Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Head protection for horse riders: a cause for concern,1985,2,2,85-87,Dove Effect of rebreathing on psychomotor skills when wearing integral crash helmets,1984,1,2,101-104,Malins Do head-restraints protect the neck from whiplash injuries?,1989,6,1,17-21,Morris Should wearing of cycle helmets become compulsory?,1993,10,1,62,Worrell Are cyclists protecting their heads?,1991,8,4,281-282,Cooke Baby walker related injuries--a continuing problem,1991,8,1,52-55,Coats The Maurice Ellis Lecture for 1986. the responsibility of emergency medicine towards the prevention of road accidents,1986,3,3,163-176,Rutherford Prospective audit of the pattern severity and circumstances of injury sustained by vehicle occupants as a result of road traffic accidents,1993,10,1,15-23,Bradbury Penetrating eye injuries in road traffic accidents,1988,5,1,21-25,Patel The medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom: the collection of the data,1985,2,4,216-220,Hayes The medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom: one viewpoint from the USA,1985,2,4,234-236,Petrucelli Anterior dislocation of the restrained shoulder: a seat-belt injury,1991,8,1,56-58,Salam The medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom: the statistical arguments,1985,2,4,224-225,Greenfield The medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom: a critical review of the findings,1985,2,4,221-223,Rutherford The overall assessment of the medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom,1985,2,4,232-233,Avery Medical effects of seat-belt legislation in the United Kingdom. Future legislation,1985,2,4,229-231,Sheerman BMX bicycles: accident comparison with other models,1985,2,4,209-213,Worrell Waterslides--are safety standards sliding?,1988,5,4,216-222,Stevens The injured motor cycle messenger,1993,10,3,193-196,Morris Which dogs bite?,1991,8,1,33-35,Jarrett Dog bites,1988,5,3,131-132,Shook Chemical burns causing systemic toxicity,1993,10,4,368-371,Cooke The gentle sex? Assaults on women by women,1993,10,3,167-171,Burdett-Smith Repeat deliberate self-harm: a link with childhood sexual abuse?,1993,10,3,161-166,Yeo Violence at work,1993,10,2,79-85,Schnieden Occult spinal cord injury sustained by high velocity automobile collision,1993,10,2,123-127,Gee Successful resuscitation from sea water drowning,1993,10,2,120-122,Williams Epidemiology of burns presenting to an accident and emergency department,1993,10,2,100-107,Touquet The cost of treatment of deliberate self-harm,1993,10,1,8-14,Yeo Case report. Bee sting brachial block,1992,9,4,369-372,Hay Causes of fatal childhood accidents in North Staffordshire 1980-1989,1992,9,4,357-366,Mason Emergency attendances,1992,9,3,332-334,Zottie Accident--an anachronism?,1992,9,3,331-332,Curry Violence in the accident and emergency department,1992,9,3,330-331,Schnieden Skin ulceration due to cement,1992,9,3,326-329,Robinson The management of quinine-induced blindness,1992,9,3,317-322,Driscoll Seat-belt injury,1992,9,2,253-255,Kendall Cases of assault attending a childrens accident and emergency department: an epidemiological study,1992,9,2,239-243,Moore Public awareness of home accident risks--some implications for health promotion,1992,9,2,225-229,Bryce Toxicity awareness and unintended suicide in drug overdoses,1992,9,2,214-219,McNicholl Occupational accidents presenting to the accident and emergency department,1992,9,2,185-189,Ross The Purley train crash: procedural difficulties,1992,9,2,130-133,Hashemi The Purley train crash mechanism: injuries and prevention,1992,9,2,125-129,Hashemi A study of wrist injuries in children: the incidence of various injuries and of premature closure of the distal radial growth plate,1992,9,1,9-13,Fodden Pharyngeal perforation: An unusual complication of fish bone impaction,1992,9,1,71-72,O'Sullivan Carbon monoxide poisoning in a diver,1992,9,1,65-66,Allen Serious eye injuries caused by darts,1991,8,4,289-291,Patel Attitudes towards assault patients,1991,8,4,286-287,Shepherd Injuries due to falls as a result of uneven pavements,1991,8,4,263-265,Chapman Injuries sustained by falls,1991,8,4,245-252,Maull Ocular trauma: One in the eye for safety glasses,1991,8,3,201-204,Henderson Violent crime and victim support,1991,8,2,83-86,Shepherd