Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gun culture and symbolism among U.K. and U.S. women,2000,140,4,423-433,Cooke Attributions toward violence of male juvenile delinquents: a concurrent mixed-methodological analysis,2004,144,6,549-570,Daley The influence of status on pedestrians' failure to observe a road-safety rule,2001,141,3,413-415,Gueguen The social ecology of intelligence and suicide in Belarus,2005,145,5,613-617,Voracek Effects of perpetrator gender and victim sexuality on blame toward male victims of sexual assault,2006,146,3,275-291,Archer Social psychological models of choice behavior and drivers' left turns,2001,141,6,714-722,Harrell Church attendance denomination and suicide ideology,1996,136,5,559-566,Siegrist An attributional analysis of suicide,1996,136,3,399-400,Lester The association of shame and guilt with suicidality,1998,138,4,535-536,Lester Effects of driver cell-phone use on driver aggression,2006,146,2,133-146,McGarva Social status and aggression: a field study analyzed by survival analysis,1996,136,6,761-768,Diekmann The influence of incompatible responses on the reduction of aggression: an alternative explanation,1988,128,3,401-406,McDonald The effects of factual vs. emotional wording in printed accounts of violence on aggression,1975,96,2,221-227,Schlottmann Sex differences in east African dreams of aggression,1989,129,5,727-728,Turner The moderating role of ambivalent sexism: the influence of power status on perception of rape victim and rapist,2007,147,1,41-56,Yamawaki Complementary Theories of Safety Psychology,1957,45,1,3-9,Kerr Shared Patterns of Nonverbal Normative Expectations in Automobile Driving,1964,62,1,155-163,Shor Differences between Japanese and American college students in giving advice about help seeking to rape victims,2007,147,5,511-530,Yamawaki Anticipated violence arousal and enjoyment of movies: viewers' reactions to violent previews based on arousal-seeking tendency,2008,148,3,277-292,Lee Fight-seeking motivation in dating partners with an aggressive relationship,2008,148,3,261-276,Marcus Physical aggression as a function of alcohol and pain feedback,1980,110,Second Half,235-244,Taylor Sensation-seeking and differentially arousing television commercials,2000,140,6,710-720,Leone Authoritarian personality and rape sentence length in conservative and liberal states,2009,149,3,284-286,McCann The effect of victim information on causality judgments in a rape trial scenario,2009,149,4,495-512,Rempala Some cultural determinants of suicide in Sweden,1970,80,2,225-227,Rudestam Adolescent suicide and premarital sexual behavior,1970,82,1,131-132,Lester Fear and affiliation during a disaster,1970,82,2,263-268,Strümpfer Some effects of relevant stories portraying danger on retention of information associated with the stories,1967,73,1,75-87,Schlesinger Language usage and social maturity as related to suicide notes,1966,68,1,139-142,Tuckman Authoritarianism among border police officers career soldiers and airport security guards at the Israeli border,2006,146,6,751-761,Rubinstein The role of authoritarianism perceived threat and need for closure or structure in predicting post-9/11 attitudes and beliefs,2006,146,6,733-750,Crowson Effect of foreknowledge of sex and manner of death in the assessment from suicide notes of intent to die,1971,84,1,73-80,Hood "Black suicide": a report of 25 English cases and controls,1972,86,2,175-179,Bagley Field studies of modeled aggression,1973,89,1,131-139,Harris Relationship of internal-external control and national suicide rates,1976,100,1,143-144,Boor Body-buffer zone and violence: a cross-cultural study,1976,98,Second Half,153-158,Roger Demand awareness and participant willingness as determinants of aggressive response to film violence,1978,105,Second Half,265-275,Perry Media violence and catharsis in college females,1979,109,Second Half,307-308,Fehr Children's emotional reactions to TV violence: effects of film character reassurance age and sex,1979,109,Second Half,269-281,Endsley Durkheim's theory of fatalistic suicide: a cross-national approach,1979,107,Second Half,161-168,Stack The effects of age composition on suicide in traditional and industrial societies,1980,111,First Half,143-144,Stack