Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Helmet use: what message are we sending to patients?,1994,13,9,346-348,Ryan Personal protective equipment in helicopter EMS,1994,13,4,123-126,Hawkins Pediatric firearm injuries,2004,23,6,10-13,Chesney The IFR bullet: Can it kill our accident rate?,2005,24,1,29-31,Springer Pediatric injury prevention: Sledding injuries,2005,24,1,10-11,Wagner Helicopter ambulance system and injury reporting in Sweden's mass media: A content analysis of the Swedish News Agency from 2000-2004,2005,24,3,124-125,Lundalv Chasing ambulance safety,2005,24,3,112-116,Demmons Occupational injuries and stressors among Canadian air medical health care professionals in rotor-wing programs,2005,24,6,252-257,Ackroyd-Stolarz Transport of winter resort injuries to regional trauma centers,2006,25,1,26-34,Thomas Medical helicopters in wilderness search and rescue operations,2006,25,1,18-25,Thomas Motor vehicle crash with multiple injuries,2006,25,1,8-9,Ross Case review 1 conclusion: Motor vehicle crash with multiple injuries,2006,25,2,54-57,Ross Development of a bike helmet safety program,2006,25,5,194-195,Hunt Analysis of 2004 German general aviation aircraft accidents according to the HFACS model,2006,25,6,265-269,Dambier A survey of adherence to community-generated safety guidelines in rotor-wing air medical programs,2007,26,2,100-103,Frakes Outcomes of pediatric trauma patients transported from rural and urban scenes,2008,27,2,78-83,Thomas Efficacy of 24-hour shifts: Prepared or impaired? A prospective study,1999,18,1,20-25,Rogers A case review: near fatal residential hydrogen sulfide exposure,2002,21,3,46-48,Robinson The National Transportation Safety Board's Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Public Hearings,2009,28,3,128-129,Frazer Dumb down for safety or everything I learned about not crashing occurred in my first year of flying and not much has changed since,2008,27,6,273-275,MacDonald Formal testing and utilization of streaming media to improve flight crew safety knowledge,2008,27,2,84-5 98,Gangnon Pediatric heatstroke,2008,27,3,118-122,Wagner Pilot safety survey 2005: what pilots are saying,2007,26,1,34-37,Déry Results and recommendations from the helicopter EMS pilot safety survey 2005,2007,26,1,38-44,Déry Sleep debt and outside employment patterns in helicopter air medical staff working 24-hour shifts,2007,26,1,45-49,Frakes Effectiveness of a challenge-and-respond checklist in ensuring safety behavior compliance by medical team members at a rotor-wing air medical program,2007,26,5,248-251,Frakes Weeding out the risk takers,2007,26,4,162-163,MacDonald Intra-rater/inter-rater reliability of the air transport minimum data set,2007,26,3,147-153,Thompson NTSB speaks but who listens?,2006,25,3,100-101,MacDonald Sleep and cognitive performance of flight nurses after 12-hour evening versus 18-hour shifts,2006,25,5,216-225,Carpenter Preventing and controlling inadvertent IFR (instrument flight rule encounters),1993,12,9,315-318,Steinbrunn True costs of air medical vs. ground ambulance systems,1993,12,8,262-268,Williams When is air medical service faster than ground transportation?,1993,12,8,258-261,Smith Car versus bicycle: conclusion,2009,28,6,268-271,Ross Pediatric submersion injuries,2009,28,3,116-119,Wagner Thoracic Spine Injury after a High-Speed Motor Vehicle Crash,2010,29,2,58-61,Tilney Extensive burns in an elderly man found in a brush fire,2010,29,3,98-103,Tilney Air medical transport of patients from offshore oil and gas facilities. Historical accident data and initial experience,1993,1,1-2,21-28,Taylor Use of airframe and avionics options: who has them and what do pilots want?,1993,1,3,67 69-70,Cady The effect of disinfectants on 2024-T3 aluminum in the air medical helicopter,1993,1,3,57 59-62 64,Austin 1993 annual transport statistics and transport charges survey,1993,12,10,388-390,Mayfield Avionics and airframe options: current usage and future plans,1994,13,1,21-23,Cady Correlation of the RTS (Revised Trauma Score) and RAPS (Rapid Acute Physiology Score) in rotor-wing prehospital care,1994,13,3,91-95,Rodenberg Basics of research (Part 5): Ethics and human rights,1996,15,1,34-39,Panacek Assessment of air medical coverage using the Atlas and Database of Air Medical Services and correlations with reduced highway fatality rates,2005,24,4,151-163,Blatt