Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Access to firearms and risk for suicide in middle-aged and older adults,2002,10,4,407-416,Conwell A statewide case-control study of spousal homicide-suicide in older persons,2005,13,3,211-217,Cohen Prostate cancer: a significant risk factor for late-life suicide,2005,13,3,195-201,Llorente Factors associated with falls among older cognitively impaired people in geriatric care settings: a population-based study,2005,13,6,501-509,Kallin Attempted suicide in elderly Chinese persons: a multi-group controlled study,2005,13,7,562-571,Conwell Emotional impact of exposure to terrorism among young-old and old-old Israeli citizens,2005,13,8,705-712,Bleich Increased risk of attempted suicide among aging holocaust survivors,2005,13,8,701-704,Swartz Age-related characteristics of depression: a preliminary STAR*D Report,2005,13,10,852-860,Mitchell Managing suicide risk in late life: access to firearms as a public health risk,2004,12,1,30-36,Brown Increased risk of attempted suicide among aging holocaust survivors,2006,14,4,382,Brown Social Support and Suicidal Ideation in Older Adults Using Home Healthcare Services,2006,14,9,758-766,Bruce Future Orientation and Suicide Ideation and Attempts in Depressed Adults Ages 50 and Over,2006,14,9,752-757,Conwell The Development and Initial Validation of the Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale,2006,14,9,742-751,Heisel Suicide Among Older Psychiatric Inpatients: An Evidence-Based Study of a High-Risk Group,2006,14,9,734-741,Conwell Increased prevalence of falls among elderly individuals with mental health and substance abuse conditions,2007,15,7,611-619,Finkelstein Preliminary report on childhood sexual abuse suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among middle-aged and older depressed women,2004,12,5,536-538,Conwell Cross-sectional association between behavioral symptoms and potential elder abuse among subjects in home care in Italy: results from the Silvernet Study,2007,15,1,70-78,Landi Narcissistic Personality and Vulnerability to Late-Life Suicidality,2007,15,9,734-741,Links Characteristics and comorbid symptoms of older adults reporting death ideation,2013,21,18,803-810,Conwell The relationship between suicide ideation and late-life depression,2007,15,12,1024-1033,Fan Cognitive Performance in Suicidal Depressed Elderly: Preliminary Report,2008,16,2,109-115,Reynolds Hospital-Diagnosed Dementia and Suicide: A Longitudinal Study Using Prospective Nationwide Register Data,2008,16,3,220-228,Conwell Suicide in the elderly: a psychological autopsy study in a North Italy area (1994-2004),2008,16,9,727-735,Lester Reasons for living hopelessness and suicide ideation among depressed adults 50 years or older,2008,16,9,736-741,Conwell Sex differences in correlates of suicide attempt lethality in late life,2008,16,11,905-913,Conwell Depression cognition apolipoprotein e genotype: latent class approach to identifying subtype,2009,17,4,344-352,Bogner Suicidal thinking and behavior during treatment with sertraline in late-life depression,2007,15,7,573-580,Schneider Do cerebrovascular risk factors confer risk for suicide in later life? A case-control study,2007,15,6,541-544,Conwell Indicators of elder abuse: a crossnational comparison of psychiatric morbidity and other determinants in the Ad-HOC study,2006,14,6,489-497,Cooper Childhood adversity and psychosocial adjustment in old age,2006,14,4,307-315,Wilson Risk and protective factors for psychopathology among older versus younger adults after the 2004 Florida hurricanes,2006,14,12,1051-1059,Resnick Progress in identifying risk and protective factors in older suicidal adults,2006,14,9,721-723,Pearson The Wish to Die and 5-Year Mortality in Elderly Primary Care Patients,2010,18,4,341-350,Bruce Attempted suicide in the elderly: characteristics of suicide attempters 70 years and older and a general population comparison group,2010,18,1,57-67,Runeson AAGP Position Statement: Disaster Preparedness for Older Americans: Critical Issues for the Preservation of Mental Health,2009,17,11,916-924,Llorente Differences Between Younger and Older Adults in the Structure of Suicidal Intent and Its Correlates,2010,18,9,839-847,Saiz-Ruiz The geriatric depression scale as a screening tool for depression and suicide ideation: a replication and extention,2010,18,3,256-265,Lee Subthreshold depression and successful aging in older women,2010,18,3,212-220,Judd Low incidence of delirium in very old patients after surgery for hip fractures,2004,12,3,306-314,Naor A comparison of antecedents of homicide-suicide and suicide in older married men,2001,9,1,49-57,Cohen Exposing financial exploitation of impaired elderly persons,2000,8,2,104-111,Tueth Suicide in widowed persons. A psychological autopsy comparison of recently and remotely bereaved older subjects,1998,6,4,328-334,Conwell Daytime sleeping sleep disturbance and circadian rhythms in the nursing home,2006,14,2,121-129,Martin Depression in older adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: prevalence and associated factors,2007,15,12,991-998,Ramirez Outcomes of a Two-Tiered Multifaceted Elderly Suicide Prevention Program in a Hong Kong Chinese Community,2011,19,2,185-196,Conwell Older admissions to substance abuse treatment in 2001,2005,13,5,385-392,Gunter Behavioral health service utilization and preferences of older adults receiving home-based aging services,2010,18,6,491-501,Gum A descriptive study of elderly community-dwelling alcoholic patients in the rural south,1997,5,3,221-228,Abraham Prazosin for the treatment of behavioral symptoms in patients with Alzheimer disease with agitation and aggression,2009,17,9,744-751,Shofer Knowledge detection and reporting of abuse by health and social care professionals: a systematic review,2009,17,10,826-838,Livingston Screaming and physical aggression in nursing homes,2005,13,6,539-540,Volavka Antipsychotic treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in geropsychiatric inpatients,2001,9,3,289-297,Edell Aggression in suicide among adults age 50 and over,2004,12,1,37-42,Conwell Psychiatric disorders among bereaved persons: the role of perceived circumstances of death and preparedness for death,2002,10,4,447-457,Prigerson Premorbid personality and behavioral and psychological symptoms in probable Alzheimer disease,2007,15,3,202-213,Archer Aggressive behavior and neuroleptic medication are associated with increased number of alpha1-adrenoceptors in patients with Alzheimer disease,2007,15,5,435-437,Chen A retrospective chart review of gabapentin for the treatment of aggressive and agitated behavior in patients with dementias,2000,8,3,221-225,Yesavage Elder maltreatment,2000,8,2,101-103,Goldstein Estrogen therapy and aggressive behavior in elderly patients with moderate-to-severe dementia: results from a short-term randomized double-blind trial,1999,7,4,339-348,Wei The relationships between quality of life psychiatric illness and suicidal ideation in geriatric veterans living in a veterans' home: a structural equation modeling approach,2011,19,6,597-601,Lee Prevalence and correlates of poor self-rated health in the United States: the national elder mistreatment study,2010,18,7,615-623,Acierno Patterns of alcohol and drug use among depressed older adults seeking outpatient psychiatric services,2011,19,8,695-703,Weisner The epidemiology of alcohol use disorders and subthreshold dependence in a middle-aged and elderly community sample,2011,19,8,685-694,Wu Vascular Burden and Cognitive Functioning in Depressed Older Adults,2012,20,8,673-681,Lavretsky Age differences in behaviors leading to completed suicide,1998,6,2,122-126,Conwell What is NPI item "Agitation/Aggression" Really Measuring?,2011,19,12,1046; author reply 1046-7,Volicer Family Connectedness Moderates the Association Between Living Alone and Suicide Ideation in a Clinical Sample of Adults 50 Years and Older,2012,20,8,717-723,Conwell At-fault motor vehicle crash risk in elderly patients treated with antidepressants,2011,19,12,998-1006,Herrmann Social Emotion Recognition Social Functioning and Attempted Suicide in Late-Life Depression,2012,20,3,257-265,Reynolds Predicting 10-year alcohol use trajectories among men age 50 years and older,2013,21,2,204-213,Herting Self-injurious behavior in elderly patients with dementia: four case reports,1999,7,2,166-170,Burke Current issues in depression in Parkinson's disease,1999,7,2,110-118,Gold Studies of suicide in later life: methodologic considerations and research directions,1999,7,3,203-210,Clark Attempted suicide in older depressed patients: effect of cognitive functioning,1999,7,4,317-320,Conwell Age and suicidal ideation in older depressed inpatients,1999,7,4,289-296,Conwell Psychological Impact of the Tsunami on Elderly Survivors,2012,20,5,402-407,Math Prevalence of physical and sexual assault and mental health disorders in older women: findings from a nationally representative sample,2013,21,9,877-886,Desai Alcohol use disorder in elderly suicide attempters: a comparison study,2013,21,2,196-203,Waern Psychiatric comorbidity of full and partial posttraumatic stress disorder among older adults in the United States: results from wave 2 of the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions,2012,20,5,380-390,Grant Neuropsychological predictors of self-neglect in cognitively impaired older people who live alone,2007,15,2,140-148,Moineddin Anxiety depression and fall-related psychological concerns in community-dwelling older people,2013,21,12,1287-1291,Hull Impaired executive function in contemplated and attempted suicide in late life,2014,22,8,811-819,Reynolds The prognosis of major and minor depression in older medical inpatients,2006,14,11,966-975,Ciampi The relationship between elder mistreatment and suicidal ideation in rural older adults in China,2013,21,10,1020-1028,Xiang Mild cognitive impairment as a predictor of falls in community-dwelling older people,2012,20,10,845-853,Sturnieks Holocaust experience and suicidal ideation in high-risk older adults,2004,12,1,65-74,Links Age-related response