Social status and the black violence hypothesis,1980,111,First Half,131-135,Perry Ectomorphy and suicide,1981,113,First Half,135-136,Lester Reduction in deaths by suicide accidents and homicide prior to United States presidential elections,1982,118,First Half,135-136,Boor Adolescent perspectives on family violence,1982,117,1,153-154,Martin Effects of mode of harming and severity of harm on perceived aggressiveness,1982,116,First Half,149-150,Holm Changes in attributions made by individuals charged with driving while intoxicated,1983,121,1st Half,39-44,Walters A comparative analysis of suicide and religiosity,1983,119,Second Half,285-286,Stack The effect of the Jonestown suicides on American suicide rates,1983,119,First Half,145-146,Stack The association between the quality of life and suicide and homicide rates,1984,124,2ND Half,247-248,Lester The nonreduction of suicide levels prior to presidential elections,1984,124,1ST Half,123-125,Wasserman Reductions in suicide and accident levels prior to presidential elections are independent of unemployment effects,1984,124,1ST Half,119-121,Boor The linkage of United States presidential elections unemployment changes and reductions in suicide accident and homicide rates,1984,124,1ST Half,115-117,Wasserman Psychological factors related to drinking-driving behavior,1984,123,2D Half,289-290,Mookherjee The effect of television on national suicide rates,1984,123,1ST Half,141-142,Stack Somatosensory theory and personal violence (suicide and homicide),1986,126,5,681-683,Lester The quality of life in modern America and suicide and homicide rates,1985,125,6,779-780,Lester The quality of life and suicide,1985,125,2,279-280,Lester Labeling public aggression: when is it terrorism?,1985,125,2,245-251,Simmons Israeli parents' role in emergencies,1985,125,1,75-79,Kushnir Religiosity and personal violence: a regional analysis of suicide and homicide rates,1987,127,6,685-686,Lester Anger anticipated opportunity to retaliate and interest in video violence,1987,127,5,517-525,O'Neal Attitudes of rapists and other violent offenders toward women,1987,127,4,375-380,Scott Violent delinquency race and the Wechsler performance-verbal discrepancy,1987,127,3,353-354,Walsh Social deviancy and suicidal behavior,1987,127,3,339-340,Lester Family parameters of violent prisoners,1987,127,1,83-91,Rahav Relation of income inequality to suicide and homicide rates,1987,127,1,101-102,Lester The relationship between characteristics of the victim persuasive techniques of the batterer and returning to a battering relationship,1988,128,5,605-610,Schutte Demographic attributions related to black suicide,1988,128,3,407-409,Lester Correlates of responses to two potential hazards,1988,128,3,385-391,Simpson-Housley Economic factors and suicide,1988,128,2,245-248,Lester Attributional differences for driving while impaired: a comparison of alcoholics inmates and impaired drivers,1989,129,4,517-523,Saltstone Beliefs about suicide in American and Turkish students,1990,130,6,825-827,Lester Impact of television news exposure on children's perceptions of violence in Northern Ireland,1990,130,4,447-452,Cairns The association between involvement in war and rates of suicide and homicide,1991,131,6,893-895,Lester Similarities in attitudes toward interpersonal aggression in Finland Poland and Spain,1991,131,5,737-739,Martín Ramírez Locus of control depression and suicidal ideation among American Philippine and Turkish students,1991,131,3,447-449,Lester Totalitarianism and fatalistic suicide,1991,131,1,129-130,Lester Facts and myths of suicide in Canada and the United States,1992,132,6,787-789,Lester Attribution of causes to suicide,1992,132,5,679-680,Lester The influence of war on suicide rates,1992,132,1,135-137,Lester Attitudes toward preventing versus assisting suicide,1992,132,1,125-127,Lester The development of reactions of the public to warning and emergency situations in France Greece and the Netherlands,1992,132,1,101-116,Wiegman Fear anxiety and affilation following a role-played accident,1972,86,2,269-278,Dabbs Effects of social bonds and childhood experiences on alcohol abuse and smoking,1993,133,5,635-642,DeFronzo Information seeking across the life span,1988,128,3,419-421,Giles Dimensions