Scapulothoracic dissociation: a rare but severe traumatic injury with special implications for HEMS decision making at the scene,2007,26,6,289-291,Knobloch Car versus bicycle,2009,28,5,208,Ross Pediatric pedestrian versus motor vehicle patterns of injury: debunking the myth,1999,18,3,107-110,Falcone Use of an air medical helicopter in a trauma prevention program,1994,13,6,247-250,Perez A regional review of air medical transports for fatal motor vehicle crashes,2000,19,3,83-89,Garthe The cost-effectiveness of air medical helicopter crash survival enhancements. An evaluation of the costs benefits and effectiveness of injury prevention interventions,1994,13,7,281-293,Dodd Determining the National Flight Nurses Association's research priorities,1995,14,1,16-20,Thompson Red cabin lights impair air medical crew performance of color-dependent tasks,1995,14,2,75-78,Stone Improved flight following through continuous quality improvement,1994,13,5,163-165,Stone Personality types of flight crew members in a hospital-based helicopter program,1994,13,1,13-17,Jacobs Airline advisory nursing,1994,13,2,66-68,Mark 1994 annual transport statistics and transport fees survey,1994,13,4,132-135,Mayfield Parents as passengers during pediatric transport,1997,16,2,38-42; discussion 42-3,Lewis Converted charter plane for mass transport of patients after a tsunami,2008,27,6,293-298,Björnsson Major incident patient evacuation: full-scale field exercise feasibility study,2011,30,3,153-157,Kruger Fixed-wing medical transport crashes: Characteristics associated with fatal outcomes,2011,30,3,149-152,Handel Carbon monoxide poisoning in a 55-year-old man after a suicide attempt,2011,30,3,112-115,Tilney Altitude physiology and the stresses of flight,1995,14,2,87-100,Rinnert Adverse effects of rotating schedules on the circadian rhythms of air medical crews,1995,14,2,83-86,Martin Trauma and nontrauma cardiopulmonary arrest: a national survey,1995,14,2,61-64,Falcone Trauma triage: do AAMS transport guidelines do it effectively?,1998,17,1,19-23,Fallon Development of prehospital medical classification criteria,1998,17,1,13-15,Loos A tracheal disruption in an 89-year-old female after a fall,2011,30,4,173-176,Tilney Basics of research (Part I): Why conduct clinical research and how to get started?,1995,14,1,33-36,Panacek Flight crew physical fitness: a baseline analysis,1995,14,1,30-32,Falcone Australian dust storm: impact on a statewide air medical retrieval service,2011,30,6,322-327,Aitken Cause factor: human,2000,19,1,4-5,North Use of local climatic data to determine if weather precludes the operation of an air medical system,2000,19,1,22-24,Brown The impact of fatigue in air medical and other types of operations: a review of fatigue facts and potential countermeasures,2001,20,1,25-32,Caldwell Carbon monoxide poisoning in a 55-year-old man after a suicide attempt. Letter,2011,30,6,286; author reply 287,Sanaei-Zadeh Blast lung injury in a 20-year-old man after a home explosion,2012,31,1,10-12,Tilney Helicopter rescue involving the winching of a physician,2012,31,2,87-91,Yersin Strategies to Reduce US HEMS Accidents,2012,31,2,78-83,Thomas Voices in our heads: self-inflicted pressure,2012,31,2,72-83,Macdonald The use of chemical restraint in helicopter transport,1999,18,4,136-139,Summers How many rotor blades does your helicopter have?,2002,21,1,9-10,Askue When angels fly with eagles: safety as a culture,2002,21,2,17-22,Cox Emergent interfacility evacuation of critical care patients in combat,2012,31,4,185-188,Franco Lithium battery fires: implications for air medical transport,2012,31,5,242-248,Mills We are a SAFE program because..,2006,25,6,238-239,Macdonald Cardiomyopathy in a child induced by intentional ipecac poisoning,2006,25,6,236-237,Wagner Airfoils for airplanes,2004,23,1,10-11,Askue Large civilian air medical jets: implications for Australian disaster health,2012,31,6,284-288,Curnin And 'the best job in the world award' goes to...classic lifeguard,2004,23,1,28-30,Otis A 10-year analysis of 214 HEMS backcountry hoist rescues,2013,32,2,98-101,Carpenter Logistical concerns for helicopter emergency medical services response to the injured police officer,2013,32,3,158-163,Sztajnkrycer Should air medical patients be transferred on helipad or trauma bay?,2013,32,4,216-219,Ohman-Strickland An investigation of pilot fatigue in helicopter