Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The limits of the ledger in public health promotion,1985,15,6,37-41,Moreno Voluntary health risks and public policy II. Public policy and the British experience,1981,11,5,32-39,Leichter Pedestrian vs. train,1999,29,3,28-29,Wharton An unbearable task,2010,40,1,4-5; author reply 5,Luekens Making the Punishment Fit the Crime,1976,6,6,13-17,Zimring Laying the groundwork for a defense against participation in torture?,2008,38,1,11-13,Wynia Social justice and disadvantaged groups,2007,37,4,32-39,Faden A tale of two studies; ethics bioterrorism and the censorship of science,2007,37,3,35-43,Selgelid The dilemma of a prison doctor,1972,2,5,7-9,Rundle Violence and the safe society,1974,4,2,5-7,Meister Confidentiality and the duty to warn,1976,6,6,6-8,Annas Rough justice: the limits of novel defenses,1978,8,6,8-11,Bedau Homebirth: autonomy vs. safety,1978,8,4,19-20,Annas A suicide attempt and emergency room ethics. Commentary,1979,9,4,12-13,Brandt A suicide attempt and emergency room ethics. Commentary,1979,9,4,12-13,Litman The duty to warn: how Tarasoff has changed therapy,1979,9,3,2, The American way of dying: a do-it-yourself guide but for whom?,1980,10,6,2, The XYY controversy: researching violence and genetics,1980,10,4,1,Steinfels The XYY controversy: researching violence and genetics,1980,10,4 Suppl,1-32, Medical ethics and political protest,1981,11,6,5-8,Dooley-Clarke The personal voyage of a student of ethics: from cruelty to goodness,1981,11,3,23-28,Hallie Should physicians prepare for war? 4. The physician as moral leader,1982,12,2,20-21,Murray Should physicians prepare for war? 3. The moral bases of contingency planning,1982,12,2,19-20,Johnson Should physicians prepare for war? 2. Why survival plans are meaningless,1982,12,2,17-19,Geiger Should physicians prepare for war? 1. The obligation to care for the casualties,1982,12,2,15-17,Bisgard Should sponsors screen for moral values?,1983,13,6,17-18,Goodpaster Baby Doe redux: doctors as child abusers,1983,13,5,26-27,Annas Should child abuse always be reported?,1983,13,4,19-20,Schoeman When suicide prevention becomes brutality: the case of Elizabeth Bouvia,1984,14,2,20-1 46,Annas Confusion over the language of the Baby Doe regulations,1986,16,6,2,Bermel The community as child abuser,1986,16,6,17-18,Lewis Pregnant women as fetal containers,1986,16,6,13-14,Annas Prevention--how misuse of a concept undercuts its worth,1986,16,2,26-38,Goodman The Baby Doe regulations: another view of change,1986,16,2,12-13,Weil A duty to warn an uncertain danger,1985,15,1,17-19,Reamer Why agencies cannot cope with child abuse,1987,17,2,46,Collins Taking hostages: the Linares case,1989,19,4,4,Miles The challenge of definition,1989,19,1,S2-3,Koop The molested,1991,21,3,9-17,May Killing machines,1991,21,2,33-35,Annas Final exit. The end of argument,1992,22,1,30-33,Wolf The relevance of illegality,1992,22,1,19-22,Steinbock Community responsibility for accident victims,1979,9,5,11-14,Kronick Home sweet birthplace,1986,16,5,43-44,Rantz Community: the neglected tradition of public health,1985,15,6,28-36,Beauchamp The new OSHA rules and the worker's right to know,1984,14,4,38-45,McGarity Using 'human surrogates' on the road to better bumpers,1981,11,6,3-4, Should states require child passenger protection?,1981,11,3,21-22, Suicide attempts and treatment refusals,2010,40,3,10-11,Dresser Severe brain injury and the subjective life,2010,40,3,17-21,Billings Medicine and human rights. A proposal for international action,1993,23,4,8-12,Annas Judging the past. The case of the human radiation experiments,1996,26,3,25-30,Buchanan Are laws against assisted suicide unconstitutional?,1993,23,3,32-41,Kamisar Long-term contraceptives in the criminal justice system,1995,25,1,S15-8,Dresser Long-acting contraceptives. Ethical guidance for policymakers and health care providers,1995,25,1,S1-8,Jennings Medicalized weapons and modern war,2010,40,1,34-43,Gross Bioethics as if relationships matter,2003,33,5,15-16,Murphy 'I want to see my mother's picture!',1983,13,6,21-22, Public Policy and the British Experience,1981,11,5,32-39,Leichter The Rights-As-Trumps Analogy,1982,12,5,45,Brody Lifestyles of the Risky and Infamous: From Managed Care to Managed Lives,1995,25,6,5-12,Morreim A law unto themselves?,1995,25,6,47-48,Kessel The second-hand suicide threat,1995,25,6,20; discussion 20-2,Doukas The negative Constitution: