Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Injuries from hang gliding,1977,95,24,1575 1578,Mang Risk of injury in ice hockey: is the trend decreasing?,1993,111,11,173-176,Hipp Drowning swimming pool death and other emergencies related to swimming,1984,102,29-30,752-754,Bernett Do collapsable infant carriages promote postural disorders and accidents in children,1983,101,43,1980-1981,Deisler Joy in driving is often clouded in the aged,1998,116,4,41-42,Buchholtz Use of seat belts by pregnant women,1976,94,31,1757-1760,Schumann Visual acuity and automobile driving fitness in the elderly,1993,111,16,274-278,Busse Antidepressive therapy--safety in steering in spite of it,1998,116,6,18-19,Eller Ice-skating accidents--epidemiology and prevention,1973,91,5,185-186,Biener Automobile driving by elderly persons and traffic safety,1993,111,15,249-251,Praxenthaler Increased auto aggression caused by cholesterol lowering drugs?,1994,112,35-36,507-508,Richter Automobile driving capacity of the elderly from the psychiatric viewpoint,1993,111,15,252-254,Folkerts The elderly in street traffic from the viewpoint of the ENT specialist,1993,111,15,255-257,Stoll Effect of cardiovascular disorders on traffic fitness,1993,111,15,258-262,Kober The elderly in street traffic--effect of drugs,1993,111,16,279-282,Schmidt Psychological sequelae of accidents. Symptoms are seldom recognized,1993,111,14,234-238,Dahlmann Alcohol at the wheel--medical psychological expert assessment. Laboratory data and abstinence--prognosis--responsibilities of the family physician,1996,114,29,374-376,Müller-Wickop Alcohol street drugs and therapeutic drugs in street traffic,1997,115,7,39-42,Schöch Industrial medicine aspects of traffic medicine,1972,90,29,1041-1042,Petry Suicide and suicidal attempt,1973,28,11,1115-1116,Werner Attempted suicide and mental disorders,1973,91,4,159-160,Werner Suicide and weather,1973,91,4,154-158,Faust The "Ark." Munich's model institute for the prevention of suicide,1974,92,18,755-756,Rupp Role of self-value in suicidal behavior and its therapeutic consequences,1974,92,18,783-786,Bojanovsky Childhood accidents in the Federal Republic of Germany,1974,92,34,1373-4 1396,Christian Violent acts of mental patients. A psychiatric-epidemiologic study in the German Federal Republic,1974,92,2,50-54,Hafner Seat belts and pregnancy,1976,94,27,1496-1499,Schumann Studies on the strain on drivers during high-speed driving,1976,94,15,865-870,Schäcke Suicide and the weather. Risk of suicide in mental disorders and possibilities for prevention,1976,94,7,370-378,Faust Suicide and the weather. Incidence and risk of suicide in mentally ill patients under certain weather conditions,1976,94,7,363-369,Faust Geographical distribution of suicide rates in the Federal Republic of Germany--analysis of statistics from large German cities,1977,95,27,1737-1740,Bojanovsky Child abuse,1977,95,25,1611-1612,Nitsch Morbidity and mortality of widowed persons,1977,95,9,593-596,Bojanovsky Weather and disease. 2. Weather-dependent diseases,1977,95,5,268-272,Faust Acute alcohol intoxication: physostigmine as an antidote for ethanol,1978,96,25,1311-1312,Daunderer Law concerning compensation for victims of violence,1978,96,21,1107-8 1128,Friederichs Perception and traffic safety,1979,97,47,2167-2168,Leutzbach Effects of car driving on the heart and metabolism in normal subjects patients with myocardial infarct and racers,1979,97,47,2172-2178,Huber The German Society for the Prevention of Suicide,1979,97,37,1587-1588,Pohlmeier Man in traffic,1979,97,35,1534-1536,Schork Danger to the child and family from civilization and prosperity,1979,97,7,295-297,Truckenbrodt The psychological climate in suicidal adolescents,1979,97,2,43-4 60,Ringel The photochromatic eyeglasses of the motorist,1980,98,43,1697-1698,Gramberg-Danielsen Medical emergency planning in case of severe nuclear power plant accidents,1980,98,30-31,1159-1165,Ohlenschläger Suicide after trauma,1981,99,45,1867-1869,Funk Depression--somatization--suicide. 