of delinquent behavior,1963,61,,273-277,Quay Juvenile delinquency in singapore,1963,61,,201-231,Murphy Personality and attitudes toward juvenile delinquency: a study of Protestant ministers,1963,60,,71-83,Alberts Social-desirability ratings of personality items by three subcultural groups,1965,67,1,97-104,Diers Behavioral factors in disaster situations,1965,66,,65-71,Sells Theories of panic behavior: a review,1965,66,,31-40,Schultz Conflict situations and delinquent solutions,1964,64,,185-215,Shoham Shared patterns of nonverbal normative expectations in automobile driving,1964,62,,155-163,Shor Helplessness locus of control and psychological health,2001,141,1,137-138,Lester Patterns of depression in Xhosa and Yoruba students,1997,137,6,782-783,Lester War and rates of personal violence,1997,137,1,131-132,Lester Attitudes about suicide among the Yoruba of Nigeria,1994,134,6,851-853,Lester The construct validity of Templer's death anxiety scale in Filipino students,1993,133,1,113-114,Lester Self-concept and academic performance in Jamaican teenagers,1989,129,5,725-726,Lester Relationship between locus of control and depression mediated by anger toward others,1989,129,3,413-414,Lester The relation of twin infanticide to status of women societal aggression and material well-being,1986,126,1,57-59,Lester Fear of the dead in nonliterate societies,1973,90,2,329-330,Lester Effect of a friend dying upon attitudes toward death,1971,83,1,149-150,Lester The fear of the dead in nonliterate societies,1969,77,2,283-284,Lester Cutting film violence: effects on perceptions enjoyment and arousal,1999,139,5,567-582,Donnerstein Effects of offenders' age and health on sentencing decisions,2010,150,1,77-97,Mueller-Johnson Jewish-Arab violence: perspectives of a dominant majority and a subordinate minority,2002,142,5,549-565,Eshel Attitudes toward parenting strategies potential for child abuse and parental satisfaction of ethnically diverse low-income U.S. mothers,2001,141,3,335-348,Wilson Suicide among artists,1997,137,1,129-130,Stack An application of the California Psychological Inventory in a study of Japanese delinquency,1967,71,1,45-51,Mizushima The effect of age sex and language of rotation in a visual-motor task,1967,71,1,125-132,Blum Chinese-American child-rearing practices and juvenile delinquency,1968,74,1,13-23,Sollenberger Parental attitudes of sanction in middle-class adolescent male delinquency,1968,75,2,255-260,Gallenkamp Superior performance IQ of murderers as a function of overt act or diagnosis,1968,76,1,113-116,Kahn Dimensions of interpersonal relation among Australian children and implications for psychological well-being,1993,133,1,33-42,Rigby Sex-related differences in perceptions of sexual harassment of women in India,1993,133,1,119-120,Kanekar Fear of crime and the likelihood of victimization: a bi-ethnic comparison,1993,133,5,723-732,Smith Acquaintance rape: the effect of race of defendant and race of victim on white juror decisions,1993,133,5,627-634,Rowe Frightening information and extraneous arousal: changing cognitions and behavior regarding nuclear war,1993,133,4,459-467,Allen Juvenile delinquency in the northern states of Nigeria,1993,133,3,405-406,Ojile The temporal relationship between perceived competence and self-determined motivation,1994,134,6,793-801,Losier The motivation of Australian adolescent schoolchildren to engage in group discussions about bullying,1995,135,6,773-774,Rigby Salivary testosterone and cortisol in a delinquent and violent urban subculture,1996,136,1,49-56,Dabbs Rape myth acceptance among Scottish and American students,1996,136,2,261-262,Lonsway Height and risk of suicide,1996,136,2,255-256,Stack Coping styles among adolescent competitive athletes,1996,136,3,311-323,Anshel Empathy and aggression: effects of self-disclosure and fearful appeal,1993,133,2,243-253,Ohbuchi Feelings of mastery in aggressors: a conceptual replication of an American experiment in France,1997,137,6,779-781,Driscoll Sex sexual orientation and sexism: what influence do these factors have on verdicts in a crime-of-passion case?,2010,150,4,341-360,Ragatz The relationships among sex role orientation egalitarianism attitudes toward sexuality and attitudes toward violence