Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Youth violence and the apocalyptic,2002,62,3,285-298,Strozier Nonmentalizing states in early-childhood survivors of the Holocaust: developmental considerations regarding treatment of child survivors of genocidal atrocities,2007,67,1,68-81,Sossin Violence: the malignancy of our times! Is there hope?,1993,53,4,283-93; discussion 295-9,Benedek The prediction of adolescent homicide: episodic dyscontrol and dehumanization,1974,34,3,187-198,Miller The Palestinian/Israeli conflict: A geopolitical identity disorder,2009,69,1,62-71,Brenner Theories of self-destruction,1972,32,1,53-61,Tabachnick The question of survival: the death of desire and the weight of life,2007,67,1,53-67,Nguyen Society's use of the hero following a national trauma,2007,67,1,37-52,Goren Suicide and the doctor-patient relationship,1968,28,2,177-188,Perr Dynamics of sudden murder,1968,28,2,162-176,Ruotolo The community mental health movement in the United States--circa 1970. I,1971,31,1,68-79,Rubins The diction of melancholia,1971,31,1,104-106,Blinderman Depersonalization and the use of LSD: a psychodynamic study,1972,32,1,45-52,Waltzer Police crisis intervention and the prevention of violence,1972,32,2,211-215,Barocas Editorial: Suicide among psychiatrists,1974,34,2,97-98,DeRosis Individual aggression and a violent society,1974,34,4,305-310,Hott Victims of violence: psychological effects and aftereffects,1975,35,1,19-26,Symonds Neurotic pride and homicide,1975,35,1,1-18,Ruotolo The rape victim: psychological patterns of response,1976,36,1,27-34,Symonds The black slum child and the problem of aggression,1976,36,3,219-226,Heacock The infantile roots of adolescent violence,1976,36,3,211-218,Eisen The psychodynamics of violence-prone marriages,1978,38,3,213-222,Symonds The self system and group violence,1978,38,2,111-120, Socialization of dyssocial children,1978,38,1,31-40,Brummit Violence in the family as a disorder of the attachment and caregiving systems,1984,44,1,9-27 29-31,Bowlby "Lord of the Mirrors" and demon lover,1986,46,4,336-344,Kavaler The covert seduction theory: filling the gap between the seduction theory and the Oedipus complex,1988,48,3,247-250,Lawrence Man-made mass death and changing concepts of self,1988,48,1,25-34,Wyschogrod A granddaughter of violence: Doris Lessing's good girl as terrorist,1989,49,3,225-238,Eldredge From conflict to suicide: the inner turmoil of Quentin Compson,1989,49,3,211-224,Butery Ann Sexton and the daemonic lover,1989,49,2,105-114,Kavaler Terror at sea: Vietnamese victims of piracy,1990,50,4,351-362,Kleinman Abusive families and character formation,1990,50,2,181-186,McCarthy Psychoanalysis and state terror in Argentina,1992,52,3,273-89; discussion 291-2,Hollander The treatment of an adult survivor of incest: a self psychological perspective,1992,52,3,201-212,Josephs Masochism and fear of success in Asian women: psychoanalytic mechanisms and problems in therapy,1992,52,1,1-12,Wu Gymnastics and personality,1947,7,1,48-52,Lederer-eckardt Childhood experience and adult depression: a review of studies,1993,53,4,301-315,Bemporad The role of sexuality in sadism: object relations and drive theory perspectives,2009,69,4,314-329,Juni Horney's concept of basic anxiety. Its relationship to the phenomenon of violence,1965,25,2,142-157,Boigon The "second injury" to victims of violent acts,2010,70,1,34-41,Symonds Character problems and their relationship to drug abuse,1969,29,2,186-193,Sharoff Incest and the idealized self: adaptations to childhood sexual abuse,1994,54,1,21-36; discussion 37-9,Price The myth of the invulnerable self of adolescence,1995,55,4,369-379,Rucker Long-term psychoanalytic therapy as a life-saving procedure,2007,67,4,334-358,Chessick A century of silence,2010,70,3,245-264,Danielian The violent adolescent: the urge to destroy versus the urge to feel alive,2002,62,3,237-253,Rogers The violent adolescent: theoretical and clinical considerations,2002,62,3,209-212,Cohen Why Oedipus and not Christ?: a psychoanalytic inquiry into innocence human sacrifice and the sacred--Part I: Innocence spirituality and human sacrifice,1997,57,3,193-218; discussion 218-20,Grotstein From neurotic guilt to existential guilt as grief: the road to interiority agency and compassion through mourning. Part I,2006,66,3,239-259,Kavaler-Adler Treating the "wise baby",2005,65,1,3-12,Vida Scientific meeting of the American Institute for Psychoanalysis: discovering child abuse,2005,65,3,293-295,Smith "Something covered with an old blanket": Nancy and other dead mothers in Oliver Twist,2005,65,3,239-260,Tatum Violence as proof of existence: Joyce Carol Oates and the construction of Shelley the schizoid,2005,65,2,189-196,Muzaffar Why Oedipus and not Christ?,1998,58,2,233-4; author reply 235-7,Cook Scientific meeting of the American Institute for Psychoanalysis. The malevolent use of emotions: how affects can