Hand injury in a child--a rare adverse effect of rear seatbelt use,1991,8,2,147-149,Taiwo Delayed presentation of perforation of the ileum following seat belt trauma,1991,8,2,144-146,Coats Solvent abuse toluene acidosis and diabetic ketoacidosis,1991,8,1,65-67,Brown The need for ventilation holes in children's dummies,1991,8,1,59-61,Williams Bittering agents in the prevention of accidental poisoning: children's reactions to denatonium benzoate (Bitrex),1991,8,1,1-7,Sibert The Peterborough lorry explosion 22 March 1989: an analysis of the hospital response,1990,7,4,253-258,Evans Penetrating brain stem injury from crossbow bolt: a case report and review of the literature,1990,7,3,224-227,Salam Ice skating injuries: can they be reduced or prevented?,1990,7,2,95-99,Oakland Disintegration of mercury disc cells in simulated gastric juice: implications for management of disc cell ingestion,1990,7,2,100-107,Hockey Marinefish stings,1989,6,4,290-291,Brown An arresting injury,1989,6,4,270-273,Lambert Violence in a community emergency room,1989,6,4,266-269,Ordog The impact of the America's Cup on Fremantle Hospital,1989,6,4,262-265,Jelinek Primary dislocation of the shoulder in a snooker player,1989,6,3,234-235,Mabrook Water slides--are safety standards sliding?,1989,6,3,231,Moody-Jones Deaths from injury,1989,6,3,230,Touquet Stab wound of the neck: potential pitfalls in management,1989,6,3,225-229,Page Sudden death in young people due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,1989,6,3,220-224,Robertson Architectural glass injuries: a case for effective prevention,1989,6,3,169-171,Maitra A review of trauma deaths in an accident and emergency department,1989,6,2,90-96,Underhill Trauma is not a surgical disease,1989,6,2,85-89,Lane One year's trauma in a district general hospital: Injury severity and survival,1989,6,2,116-124,Montague An audit of trauma deaths occurring in the accident and emergency department,1989,6,2,107-115,Robertson The use of breath alcohol analysers for diagnosis in the accident and emergency department,1989,6,1,78-79,Wilson Children's car-restraints: use and parental attitudes,1989,6,1,41-45,Richmond Use of a questionnaire to obtain an alcohol history from those attending an inner city accident and emergency department,1989,6,1,34-40,Barrett Fish bones in the throat,1989,6,1,13-16,Knight Marinefish stings,1989,6,1,59-62,Yates Patterns of presentation of abused children to the accident and emergency department,1988,5,4,228-232,Olney Poisoning with sustained release potassium,1988,5,4,206-211,Steedman Splenic injuries,1988,5,4,250,Wood Alcohol-induced bronchospasm,1988,5,3,186-188,Sloan Second-degree heart block associated with envenomation by Vipera berus,1988,5,2,116-118,Moore Pneumothorax following inhalation of caustic soda fumes,1988,5,1,45-47,Tachakra Air rifle breech injuries to digits: a preventable hazard,1987,4,3,193-195,Gray Management of civilian gunshot wounds in a Nigerian general hospital,1987,4,2,73-76,Onuba The seat-belt sign,1987,4,2,128-130,Freeman Blood alcohol levels,1987,4,2,127,Perez-Avila Acute management of the self-cutter,1987,4,1,39-45,Shah Drug misuse in adolescence,1987,4,1,17-24,Robson Perception of risk in motorcyclists,1986,3,3,199-201,Fitch Data collection from road traffic accidents,1986,3,3,193-198,Dove Contact of parasuicide patients with the accident and emergency department,1986,3,3,177-182,Touquet Nutmeg--an unusual overdose,1986,3,2,154-155,Scholefield Injuries in early-adolescent girls,1986,3,2,152-153,Leaman The Scarborough express train crash: four case reports,1986,3,2,137-139,Stonebridge Accidental ingestion of a toothbrush,1986,3,2,119-123,Mughal Penetrating injury of rectum caused by fall in shower,1986,3,2,115-118,Kelly Heat-stroke: a fatal case,1986,3,2,111-114,Parnell The effect of opening an ice-rink on the accident and emergency department of a district general hospital,1986,3,2,107-110,Prescott Recovery of ingested heroin packets,1986,3,2,125-127,Robins Driver behaviour of ethanol-impaired non-vehicular trauma victims,1986,3,1,16-19,Maull Injuries seat-belts and further research,1985,2,4,226-228,Mackay Ipecacuahana induced emesis in the treatment of self-poisoned adults,1985,2,4,203-208,Gordon A study of diurnal and seasonal variation of multiple injuries in