against women,1997,137,5,568-587,Carter The hidden impact of conspiracy theories: perceived and actual influence of theories surrounding the death of Princess Diana,2008,148,2,210-221,Douglas Effects of blind pedestrians on motorists,1994,134,4,529-539,Harrell Ethnicity and acquaintance as variables in risk-taking,1969,77,2,221-229,Rabow "I'm sorry please don't hurt me": effectiveness of apologies on aggression control,2010,150,6,579-581,Frederickson Private self-consciousness as a moderator of the relationship between value orientations and attitudes,2001,141,1,61-74,Kemmelmeier Practice teachers' responses to a suicidal student,1997,137,4,530-532,Range The development and testing of a diagnostic scale for incest survivors,1994,134,5,677-679,Pearce The perception of an out-group after provocation by one of its members,1997,137,1,5-9,O'Neal The effect of mortality salience on the evaluation of humorous material,2011,151,1,51-62,Hackney Group influence on ethical risk taking: the inadequacy of two hypotheses,1970,80,2,237-238,Horne Blame of victim and perpetrator in rape versus theft,1994,134,3,363-374,Brems Motives for social decision-making strategies among Finnish and Estonian adolescents [corrected],1998,138,3,381-391,Keltikangas-Jarvinen Psychometric properties of the social-conflict scales for Chinese adolescents,1998,138,2,211-216,Cheng Perceptions of abusive and violent husbands by engaged Arab men in Israel,1998,138,6,772-786,Haj-Yahia The effect of social and situational factors on the intended response to aggression among adolescents,2010,150,1,57-76,Winstok The effects of two types of exposure on attitudes toward aspects of juvenile delinquency,1996,136,6,699-708,LeUnes Self-esteem as a predictor of attitudes toward wife abuse among Muslim women and men in Canada,2001,141,1,23-30,Ali Cultural and gender differences in anger and aggression: a comparison between Japanese Dutch and Spanish students,2001,141,1,119-121,Ramirez The influence of sex gender self-discrepancies and self-awareness on anger and verbal aggressiveness among U.S. college students,2001,141,2,245-275,Smith Do attributions change over time when the actor's behavior is hedonically relevant to the perceiver?,2003,143,2,202-208,Truchot Intrafamily aggression in Turkey: frequency instigation and acceptance,2003,143,2,163-184,Hortaçsu Deindividuation anonymity and violence: findings from Northern Ireland,2003,143,4,493-499,Silke Understandings and experiences of cruelty: an exploratory report,2000,140,5,649-660,Brodsky Controllability anger judgments and valence in attributions for civil unrest,2000,140,3,393-395,Mallery Effect of attraction on interpersonal aggression,1990,130,2,269,O'Neal Bullying among Australian school children: reported behavior and attitudes toward victims,1991,131,5,615-627,Rigby Date rape: expectations avoidance strategies and attitudes toward victims,1991,131,3,427-429,Brady Fraisse's theory of emotion and aggression,1992,132,2,257-260,Ahmed The effects of gender and music video imagery on sexual attitudes,1999,139,3,378-385,Kalof Assumptive world of traumatized South African adults,1999,139,5,622-630,Magwaza Gender differences in attitudes toward wife battering,1999,139,6,790-792,Mwamwenda Consciousness of Social Face: the development and validation of a scale measuring desire to gain face versus fear of losing face,2011,151,2,129-149,Zhang Playing prosocial video games increases the accessibility of prosocial thoughts,2011,151,2,121-128,Greitemeyer Terror management and reactions to undocumented immigrants: mortality salience increases aversion to culturally dissimilar others,2011,151,2,117-120,Bassett Age birthdays and suicide,1994,134,4,493-495,Stack Sex differences weapon focus and eyewitness reliability,1994,134,4,413-420,Shaw Perceived suffering of the victim as an inhibitor of attack-induced aggression,1970,81,2,209-215,Geen Arousal anxiety aggression and attitude change,1970,82,1,99-108,Buck Is viewing ostracism on television distressing?,2011,151,3,213-217,Coyne Age birthdays and suicide in Taiwan,1996,136,5,659-660,Chuang Biracial aggression. I. Effect of verbal attack and sex of victim,1972,88,1,75-82,Gentry Masculinity-femininity and conformity,1972,87,1,161-162,Sistrunk