Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author At both ends of the gun: testing the relationship between community violence exposure and youth violent behavior,2001,29,5,383-402,Graham Peer effects in drug use and sex among college students,2005,33,3,375-385,Duncan Evaluation of a high school peer group intervention for at-risk youth,2005,33,3,363-374,Cho Intervention groups for adolescents with conduct problems: is aggregation harmful or helpful?,2005,33,3,349-362,Howard Proximal peer-level effects of a small-group selected prevention on aggression in elementary school children: an investigation of the peer contagion hypothesis,2005,33,3,325-338,Guerra A model of contagion through competition in the aggressive behaviors of elementary school students,2005,33,3,283-292,McDonald Peer influence in children and adolescents: crossing the bridge from developmental to intervention science,2005,33,3,255-265,McCord The children's firesetting interview with psychiatrically referred and nonreferred children,1989,17,6,609-624,Kolko Assessment of dimensions of childhood firesetting among patients and nonpatients: the Firesetting Risk Interview,1989,17,2,157-176,Kolko The emergence and recurrence of child firesetting: a one-year prospective study,1992,20,1,17-37,Kolko A conceptualization of firesetting in children and adolescents,1986,14,1,49-61,Kolko Multilevel correlates of childhood physical aggression and prosocial behavior,2005,33,5,565-578,Romano The Role of Maternal Acceptance in the Relation Between Community Violence Exposure and Child Functioning,2006,34,1,54-67,Bailey Correlates of child abuse potential,1985,13,2,217-226,La Greca Introduction to Special Section on the National Institute of Health State of the Science Report on Violence Prevention,2006,34,4,451-456,Tuma Professionalizing the Practice of Public Policy in the Prevention of Violence,2006,34,4,475-479,Dodge The National Institutes of Health (NIH) State-Of-the-Science Conference on Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents - A Commentary,2006,34,4,471-474,Johnson Prevention of Youth Violence: Why not Start at the Beginning?,2006,34,4,480-486,Tremblay National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference Statement : Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents October 13-15 2004,2006,34,4,457-470,Lochman Boys who join gangs: a prospective study of predictors of first gang entry,1999,27,4,261-276,Stouthamer-Loeber The family relations peer relations and criminal activities of Caucasian and Hispanic-American gang members,1992,20,5,439-449,Hall Person-Group Dissimilarity in Involvement in Bullying and Its Relation with Social Status,2007,35,6,1009-1019,Scholte Exposure to violence and suicide risk in adolescents: a community study,2002,30,5,529-537,Vermeiren Low self-esteem and hopelessness in childhood and suicidal ideation in early adulthood,2001,29,4,281-291,Nada-Raja A multisystems analysis of adolescent suicide attempters,1995,23,2,221-234,Spirito Predictive and concurrent validity of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire among American Indian adolescents,1996,24,6,735-747,Manson The Brief Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents (BRFL-A),1996,24,4,433-443,Barrios Perfectionism and suicide ideation in adolescent psychiatric patients,1997,25,2,95-101,Callander Exposure to violence in young inner-city adolescents: relationships with suicidal ideation depression and PTSD symptomatology,1999,27,3,203-213,Mazza Parent and Child Agreement for Acute Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other Psychopathology in a Prospective Study of Children and Adolescents Exposed to Single-Event Trauma,2007,35,2,191-201,Smith Stability in Bullying and Victimization and its Association with Social Adjustment in Childhood and Adolescence,2007,35,2,217-228,Scholte Language Impairment and Sexual Assault of Girls and Women: Findings from a Community Sample,2007,35,4,618-626,Atkinson Violence Exposure and Psychopathology in Urban Youth: The Mediating Role of Posttraumatic Stress,2007,35,4,578-593,Vermeiren Sequelae of Aggression in Acutely Suicidal Adolescents,2007,35,5,817-830,King The Relations of Temperament and Emotion Self-regulation with Suicidal Behaviors in a Clinical Sample of Depressed Children in Hungary,2007,35,4,640-652,Kovacs Alcohol Use in Adolescent Twins and Affiliation with Substance Using Peers,2007,36,1,81-94,Hill Adaptive Coping Reduces the Impact of Community Violence Exposure on Violent Behavior among African American and Latino Male Adolescents,2007,36,1,105-115,Tolan Violent Victimization in the Community and Children's Subsequent Peer Rejection: The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation,2008,36,2,175-185,Schwartz Measuring abuse stress and negative cognitive appraisals in child sexual abuse: Validity data on two new scales,1995,23,6,703-727,Spaccarelli Assessing violent offending in serious juvenile offenders,1993,21,3,233-243,Melton Stress Generation in Adolescent Depression: The Moderating Role of Child Abuse and Neglect,2008,36,3,421-432,Harkness Identification of Early Child and Family Risk Factors for Aggressive Victim Status in First Grade,2008,36,4,513-526,Park Childhood aggression and social adjustment as antecedents of delinquency,1984,12,1,111-126,Roff The development of aggression in toddlers: a study of low-income families,1994,22,1,53-77,Shaw What predicts adolescent violence in better-off neighborhoods?,2001,29,5,369-381,Stouthamer-Loeber Early developmental precursors of externalizing behavior in middle childhood and adolescence,2000,28,2,119-133,Bates Reactive and proactive aggression: predictions to physical violence in different contexts and moderating effects of parental monitoring and caregiving behavior,2001,29,4,293-304,Tremblay Justification of Violence and Grandiosity Schemas as Predictors of Antisocial Behavior in Adolescents,2008,36,7,1083-1095,Calvete Beyond the Class Norm: Bullying Behavior of Popular Adolescents and its Relation to Peer Acceptance and Rejection,2008,36,8,1289-1299,Veenstra Peer victimization aggression and their co-occurrence in middle school: pathways to adjustment problems,2006,34,3,363-378,Graham Threat is a Multidimensional Construct: Exploring the Role of Children's Threat Appraisals in the Relationship Between Interparental Conflict and Child Adjustment,2009,37,2,281-292,Dadds Callous-unemotional traits in predicting the severity and stability of conduct problems and delinquency,2005,33,4,471-487,Frick Developmental Links Between Trajectories of Physical Violence Vandalism Theft and Alcohol-Drug Use from Childhood to Adolescence,2009,37,4,481-492,Tremblay Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Trajectories in Child Sexual Abuse Victims: An Analysis of Sex Differences Using the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being,2009,37,5,727-737,Koenen Individual family peer and academic characteristics of male juvenile sexual offenders,2007,35,2,153-163,Borduin Serious delinquent behavior sensation seeking and electrodermal arousal,2002,30,5,477-486,Stouthamer-Loeber The Relationship Between Parenting and Delinquency: A Meta-analysis,2009,37,6,749-775,Hoeve Modeling the Bullying Prevention Program Preferences of Educators: A Discrete Choice Conjoint Experiment,2009,37,7,929-943,Chen Emotional Triggers and Psychopathology Associated with Suicidal Ideation in Urban Children with Elevated Aggressive-Disruptive Behavior,2009,37,7,917-928,West A dimensional model of psychopathology among homeless adolescents: suicidality internalizing and externalizing disorders,2008,36,1,95-104,Yoder Types of aggression responsiveness to provocation and callous-unemotional traits in detained adolescents,2008,36,1,15-28,Frick Bidirectional associations between parenting practices and conduct problems in boys from childhood to adolescence: the moderating effect of age and African-American ethnicity,2008,36,5,647-662,Burke Reciprocal relationships between parenting behavior and disruptive psychopathology from childhood through adolescence,2008,36,5,679-692,Loeber Academic pathways between attention problems and depressive symptoms among urban African American children,2007,35,2,265-274,Ialongo Examining subtypes of behavior problems among 3-year-old children Part II: investigating differences in parent psychopathology couple conflict and other family stressors,2007,35,1,111-123,Goldstein Homotypic versus heterotypic continuity of anxiety symptoms in young adolescents: evidence for distinctions between DSM-IV subtypes,2007,35,3,325-333,Verhulst Patterns of psychopathology in the families of children with conduct problems depression and both psychiatric conditions,2007,35,2,301-312,Beauchaine Environmental correlates of gambling behavior in urban adolescents,2007,35,2,179-190,Murray Social cognition and externalizing psychopathology: an investigation of the mediating role of language,2007,35,2,141-152,Cohen Development of social anxiety: social interaction predictors of implicit and explicit fear of negative evaluation,2007,35,1,63-78,Allen Examining subtypes of behavior problems among 3-year-old children Part I: investigating validity of subtypes and biological risk-factors,2007,35,1,97-110,Goldstein Is theory of mind understanding impaired in males with fragile X syndrome?,2007,35,1,17-28,Oliver Longitudinal associations between fathers' heavy drinking patterns and children's psychosocial adjustment,2007,35,1,1-16,O'farrell Trajectories of delinquency and parenting styles,2008,36,2,223-235,Loeber Maintenance of treatment gains: a comparison of enhanced standard and self-directed Triple P-Positive Parenting Program,2007,35,6,983-998,Sanders Can a laboratory measure of emotional processing enhance the statistical prediction of aggression and delinquency in detained adolescents with callous-unemotional traits?,2007,35,5,773-785,Frick Stress sensitization and adolescent depressive severity as a function of childhood adversity: a link to anxiety disorders,2007,35,2,287-299,Najman Social anxiety and peer relations in early adolescence: behavioral and cognitive factors,2007,35,3,405-416,Bierman Being admired or being liked: classroom social status and depressive problems in early adolescent girls and boys,2007,35,3,417-427,Veenstra Memory for angry faces impulsivity and problematic behavior in adolescence,2007,35,2,313-324,Van der Linden Multiple determinants of externalizing behavior in 5-year-olds: a longitudinal model,2007,35,3,347-361,Smeekens The role of simple emotion recognition skills among school aged boys at risk of ADHD,2007,35,3,363-378,Priel Internet-delivered targeted group intervention for body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in adolescent girls: a randomized controlled trial,2007,35,3,379-391,McLean Estimates of the validity and utility of the Conners' Continuous Performance Test in the assessment of inattentive and/or hyperactive-impulsive behaviors in children,2007,35,3,393-404,Edwards Direct social support for young high risk children: relations with behavioral and emotional outcomes across time,2007,35,3,443-457,Appleyard Correlates of depressive disorders in the Quebec general population 6 to 14 years of age,2007,35,3,459-474,Bergeron Friendship interactions in children with and without depressive symptoms: observation of emotion during game-playing interactions and post-game evaluations,2007,35,3,429-441,Fan Children's feedback preferences in response to an experimentally manipulated peer evaluation outcome: the role of depressive symptoms,2007,35,3,497-507,Dekovic The Pictorial Fire Stroop: A Measure of Processing Bias for Fire-Related Stimuli,2009,37,8,1165-1176,Mackay Post Traumatic Stress Context and the Lingering Effects of the Hurricane Katrina Disaster among Ethnic Minority Youth,2010,38,1,49-56,Weems Early childhood externalising behaviour problems: child parenting and family-related predictors over time,2006,34,6,891-906,Sawyer Preventing depression among early adolescents in the primary care setting: a randomized controlled study of the Penn Resiliency Program,2006,34,2,203-219,Gallop A longitudinal study of relational aggression physical aggression and children's social-psychological adjustment,2006,34,2,131-142,Crick Child-directed interaction: prediction of change in impaired mother-child functioning,2006,34,3,335-347,Harwood Neighborhood disadvantage parent-child conflict neighborhood peer relationships and early antisocial behavior problem trajectories,2006,34,3,303-319,Shaw Bias and accuracy of children's perceptions of peer acceptance: prospective associations with depressive symptoms,2006,34,3,349-361,Joiner The development of aggression in 18 to 48 month old children of alcoholic parents,2006,34,3,409-423,Leonard A population-based twin study of parentally reported tactile and auditory defensiveness in young children,2006,34,3,393-407,Goldsmith The Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ): a unidimensional item response theory and categorical data factor analysis of self-report ratings from a community sample of 7-through 11-year-old children,2006,34,3,379-391,Goodyer Gender role orientation and anxiety symptoms among African American adolescents,2006,34,3,441-449,Palapattu Predictors of attributional style change in children,2006,34,3,425-439,Alloy The development of physical aggression from toddlerhood to pre-adolescence: a nation wide longitudinal study of Canadian children,2006,34,1,71-85,LeBlanc Examining the state-trait anxiety relationship: a behavioural genetic approach,2006,34,1,19-27,Stevenson Family instability and child maladjustment trajectories during elementary school,2006,34,1,43-56,Pinderhughes Reciprocal longitudinal associations among adolescents' negative feedback-seeking depressive symptoms and peer relations,2006,34,2,159-169,Prinstein Deviant peer affiliation and problem behavior: a test of genetic and environmental influences,2006,34,1,29-41,Deater-Deckard Determinants of multiple informant agreement on child and adolescent behavior,2006,34,2,251-262,Karver Suicidal adolescents' social support from family and peers: gender-specific associations with psychopathology,2006,34,1,103-114,King Genetic and environmental contributions to common psychopathologies of childhood and adolescence: a study of twins and their siblings,2006,34,1,1-17,Young Testing descriptive hypotheses regarding sex differences in the development of conduct problems and delinquency,2006,34,5,737-755,Lahey Conduct problems depressive symptomatology and their co-occurring presentation in childhood as predictors of adjustment in early adolescence,2006,34,5,603-621,McMahon Childhood peer reputation as a predictor of competence and symptoms 10 years later,2006,34,4,509-526,Masten Health-risking social behaviors: moving forward,2006,34,4,487-494,Price Understanding the sex difference in vulnerability to adolescent depression: an examination of child and parent characteristics,2006,34,4,495-508,Hammen Differential effectiveness of behavioral parent-training and cognitive-behavioral therapy for antisocial youth: a meta-analysis,2006,34,4,527-543,McCart The interactive influences of friend deviance and reward dominance on the development of externalizing behavior during middle adolescence,2006,34,5,573-583,Bates Separation anxiety and the inhibition of aggression in preschool children,1973,1,4,400-409,Wolf Deviant behaviors in rural elementary schoolchildren,1973,1,4,378-389,Schultz The personal and marital adjustment of parents as related to observed child deviance and parenting behaviors,1974,2,3,193-207,Johnson DAPs of black and white juvenile incarcerates,1974,2,3,229-238,Baugh Immaturity delinquency and the Wechsler P greater than V sign,1974,2,3,245-251,Andrew Objective measurement of the independent variable: a neglected methodological aspect in community-based behavioral research,1974,2,3,239-244,Wodarski A note on the factor structure of the Devereux Child Behavior Rating Scale. A point of view,1974,2,2,165-167,Dreger A simple stimulus cue for controlling disruptive classroom behavior. Methodological implications for behavior change procedures,1974,2,2,143-152,Lobitz Anxiety and locus of conflict in delinquents,1974,2,4,275-279,Kendall Sensitivity of the Faschingbauer abbreviated MMPI to hospitalized adolescents,1974,2,4,299-306,Glenn Multidimensionality of anxiety in children. Factor structure of the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale,1974,2,4,331-335,Kendall WISC short forms with emotionally disturbed children,1974,2,4,337-341,Kendall Validity of two measures of anxiety in children,1974,2,4,293-296,Finch The Conceptual Project in Child Variance,1974,2,1,75-86,Head Prevalence of behavioral symptoms in rural elementary school children,1974,2,1,17-24,Schultz Distractibility and hypersensitivity. Two behavior factors in elementary school children,1975,3,1,83-94,Victor Normal versus deviant children. A multimethod comparison,1975,3,4,353-374,Johnson The comparison of antisocial and prosocial children on multicriterion measures at summer camp,1975,3,3,255-273,Wodarski Adolescent verbal behavior. An investigation of noncontent styles as related to race and delinquency status,1975,3,3,245-254,Clements A comparison of objective measures of activity and distractibility in hyperactive and nonhyperactive children,1975,3,3,231-244,Barkley The effects of reward and punishment on reaction times and autonomic activity in hyperactive and normal children,1975,3,3,201-216,Firestone The reward value of peers. A variable influencing the efficacy of filmed modeling in modifying social isolation in preschoolers,1975,3,3,179-189,Sherman Facial attractiveness and personal-social development,1975,3,3,171-178,Salvia Children vulnerable to psychopathology: the Stony Brook high-risk project,1975,3,2,95-113,Weintraub Relationships of children's grade in school sex and social class to teachers' ratings on the behavior problem checklist,1975,3,2,115-126,Lindholm Are children reliable reporters?,1975,3,1,41-48,Herjanic An analysis of children's oppositional behavior,1975,3,1,27-31,Forehand The effect of a teacher's presence on the classroom behavior of conduct-problem children,1975,3,1,11-25,Marholin D Teacher race student race and the Behavior Problem Checklist,1975,3,1,1-9,Eaves Human figure drawings of gender-problem and school-problem boys,1975,3,3,191-199,Bates Behavior problems in elementary school children a follow-up study,1976,4,1,17-29,Victor Stability and change in types of behavioral disturbance of children and adolescents,1976,4,2,111-127,McCarthy Attention and distractibility during reading in hyperactive boys,1976,4,4,381-387,Stern Behavior problems of Anglo and Mexican-American children,1976,4,3,299-304,Lindholm Time-out with children. Effects of an explanation and brief parent training on child and parent behaviors,1976,4,3,277-288,Roberts A motivational environment for behaviorally deviant junior high school students,1976,4,3,263-275,Safer An experiment in social engineering in serving the families of predelinquents,1976,4,3,243-261,Stuart The cheating and intention of a