision of the Federal Court 4/8/2003-VI ZR 265/02,2003,128,40,2091-2092,Rieger Supervision duty of the physician in ambulatory dispensation of sedatives. Decision of the Court of Appeals Frankfurt a. M. 6/12/2002 - 1 0 56/96,2003,128,18,1013-1014,Rieger A 70-year-old man with multiple injuries after a road accident: syncope with large right atrial tumour,2005,130,12,644-647,Brockmeier Dissection of the ramus interventricularis anterior in blunt chest trauma,1999,124,31-32,930-934,Bohm Release from the buckle-up duty,1996,121,49,1549-1550,Mattern A causal relationship between a collision and an intervertebral disk prolapse?,1995,120,43,1487,Zimmer Driving capacity of older people with dementia and (or) movement disorders,1995,120,19,704,Rompe Driving fitness of elderly people with dementia and/or movement disorders,1995,120,10,336-340,Neubauer Bilateral gallbladder rupture after blunt abdominal trauma,1989,114,50,1964-1967,Hannesschläger Violation of traffic regulations by physicians on emergency calls. Decision of the Bavarian High Regional Court on November 22 1999,2000,125,14,440-441,Rieger Self-assessment by patients of impairment caused by obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,2000,125,12,348-351,Rühle Driving despite residual paresis in the arm?,2002,127,38,1965,Lemke The physician's obligation of assistance in hospital discharge against the physician's counsel,1985,110,40,1549-1550,Rieger Marginal problems of tax regulations in deducting expenses,1971,96,20,884-886,Wuth Effectiveness of specially equipped and staffed ambulances in the immediate treatment of cardiac emergencies (author's transl),1976,101,9,318-320,Gillmann Improvement of vision through yellow anti-glare glasses,1969,94,30,1545,Schober Laboratory findings in heat stroke,1969,94,24,1293-1294,Müller The Chinese restaurant syndrome (acute sodium-L-glutamate poisoning),1969,94,24,1297-1298,Wellmann Liability to punishment for pregnancy interruptions following rape in the new penal code?,1969,94,10,507,Rieger Demonstration of carbon monoxide in the diagnosis of CO poisoning,1969,94,34,1692-1695,Zorn Voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands,2001,126,46,1307-1309,Gordijn Acute beta 1-selective beta-receptor blocker nebivolol poisoning in attempted suicide,1999,124,42,1230-1234,Winkler Repeated ingestion with suicidal intent of potentially lethal amounts of thallium,1995,120,12,403-408,Iffland Factitious disease in surgery. The problem of the self-induced disorder of wound healing,1990,115,37,1379-1385,Krause Primary polyuric kidney failure and acute yellow liver dystrophy following infusion of glucose substitutes in children,1986,111,25,978-983,Brodehl Metamizol--acute overdose with suicidal intent,1983,108,46,1761-1764,Wolhoff On heavy-metal poisoning especially by thallium (author's transl),1978,103,2,75-76,Weiler Termination of pregnancy on psychiatric grounds (author's transl),1975,100,16,865-872,Böhme Pneumothorax as a complication of intracardiac injections (author's transl),1974,99,41,2040-2042,Brettel Letter: Obligation for information in therapy of minors,1974,99,26,1425,Rieger Abuse of bromo-ureides and bromides. An acute addiction problem (author's transl),1974,99,49,2489-2497,Poser Gramoxone poisoning in the Federal Republic of Germany: course and treatment,1972,97,35,1299-1303,Hofmann Maturation disorders and maturation crises,1967,92,37,1674-1680,Specht Lethal cobra bite. On prevention and treatment of snake bites,1965,90,,261-264,Esch Cobra bite with fatal outcome,1957,82,48,2031-2032,Probst Extra-hospital first aid in near-drowning,1987,112,15,600-602,Ahnefeld Resuscitation after near drowning,1984,109,14,557-558,Rether Monitoring after electrical accident,1997,122,10,315,Böger Myocardial infarct and rhabdomyolysis after a high-voltage accident with successful