Drinking attitudes and drinking behavior: an exploratory study,1971,85,1,103-109,Veevers Personal space as a predictor of performance under close working conditions,1972,86,2,261-267,Rawls Pathways to women's crime: differences among women convicted of drug violence and fraud offenses,2011,151,4,399-416,Shechory Some factors influencing aggression in two field experiments,1976,98,Second Half,291-292,Harris Leader behavior esteem for the least preferred co-worker and group performance,1973,90,1,59-66,Graham Characteristics of males indicted and convicted of homicide,1974,93,1,151-152,Deiker Blacks' and whites' perceptions of interracial and intraracial date rape,1998,138,3,392-400,Foley Torture and execution of surrogate kinsmen in two societies: the Ainu and the Tupinamba,1975,95,First Half,19-26,Thompson Sexual preference gender and blame attributions in adolescent sexual assault,2011,151,5,592-607,Rogers A question of honor: Chief Wahoo and American Indian stereotype activation among a university based sample,2011,151,5,577-591,Freng Aggression in Indian society: an analysis of folk tales,1975,97,Second Half,293-294,Kakar Approval seeking situational pressures and the willingness to administer shock to a victim,1976,99,1,87-95,Larsen Predicting recklessness in emerging adults: a test of a psychosocial model,2008,148,1,105-126,Teese Effects of defendant age on severity of punishment for different crimes,2004,144,1,75-90,McKelvie Gender and culture differences in touching behavior,2004,144,1,49-62,DiBiase Volunteers serving victims of sexual assault,2006,146,1,117-123,Hellman Women and men in love: who really feels it and says it first?,2011,151,6,727-736,Harrison Television and aggression: a test of a mediated model with a sample of Portuguese students,2012,152,1,75-91,Matos The effects of mood on managerial risk perceptions: exploring affect and the dimensions of risk,1999,139,3,268-287,Williams The effect of waitresses' touch on alcohol consumption in dyads,1999,139,3,261-267,Mahoney Interaction effects of achievement need and situational press on performance,1973,89,1,141-145,Rawson Viewing death on television increases the appeal of advertised products,2012,152,2,199-211,Dar-Nimrod The homicidol effect: investigating murder as a fitness signal,2012,152,2,147-157,Dahlén Variables associated with adolescent alcohol use: a multiethnic comparison,2000,140,1,51-62,Parker Implicit orientation toward family and school among bilingual Latino college students,2008,148,4,449-471,Ulloa Compliant reactions to guilt: self-esteem or self-punishment,1979,108,Second Half,207-211,Konoske Ego depletion increases risk-taking,2012,152,5,623-638,Fischer How voluntariness of apologies affects actual and hypothetical victims' perceptions of the offender,2012,152,6,727-745,Kemmelmeier The role of revenge denial and terrorism distress in restoring just world beliefs: the impact of the 2008 Mumbai attacks on British and Indian students,2012,152,6,687-696,Kamble Failure causes fear: the effect of self-esteem threat on death-anxiety,2012,152,6,665-669,Routledge Intergroup relations in soccer finals: people's forecasts of the duration of emotional reactions of in-group and out-group soccer fans,2005,145,2,117-126,Leyens Cross-cultural action research: some limitations advantages and problems,1967,73,1,61-70,Henderson Modeling arousal and aggression,1976,100,2,219-226,Fisher Increasing the physical aggressiveness of women,1977,101,1,97-101,Brennan Effects of playing video games on perceptions of one's humanity,2013,153,4,499-514,Greitemeyer Taking the high (or low) road: A quantifier priming perspective on basic anchoring effects,2013,153,4,424-447,Sleeth-Keppler The Intellectual Functioning of Delinquents,1958,47,,9-14,Blank Attribution of Responsibility to a Rape Victim,1981,114,1,137-138,Bolt Influence upon imitative aggression of an imitating peer,1977,101,2,313-314,O'Neal Changes in self-esteem and anxiety in competitive and noncompetitive camps,1977,102,First Half,55-57,Rubinstein The nobility of nonviolence: person perception as a function of retaliation to aggression,1977,102,First Half,159-160,Kanekar Experimentally induced aggression as a function of instigating information manifest hostility and