to redeemed antidepressants measured by completed suicide in older adults: a nationwide cohort study,2014,22,1,25-33,Conwell Characteristics and comorbid symptoms of older adults reporting death ideation,2013,21,8,803-810,Conwell The relationship between elder mistreatment and suicidal ideation in rural older adults in China,2013,21,10,1020-1028,Xiang Does age moderate the relationship between depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation in middle-aged and older patients with schizophrenia and subthreshold depression?,2014,22,5,437-441,Zisook The complex interplay of depression and falls in older adults: a clinical review,2013,21,5,484-492,Flint Dronabinol for the treatment of agitation and aggressive behavior in acutely hospitalized severely demented patients with noncognitive behavioral symptoms,2014,22,4,415-419,Woodward Suicide and death ideation in older adults obtaining aging services,2014,22,6,614-622,Conwell Effect of sertraline on risk of falling in older adults with psychotic depression on olanzapine: results of a randomized placebo-controlled trial,2014,22,4,332-336,Mulsant Prevalence and predictors of persistent versus remitting mood anxiety and substance disorders in a national sample of older adults,2014,22,9,854-865,Chou Animal-assisted therapy and agitation and depression in nursing home residents with dementia: a matched case-control trial,2013,21,11,1052-1059,Heinz Longitudinal relationships between alzheimer disease progression and psychosis depressed mood and agitation/aggression,2013,23,2,130-140,Stern Suicide in the old elderly: Results from one Italian county,2014,22,11,1158-1167,Conwell Correlates of alcohol abstinence and at-risk alcohol consumption in older adults with depression: The nesdo study,2014,22,9,866-874,Comijs Differences between suicide attempters and nonattempters in depressed older patients: Depression severity white-matter lesions and cognitive functioning,2014,22,1,75-85,Joiner A home-based training program improves caregivers' skills and dementia patients' aggressive behaviors: A randomized controlled trial,2013,21,11,1060-1070,Liang Twelve-year history of late-life depression and subsequent feelings to God,2014,22,11,1272-1281,Deeg Alcohol use anxiety and insomnia in older adults with generalized anxiety disorder,2014,22,9,875-883,Stanley Predictors of suicidal ideation in older people: A decision tree analysis,2013,22,11,1325-1335,Kelly Abnormal level of arousal as a predictor of delirium and inattention: An exploratory study,2013,21,12,1244-1253,Tieges Impact of historical intimate partner violence on wellbeing and risk for elder abuse in older women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Loxton Developing physician consensus on the reporting of patients with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia to transportation authorities in a region with mandatory reporting legislation,2013,22,12,1530-1543,Mulsant Older adults with prejudicial attitudes report higher post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following exposure to African refugees' violence,2014,22,5,523,Bodner Factors associated with fear of falling and associated activity restriction in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review,2014,23,1,72-86,Hauer Adapting interpersonal psychotherapy for older adults at risk for suicide,2014,23,1,87-98,Heisel Fear of aging moderates post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among older adults exposed to hurricane Sandy,2014,22,7,741,Palgi Antidepressants are independently associated with gait deficits in single and dual task conditions,2014,23,2,189-199,Kenny Depression among older adults after traumatic brain injury: a national analysis,2014,23,6,607-614,Zuckerman Reasons for attempted suicide in later life,2014,23,5,536-544,Waern The influence of depression on cognitive decline in community-dwelling elderly persons,2005,13,5,402-408,Sachs-Ericsson PET scanning of brain tau in retired national football league players: preliminary findings,2013,21,2,138-144,Omalu Prevalence of dementia-associated disability among Chinese older adults: results from a national sample survey,2014,23,3,320-325,Du Impulsive traits and unplanned suicide attempts predict exaggerated prefrontal response to angry faces in the elderly,2014,23,8,829-839,Reynolds Prevalence and predictors of depression in Korean American elderly: findings from the Memory and Aging Study of Koreans (MASK),2014,23,7,671-683,Nguyen Cause or effect? Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and falls in older adults: a systematic review,2014,23,10,1016-1028,Karp Personality moderates the improvement of depressive symptoms after retirement: evidence from the GAZEL Cohort,2014,23,9,941-949,Consoli Depression attributes among White Non-Hispanic and Mexican-Origin older men,2014,23,9,960-969,Unützer Patient and informant views on visual hallucinations in parkinson disease,2014,23,9,970-976,Collerton A 9-week aerobic and strength training program improves cognitive and motor function in patients with dementia: a randomized controlled trial,2015,23,11,1106-1116,Hortobagyi Depression and outcome of fear of falling in a falls prevention program,2015,23,10,1088-1097,Liu A meta-analysis investigating falls in older adults taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors confirms an association but by no means implies causation,2015,23,10,1098,Stubbs Response to a letter to the editor for: a meta-analysis investigating falls in older adults taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors confirms an association but by no means implies causation,2015,23,10,1098-1099,Lenze Higher serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels are protectively associated with depressive symptoms in men but not in women: a community-based cohort study of older Japanese,2013,21,11,1154-1163,Nishiwaki Problem-solving therapy reduces suicidal ideation in depressed older adults with executive dysfunction,2016,24,1,11-17,Alexopoulos Long-term effects of a screening intervention for depression on suicide rates among Japanese community-dwelling older adults,2015,24,4,287-296,Oyama Does recognition of meaning in life confer resiliency to suicide ideation among community-residing older adults? A longitudinal investigation,2015,24,6,455-466,Heisel The mental health of older persons after human-induced disasters: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological data,2016,24,5,379-388,Kisely Iowa Gambling Task performance in elderly persons with a lifetime history of suicidal acts,2015,24,5,399-406,Courtet Trauma exposure and risk of suicidal ideation among older adults,2016,24,8,639-643,Maguen Individual community and national resiliencies and age: are older people less resilient than younger individuals?,2016,24,8,644-647,Kimhi A systematic review of opioid and benzodiazepine misuse in older adults,2016,24,11,949-963,Maree Childhood adversities associated with poor adult mental health outcomes in older homeless adults: results from the HOPE HOME Study,2016,25,2,107-117,Mangurian Progressive focal gray matter volume loss in a former high school football player: a possible magnetic resonance imaging volumetric signature for chronic traumatic encephalopathy,2016,24,10,784-790,Omalu The depressed frail phenotype: the clinical manifestation of increased biological aging,2016,24,11,1084-1094,Roose Self-harm in late life and subsequent risk of dementia,2016,24,12,1219-1220,Draper Fear of falling after hip fracture: prevalence course and relationship with one-year functional recovery,2016,24,12,1228-1236,Wetherell Geriatric suicide attempt and risk of subsequent dementia: a nationwide longitudinal follow-up study in Taiwan,2016,24,12,1211-1218,Tsai Age-friendly communities initiative: public health approach to promoting successful aging,2016,24,12,1158-1170,Jeste Non-tricyclic and non-selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants and recurrent falls in frail older women,2016,24,12,1221-1227,Hanlon Social capital and suicidal ideation in community-dwelling older residents: a multilevel analysis of 10094 subjects in Japan,2016,25,1,37-47,Kawachi Co-occurrence and predictors of three commonly occurring behavioral symptoms in dementia: agitation aggression and rejection of care,2016,25,5,459-468,Gitlin Reaction time and postural sway modify the effect of executive function on risk of falls in older people with mild to moderate cognitive impairment,2016,25,4,397-406,Lord Gait speed and processing speed as clinical markers for geriatric health outcomes,2016,25,4,374-385,Deeg Psychotropic medication use among medicare beneficiaries following traumatic brain injury,2016,25,4,415-424,Smith Negative emotions and suicidal ideation during psychosocial treatments in older adults with major depression and cognitive impairment,2017,25,6,620-629,Alexopoulos Comparison of nine instruments to calculate anticholinergic load in a large cohort of older outpatients: association with cognitive and functional decline falls and use of laxatives,2017,25,5,531-540,Brenner Cognitive deficits: underappreciated contributors to suicide,2017,25,6,630-632,Szanto Measuring participant effort in a depression prevention trial: who engages in problem-solving therapy?,2017,25,8,909-916,Reynolds Prevalence and detection of prescription opioid misuse and prescription opioid use disorder among emergency department patients 50 years of age and older: performance of the Prescription Drug Use Questionnaire Patient Version,2016,24,8,627-636,Clark Post-traumatic stress disorder among older adults experiencing motor vehicle collision: a multicenter prospective cohort study,2017,25,9,953-963,Jones Lifetime alcohol abuse in institutionalized World War II Veterans,1996,4,1,39-45,Herrmann Depressive symptoms among community-dwelling oldest-old residents in Israel,1996,4,3,208-217,Novikov Suicide in elderly depressed patients: is active vs. passive suicidal ideation a clinically valid distinction?,1996,4,3,197-207,Reynolds Indirect self-destructive behavior among elderly patients in nursing