Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Filicide medical empathy directives of the Supreme Court and reduced punishment,2012,31,3,419-432,Kalian A comparison of firearms--related legislation on four continents,2003,22,1,105-111,Bauer Reflections on dangerousness and its prediction--a truly tantalizing task?,2002,21,3,495-520,Bauer Medico-legal investigation of suspected fatal poisonings in Pretoria: 2000--2001,2004,23,4,859-873,Bhana Comparison of suicide attempters and completers,2004,23,4,693-714,Valente The effect of violent versus non-violent incidents on eyewitness memory,2004,23,4,833-858,Venter The consequences of drunken driving in South Africa,1994,13,1-2,11-17,Becker Epilepsy and driving licences,2002,21,1,121-132,Devereux Burning brides--a medicolegal study,1995,14,7-8,547-552,Satpathy Dealing with road rage,1997,16,4,813-816,Slovenko Sexual harassment--abuse or flirtation,2005,24,3,479-488,Tabak Judicial sentencing in Canadian intimate partner sexual assault cases,2006,25,1,139-157,Du Mont The abuse of children in Greece,2002,21,4,735-744,Mavroforou Legal implications of public health guidelines,2007,26,1,69-74,Beran "Cognac alibi" as a drunk-driving defense and medico-legal challenge,2004,23,2,367-378,Vukovic Road traffic accidents and secondary victimisation: the role of law professionals,2004,23,2,259-268,Cotti Confidentiality and driver licensing authorities,2003,22,2,333-343,Black Epilepsy automatism and culpable driving,2002,21,1,133-153,McSherry Epilepsy and driving: The perspective of an Australian neurologist,2001,20,4,553-568,Black Epilepsy syndromes: effects on cognition performance and driving ability,2001,20,4,547-551,Berkovic Violence in the family setting: an analysis of mistreatment of minors and women,1995,14,1-2,117-122,Luna Roadside driver alcohol survey and hospital alcohol survey in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea,1995,14,3-4,157-161,Hills Civil responsibility for driving under the influence of pharmaceutical drugs in Germany,1995,14,1-2,23-35,Fuellmich The influence of age on injury severity of restrained front seat occupants in head-on collisions,1995,14,1-2,105-116,Kallieris The anatomy of violence,1994,13,5-6,407-416,Lawrence Possible reasons why certain epileptics commit unlawful acts during or directly after seizures,1994,13,3-4,373-379,van Rensburg Patterns of violence in the Kandy area (Sri Lanka),1994,13,1-2,105-127,Babapulle Violent oppression: implications for mental health priorities in South Africa,1994,13,1-2,193-203,Mkhize Child abuse through the eyes of the teacher,1993,12,3-5,201-203,Haslam Ethical and moral dilemmas in the treatment of an abusive parent--the occupational therapy perspective,1993,12,3-5,221-227,Luboshitsky Aggressiveness in subjects referred for examination by court order: a retrospective study (1988-90) in the southern district of Israel,1993,12,3-5,393-401,Fux Child abuse: Does disclosing the fact have implications for medical secrecy?,1993,12,1-2,25-28,van Veenendaal Legal and therapeutic interventions with incestuous families,1992,11,5-6,469-484,Haugaard Epilepsy and driving in South Australia--an assessment of compulsory notification,1997,16,2,253-267,Black Epileptic drivers--a study of 1089 patients,1997,16,2,295-306,Beaussart Does the punishment fit the crime? Judicial sentencing in adolescent and adult sexual assault cases,2007,26,4,747-768,Du Mont Does the punishment fit the crime? Judicial sentencing in adolescent and adult sexual assault cases,2008,27,2,477-498,Du Mont Professional indemnity insurance and the practice of medicine during bullfights in France,2008,27,4,767-774,Telmon Sallekhana: the ethicality and legality of religious suicide by starvation in the Jain religious community,2008,27,4,913-924,Braun Social risk management--reducing disparities in risk vulnerability and poverty equitably,2008,27,1,109-118,Ruger The torture of the