childhood,1985,2,3,176,Alpnar How common is accidental hypothermia?,1985,2,3,174-175,Heath Abdominal injury inflicted by animals,1985,2,3,173,Wilson Hand injury in the accident and emergency service,1985,2,3,155-160,Ross A study of stab wounds,1985,2,1,31-36,MacMillan Air rifle ammunition and its influence on wounding potential,1985,2,1,25-29,Smith Air weapon injuries in children: a case for education,1985,2,1,17-24,Robson Aggression and violence,1985,2,1,1-2,Redmond Sports injuries in an accident and emergency department,1984,1,2,105-111,Elton Multiple casualties caused by a gale,1984,1,1,57-60,Illingworth The effects of minor and moderately severe accidental chest injuries on pulmonary function in man,1984,1,1,29-38,Yates Neuromuscular paralysis caused by an overdose of emepronium bromide (Cetiprin),1985,2,2,79-80,Ferguson A prospective study of assault victims attending a suburban A and E department,1990,7,3,172-177,Hashemi International repatriation following overseas disasters,1991,8,2,92-96,Jefferies Management of the moribund carbon monoxide victim,1992,9,2,208-213,Thomson Accidents in the accident and emergency department,1990,7,2,122-124,Dukes A comparative study of the injury profile of the elderly patients in an accident and emergency department,1989,6,3,189-192,Woodhouse A study of the effect of legal settlement on post-concussion symptoms,1988,5,1,12-17,Rutherford The use of the accident and emergency department,1987,4,2,77-82,Wilkinson Medicolegal aspects of accident and emergency medicine,1987,4,2,71-72,Redmond Factors affecting the plasma insulin concentration shortly after accidental injury in man,1987,4,2,91-99,Yates The accidental self-injection of mercury: a hazard for glass-blowers,1987,4,1,53-55,McLean Towards optimal trauma care,1985,2,4,181-195,Trunkey The vagrant in the accident and emergency department,1985,2,2,81-84,Beckett Intravenous drug abuse and the accident and emergency department,1985,2,2,73-77,Steedman Drug abuse and the accident and emergency department,1985,2,2,55-57,Redmond Adder (Vipera berus) bites: a case report and review of the management for emergency medical personnel,1993,10,4,375-379,Johnston Intraperitoneal bladder rupture and the wearing of rear seat-belts--a case report,1993,10,3,229-231,Stoddart Portable CO2 detectors,1993,10,4,382,Porter Case report. Self-induced grand mal epilepsy,1992,9,4,367-368,Pearson Spinal fractures associated with ejection from jet aircraft: two case reports and a review,1991,8,4,240-244,James Minor trauma--major problem. Neck injuries retropharyngeal haematoma and emergency airway management,1991,8,2,135-139,McLauchlan Evaluation of whiplash injuries by technetium 99m isotope scanning,1993,10,3,197-202,Allen A study of patients referred from A and E for coroners post-mortem,1993,10,2,86-90,Kendall The Kurdish refugee crisis--what have we learned?,1993,10,2,73-78,Jones An audit of the management of 250 patients with chest trauma in a regional thoracic surgical centre,1989,6,2,97-106,Jones A review of the use of corticosteroids in the management of pulmonary injuries and insults,1985,2,2,59-65,Robertson Resuscitation from drowning,1984,1,2,113-115,Redmond The use of a new design irrigator for the emergency treatment of chemical eye injuries in an accident and emergency department,1989,6,2,149-152,Watts Carpometacarpal dislocation: an unusual complex injury of the hand,1990,7,1,56-57,Gibson The use of standardized assessment procedures in the evaluation of patients with multiple injuries,1985,2,1,11-15,Murat The therapeutic implications of some recent research on trauma,1984,1,1,5-16,Stoner An unusual case of fracture of the radius,1989,6,1,74-75,Gardner The role of physiotherapy in the management of acute neck sprains following road-traffic accidents,1989,6,1,27-33,Ryan Trauma audit,1989,6,2,83-84,Redmond Problems with a plastic bread-bag clip,1989,6,2,156-157,Ellul Notting Hill Carnival 1988,1989,6,2,146-148,Touquet A 'minor' fracture of the femoral neck,1988,5,1,41-44,Walsh The minor head injury,1988,5,1,1-3,Marsden An audit of care received by patients injured during sporting activities,1993,10,3,203-208,Kendall Glucagon in the management of deliberate self-poisoning with propranolol,1990,7,3,238-240,Mansell Trauma and Munchausen's syndrome,1991,8,3,217-218,Banerjee