homes: a research agenda,1996,4,2,152-163,Conwell Assessment of mood states in psychiatrically disturbed patients with dementia,1996,4,4,298-310,DeRogatis Valproic acid for physically aggressive behavior in geriatric patients,1995,3,3,239-242,Sandborn Buspirone in the management of agitation and aggression associated with dementia,1993,1,3,249-253,Herrmann A study of elderly suicide attempters admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit,1993,1,2,126-135,Mulsant Childhood stress and adversity is associated with late-life dementia in Aboriginal Australians,2017,25,10,1097-1106,Cumming Suicide means among decedents aged 50+ years 2005-2014: trends and associations with sociodemographic and precipitating factors,2017,25,12,1404-1414,Conwell Risk of motor vehicle collision and driving impairment with dementia: clinical implications,2017,25,12,1391-1392,Allison Distress associated with dementia-related psychosis and agitation in relation to healthcare utilization and costs,2017,25,10,1074-1082,Blow Depressive symptoms in recipients of home- and community-based services in the United States: are older adults 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A qualitative study,2018,26,8,862-871,Draper Gay and gray session: an interdisciplinary approach to transgender aging,2018,26,7,719-738,Sewell Integrated exposure therapy and exercise reduces fear of falling and avoidance in older adults: a randomized pilot study,2018,26,8,849-859,Wetherell Understanding disproportionate fear of falling in older adults: implications for intervention development,2018,26,8,860-861,Albert Prolonged exposure therapy for older veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a pilot study,2012,20,3,276-280,Stein Quality of life in older adults receiving medications for anxiety depression or insomnia: findings from a community-based study,2002,10,5,568-574,Barrett-Connor Childhood hunger and thoughts of death or suicide in older adults,2018,26,10,1070-1078,Stickley The interpersonal context of suicide and self-harm in later life: an invited commentary on "why do the very old self-harm? A qualitative study",2018,26,8,872-873,Van Orden Increased risk of suicide attempts and unintended death among those transitioning from prison to community in later life,2018,26,11,1165-1174,Conwell High occurrence of psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior across dementia subtypes,2018,26,12,1191-1201,Byers Does dual-task gait differ in those with late-life depression versus mild cognitive impairment?,2019,27,1,62-72,Montero-Odasso Aggressive behaviors in alzheimer disease and mild cognitive impairment: systematic review and meta-analysis,2019,27,3,290-300,Fazel Corrigendum to 'Why do the very old self-harm? A qualitative study' [American Journal of Psychiatry 26 (2018) 862-871],2019,27,2,211,Draper Association of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms following Hurricane Katrina with incident cardiovascular disease events among older adults with hypertension,2019,27,3,310-321,Muntner Suicide risk for sexual minorities in middle and older age: evidence from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health,2019,27,5,559-563,Nakash Physicians are less likely to assess and manage suicide risk among older adults: broader implications for suicide prevention within primary care,2019,27,6,609-610,Raue Effects of a multidisciplinary intervention on the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms and psychotropic drug use in nursing home residents withyoung-onset dementia: Behavior and Evolution of Young-Onset Dementia Part 2 (BEYOND-II) Study,2019,27,6,581-589,Zuidema Age differences in suicide risk screening and management prior to suicide attempts,2019,27,6,604-608,Conner Beyond depression: estimating 12-months prevalence of passive suicidal ideation in mid- and late-life in the health and retirement study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mezuk Effect of resistance exercise on depression in mild Alzheimer disease patients with sarcopenia,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chang Passive suicidal ideation in older adults: implications for suicide prevention,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barry Negative emotions and the course of depression during psychotherapy in suicidal older adults with depression and cognitive impairment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kiosses Association of antidepressants with recurrent injurious and unexplained falls is not explained by reduced gait speed,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kenny Frailty and its correlates in adults with late life depression,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Roose Why do older adults taking antidepressants fall?