Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Federal gun storage legislation: will this keep guns out of the hands of our children?,1999,16,1,211-242,Lynch Patient threats against third parties: the psychotherapist's duty of reasonable care,1989,5,,119-140,McCarty Sterilization: a remedy for the malady of child abuse?,1989,5,,245-262,Coyle Empty pockets: application of the fireman's rule to emergency medical technicians,1991,7,,339-365,Ruscus The False Memory Syndrome debate--will the victim please stand up?,1996,12,2,675-700,Choiniere Modernizing local responses to public health emergencies: bioterrorism epidemics and the model state emergency health powers act,2003,19,2,379-414,Reich NHTSA: putting the brakes on the air bag crisis or just a lot of hot air?,1999,15,2,757-777,Pacelli Asleep at the wheel of auto safety? Recent air bag regulations by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,1999,15,2,739-756, Reassessing the influence of the Nuremberg Code on American medical ethics,1997,13,2,347-360,Moreno An argument for considering parental smoking in child abuse and neglect proceedings,2002,19,1,225-246,Clark The right to live the right to choose and the Unborn Victims of Violence Act,2002,18,2,431-466,Holzapfel Health is a human right: why the U.S. immigration law response to gender-based asylum claims requires more attention to international human rights norms,2000,17,1,241-274,O'Neill Murder she wrote or was it merely selective nontreatment?,1992,8,,49-71,Smith California penal code section 645: legislators practice medicine on child molesters,1999,15,2,711-737,Moog Warning: the imported food you are about to consume may (or may not) be harmful to your health,1998,15,1,183-205,Burke Wrongful death and the unborn child: should viability be a prerequisite for a cause of action?,1998,14,2,421-449,Meade Psychiatric ethics and emerging issues of psychopharmacology in the treatment of depression,2003,20,1,115-172,Cohan Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky Inc. v. Williams: Disabling the Americans with Disabilities Act,2002,19,1,363-376,Larroca The legacy of too little too late: the inconsistent treatment of postpartum psychosis as a defense to infanticide,2002,19,1,247-277,Kelly Tarasoff at thirty: victim's knowledge shrinks the psychotherapist's duty to warn and protect,2004,21,1,1-35,Ginsberg Deaths associated with abortion compared to childbirth--a review of new and old data and the medical and legal implications,2004,20,2,279-327,Reardon The legal revolution: from "sanctity of life" to "quality of life" and "autonomy",1998,14,2,253-285,Keown Asking too much: autonomy and responsibility at the end of life,2009,26,1,72-81,Shepherd