Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Seasonal changes in poisoning exposures reported to a regional poison center from coastal resort areas,2005,68,5,315-318,Vassilev Patterns of exposures at school among children age 6-19 years reported to Texas poison centers 1998-2002,2006,69,4,263-268,Forrester Pattern of Sildenafil calls to Texas poison control centers 1998-2004,2006,69,6,497-503,Forrester Methylphenidate abuse in Texas 1998-2004,2006,69,12,1145-1153,Forrester Valdecoxib exposures reported to Texas poison centers during 2002-2004,2006,69,10,899-905,Forrester Aripiprazole exposures reported to Texas poison control centers during 2002-2004,2006,69,18,1719-1726,Forrester Assessment of barriers to utilization of poison centers by Hispanic/Latino populations,2006,69,18,1711-1718,Lewis Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium) exposures in Texas 1998-2004,2006,69,19,1757-1762,Forrester Pattern of thiazolidinedione exposures reported to Texas poison centers during 1998-2004,2006,69,23,2083-2093,Forrester Drug identification calls from law enforcement received by Texas poison control centers 2002-2004,2006,69,22,2041-2049,Forrester Pattern of proton pump inhibitor calls to Texas poison centers 1998-2004,2007,70,8,705-714,Forrester Adderall abuse in Texas 1998-2004,2007,70,7,658-664,Forrester Oxycodone abuse in Texas 1998-2004,2007,70,6,534-538,Forrester Organophosphate exposures in the United States: a longitudinal analysis of incidents reported to poison centers,2007,70,2,141-147,Sudakin The impact of a poison control center on the length of hospital stay for patients with poisoning,2007,70,2,107-110,Vassilev Pediatric atomoxetine ingestions reported to Texas poison control centers 2003-2005,2007,70,12,1064-1070,Forrester Pattern of statin exposures reported to Texas poison centers 1998-2004,2007,70,17,1424-1432,Forrester Gemfibrozil ingestions reported to Texas poison control centers 2000-2005,2007,70,24,2027-2032,Forrester The effect of poison control center consultation on accidental poisoning inpatient hospitalizations with preexisting medical conditions,2008,71,4,283-288,Bunn Rapid communication: sociodemographic differences between counties with high and low utilization of a regional poison control center,2003,66,20,1905-1908,Vassilev Mood disorders hospitalizations suicide attempts and suicide mortality among agricultural workers and residents in an area with intensive use of pesticides in Brazil,2010,73,13-14,866-877,Meyer Acute Health Effects Associated with Exposure to Volcanic Air Pollution (vog) from Increased Activity at Kilauea Volcano in 2008,2010,73,20,1370-1381,Green Issues with the integration of technical information in planning for and responding to nontraditional disasters,2005,68,11-12,877-888,Jederberg Prioritizing industrial chemical hazards,2005,68,11-12,857-876,Hauschild Percutaneous absorption of topical NN-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET): effects of exposure variables and coadministered toxicants,2003,66,2,133-151,Riviere Elevated blood mercury and neuro-otological observations in children of the Ecuadorian gold mines,2002,65,2,149-163,Counter Wildland smoke exposure values and exhaled breath indicators in firefighters,2012,75,13-15,831-843,Viegas Glia and methylmercury neurotoxicity,2012,75,16-17,1091-1101,Aschner Intraspecific variation of biological activities in venoms from wild and captive Bothrops jararaca,2012,75,16-17,1081-1090,Saad Microbiological evaluation of different strategies for management of snakes in captivity,2012,75,16-17,1070-1080,Campagner Autoantibodies to nervous system-specific proteins are elevated in sera of flight crew members: biomarkers for nervous system injury,2013,76,6,363-380,Abou-Donia Trusted information sources used during and after Superstorm Sandy: TV and radio were used more often than social media,2013,76,20,1138-1150,Gochfeld Responses of a vulnerable Hispanic population in New Jersey to Hurricane Sandy: access to care medical needs concerns and ecological ratings,2017,80,6,315-325,Gochfeld Surveillance results and bone effects in the Gulf War depleted uranium-exposed cohort,2018,81,20,1083-1097,McDiarmid Relationship between ozone air pollution and daily suicide mortality: a time-stratified case-crossover study in Taipei,2019,82,4,261-267,Yang Notice of Duplicate Publication: Perspectives on trace chemical safety and chemophobia: risk communication and risk management,2019,ePub,ePub,1, Risk communication for labeling all ingredients in consumer products,2020,ePub,ePub,1-16,Lee Association between ozone air pollution levels and hospitalizations for depression in Taipei: a time-stratified case-crossover study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yang Epidemiological profile temporal analysis and future projections of suicide cases in rural cities in the extreme south of Brazil,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,da Silva Araújo Inhibitory effects of cedrol β-cedrene and thujopsene on cytochrome P450 enzyme activities in human liver microsomes,2014,77,,1522-1532,Lee Ambient ozone exposure and hospitalization for substance abuse: A time-stratified case-crossover study in Taipei,2022,85,13,553-560,Yang Rapid communication: postmortem distribution of organophosphate insecticides in human autopsy tissues following suicide,2003,66,23,2187-2191,Oztürk Evaluation and identification of priority air pollutants for environmental management on the basis of risk analysis in Russia,2008,71,1,86-91,Golub Does ambient ozone air pollution trigger suicide attempts? A case cross-over analysis in Taipei,2019,82,10,638-644,Yang