automobile way of life,1983,2,4,385-398,Slovenko Child sexuality: recent developments and implications for treatment prevention and social policy,1983,2,1,55-67,Constantine Treatment of the violent offender,1983,2,3,231-238,Saad Victimology and medicine,1983,2,2,117-130,Separovic Forensic science assistance in investigating road accidents,1984,3,3,297-303,Morgan Psychiatric liability in patient-suicide,1984,3,3,225-230,Lielbriedis Problems with the assessment of dangerousness in England and Wales,1984,3,2,141-150,Crawford The assessment of dangerous sexual behavior in males,1984,3,2,127-140,Laws Toward two models of psychopathic violence,1984,3,2,119-125,Heilbrun Child abuse as precursor to adult abuse of alcohol and drugs,1986,5,3,239-245,Lebling The invulnerables/the superchild,1986,5,3,227-238,Lebling The sexual abuse of children within the family,1985,4,5,463-473,Frude Negligence without malpractice. Broadening liability for psychiatrists who release dangerous mental patients,1985,4,5,453-462,Felthous Multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds. A case report,1985,4,1,77-79,Singh Domestic violence,1985,4,1,19-27,Cohen The limit of violence: psychotropic drugs law and ethics,1985,4,2,155-166,Tamm Disability and driving in Switzerland,1985,4,4,379-384,Dietrich Sexual molestation of children,1987,6,5,469-477,Schwartz Family parameters of violent prisoners,1987,6,2,151-157,Rahav The brain-damaged learner driver: screening,1987,6,2,159-164,Simms Alcohol consumption and crimes against sexual freedom,1988,7,1,81-86,Osuna Munchausen syndrome by proxy: a psychodynamic analysis,1988,7,1,49-56,Sigal More on the role of weapons in homicidal violence,1988,7,4,347-358,Barlow Personality and social attitude correlates of violent prisoners,1988,7,3,269-286,Rahav Parental characteristics in cases of child-battering and abuse,1988,7,3,295-301,Brook Violent prisoners,1988,7,3,247-267,Rahav Child sexual abuse: a new approach,1989,8,6,623-630,Gwynn Alcohol and drug use by rapists and their victims,1989,8,2,157-164,Luna The dangerous psychiatric patient. Part I: Epidemiology etiology prediction,1989,8,2,131-136,Rabinowitz Can men who abuse children change?,1989,8,2,125-129,Saphira Sexual Assault Centre Auckland New Zealand,1989,8,3,297-302,Goodyear The accountability of incest offenders,1989,8,3,281-286,de Chesnay The dangerous psychiatric patient: Part II: Short-term treatment,1989,8,3,261-266,Rabinowitz The sexual abuse eating disorder and addiction (SEA) triad: syndrome or coincidence?,1989,8,1,59-61,Minovitz Attitudes towards child sexuality,1989,8,4,379-390,Harris The dangerous psychiatric patient. Part III: Long-term treatment and management and responsibility considerations,1989,8,4,351-356,Rabinowitz Some biological predispositions and multivariate analysis of the bio-psycho-social correlates of violent prisoners,1989,7,6,607-628,Rahav Domestic violence: the role of the mental health expert,1990,9,6,1274-1276,Packer The psychiatric evaluation of a parent when a child's protection is at stake: ethical and legal aspects,1990,9,5,1146-1149, A psychotrauma approach to delinquent behaviour during life stress conditions,1990,9,4,1100-1109,Erdreich Addiction to violence in the United States Vietnam combat veteran,1991,10,4,375-379,Solursh Child sexual abuse--the Cleveland experience,1991,10,6,615-621,Haslam Mistreatment of the aged in the home environment in northern France: a year survey (1990),1992,11,7-8,641-648,Dwyer Sexual misuse of children by family members: the dynamics of a complex problem,1992,11,7-8,501-525,Fruman Rape death and resurrection: male reaction after disclosure of the secret of being a rape victim,1993,12,1-2,181-189,Ben-David Mental illness and suicide in Israel,1993,12,3-5,445-465,Sheiban Evaluating the best interests of the child--a model of multidisciplinary teamwork,1993,12,3-5,205-211,Sever Sexual asphyxia: a lesser