Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide in Israel: 1985-1997,2002,27,6,423-428,Nachman Dissecting the suicide phenotype: the role of impulsive-aggressive behaviours,2005,30,6,398-408,Turecki Drugs and aggression: correlations crime and human manipulative studies and some proposed mechanisms,1995,20,2,141-149,Pihl Violent behavior,1995,20,2,101-103,Pihl Serotonin receptor subtype and p11 mRNA expression in stress-relevant brain regions of suicide and control subjects,2008,33,2,131-141,Faludi Implication of the polyamine system in mental disorders,2008,33,2,102-110,Turecki Fatty acid composition in postmortem brains of people who completed suicide,2007,32,5,363-370,Lalovic Alcohol dependence-related increase of glial cell density in the anterior cingulate cortex of suicide completers,2009,34,4,281-288,Turecki Reduction in suicidal ideation with SSRIs: a review of 459 depressed patients,1993,18,3,114-119,Bakish Endogenous opioids and excessive alcohol 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women with a history of early-life maltreatment: an imagination-based fMRI study of conflictual versus pleasant interactions with children,2018,43,4,e170026,Brunner Abnormal protein and mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines in the prefrontal cortex of depressed individuals who died by suicide,2018,43,4,170192,Zhang The maternal brain in women with a history of early-life maltreatment: an imagination-based fMRI study of conflictual versus pleasant interactions with children,2018,43,4,273-282,Brunner Are people with psychiatric disorders violent?,2018,43,4,220-222,Leyton Lifetime major depression and grey-matter volume,2018,43,6,e180026,Ancelin Abnormal protein and mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines in the prefrontal cortex of depressed individuals who died by suicide,2018,43,6,376-385,Pandey Neurobehavioural mechanisms of threat generalization moderate the link between childhood maltreatment and psychopathology in emerging adulthood,2018,44,1,1-10,van Os Impact of white 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