Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Impact of repeal of motorcycle helmet law,1980,151,2,215-224,McSwain Surgical pros and cons: impact of repeal of motorcycle helmet law,1981,152,4,503-505, The epidemiology of cold injuries,1979,149,3,326-332,Boswick The automobile seat belt and abdominal injury,1964,119,,591-592,Campbell Preliminary Findings of the Effect of Automotive Safety Design on Injury Patterns,1957,105,3,257-263,Wade Planning for multiple casualties,1955,100,3,368-370,Kendrick Combined visceral and vertebral injuries from lap type seat belts,1970,131,3,431-435,Ritchie A study of the pathology of the crush syndrome,1982,154,3,372-374,Romano Aggravating effect of alcohol on admission serum insulin patterns of patients with trauma and in a state of shock,1982,154,3,326-332,Cowley Jumping from the Brooklyn Bridge,1987,165,1,60-62,Kurtz Serum endorphin levels in injured children,1991,172,6,449-452,Rowe Historical aspects of penetrating wounds of the abdomen,1948,87,6,521-549,Loria Presidential gunshot wounds; 3 cases reports,1950,91,1,115-119,Vincent Causes of injury in motor vehicle accidents,1970,131,2,185-197,Nahum Electrical injuries,1979,149,1,97-108,Sances Myocardial contusion,1977,144,4,595-603,Doty Femoral shaft fracture with injury of the superficial femoral artery in civilian accidents,1976,142,3,399-403,Binnendijk Doctor Georg Handell and the knife swallower of Halle,1990,170,2,175-176,Miller Accidental severe hypothermia,1986,162,5,501-513,Moss Tar burns in the southwest,1983,157,1,38-39,Schiller Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm,1982,154,4,526-530,Arendrup Diaphragmatic rupture due to blunt abdominal trauma,1982,154,2,175-180,Burns Studies on flash burns; the protective effects of certain fabrics,1952,94,4,497-501,Morton Studies on flash burns; threshold burns,1952,94,3,317-322,Morton The production by liquid nitrogen of acute closed lesions,1953,96,5,605-616,Clasen Chilblains,1954,99,6,720-726,Lynn Flash burns from atomic weapons. I. Observations on flashburning of human subjects in the laboratory using infrared and predominantly white light sources,1956,103,6,655-665,Dixey An experimental study relating fabric types with severity of burns,1956,103,5,581-589,Clarke Flash burns from atomic weapons. II. Treatment of shallow blister flash burns by trials of promethazine adrenaline cortisone and adrenocorticotrophic hormone,1957,104,1,53-59,Butterfield Intracranial pressure and acceleration accompanying head impacts in human cadavers,1961,113,,185-190,Gurdjian Autopsy findings in 127 patients following fatal traffic accidents,1964,119,,586-590,Perry The surgeon and the battered child,1964,119,,355,Shaw Electrical injury simulates crush injury,1967,125,6,1316-1317,Artz Peripheral vascular injuries from plastic bullets in children,1993,176,2,172-174,Schnitzer Acute head injuries,1978,146,5,805-820,Gurdjian The changing panorama of collision injury,1971,133,5,783-791,Nahum Impaired function of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in patients with burns and other trauma,1973,137,5,784-788,Grogan Patterns of injury requiring pancreatoduodenectomy,1973,137,4,629-632,Sturm Physiologic changes following chest injury in combat casualties,1969,129,2,233-242,Doty The distribution of body fluids following hemorrhage and resuscitation in combat casualties,1970,130,3,453-458,Doty A study of burns injuries in Uganda,1972,135,4,600-604,Smith The neurosurgical treatment of craniocerebral missile wounds in Vietnam,1972,135,3,386-389,Carey The problem of acute severe trauma and shock,1971,133,5,799-806,Hardaway Brain tolerance to impact in football,1971,133,6,929-936,Reid Hypoxemia during aeromedical evacuation,1973,136,1,49-53,Cutting Analysis of infections acquired by the severely injured patient,1973,137,1,7-10,Cowley Surgical sequelae of drug abuse,1974,139,5,749-755,Joseph The cause of post-traumatic pulmonary insufficiency in man,1975,140,2,179-186,Fulton Re-evaluation of the biomechanics of blunt impact injury of the head,1975,140,6,845-850,Gurdjian Becket's murder at Canterbury,1976,142,5,753-764,Davis Renal trauma in children,1973,136,2,237-240,Guinan Principles of management of shotgun wounds,1990,170,2,97-105,Walker Anterior pituitary function in thermally injured male children and young adults,1977,145,4,517-524,Popp Burn injury in infants and young children,1980,150,5,651-656,Heimbach Theodor Kocher and the Scientific Foundation of Wound Ballistics,1991,172,2,153-160,Fackler Epidemiology of serious burn injuries,1982,154,4,505-509,Edlich Prediction of burn mortality,1982,154,5,711-714,Edlich Mechanism of traumatic shock,1980,151,1,65-69,Hardaway Football neck muscles and head impact,1978,147,4,513-517,Reid Injuries to the ascending aorta aortic arch and great vessels,1989,169,1,27-31,Weaver Maternal predictors of fetal demise in trauma during pregnancy,1991,172,3,175-180,Rhodes Bull horn injuries,1991,172,3,220-222,Agarwal Surgical management of extensive corrosive injuries of the alimentary tract,1993,177,1,12-16,Wu