epidemic,1993,12,6-8,687-698,Book Child pedestrian accidents epidemiology and law,1984,3,2,177-181,Chapman Patient violence towards nursing staff in closed psychiatric wards: it's long-term effects on staff's mental state and behaviour,2009,28,4,705-724,Tabak The phenomenon of physical aggression against health service personnel: different perspectives,2009,28,3,451-459,García-Calvo Allegations of sexual abuse in child custody disputes,2000,19,4,815-825,du Bois Psychological traits and criminal profiles,1993,12,1-2,171-180,Luna The parental paradox,1993,12,1-2,15-23,van Nijnatten Dextropropoxyphene deaths in Denmark from the health authority point of view,1993,12,1-2,141-151,Harris Report of the committee assigned to investigate the protection of hospitalized mental patients against sexual assault and abuse--a critical review,1993,12,3-5,375-379,Ginath The incident in Kure--a 40-year follow-up of post-traumatic stress disorder,1993,12,3-5,369-374,Dinnen Protection of hospitalized mental patients against sexual assault and abuse,1993,12,3-5,325-327,Shereshewsky The expert opinion of the child and adolescent psychiatrist: a review of 140 lawsuits of minors involved in accidents,1993,12,3-5,311-315,Mitrany Breaking confidentiality survey,1993,12,3-5,257-262,Zadik Releasing the treating psychiatrist from confidentiality,1993,12,3-5,249-255,Weil The legal implications of abuse of the unborn foetus,1994,13,1-2,19-27,Johnson Critical incident stress debriefings for crisis management in post-traumatic stress disorders,1994,13,1-2,185-191,Smith Sectorial automatism: a further development,1994,13,1-2,167-175,Erdreich Cases of death caused by gas or warning firearms,1994,13,5-6,511-518,Maxeiner 'Necklace murders': a review of a series of cases examined in a Port Elizabeth mortuary,1994,13,5-6,501-509,Lang Preparing a child witness in sex abuse cases: the destruction and re-creation of testimony,1994,13,5-6,473-488,van Dokkum The application of the forensic sciences to human rights investigations,1994,13,5-6,451-460,Kirschner Alcohol and motor vehicle accidents in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea,1994,13,5-6,399-406,Posanau Alcohol intoxication and homicide,1996,15,3,485-491,Mathew Advances in domestic violence shelters,1996,15,3,467-478,Hoffman Death by inmate--multiple murder in a maximum security prison,1996,15,3,455-466,Palermo No-fault liability--twenty years experience in New Zealand,1996,15,3,425-428,Lewis The role of forensic medical services of Azerbaijan Republic in cases of natural calamities terrorist actions and other urgent situations--organizational principles of joint activities of forensic medical services and the law-enforcement agencies,1996,15,2,337-340,Youssifli Occupational handicap in victims of limb injuries,1996,15,1,135-141,da Costa The roles of the American and European governments in the development and persistence of antisocial behavior,2004,23,4,875-888,Martens A South African perspective on children's rights: pertinent issues in remedial and protection interventions,2000,19,2,253-273,Louw Child abuse in Papua New Guinea,1999,18,1,61-76,Johnson Use of law as a treatment instrument,1986,5,5,417-425,Zimrin Medical confidentiality for violent patients? A comparison of the German and the English approach,2001,20,4,569-577,Michalowski How can we avoid some psychotic patients becoming violent offenders?,2001,20,1,123-131,Martens Should Canadian physicians have a mandatory duty to report woman abuse?,2001,20,1,101-121,Ferris Patients' violence towards the staff in psychiatric institutions--a professional and ethical dilemma,2000,19,4,713-736,Sharon Is the foetal alcohol syndrome child protected by South African law?,1994,13,1-2,79-94,Lupton The case against having "professional privilege" in the physician/patient relationship,1997,16,2,385-393,Jozefowicz Epilepsy: legal discrimination from negative to positive,1997,16,2,367-374,Mani Epilepsy