partner as determinants of evaluative decisions among juvenile offenders,1976,4,3,235-241,Savitsky The effects of biasing information on behavioral observations and rating scales,1976,4,3,221-233,Siegel Method factors associated with assessment of child behavior: fact or artifact?,1976,4,3,209-219,Miller Stimulus control of self-destructive behavior in a psychotic child,1976,4,2,139-153,Carr The effects of stress on state and trait anxiety in emotionally disturbed normal and delinquent children,1976,4,2,173-177,Roitzsch Differential effects of task and reinforcement variables on the performance of three groups of behavior problem children,1976,4,2,155-171,Dietrich Sex-related effects on clinicians' attributions of parental responsibility for child psychopathology,1976,4,2,129-138,Abramowitz Predicting the response of hyperkinetic children to stimulant drugs: a review,1976,4,4,327-348,Barkley Proxemics locus of control anxiety and type of movement in emotionally disturbed and normal boys,1976,4,1,9-16,Kendall Effects of a verbal warning and overcorrection on stereotyped and appropriate behaviors,1977,5,4,387-403,Wells Overt and fantasized aggression toward parents by enuretic and nonenuretic children,1977,5,4,379-386,Teichman Accelerating stimuli for two classes of coercive behaviors,1977,5,4,335-350,Patterson Reflection-impulsivity in normal and behavior-disordered children,1977,5,4,457-462,Brown Developmental retardation in infants as a concomitant of physical child abuse,1977,5,4,417-423,Appelbaum The Hahnemann High School Behavior (HHSB) Rating scale,1977,5,3,299-307,Spivack The Children's Behavioral Classification Project: an interim report,1977,5,3,289-297,Dreger Measuring dimensions of deviant behavior: the Behavior Problem Checklist,1977,5,3,277-287,Quay The Preschool Behavior Questionnaire,1977,5,3,265-275,Behar The Kohn Social Competence Scale and Kohn Symptom Checklist for the preschool child: a follow-up report,1977,5,3,249-263,Kohn The Preschool Behavioral Classification Project: a follow-up report,1977,5,3,241-248,Baker The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (BNBAS),1977,5,3,215-231,Lester The emotionally disturbed child: disturbed or disturbing?,1977,5,2,205-211,Algozzine "Think aloud": a program for developing self-control in young aggressive boys,1977,5,2,157-169,Camp Empathy and socialization in first and repeat juvenile offenders and normals,1977,5,1,93-97,Kendall Child abuse and neglect: effect on Bayley Scale scores,1977,5,1,79-91,Ingram Drug use and deviation from self-concept norms,1977,5,1,53-60,Huntwork An investigation of relationships between teachers' ratings of behavior and children's personality traits,1977,5,1,43-52,Harris The effect of adult influence on children's preferences: compliance versus opposition,1977,5,1,31-41,Brehm Behavior modification in the home: siblings as behavior modifiers parents as observers,1977,5,1,21-30,Colletti The influence of pyrithioxine on certain factors of intelligence1,1977,5,2,171-176,Möller The effects of a modeling film on social isolation in preschool children: a methodological investigation,1977,5,1,69-78,Gottman Effect of noise distractibility on the spans of apprehension of hyperactive boys,1978,6,4,483-492,McIntyre Positive parental praise: increasing reactivity and accuracy of self-observation,1978,6,4,503-509,Hamilton Laterality and selective attention in hyperactive children,1978,6,4,475-481,Prior Parent behavioral training for problem children: an examination of studies using multiple outcome measures,1978,6,4,449-460,Forehand ASSESS: Adjustment Scales for Sociometric Evaluation of Secondary-School Students,1978,6,4,493-501,Prinz A review of psychophysiological research with hyperkinetic children,1978,6,4,413-447,Barkley Stimulus-governance and the hyperkinetic syndrome,1978,6,3,407-412,Cohen A comparison of the disturbingness of behaviors related to learning disability and emotional disturbance,1978,6,3,401-406,Algozzine Sensory extinction: a procedure form eliminating self-stimulatory behavior in developmentally disabled children,1978,6,3,299-310,Rincover Fluorescent lighting: a purported source of hyperactive behavior,1978,6,3,285-289,Hughes Note on locus of control and academic achievement in institutionalized juvenile delinquents,1978,6,2,281-283,Kendall What I think and feel: a revised measure of children's manifest anxiety,1978,6,2,271-280,Reynolds Judged school problems and competencies of referred children with varying family background characteristics,1978,6,2,247-255,Gesten Cognitive slippage in children vulnerable to schizophrenia,1978,6,2,237-245,Weintraub Peer facilitation of generalization in a preschool classroom,1978,6,2,203-209,Stokes A comparison of human and automated instruction of autistic children,1978,6,2,189-201,Russo The Peer Preference Test as a measure of reward value: item analysis cross-validation concurrent validation and replication,1978,6,2,175-188,Evers-Pasquale The assessment of maladaptive parent-child interaction by direct observation: an analysis of methods,1978,6,2,257-270,Roberts The children of Mexican-American migrant workers: a population at risk?,1978,6,1,97-106,Henggeler The reaction of adolescent offenders and nonoffenders to nonverbal emotion displays,1978,6,1,89-96,Savitsky Continuities in maternal reports and child behaviors over time in hyperactive and comparison groups,1978,6,1,33-45,Weiss Behavior problems of educationally handicapped and normal pupils,1979,7,4,495-502,Cullinan Congenital correlates of distractibility,1979,7,4,465-470,O'Neill Social perspective-taking and teacher ratings of peer interaction in hyperactive boys,1979,7,4,483-493,Campbell Discrimination learning of delinquent boys as a function of reinforcement contingency and delinquent subtype,1979,7,4,443-453,Moses Hyperactive boys in their classroom: assessment of teacher and peer perceptions interactions and classroom behaviors,1979,7,4,425-442,Klein Children at risk for delinquency: a follow-up comparison of aggressive children and children who steal,1979,7,3,345-355,Chamberlain Short form and factor-analytic studies of the WISC-R with behavior problem children,1979,7,3,337-344,Spirito Item level validity of the Devereux Elementary School Behavior Rating Scale,1979,7,3,327-335,Willis The assessment of impulsivity and mediating behaviors in hyperactive and nonhyperactive boys,1979,7,3,317-326,Gordon The structuring of interpersonal relations in schizophrenic adolescents: a decentering analysis of Thematic Apperception Test stories,1979,7,3,309-316,Strober Relating early child adjustment to infant and parent temperament,1979,7,3,297-308,Zucker The relationship of children's attitudes toward alcohol to their value development,1979,7,3,287-295,Gorsuch The utility of tracking child behavior,1979,7,3,275-286,Weinrott An analysis of the hyperactive syndrome: a comparison of hyperactive behavior problem asthmatic and normal children,1979,7,3,261-273,Firestone Gender-deviant boys compared with normal and clinical control boys,1979,7,3,243-259,Bates Personality patterns of adolescent poor and good sleepers,1979,7,2,191-197,Bertelson Rating scales for hyperactivity: concurrent validity reliability and decisions to label for the Conners and Davids Abbreviated Scales,1979,7,2,179-190,Zentall The acute effects of caffeine on evoked response vigilance and activity level in hyperkinetic children,1979,7,2,145-151,Conners Comparing psychological and pharmacological treatments for hyperkinetic boys and their classmates,1979,7,2,133-143,Woolson An interview with a child to assess psychiatric disturbance: a note on its reliability and validity,1979,7,1,83-89,Fielding Relationship among environmental and demographic variables and teacher-rated hyperactivity,1979,7,1,77-81,Campbell An adolescent symptom checklist for juvenile deliquents,1979,7,1,15-29,Kohn The discriminative efficiency of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development,1979,7,1,113-119,Berk Prevalence and constituency of behavioral disturbance taxonomies in the regular school population,1980,8,4,523-536,McDermott Effects of amphetamine on vigilance performance in normal and hyperactive children,1980,8,4,491-500,Rapoport Peer and self-rating: children's perception of behavior relevant to hyperkinetic impulse disorder,1980,8,4,471-490,Glow A typology of child behavior profile patterns: distribution and correlates for disturbed children aged 6-16,1980,8,4,441-470,Edelbrock A reexamination of the validity of the Children's Personality Questionnaire,1980,8,3,435-439,Levinson Normative data on the Missouri Children's Picture Series and the Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist with Southern black children,1980,8,3,421-433,Kelly Effects of cognitive training on academic and on-task behavior of hyperactive children,1980,8,3,405-419,Cameron Validity of teacher nominations of child behavior problems,1980,8,3,397-404,Forehand The initial standardization of the Adolescent Behavioral Classification Project Instrument,1980,8,3,297-322,Dreger Marital discord and childhood behavior problems,1980,8,3,287-295,O'Leary Gender typing of game choices and qualities of boys' play behavior,1980,8,2,201-212,Bates A twin study of specific behavioral problems of socialization as viewed by parents,1980,8,2,189-199,Plomin Visual and auditory selective attention and reflection-impulsivity in normal and learning-disabled boys at two age levels,1980,8,1,117-125,Quay Visual discrimination deficits of reading-disabled children: sex artifact?,1980,8,1,111-115,Lahey Factors of problem behavior in visually impaired children,1981,9,4,517-522,Schnittjer A four-year follow-up study of the effects of methylphenidate on the behavior and academic achievement of hyperactive children,1981,9,4,495-505,Charles A behavioral program for disruptive Junior High school students: results and follow-up,1981,9,4,483-494,Safer Peer popularity and peer communication patterns: hyperactive versus active but normal boys,1981,9,4,465-482,King A two-year follow-up study of a preventive mental health program for preschoolers,1981,9,4,455-464,Rickel Cognitive and attentional deficits in children vulnerable to psychopathology,1981,9,4,435-453,Weintraub Behavior problems of elementary-school children,1981,9,3,407-418,Stone Parent and child causal attributions related to the child's clinical problem,1981,9,3,389-397,Adelman Cognitive self-instruction for the control of impulsive classroom behavior: ensuring the treatment package,1981,9,3,381-387,Eastman Factor structure of classroom behavior problems for mainstreamed and regular students,1981,9,3,399-406,Larrivee A multitrait-multimethod analysis of variance of teachers' ratings of aggression hyperactivity and inattention,1981,9,3,371-380,Milich Congruence of parents' and teachers' ratings of children's behavior problems,1981,9,3,347-354,Lindholm Aggressive behavior in normal and deviant members of intact versus mother-only families,1981,9,2,283-290,Horne Reliability of the behavior problem checklist with institutionalized male delinquents,1981,9,2,243-250,Kelley Parent-child interaction in the laboratory: effects of role task and child behavior pathology on verbal response mode use,1981,9,2,229-241,Stiles The consistency of a class of coercive child behaviors across school settings for individual subjects,1981,9,2,219-227,Harris Hyperactive and aggressive behaviors in childhood: intertwined dimensions,1981,9,2,191-202,Prinz Format effects in two teacher rating scales of hyperactivity,1981,9,2,203-218,Sandoval The effect of appealing distractors on the performance of hyperactive children,1981,9,2,179-189,Radosh Peer acceptance: the correspondence between children's sociometric scores and teachers' ratings of peer interactions,1981,9,2,167-178,La Greca The effect of time-out release contingencies on changes in child noncompliance,1981,9,1,95-105,Roberts Learning-disordered children's evoked potentials during sustained attention,1981,9,1,79-94,Hess Toward an empirical subclassification of "learning disabilities": psychophysiological comparison of "hyperactive" and "nonhyperactive" subgroups,1981,9,1,65-77,Lahey Hyperactivity and pediatrician diagnoses parental ratings specific cognitive abilities and laboratory measures,1981,9,1,55-64,Plomin Evaluation of the relative effectiveness of methylphenidate and cognitive behavior modification in the treatment of kindergarten-aged hyperactive children,1981,9,1,43-54,Sullivan The incidence prevalence and severity of behavior disorders among preschool-aged children in day care,1981,9,1,23-42,Bond Social perspective-taking and adjustment in emotionally disturbed learning-disabled and normal children,1981,9,1,133-148,Silvern The relationship between parent-youth interaction and delinquency in group homes,1981,9,1,107-119,Wolf Developmental patterns of aggressive and withdrawn behavior in childhood: a possible method for identifying preschizophrenics,1981,9,1,1-22,Ledingham Sex-typing of play and psychological adjustment in young children: an empirical investigation,1982,10,4,559-567,Elman A signal detection approach to social perception: identification of negative and positive behaviors by parents of normal and problem children,1982,10,4,547-557,Schmaling Preschool peer perceptions of the behavior of hyperactive and aggressive children,1982,10,4,497-510,Whitten Attentional deficits with and without hyperactivity: teacher and peer perceptions,1982,10,4,483-495,King A cluster-analytically derived typology: feasible alternative to clinical diagnostic classification of children?,1982,10,4,451-482,Gil A multistudy analysis of socioeconomic status (SES) and the measures and outcomes of cognitive-behavioral treatment with children,1982,10,3,443-449,Kendall Family interaction and the course of adolescent psychopathology: an analysis of adolescent and parent effects,1982,10,3,427-441,Asarnow Behavioral disordered children's conceptions of moral conventional and personal issues,1982,10,3,411-425,Herman Behavior patterns of socially rejected and neglected preadolescents: the roles of social approach and aggression,1982,10,3,389-409,Dodge Agreement among teacher peer and self-ratings of children's aggression withdrawal and likability,1982,10,3,363-372,Schwartzman Development of a structured psychiatric interview for children: agreement between child and parent on individual symptoms,1982,10,3,307-324,Herjanic Reliability and validity of IJR Behavior Checklist scores: number versus pathology level of symptoms,1982,10,3,337-361,Lessing The use of the Beck Depression Inventory with adolescents,1982,10,2,277-284,Teri Methylphenidate increases selectivity of visual scanning in children referred for hyperactivity,1982,10,2,145-161,Swanson Reliability of neurological soft signs in children: reevaluation of the PANESS,1982,10,2,163-172,Prinz The development of a child assessment interview for research and clinical use,1982,10,2,173-189,Hodges Factors associated with parent labeling of children referred for conduct problems,1982,10,2,191-202,Thompson Parent and child causal attributions during clinical interviews,1982,10,1,77-84,Taylor Parental interpersonal perceptual style child adjustment and parent-child interactions,1982,10,1,61-76,Stollak The stability of child behavior disorders: a one year test-retest study of Adelaide versions of the Conners Teacher and Parent Rating Scales,1982,10,1,33-60,Glow The computerized continuous performance task: a new measure of inattention,1983,11,4,487-495,Klee Depressive mood in adolescent emotionally disturbed females: reliability and validity of an adjective checklist (C-DACL),1983,11,4,531-536,Lubin Reliability and validity of the Direct Observation Form of the Child Behavior Checklist,1983,11,4,521-530,Edelbrock Moral judgment in relation to behavioral and cognitive disorders in adolescents,1983,11,4,503-511,Russell Correspondence of teacher ratings and direct observations of classroom behavior of psychiatric inpatient children,1983,11,4,549-564,Kazdin Comparisons of children of depressed and nondepressed parents: a social-environmental perspective,1983,11,4,463-485,Moos Waking ultradian rhythms of performance and motility in hyperkinetic and normal children,1983,11,3,431-442,Broughton A developmental study of vigilance in learning-disabled and nondisabled children,1983,11,3,415-429,Swanson Child and parent evaluations of depression and aggression in psychiatric inpatient children,1983,11,3,401-413,Kazdin Marital disturbance and child problems: a cautionary note regarding hyperactive children,1983,11,3,393-399,Prinz An application of the pictorial scale of perceived competence and acceptance within an epidemiological survey,1983,11,3,367-377,Earls Effects of reward on delayed reaction time task performance of hyperactive children,1983,11,2,313-326,Douglas Some social contexts of self-destructive behavior,1983,11,2,299-311,Lövaas Preschool teachers' ratings of behavioral problems: observational sociometric and social-cognitive correlates,1983,11,2,273-285,Clark The effects of stimulant drugs on curiosity behaviors of hyperactive boys,1983,11,2,193-206,Ullman Aggressive behavior in the home as a function of the age and sex of control-problem and normal children,1983,11,2,257-272,Moore Torque lateral preference and cognitive ability in primary-grade children,1983,11,1,77-83,Boake Stimulus overselectivity in autistic trainable mentally retarded and non-handicapped children: comparative research controlling chronological (rather than mental) age,1983,11,1,61-75,Gersten Children's perceptions of parental behaviors,1983,11,1,49-59,Margolin An analysis of the physical punishment component of a parent training program,1983,11,1,141-152,Roberts Stimulus-seeking behavior in hyperactive and nonhyperactive children,1983,11,1,131-139,Brimer Modification of anger in children by affective imagery training,1983,11,1,115-129,Garrison Parental characteristics and interactional dysfunction in families with child behavior problems: a preliminary investigation,1983,11,1,153-166,Johnson The generalization of the effects of a cognitive-behavioral treatment program for aggressive children,1983,11,1,101-114,Kettlewell Family interactions of assaultive adolescents stealers and nondelinquents,1983,11,1,1-14,Loeber Social-cognitive and cognitive correlates of depression in children,1984,12,4,605-620,Kaslow The importance of prudent negative consequences for maintaining the appropriate behavior of hyperactive students,1984,12,4,581-604,Conway A comparison of children who receive and who do not receive permission to participate in research,1984,12,4,573-580,Beck Performance of disturbed hyperactive and nonhyperactive children on an objective measure of hyperactivity,1984,12,4,561-571,Gordon Interrelationships between temperament characteristics and first-grade teacher-student interactions,1984,12,4,547-559,Paget Attention styles of hyperactive and normal girls,1984,12,4,531-546,Young Home environment questionnaire,1984,12,4,519-529,Sines Comprehension of nonverbal communication: a reexamination of the social competencies of learning-disabled children,1984,12,4,505-518,La