resuscitation,1997,122,13,400-406,Franzius Acute chloroquine poisoning,1997,122,8,225-228,Lange The risk factors for femoral neck fractures in white women,1995,120,36,1226-1227,Ringe Manure-water gas poisoning on rural toilets,1970,95,29,1545, Impotence caused by pesticides,1970,95,29,1537,Schirren Biochemical studies on osteogenesis imperfecta,1970,95,5,213-4 passim,Langness Liability of the state in riot damages,1970,95,4,186-188,Rieger Treatment of prolonged coma after traffic accidents,1970,95,4,169-70 passim,Oudkerk Successful resuscitation in severe hypothermia following near-drowning,1994,119,23,837-840,Antretter Mental disorders and criminal violence: myths and facts,2001,126,13,378-382,Steinert Smallpox--a review,2002,127,22,1195-1198,Zoller Are the spot-removing sticks dangerous for children?,1970,95,42,2146,Henschler Unusual course of an insecticide intoxication (Detmol-Konzentrat VAP),1970,95,52,2612-2617,Krause Acute life-threatening bradycardia: food poisoning by Turkish wild honey,1996,121,30,936-938,von Malottki Diagnosis of osteoporosis risk. Communication No. 2,1995,120,19,702-3; author reply 703-4,Felsenberg Diagnosis of osteoporosis risk. Communication No. 1,1995,120,19,701; author reply 703-4,Richter Insect stings,1987,112,3,120-121,Riedel Public killing of infants,1996,121,50,1584,Seybold Poisoning with Paraquat,1971,96,12,498-506 passim,Grabensee Fat embolism--a secondary symptom of traumatic shock,1971,96,29,1210-1213,Fuchsig Clinical features and treatment of carbromal poisoning,1972,97,49,1911-1916,Grabensee Intrathoracic rupture of the tracheobronchial system after nonpenetrating chest trauma,1972,97,44,1689-1693,Hoffmann Effectiveness of peritoneal dialysis in the therapy of quinine poisoning,1972,97,46,1793-1795,Held Studies on adrenal cortex function in patients undergoing surgery for accidents,1972,97,46,1786 passim,Rehn Therapy of acute poisoning with hypnotic and tranquilizer poisoning,1972,97,45,1755-1757,Donhardt Diagnosis of unclear poisonings through respiratory air analysis,1972,97,40,1507-1509,Zorn Cadmium poisonings from ceramic kitchen utensils,1972,97,43,1674,Henschler Differential diagnosis of carotid-artery thrombosis,1972,97,43,1646-1649,Lindenberg Downfall in infancy,1972,97,43,1640-1646,Holczabek Consumption coagulopathy in toxic liver lesions due to Amanita phalloides poisoning,1972,97,36,1347-1351,Richter Heart rate and arterial glucose and lactate concentrations in non-stop and intermittent swimming,1972,97,35,1294-1298,Keul Carbon monoxide poisoning,1972,97,34,1267,Schuster Urinary porphyrin pattern in lead poisoning,1972,97,32,1176-1180,Schmidt Diagnosis of the laterobasal fracture,1972,97,27,1034-1035,Hildmann Diagnosis of frontobasal fracture,1972,97,29,1094-1095,Hildmann Neurology of speech,1972,97,28,1065-1070,Adams Diagnosis of esophageal rupture,1972,97,22,875-876,Irmer Lead in color glazed crockery,1972,97,18,740,May Accidental optalidone poisoning in childhood,1971,96,50,1947-8 passim,Havers Topical aspects of psychotropic drug abuse in juveniles,1972,97,2,29-34,Huber The diagnosis of corrosive esophageal burns,1992,117,4,141-144,Knoll The immunopathophysiology of burn trauma,1991,116,2,67-73,Konig Emergency physician's obligation to conscientiousness,1974,99,4,159,Rieger Differential diagnosis of the deliriant syndrome,1974,99,3,96-98,Vogel Neurologic complications of chronic alcoholism,1976,101,2,55-59,Haferkamp Charcoal haemoperfusion in the treatment of sleeping-drug intoxication (author's transl),1976,101,5,155-158,Hennemann Toxic rhabdomyolysis after alcohol and drug intoxications (author's transl),1978,103,3,121-123,Kunst Acute carbon monoxide poisoning in pregnancy,1983,108,3,115,Henschler Distance and depth diving,1973,98,12,634-635,Klausen Trampoline accidents,1973,98,13,684-685,Groher Ventricular extrasystoles as a permanent sequela