and driving license regulations in Slovenia,1997,16,2,289-294,Groselj Investigation of vehicle driving ability in two diagnostic groups of epileptic patients with special neuropsychological approach,1997,16,2,277-287,Vitrai Medical conditions and driving: legal requirements and approach of neurologists,1997,16,2,269-275,McLachlan Corporal damage assessment in common law: a proposal,1996,15,4,627-632,de Sousa Sentencing diversion programs for A and D--improving their imperiled future,1996,15,2,325-328,Solursh Epilepsy syndromes: effects on cognition performance and driving ability,2000,19,4,757-761,Berkovic Epilepsy driving and the pharmaceutical industry--legal responsibility,2002,21,3,639-650,Reuben Edmonton's arson epidemic: February 1980,1983,2,2,173-180,Pascoe Criminal fire-setting: a review and some case studies,1984,3,2,171-176,Zeegers The decision making process including assessment of ethical principles in the commitment of police-referred psychiatric patients,2002,21,1,107-119,Aberg-Wistedt Deaths and medical attention in police custody,1997,16,3,593-606,Blaauw Involuntary hospitalization of delirium patients in Israel: a psychiatric case register study,1997,16,1,111-124,Heinik Sexual abuse within the marital relationship,1997,16,4,743-751,Roesch A multicenter case-reference study on everyday life risks in epilepsy in Europe. Risk in Epilepsy Study (RESt-1 Group),1997,16,2,307-321,Cornaggia Mental disorders in abnormal offenders in Papua New Guinea,1997,16,1,87-95,Pal Battered women: dilemmas and care,1998,17,4,611-618,Ehrenfeld Induction identification or folie à deux? Psychodynamics and genesis of Munchausen syndromes by proxy and false allegations of sexual abuse in adolescents,1998,17,3,359-379,Günter Video technology and children's evidence: international perspectives and recent research,1998,17,2,263-281,Williams Clinical confidentiality in the extradition proceedings relating to Senator Pinochet,2001,20,4,579-585,Hughes Lethal subdural bleedings of babies--accident or abuse?,2001,20,3,463-482,Maxeiner Women undergoing investigation of sexual abuse in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre Brazil: a retrospective study,2002,21,4,783-791,Benfica External injury marks (wounds) on the head in different types of blunt trauma in an autopsy series,2002,21,4,773-782,Ehrlich Revealing the secrets of the body: medical tests as legal evidence in personal status disputes in modern Egypt,2003,22,1,131-154,Shaham What the courts need to know about mental health diagnoses of abused women,2000,19,4,737-751,Ferris Parental competency assessment: approaches and issues,2000,19,1,1-5,Zaki Juvenile homicide: a case control study,1990,9,3,986-994,Morissette Legal aspects of forensic psychiatry in South Africa,1992,11,3-4,239-248,Mihálik Police suicide,1999,18,1,149-151,Slovenko Ethical practice in the management of impaired neonates--a Chinese viewpoint,1998,17,4,553-562,Li The sensitivity of forensic tests for rape,1998,17,3,333-350,Ferris Forensic medicine its tasks and duties in medical malpractice and medico-legal litigation,1998,17,2,283-286,Neoral A study of substance abuse on two campuses of University of Papua New Guinea,1998,17,2,229-241,Johnson Brain trauma: cause-consequence connection problems,1998,17,2,215-219,Budakov A proposal to require attorney disclosure when a client communicates intent to harm,1992,11,1-2,83-85,Fruman The relationship between the perception of alcohol and drug harmfulness and alcohol consumption by university students,1992,11,1-2,3-10,Luna Judicial murder,1992,11,5-6,461-467,Tamm CAGE and the Brief MAST study of alcohol use and misuse by medical students in Papua New Guinea,1992,11,5-6,315-321,Johnson Some psychological reactions of rape victims,1992,11,3-4,303-308,Schneider Infanticide: new medical considerations,1992,11,3-4,269-274,Iffy New Zealand's medical manslaughter,1992,11,3-4,221-228,Collins Prison