Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearm-related mortality: a review of four hundred-forty four deaths in Diyarbakir Turkey between 1996 and 2001,2003,201,3,139-145,Goren Suicide ideation after the 1999 earthquake in Marmara Turkey,2006,208,1,19-24,Vehid Electrocution-Related Mortality: A Review of 123 Deaths in Diyarbakir Turkey between 1996 and 2002,2006,208,2,141-145,Goren Home accidents in the elderly in Turkey,2006,209,4,291-301,Evci Medicolegal childhood deaths in Adana Turkey,2005,206,1,73-80,Hilal Proper assessment of the falling risk in the elderly by a physical mobility test with an obstacle,2007,212,1,13-20,Uchiyama Seasonal Variation of Conception and Suicide,1964,84,3,215,Takahash Elevated risk of motor vehicle accident for male drivers with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the Tokyo metropolitan area,2009,219,1,11-16,Inoue Relationship between acute and chronic diseases observed from the viewpoint of the autonomic nervous system,1971,103,3,285-302,Saito Suicide mortality in Japan: analysis of the unusual secular trends,1986,149,2,205-211,Murata Photic driving in optic nerve damage,1969,97,1,21-33,Ito Social risk factors for the mortality from motor vehicle accident,1986,149,4,379-387,Murata On motor and sensory nerve systems in lumbar cord in man,1953,59,1-2,37-51,Suzuki Effects of injection of analgetics and alcohol drinking on values of electric flicker,1957,66,3-4,327-331,Kobayashi Studies on discharge intervals of a single motor unit in the human extraocular muscles. 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Yokoyama) indigenous to Japan,1986,148,1,73-78,Ishii Electrophysiological studies on slowly induced sea and fresh water drowning in rabbits,1979,127,3,247-255,Yamamoto Correlation between serum IL-6 levels and death: usefulness in diagnosis of "traumatic shock"?,2001,193,4,319-324,Funayama High prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in tsunami-flooded shelters established after the great East-Japan earthquake,2012,227,3,199-202,Suzuki Delayed increase in male suicide rates in tsunami disaster-stricken areas following the Great East Japan Earthquake: a three-year follow-up study in Miyagi Prefecture,2015,235,3,215-222,Orui Life and mental health of medical students after the great East Japan earthquake,2015,235,4,311-325,Matsuoka Mental health problems among undergraduates in Fukushima Tokyo and Kyoto after the March 11 Tohoku Earthquake,2015,236,2,115-122,Essau Prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its correlating lifestyle factors in Japanese female junior high school students,2015,236,2,107-113,Nakamura Aftereffects of subduction-zone earthquakes: potential tsunami hazards along the Japan sea coast,2015,237,2,91-102,Minoura Sedentary behavior and sleep duration are associated with both stress symptoms and suicidal thoughts in Korean adults,2015,237,4,279-286,An Regional differences in fall-related physical fitness of the elderly between Seoul Korea and Gifu Japan,2016,238,3,247-253,Shin Association between excessive alcohol use and alcohol-related injuries in college students: a multi-center cross-sectional study in Japan,2017,242,2,157-163,Maeno Postmortem computed tomographic analysis of death caused by oral drug intoxication,2017,242,3,183-192,Funayama School-based interventions aimed at the prevention and treatment of adolescents affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake: a three-year longitudinal study,2017,242,3,203-213,Matsuoka Nation-wide implementation of disaster medical coordinators in Japan,2017,243,1,1-9,Egawa Higher incidence of sleep disturbance among survivors with musculoskeletal pain after the Great East Japan Earthquake: a prospective study,2018,244,1,25-32,Tsuji Direct and indirect harassment experiences and burnout among academic faculty in japan,2018,245,1,37-44,Takeuchi The use of all-you-can-drink system nomihodai is associated with the increased alcohol consumption among college students: a cross-sectional study in Japan,2018,245,4,263-267,Ogai Infant suffocation incidents related to co-sleeping or breastfeeding in the side-lying position in Japan,2018,246,2,121-130,Yokokawa Evaluation for fatigue and accident risk of Korean commercial bus drivers,2018,246,3,191-197,Kim Reasons for drinking among college students in Japan: a cross-sectional study,2018,246,3,183-189,Ogai Beneficial roles of social support for mental health vary in the Japanese population depending on disaster experience: a nationwide cross-sectional study,2018,246,4,213-223,Inoue Lower psychological distress levels among returnees 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lifestyle factors among residents in a rural area in Japan: a cross-sectional study,2019,249,2,101-111,Koyama Parents' own experience of verbal abuse is associated with their acceptance of abuse towards children from youth sports coaches,2019,249,4,249-254,Nagatomi Post-traumatic West syndrome due to abusive head trauma in two infants with different brain imaging findings,2020,250,3,167-171,Suzuki School ijime (bullying) experience is a possible risk factor for current psychological distress among Science City workers: a cross-sectional study in Tsukuba Japan,2020,250,4,223-231,Saito Preceding poor physical function is associated with new-onset musculoskeletal pain among older natural disaster survivors: a longitudinal study after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2020,251,1,19-26,Tsuji Clinical features of disaster-associated direct deaths during recent inland earthquakes in Japan,2020,251,3,169-173,Kasaoka Sleep disturbance of evacuees in Minamisanriku Town after Great East Japan Earthquake: risk factors and treatment,2020,251,3,207-216,Tsuji Visualizing the process of disaster mental health services in the Joso flood by network analyses of emails,2020,252,2,121-131,Tachikawa The prevalence of binge drinking and alcohol-related consequences and their relationship among Japanese college students,2021,254,1,41-47,Ogai Analysis of gender sensitivity of Turkey's disaster legislation to create a disaster-resilient society,2021,254,4,261-266,Kaya Characteristics of emergency neurological patients who were transported by helicopter emergency medical services in Tochigi Japan,2021,255,1,79-89,Haruyama Use of medical information and digital services for self-empowerment before during and after a major disaster,2021,255,3,183-194,Nakayama Workplace bullying and patient aggression related to CoViD-19 and its association with psychological distress among health care professionals during the CoViD-19 pandemic in Japan,2021,255,4,283-289,Kawakami Factors affecting human damage in heavy rains and typhoon disasters,2022,256,2,175-185,Kasaoka Appropriate health management considering the vulnerability of women during disasters,2022,256,3,187-195,Miki The mental health of long-term evacuees outside Fukushima Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tachikawa Diagnosing drowning in postmortem CT images using artificial intelligence,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Funayama The current status of suicide and medical care system in Japan: an analysis of 81407 patients using the Diagnosis Procedure Combination Database,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matsuda Association between social isolation and the risk of incident functional disability in elderly survivors after the Great East Japan Earthquake,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tsuji How Worries about Interpersonal Relationships Academic Performance Family Support and Classmate Social Capital Influence Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents in Japan,2022,256,1,73-84,Koyama An evaluation of neuromuscular reversal with 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