of traumatic heart injury,1973,98,17,885-889,Kramer Unfortunate situation in our hospitals: a consequence of inadequate psychiatric care?,1973,98,16,805-808,Köhler Spring-board accidents,1973,98,33,1542,Witthaut Acts of violence commited by mentally deranged persons (author's transl),1973,98,43,2005-2011,Hafner Therapy of Amanita phalloides poisoning. Improvement of the prognosis due to interruption of the enterohepatic circulation (common bile duct drainage),1973,98,47,2259,Faulstich Life-threatening complications in 1741106 cases of ergometry,1984,109,4,123-127,Kaltenbach Poisonings by leather waterproofing sprays,1984,109,2,75,Keitel Swallowed coin,1984,109,8,317,Heinrich Repeated criminal poisoning with nitrostigmine (E 605 forte) (author's transl),1974,99,11,529-533,Lüderitz Letter: Hypoglycemia due to alcohol consumption,1974,99,11,545,Mehnert Therapeutic aspects of the late-onset depression,1974,99,17,910-912,Rudolf Blunt injuries to the lung (lung contusion) (author's transl),1974,99,19,1013-1016,Roscher Letter: Carbon tetrachloride poisoning,1974,99,25,1383,Herms Employed people are more seldom sick but suffer more often from injuries due to accidents,1974,99,30,1576, Letter: Causes of death among American physicians,1974,99,34,1695,Wellmann Immobility in the elderly: Fitness to drive gait and falls,2011,136,40,2002-2004,Sieber Burns from undisclosed acids in a liquid used by temporary workers. A recent problem in occupational medicine caused by a lack of information,1998,123,6,151-154,Fischer Undesired drug effects after taking chlormezanone (Muscle Trancopal) with lethal results,1998,123,28-29,866-870,Köbberling Health promotion prevention and rehabilitation in the elderly,2011,136,43,2199-2204,Mau Proposal for exemption of epileptic children from school sports,1975,100,10,491-494,Gündel Letter: Psychoses due to prescription-free combination preparations,1975,100,13,710,Schwarzer Digitalis intoxication. Recent views on etiology and evaluation,1975,100,15,831-838,Gilfrich Eye burns due to lye and their therapy,1975,100,23,1296-1298,Geeraets Letter: Amanita phalloides poisoning,1975,100,34,1714,Faulstich Attempted murder with phenprocoumon (marcumar)(author's transl),1975,100,37,1838-1841,Schneider Letter: "Chinese restaurant syndrome",1975,100,41,2126,Glatzel Organic psychiatric findings in alcoholics,1975,100,41,2105-2107,Flügel Letter: Whiplash injury and arrythmia,1975,100,51,2623,Kunert Letter: Chemical burns while bathing. A differential diagnostic report,1973,98,43,2048-2049,Ippen Particular problems of a neuro-psychiatric intensive care unit (author's transl),1973,98,43,2020-2024,Kunst Ineffectiveness of cytochrome c on experimental death angel poisoning,1973,98,38,1779-1781,Siegers Distance and deep diving,1973,98,18,959,Eyrich Letter: Danger from powder fire-extinguishers,1976,101,11,430-431,Weichardt Letter: Home sun-lamps and solaria,1976,101,17,679-680,Jung Letter: Stress and trauma as cause of diabetes,1976,101,25,977,Petrides Letter: Creatine kinase increase in poisoning by hypnotics,1976,101,25,976-977,Grabensee Certificate of fitness for athletic divers,2002,127,5,223,Matthys Unilateral mydriasis after cutting back angel trumpet,1999,124,48,1456,Giess Angel trumpet: a poisonous garden plant as a new addictive drug?,1999,124,48,1444-1447,Kauert Death with dignity and "controlled mortality",1976,101,36,1332-1335,Rüping Myocardial infarction after accidents (author's transl),1976,101,39,1425-1428,Zimmermann Clothing textiles and burns,1976,101,44,1627,Koslowski Deliberate self-poisoning with paracetamol (acetaminophen): an analysis from 1995 to 2002,2003,128,1-2,15-19,von Mach Risk factors and prevention of youth suicide,2012,137,20,17,Hügler Cerebral functional disorders after mountain climbing at extreme altitudes,1990,115,17,679,Huber The burden of sight and