3. Principles of somatologic and psychotherapeutic treatment in ambulatory practice. 1. Basis of therapy,1981,99,33,1296-1300,Hertrich Attempted suicide in old age,1981,99,26,1049-1056,Kockott Depression somatization suicide. Part 2: Masked depression suicide,1981,99,25,973-977,Hertrich The suicidal patient. Incidence special suicidal syndromes therapeutic possibilities and problems,1981,99,17,648-653,Bron Divorce as a risk factor for psychiatric morbidity and mortality,1981,99,17,617-618,Bojanovsky Self castration. 2 cases with special reference to comparable case reports in the literature,1982,100,39,1823-1826,Bender Psychological and neurological sequelae of alcoholism,1982,100,29,1366-1371,Nitsche Vision disorders--nausea--chest pain,1982,100,23,1079-1082,Schranz Possibilities and advantages of automobile tourism,1983,101,17,771-772,Knoflacher Violence in marriage--a gentleman's crime? Max-Planck Institute compares international jurisprudence,1984,102,46,66-67,Meermann Emergencies in sports for the elderly,1986,104,4,75-78,Lang Structure and prevention of suicidal acts,1985,103,19,514-517,Kaschka Suicidal behavior of schizophrenic patients. Biochemical and morphologic findings,1988,106,18,373-374,Demling Depression and suicide in physical diseases,1988,106,13,269-274,Wolfersdorf Suicidal behavior in the elderly,1989,107,12,266-270,Bron Suicidal acts in advanced age,1990,108,9,168-172,Kalb Emergency examination--a race with time. Vital function--Glasgow Coma Scale,1990,108,6,18 21,Dotzer Recognition and treatment of suicidal risk. Part 2: Diagnostic and therapeutic procedure in medical practice,1992,110,26,467-470,Demling Self-instruction expert systems in medicine. Presentation of knowledge acquisition of knowledge prediction of suicide as an example,1992,110,25,453-456,Kalb Recognizing and treating suicidal behavior. Part 1. Results of scientific suicide research relevant for general practice,1992,110,25,450-452,Demling Child and large city,1974,92,28,1095-61121,Biermann Hospital patients and their length of stay. From the hospital statistics 1972,1974,92,27,1049-1050,Christian Physiology of hearing,1974,92,19,795-796,Grandjean Lesions of the heart due to blunt force. Expert testimony from individual pathological views points,1974,92,19,814-816,Curtius Heart damages to blunt force,1974,92,14,589-594,Fischer Motor-cycle boom and motor-cycle accidents,1974,92,8,325-327,Feldkamp Hazards to man through toxic substances at the working site,1973,91,30,1169-1170,Thiess Nearly every 4th citizen with impaired health. Morbidity and accident injuries in the Federal Republic of Germany results of a microcensus,1972,90,34,1247-1248,Christian Traffic accidents of hospital doctors,1978,96,35,1739-1740,Hauffe Fatal childhood accidents in Europe,1977,95,33,1991-2 2034,Christian Weather and disease. 