Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Motorcyclists and head injuries,1980,7,4,389,Andre-Kildare Drowning in epilepsy,1980,7,5,495,Livingston Driving with Parkinson's disease: More than meets the eye,2006,60,4,387-388,Newman Impaired visual search in drivers with Parkinson's disease,2006,60,4,407-413,Uc Effects of head trauma from motor vehicle accidents on Parkinson's disease,1991,29,2,191-193,Goetz Maintenance of Wakefulness test obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and driving risk,2008,64,4,410 - 416,Sagaspe Depression and suicide attempt as risk factors for incident unprovoked seizures,2006,59,1,35-41,Hauser Epileptic drivers in Illinois,1979,6,3,279,Garvin More on epilepsy and epileptic drivers,1979,6,2,140,Landau Scope of the physician's duty to reduce risks posed by epileptic drivers,1979,6,1,90,Beresford Epileptic drivers,1979,6,1,89, Naloxone abolishes self-injuring in a mentally retarded child,1985,17,5,520,Sandyk Naltrexone decreases self-injurious behavior,1987,22,4,550-552,Werner Who may drive? Who may not? Who shall decide?,1988,24,6,787-788,Drachman Motor vehicle crashes in dementia of the Alzheimer type,1988,24,6,782-786,Friedland Brain acetylcholinesterase after acute parathion poisoning: a comparative quantitative histochemical analysis post mortem,1988,24,2,252-257,Wolff Driving and Alzheimer's disease,1989,26,2,289-290, Driving and Alzheimer's disease,1990,28,4,591-592,Wolf The physician's responsibility for epileptic drivers,1978,4,6,485-486,Masland Occurrence of motor vehicle crashes among patients with Alzheimer's disease,1989,26,3,415-416,Kokmen "Ease of falling" syndrome,1989,25,2,210-211,Awerbuch Historical perspective: Neurological advances from studies of war injuries and illnesses,2009,66,4,444-459,Lanska Traumatic brain injury: A glimpse of order among the chaos?,2009,66,4,A7-8,Lowenstein Amanita mushroom poisoning with recovery from coma: a case report,1978,3,2,177-179,Teutsch Trauma and multiple sclerosis,1994,36,Suppl,S33-S37,Kurland Neuromuscular effects of Papuan Taipan snake venom,1995,38,6,916-920,Harris A triethnic comparison of intracerebral hemorrhage mortality in Texas,1997,42,6,919-923,Morgenstern Neurological disorders in complex humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters,2010,68,3,282-294,Mateen Juvenile fire setting and the photoparoxysmal response,1992,32,2,222-223,Milrod Mortality in epilepsy in the first 11 to 14 years after diagnosis: multivariate analysis of a long-term prospective population-based cohort,2001,49,3,336-344,Johnson Methylmercury poisoning: long-term clinical radiological toxicological and pathological studies of an affected family,1994,35,6,680-688,Clarkson Neurological aspects of chemical terrorism,2007,61,1,9-13,Jett Polysomnographic diagnosis of sleepwalking: Effects of sleep deprivation,2008,63,4,513-519,Zadra Postictal psychosis in partial epilepsy: A case–control study,2008,63,5,602-610,Devinsky First seizures associated with playing electronic screen games: a community-based study in Great Britain,1995,37,6,733-737,Sander Outcome after spinal reirradiation for malignant epidural spinal cord compression,1995,37,5,583-589,Schiff Locomotor capacity of spinal cord in paraplegic patients,1995,37,5,574-582,Jensen New approaches to locomotor rehabilitation in spinal cord injury,1995,37,5,555-556,Rossignol Microglial activation and traumatic brain injury,2011,70,3,345-346,Faden Mononeuritis multiplex following jellyfish stings,1984,15,2,213,Filling-Katz Time course of corticospinal excitability in reaction time and self-paced movements,1998,44,3,317-325,Hallett Apolipoprotein E affects the central nervous system response to injury and the development of cerebral edema,2002,51,1,113-117,Pineda Guidelines for the determination of brain death in infants and children: An Update of the 1987 Task Force Recommendations-Executive Summary,2012,71,4,573-585,Nakagawa Traumatic brain injury: a silent epidemic,1990,27,3,327,Goldstein Epilepsy suicidality and psychiatric disorders: A bidirectional association,2012,72,2,184-191,Hauser Beaten into action: A perspective