hearing in the workplace and in the environment,2007,132,8,365-366,Letzel Doping in recreational sports activities - pills for better performance,2012,137,30,24,Weiß W. A. Mozart: his illnesses and death. A pathographic article for the Year of Mozart 2006,2006,131,51-52,2898-2903,Franzen Fitness to drive in patients with implanted cardioverter-defibrillator,2012,137,39,1927-1930,Klein Early symptoms and causes of sudden death related to sports activities,2004,129,18,997-1001,Bratzke Falls in elderly people. Diagnosis and treatment,2004,129,16,880-883,von Renteln-Kruse Overviews - Newer insights on the occurrence of drowning and the treatment of the drowned,1934,60,,1020-1022,Sehrt Regarding the sudden death by drowning due to perforations of the ear drum,1936,62,,1890-1891, Observations on the sudden death by drowning as a result of an eardrum perforation,1936,62,,1329-1330,Wittmaack Drowning,1959,84,20,957,Seitz Contamination in enterprises and accident insurance law,1900,26,,317-320,Lewin Accident and diabetes,1901,27,,571-575,Hirschfeld Public sanitation. The combatting of the dangers to public safety of mental illness patients,1905,31,,546-548,Dannemann The inurement to the consequences of accidents as an improved state,1908,34,,2023-2025,Ledderhose On the accomodation of mental patients who are dangerous to public safety,1908,34,,879-882,Monkemoller Critical symptomatology of accident neurosis,1909,35,,833-834,Schlesinger On the psychology of the chronic drinker,1959,84,,1474-1478,Leonhard Extensive lung disorders in apparently light hitrous gas poisoning,1966,91,19,899-901,Fritze Cyanosis and pseudocyanosis,1966,91,51,2300-2302,Geisler 57-year-old patient after attempted suicide,2013,138,24,1307-1308,Franz Prajmalium bitartrat-induced liver damage (author's transl),1976,101,51,1876-1880,Weber Disaster medicine: how do doctors cope?,2013,138,28-29,1446-1447,Weiß Disaster management: Challenges on many fronts,2013,138,30,1498-1499,Glatz Snakes as pets - consequences of an exotic hobby,2013,138,50,2619,Minkley Radiation exposure of medical personnel during accidents in nuclear power plants,1977,102,16,595-599,Eder Attempted suicide using glibenclamide:course of glucose insulin glibenclamide and C-peptide blood levels,1977,102,15,586-587,Zimmermann Digitalis poisoning. Cuases diagnosis prevention,1977,102,15,579-585,Doering Third-grade burns during monitoring control,1977,102,25,945,Pusch Cytogenetic paternity test in father-daughter incest (case report) (author's transl),1977,102,27,900-1000,Koske-Westphal Snake bites,1977,102,31,1138,Habermann Bites of nonpoisonous snakes,1977,102,40,1429-1431,Mebs Novonal (diaethylallylacetamide) poisoning (author's transl),1977,102,44,1591-1593,Mühlendahl Acute intoxication in adults - what you should know,2014,139,1-2,31-46,Zilker Suicide prevention: Speech is golden,2013,138,50,2580-2581,Hügler Post-traumatic diabetes insipidus syndrome (author's transl),1978,103,3,114-120,Jazra Cytogenetic paternity demonstration in a case of father-daughter-incest,1978,103,6,275-276,Krüger Radiation hazards due to nuclear power plants,1978,103,6,239-240,Hagen Poisoning as toxic principle,1978,103,18,759-762,Siegers Akineton delir and other emergencies caused by psychopharmaca,1978,103,21,905-906,Huffmann Letter: Intervertebral disk displacement as an accident sequela,1974,99,9,423-424,Penzholz Skateboards: a dangerous toy? (author's transl),1979,104,10,345-347,Schweikert Chemical burns of the eye,1979,104,10,344,Kuchle Suspicion of poisoning. Experience from 4 years,1979,104,7,266-267,Adebahr Central nervous system damage after decompression accidents (author's transl),1980,105,9,302-306,Hopf Hyperbaric oxygenation treatment of the after-effects of carbon monoxide poisoning,1985,110,4,140-143,Yamada Spider bites in Germany,1979,104,19,681-682,Mebs Worth of potassium