psychiatry in Japan,1991,10,3,275-284,Sakuta Hispanics in Chicago: chemical dependency and the law,1991,10,3,269-273,Toch The social impact of drug abuse on community life,1991,10,2,205-208,Sartor Alcohol on the television and in viewers' experience,1991,10,1,95-105,Visser A comparative study of alcohol-related problems among a group of university students and a group of clerks in the National Capital District Papua New Guinea,1991,10,5,457-467,Johnson Legal aspects of work-related eye injuries,1991,10,4,341-349,Seelenfreund Psychiatric and neuropsychological pathologies in court: an interactional approach,1990,9,6,1214-1218,Klag After the trial: abusing the expert--a Canadian case report,1990,9,6,1202-1205,Solursh Attorneys' attitudes towards alcohol and drug use: a prospective study (1983-1988),1990,9,5,1188-1194,Luna Rape victims and their relationships with with their fathers: a variable impacting upon recovery,1990,9,5,1176-1186,Rosman-Brenner Corporal and capital punishment of juveniles,1990,9,3,996-1004,Frazier Who's the victim: women control and consciousness,1990,9,2,855-863,Hamlin Objections to the development risk defence,1990,9,2,783-790,Stolker Gene technology in medical diagnostics and criminal procedure and liability for malpractice in Germany,1990,9,2,755-768,Deutsch Rape and homosexuality,1990,9,1,751-754,Cohen-Addad Medicolegal findings among rape victims,1990,9,1,725-737,Penttilä Computer support for medicolegal investigative systems,1983,2,3,239-247,Weston Developmental aspects of motivation to drink: a cross-sectional investigation,1983,2,4,377-383,Gliksman Under-estimation of problem drinking through the survey method,1984,3,4,399-404,Garretsen Psychological test evidence in the criminal courts. A case study,1984,3,2,163-170,Cox Child abuse: a bidirectional phenomenon,1984,3,4,363-376,Sachdev Understanding oncology nurses' difficulties caring for suicidal people,2000,19,4,793-813,Saunders Sexual assault and legal resolution: querying the medical collection of forensic evidence,2000,19,4,779-792,Parnis The value of life according to "law as a way to survive",2003,22,4,579-588,Roos Law and geriatrics: an Israeli perspective on future challenges,2003,22,2,285-300,Doron The concept of severe mental disorder and the amended law of reduced punishment for murder,2003,22,2,259-266,Mester Laws and practices relating to euthanasia and assisted suicide in 34 countries of the council of Europe and the USA,2003,22,1,197-198, Political assassins--the psychiatric perspective and beyond,2003,22,1,113-130,Kalian Mining disasters in South Africa: the Rovic Diamond Mine disaster and the criminal liability of the mine authorities,2003,22,1,11-28,Oosthuizen The doctor/patient relationship confidentiality and public responsibility,2002,21,3,617-637,Beran Islamic ethics of saving life: a comparative perspective,2002,21,2,225-241,Brockop Developments in judicial approaches to sexual and reproductive health,2002,21,1,155-164,Cook Medical legal and financial aspects of rape in South Africa,2004,23,4,889-896,Craven Ethical considerations in epilepsy management,2004,23,4,781-789,Mackenzie The doctor's dilemma: caregiving and medicolegal evidence collection,2004,23,3,515-529,Du Mont Rape as a legal indication for abortion: implications and consequences of the medical examination requirement,2004,23,1,91-102,Teklehaimanot Abortion in Islamic countries--legal and religious aspects,2004,23,1,73-89,Asman Reassessing "Jacob's case": a serial killer re-examined after ten years,2004,23,1,59-71,Witztum Brief notes on the Portuguese criminal regime of homicide upon request of the victim and physician assisted suicide,2013,32,4,525-539,Moreira Halfway around the world to prison. Vietnamese in Oregon's criminal justice system,1985,4,6,563-572,Bloom Reflections on the new French law of 23 December 1980 relating to the repression of rape and other immoral offences,1985,4,5,475-478,Michaux