1. Weather-dependent diseases,1977,95,4,201-207,Faust The skipole from the standpoint of safety,1977,95,4,199-200,Hipp Research on traffic accidents,1976,94,29,1583-1584,Tscherne Heart injury due to blunt violence,1976,94,20-21,1158-1159,Fischer The fatal ski accident,1976,94,3,107-110,Mang St. John's wort extract in the ambulatory therapy of depression. Attention and reaction ability are preserved,1993,111,19,339-342,Schmidt Drowning accidents in childhood,1990,108,28,527-530,Krandick Myositis ossificans circumscripta following unusual brain injury,1990,108,21,415-416,Froscher HIV infection and driving ability,1989,107,21,14, Traffic safety in treatment with dosulepin,1989,107,2,75-78,Herberg Congenital radiation-induced abnormalities. Causes and mechanisms of action,1987,105,20,383-386,Stieve Chernobyl--an evaluation,1986,104,47-48,966-969,Wolf Development of anxiety neurosis following traffic accidents,1985,103,11,295-297,Kalb Eye injuries caused by traffic accidents,1982,100,29,1342-1344,Schmitt Emergency measures at the site of the accident from the anesthesiologist's viewpoint,1982,100,27-28,1277-1282,Grimm Alpine skiing and accidents. Patterns of injuries first aid prevention,1982,100,3,47-50,Lange Child-resistant drug packaging,1981,99,35,1373-1374,Butenandt Risk analysis in nuclear technics. German risk study of nuclear power plants,1981,99,20,775-782,Bayer Occupational safety in hospitals,1981,99,19,730-732,Schreiber Epilepsy and driving fitness,1961,79,,611-613,Krischek Risks and complications of contact lens use,1994,112,4,33-36,Roth Fear violence and depression--does too little serotonin make the mind ill?,1994,112,4,31-32,Demling Alcoholism as a social problem. The alcoholic patient in a permissive societies--possibilities for prevention,1995,113,34,490-494,Stosberg Child abuse--diagnostic methods and therapy. Diagnosis of neglect deprivation and psychosocial short stature--therapeutic consequences,1996,114,6,21-25,Frank Attempted suicide with antidiabetic drugs. Prognosis determination of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage,1996,114,4,25-30,von Albert Sex offenses--revenge for experienced maltreatment? "A recurrence is hard to predict". Interview by Dr. med. Karin Kreutzberg,1998,116,18-19,16-17,Kreutzberg Violence against the elderly. An almost daily occurrence,1998,116,13,15-18,Vetter Traffic- and work-safety under the effect of St. Johns Wort,1998,116,34,44-45,Friede "Handy-cap" in street traffic. Mobile telephone considerably affects driving-relevant performance,1998,116,16,18-20 22,Grass HIV seropositive patients no longer fit to drive? Silent encephalitis--early therapy with AZT?,1989,107,29,32,Näthke Legislation for physicians and experts. Notes on the newest verdicts,1977,95,43,2640,Friederichs Physician's and experts' legislation. References to the most recent legal decisions,1977,95,38,2336-2338,Friederichs Jurisprudence for physicians and experts. The newest legislation,1978,96,9,489,Friederichs Experimental-psychological comparison of Fenistil-retard a reference compound and placebo with a view to specific performance in driving,1979,97,48,(2246-50),Klebel Nutrition and capacity for concentration in automobile drivers,1983,101,9,349-354,Elmadfa Children fleeing from life,1997,115,6,8-9,Biller Drugs today: ways out of reality,1979,97,23,1092-1094,Werner Problems and tasks of psychology in terminal kidney failure in childhood,1977,95,3,137-142,Steinhausen Alcoholism in school-age children,1975,93,31,1511-1514,Jasinsky "Water in the lungs is quickly resorbed",1997,115,7,18-19,Sefrin Drowning is one of the most frequent causes of death in childrenInterview by Stefanie Kraus,1996,114,25,12 14-5,Laub Mechanical lesions of the peripheral nervous system. Possible damage at work and leisure,1994,112,33,477-481,Stefan Health effects of traffic noise. Continuous nocturnal stress. Interview by Bettina Schellong-Lammel,1997,115,22-23,8-10,Maschke Directly addressing suicidal thoughts in crisis intervention. Interview by Dr. rer. nat. Anita Schweiger,1997,115,11,47-48,Sagstetter Suicide prevention--recognizing and treating acute suicidal behavior,1997,115,11,38-40 43-4,Wolfersdorf Pharmacotherapy of