Greca Social information processing in child psychiatric populations,1984,12,3,471-489,Milich Intelligence classroom behavior and academic achievement in children at high and low risk for psychopathology: a structural equation analysis,1984,12,3,437-454,Worland Marital discord and child behavior problems in a nonclinic sample,1984,12,3,411-420,Emery Differentiating attributes of children referred to a school mental health program,1984,12,3,397-409,Cowen The consequents of problem behavior in toddler children,1984,12,3,385-395,Fagot Multichannel communication in normal and delinquent families,1984,12,3,369-383,Jacob Context effects in the behavioral ratings of hyperactivity,1984,12,2,345-352,Zentall Self-control behavior in hyperactive and nonhyperactive children,1984,12,2,303-317,Baker Acceptability of aversive procedures and medication as treatment alternatives for deviant child behavior,1984,12,2,289-301,Kazdin A comparison of the social status and social behavior of aggressive and aggressive/withdrawn boys,1984,12,2,277-288,Milich A factor structure of child home observation data,1984,12,2,245-260,Carlson Schedule-induced behavior in hyperactive children,1984,12,2,227-243,Wallace A psychometric study of the family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scales,1984,12,2,199-207,Johnson Cross-sectional and longitudinal observations of activity level and sustained attention in a normative sample,1984,12,2,261-275,Milich Peer assessment of the social behavior of accepted rejected and neglected children,1984,12,2,187-198,Lahey Predicting school performance of preschool children from parent reports,1984,12,1,79-93,Lichtenstein Self-control in hyperactive boys in anger-inducing situations: effects of cognitive-behavioral training and of methylphenidate,1984,12,1,55-77,Hinshaw Skill deficits and male adolescent delinquency,1984,12,1,37-54,Stouthamer-Loeber Effects of methylphenidate (Ritalin) on information processing in hyperactive children,1984,12,1,169-185,Borkowski A 3-year follow-up of aggressive and withdrawn behavior in childhood: preliminary findings,1984,12,1,157-168,Schwartzman Child behavior disorders by age and sex based on item factoring of the revised Bristol Guides,1984,12,1,15-35,McDermott Hyperactive behavior in English schoolchildren: a questionnaire survey,1984,12,1,143-155,Taylor Selective attention and rehearsal in the auditory short-term memory task performance of poor and normal readers,1984,12,1,127-141,Pelham Situational social problem-solving skills and self-esteem of aggressive and nonaggressive boys,1986,14,4,605-617,Lochman Symptoms associated with suicidal behavior in childhood and adolescence,1986,14,4,591-604,Walker Assessing depression in community samples of children using self-report inventories: ethical considerations,1986,14,4,579-589,Burbach Behavioral effects of sucrose on preschool children,1986,14,4,565-577,Goldman Boys who lie,1986,14,4,551-564,Stouthamer-Loeber Cognitive correlates of depressive symptoms in 11-year-old children,1986,14,4,517-524,Anderson Incidental learning distraction and sustained attention in hyperactive and control subjects,1986,14,3,441-455,Aman Visual and auditory attention performance in hyperactive children: competence or compliance,1986,14,3,411-424,Prior Effects of treatments and their outcomes on peer perceptions of a hyperactive child,1986,14,3,397-410,Sigelman Sustained attention in children at risk for schizophrenia: findings with two visual continuous performance tests in a new sample,1986,14,3,365-385,Rutschmann Family interaction patterns and childhood depression,1986,14,2,297-314,Rehm Correlates and predictors of hyperactivity and aggression: a longitudinal study of parent-referred problem preschoolers,1986,14,2,217-234,Campbell Child witnesses to violence between parents: critical issues in behavioral and social adjustment,1986,14,1,95-104,Wilson Normative data for the revised Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist-Parent form (MCBC-P),1986,14,1,89-94,Sines Children of parents with unipolar depression: a controlled 1-year follow-up,1986,14,1,149-166,Moos Perceptual and conceptual variants of the oddity task as a predictor of learning disability,1986,14,1,135-148,Scott Psychostimulant medication and perceived intensity in hyperactive children,1986,14,1,105-114,Henker Development of learning-disabled and normally achieving children's causal attributions,1985,13,4,639-647,Robbins Client characteristics associated with behavior change for treated and untreated aggressive boys,1985,13,4,527-538,Lochman Measuring depression in children: a multimethod assessment investigation,1985,13,4,513-526,Reynolds Effects of color stimulation and information on the copying performance of attention-problem adolescents,1985,13,4,501-511,Smith Empirical evidence for overt and covert patterns of antisocial conduct problems: a metaanalysis,1985,13,2,337-353,Loeber The utility of differentiating between mixed and pure forms of antisocial child behavior,1985,13,2,315-335,Loeber Reliability and concurrent relations between the teacher version of the Child Behavior Profile and the Conners Revised Teacher Rating Scale,1985,13,2,295-303,Greenbaum Acceptability of reductive interventions for the control of inappropriate child behavior,1985,13,1,59-67,Robbins Indiscriminate mothering as a contextual factor in aggressive-oppositional child behavior: "damned if you do and damned if you don't",1985,13,1,1-17,Dumas Correlates of adult and child perceptions of social competency,1985,13,1,129-141,Ollendick Abusive parents' perceptions of child problem behaviors: an example of parental bias,1987,15,3,457-466,Reid Social information processing and sociometric status: sex age and situational effects,1987,15,2,211-227,Feldman The family relations of female juvenile delinquents,1987,15,2,199-209,Henggeler Attention and social problem solving as correlates of aggression in preschool males,1987,15,2,181-197,Gouze Predicting child behavior problems in maritally violent families,1987,15,2,165-173,Barling Implications of age of onset for delinquency risk,1987,15,1,47-65,Tolan Time-delay discrimination training with impulsive children: self-monitoring nonwait responses and the dimensions of prompts,1988,16,6,693-706,Smeets The predictive power of first-grade peer and teacher ratings of behavior: sex differences in antisocial behavior and personality at adolescence,1988,16,5,571-583,LeBlanc Self-reported delinquency neuropsychological deficit and history of attention deficit disorder,1988,16,5,553-569,Moffitt The social behavior of peer-identified aggressive withdrawn and aggressive/withdrawn children,1988,16,5,539-552,Lyons Short-term serial recall in ADDH normal and reading-disabled boys,1988,16,5,511-525,Douglas Attempted suicide in youth: its relationship to school achievement educational goals and socioeconomic status,1988,16,4,459-471,Garcia The Hopelessness Scale for Children: psychometric properties with normal and emotionally disturbed adolescents,1988,16,4,445-458,Spirito Socioeconomic family and social stress correlates of adolescent antisocial and delinquent behavior,1988,16,3,317-331,Tolan Maternal depression and its relationship to life stress perceptions of child behavior problems parenting behaviors and child conduct problems,1988,16,3,299-315,Webster-Stratton Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory as a screening instrument for adolescent depression,1988,16,3,263-273,Barrera Popular and unpopular children's interactions during cooperative and competitive peer group activities,1988,16,3,247-261,Gelb Marital conflict parenting and toddler conduct problems,1988,16,2,197-206,O'leary Attributional style and self-control behavior in depressed and nondepressed children and their parents,1988,16,2,163-175,Kaslow Interrelations of empathy cognition and moral reasoning with dimensions of juvenile delinquency,1988,16,2,127-139,Lee Motor impairment and antisocial behavior in adolescent males at high risk for schizophrenia,1988,16,2,177-186,Mednick The social behavior of depressed children: an observational study,1988,16,1,29-44,Altmann Child behavior profile types in a general population sample of boys 6 to 11 years old,1989,17,6,597-607,McArdle Neurological soft signs and school achievement: the mediating effects of sustained attention,1989,17,6,575-596,Shaffer Effects of neutral toys on sex-typed play in children with gender identity disorder,1989,17,5,563-574,Zucker Effects of maternal discipline and nurturance on toddler's behavior and affect,1989,17,5,527-540,O'leary Effects of maternal mood on mother-son interaction patterns,1989,17,5,513-525,Murphy Reactive and proactive aggression in childhood: relations to peer status and social context dimensions,1989,17,4,455-471,Dodge The differential validity of teacher ratings of inattention/overactivity and aggression,1989,17,4,423-435,Atkins Effects of event rate and display time on sustained attention in hyperactive normal and control children,1989,17,4,371-391,Chee Anger control in response to verbal provocation: effects of stimulant medication for boys with ADHD,1989,17,4,393-407,Hinshaw Replication of empirically derived syndromes as a basis for taxonomy of child/adolescent psychopathology,1989,17,3,299-323,Verhulst Reading spelling and vigilance in attention deficit and conduct disorder,1989,17,3,291-298,Levy Evaluative factors in social problem solving by aggressive boys,1989,17,3,277-289,Guerra Relations between hyperactive and aggressive behavior and peer relations at three elementary grade levels,1989,17,3,253-267,Bierman Sugar consumption locomotion task orientation and learning in preschool children,1989,17,3,349-357,Roshon The nature of interparental conflict of married and divorced parents: implications for young adolescents,1989,17,2,235-249,Forehand Inconsistent parenting: is there evidence for a link with children's conduct problems?,1989,17,2,223-233,Gardner Common problems and coping strategies. II: Findings with adolescent suicide attempters,1989,17,2,213-221,Spirito Common problems and coping strategies. I: Findings with normal adolescents,1989,17,2,203-212,Spirito The effects of background illumination and stimulant medication on smooth pursuit eye movements of hyperactive children,1989,17,1,73-90,Bylsma Validation of the reasons for living inventory in general and delinquent adolescent samples,1989,17,1,13-27,Cole Sex differences in school-aged children with pervasive attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,1989,17,1,109-125,Ialongo Depressive characteristics of physically abused children,1989,17,1,1-11,Tarnowski Parent and peer attachment in early adolescent depression,1990,18,6,683-697,Greenberg The validity of vigilance tasks in differential diagnosis of children referred for attention and learning problems,1990,18,6,671-681,Lovejoy The monitoring skills of troubled mothers: their problems in defining child deviance,1990,18,5,577-589,Wahler Social problem-solving in depressed conduct-disordered and normal adolescents,1990,18,5,565-575,Fine Are hyperactive children deficient in attentional capacity?,1990,18,5,493-513,Logan Inattentive and noninattentive ADHD children: do they constitute a unitary group?,1990,18,4,437-449,Sharma Maternal beliefs about adaptive and maladaptive social behaviors in normal aggressive and withdrawn preschoolers,1990,18,4,419-435,Rubin Maternal characteristics ratings of child behavior and mother-child interactions in families of children with externalizing disorders,1990,18,4,407-417,Johnston Attributions for social failure and aggression in incarcerated delinquent youth,1990,18,4,347-355,Guerra Early antecedents of childhood impulsivity: the role of parent-child interaction cognitive competence and temperament,1990,18,3,317-334,Bates Observing interactions of abusive and nonabusive dyads: information extracted by accurate and inaccurate judges,1990,18,3,241-254,Deitrich-MacLean The moral reasoning of juvenile delinquents: a meta-analysis,1990,18,3,231-239,Smith Evidence of difficulties in sustained attention in children with ADDH,1990,18,2,217-229,Seidel The impact of school emotional climate on student psychopathology,1990,18,2,165-177,Cohen A behavioral observation method for differentiating hyperactive and aggressive boys,1990,18,2,131-142,Roberts Differences in children's peer sociometric and attribution ratings due to context and type of aggressive behavior,1990,18,2,199-215,Foster Depressive symptoms in Swedish adolescents,1990,18,1,91-103,Larsson Attributional style in aggressive adolescent boys,1990,18,1,75-89,Heller The relationship of interparental conflict and global marital adjustment to aggression anxiety and immaturity in aggressive and nonclinic children,1991,19,5,553-567,Dadds Assessment of peer rejection and externalizing behavior problems in preschool boys: a short-term longitudinal study,1991,19,4,493-503,Olson Auditory attention switching in hyperactive children,1991,19,4,479-492,Swanson Childhood peer rejection aggression withdrawal and perceived competence as predictors of self-reported behavior problems in preadolescence,1991,19,4,427-449,Patterson Effects of background anger provocation and methylphenidate on emotional arousal and aggressive responding in attention-deficit hyperactivity disordered boys with and without concurrent aggressiveness,1991,19,4,407-426,Milich Popular and aggressive boys' initial social interaction patterns in cooperative and competitive settings,1991,19,4,395-406,Tryon A qualitative and serial analysis of social problem solving in aggressive boys,1991,19,3,331-340,Evans Hard-to-manage preschool boys: family context and the stability of externalizing behavior,1991,19,3,301-318,Campbell Disruptive boys with stable and unstable high fighting behavior patterns during junior elementary school,1991,19,3,285-300,LeBlanc Reaction time indices of attention deficits in boys with disruptive behavior disorders,1991,19,2,233-252,Kruesi Six-year stability of parent-reported problem behavior in an epidemiological sample,1992,20,6,595-610,Verhulst Contextual factors in vigilance testing of children with ADHD,1992,20,6,579-593,Power Do childhood anxiety measures measure anxiety?,1992,20,6,567-578,Last The effects of a positive behavioral context on the social impact of aggressive behavior,1992,20,6,543-553,Nangle Attention deficit disorder and age of onset of problem behaviors,1992,20,5,487-502,Feehan Mothers' attributions and expectancies regarding their conduct-disordered children,1992,20,5,467-485,Howe Aggression in boys with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder: methylphenidate effects on naturalistically observed aggression response to provocation and social information processing,1992,20,5,451-466,Lang A short-term longitudinal study of the early development of self-regulation,1992,20,4,415-435,Silverman Locus of control and self-esteem as moderators of stressor-symptom relations in children and adolescents,1992,20,4,393-413,Sandler Social problem solving among popular and unpopular children,1992,20,4,377-391,Wasik Development of conduct problems and peer rejection in preschool children: a social systems analysis,1992,20,3,327-350,Olson Correlates of sociometric status in school children in Buenos Aires,1992,20,3,317-326,Langhinrichsen Prevention and treatment of juvenile problem behavior: a proposal for a socio-ecological approach,1992,20,3,247-262,Scholte Psychometric vs. attentional correlates of early onset alcohol and substance abuse,1992,20,2,151-162,Stokes Family and peer social support as specific correlates of adolescent depressive symptoms,1992,20,1,1-16,Barrera The relationship between retrospective reports of early child temperament and adjustment at ages 10-12,1992,20,1,39-50,Wyman Prosocial behavior in hyperactive boys: effects of stimulant medication and comparison with normal boys,1992,20,1,103-121,MacDonald In the Eye of the Beholder: Eye-tracking Assessment of Social Information Processing in Aggressive Behavior,2010,38,5,587-599,de Castro Anxiety as a Predictor of Age at First Use of Substances and Progression to Substance Use Problems Among Boys,2010,38,2,211-224,Stouthamer-Loeber A preliminary comparison of teacher ratings and child self-report of depression anxiety and aggression in inpatient and elementary school samples,1993,21,6,649-661,Epkins Teachers' ratings of disruptive behaviors: the influence of halo effects,1993,21,5,519-533,Abikoff Developmental theories of parental contributors to antisocial behavior,1993,21,5,493-518,Shaw British parents' beliefs about the causes of three forms of childhood psychological disturbance,1993,21,4,367-376,Sonuga-Barke Distinguishing instrumental and hostile aggression: does it make a difference?,1993,21,4,355-365,Atkins Impulsivity in suicidal and nonsuicidal adolescents,1993,21,3,339-353,Kashden Homemaker role experiences affect toddler behaviors via maternal well-being and parenting behavior,1993,21,2,213-229,Barling Attribution processes in mother-adolescent conflict,1993,21,2,199-211,Kelley The impact of young children with externalizing behaviors on their families,1993,21,2,179-198,Donenberg Instrumental and hostile aggression in childhood disruptive behavior disorders,1993,21,2,165-178,Atkins Anxiety disorders in African-American and white children,1993,21,2,153-164,Last Parent reports of child behavior problems: bias in participation,1993,21,1,89-101,Silverman Impact of social problem-solving training on aggressive boys: skill acquisition behavior change and generalization,1993,21,1,13-27,Guevremont Serious Minor and Non-Delinquents in Early Adolescence: The Impact of Cumulative Risk and Promotive Factors. The TRAILS Study,2010,38,3,339-351,Verhulst Patterns of Physical and Relational Aggression in a School-Based Sample of Boys and Girls,2010,38,4,433-445,Frick Developmental Trajectories of Girls' and Boys' Delinquency and Associated Problems,2010,38,7,1033-1044,Craig Adverse Life Events and Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Adolescence: The Role of Non-verbal Cognitive Ability and Negative Cognitive Errors,2011,39,5,695-709,Flouri Relational aggression and hostile attribution biases: testing multiple statistical methods and models,2010,38,4,447-458,Ostrov Developmental precursors of moral disengagement and the role of moral disengagement in the development of antisocial behavior,2010,38,2,197-209,Shaw Factors associated with continuity and changes in disruptive behavior patterns between childhood and adolescence,1996,24,5,533-553,Fergusson Early disruptive behavior IQ and later school achievement and delinquent behavior,1995,23,2,183-199,Fergusson The implications of age of onset for delinquency risk. II: Longitudinal data,1995,23,2,157-181,Tolan Active Defending and Passive Bystanding Behavior in Bullying: The Role of Personal Characteristics and Perceived Peer Pressure,2010,38,6,815-827,Gini Emotional Dynamics in the Development of Early Adolescent Psychopathology: A One-Year Longitudinal Study,2011,39,5,657-669,Meeus Inconsistent Self-Report of Delinquency by Adolescents and Young Adults with ADHD,2010,38,5,645-656,Molina