emergency medical services,2013,32,5,275-279,Nix Distracted,2013,32,5,238-239,Macdonald 2013 aircrew avionics and operations survey part 1,2013,32,6,316-323,Greene Helicopter emergency medical services and weather-related accidents,2014,33,3,84-85,Butler A review of risk analysis and helicopter air ambulance accidents,2014,33,5,218-221,Nix Pediatric exertional heatstroke,2003,22,6,6-8,Chesney Mexico City's Petroleos Mexicanos Explosion: Disaster Management and Air Medical Transport,2014,33,6,309-313,Varon Air medical retrieval of acute psychiatric patients,2014,33,6,304-308,Soomaroo Helicopter emergency medical service patient transport safe at night?,2014,33,6,296-298,Peters Use of unmanned aerial vehicles for medical product transport,2015,34,2,104-108,Jenkins Should charity air medical organizations require commercial certification of their pilots?,2015,34,4,188-194,Boyd Ventilation monitoring in severe pediatric traumatic brain injury at nontrauma centers,2015,34,5,278-282,Vallance Prehospital helicopter air ambulances Part 2: utilization criteria and training,2015,34,6,337-342,Levine Carbon monoxide exposure in Norwegian rescue helicopters,2015,34,6,328-332,Busch Spinal cord injuries and helicopter emergency medical services 6929 patients: a multicenter analysis,2016,35,1,33-42,Barton Management of a mass casualty event caused by electrocution using doctor helicopters,2016,35,3,180-182,Yanagawa Hot air balloon: an unusual cause of multicasualty trauma incident,2016,35,3,176-179,Carron Drowning injuries: analysis of a decennial air medical rescue center experience,2016,35,3,166-170,Hildebrand Structure of rapid response car operations in an urban trauma service,2016,35,3,143-147,Rehn Air medical evacuations from the German North Sea Wind Farm Bard Offshore 1: traumatic injuries acute diseases and rescue process times (2011-2013),2016,35,4,216-226,Stuhr The effect of prehospital intubation on treatment times in patients with suspected traumatic brain injury,2016,35,5,295-300,Curtis Todd's paresis in acute mild head trauma,2016,35,6,369-370,Wright A 47-year-old man with a spinal cord injury after a parachute jump,2016,35,6,326-330,Powell Evaluating services at a major trauma center before helipad construction,2017,36,1,34-36,Bloomer Erratum to 'Air medical evacuations from the German North Sea Wind Farm Bard Offshore 1: traumatic injuries acute diseases and rescue process times (2011-2013)' [Air Medical Journal 35 (2016) 216-226],2017,36,3,142, Management of mass casualties using doctor helicopters and doctor cars,2017,36,4,203-207,Yanagawa Hospital mortality based on the mode of emergency medical services transportation,2017,36,4,188-192,Consunji An 11-year-old who suffered multiple traumatic injuries secondary to a house explosion,2017,36,4,151-155,McLean A 6-year-old male cold water near drowning where you might least expect it,2017,36,6,339-340,Keffeler Retrospective review of pediatric transport: where do our patients go after transport?,2017,36,6,332-338,Shah Air medical-evacuated battle injuries: French Army 2001 to 2014 in Afghanistan,2017,36,6,327-331,Tourtier The impact of helicopter emergency medical service night operations in South East England,2017,36,6,307-310,Lyon Should helicopters transport patients who become sick after a chemical biological radiological nuclear and explosive attack?,2018,37,2,124-125,Yanagawa In-flight pharmacological management of patients with acute mental health disturbance,2018,37,2,115-119,Wilkinson Drones for provision of flotation support in simulated drowning,2018,37,3,170-173,Svensson Direct air versus ground transport predictors for rural pediatric trauma,2018,37,3,165-169,McGinnis Helicopter transportation increases intracranial pressure: a proof-of-principle study,2018,37,4,249-252,Den Hartog Multiple Patients With Heatstroke Air Evacuated by Agreement Concerning Collaboration,2018,37,6,388-391,Inokuchi Analysis of transport to an American College of Surgeons Level I Trauma Center,2019,38,2,95-99,Rolandelli Prehospital death after traumatic cardiac arrest: time for better feedback?,2019,38,2,78-81,Lyon A physician-based helicopter emergency medical services was associated with an additional 2.5 lives saved per 100 dispatches of severely injured pediatric patients,2019,38,4,289-293,Den Hartog Fixed wing tactical aircraft for air medical evacuation in