depressed patients. Increasing the therapeutic arsenal with a new generation of antidepressive drugs,1997,115,11,30-4 36,Möller Snowboard sports technique injury pattern prevention,1997,115,5,26-8 30-1,Hipp Alcohol drinking--problems in assessing the public economic impact,1995,113,33,476-479,Neumann Psychopathology of drug dependent patients following detoxification,1994,112,20-21,298-300,Schuler Alcoholic delirium--a potentially life-threatening condition,1994,112,19,274-276,Dittmar Sexual harassment: there is no specific symptomatic. Interview,1999,117,6,44-45,Grundhuber Acute poisoning. 1: General data on toxicology,1995,113,9,127-129,Horn Recognizing and treating depression. 1: Clinical picture and diagnostic procedure,1996,114,31,416-419,Riemann Post-traumatic stress disorders. A locomotive engineer's experiences witnessing several suicide attempts,1999,117,6,47, Toxic and nutritional liver damage,1972,90,28,999-1002,Domschke Physical training for the prevention and rehabilitation of degenerative cardiovascular diseases,1972,90,25,875-879,Hollmann Neurophysiological aspects of sports,1972,90,24,825-6 passim,Müller-Limmroth Emergency treatment and technic of detoxification in juvenile drug addicts,1972,90,19,723-725,Funk Victimology. Science of crime victims,1972,90,15,563-4 passim,Amelunxen Accidental falls and fall-related injuries in the elderly. Diagnosis and intervention,1998,116,32,22-6 28-9,Becker Safer sex--do new therapies promote risk taking?,1998,116,3,11-12,Zippel Thermography in sport injuries and lesions of the locomotor system due to sport,1975,93,3,124-126,Keyl Relationship between sport injuries and weather,1975,93,3,99-103,Bernett Vascular injuries during skiing,1975,93,3,91-93,Maurer Skiing-injuries and their prevention using ski-safety-bindings. Efficiency possibilities and limitations of adjustment,1975,93,3,117-121,Olzowy Ski injuries during growth,1975,93,3,107-110,Lechner Ski boot rim fracture: tension-optical study,1976,94,3,103-107,Friedrich Pilon fracture of the skier,1977,95,4,219-228,Hackenbruch Incidence and type of injuries in icehockey,1977,95,4,197-199,Mang Injuries and emergencies in othorhinolaryngology. Diagnosis and immediate therapy. 1. Injuries of the ear,1977,95,3,115-118,Collo Ski thumb. Morphological basis for ligament injuries in the region of the metacarpophalangeal thumb joint,1978,96,4,185-187,Glas Femoral neck fractures and pertrochanteric fractures due to skiing accidents,1978,96,4,177-184,Hackenbruch Gunshot wounds in peace and their treatment. Review of the literature,1979,97,2,49-52,Fischer Injuries of the hip joint area in children,1982,100,3,56-65,Karpf Stress in the life of women. Definition and evaluation of working women,1982,100,7,281-284,Biener Occupational medicine problems of an aviation physician,1973,91,4,129-130,Neubaur Immunity following polytrauma,1983,101,12,527,Stickl Chronic reactive depression. Disorders following imprisonment and persecution,1983,101,9,372-376,Faust Fractures and dislocations of the elbow joint in childhood--sequelae,1973,91,7,265-270,Keyl Hypothermia and injury due to exposure,1973,91,10,417-420,Mühlbauer Acute biguanide poisoning: attempted suicide with butyl-biguanide,1973,91,10,407-409,Gottesbüren Personality changes in alcoholics and drug addicts. Structural analysis of addictive processes in alcoholics and drug addicts,1973,91,35,1379-1381,Kryspin-Exner Traumatic shock in skull-brain-injuries,1974,92,6,235-237,Pia Paraquat poisoning in children,1974,92,16,677-680,Mantel Developmental analyses. Assessment of the developmental position and documentation of the course of development,1974,92,18,769-772,Schmid Eating disorders and sexual