the duty to protect,2005,35,5,10-11,Gostin Doctors of interrogation,2005,35,4,17-22,Marks Medicine and war,2004,34,6,3,Rubenstein Law and ethics in a public health emergency,2002,32,2,9-11,Gostin Extraordinary measures for countermeasures to terrorism: FDA's "Animal Rule",2002,32,4,9,Hanna You always were a bastard,2002,32,6,23-28,Gillett Covert video surveillance in pediatric care,2002,32,6,10-1; discussion 11-2,Vaught The individual rights of the difficult patient,2007,37,2,13; discussion 13-5,Reeves Case study. "Doctor will you turn off my LVAD?" Commentary,2008,38,1,15,Fischbach "Doctor will you turn off my LVAD"?,2008,38,1,14, The anatomy of the A-word,1991,21,4,41-42,Tarvers The usual suspects,1992,22,2,56; discussion 56-7,Iserson Nursing home contradictions,2008,38,5,8-9,Feldman At Law: The Supreme Court Health Policy and New Federalism,2000,30,2,26-27,Gostin Four scenarios for an aging society,1994,24,5,32-35,Moody In Britain: fewer conflicts of conscience,1995,25,3,44-45,Saunders The Capitol shooting. No reflex legislation no long-term solution,1998,28,6,5,Silberner Physical manipulation of the brain,1973,,Spec. Suppl,, Just what does Webster mean?,1990,20,1,2-3,Crigger Social and ethical issues: brain surgery in aggressive epileptics,1973,3,1,1-5,Mark Human experimentation--the ethical questions persist,1973,3,3,1-3,Veatch Medical research in prisons. Should a moratorium be called?,1973,3,3,4-6,Capron An ethicist takes the stand,1984,14,1,32-33,Paris Reflections on the Detroit psychosurgery case. Why we should keep prisoners from the doctors,1975,5,1,25-34,Burt Following the news on Karen Quinlan,1975,5,6,5-6 28,Powledge The Quinlan decision: five commentaries. Obscuring the role of the physician,1976,6,1,8-11,Branson The Quinlan decision: five commentaries. Shifting the burden of decision making,1976,6,1,17-19,Capron The Quinlan decision: five commentaries. Prolonged dying: not medically indicated,1976,6,1,14-17,Ramsey The Quinlan decision: five commentaries. Beyond an ethic of immediate sympathy,1976,6,1,12-14,Oden The Quinlan decision: five commentaries. Disconnection: the clinician's view,1976,6,1,11-12,Levine Distinguishing the social from the pathological. Death where is thy 'cause'?,1976,6,3,15-16,Benjamin Science in the courtroom. A new approach,1999,29,3,26-27,Dresser When is "dead"?,1999,29,6,14-21,Youngner Death who is thy 'cause',1976,6,5,4,Nelson Child safety absolute risk and the prevention paradox,2012,42,4,20-23,Schwartz The disasters of March 11th,2012,42,4,11-13,Dwyer Case study. The disasters of March 11th. Commentary,2012,42,4,13,Wei Case study. The disasters of March 11th. Commentary,2012,42,4,12,Hamano Case study. The disasters of March 11th. Commentary,2012,42,4,11-12,Dwyer Parents children and the moral benefits of research,1976,6,6,44-45,Bartholome Experimentation in children: sharing in sociality,1976,6,6,41-46,McCormick Compensating injured research subjects: II. The law,1976,6,6,29-31,Robertson Compensating injured research subjects: I. The moral argument,1976,6,6,21-27,Childress Prison research: National Commission says 'no unless...',1977,7,1,15-21,Branson What we're not talking about when we talk about addiction,2020,50,4,37-46,Pickard Fatal choices: recent discussions of dying,1977,7,2,8-10,Smith Children as research subjects: a reply,1977,7,2,40-42,Ramsey Ordinary risks of childhood,1977,7,2,4,Ramsey A 'fine distinction' on killing,1977,7,4,4,Maguire Death and dying: the legislative options,1977,7,5,5-8,Veatch Drugs and the death penalty,2014,44,1,9-10,Dresser Pasteur's work on rabies: reexamining the ethical issues,1978,8,2,26-33,Geison Disaster response or response as disaster?,2014,44,2,46-47,Baruch Regulating an anti-aging drug,1978,8,3,19-20 46,Callahan "Holocaust" and the Nazi experience. Entering the future looking backwards,1978,8,3,5-6,Hunt Five moral imperatives of government regulation,1980,10,1,29-31,Hutt The hospital's duty and rape victims,1980,10,2,25-27,Bleich Playing to win: how much should it hurt?,1979,9,2,5-8,Hyland The ethical implications of human sociobiology,1980,10,6,27-29,Wilson Mental child abuse,1985,15,1,48,Hazard Do the perils of patenting outweigh the plusses?,1985,15,1,48,Robertson Imperiled newborns raise moral doubts,1985,15,1,46-47,Bartholome The mistreatment of dead bodies,1985,15,1,31-37,Feinberg Why tolerate the statistical victim?,1985,15,1,14,Trachtman When a pregnant woman endangers her fetus,1986,16,1,24-25,Mackenzie On dying more than one death,1986,16,1,12-17,Shrader A moral context for social research,1983,13,2,44-46,Sjoberg Voluntary health risks and public policy. 