The role of the weapon in the homicide drama,1985,4,4,315-326,Sarvesvaran Medicine ethics and execution by lethal injection,1985,4,4,307-313,Kevorkian In vino veritas?: Police interrogation of intoxicated persons and the requirement of voluntariness,1985,4,1,55-69,Goldsmith Medical policy in the management of a mass casualty situation with special regard to sorting,1985,4,3,275-282,Ueberle Two Dutch surveys on problem drinking. Some general results,1985,4,3,265-268,Garretsen The connections between eugenics sterilization and mass murder in Germany from 1933 to 1945,1986,5,1,1-10,Pfäfflin The Infant Doe Amendments and parental privacy. Who makes the treatment decisions?,1987,6,5,427-439,Schnorr Product liability. Breach of warranty/strict product liability,1987,6,5,397-406,Hirsh Baby Jane Doe's right of privacy from cradle to grave: infirmities of the 1984 Child Abuse Amendment,1987,6,5,375-384,Baughman The family physician in the frontline of compulsory psychiatric admissions in Israel,1987,6,4,349-352,Davidson The approach to sexual assault: medicosocial project,1987,6,3,251-261,Spira "She went up in flames": evidence of burn homicide,1987,6,1,69-77,Frazier The criminal use of chloroform administered by inhalation,1988,7,2,195-202,McIntyre The relationship between abortion and child destruction in English law,1988,7,2,177-183,Mackay The psychology and actions of rapists interned in the Kawagoe Juvenile Prison compared with rapists in Tokyo,1989,8,6,655-670,Momose Psychiatric evidence in extenuation: assessment and testimony in homicide defendants,1989,8,6,631-639,Zabow Drinking and the perpetuation of social inequality in Australia,1989,8,5,507-516,Sargent Incest: psychological legal and ethical considerations,1989,8,5,499-506,Rabinor New initiatives by the Metropolitan Police in the investigation of rape,1989,8,5,493-498,Wagstaff Admissibility of biochemical analyses results from sexual assault evidence in the United States courts,1989,8,5,485-492,Grunbaum Psychiatric testimony in Britain,1989,8,5,455-461,Chiswick Young victims and their later partners,1989,8,2,143-148,Wageningen Potential victim's role in the prevention of rape,1989,8,2,137-141,Moolman Rape law: a feminist legal analysis,1989,8,3,303-309,Benson The differentiation of francophone rapists and non-rapists using penile circumferential measures,1989,8,3,287-295,Proulx 'Do not drink wine or strong drink': alcohol and responsibility in ancient Jewish sources,1989,8,3,255-259,Kottek Rape and its relation to social disorganization pornography and inequality in the USA,1989,8,3,209-232,Baron Alcohol abuse: contamination by western influences of the rural African village,1989,8,1,53-57,Ntusi Scientific examination in sexual assault,1989,8,1,31-35,Davies Rape treatment programmes: delivering innovative services to survivors,1989,8,1,21-30,Martin Simple things that work,1989,8,4,391-397,Buddle An evaluation of the Israeli Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit and additional exhibits in casework,1989,8,4,329-335,Marbach Treatability of the sex offender: considerations of etiology pathology and treatment in repealing sexually dangerous offender statutes,1989,8,4,319-328,Yang Ethics and aims of cosmetic surgery: a contribution from an analysis of claims after minor damage,2000,19,2,237-252,Herve The right to die: An analysis on the current laws banning physician aid in dying statutes in New York state,2018,37,3,387-398,Giwa Assisted suicide for those who have been "plunged into an endless night". Remarks on the heels of the Dj Fabo Case,2019,38,3,491-504,Vergallo Routine suicide assistance - reflections on the recent debate in Germany,2019,38,3,505-514,von Solodkoff A study of murder followed by suicide,1995,14,1-2,141-153,Sakuta Ethics in South Africa: new challenges,2000,19,3,397-401,Stulting Living wills and advance directives in South African Law,2004,23,4,937-943,Skeen