abuse. Significance of childhood stress--abuse is not a specific risk factor,1998,116,8,32-34,Egle Problems of toxic psychosis as illustrated on the example of the so-called LSD psychosis,1975,93,31,1515-8 1542,Täschner Carcinogenic characteristics of foreign body implants,1973,91,30,1181-1184,Brand Experimental dislocation of the extremities,1973,91,20,865,Hackenbroch Post-traumatic fat embolism. Biochemical and experimental studies on etiology pathogenesis and clinical aspects,1973,91,12,537-540,Durst Mushroom poisoning. New possibilities for treatment,1976,94,10,539-544,Bartels Mycotoxins as a cause of disease in human beings,1976,94,12,694-701,Gedek Facts about denied assistance? When the insurance company refuses emergency assistance,1999,117,8,16-18,Ehlers Prescription of an emetic drug as first aid in acute poisoning,1973,91,1,16-17,Bartels Is the family going to be abolished?,1976,94,19,1105-6 1136,Klasen Emergency situations in drug addicts. Classification diagnostic and therapeutic measures,1976,94,22-23,1218-1222,Jakob Fracture prevention in primary osteoporosis. Benefits of physical activity and proper nutrition,1990,108,7,129-130,Preisinger EEG-changes caused by spherics,1999,117,1-2,41-42,Schienle Xerophthalmia,1979,97,24,1107-1110,Grüntzig Alcohol and pregnancy. Negative and positive effects of acute and chronic effect of alcohol on the course and outcome of pregnancy,1976,94,31,1771-1782,Hinckers The problems of work- and performance evaluation at the working site,1977,95,8,457-458,Arminger Medical aspects of sports-diving,1977,95,24,1593-5 1598-9,Glas Fracture of the vertebrae due to riding accidents,1977,95,24,1567-1571,Hipp Sports and orthopedics,1977,95,24,1561-2 1592,Hipp Drug and narcotics abuse in 1976. Studies on drug abuse in Bavaria,1977,95,28,1785-1787,Melian Emergency hospitalization of mentally and emotionally sick patients,1977,95,34,2045-8 2068,Schiffner Microsurgery for the treatment of windshield injuries,1977,95,38,2304-2310,Damaske Acute injuries to peripheral nerves. 1. Diagnosis and principles for therapy,1977,95,46,2749-2751,Clemens Acute injuries of peripheral nerves. 2. Special indications for treatment,1977,95,47-48,2821-2823,Clemens Current treatment of depressions using psychopharmacologic agents,1977,95,8,459-465,Fleischhauer Medical aspects of air rescue,1978,96,4,139-40 184,Linde Poisonous-snake bites. Therapy and preventive measures,1978,96,6,296 298,Werner Development-promoting relations with the infant. 2. Picking up laying down carrying,1974,92,1,24-26,Dobler Comments on the industrial medicine employment examination,1974,92,8,334-338,Krbek Medical examination following questionable sex offenses,1979,97,11,501-503,Volk Gunshot wounds by military weapons,1979,97,7,284-288,Fischer Treatment of accident injuries in a medium-sized hospital,1980,98,12,419-421,Fiegler Juvenile urologic foreign body extraction,1980,98,18,687-689,Bülow Does a handicapped person disturb the vacation enjoyment of a non-handicapped person? Remarks on the Frankfurt handicapped judgment,1981,99,7,203-206,Scholler Preventive measures in impending ship disaster,1981,99,6,163-164,Koch Women in the chemical industry. Occupational medicine problems,1981,99,9,305-308,Thiess Occupational hygiene in the physician's practice. 