iodide tablets in reactor accidents?,1979,104,23,827-828,Grüter Poison suspicion and poison finding in chemical-toxicological emergency analyses,1980,105,26,938,Lenz Hepatotoxicity of acetylsalicylic acid,1982,107,10,398,Schmidt Gastric lavage in suicidal drug intoxication--too often used?,1979,104,30,1083,Lenz Thallium poisoning in childhood,1978,103,27,1116-1117,Krienke Violent patients: what to do? How to react?,2010,135,13,p12,Hügler Sports and drugs,1978,103,46,1813-1816,Keul Aminoacid concentration in plasma of patients with liver necrosis after carbon tetrachloride poisoning (three cases) (author's transl),1982,107,22,860-864,Schäfer Is cardiac monitoring required after electrical injuries? (author's transl),1982,107,22,857-859,Dienstl Skin diving,1987,112,7,286,Schreiber Toxic psychosis as an acute manifestation of diphenhydramine poisoning,1988,113,5,180-183,Krieg Sport diving,1987,112,1,40,Ehm Sting-ray injuries (author's transl),1980,105,37,1289-1291,Mebs Children and television,1980,105,44,1517-1519,Lempp Fish poisoning in the Caribbean: ciguatera,1989,114,25,1009,Albert Air transportation of patients: a danger of hypoxic organ lesions?,1989,114,4,123-127,Gürtler Fitness for swimming after myocardial infarct,1991,116,13,486-490,Heitkamp Imported tropical fish causes ciguatera fish poisoning in Germany,2015,140,2,125-130,Desel Public access defibrillation: successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to automatic external defibrillator at traffic accident,2014,139,13,638-640,Reuter On the detrimental metabolic impact of short disturbed and erratic sleep,2015,140,17,1278-1283,Hallschmid Partynight outcome,2015,140,21,1611-1613,Wunder Detecting child abuse,2016,141,5,362-365,Tsokos Diving accidents,2016,141,12,890-894,Khan Consciousness disorders from toxicological view,2016,141,19,1376-1383,Bündgens Gait and balance disturbances of common age-associated neurologic diseases,2016,141,20,1441-1444,Maetzler Religiosity and mental health,2016,141,25,1863-1867,Bonelli Rape is always an emergency,2017,142,4,306-308,Graß Near-drowning with good outcome after ECMO-therapy and therapeutic hypothermia despite 20 minutes of anoxia and 16 hours of hypoxia,2017,142,8,596-600,Bode Alarming pregabalin abuse in Munich: prevalence patterns of use and complications,2017,142,19,e140-e147,Eyer Alcohol is an unsafe product,2017,142,25,1933-1935,John Leukemia caused by collision with a wild pig?,2019,144,5,335-339,Zimmermann Dizziness vertigo and unsteadiness with emphasis on problems in elderly patients,2019,144,12,799-806,Westhofen Cannabis and simulated car driving: an experimental study,1972,97,20,789-794,Hobi Mobility and fall prevention in older community-dwelling persons,2020,145,13,932-943,Freiberger Food poisoning by cucurbitacines,2020,145,14,988-990,Jung Taxus poisoning: an unusual cause of acute heart failure,2021,146,05,331-334,Haring Severe lead poisoning caused by ayurvedic medicine,2022,147,5,253-257,Scherbaum Sleep and sleep disorders in old age,2022,147,5,258-268,Frohnhofen Baby on board - recommendations for pediatric travel consultation,2022,147,12,767-780,Hiestand Serial murder in medical clinics and care homes,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beine Medicine and epidemiology require the distinction between curare and sanare,2022,147,24-25,1605-1607,Stronegger Neglected differentiations: of relative and absolute risk reduction and of seat belts and vaccines,2023,148,4,192-197,Stronegger Anxiety agitation suicidality - psychiatric emergencies in the general hospital ;; Angst Erregung Suizidalität - Psychiatrische Notfälle im Allgemeinkrankenhaus,2023,148,7,406-422,Rentrop On the Narrative about Vincent van Gogh's End of Life - Psychological Processes in his Letters,2023,148,24-25,1595-1601,Marno Suicidal behaviour - a psychiatric emergency in