Do They Get What They Want or Are They Stuck With What They Can Get? Testing Homophily Against Default Selection for Friendships of Highly Aggressive Boys. The TRAILS Study,2010,38,6,803-813,Veenstra Explicit- and Implicit Bullying Attitudes in Relation to Bullying Behavior,2010,38,6,829-842,Scholte Early childhood adversities and trajectories of psychiatric problems in adoptees: evidence for long lasting effects,2009,37,2,239-249,Verhulst Interparental conflict and risk behaviors among Mexican American adolescents: a cognitive-emotional model,2002,30,4,373-385,Tschann Suspensions and detentions in an urban low-income school: punishment or reward?,2002,30,4,361-371,Brown Determinants of harsh parenting in Mexico,1998,26,2,129-139,McCloskey Children's responding to live interadult conflict: the role of form of anger expression,1996,24,4,401-415,El-Sheikh Treatment of traumagenic beliefs among sexually abused girls and their mothers: an evaluation study,1996,24,1,1-17,McCall Peer Influence and Nonsuicidal Self Injury: Longitudinal Results in Community and Clinically-Referred Adolescent Samples,2010,38,5,669-682,Prinstein Predicting Change in Early Adolescent Problem Behavior in the Middle School Years: A Mesosystemic Perspective on Parenting and Peer Experiences,2010,38,8,1125-1137,Dishion Interactive Links Between Theory of Mind Peer Victimization and Reactive and Proactive Aggression,2010,38,8,1109-1123,Boivin The importance of conduct problems and depressive symptoms in predicting adolescent substance use,1993,21,5,469-480,Moffitt The nature of feared outcome representations in children,1994,22,1,99-111,Campbell Psychopathology family functioning and cognitive style in urban adolescents with suicide attempts,1994,22,2,221-235,Kaslow Children's emotional and physiological responses to interadult angry behavior: the role of history of interparental hostility,1994,22,6,661-678,El-Sheikh Gender-related assessment of childhood play,1994,22,6,643-660,Meyer-Bahlburg Developmental Trajectories of Boys' and Girls' Delinquency: Sex Differences and Links to Later Adolescent Outcomes,2010,38,7,1021-1032,Miller Personality and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents: an enquiry into Eysenck's and Gray's theories,1995,23,6,767-781,Yule Worldly and workday worries: contemporary concerns of children and young adolescents,1995,23,6,685-702,O'Neil Maternal modeling and the acquisition of fear and avoidance in toddlers: influence of stimulus preparedness and child temperament,2008,36,4,499-512,Rapee The development of delinquency and perceived friendship quality in adolescent best friendship dyads,2008,36,4,471-485,Meeus Normative developmental trajectories of aggressive behaviors in African American American Indian Asian American Caucasian and Hispanic children and early adolescents,2007,35,6,1047-1062,Vazsonyi Exploring the cognitive and emotional correlates to proactive and reactive aggression in a sample of detained girls,2007,35,6,969-981,Frick Affiliation to youth gangs during adolescence: the interaction between childhood psychopathic tendencies and neighborhood disadvantage,2007,35,6,1035-1045,Tremblay Prospective relations between organized activity participation and psychopathology during adolescence,2007,35,6,1021-1033,Garber Sociometric status and social drinking: observations of modelling and persuasion in young adult peer groups,2007,35,6,929-941,Engels Effects of Exposure to Community Violence on Internalizing Symptoms: Does Desensitization to Violence Occur in African American Youth?,2011,39,5,711-719,Gaylord-Harden Loneliness Depressive Symptomatology and Suicide Ideation in Adolescence: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses,2011,39,1,137-150,Goossens Growing Up in Violent Communities: Do Family Conflict and Gender Moderate Impacts on Adolescents' Psychosocial Development?,2011,39,1,95-107,Barrett The Delinquency Outcomes of Boys with ADHD with and Without Comorbidity,2011,39,1,21-32,MacLean Executive Functioning Characteristics Associated with ADHD Comorbidity in Adolescents with Disruptive Behavior Disorders,2011,39,1,11-19,Kronenberger Inhibition in ADHD aggressive and anxious children: a biologically based model of child psychopathology,1996,24,1,19-36,Oosterlaan Family enhancement of cognitive style in anxious and aggressive children,1996,24,2,187-203,Rapee Scales diagnoses and child psychopathology: II. Comparing the CBCL and the DISC against external validators,1996,24,2,151-168,Liu Retest stability of DSM-III-R diagnoses among adolescents using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-2.1C),1996,24,3,349-362,Roberts A longitudinal evaluation of prevalent negative beliefs about residential placement for troubled adolescents,1996,24,3,299-324,Osgood Development and validation of the Screen for Adolescent Violence Exposure (SAVE),1997,25,6,511-520,Kelley Associations between clinic-referred boys and their fathers on childhood inattention-overactivity and aggression dimensions,1997,25,6,499-509,Loney Psychometric properties and clinical utility of the scale for suicide ideation with inpatient children,1997,25,6,465-473,Allan Effects of deviant child behavior on parental distress and alcohol consumption in laboratory interactions,1997,25,5,413-424,Lang Influence of maternal depressive symptoms on ratings of childhood behavior,1997,25,5,399-412,Boyle Experimental task and speaker effects on parent-child interactions of aggressive and depressed/anxious children,1997,25,5,367-387,Donenberg Distinguishing proactive and reactive aggression in Chinese children,2008,36,4,539-552,Xu The Application of the Preschool Child Behavior Checklist and the Caregiver-Teacher Report Form to Mainland Chinese Children: Syndrome Structure Gender Differences Country Effects and Inter-Informant Agreement,2011,39,2,251-264,Liu Stability of Early Identified Aggressive Victim Status in Elementary School and Associations with Later Mental Health Problems and Functional Impairments,2011,39,2,225-238,Park The Role of Heavy Alcohol Use in the Developmental Process of Desistance in Dating Aggression during Adolescence,2011,39,2,239-250,Foshee Longitudinal Pathways Between Political Violence and Child Adjustment: The Role of Emotional Security about the Community in Northern Ireland,2011,39,2,213-224,Cairns Erratum to: Parental Anxiety and Child Symptomatology: An Examination of Additive and Interactive Effects of Parent Psychopathology,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tein Transactional Associations Between Youths' Responses to Peer Stress and Depression: The Moderating Roles of Sex and Stress Exposure,2011,39,2,159-171,Rudolph A Psychometric Analysis of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scales-Parent Version in a School Sample,2011,39,2,173-185,Regan Childhood Peer Status and Adult Susceptibility to Anxiety and Depression. A 30-Year Hospital Follow-up,2011,39,2,187-199,Ostberg Forms of aggression and peer victimization during early childhood: a short-term longitudinal study,2008,36,3,311-322,Ostrov Intergenerational and partner influences on fathers' negative discipline,2008,36,3,347-358,Kerr Disaggregating the distal proximal and time-varying effects of parent alcoholism on children's internalizing symptoms,2008,36,3,335-346,Zucker Parents' monitoring knowledge attenuates the link between antisocial friends and adolescent delinquent behavior,2008,36,3,299-310,Bates Adolescent self-regulation as resilience: resistance to antisocial behavior within the deviant peer context,2008,36,2,273-284,Dishion Children's affect expression and frontal EEG asymmetry: transactional associations with mothers' depressive symptoms,2008,36,2,207-221,Silk The relation between childhood proactive and reactive aggression and substance use initiation,2008,36,2,261-271,Colder Maternal predictors of rejecting parenting and early adolescent antisocial behavior,2008,36,2,247-259,Shaw Biosocial studies of antisocial and violent behavior in children and adults: a review,2002,30,4,311-326,Raine Cognitive impairment and its relationship to psychopathic tendencies in children with emotional and behavioral difficulties,1998,26,6,511-519,Fisher Mothers and Children as Informants of Bullying Victimization: Results from an Epidemiological Cohort of Children,2011,39,3,379-387,Moffitt In the face of uncertainty: a twin study of ambiguous information anxiety and depression in children,2008,36,1,55-65,McGuffin Genetic support for the dual nature of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: substantial genetic overlap between the inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive components,2007,35,6,999-1008,Plomin Maternal depressive symptomatology and parenting behavior: exploration of possible mediators,2007,35,5,705-714,Arnold Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and behavioral inhibition: a meta-analytic review of the stop-signal paradigm,2007,35,5,745-758,Alderson The relation between anger coping strategies anger mood and somatic complaints in children and adolescents,2007,35,4,653-664,Miers Do friends' characteristics moderate the prospective links between peer victimization and reactive and proactive aggression?,2007,35,4,665-680,Boivin Parental dysphoria and children's adjustment: marital conflict styles children's emotional security and parenting as mediators of risk,2007,35,4,627-639,Cummings The attribution of hostile intent in mothers fathers and their children,2007,35,4,594-604,Cooper Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among children of different ethnic origin,2007,35,4,556-566,Burger A meta-analysis of the distinction between reactive and proactive aggression in children and adolescents,2007,35,4,522-535,Polman The Early Risers preventive intervention: testing for six-year outcomes and mediational processes,2007,35,4,605-617,Bernat Parental Marital Discord and Treatment Response in Depressed Adolescents,2011,39,3,401-411,March Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Child Social Preference During the Early School Years: Mediation by Maternal Warmth and Child Emotion Regulation,2011,39,3,365-377,Greenberg Adolescent Family Adversity and Mental Health Problems: The Role of Adaptive Self-regulation Capacities. The TRAILS Study,2011,39,3,341-350,Verhulst Preliminary Evidence for Associations of CHRM2 with Substance Use and Disinhibition in Adolescence,2011,39,5,671-681,Bryan Developmental Risk and Young Children's Regulatory Strategies: Predicting Behavior Problems at Age Five,2011,39,3,351-364,Gerstein Expression of Anger in Depressed Adolescents: The Role of the Family Environment,2011,39,3,463-474,Kuppens Risky Decision Making in Substance Dependent Adolescents with a Disruptive Behavior Disorder,2011,39,3,333-339,Lochman Parent psychopathology and family functioning among childhood firesetters,1986,14,2,315-329,Kolko Conceptualizing the Prospective Relationship Between Social Support Stress and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents,2011,39,4,475-487,Eberhart The Role of Pre- and Postnatal Timing of Family Risk Factors on Child Behavior at 36 months,2011,39,4,611-621,Barker Oppositional Defiant Disorder-Gender Differences in Co-occurring Symptoms of Mental Health Problems in a General Population of Children,2011,39,4,577-587,Munkvold Natural Disaster and Risk of Psychiatric Disorders in Puerto Rican Children,2011,39,4,589-600,Canino The Role of Children's Appraisals on Adjustment Following Psychological Maltreatment: A Pilot Study,2011,39,5,759-771,Nixon Developmental Pathways to Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence: A Multi-Wave Prospective Study of Negative Emotionality Stressors and Anxiety,2011,39,4,489-500,Hankin Diagnosis and assessment of depression and suicidality using the NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-2.3),1997,25,3,173-181,Ghaziuddin Differential predictive value of parents' and teachers' reports of children's problem behaviors: a longitudinal study,1994,22,5,531-546,Verhulst Adolescent sibling differences in suicidal symptoms: the role of parent-child relationships,1994,22,3,321-337,Cohen Symptom and substance use reporting consistency over two years for offspring at high and low risk for depression,1994,22,4,425-439,Warner The Structure of Psychopathology in a Community Sample of Preschoolers,2011,39,4,601-610,Strickland Age-of-Onset or Behavioral Sub-Types? A Prospective Comparison of Two Approaches to Characterizing the Heterogeneity within Antisocial Behavior,2011,39,5,633-644,Iacono Behavioral and emotional problems among Chinese and American children: parent and teacher reports for ages 6 to 13,1995,23,5,619-639,Achenbach Household family structure and children's aggressive behavior: a longitudinal study of urban elementary school children,1995,23,5,553-568,Ialongo Interactional processes in families with disruptive boys: patterns of direct and indirect influence,1995,23,3,359-378,Saucier Parent teacher and peer ratings of physically abused and nonmaltreated children's behavior,1995,23,3,317-334,Salzinger Peer ratings of depression anxiety and aggression in inpatient and elementary school children: rating biases and influence of rater's self-reported depression anxiety and aggression,1994,22,5,611-628,Epkins Specificity of the comorbidity of aggression and depression in children,1994,22,3,389-401,Catron Impact of a prevention program on aggressive children's friendships and social adjustment,1994,22,4,457-475,Tremblay Mother-child interactions in ADHD and comparison boys: relationships with overt and covert externalizing behavior,1994,22,2,247-265,Anderson Aggressivity inattention hyperactivity and impulsivity in boys at high and low risk for substance abuse,1994,22,2,177-203,Tarter Unpacking Links between Fathers' Antisocial Behaviors and Children's Behavior Problems: Direct Indirect and Interactive Effects,2011,39,6,791-804,Coley The moderating effects of children's fear and activity level on relations between parenting practices and childhood symptomatology,1997,25,3,251-263,Colder Neuromotor functioning and behavior problems in children at risk for psychopathology,1997,25,3,229-237,Walker Levels of analysis in cognitive bases of maternal disciplinary dysfunction,1997,25,3,209-215,Strassberg Psychiatric disorders associated with substance use among children and adolescents: findings from the Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders (MECA) Study,1997,25,2,121-132,Schwab-Stone Emotion Regulation via the Autonomic Nervous System in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),2011,39,6,841-852,Nigg Links between antisocial behavior and depressed mood: the role of life events and attributional style,2006,34,3,293-302,Eley A 12-year prospective study of patterns of social information processing problems and externalizing behaviors,2006,34,5,715-724,Dodge Do early difficult temperament and harsh parenting differentially predict reactive and proactive aggression?,2006,34,5,685-695,Boivin Acculturation and aggression in Latino adolescents: a structural model focusing on cultural risk factors and assets,2006,34,5,659-673,Smokowski Trajectories of peer-nominated aggression: risk status predictors and outcomes,2005,33,1,99-112,van Lier Maternal appraisal styles family risk status and anger biases of children,2005,33,2,193-204,Root Associations of maternal prenatal smoking with early childhood physical aggression hyperactivity-impulsivity and their co-occurrence,2007,35,2,203-215,Boivin Psychopathological profile in children with chronic tic disorder and co-existing ADHD: additive effects,2007,35,1,79-85,Banaschewski The impact of first-grade "friendship group" experiences on child social outcomes in the fast track program,2005,33,3,307-324,Bierman Psychometric evaluation of 5- and 7-year-old children's self-reports of conduct problems,2005,33,5,537-550,Moffitt Specificity of dating aggression and its justification among high-risk adolescents,1998,26,6,467-473,O'Leary Evidence for the continuity of early problem behaviors: application of a developmental model,1998,26,6,441-452,Walsh Social-cognitive and behavioral correlates of aggression and victimization in boys' play groups,1998,26,6,431-440,Dodge Associations between maternal physical discipline and peer victimization among Hong Kong Chinese children: the moderating role of child aggression,2009,37,7,957-966,Kelly Executive functions in children: associations with aggressive behavior and appraisal processing,2009,37,7,945-956,Lochman Hyperactivity impulsivity inattention (HIA) and conduct problems among African American youth: the roles of neighborhood and gender,2009,37,4,535-549,Jones Social information processing in elementary-school aged children with ADHD: medication effects and comparisons with typical children,2009,37,4,579-589,King The role of teacher cognition and behavior in children's peer relations,2009,37,5,665-677,Hubbard Bidirectional influences of violence exposure and adjustment in early adolescence: externalizing behaviors and school connectedness,2009,37,5,611-623,Windle Sensory over-responsivity in elementary school: prevalence and social-emotional correlates,2009,37,5,705-716,Ben-Sasson Predictive value of informant discrepancies in reports of parenting: relations to early adolescents' adjustment,2009,37,1,17-30,Windle New directions in measuring reactive and proactive aggression: validation of a teacher questionnaire,2009,37,2,183-193,Polman Peer deviance parenting and disruptive behavior among young girls,2009,37,2,139-152,Hipwell Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis functioning in reactive and proactive aggression in children,2009,37,2,169-182,Felt Mediating and moderating processes in the relation between maltreatment and psychopathology: mother-child relationship quality and emotion regulation,2009,37,6,831-843,Rogosch Forms of aggression social-psychological adjustment and peer victimization in a Japanese sample: the moderating role of positive and negative friendship quality,2010,38,4,471-484,Crick Rejection and acceptance across contexts: parents and peers as risks and buffers for early adolescent psychopathology. the TRAILS study,2010,38,1,119-130,Veenstra Physical dating aggression growth during adolescence,2010,38,3,353-365,Pastorelli Family process and child anxiety and aggression: an observational analysis,1996,24,6,715-734,Ryan A revised teacher rating scale for reactive and proactive aggression,1996,24,4,473-480,Osborne Attributional styles of aggressive boys and their mothers,1996,24,4,457-472,Brown The course of aggression in first-grade children with and without comorbid anxious symptoms,1996,24,4,445-456,Ialongo Externalizing symptomatology among adoptive youth: prevalence and preadoption risk factors,2001,29,1,57-69,Barth Conceptions of relationships in children with depressive and aggressive symptoms: social-cognitive distortion or reality?,2001,29,1,41-56,Clark Depression and self-esteem in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: associations with comorbid aggression and explanatory attributional mechanisms,2001,29,1,23-39,Hinshaw Multimethod