Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author What we know about gun use among adolescents,2001,4,2,109-132,Wilkinson Epidemiological Measurement of Children's and Adolescents' Exposure to Community Violence: Working with the Current State of the Science,2005,8,4,327-342,Flisher Intervention models for mothers and children at risk for injuries,2000,3,1,25-36,Finney Prevalence of children's exposure to domestic violence and child maltreatment: Implications for prevention and intervention,2003,6,3,161-170,Osofsky Children exposed to domestic violence and child abuse: terminology and taxonomy,2003,6,3,151-160,Holden The President's New Freedom Commission: Capitalizing on Opportunities to Advance School-Based Mental Health Services,2006,9,3-4,149-161,Mills Treating Traumatized Children after Hurricane Katrina: Project Fleur-de Lis,2009,12,1,55-64,Jaycox Incorporating Multifaceted Mental Health Prevention Services in Community Sectors-of-Care,2008,11,1-2,1-11,Gewirtz Parents Who Abuse: What Are They Thinking?,2008,11,4,163-175,Prinz Youth Exposed to Violence: Stability Co-occurrence and Context,2009,12,1,39-54,Margolin Children and Political Violence from a Social Ecological Perspective: Implications from Research on Children and Families in Northern Ireland,2009,12,1,16-38,Cairns Children's Exposure to Violence,2009,12,1,1-2,Prinz Toward a Stress Process Model of Children's Exposure to Physical Family and Community Violence,2009,12,2,71-94,Brooks-Gunn Threat-related attentional bias in anxious youth: a review,2006,9,3-4,162-180,Kendall Community Violence and Youth: Affect Behavior Substance Use and Academics,2009,12,2,127-156,Bradshaw Racial Discrimination: A Continuum of Violence Exposure for Children of Color,2009,12,2,174-195,Sanders-Phillips Understanding the Nature and Consequences of Children's Exposure to Violence: Research Perspectives,2009,12,2,65-70,Price The Role of Verbal Threat Information in the Development of Childhood Fear. "Beware the Jabberwock!",2010,13,2,129-150,Muris The Good Behavior Game: a best practice candidate as a universal behavioral vaccine,2002,5,4,273-297,Embry Consequences of child exposure to war and terrorism,2003,6,4,275-292,O'donnell Prevalence of child and adolescent exposure to community violence,2003,6,4,247-264,Stein Corporal punishment by American parents: national data on prevalence chronicity severity and duration in relation to child and family characteristics,1999,2,2,55-70,Straus Understanding and Using Informants' Reporting Discrepancies of Youth Victimization: A Conceptual Model and Recommendations for Research,2010,13,4,366-383,Bradshaw Parental social cognitions: considerations in the acceptability of and engagement in behavioral parent training,2008,11,4,218-236,Johnston School entry after a community-wide trauma: challenges and lessons learned from September 11th 2001,2004,7,4,211-221,Brown Children exposed to community violence: the rationale for early intervention,2003,6,4,293-302,Berkowitz Intervention for children exposed to interparental violence (IPV): Assessment of needs and research priorities,2003,6,3,189-204,Graham-Bermann Critical issues in the prevention of violence-related behavior in youth,2002,5,2,133-160,Prinz Examining partner and child abuse: are we ready for a more integrated approach to family violence?,2001,4,2,87-107,Slep The role of families and care givers as risk and protective factors in preventing youth violence,2000,3,1,61-77,Ikeda Developmental and adjustment issues of gay lesbian and bisexual adolescents: a review of the empirical literature,1998,1,4,215-230,Morris Role of parenting and maltreatment histories in unipolar and bipolar mood disorders: mediation by cognitive vulnerability to depression,2006,9,1,23-64,Alloy Interpersonal relationships and sex differences in the development of conduct problems,2005,8,1,39-63,Ehrensaft Parental exposure to mass violence and child mental health: the First Responder and WTC Evacuee Study,2009,12,2,95-112,Wu A social-cognitive-ecological framework for understanding the impact of exposure to persistent ethnic-political violence on children's psychosocial adjustment,2009,12,2,113-126,Huesmann The evaluation of parental fitness in termination of parental rights cases: a functional-contextual perspective,1998,1,2,77-100,Azar Critical issues in the assessment of child sexual abuse,1998,1,4,231-252,Herbert Posttraumatic stress disorder in maltreated youth: a review of contemporary research and thought,2010,13,1,46-76,Kearney Assessing parenting competence in child protection cases: a clinical practice model,2001,4,1,1-18,Budd Next steps in research on children exposed to domestic violence,2003,6,3,215-219,Prinz Legal and policy responses to children exposed to domestic violence: the need to evaluate intended and unintended consequences,2003,6,3,205-213,Wolfe The effects of children's exposure to domestic violence: a meta-analysis and critique,2003,6,3,171-187,Wolfe Next steps in research on children exposed to community violence or war/terrorism,2003,6,4,303-305,Prinz Consequences of children's exposure to community violence,2003,6,4,265-274,Lynch Children exposed to war/terrorism,2003,6,4,237-246,Shaw Community violence as it affects child development: issues of definition,2003,6,4,223-236,Trickett Child outcomes of nonabusive and customary physical punishment by parents: an updated literature review,2000,3,4,199-221,Larzelere A review and reconceptualization of social aggression: adaptive and maladaptive correlates,2008,11,4,176-217,Prinstein Conduct disorder in girls: a review of the literature,1999,2,1,3-19,Green Interpersonal skills training to reduce aggressive and delinquent behavior: limited evidence and the need for an evidence-based system of care,1999,2,3,169-182,Eddy Callous-unemotional traits and subtypes of conduct disorder,1999,2,3,149-168,Frick Toward a transactional conceptualization of oppositional defiant disorder: implications for assessment and treatment,1999,2,3,129-148,Greene Nature and Nurturing: Parenting in the Context of Child Temperament,2011,14,3,251-301,Lengua Assessing Children's Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence,2009,12,2,157-173,Knutson Violence Exposure Among Children with Disabilities,2009,12,2,196-216,Sullivan Children and Violence: The Role of Children's Regulation in the Marital Aggression-Child Adjustment Link,2009,12,1,3-15,Cummings Children Who Murder: A