sex,1978,104,Second Half,305-306,Kool Identification prejudice and aggression,1978,104,Second Half,217-222,Dor-Shav Effects of discussion on opinions concerning illegal behavior,1974,92,1,77-84,Myers Success of the authoritarian coach,1974,92,1,155-156,Penman Assertiveness agressiveness and attitudes toward feminism,1979,107,First Half,57-62,Hall The effects of alcohol on psychological conservatism,1979,107,First Half,129-130,Barling The emergency evacuation of a psychiatric hospital,1979,107,First Half,117-123,Sporty Effects of heat noise and provocation on retaliatory evaluative behavior,1980,110,First Half,97-100,Bell The effects of chronic marijuana use,1980,110,Second Half,273-283,Primavera An application of Fishbein and Ajzen's attitudes-subjective norms model to the study of drug use,1980,110,Second Half,193-201,Lounsbury Perception of an aggressor and a victim of aggression as a function of sex and retaliation,1981,114,First Half,139-140,Kanekar Perceptions of a known rape victim: role of subject's gender and personal experience with rape,1991,131,1,139-141,Barnett Observer hypercompetitiveness and victim precipitation of rape,1991,131,1,131-134,Ryckman Aggression against a remorseful wrongdoer: the effects of self-blame and concern for the victim,1979,107,Second Half,267-275,Harrell Visibility of the victim,1979,107,Second Half,253-255,Ahmed The effects of repeated aggressive encounters on subsequent aggressive behavior,1979,107,Second Half,199-208,Taylor An analysis of rape patterns in white and black rapists,1979,108,First Half,83-87,Heilbrun Anger and the body-buffer zone,1979,108,First Half,135-136,O'Neal Alcohol assertiveness and female social drinkers,1979,108,First Half,131-132,Barling Factors affecting frustrating and aggression relationships,1982,116,Second Half,173-177,Ahmed Person perception and the study of aggression,1978,105,Second Half,277-289,Tedeschi The effects of social spatial and interference density on performance and mood,1979,109,Second Half,283-287,Donnerstein Environmental noise perceived control and aggression,1979,109,Second Half,245-252,Sherrod Similarity and empathy: the experience of rape,1986,126,1,47-49,Barnett Responsibility of a rape victim in relation to her respectability attractiveness and provocativeness,1980,112,First Half,153-154,Kanekar Alcohol psychological conservatism and sexual interest in male social drinkers,1980,112,First Half,135-144,Barling Using the networked fire chief for ego-depletion research: measuring dynamic decision-making effort and performance,2014,154,5,379-383,Barber Back to the Consideration of Future Consequences Scale: time to reconsider?,2009,149,5,562-584,Brouwer Hindsight bias demonstrated in the prediction of a sporting event,2001,141,3,349-352,Nicks Too much of a good thing? Emotional intelligence and interpersonal conflict behaviors,2015,155,4,314-324,Kwantes Attitudes toward U.S. immigration policy: the roles of in-group-out-group bias economic concern and obedience to law,2002,142,5,617-634,Lee Self-fulfilling prophecies in ability settings,2015,156,2,179-189,Weaver How does the source of rejection perceive innocent victims?,2015,155,5,515-526,Poon Clustering of worry appraisals among college students,2015,156,4,413-421,Harton The effects of collective anger and fear on policy support in response to terrorist attacks,2015,156,5,455-468,Kim Wrongness in different relationships: relational context effects on moral judgment,2016,156,6,594-609,Fiske Workplace mobbing: how the victim's coping behavior influences bystander responses,2016,157,1,16-29,Bos Do aggressive driving and negative emotional driving mediate the link between impulsiveness and risky driving among young Italian drivers?,2016,156,6,669-673,Smorti Understanding maladaptive responses to rejection: aggression with an audience,2016,157,1,64-76,Muraven Prejudice and terror management at trial: effects of defendant race/ethnicity and mortality salience on mock-jurors' verdict judgments,2016,157,3,279-294,Eisenstadt Negative intergroup contact and support for social policies toward the minority outgroup in the aftermath of a natural disaster,2016,157,4,407-415,Andrighetto Symbols of pride or prejudice? Examining the impact of Native American