assessment of psychopathology among DSM-IV subtypes of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: self- parent and teacher reports,2001,29,3,189-205,August Childhood and adolescent onset conduct disorder: a test of the developmental taxonomy,2001,29,4,305-316,Hough Measuring qualitative aspects of preschool boys' noncompliance: the Response Style Questionnaire (RSQ),2001,29,2,129-139,Strassberg Social-cognitive processes in preschool boys with and without oppositional defiant disorder,2001,29,2,107-119,Jones Relationship quality of aggressive children and their siblings: a multiinformant multimeasure investigation,2001,29,6,479-489,Aoun Choosing or being chosen by aggressive-disruptive peers: do they contribute to children's externalizing and internalizing problems?,2004,32,1,53-65,Mrug Adolescents react to the events of September 11 2001: focused versus ambient impact,2004,32,1,1-11,Whalen Measurement of cruelty in children: the Cruelty to Animals Inventory,2004,32,3,321-334,Dadds Is there a dark side of positive illusions? Overestimation of social competence and subsequent adjustment in aggressive and nonaggressive children,2004,32,3,305-320,Vitaro The impact of physical maltreatment history on the adolescent mother-infant relationship: mediating and moderating effects during the transition to early parenthood,2004,32,3,249-261,Ethier Association of normative beliefs and anger with aggression and antisocial behavior in Russian male juvenile offenders and high school students,2004,32,2,225-236,Ruchkin Everyday marital conflict and child aggression,2004,32,2,191-202,Cummings Negative affect in victimized children: the roles of social withdrawal peer rejection and attitudes toward bullying,2004,32,2,159-173,Fonagy Child maltreatment and emergent personality organization: perspectives from the five-factor model,2004,32,2,123-145,Rogosch Effect of children's perceived rejection on physical aggression,2004,32,5,551-563,Derosier Cognitive response repertoires to child noncompliance by mothers of aggressive boys,2002,30,1,89-101,Beauchaine Combining dynamic systems and multivariate analyses to compare the mother-child interactions of externalizing subtypes,2002,30,3,265-283,Granic Romantic relationships of young people with childhood and adolescent onset antisocial behavior problems,2002,30,3,231-243,Horwood Peer rejection and aggression and early starter models of conduct disorder,2002,30,3,217-230,Miller-Johnson Victimization in South Korean children's peer groups,2002,30,2,113-125,Schwartz Relations among children's perceptions of maternal behavior attributional styles and behavioral symptomatology in maltreated children,2002,30,5,487-501,Cicchetti Family expressiveness and parental emotion coaching: their role in children's emotion regulation and aggression,2002,30,6,657-667,Hubbard Reactive aggression in boys with disruptive behavior disorders: behavior physiology and affect,2002,30,6,641-656,Jennings Assessing aggressive and depressed children's social relations with classmates and friends: a matter of perspective,2002,30,6,609-624,Vitaro Relational and physical victimization within friendships: nobody told me there'd be friends like these,2002,30,6,599-607,Crick "Accept me or else...": disputed overestimation of social competence predicts increases in proactive aggression,2007,35,2,165-178,Vitaro What is the social impact of ADHD in girls? A multi-method assessment,2007,35,2,239-250,Ohan A dynamic systems analysis of parent-child changes associated with successful "real-world" interventions for aggressive children,2007,35,5,845-857,Pepler Racial/ethnic differences in internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescents,2007,35,5,801-816,McLaughlin Current and past maternal depression maternal interaction behaviors and children's externalizing and internalizing symptoms,2008,36,4,527-537,Garber Reciprocal associations between boys' externalizing problems and mothers' depressive symptoms,2008,36,5,693-709,Shaw Intent attributions and aggression: a study of children and their parents,2008,36,6,793-806,Yang A meta-analytic review of components associated with parent training program effectiveness,2008,36,4,567-589,Valle Empirically derived subtypes of child academic and behavior problems: co-occurrence and distal outcomes,2008,36,5,759-770,Petras Emotional competence and aggressive behavior in school-age children,2003,31,1,79-91,Bohnert Children's verbalizations and cheating behavior during game playing: the role of sociometric status aggression and gender,2003,31,1,65-78,Hubbard Theoretical and methodological considerations in cross-generational research on parenting and child aggressive behavior,2003,31,2,185-92; discussion 201-3,Huesmann Cross-generational transmission of aggressive parent behavior: a prospective mediational examination,2003,31,2,161-169,Hops Angry and aggressive behavior across three generations: a prospective longitudinal study of parents and children,2003,31,2,143-160,Conger Hostile attributional tendencies in maltreated children,2003,31,3,329-343,Price Callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems in the prediction of conduct problem severity aggression and self-report of delinquency,2003,31,4,457-470,Frick Effects of pairing aggressive and nonaggressive children in strategic peer affiliation,2003,31,4,399-412,Realmuto Buffers of peer rejection among girls with and without ADHD: the role of popularity with adults and goal-directed solitary play,2003,31,4,381-397,Hinshaw Acoustic startle in maltreated children,2003,31,4,359-370,Cicchetti Parceling component effects of a multifaceted prevention program for disruptive elementary school children,2003,31,5,515-527,Realmuto Neighborhood violence and coparent conflict: interactive influence on child psychosocial adjustment,2003,31,6,591-604,Forehand Reciprocal influences between girls' conduct problems and depression and parental punishment and warmth: a six year prospective analysis,2008,36,5,663-677,Stouthamer-Loeber Parent-rated anxiety symptoms in children with pervasive developmental disorders: frequency and association with core autism symptoms and cognitive functioning,2008,36,1,117-128,Vitiello Adolescent responses to depressive parental behaviors in problem-solving interactions: implications for depressive symptoms,2000,28,5,451-465,Davis Cross-cultural generalizability of CBCL syndromes across three continents: from the USA and Holland to Australia,2000,28,5,439-450,Heubeck Emotional expressiveness during peer conflicts: a predictor of social maladjustment among high-risk preschoolers,2000,28,4,339-352,Olson Do positive self-perceptions have a "dark side"? Examination of the link between perceptual bias and aggression,2000,28,4,327-337,David Subtypes of victims and aggressors in children's peer groups,2000,28,2,181-192,Schwartz A cross-domain growth analysis: externalizing and internalizing behaviors during 8 years of childhood,2000,28,2,161-179,Bates Physiological and behavioral regulation in two-year-old children with aggressive/destructive behavior problems,2000,28,2,103-118,Calkins Autism spectrum symptomatology in children: the impact of family and peer relationships,2008,36,7,1069-1081,Kelly Executive functions in preschool children with aggressive behavior: impairments in inhibitory control,2008,36,7,1097-1107,Matthys Friendships with peers who are low or high in aggression as moderators of the link between peer victimization and declines in academic functioning,2008,36,5,719-730,Dodge Differential genetic and environmental influences on reactive and proactive aggression in children,2008,36,8,1265-1278,Raine Testing a gender additive model: the role of body image in adolescent depression,2008,36,8,1251-1263,Stice The development of aggression during adolescence: sex differences in trajectories of physical and social aggression among youth in rural areas,2008,36,8,1227-1236,Foshee The relation of child sexual abuse and depression in young women: comparisons across four ethnic groups,1999,27,1,65-76,Roosa Identification of AD/HD subtypes using laboratory-based measures: a cluster analysis,1999,27,2,167-175,Halperin Neuropsychological characteristics of adolescents with conduct disorder: association with attention-deficit-hyperactivity and aggression,1999,27,3,225-236,Fortin Early behavior problems as a predictor of later peer group victimization: moderators and mediators in the pathways of social risk,1999,27,3,191-201,Bates Child victims' attributions about being physically abused: an examination of factors associated with symptom severity,1999,27,4,311-322,Kolko Relation of age of onset to the type and severity of child and adolescent conduct problems,1999,27,4,247-260,Leaf An initial look at sibling reports on children's behavior: comparisons with children's self-reports and relations with siblings' self-reports and sibling relationships,1999,27,5,371-381,Epkins A longitudinal study of mothers' overreactive discipline and toddlers' externalizing behavior,1999,27,5,331-341,Slep Assessment of Social Competence of Boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Problematic Peer Entry Host Responses and Evaluations,2011,39,6,829-840,Ronk Modifying Threat-related Interpretive Bias in Adolescents,2011,39,7,967-976,Wiers Temperament Family Environment and Anxiety in Preschool Children,2011,39,7,939-951,Hudson Biased Self-Perceptions Peer Rejection and Aggression in Children,2011,39,5,645-656,Kistner The Relationship between Parent-Child Conflict and Adolescent Antisocial Behavior: Confirming Shared Environmental Mediation,2011,39,5,683-694,Iacono Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Structure in Chinese Adolescents Exposed to a Deadly Earthquake,2011,39,5,749-758,Armour Initial validation of a knowledge-based measure of social information processing and anger management,2010,38,7,1007-1020,Leff Examining manual and visual response inhibition among ADHD subtypes,2010,38,7,971-983,Fillmore New developments in developmental research on social information processing and antisocial behavior,2010,38,5,569-573,Fontaine Does response evaluation and decision (RED) mediate the relation between hostile attributional style and antisocial behavior in adolescence?,2010,38,5,615-626,Dodge Assessment of Social Information Processing in early childhood: development and initial validation of the Schultz Test of Emotion Processing-Preliminary Version,2010,38,5,601-613,Schultz The effect of induced mood on children's social information processing: goal clarification and response decision,2010,38,5,575-586,Harper Latent class analysis of antisocial behavior: interaction of serotonin transporter genotype and maltreatment,2010,38,6,789-801,Lee Peer victimization and aggression: moderation by individual differences in salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase,2010,38,6,843-856,Granger Hostile Intent Attributions and Relational Aggression: The Moderating Roles of Emotional Sensitivity Gender and Victimization,2011,39,7,977-987,Zimmer-Gembeck Friendship as Protection from Peer Victimization for Girls with and without ADHD,2011,39,7,1035-1045,Hinshaw Effects of a Parenting Intervention on Features of Psychopathy in Children,2011,39,7,1013-1023,McDonald The relationship between intelligence and vigilance in children at risk,1995,23,2,201-220,Carter Childhood conduct problems attention deficit behaviors and adolescent alcohol tobacco and illicit drug use,1995,23,3,281-302,Fergusson Inhibitory Control and Harsh Discipline as Predictors of Externalizing Problems in Young Children: A Comparative Study of U.S. Chinese and Japanese Preschoolers,2011,39,8,1163-1175,Felt Maternal Relationship Instability Influences on Children's Emotional and Behavioral Functioning in Low-Income Families,2011,39,8,1149-1161,Coley Childhood Social Withdrawal Interpersonal Impairment and Young Adult Depression: A Mediational Model,2011,39,8,1227-1238,Najman Effects of Child Psychopathology on Maternal Depression: The Mediating Role of Child-Related Acute and Chronic Stressors,2011,39,8,1177-1186,Hammen Parents' Reactions to Youths' Hyperactivity Impulsivity and Attention Problems,2011,39,8,1125-1135,Stattin Parental Behaviors During Family Interactions Predict Changes in Depression and Anxiety Symptoms During Adolescence,2012,40,1,59-71,Dudgeon Do Historical Changes in Parent-Child Relationships Explain Increases in Youth Conduct Problems?,2012,40,1,119-132,Collishaw The Effects of Experimentally Induced Rumination Positive Reappraisal Acceptance and Distancing When Thinking About a Stressful Event on Affect States in Adolescents,2012,40,1,73-84,Arntz Social Information Processing as a Mediator Between Cognitive Schemas and Aggressive Behavior in Adolescents,2012,40,1,105-117,Calvete Temperament Variation in Sensitivity to Parenting: Predicting Changes in Depression and Anxiety,2011,39,8,1199-1212,Lengua Temperament Alters Susceptibility to Negative Peer Influence in Early Adolescence,2012,40,2,201-209,Windle Association of Positive and Negative Parenting Behavior with Childhood ADHD: Interactions with Offspring Monoamine Oxidase A (MAO-A) Genotype,2012,40,2,165-175,Lee Brooding Rumination and Risk for Depressive Disorders in Children of Depressed Mothers,2012,40,2,317-326,Gibb Effects of the KiVa Anti-bullying Program on Adolescents' Depression Anxiety and Perception of Peers,2012,40,2,289-300,Salmivalli Elevated Appraisals of the Negative Impact of Naturally Occurring Life Events: A Risk Factor for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders,2012,40,2,303-315,Hammen Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Social and School Adjustment: The 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A meta-analysis,2014,42,7,1103-1113,Leibenluft Testing models of psychopathology in preschool-aged children using a structured interview-based assessment,2014,42,7,1201-1211,Olino Parental depressive symptoms and adolescent adjustment: a prospective test of an explanatory model for the role of marital conflict,2014,42,7,1153-1166,Cummings Trauma Adversity and Parent-Child Relationships Among Young Children Experiencing Homelessness,2014,42,7,1167-1174,Masten Fifth-grade children's daily experiences of peer victimization and negative emotions: moderating effects of sex and peer rejection,2014,42,7,1089-1102,Hubbard Children's responses to hypothetical provocation by peers: coordination of assertive and aggressive strategies,2014,42,7,1077-1087,Rusch Paralimbic Gray Matter Reductions in Incarcerated Adolescent Females with Psychopathic Traits,2014,42,4,659-668,Calhoun An application of a multitrait-multimethod test to validity data of a social learning treatment for aggressive children,1978,6,1,1-10,Waksman The preschool child's perception of adult approval in "nondirective" statements,1974,2,1,63-66,Miller A psychosocial study of hyperactive and learning-disabled boys,1979,7,1,91-99,Ackerman Behavior problems of preschool children: dimensions and congenital correlates,1979,7,1,61-75,O'Donnell Prospective association of childhood receptive vocabulary and conduct problems with self-reported adolescent delinquency: tests of mediation and moderation in sibling-comparison analyses,2014,42,8,1341-1351,Lahey Evaluating clinically significant change in mother and child functioning: comparison of traditional and enhanced behavioral parent training,2014,42,8,1407-1412,Wymbs Bidirectional associations between parental warmth callous unemotional behavior and behavior problems in high-risk preschoolers,2014,42,8,1275-1285,Viding Risking it for love: romantic relationships and early pubertal development confer risk for later disruptive behavior disorders in African-American girls receiving psychiatric care,2014,42,8,1325-1340,Javdani Response class: a Guttman scale analysis,1980,8,2,213-220,Harris Empathy: a factor in antisocial behavior,1982,10,1,123-134,Ellis Erratum to: Do childhood externalizing disorders predict adult depression? 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anxiety disorder or depression,2015,44,2,219-231,Hudziak Respiratory sinus arrhythmia moderates the relation between parent-adolescent relationship quality and adolescents' social adjustment,2015,44,2,269-281,Meeus Affective differences between psychopathy variants and genders in adjudicated youth,2015,44,2,295-307,Stickle Gene-environment correlation linking aggression and peer victimization: do classroom behavioral norms matter?,2015,43,1,19-31,Boivin Chronic childhood peer rejection is associated with heightened neural responses to social exclusion during adolescence,2015,44,1,43-55,van Lier Adolescent-parent attachment and externalizing behavior: the mediating role of individual and social factors,2015,44,2,283-294,Hoeve Peer victimization and anxiety in genetically vulnerable youth: the protective roles of teachers' self-efficacy and anti-bullying classroom rules,2015,43,6,1095-1106,Boivin Beyond symptom counts for diagnosing oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder?,2015,43,7,1379-1387,Pardini The social behavioral and emotional correlates of bullying and victimization in a school-based sample,2015,44,2,381-391,Frick Symptom trajectories among child survivors of maltreatment: findings from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN),2015,44,2,369-379,Lauterbach Effects of adolescent universal substance misuse preventive interventions on young adult depression symptoms: mediational modeling,2015,44,2,257-268,Mason Erratum to: Toddlers' temperament profiles: stability and relations to negative and positive parenting,2015,43,4,801,Dekovic Decline in the quality of family relationships predicts escalation in children's internalizing symptoms from middle to late childhood,2015,43,7,1295-1308,Kochanska Preventing the Development of Observationally Learnt Fears in Children by Devaluing the Model's Negative Response,2015,43,7,1355-1367,Field Post-disaster mental health among parent-child dyads after a major earthquake in Indonesia,2015,43,7,1309-1318,Silver Erratum to: Self-reported and observed punitive parenting prospectively predicts increased error-related brain activity in six-year-old children,2015,43,6,1201-1202,Klein Hyperactivity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): impairing deficit or compensatory behavior?,2015,43,7,1219-1232,Rapport Unfazed or dazed and confused: does early adolescent marijuana use cause sustained impairments in attention and academic functioning?,2015,43,7,1203-1217,Hipwell Life satisfaction moderates the effectiveness of a play-based parenting intervention in low-income mothers and toddlers,2015,43,7,1283-1294,O'Hara Risk for depression and anxiety in youth: the interaction between negative affectivity effortful control and stressors,2015,44,2,207-218,Hankin Using social media for social comparison and feedback-seeking: gender and popularity moderate associations with depressive symptoms,2015,43,8,1427-1438,Prinstein Subjective - objective sleep comparisons and discrepancies among clinically-anxious and healthy children,2015,43,7,1343-1353,Patriquin Parent psychopathology and children's psychological health: moderation by sibling relationship dimensions,2015,43,7,1333-1342,Ginsburg Emotion expression emotionality depressive symptoms and stress: maternal profiles related to child outcomes,2015,43,7,1319-1331,Slesnick Is adolescent suicidal ideation continuous or categorical? A taxometric analysis,2015,43,8,1459-1466,Spirito Interpersonal risk profiles for youth depression: a person-centered multi-wave longitudinal study,2015,43,8,1415-1426,Gibb Aggression in children with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: social information processing and response to peer provocation,2015,43,8,1503-1514,King A community study on the relationship of posttraumatic cognitions to internalizing and externalizing psychopathology in Taiwanese children and adolescents,2015,43,8,1475-1484,Chen The prospective role of cognitive appraisals and social support in predicting children's posttraumatic stress,2015,43,8,1485-1492,Ellis Response inhibition peer preference and victimization and self-harm: longitudinal associations in young adult women with and without ADHD,2015,44,2,323-334,Hinshaw Stability of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder symptoms (irritable-angry mood and temper outbursts) throughout childhood and adolescence in a general population sample,2015,43,8,1543-1549,Bixler Peer victimization and adolescent adjustment: the moderating role of sleep,2015,43,8,1447-1457,Erath Maternal encouragement to approach novelty: a curvilinear relation to change in anxiety for inhibited toddlers,2015,44,3,433-444,Kiel Callous-unemotional traits trajectories interact with earlier conduct problems and executive control to predict violence and substance use among high risk male adolescents,2015,43,8,1529-1541,Hyde Dimensions of maternal parenting and infants' autonomic functioning interactively predict early internalizing behavior problems,2015,44,3,459-470,Propper Emotional reactivity to negative adult and peer events and the maintenance of adolescent depressive symptoms: a daily diary design,2015,44,3,471-481,Kobak Aggressive behaviors in young siblings: associations with executive functions and maternal characteristics,2015,44,3,523-533,Gagne Erratum to: Observing interactions between children and adolescents and their parents: the effects of anxiety disorder and age,2015,43,6,1093,Creswell Within-person changes in individual symptoms of depression predict subsequent depressive episodes in adolescents: a prospective study,2015,44,3,483-494,Garber The role of early language difficulties in the trajectories of conduct problems across childhood,2015,43,8,1515-1527,O'Kearney Heterogeneity of relational backgrounds is associated with variation in non-suicidal self-injurious behavior,2015,44,3,511-522,Cloutier The temporal sequence of social anxiety and depressive symptoms following interpersonal stressors during adolescence,2015,44,3,495-509,Alloy Peer victimization and forms of aggression during middle childhood: the role of emotion regulation,2015,44,3,535-546,Fite Classroom interactions dyadic teacher-child relationships and self-regulation in socially disadvantaged young children,2015,44,1,7-17,Verschueren Positively biased self-perceptions in children with ADHD: unique predictor of future maladjustment,2015,44,3,575-586,Mikami Impulse Control and Callous-Unemotional Traits Distinguish Patterns of Delinquency and Substance Use in Justice Involved Adolescents: Examining the Moderating Role of Neighborhood Context,2015,44,3,599-611,Steinberg Psychological distress among school-aged children with and without intrauterine cocaine exposure: perinatal versus contextual effects,2015,44,3,547-560,Liebschutz Preschoolers' psychopathology and temperament predict mothers' later mood disorders,2015,44,3,421-432,Klein Trajectories of internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in children with developmental disabilities,2015,44,4,811-821,Hauser-Cram Developmental links between children's working memory and their social relations with teachers and peers in the early school years,2015,44,1,19-30,van Lier Indirect effects of the fast track intervention on conduct disorder symptoms and callous-unemotional traits: distinct pathways involving discipline and warmth,2015,44,3,587-597,Pinderhughes The role of parent psychopathology in emotion socialization,2015,44,4,731-743,Harvey Childhood predictors and adult life success of adolescent delinquency abstainers,2015,44,3,613-624,Farrington Sluggish cognitive tempo and ADHD nattention as predictors of externalizing internalizing and impairment domains: a 2-year longitudinal study,2015,44,4,771-785,Becker Does childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) predict levels of depressive symptoms during emerging adulthood?,2015,44,4,787-797,Pettit Comorbid development of disruptive behaviors from age 1½ to 5 years in a population birth-cohort and association with school adjustment in first grade,2015,44,4,677-690,Boivin The phenomenology of non-aggressive antisocial behavior during childhood,2015,44,4,651-661,Klump Can callous-unemotional traits be reliably measured in preschoolers?,2015,44,4,625-638,Fanti Testing for plausibly causal links between parental bereavement and child socio-emotional and academic outcomes: a propensity-score matching model,2015,44,4,705-718,Lawrence Aber Social risk and peer victimization in elementary school children: the protective role of teacher-student relationships,2015,44,4,691-703,Cavell The relationship between father involvement and child problem behaviour in intact families: a 7-year cross-lagged study,2015,44,5,1011-1021,Flouri Grey matter volumes in children with conduct problems and varying levels of callous-unemotional traits,2015,44,4,639-649,Viding Negative social relationships predict posttraumatic stress symptoms among war-affected children via posttraumatic cognitions,2015,44,5,845-857,Punamäki Traumatic life events and psychopathology in a high risk ethnically diverse sample of young children: a person-centered approach,2015,44,5,833-844,Hagan Dual trajectories of reactive and proactive aggression from mid-childhood to early adolescence: relations to sensation seeking risk taking and moral reasoning,2015,44,4,663-675,Malti Association with delinquent peers: Intervention effects for youth in the juvenile justice system,2005,33,3,339-347,Chamberlain Joint trajectories of symptoms of disruptive behavior problems and depressive symptoms during early adolescence and adjustment problems during emerging adulthood,2012,40,7,1123-1136,Dishion Peer rejection and friendships in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: contributions to long-term outcomes,2012,40,6,1013-1026,Hechtman Universal school-based depression prevention 'Op Volle Kracht': a longitudinal cluster randomized controlled trial,2015,44,5,949-961,Gillham Maternal and peer regulation of adolescent emotion: associations with depressive symptoms,2015,44,5,963-974,Craig Behavioral parent training in infancy: a window of opportunity for high-risk families,2015,44,5,901-912,Bagner Developmental patterns of adverse childhood experiences and current symptoms and impairment in youth referred for trauma-specific services,2015,44,5,871-886,Ford 'It was all my fault'; negative interpretation bias in depressed adolescents,2015,44,5,991-998,Reynolds Warm parenting and effortful control in toddlerhood: independent and interactive predictors of school-age externalizing behavior,2015,44,6,1083-1096,Leve Developmental associations between conduct problems and expressive language in early childhood: a population-based study,2015,44,6,1033-1043,Tremblay Depressive symptoms and the experience of pleasure in daily life: an exploration of associations in early and late adolescence,2015,44,5,999-1009,Oldehinkel Impaired social decision-making mediates the association between ADHD and social problems,2015,44,5,1023-1032,Humphreys Intergenerational transmission of maladaptive parenting strategies in families of adolescent mothers: effects from grandmothers to young children,2015,44,6,1097-1109,Umaña-Taylor Early callous-unemotional behavior theory-of-mind and a fearful/inhibited temperament predict externalizing problems in middle and late childhood,2015,44,6,1205-1215,Olson Representations of self and parents and relationship themes in adolescents with post traumatic stress disorder,2015,44,5,887-899,Shahar Cognitive risk and protective factors for suicidal ideation: a two year longitudinal study in adolescence,2015,44,6,1145-1160,Alloy Stressful life events prior to depression onset and the cortisol response to stress in youth with first onset versus recurrent depression,2015,44,6,1173-1184,Mazurka Depressive symptoms in adolescence: longitudinal links with maternal empathy and psychological control,2015,44,6,1121-1132,Meeus Age and social context modulate the effect of anxiety on risk-taking in pediatric samples,2015,44,6,1161-1171,Pine Factor structure of the parent-report Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ) in an outpatient mental health sample,2015,44,6,1111-1120,Warnick Permissive parenting deviant peer affiliations and delinquent behavior in adolescence: the moderating role of sympathetic nervous system reactivity,2015,44,6,1071-1081,Erath Effects of a brief psychoeducational intervention for family conflict: constructive conflict emotional insecurity and child adjustment,2015,44,7,1399-1410,Cummings Affiliation with socially withdrawn groups and children's social and psychological adjustment,2015,44,7,1279-1290,Ellis Persistent complex bereavement disorder symptom domains relate differentially to PTSD and depression: a study of war-exposed Bosnian adolescents,2015,44,7,1361-1373,Elhai A FISTful of emotion: individual differences in trait anxiety and cognitive-affective flexibility during preadolescence,2015,44,7,1231-1242,MacLeod Social influences on executive functions development in children and adolescents: steps toward a social neuroscience of predictive adaptive responses,2016,44,1,57-61,Dishion Early childhood precursors and school age correlates of different internalising problem trajectories among young children,2016,44,7,1333-1346,Sweeting Longitudinal and incremental relation of cybervictimization to negative self-cognitions and depressive symptoms in young adolescents,2016,44,7,1321-1332,Martin Sexual risk behaviors in the adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: prospective associations with parents' personality and externalizing behavior in childhood,2016,44,7,1347-1359,Hodgins Single mother parenting and adolescent psychopathology,2016,44,7,1411-1423,Alloy Competing factor models of child and adolescent psychopathology,2016,44,8,1559-1571,Shevlin Emotion socialization in anxious youth: parenting buffers emotional reactivity to peer negative events,2016,44,7,1267-1278,Silk Bidirectional associations between externalizing behavior problems and maladaptive parenting within parent-son dyads across childhood,2016,44,7,1387-1398,Hinshaw A longitudinal rejection sensitivity model of depression and aggression: unique roles of anxiety anger blame withdrawal and retribution,2016,44,7,1291-1307,Zimmer-Gembeck Disinhibited attachment disorder in UK adopted children during middle childhood: prevalence validity and possible developmental origin,2016,44,7,1375-1386,Green The development of the general factor of psychopathology 'p factor' through childhood and adolescence,2016,44,8,1573-1586,Ribeaud The cognitive psychopathology of internet gaming disorder in adolescence,2016,44,8,1635-1645,Delfabbro A comprehensive evaluation of a universal school-based depression prevention program for adolescents,2016,44,8,1621-1633,Fuller-Tyszkiewicz Early adolescent friendship selection based on externalizing behavior: the moderating role of pubertal development. The SNARE study,2016,44,8,1647-1657,Prinstein Parental flooding during conflict: a psychometric evaluation of a new scale,2016,44,8,1587-1597,Slep Emotional reactivity behavior problems and social adjustment at school entry in a high-risk sample,2016,44,8,1527-1541,Gatzke-Kopp Emotional dysregulation and interpersonal difficulties as risk factors for nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescent girls,2011,39,3,389-400,Sim Community violence exposure and generalized anxiety symptoms: does executive functioning serve a moderating role among low income urban youth?,2016,44,8,1543-1557,Drabick Daily deviations in anger guilt and sympathy: a developmental diary study of aggression,2016,44,8,1515-1526,Malti Impulsivity and suicidality in adolescent inpatients,2016,45,1,91-103,Auerbach Impulsivity symptoms as core to the developmental externalizing spectrum,2016,45,1,83-90,Martel Childhood emotional maltreatment as a robust predictor of suicidal ideation: a 3-year multi-wave prospective investigation,2016,45,1,105-116,Hankin Emotion regulation and loss of control eating in community-based adolescents,2016,45,1,183-191,Keenan Aroused at home: basic autonomic regulation during orthostatic and physical activation is altered in children with social anxiety disorder,2016,45,1,143-155,Blechert Pre-conception war exposure and mother and child adjustment 4 years later,2016,45,1,131-142,Gueron-Sela Maternal psychosocial maladjustment and child internalizing symptoms: investigating the modulating role of maternal sensitivity,2016,45,1,157-170,Bernier Clinical decision-making following disasters: efficient identification of PTSD risk in adolescents,2016,45,1,117-129,Ruggiero Are proactive and reactive aggression meaningful distinctions in adolescents? A variable- and person-based approach,2016,45,1,1-14,Buitelaar Sleep problems in childhood and borderline personality disorder symptoms in early adolescence,2016,45,1,193-206,Wolke Cognitive functioning in adolescents with self-reported ADHD and depression: results from a population-based study,2016,45,1,69-81,Oldehinkel Depressive symptoms in mothers and daughters: attachment style moderates reporter agreement,2016,45,1,171-182,Milan Maternal mind-mindedness provides a buffer for pre-adolescents at risk for disruptive behavior,2016,45,2,225-235,Foley Behavioral profiles associated with objective sleep duration in young children with insomnia symptoms,2016,45,2,337-344,Vgontzas Sex differences in the prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder during middle childhood: a meta-analysis,2016,45,2,313-325,Demmer Psychometric properties and normative data for the preschool Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in two-year-old children,2016,45,2,345-357,Underwood Two-year findings from a national effectiveness trial: effectiveness of behavioral and non-behavioral parenting programs,2016,45,3,527-542,Stattin Prenatal reflective functioning and development of aggression in infancy: the roles of maternal intrusiveness and sensitivity,2016,45,2,237-248,Swaab How persistent is ADHD into adulthood? Informant report and diagnostic thresholds in a female sample,2016,45,2,301-312,Hinshaw The role of family income dynamics in predicting trajectories of internalizing and externalizing problems,2016,45,3,543-556,Votruba-Drzal The moderating role of anxiety in the associations of callous-unemotional traits with self-report and laboratory measures of affective and cognitive empathy,2016,45,3,583-596,Frick Parental meta-emotion philosophy and emotion coaching in families of children and adolescents with an anxiety disorder,2016,45,3,569-582,Hudson Prospective relations between overeating loss of control eating binge eating and depressive symptoms in a school-based sample of adolescents,2016,45,4,693-703,Cole Maternal depression and youth internalizing and externalizing symptomatology: severity and chronicity of past maternal depression and current maternal depressive symptoms,2016,45,3,557-568,Langer Interactions between callous unemotional behaviors and executive function in early childhood predict later aggression and lower peer-liking in late-childhood,2016,45,3,597-609,Olson The role of family routines in the intergenerational transmission of depressive symptoms between parents and their adolescent children,2016,45,4,643-656,Chen Exploration of the factor structure of ADHD in adolescence through self parent and teacher reports of symptomatology,2016,45,3,625-641,Murray-Close Who are the children most vulnerable to social exclusion? The moderating role of self-esteem popularity and nonverbal intelligence on cognitive performance following social exclusion,2016,45,4,789-801,Riva Incremental validity of teacher and parent symptom and impairment ratings when screening for mental health difficulties,2016,45,4,827-837,Tannock Cultural differences in the reciprocal relations between emotion suppression coping depressive symptoms and interpersonal functioning among adolescents,2016,45,4,657-669,Lau DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder symptom structure in disaster-exposed adolescents: stability across gender and relation to behavioral problems,2016,45,4,803-814,Elhai Behavioral and nondirective guided self-help for parents of children with externalizing behavior: mediating mechanisms in a head-to-head comparison,2016,45,4,719-730,Döpfner Behavioral couples treatment for substance use disorder: secondary effects on the reduction of youth internalizing symptoms,2016,45,4,731-741,Kelley Prevalence and correlates of direct self-injurious behavior among Chinese adolescents: findings from a multicenter and multistage survey,2016,45,4,815-826,Yao Family transitions in cohabiting families: a longitudinal investigation of the role of parent depressive symptoms in youth problem behaviors,2016,45,4,681-691,Forehand Maternal sensitivity: a resilience factor against internalizing symptoms in early adolescents born very preterm?,2016,45,4,671-680,Ansermet Psychoeducational psychotherapy and omega-3 supplementation improve co-occurring behavioral problems in youth with depression: results from a pilot RCT,2016,45,5,1025-1037,Fristad Co-rumination exacerbates stress generation among adolescents with depressive symptoms,2016,45,5,985-995,Smith Preliminary examination of the interpersonal psychological theory of suicide in an adolescent clinical sample,2015,44,6,1133-1144,Stewart Parenting as a mechanism of change in psychosocial treatment for youth with ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation,2016,45,5,841-855,McBurnett Executive functioning and engagement in physical and relational aggression among children with ADHD,2016,45,5,899-910,McQuade Social anxiety symptoms in young children: investigating the interplay of theory of mind and expressions of shyness,2016,45,5,997-1011,Bögels Longitudinal associations between depression and aggression in children and adolescents,2016,45,5,959-970,Vaillancourt Neighborhood deprivation during early childhood and conduct problems in middle childhood: mediation by aggressive response generation,2016,45,5,935-946,Dishion Examining the course of suicidal and nonsuicidal self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in outpatient and inpatient adolescents,2016,45,5,971-983,Nock Externalizing outcomes of youth with and