Sahel,2019,38,5,350-355,Boutonnet The concept of overcommitment in rescue operations: some theoretical aspects based on empirical data,2019,38,5,343-349,Braut Cognitive appraisal and stress performance: the threat/challenge matrix and its implications on performance,2019,38,5,331-333,vonRosenberg A 19-year-old man with vaping-associated lung injury,2020,39,1,6-8,Tilney Advanced prehospital trauma resuscitation with a physician and certified registered nurse anesthetist: the shock trauma "go-team",2020,39,1,51-55,Pollak Air ambulance and emergency retrieval services in Western Australia: caseload analysis over 5 years,2020,39,1,35-43,Langford Most of the variation in prehospital scene time is not related to patient factors injury characteristics or geography,2020,39,5,374-379,Nasser Clinical investigation of burn patients transported by helicopter based on the Japan Trauma Data Bank,2020,39,6,464-467,Yanagawa Prognostic factors in trauma patients transported by physician-staffed helicopter in Japan: an investigation based on the Japan Trauma Data Bank,2020,39,6,494-497,Yanagawa The impact of prehospital transport mode on mortality of penetrating trauma patients,2020,39,6,502-505,Nasser Helicopter hoist operations in difficult nonalpine terrain,2021,40,4,242-250,Lefering Helicopter transportation of Brazilian trauma patients: a comparison of times to care,2021,40,4,259-263,de Andrade Search and rescue helicopters for emergency medical service assistance: a retrospective study,2021,40,4,269-273,Steinmetz A statistical overview of fixed wing air medical transportation operations in the United States (2019-2020),2022,41,4,359-369,Sherry New-onset transient global amnesia: a clinical challenge in an air medical transportation pilot with a history of coronavirus disease 2019,2022,41,4,402-405,Shahali Republic of Singapore Air Force helicopter search-and-rescue and medical evacuations: a 5-year review,2022,41,4,350-358,Yuan American helicopter emergency medical service pilots report to work despite high rates of sleepiness,2022,41,5,432-434,Ryb Secondary traumatic stress in emergency services systems project: quantifying the effect of personal trauma profiles on lifetime prevalence of suicidality in emergency medical services personnel,2022,41,5,463-472,Hubble Ground versus air: which mode of emergency medical service transportation is more likely to crash?,2023,42,1,28-35,Flamm American trauma care: a system of systems,2023,42,5,318-327,Rogers Assessing the impact of transport modality on prehospital times for victims of motorcycle road traffic collisions in the Scottish Highlands,2023,42,5,358-364,Regan Coming of age: legal and ethical considerations when caring for an emancipated minor,2024,43,3,202-204,Clark A retrospective geospatial simulation study of helicopter emergency medical services' potential time benefit over ground ambulance transport in northern South Africa,2023,42,6,440-444,Kurland Prehospital management of penetrating neck injuries: an evaluation of practice,2024,43,1,23-27,Lyon Factors associated with early discharge in pediatric trauma patients transported by rotor: a retrospective analysis,2024,43,1,37-41,Juang Seizure a shocking effect of a lightning strike on aerodrome: a case report,2024,43,2,168-170,Chlouchi Fate of pediatric transport medicine abstracts 2011 to 2020: what predicts publication success?,2024,43,3,216-220,Rozenfeld Survival of out-of-hospital pediatric blunt traumatic arrest with full neurologic recovery: case report,2024,43,3,253-255,Sloane Polypharmacy overdose in a 36-year-old man,2013,32,1,10-13,Orthober The estimated cost-effectiveness of physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical services compared to ground-based emergency medical services in Finland,2024,43,3,229-235,Nurmi AMPA critical stress,2016,35,2,e69,Fullagar Ketamine Sedation of the Pregnant Patient With Acute Suicidal Ideation During Air Medical Transfer,2020,39,2,143-144,Cong Air medical evacuations from a developing world conflict zone,2011,30,6,313-316,Vadera A Smartphone Video Transmission System for Verification of Transfusion,2019,38,2,125-128,Yanagawa 16-Year-Old Female Near Hanging With Negative Pressure Pulmonary Edema,2017,36,1,5-7,Powell An 89-Year-Old Man Hanging in a Remote Location,2017,36,3,93-94,Tilney Pulmonary Edema After Near Hanging: An Insight,2017,36,5,e224,Menezes