1: Accident prevention regulations in health occupations basics of a hygiene plan in physician's practice practical suggestions for occupational hygiene in laboratories,1981,99,9,298-304,Schreiber The development of brain stem injuries,1981,99,12,431-434,Dirnhofer Legal aspects of dizziness following craniocerebral injuries,1981,99,14,505-510,Moser Shoulder injuries in Alpine skiing,1981,99,19,733-739,Frankenberger Rescue of shipwreck victims,1981,99,19,705-706,Koch Depression - somatization - suicide. Part 1: Psychopathological introduction,1981,99,23,894-899,Hertrich Sudden and unexpected death--for the sake of research. A gruesome chapter from the history of anatomy of Edinburgh,1992,110,4,65-66,Elliott Is ice hockey a dangerous sport?,1985,103,4,57-58,Hipp Suspected rape. Complication of examination methods by specialists,1982,100,20,954-955,Stoll Alcohol abuse in children and adolescents,1978,96,38,1917-1922,Stober Lethal smoke poisoning with cyanides from slow burns,1979,97,33,1401-1405,Daunderer Psychotic depression: therapy prevention side effects patient information and prognosis,1979,97,36,1557-1562,Kaumeier Genetic of juvenile alcoholism; a study in the field of psychiatric family sociology,1979,97,40,1767-8 1824,Stimmer The "Wiesloch model". Sports therapy and intervening prevention,1979,97,43,1980-1984,Bergdolt Therapy of Amanita phalloides poisoning. Results of clinical and experimental studies,1979,97,43,1999-2005,Fischer Survival chances of emergency patients,1985,103,11,290-294,Sefrin The fetus under criminal law is considered a complete human being from the onset of labor pains,1984,102,10,92, Biomechanical analysis of falls in skiing,1986,104,4,86-88,Menke Prevention and therapy of sports injuries. Experiences with an escin-containing gel,1986,104,3,44-46,Pabst Medicinal charcoal--the oldest and most important antidote,1983,101,15,697-700,Daunderer The gunner with the silver mask. An ingenious design for facial reconstruction in the 19th century,1987,105,3,59-61,Renk Injuries of the urogenital organs in children,1980,98,34,1290-1295,Singer Juvenile injuries of the urogenital organs--conclusion,1980,98,38,1477-1479,Singer Depression - somatization - suicide. Part 3: Principles of somatologic and psychotherapeutic treatment in ambulatory care. Guided use of psychopharmaceuticals,1981,99,36,1428-1433,Hertrich Bomb attack at the Octoberfest Munich 1980. Course analysis results,1981,99,36,1423-1427,Konzert-Wenzel Metabolic disorders in severe head injuries,1981,99,38,1562-1566,Hackl Therapy of poisoning--antidotes,1981,99,39,1590-7 concl,Daunderer Abortion refused to underage females despite good reasons. The guardianship law criticizes medical and legal practice in emergency indications,1988,106,1,52-53, Patients with craniocerebral injuries and their reintegration into vocational life. The effect of parameters independent of the accident on expert assessment,1989,107,13,285-287,Mewe The historical development of local treatment of burns,1989,107,14,319-320,Bäumer Bee and wasp venom allergy,1989,107,21,460-463,Schöpf Perforation of the duodenum caused by a swallowed table knife. A case report,1991,109,7,163-164,Benkert Sudden non-traumatic death in sports. 2. Risk factors and recommendations for prevention,1988,106,7,131-134,Rost The depressive syndrome. 4: Lithium; further forms of therapy specialties,1982,100,10,403-408,Faust Early detection of suicide risk in depressive geriatric patients,1993,111,15,e57,Muhlbauer Lithium therapy in specialized ambulances is successful,1993,111,28,66-67,Schmidt Do cholesterol-lowering drugs increase autoaggression?,1994,112,35-36,23-24,Richter Situation anxiety in depressive patients. Practical advice for prescription of psychotropic agents - Interactions,1994,112,17,e54,Moosmann [Moclobemide in treatment of somatoform depression. A case report],1994,112,7,95-96,Rutten Suicidal acts in geriatrics,1990,108,9,40+43-44+47,Kalb Antidepressant agents in the prevention of suicide,1991,109,34,e91, [Help your patient to correctly evaluate diagnosis and risk],1999,117,9,e38,