without ADHD: time-varying prediction by parental ADHD and mediated effects,2016,45,3,457-470,Lee Factors associated with healthy and impaired social functioning in young adolescents with ADHD,2016,45,5,883-897,Evans ADHD and depression symptoms in parent couples predict response to child ADHD and ODD behavior,2016,45,3,471-484,Wymbs Bidirectional effects between parenting and aggressive child behavior in the context of a preventive intervention,2016,45,5,921-934,Dekovic Testing the direction of longitudinal paths between victimization peer rejection and different types of internalizing problems in adolescence,2016,45,5,1013-1023,Salmivalli A within-person analysis of the association between borderline personality disorder and alcohol use in adolescents,2016,45,6,1157-1167,Pedersen Predicting risky sexual behavior: the unique and interactive roles of childhood conduct disorder symptoms and callous-unemotional traits,2016,45,6,1147-1156,McMahon Cool and hot aspects of executive function in childhood obsessive-compulsive disorder,2016,45,6,1195-1205,Mortensen Are elevations in ADHD symptoms associated with physiological reactivity and emotion dysregulation in children?,2016,45,6,1091-1103,McQuade Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder trait impulsivity and externalizing behavior in a longitudinal sample,2016,45,6,1077-1089,Hinshaw Longitudinal profiles of girls' irritable defiant and antagonistic oppositional symptoms: evidence for group based differences in symptom severity,2016,45,6,1133-1145,Hipwell Comparing self-regulation-associated event related potentials in preschool children with and without high levels of disruptive behavior,2016,45,6,1119-1132,Olson Moderators of parent training for disruptive behaviors in young children with autism spectrum disorder,2016,45,6,1235-1245,Aman A test of the perfectionism social disconnection model among ethnic minority youth,2016,45,6,1181-1193,Goya Arce Unique associations between childhood temperament characteristics and subsequent psychopathology symptom trajectories from childhood to early adolescence,2016,45,6,1221-1233,McMahon A mutual hostility explanation for the co-occurrence of delinquency and depressive mood in adolescence,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stattin Investigating the impact of cognitive load and motivation on response control in relation to delay discounting in children with ADHD,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mostofsky Ecological momentary assessment of affective and interpersonal instability in adolescent non-suicidal self-injury,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Resch Heterogeneity in Response during Multisystemic Therapy: Exploring Subgroups and Predictors,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dekovic Altered positive affect in clinically anxious youth: the role of social context and anxiety subtype,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Silk Empathic accuracy in male adolescents with conduct disorder and higher versus lower levels of callous-unemotional traits,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brown Father participation in child psychopathology research,2017,45,7,1259-1270,Forehand Variation in response to evidence-based group preventive intervention for disruptive behavior problems: a view from 938 coping power sessions,2017,45,7,1271-1284,Dishion Deviant peer affiliation as an explanatory mechanism in the association between corporal punishment and physical aggression: a longitudinal study among Chinese adolescents,2017,45,8,1537-1551,Zhang Social adversity and antisocial behavior: mediating effects of autonomic nervous system activity,2017,45,8,1553-1564,Zhang Pow! Boom! Kablam! Effects of viewing superhero programs on aggressive prosocial and defending behaviors in preschool children,2017,45,8,1523-1535,Linder Distinguishing pathways from negative emotions to suicide ideation and to suicide attempt: the differential mediating effects of nonsuicidal self-injury,2017,45,8,1609-1619,You Violence exposure subtypes differentially mediate the relation between callous-unemotional traits and adolescent delinquency,2017,45,8,1565-1575,McMahon Substance use disorders in adolescence exist along continua: taxometric evidence in an epidemiological sample,2017,45,8,1577-1586,Liu A follow-up study from a multisite randomized controlled trial for traumatized children receiving TF-CBT,2017,45,8,1587-1597,Jensen Does preschool self-regulation predict later behavior problems in general or specific problem behaviors?,2017,45,8,1491-1502,Lonigan Mother-child interactions and externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers over time: inhibitory control as a mediator,2017,45,8,1503-1517,Dekovic Neurophysiological processing of emotion in children of mothers with a history of depression: the moderating role of preschool persistent irritability,2017,45,8,1599-1608,Klein Preventing conduct disorder and callous unemotional traits: preliminary results of a school based pilot training program,2018,46,2,291-303,Fanti Maternal incarceration children's psychological adjustment and the mediating role of emotion regulation,2018,46,2,223-236,Dallaire Reciprocal relations between the trajectories of mothers' harsh discipline responsiveness and aggression in early childhood,2018,46,1,83-97,Baydar Sluggish cognitive tempo processing speed and internalizing symptoms: the moderating effect of age,2018,46,1,127-135,Jacobson Bidirectional associations between peer victimization and functions of aggression in middle childhood: further evaluation across informants and academic years,2018,46,1,99-111,Fite Do overgeneral autobiographical memories predict increased psychopathological symptoms in community youth? A 3-year longitudinal investigation,2018,46,2,197-208,Jose Erratum to: Impaired social decision-making mediates the association between ADHD and social problems,2017,45,4,839,Humphreys Trajectories of suicidal ideation among adolescents following psychiatric hospitalization,2018,46,2,355-363,Spirito Chronic stressors and adolescents' externalizing problems: genetic moderation by dopamine receptor D4. The TRAILS study,2018,46,1,73-82,Ormel Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents placed in youth welfare and juvenile justice group homes: associations with mental disorders and suicidality,2018,46,2,343-354,In-Albon Aggressive male juvenile offenders with callous-unemotional traits show aberrant attentional orienting to distress cues,2018,46,3,519-527,Cauffman A randomized controlled trial of the impact of a family-based adolescent depression intervention on both youth and parent mental health outcomes,2018,46,1,169-181,Toumbourou Will victims become aggressors or vice versa? A cross-lagged analysis of school aggression,2018,46,3,529-541,Lam Party pooper or life of the party: dampening and enhancing of positive affect in a peer context,2018,46,2,399-414,Vasey Peer victimization and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in depressed adolescents,2018,46,3,581-596,Auerbach Neural correlates of emotion reactivity and regulation in young children with ADHD symptoms,2017,45,7,1311-1324,Harvey Aggression predicts changes in peer victimization that vary by form and function,2018,46,2,305-318,Frey Parasympathetic regulation and inhibitory control predict the development of externalizing problems in early childhood,2018,46,2,237-249,Hastings Disentangling child-specific and family-wide processes underlying negative mother-child transactions,2018,46,3,437-447,Plamondon Treatment effect on recidivism for juveniles who have sexually offended: a multilevel meta-analysis,2018,46,3,543-556,Hendriks Parenting stress through the lens of different clinical groups: a systematic review & meta-analysis,2018,46,3,449-461,Bagner Negative and positive emotion responses to daily school problems: links to internalizing and externalizing symptoms,2018,46,3,423-435,Repetti How competent are adolescent bullying perpetrators and victims in mastering normative developmental tasks in early adulthood?,2018,46,1,41-56,Veenstra Stress reactivity as a pathway from attentional control deficits in everyday life to depressive symptoms in adolescent girls,2018,46,3,613-624,Rudolph Continued bullying victimization from childhood to young adulthood: a longitudinal study of mediating and protective factors,2018,46,1,27-39,Brendgen A unique path to callous-unemotional traits for children who are temperamentally fearless and unconcerned about transgressions: a longitudinal study of typically developing children from age 2 to 12,2018,46,4,769-780,Kochanska Intra- and inter-individual differences in adolescent depressive mood: the role of relationships with parents and friends,2018,46,4,811-824,Dubas Effect of parenting and peer stressors on cognitive vulnerability and risk for depression among youth,2018,46,3,597-612,Hankin Parental depressive symptoms as a predictor of outcome in the treatment of child depression,2018,46,4,825-837,Weisz Longitudinal associations of parental emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation: the moderating role of ADHD symptomatology,2018,46,4,671-683,Harvey Non-suicidal self-injury in pediatric bipolar disorder: clinical correlates and impact on psychosocial treatment outcomes,2018,46,4,857-870,West Callous-unemotional traits are uniquely associated with poorer peer functioning in school-aged children,2018,46,4,781-793,Frick Sympathetic under-arousal and externalizing behavior problems in children with autism spectrum disorder,2018,46,4,895-906,Erath Victimization mediates the longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and violent behaviors in adolescence,2018,46,4,839-848,Fazel Functions of aggression and peer victimization in elementary school children: the mediating role of social preference,2018,46,4,795-809,Vernberg Looming threats and animacy: reduced responsiveness in youth with disrupted behavior disorders,2018,46,4,741-754,White Infant parasympathetic and sympathetic activity during baseline stress and recovery: interactions with prenatal adversity predict physical aggression in toddlerhood,2018,46,4,755-768,Swaab Self-competence and depressive symptom trajectories during adolescence,2018,46,5,1089-1109,Vannucci The influence of static and dynamic intrapersonal factors on longitudinal patterns of peer victimization through mid-adolescence: a latent transition analysis,2018,46,1,11-26,Vaillancourt Peer victimization and adjustment in young adulthood: introduction to the special section,2018,46,1,5-9,Brendgen Executive functions and externalizing symptoms: common and unique associations,2017,45,8,1519-1522,Obradović Introduction to the special section on executive functions and externalizing symptoms,2017,45,8,1473-1475,Sulik Distilling heterogeneity among children with disruptive behavior: associations between symptom patterns and social functioning,2018,46,6,1241-1252,Andrade Resurrecting the empathy-bullying relationship with a pro-bullying attitudes mediator: the Lazarus effect in mediation research,2018,46,6,1229-1239,Espelage Attentional orienting to emotional faces moderates the association between callous-unemotional traits and peer-nominated aggression in young adolescent school children,2018,46,5,1011-1019,Frick The intergenerational association between parents' problem gambling and impulsivity-hyperactivity/inattention behaviors in children,2018,46,6,1203-1215,Tremblay Do genetic factors explain the links between callous-unemotional attention hyperactivity and oppositional defiant problems in toddlers?,2018,46,6,1217-1228,Saudino Parent-child endorsement discrepancies among youth at chronic-risk for depression,2018,46,5,1077-1088,Polo Peer victimization during middle childhood as a marker of attenuated risk for adult arrest,2018,46,1,57-65,Dodge Peer victimization and adjustment in young adulthood: commentary on the special section,2018,46,1,67-72,Salmivalli Editorial: advancing research on child and adolescent psychopathology,2018,46,1,1-4,Frick Trajectories of Italian children's peer rejection: associations with aggression prosocial behavior physical attractiveness and adolescent adjustment,2018,46,5,1021-1035,Pastorelli Longitudinal analysis of particulate air pollutants and adolescent delinquent behavior in Southern California,2018,46,6,1283-1293,Berhane Dimensional latent structure of early disruptive behavior disorders: a taxometric analysis in preschoolers,2018,46,7,1385-1394,Briegel Cyber victimization and internalizing difficulties: the mediating roles of coping self-efficacy and emotion dysregulation,2018,46,5,1129-1139,Bussey Like father like child: early life family adversity and children's bullying behaviors in elementary school,2018,46,7,1481-1496,Verhulst Impact of low social preference on the development of depressive and aggressive symptoms: buffering by children's prosocial behavior,2018,46,7,1497-1507,Koot Trajectories of social anxiety in children: influence of child cortisol reactivity and parental social anxiety,2018,46,6,1309-1319,Schmidt Anxiety and depression during childhood and adolescence: testing theoretical models of continuity and discontinuity,2018,46,6,1295-1308,Rudolph In the eye of the beholder? Parent-observer discrepancies in parenting and child disruptive behavior assessments,2018,46,6,1147-1159,Overbeek Co-sleeping among school-aged anxious and non-anxious children: associations with sleep variability and timing,2018,46,6,1321-1332,Alfano Gender-specific trajectories of conduct problems from ages 3 to 11,2018,46,7,1467-1480,Schoon Preschool executive control and internalizing symptoms in elementary school,2018,46,7,1509-1520,Nelson Internalizing and externalizing behaviors share a common predictor: the effects of early maladaptive schemas are mediated by coping responses and schema modes,2018,46,5,907-920,Bernstein Examining the prospective relationship between pre-disaster respiratory sinus arrhythmia and post-disaster posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in children,2018,46,7,1535-1545,Scheeringa Language delay and externalizing problems in preschool age: a prospective cohort study,2018,46,5,923-933,Aarø Testosterone and proactive-reactive aggression in youth: the moderating role of harsh discipline,2018,46,8,1599-1612,Raine The development of latent dimensions of psychopathology across early childhood: stability of dimensions and moderators of change,2018,46,7,1373-1383,Olino Cognitive and interpersonal vulnerabilities to adolescent depression: classification of risk profiles for a personalized prevention approach,2018,46,7,1521-1533,Garber An imbalance of approach and effortful control predicts externalizing problems: support for extending the dual-systems model into early childhood,2018,46,8,1573-1583,Kochanska Transitions of developmental trajectories of depressive symptoms between junior and senior high school among youths in Taiwan: linkages to symptoms in young adulthood,2018,46,8,1687-1704,Chen Personality correlates of self-injury in adolescent girls: disentangling the effects of lifetime psychopathology,2018,46,8,1677-1685,Kotov Mapping the growth of heterogeneous forms of externalizing problem behavior between early childhood and adolescence:a comparison of parent and teacher ratings,2018,46,5,935-950,Dodge Distance-delivered parent training for childhood disruptive behavior (Strongest Families™): a randomized controlled trial and economic analysis,2018,46,8,1613-1629,Olthuis Children's reward and punishment sensitivity moderates the association of negative and positive parenting behaviors in child ADHD symptoms,2018,46,8,1585-1598,Li Correction to: Internalizing and externalizing behaviors share a common predictor: the effects of early maladaptive schemas are mediated by coping responses and schema modes,2018,46,5,921,Bernstein Neural correlates of attentional processing of threat in youth with and without anxiety disorders,2019,47,1,119-129,Crowley Parenting stress plays a mediating role in the prediction of early child development from both parents' perinatal depressive symptoms,2019,47,1,149-164,von Soest A randomized trial evaluating school-based mindfulness intervention for ethnic minority youth: exploring mediators and moderators of intervention effects,2019,47,1,1-19,Lau Polyvictimization emotion dysregulation symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and behavioral health problems among justice-involved youth: a latent class analysis,2019,47,2,287-298,Ford Dual pathways from reactive aggression to depressive symptoms in children: further examination of the failure model,2019,47,1,85-97,Fite Attenuated LPP to emotional face stimuli associated with parent- and self-reported depression in children and adolescents,2019,47,1,109-118,von Klitzing Teacher involvement prevents increases in children's depressive symptoms: bidirectional associations in elementary school,2019,47,2,359-367,Spilt Associations among early life stress rumination symptoms of psychopathology and sex in youth in the early stages of puberty: a moderated mediation analysis,2019,47,2,199-207,Humphreys Stressful life events ADHD symptoms and brain structure in early adolescence,2019,47,3,421-432,Humphreys Brooding inattention and impulsivity as predictors of adolescent suicidal ideation,2019,47,2,333-344,Van Hulle Predicting temperamentally inhibited young children's clinical-level anxiety and internalizing problems from parenting and parent wellbeing: a population study,2019,47,7,1165-1181,Hiscock Parental depressive symptoms as a predictor of outcome in the treatment of child internalizing and externalizing problems,2019,47,3,459-474,Weisz Childhood maltreatment and impulsivity: a meta-analysis and recommendations for future study,2019,47,2,221-243,Liu Reciprocal risk: the longitudinal relationship between emotion regulation and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents,2019,47,2,325-332,Langlands Offspring personality mediates the association between maternal depression and childhood psychopathology,2019,47,2,345-357,Rogosch Help me feel better! Ecological momentary assessment of anxious youths' emotion regulation with parents and peers,2019,47,2,313-324,Silk Peer-influence on risk-taking in male adolescents with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities and/or behavior disorders,2019,47,3,543-555,van der Molen Preadolescents' internal attributions for negative peer experiences: links to child and classroom peer victimization and friendship,2019,47,3,393-404,Hubbard The mediating role of trauma symptoms in the association between past and future teen dating violence victimization,2019,47,3,475-485,McDonald Parent-adolescent concordance in borderline pathology and why it matters,2019,47,3,529-542,Sharp Extinction learning as a potential mechanism linking high vagal tone with lower PTSD symptoms among abused youth,2019,47,4,659-670,McLaughlin Maternal trauma exposure and childhood anxiety outcomes: examining psychosocial mechanisms of risk,2019,47,4,645-657,Smith Longitudinal changes in victimized youth's social anxiety and solitary