sports mascots on stereotype application,2016,157,2,223-235,Burkley Implications of fear of negative evaluation state anxiety and implied level of target-dominance on perceptions of personality traits,2016,156,6,581-593,Letzring Bidirectional relations between different forms of prosocial behaviors and substance use among female college student athletes,2016,157,6,645-657,Zamboanga Increasing wealth inequality may increase interpersonal hostility: the relationship between personal relative deprivation and aggression,2017,157,6,766-776,Greitemeyer For better or for worse: social influences on risk-taking,2018,158,2,139-151,Natsuaki Fifty states of self-control: a U.S. statewide examination of the initiation and inhibition dimensions of self-regulation,2018,158,1,23-36,Brown Bullying and cyberbullying in adulthood and the workplace,2018,158,1,64-81,Kowalski Fear of self-annihilation and existential uncertainty as predictors of worldview defense: comparing terror management and uncertainty theories,2018,158,3,298-308,Rubin Individual and social correlates of aggressive behavior in Lebanese undergraduates: the role of trait emotional intelligence,2018,158,3,350-360,Baaklini Behavioral consequences of fluctuating group success: an internet study of soccer-team fans,2002,142,6,769-781,Boen Providing compensation promotes forgiveness for replaceable but not irreplaceable losses,2018,158,6,680-693,Ohtsubo Racial bias in sport medical staff's perceptions of others' pain,2018,158,6,721-729,Trawalter Gun attitudes on campus: united and divided by safety needs,2018,158,5,615-624,Shepperd The effects of ethnic group membership on bullying at school: when do observers dehumanize bullies?,2019,159,4,431-442,Fousiani Chivalry and attractiveness bias in police officer forensic judgments in Israel,2019,159,5,503-517,Shechory Bitton Engaging in social rejection may be riskier for women,2019,159,5,575-591,Fetterolf The impact of personal relative deprivation on aggression over time,2018,ePub,ePub,1-12,Greitemeyer Victim-offender relationships and severity of victim injury,1983,120,2,229-234,Lester Depressive symptoms among U.S. and Indian college students: the effects of gender and gender role,2000,140,5,669-671,Lester Identification with the American South and anti-Muslim attitudes,2019,ePub,ePub,1-14,Hackett Belongingness as a mediator of the relationship between felt stigma and identification in fans,2019,ePub,ePub,1-8,Reysen Evidence for blatant dehumanization of mental illness and its relation to stigma,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boysen Viewing nature scenes reduces the pain of social ostracism,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Criminalization as a justification for violence against the homeless in Hungary,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kende Traditionalism and victim blaming,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Felson Violent media use and aggression: two longitudinal network studies,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greitemeyer Spirituality as compensation for low-quality social environments in childhood among young Kenyan men,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goodman Identity fusion predicts violent pro-group behavior when it is morally justifiable,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vázquez K-12 college/university and mass shootings: similarities and differences,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jones An investigation of emotional and evaluative implicit associations with police using four versions of the Implicit Association Test,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sargent Attitudes towards favoring the fall of tall poppies: the role of social dominance orientation authoritarianism political ideologies and self-esteem,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sibley Direct and displaced aggression after exclusion: role of gender differences,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Konopka Crying the pain away: the nature measurement and function of benign masochism,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hormes Muslim = Terrorist? 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