Review,2011,3,2,97-115,Prinz Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience in Military Families: Theoretical and Empirical Basis of a Family-Focused Resilience Enhancement Program,2011,14,3,213-230,Layne The Third Rail of Family Systems: Sibling Relationships Mental and Behavioral Health and Preventive Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence,2012,15,1,43-57,Feinberg Youth Experiences of Family Violence and Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: Cognitive and Emotional Mediators,2012,15,1,58-68,McDonald Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents Following Traumatic Injury: A Review,2012,15,3,192-214,McMahon Neighborhood contextual factors and early-starting antisocial pathways,2002,5,1,21-55,Shaw Involving parents in indicated early intervention for childhood PTSD following accidental injury,2012,15,4,345-363,Kenardy The relation between child maltreatment and adolescent suicidal behavior: a systematic review and critical examination of the literature,2013,16,2,146-172,Esposito-Smythers Infants and young children in military families: a conceptual model for intervention,2013,16,3,282-293,Van Horn Family-centered care for military and veteran families affected by combat injury,2013,16,3,311-321,Cozza Moral injury: A mechanism for war-related psychological trauma in military family members,2013,16,4,365-375,Litz The Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS): Review and Current Status,2001,4,1,63-84,Bates Familias Unidas: A Family-Centered Ecodevelopmental Intervention to Reduce Risk for Problem Behavior among Hispanic Adolescents,2002,5,2,113-132,Coatsworth Co-occurring aggressive and depressive symptoms as related to overestimations of competence in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,2014,17,2,157-172,Johnston Dissemination of family-centered prevention for military and veteran families: Adaptations and adoption within community and military systems of care,2013,16,4,394-409,Lester Dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents: theory treatment adaptations and empirical outcomes,2013,16,1,59-80,Cheavens Multisystemic Therapy for Child Non-Externalizing Psychological and Health Problems: A Preliminary Review,2013,16,1,81-99,Stanley ADHD and emotion dysregulation among children and adolescents,2015,18,3,185-217,Evans Risks outcomes and evidence-based interventions for girls in the US juvenile justice system,2015,18,3,252-279,Kim Children's mental health and well-being after parental intimate partner homicide: a systematic review,2015,18,4,328-345,Alisic Underlying mechanisms of gene-environment interactions in externalizing behavior: a systematic review and search for theoretical mechanisms,2015,18,4,413-442,Matthys How do family-focused prevention programs work? A review of mediating mechanisms associated with reductions in youth antisocial behaviors,2016,19,4,285-309,Fagan Parenting programs for the prevention of child physical abuse recurrence: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,20,3,351-365,Gardner Nurturing environments for boys and men of color with trauma exposure,2017,20,2,105-116,Yaros Identifying effective components of child maltreatment interventions: a meta-analysis,2018,21,2,171-202,van der Put Building schools' readiness to implement a comprehensive approach to school safety,2018,21,4,433-449,Goodrum Resilience in children exposed to violence: a meta-analysis of protective factors across ecological contexts,2019,22,3,406-431,Houston Delinquent behavior: systematic review of genetic and environmental risk factors,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Figueiredo Psychological intervention and prevention programs for child and adolescent exposure to community violence: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gewirtz The effects of gendered parenting on child development outcomes: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Morawska A meta-analysis comparing male adolescents who have sexually offended against intrafamilial versus extrafamilial victims,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Seto Adventurous play as a mechanism for reducing risk for childhood anxiety: a conceptual model,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lester Psychosocial adjustment across aggressor/victim subgroups: a systematic review and critical evaluation of theory,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,O'Connor The premise and promise of activation parenting for fathers: a review and integration of extant literature,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shaw Effective components of school-based prevention programs for child abuse: a meta-analytic review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,van der Put Psychological interventions for children experiencing PTSD after exposure to a natural disaster: a scoping review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cobham Beliefs about aggression as mediators of relations between community violence exposure and aggressive behavior among adolescents: review and recommendations,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pittman Finding a needed diagnostic home for children with impulsive aggression,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Youngstrom Brief interventions for self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in young people: a systematic review,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fox Intervention and implementation characteristics to enhance father engagement: a systematic review of parenting interventions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fabiano What is the best source of information for psychopathic traits in youth? A review and meta-analysis of self- and other-reported psychopathic traits and their association with negative outcomes,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Salekin The Triple P system of evidence-based parenting support: past present and future directions,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sanders Parent to offspring fear transmission via modeling in early life: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Van der Does The Emotionally Sensitive Child-Adverse Parenting Experiences-Allostatic (Over)Load (ESCAPE-AL) model for the development of secondary psychopathic traits,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kimonis Why suicide? 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