practice,2024,149,5,255-260,Blumenthal Providing or withholding treatment: The role of the patient's wish and priorities in palliative care,2002,127,33,1690-1694,de Zeeuw Liability for suicide during inpatient hospital treatment. Verdict of the federal court 20 June 2000,2000,125,44,1344-1345,Rieger Etiology of initially unexplained confusion of excitability in deadly nightshade poisoning with suicidal intent. Symptoms differential diagnosis toxicology and physostigmine therapy of anticholinergic syndrome ;; Atiologisch zunächst unklare Verwirrtheit und Exzitation im Verlauf einer Tollkirschenvergiftung mit suizidaler Absicht. Symptomatik Differentialdiagnose Toxikologie und Physostigmin-Therapie des anticholinergen Syndroms,2000,125,45,1361-1365,Desel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - A case report? ;; Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde - Ein Case Report?,2022,147,24-25,1611-1616,Lewandowski Underweight as a risk factor for suicide in men?,2007,132,17,e916,Feldmann Death - A troubleshooter? An ethical criticism of assisted suicide,2014,139,47,2415-2416,Maio Physician-assisted suicide: Can unbearable suffering be a criterion?,2015,140,2,131-134,Bozzaro Organized euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in geriatric syndromes,2021,146,10,641-642, Suicidal behavior,2022,147,22,1487-1494,Lewitzka Underweight as a risk factor for suicide in men?,2007,132,17,916,Feldmann ["The last doctor's visit": External post mortem during emergency medical services],2020,145,5,327-335,Buschmann [Unusual cause of a PCT-elevation],2021,146,12,818-820,Vogelbacher [Impact of environmental risk factors such as noise and air pollution on mental health: What do we know?],2020,145,23,1701-1707,Michal Suicide attempts in schoolchildren,1992,117,51-52,e1987, Low serum cholesterol and suicide,1992,117,36,1380-1381, Suicide,1993,118,4,e127, Suicide in New Zealand,1993,118,6,e207, [The clinical course and therapy of massive theophylline poisoning],1993,118,45,1641-1646,Kurowski [Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia with acute respiratory insufficiency],1994,119,39,1312-1316,Röggla [Scurvy after a suicide attempt by starvation],1994,119,16,589-592,Schmid [An anticholinergic syndrome with hallucinatory psychosis after diphenhydramine poisoning],1995,120,49,1695-1698,Lang [Successful plasmapheresis in severe diltiazem poisoning],1995,120,28-29,1023; author reply 1025,Samtleben [Treatment against the will of the patient],1991,116,7,272-274,Rieger [Acute chloroquine poisoning],1997,122,40,1232-1233,Djonlagic [Protracted course of bromazepam poisoning in advanced age],1998,123,27,832-834,Käferstein [Cases of acute poisoning admitted to a medical intensive care unit],2001,126,42,1159-1163,Viertel [Episodes of depression with attempted suicide after taking valsartan with hydrochlorothiazide],2003,128,48,2534-2536,Ullrich [Vasopressin analogue injection as ultimate measure for counteracting severe catecholamine-refractory poisoning by several vasodilators taken with suicidal intent],2003,128,42,2189-2192,Hammer [Isoniazid intoxication],2007,132,1-2,25-27,Graf [Mental disorders associated with multiple sclerosis],2006,131,4,154-158,Haltenhof [Health of female physicians],2008,133,1-2,23-25,Bühren [Quality of life for physicians and women physicians. Experiences from empirical research],2008,133,1-2,14-16,Jurkat [Arrhythmia in a patient without cardiac disease],2008,133,40,2029-2030,Erdmann [63-year-old patient with thoracic stab wounds. Hemo- pneumopericardium after knife wound with suicidal intent],2011,136,38,1899-1900,Müller [Was Ludwig II mentally ill? Critical remarks on the estimate of Prof. Dr. med. B. von Gudden],2011,136,51-52,2684-2691,Kaltenstadler Suicide risk among medical personnel,2023,148,23,e1482, Suicide attempt due to frailty?,2023,148,8,e433,