3. Alcohol abuse in the Soviet Union,1981,11,5,40-44,Powell Voluntary health risks and public policy. 1. Taking risks assessing responsibility,1981,11,5,26-31,Dworkin Confidentiality and rape counseling,1981,11,4,5-7,Meisel Overliving,2014,44,5,5,Cohen The meaning of the Holocaust for bioethics,1989,19,4,2-3,Caplan Fashioning an ethic for life and death in a post-modern society,1989,19,1,S7-9,Engelhardt Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. Fashioning an ethic for life and death on a post-modern society,1989,19,1,suppl 7-9,Engelhardt Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. Can we return death to disease?,1989,19,1,suppl 4-6,Callahan Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. Euthanasia in The Netherlands: distinguishing facts from fiction,1989,19,1,suppl 31-2,Rigter Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. A case against Dutch euthanasia,1989,19,1,suppl 22-30,Fenigsen Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. The challenge of definition,1989,19,1,suppl 2-3,Koop Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. Holding the line on euthanasia,1989,19,1,suppl 13-5,Wolf Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. The California Humane and Dignified Death Initiative,1989,19,1,suppl 10-2,Parachini Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. Assisted suicide: pro-choice or anti-life?,1989,19,1,suppl 16-9,Doerflinger Mercy murder & morality: perspectives on euthanasia. The theological ethics of euthanasia,1989,19,1,suppl 19-22,Vaux Field Notes,2015,45,2,inside front cover,Jack Planning for disaster,2015,45,4,inside front cover,Banerjee Punishing health care providers for treating terrorists,2015,45,4,13-16,Rijbenstein Candor about adverse events: physicians versus the data bank,2015,45,4,9-10,Morreim Case study. Temporizing after spinal cord injury. Commentary,2015,45,2,8-10,Kirschner Why bioethics has a race problem,2016,46,2,12-18,Hoberman Gender identity and bioethics,2016,46,4,0,Dietz The dual role of NFL team doctors,2016,46,Suppl 2,S38-S40,Washington Lessons for the NFL from workers' compensation,2016,46,Suppl 2,S28-S30,Diana A Response to Commentaries: NFL Player Health Care: Addressing Club Doctors' Conflicts of Interests and Promoting Player Trust,2016,46,Suppl 2,S45-S48,Cohen Being right isn't always enough: NFL culture and team physicians' conflict of interest,2016,46,Suppl 2,S33-S34,McKinney A proposal to address NFL club doctors' conflicts of interest and to promote player trust,2016,46,Suppl 2,S2-S24,Cohen Preventing conflicts of interest of NFL team physicians,2016,46,Suppl 2,S35-S37,Rothstein Players' doctors: the roles should be very clear,2016,46,Suppl 2,S25-S27,Caplan Saving science by doing less of it?,2016,46,6,2,Kaebnick Flu floods and fire: ethical public health preparedness,2017,47,3,46-47,Gostin Mass shootings mental illness and gun control,2018,48,2,7-9,Philpott-Jones Citizen science and gamification,2019,49,2,40-46,Kreitmair Asylum refuge and justice in health,2019,49,3,13-17,Straehle Dying with dignity; living with laws (and ethics),2019,49,3,6-7,Will Recognizing moral injury: toward legal intervention for physician burnout,2020,50,3,e81,Lennon Racism not race: a physician perspective on anti-Black racism in America,2022,52,Suppl 1,S29-S31,Clayborne Anti-Black racism and power: centering Black scholars to achieve health equity,2022,52,Suppl 1,S39-S41,Best Bioethics and war,2023,53,3,e2,Have When people facing dementia choose to hasten death: the landscape of current ethical legal medical and social considerations in the United States,2024,54 Suppl 1,,S11-S21,Quill Do suicide attempters have a right not to be stabilized in an emergency?,2024,54,2,22-33,Struc Therapeutic Dying,2014,44,6,5-6,Dugdale Ending One's Life in Advance,2021,51,3,37-47,Battin Divided Loyalties: Fire and ICE,2021,51,6,4-5,Appel What is the aim of PEDIATRIC "gender-affirming" care?,2024,54,3,35-50,Gorin Voluntary active euthanasia,1992,22,2,10-22,Brock Bioethics on trial,1991,21,2,19-20,Caplan An extremely urgent transplantation?,2001,31,2,27-28,Biller-Andomo Liability for life,2004,34,4,10-11,Schneider Quiet moments,2009,39,5,e8,Kirst The Harms of a Penal Colony,2019,49,4,44-45,Strong