be used to convert and alert the personality Presenter: Ruth Stein Ph.D. Discussant: Giselle Galdi Ph.D. Date: November 20 2002,2004,64,1,109-112,Silvera The disposables: our treatment of violent adolescents,2002,62,3,273-284,Thompson Linking work: from violence to subjectivization,2002,62,3,255-272,Marty The mutating preconscious archetype in present-day ecological conditions,1990,50,4,363-366,Włoch Technical considerations in the psychotherapy of traumatized individuals: a psychoanalytic perspective,2008,68,1,50-65,Nayar Childhood and trauma,2008,68,1,24-32,Boschan The seam between life and death and therapeutic presence,2008,68,3,219-236,Bonwitt Role-reversal: a somewhat neglected mirror of heritages of the past,2008,68,4,313-324,Borgogno Building blocks toward contemporary trauma theory: Ferenczi 's paradigm shift,2010,70,4,328-340,Mészáros Adolescent transition: Ordinary People (1980) Fly Away Home (1996) and (500) Days of Summer (2009),2011,71,2,94-109,Miller Men money and marihuana,1971,31,2,153-163,Yolles A commentary on the fully-analyzed person,1972,32,2,186-194,Burton Pseudo-activism: a relatively new neurotic adaptation,1973,33,2,151-161,Tershakovec The myth of masculinity: a panel,1973,33,1,56-67,Yachnes Masochism in love and sex,1974,34,1,73-79,Barbara Symptom substitution in a male hysteric,1975,35,4,355-357,Wallace Drug-induced psychoses ... or schizophrenia?,1975,35,4,329-342,Abruzzi Family pathology in Crime and Punishment,1978,38,4,335-342,Hutzler The power dilemma of women,1980,40,4,301-311,Turkel Daughters' reactions to maternal depression,1983,43,4,291-300,Cole "Red rover": an expression of the psychic struggle toward separation-individuation,1984,44,4,425-430,Rabinowitz The personality cult in psychoanalysis,1974,34,2,129-133,Rubins The need to dominate,1975,35,1,33-39,Robbins The structure of personality,1975,35,2,175-181,Robbins The fear of turning into dust: notes on a group for sexually abused women,2012,72,1,52-63,Tarantelli From disavowal and murder to liberty,2012,72,1,33-45,Garon Psychodynamics of aggression in women,1976,36,3,195-203,Symonds Victims of Violence: Psychological Effects and After-Effects,1975,35,1,19-26,Symonds Assessing Adolescents Who Threaten Homicide in Schools,2002,62,3,213-235,Fonagy Flirting with death: The role of father in containment of sexually perverse behavior,2013,73,4,394-404,Koritar On the emotional well-being of psychiatrists: overview and rationale,1977,37,2,123-129,Knutsen Gender-specific problems in the treatment of young women,1977,37,3,215-221,Rosenbaum Human aggression and depression: can these drives be utilized in a constructive way?,1977,37,3,201-206,Kermani Narcissism and the self in homicidal adolescents,1978,38,1,19-29,McCarthy The psychiatrist in national emergency,1974,34,1,85-90,Aleksandrowicz Internal prohibitions against female anger,1980,40,2,137-148,Lerner Aggression in everyday life,1979,39,2,99-112,Miller Silence as the voice of trauma,2014,74,2,176-194,Ritter Primary prevention: a breakthrough in sight,1978,38,2,121-127,Apolito The antisocial character,1979,39,3,235-244,Hott Giuseppe civitarese: the violence of emotions: bion and post-bionian psychoanalysis,2014,74,,284-285,Cooper The psychoaggressive stages of psychological development in an authority-based socialization process,1988,48,4,328-346,Pearson The new male role,1980,40,3,227-237,Boles Discussion of "The stress of deprivation in human relationships",1981,41,3,235-238,Miller The stress of deprivation in human relationships,1981,41,3,227-234,Miller Emily Dickinson and the subject of seclusion,1991,51,1,21-38,Kavaler-Adler Ferenczi's concept of identification with the aggressor: understanding dissociative structure with interacting victim and abuser self-states,2014,74,1,48-59,Howell Trauma healing and the reconstruction of truth,2014,74,1,31-47,Mucci Growing up in chaos: the dissociative response,1988,48,1,72-83,Paley Some psychoanalytic reflections on the concept of dignity,2015,75,3,244-266,Akhtar Identity formation difficulties in immigrant adolescents: three cases from Germany,2015,75,4,438-453,Streeck-Fischer Female sexuality nationalism and large group identity,2015,75,4,416-437,Angel Gonzalez-Torres Helplessness and the analyst's war against feeling it,2016,76,1,1-17,Hoffer Troubled journeys: some motivations of young Muslim men to join the Islamic State,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yordanova The enigma of extreme traumatism: trauma exclusion and their impact on subjectivity,2017,77,1,40-51,Vinar Equality and genitality,1982,42,2,99-107,Kirkpatrick Our relations to refugees: between compassion and dehumanization,2017,77,4,359-377,Varvin Moral injury,2017,77,4,406-416,Antonelli Reading Willy Wonka in the era of anti-thinking,2018,78,2,113-125,Miller Richard Gartner: understanding the sexual betrayal of boys and men. 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