Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Suicide in the Highlands of Scotland,2002,60,1,27-32,Matthewson Pattern and severity of injury sustained by motorcyclists in road traffic accidents in Edinburgh Scotland,1993,51,2,86-91,Bradbury The role of health visitors in the prevention of home accidents involving children: time for a rethink?,1995,53,1,20-25,Watt Re: 'The epidemiology of leisure accidents in Scotland' (Letter),1996,54,1,101-102,Curtis Motorcycle accidents in Strathclyde Region Scotland during 1992: a study of the injuries sustained,1995,53,6,386-394,Chinn The epidemiology of leisure accidents in Scotland,1995,53,5,280-293,Campbell Avoidable deaths in countries of the European community and in Scotland,1993,51,3,151-157,Carstairs The long term effect of seat belt legislation on road user injury patterns,1990,48,6,347-349,Tunbridge Uptake of the children's traffic club in Lothian,2000,58,1,58-62,Bull Re: 'Death by suicide in Grampian 1974-1990' Health Bulletin 1996; 37-44,1996,54,3,282,Gordon School accidents,1986,44,2,99-104,Bell Childhood injury mortality in Scotland 1981-95,1999,57,4,241-246,Stone Child sexual abuse in general practice in north east Scotland,1992,50,3,237-247,Bisset Major paediatric trauma in Glasgow 1980-1989: Implications for services,1996,54,2,163-168,Wyatt Accidents poisoning and violence as a cause of hospital admissions in children,1991,49,4,237-244,Smith Clinical and experimental studies on alcoholism,1973,31,6,324-326,Goldberg Acute poisoning in young women 1965-73,1975,33,3,97-101,Lawson Causes of deaths from acute poisoning in West Fife occurring inside and outside hospital,1975,33,3,102-107,Lawson Violence and the psychiatrist,1978,36,1,34-38,Freeman Fitness to drive: additional guidance on 1. cardiac conditions,1981,39,2,80-81,Oliver Alcohol related morbidity in acute male medical admissions,1983,41,5,263-267,Martin The codification and interpretation of hospital fire reports,1983,41,5,238-247,Stollard Animal and human bites as an emergency,1983,41,3,137-140,Bryce Violence and the accident and emergency department,1985,43,6,278-282,Steedman Telephone calls to a paediatric accident and emergency department,1992,50,3,233-236,Beattie War-time changes in road transport deaths,1948,6,2,36-39,Robertson Mortality from suicide in Scotland,1948,6,2,29-35,McKINLEY A study of the hospitalisation of accidents in a Highland tourist area,1969,27,1,40-48,Webster The epidemiology of accidents--a survey in Aviemore,1969,27,1,33-37,Macdonald The Lockerbie road accident after-care scheme,1973,31,5,240-243,Cameron Aetiology of traffic accidents,1972,30,4,277-280,Mackay Personal points of view--margins of safety in mountaineering,1972,30,3,204-205,Meldrum Accidental poisoning in children,1971,29,4,214-219,Webster A survey of accidents in Kirkcudbrightshire (South-West Scotland) with a comparison between the tourist and non-tourist seasons and their bearing on local health services,1971,29,2,115-118,Christie Changes in Scottish drinking habits and behaviour following the extension of permitted evening opening hours,1980,38,3,133-137,Bruce Prevention of accidental poisoning in children,1979,37,5,221-224,Thomson Fatal road traffic accidents Edinburgh 1972,1978,36,6,313-317,Macleod Accidents in hospital with special reference to old people,1976,34,6,330-335,Scott Childhood accident death rates in Scotland,1990,48,6,341-346, Statistics of deaths from road traffic accidents in Scotland,1990,48,6,333-340, Accidents and the elderly in hospital,1986,44,3,120-121,Cohen Workplace alcohol policies--are Scottish health boards exemplar employers?,1993,51,5,295-298,Braddick Death by suicide in Grampian 1974-1990,1996,54,1,37-44,Campbell Acute psychiatric problems in an A and E Department,1996,54,2,158-162,Grant Lothian inter-agency child protection guidelines: impact on a children's NHS trust,1997,55,5,326-330,Squires Suicide by young men in Lothian 1993 and 1994,1996,54,6,458-466,Squires Review of drug overdosage in West Lothian,1983,41,2,84-94,Irving Accuracy of ICD-9 coding with regard to childhood accidents,1995,53,6,395-397,Beattie Are single indicators of deprivation as useful as composite indicators in predicting morbidity and mortality: results from the Central Clydeside Conurbation,1997,55,5,283-284,Ellaway Evidence suggesting increasing health damage in Scotland related to alcohol,1997,55,3,134-139,Chick School injuries in the west of Scotland: estimate of incidence and health service costs,1997,55,1,44-48,Stark Personal safety and the abuse of staff in a Scottish NHS Trust,2000,58,6,442-449,Gray Factors associated with admission to hospital following emergency psychiatric assessment,1996,54,6,467-473,Lawrie Does where you live predict health related behaviours?: a case study in Glasgow,1996,54,6,443-446,Ellaway Alcohol and health education in schools,1971,29,1,50-53,Stacey The handicapped and impaired in Great Britain,1972,30,2,123-130,Carstairs Alcoholism in Scotland in the 1960's,1972,30,1,16-22,Ratcliff The Scottish Poisons Information Bureau,1973,31,1,35-37,Matthew Health education alcohol and alcoholism in Scotland,1974,32,1,31-34,Semple Smoking as a fire risk in Scottish hospitals; an ASH enquiry,1977,35,1,39-43,Fraser Aspects of self-reported alcohol consumption in Scotland,1979,37,1,39-42,Duffy Social and psychological aspects of alcohol and alcoholism,1973,31,6,320-323,Martin Teenagers and alcohol,1973,31,6,318-319,Davies Children and alcohol--a developmental study in Glasgow,1973,31,6,314-317,Jahoda A pilot study of the characteristics of 'sitting' ambulance patients in Glasgow,1974,32,4,167-169,Davidson Research into alcohol problems: summing up of the conference,1973,31,6,327-329,Kreitman Injuries in the adolescent population in Scotland: patterns and types of injuries sustained,1999,57,3,165-174,Beattie Getting the message across: the development and evaluation of a health education video in general practice,1997,55,1,58-61,Shiroyama Health promotion and the use of Gpass in Scotland,1995,53,5,253-259,Begg An accident survey in Stirling Burgh,1950,8,1,4-8,Lockhart Head injuries in primary surgical wards in Scottish hospitals,1979,37,2,75-81,Strang Trends in acute poisoning in a District Medical Unit,1979,37,4,121-127,Lawson Scottish sport to the year 2000--its impact on health,1991,49,2,143-145,Alstead The chief scientist reports ... head injury and the rehabilitation professions in the West of Scotland,1986,44,2,110-117,Beattie Head injury rehabilitation in Edinburgh,1986,44,2,105-109,Pentland Barriers to the recognition and management of problem drinking: lessons from a multicentre general practice study,1987,45,2,88-94,Neville Elderly acute orthopaedic patients--where they come from and where they go,1988,46,2,98-105,Currie Football injuries presenting to an accident and emergency department,1987,45,5,263-267,Patel Aetiology of traffic accidents,1973,31,4,277-280,Clayton Prison admission health screening as a measure of health needs,2001,59,2,114-119,Gilchrist