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mulsant Self-harm suicidal ideation and attempted suicide in older adults: a national study of emergency department visits and follow-up care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olfson Age discrimination and suicidal ideation among Korean older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kim Commentary on self-harm suicidal ideation and attempted suicide in older adults: a national study of emergency department visits and follow-up care,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conwell Suicide ideation in US nursing homes: institutional freedom versus institutional paternalism,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Barak Suicide ideation among nursing home residents in the United States: conceptual issues and the international context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jain Aggression prevention training for individuals with dementia and their caregivers: a randomized controlled trial,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stanley A qualitative study of perioperative depression and anxiety in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baumann The interaction of personality and social support on prospective suicidal ideation in men and women with late-life depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Steffens Understanding personality's role in late-life suicide research: a multifaceted challenge: invited perspective on "The interaction of personality and social support on prospective suicidal ideation in men and women with late-life depression",2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Szucs Strategies to promote social connections among older adults during 'social distancing' restrictions,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conwell Suicidal ideation in US nursing homes: association with individual and facility factors,2020,28,3,288-298,Conwell American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Statement on Racism and Violence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Board of Directors Characteristics of older adult first-time sex offenders: insights from the Missouri Registry,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ghossoub Cognition and late-life suicide: cognitive profiles among depressed suicidal subgroups as a function of medical seriousness and onset of suicidal behavior,2020,28,Suppl 4,S119-S120,Szanto Improvements in functional disability after psychotherapy for depression are associated with reduced suicide ideation among older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bickford Late-onset suicide: a dementia prodrome?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Szanto Criminal behavior in the four years preceding diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder: a nationwide register study in Finland,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elonheimo Commentary on historical intimate partner violence and its impact on well-being and risk for elder abuse in older women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morycz Social disconnection in late life suicide: an NIMH workshop on state of the research in identifying mechanisms treatment targets and interventions,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bruce Ignoring societal structure in public health approaches to suicide prevention,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halkitis A pilot randomized trial of engage psychotherapy to increase social connection and reduce suicide risk in later life,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Conwell Improving social connections to reduce suicide risk: a promising intervention target? [editorial],2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Szanto Suicide risk in the first year following dementia diagnosis: a national study of uU.S. older adults,2021,29,Suppl,S118-S119,Olfson Frailty and risk of suicide in young-old to oldest-old veterans,2021,29,Suppl,S70-S71,Covinsky PTSD risk of suicide and unintended death by overdose in mid- to late-life,2021,29,Suppl,S59-S60,Maguen A comparison of physician-assisted/Death-With-Dignity-Act death and suicide patterns in older adult women and men,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,McIntosh Is suicide the end point of ageism and human rights violations?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Peisah Clinical characteristics in older middle-aged and young adults who present with suicide attempts at psychiatric emergency departments: a multisite study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Waern Factors associated with 7-day follow-up outpatient mental health care in older adults hospitalized for suicidal ideation suicide attempt and self-harm,2021,dePub,ePub,ePub,Olfson The role of perceived and objective social connectedness on risk for suicidal thoughts and behavior in late-life and their moderating effect on cognitive deficits,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Szanto An emotion regulation tablet app for middle-aged and older adults at high suicide risk: feasibility acceptability and two case studies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Czaja Delayed or denied? 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