on blood sports,2012,72,3,A4-5,Hauser Epidemiologic aspects of traumatic brain injury in acute combat casualties at a major military medical center: A cohort study,2012,72,5,673-681,Olsen Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 and fatal cerebral amyloid angiopathy associated with dementia pugilistica,1995,38,4,698-699,Jordan Genetic influences and neuropathological sequelae of repetitive brain injury,2014,75,4,617-618,Laskowitz Hangman's fracture subsequent to shaking in an infant,1977,2,1,82,McGrory The Quinlan decision: problems and legislative alternatives,1977,2,1,74-81,Beresford Emotional sequelae of head injury,1977,2,6,492-494,Dikmen The multisensory physiological and pathological vertigo syndromes,1980,7,3,195-203,Brandt Mood change following left hemispheric brain injury,1981,9,5,447-453,Robinson A case control study of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: association with physical injuries,1982,11,4,377-381,Kuroiwa Neurology: violence at home,2013,74,2,A5-A6,Hauser Risk factors for complex partial seizures: a population-based case-control study,1987,21,1,22-31,Schoenberg A cortical network for directed attention and unilateral neglect,1981,10,4,309-325,Mesulam Central somatosensory conduction after head injury,1981,10,5,411-419,Cant Traumatic brain injury and young onset dementia: a nationwide cohort study,2014,75,3,374-381,Nordström Traumatic brain injury may increase risk of young onset dementia,2014,75,3,339-341,Yaffe Researchers take on a preventable dementia: brain bank is giving researchers new understanding of chronic traumatic encephalopathy,2011,70,2,A11-4,Stone Traumatic brain injury in later life increases risk for Parkinson's disease,2015,77,6,987-995,Yaffe Prediction of brain age suggests accelerated atrophy after traumatic brain injury,2015,77,4,571-581,Leech Activation of the motor cortex during phasic rapid eye movement sleep,2015,79,2,326-330,Nobili Metabolic crisis occurs with seizures and periodic discharges after brain trauma,2016,79,4,579-590,McArthur A new kind of spatial inattention associated with chronic limb pain?,2016,79,4,701-704,Spence Somatosensory attention identifies both overt and covert awareness in disorders of consciousness,2016,80,3,412-423,Owen Video gaming in school children- how much is enough?,2016,80,3,424-433,Sunyer The burden of neurological disease in the United States: a summary report and call to action,2017,81,4,479-484,Borenstein Bicycling suppresses abnormal beta synchrony in the Parkinsonian basal ganglia,2017,82,4,592-601,Schnitzler Concussion may not cause multiple sclerosis,2017,82,4,651-652,Tremlett Reply to: Concussion may not cause multiple sclerosis,2017,82,4,652-653,Alfredsson Traumatic brain injury in the prodromal period of Parkinson disease: a large epidemiological study using medicare data,2017,82,5,744-754,Brody Epileptiform activity in traumatic brain injury predicts post-traumatic epilepsy,2018,83,4,858-862,Wu Chronic traumatic encephalopathy and age of first exposure to American-style football,2018,83,5,884-885,Zafonte Motor behavior unmasks residual cognition in disorders of consciousness,2019,85,3,443-447,Oddo Cholinergic system changes of falls and freezing of gait in Parkinson disease,2019,85,4,538-549,Bohnen Duration of American football play and chronic traumatic encephalopathy,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cantu Antiepileptic drugs and suicide: the role of prior suicidal behavior and parental psychiatric disorder,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Christensen A prospective study of acute blood-based biomarkers for sport-related concussion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bazarian Post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with further increased Parkinson's disease risk in veterans with traumatic brain injury,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kunik Pre-mortem chronic traumatic encephalopathy diagnoses in professional football,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weisskopf Alertness training 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