behavior,2019,47,7,1211-1223,Kochenderfer-Ladd The role of emotion understanding in the development of aggression and callous-unemotional features across early childhood,2019,47,4,619-631,McMahon Posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric comorbidity among adolescent earthquake survivors: a longitudinal cohort study,2019,47,4,671-681,Fan Adolescent emotion network dynamics in daily life and implications for depression,2019,47,4,717-729,Xia A preliminary examination of the association between adolescent gender nonconformity and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,2019,47,4,707-716,Prinstein A longitudinal examination of the relationship between trauma-related cognitive factors and internalising and externalising psychopathology in physically injured children,2019,47,4,683-693,Halligan Children sleep and antisocial behavior: differential association of sleep with aggression and rule-breaking,2019,47,5,791-799,Klump Interpersonal stress severity longitudinally predicts adolescent girls' depressive symptoms: the moderating role of subjective and HPA axis stress responses,2019,47,5,895-905,Nock Hopelessness and delinquent behavior as predictors of community violence exposure in ethnic minority male adolescent offenders,2019,47,5,801-810,Gaylord-Harden Callous-unemotional behaviors and harsh parenting: reciprocal associations across early childhood and moderation by inherited risk,2019,47,5,811-823,Leve Parental reactivity to disruptive behavior in toddlerhood: an experimental study,2019,47,5,779-790,Shaw Development of aggression subtypes from childhood to adolescence: a group-based multi-trajectory modelling perspective,2019,47,5,825-838,Tremblay Dyadic peer interactions: the impact of aggression on impression formation with new peers,2019,47,5,839-850,Updegraff Anger sympathy and children's reactive and proactive aggression: testing a differential correlate hypothesis,2019,47,6,1013-1024,Malti Social withdrawal in adolescence and early adulthood: measurement issues normative development and distinct trajectories,2019,47,5,865-879,Oldehinkel Can self-persuasion reduce hostile attribution bias in young children?,2019,47,6,989-1000,Thomaes Onset comorbidity and predictors of nicotine alcohol and marijuana use disorders among North American Indigenous adolescents,2019,47,6,1025-1038,Walls Adolescent depression and substance use: the protective role of prosocial peer behavior,2019,47,6,1065-1074,Mennis Early childhood predictors of anxiety in early adolescence,2019,47,7,1121-1133,Hudson Effects of parenting and community violence on aggression-related social goals: a monozygotic twin differences study,2019,47,6,1001-1012,Hyde Developmental trajectories of shyness-sensitivity from middle childhood to early adolescence in China: contributions of peer preference and mutual friendship,2019,47,7,1197-1209,Fu Gender differences in adolescents' exposure to stressful life events and differential links to impaired school functioning,2019,47,6,1053-1064,Lacourse Peer victimization and selective attention in adolescence: evidence from a monozygotic twin difference design,2019,47,8,1303-1313,Goldsmith A dynamic examination of the associations between shyness psychological difficulties and stressful life events during early adolescence,2019,47,7,1183-1195,Bowker Does less optimal nonverbal communication with peers predict the development of depression in adolescent boys and girls?,2019,47,8,1379-1389,van Beek Adversity and depression: the moderating role of stress reactivity among high and low risk youth,2019,47,8,1391-1399,Kovacs Pubertal timing and substance use in adolescence: an investigation of two cognitive moderators,2019,47,9,1509-1520,Alloy The influence of treatment engagement on positive outcomes in the context of a school-based intervention for students with externalizing behavior problems,2019,47,9,1437-1454,Barker Time spent with parents predicts change in depressive symptoms in adolescents with major depressive disorder,2019,47,8,1401-1408,Gotlib Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: longitudinal associations with psychological distress and rumination,2019,47,9,1569-1581,Claes A daily diary analysis of preschool depressive behaviors: prospective associations and moderators across 14 days,2019,47,9,1547-1558,Olino Relations between reactive and proactive aggression and daily emotions in adolescents,2019,47,9,1495-1507,Hubbard Parents' spontaneous attributions about their problem child: associations with parental mental health and child conduct problems,2019,47,9,1455-1466,Dadds Parent-youth divergence (and convergence) in reports of youth internalizing problems in psychiatric inpatient care,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reynolds Internalizing problems in adolescence: linking loneliness social anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms over time,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van den Noortgate Relational aggression in adolescents with conduct disorder: sex differences and behavioral correlates,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fairchild Emotional underarousal and overarousal and engagement in relational aggression: interactions between relational victimization physiological reactivity and emotional sensitivity,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Murray-Close Association of OXTR rs53576 with the developmental trajectories of callous-unemotional traits and stressful life events in 3- to 9-year-old community children,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fañanás Life stress and suicide in adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Auerbach Suicide attempts and course of suicidal ideation among Puerto Rican early adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Canino Developmental trajectories of anxiety and depression symptoms from early to middle childhood: a population-based cohort study in the Netherlands,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tiemeier Reactive and regulatory temperament: longitudinal associations with internalizing and externalizing symptoms through childhood,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Olino A longitudinal examination of heart-rate and heart rate variability as risk markers for child posttraumatic stress symptoms in an acute injury sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Halligan Latent profiles of cognitive and interpersonal risk factors for adolescent depression and implications for personalized treatment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mufson The intergenerational transmission of externalizing behavior: the importance of a positive romantic partner,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Neppl Blunted physiological stress reactivity among youth with a history of bullying and victimization: links to depressive symptoms,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Craig Parenting and youth onset of depression across three years: examining the influence of observed parenting on child and adolescent depressive outcomes,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hankin The dimensionality of proposed DSM-5 PTSD symptoms in trauma-exposed young children,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Scheeringa Marital and parent-child relationships during treatment for adolescent depression: child-driven and bidirectional effects,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Reinecke Peer socialization of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents' close friendships,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Schwartz-Mette Too much too soon? Borderline personality disorder symptoms and romantic relationships in adolescent girls,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stepp Depression and ADHD-related risk for substance use in adolescence and early adulthood: concurrent and prospective associations in the MTA,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hinshaw Childhood emotional and conduct problems in childhood and adolescence differentially associated with intergenerational maltreatment continuity and parental internalizing symptoms,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,von Klitzing Who sets the aggressive popularity norm in classrooms? It's the number and strength of aggressive prosocial and bi-strategic adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vollebergh Parent emotion socialization and child emotional vulnerability as predictors of borderline personality features,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dixon-Gordon Social rejection and suicidal ideation and attempts among adolescents following hospitalization: a prospective study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Erkanli Protecting youth against the adverse effects of peer victimization: why do parents matter?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rudolph Longitudinal study of sleep and internalizing problems in youth treated for pediatric anxiety disorders,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ginsburg Preschool-onset major depressive disorder is characterized by electrocortical deficits in processing pleasant emotional pictures,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hajcak The role of primary school composition in the trajectories of internalising and externalising problems across childhood and adolescence,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lewis Prospective association between childhood behavioral inhibition and anxiety: a meta-analysis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Uher Children with behavioural problems misinterpret the emotions and intentions of others,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Goozen Bidirectional effects between callous-unemotional traits and student-teacher relationship quality among middle school students,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ciucci Patterns of homotypic and heterotypic continuity between ADHD symptoms externalising and internalising problems from age 7 to 15,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Obsuth School-Based Treatment for Anxiety Research Study (STARS): a randomized controlled effectiveness trial,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tein Racial differences between Black parents' and White teachers' perceptions of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder behavior,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harvey Emotion regulation via the autonomic nervous system in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): replication and extension,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Musser Integrating Beck's Cognitive Theory of Depression and the Hopelessness Model in an adolescent sample,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Differences in parent and child report on the Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED); implications for investigations of social anxiety in adolescents,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pine Decision-making deficits in adolescent boys with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): an experimental assessment of associated mechanisms,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Popma Adult ratings of child ADHD symptoms: importance of race role and context,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,DuPaul Examining longitudinal associations between externalizing and internalizing behavior problems at within- and between-child levels,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Greenberg When do those "risk-taking adolescents" take risks? The combined effects of risk encouragement by peers mild-to-borderline intellectual disability and sex,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salemink Pupil response to affective stimuli: a biomarker of early conduct problems in young children,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van Goozen The relations among stress executive functions and harsh parenting in mothers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Johnston Positive peers-the neglected stepchildren of social influence theories of crime,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Walters Linking parental monitoring and psychological control with internalizing symptoms in early adolescence: the moderating role of vagal tone,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tu Placental gene expression and offspring temperament trajectories: predicting negative affect in early childhood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhang Associations between callous-unemotional traits and peer-rated social-behavioral outcomes in elementary and middle school,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bowker Co-occurring trajectories of depression and social anxiety in childhood and adolescence: interactive effects of positive emotionality and domains of chronic interpersonal stress,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hankin Associations between recent and cumulative cannabis use and internalizing problems in boys from adolescence to young adulthood,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pardini Temperament and symptom pathways to the development of adolescent depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Co-rumination moderates the relation between emotional competencies and depressive symptoms in adolescents: a longitudinal examination,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zeman Sad dads and troubled tots: protective factors related to the stability of paternal depression and early childhood internalizing problems,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Dishion Daily mood reactivity to stress during childhood predicts internalizing problems three years later,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Repetti Correction to: Coercive parenting mediates the relationship between military fathers' emotion regulation and children's adjustment,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gewirtz From impulse to action? Cognitive mechanisms of impulsivity-related risk for externalizing behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sheffield Reparative prosocial behavior difficulties across childhood predict poorer social functioning and depression in adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Luby Lived experiences of diagnostic shifts in child and adolescent mental health contexts: a qualitative interview study with young people and parents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,McNicholas Internet-delivered parent training for preschoolers with conduct problems: do callous-unemotional traits moderate efficacy and engagement?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimonis Neurocognitive correlates of rumination risk in children: comparing competing model predictions in a clinically heterogeneous sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kistner Callous-unemotional traits and antisocial behavior in South Korean children: links with academic motivation school engagement and teachers' use of reward and discipline,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Allen Risk taking by adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a behavioral and psychophysiological investigation of peer influence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Popma Moderating the risk for attention deficits in children with pre-adoptive adversity: the protective role of shorter duration of out of home placement and children's enhanced error monitoring,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fox Thinking about others' minds: mental state inference in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Viding "I am a total…loser" - the role of interpretation biases in youth depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Platt Sustained attention and individual differences in adolescents' mood and physiological reactivity to stress,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gibb An item-based analysis of PTSD emotional numbing symptoms in disaster-exposed children and adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Elhai Gender-specific trajectories of depressive symptoms in Chinese children: relations with basic psychological needs satisfaction at school,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Huebner The moderating role of child maltreatment in treatment efficacy for adolescent depression,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Manly Community violence exposure and youth aggression: the moderating role of working memory,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Drabick Structure and psychometric properties of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children in Chinese adolescents,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zhong Accidental and ambiguous situations reveal specific social information processing biases and deficits in adolescents with low intellectual level and clinical levels of externalizing behavior,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Matthys Longitudinal relations among adolescent risk behavior family cohesion violence exposure and mental health in a national sample,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kilpatrick Real-world changes in adolescents' ADHD symptoms within the day and across school and non-school days,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pedersen Proximal interpersonal processes in early childhood socioemotional capacities in middle childhood and behavioral and social adaptation in early adolescence: a process model toward greater specificity,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liang Developmental trajectories of adolescent girls' borderline personality symptoms and sexual risk behaviors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stepp Anxiety and depressive symptom trajectories in adolescence and the co-occurring development of cognitive biases: evidence from the CogBIAS Longitudinal Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fox Unpacking associations between mood symptoms and screen time in preadolescents: a network analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Eaton Longitudinal associations linking elementary and middle school contexts with student aggression in early adolescence,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bierman Emotions and cognitions in early childhood aggression: the role of irritability and hostile attribution biases,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ostrov Gendered Pathways of Internalizing Problems from Early Childhood to Adolescence and Associated Adolescent Outcomes,2020,48,5,703-718,Gutman Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Adolescents with and without ADHD: Differentiation from Adolescent-Reported ADHD Inattention and Unique Associations with Internalizing Domains,2020,48,3,391-406,Langberg Prevalence and situational causes of stereotyped behaviors in blind infants and preschoolers,1991,19,5,569-590,Beelmann