Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Violence: a growing danger to children. The American case,1994,36,1,49-55,Sayre Determination of the risks of domestic accidents for the 0-6 age group in the Tuzluayir Village Clinic neighborhood,2006,48,1,56-62,Erkal Pattern of acute poisonings in childhood in Ankara: what has changed in twenty years?,2004,46,2,147-152,Andiran An evaluation of the poisoning accidents encountered in children aged 0-6 years in Kirikkale,2006,48,4,294-300,Erkal Demographic and clinical features of child abuse and neglect cases,2007,49,3,256-262,Cengel-Kültür Characteristics of household falls in children under 2 years of age,2007,49,4,379-384,Oral Analysis of the features of acute carbon monoxide poisoning and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in children,2008,50,3,235-241,Akin Childhood injuries in Tehran: a review of 1281 cases,2008,50,4,317-325,Khaji Analysis of 268 child and adolescent victims of sexual assault and the legal outcome,2008,50,4,313-316,Kucuker Characteristics of relevance for health in Turkish and Middle Eastern adolescent immigrants compared to Finnish immigrants and ethnic Swedish teenagers,2008,50,5,418-425,Holmberg Assessment of the current status of playground safety in the midwestern region of Turkey: an effort to provide a safe environment for children,2008,50,6,559-565,Uskun Fire-eater's pneumonia after aspiration of liquid paraffin,2006,48,1,85-88,Yilmaz A foreign body in a four-day-old infant's esophagus: a case of negligence,1989,31,2,163-166,Doğruyol Clinical analysis and treatment results of eighty children who sustained blunt abdominal trauma,1977,19,3-4,122-133,Gürses The impact of Pediatric Trauma Score on burden of trauma in emergency room care,2009,51,4,367-370,Soyer Six-year experience of a hospital-based child protection team in Turkey,2009,51,4,336-343,Demirel Burn injuries among children aged up to seven years,2009,51,4,328-335,Tumer Podophyllin poisoning. A case report,1965,7,2,100-103,Coruh Optalidon poisoning in children: a study of twenty cases,1964,6,,65-71,Sayre Spider poisoning: a report of six cases from the Central Anatolian region Turkey,2009,51,6,598-604,Ozcan The evaluation of ocular trauma in children between ages 0-12,1999,41,1,43-52,Sahin Demographic features and psychosocial problems in single-parent families: 1985 to 1995,1998,40,2,159-166,Oktem Aspiration of foreign bodies among children,1966,8,3,157-160,Aytaç Kerosene poisoning in children with special reference to lung complication,1966,8,1,36-42,Coruh Identification of the number of home accidents per year involving children in the 0-6 age group and the measures taken by mothers to prevent home accidents,2010,52,2,150-157,Erkal Etiological and functional evaluation of the pediatric population with spinal cord injuries,1993,35,3,171-175,Dincer Transorbital stab wound: a case report,1994,36,1,71-75,Ersahin A household survey: unintentional injury frequency and related factors among children under five years in Malatya,2010,52,3,285-293,Karaoglu Gender discrimination and deprivation: current situation and prospects for alleviation,1998,40,1,7-15,Santos Ocampo Children victims of disaster--their need for special protection,1998,40,1,1-6,Dogramaci Infant and adolescent deaths in Istanbul due to home accidents,2005,47,2,141-149,Canturk Injuries to the head and face in 0-4-year-old child victims of fatal external causes in Campina Grande PB Brazil,2010,52,6,612-617,Cavalcanti Munchausen syndrome by proxy: a case report,2002,44,4,334-338,Işik Multimedia for edu-tainment of children in Asia: the case of television in seven Asian countries,1999,41,Suppl,61-71,Goonasekera Multimedia and children in Turkey,1999,41,Suppl,27-34,Tuncer Children in Japan and multimedia,1999,41,Suppl,7-12,Shimauchi A multicenter child maltreatment study: twenty-eight cases followed-up on a multidisciplinary basis,1998,40,4,515-523,Ersahin Understanding sleep habits and associated factors can help to improve sleep in high school adolescents,2011,53,4,430-436,Yilmaz Foreign bodies in the ears in children: the experience of the Buenos Aires pediatric ORL clinic,2011,53,4,425-429,Foltran Physical child abuse and causative factors in Edirne Turkey,2011,53,4,375-380,Sahin Hospitalizations for pediatric intoxication: a study from Istanbul,2011,53,4,369-374,Akin Postinfarction ventricular septal defect following blunt chest trauma in a 7-year-old child,2011,53,5,571-573,Tatar Tracheal rupture: a rare complication related to foreign body aspiration,1999,41,2,273-276,Tanyel Biochemical indicators of caustic ingestion and/or accompanying esophageal injury in children,2003,45,1,21-25,Otcu Injuries of the vulva and vagina in childhood,1990,32,2,101-106,Zorludemir A unique case of magnet ingestion with respect to presentation and management,2012,54,3,287-289,Karnak Toxicological evaluation of two children diagnosed as Munchausen syndrome by proxy,2012,54,3,283-286,Tari Thirty-three-year experience on childhood poisoning,2012,54,3,251-259,Kale Alcohol drinking behaviors among Turkish high school students,2004,46,1,44-53,Alikasifoglu The analysis of child abuse and neglect cases assessed by a multidisciplinary study group between 2005-2008,2012,54,4,333-343,Tumer Severe childhood amitriptyline intoxication and plasmapheresis: a case report,2013,55,6,645-647,Dilsiz Drowning and near-drowning: experience of a university hospital in the Black Sea region,2013,55,6,620-627,Kati Child maltreatment and associated factors among children with ADHD: a comparative study,2014,56,1,11-22,Evinç A case of pediatric age anticholinergic intoxication due to accidental Datura stramonium ingestion admitting with visual hallucination,2014,56,3,313-315,Derinoz Traffic injury mortality trends in children and adolescents in Lithuania among road users,2014,56,3,285-290,Strukcinskiene Datura stramonium poisoning in a child,2015,57,1,82-84,Özkaya ST-segment elevation following lightning strike: case report and review of the literature,2015,57,2,186-188,Bilici A lethal danger in the home: turpentine poisoning,2015,57,2,177-179,Güzel The perceptions of pediatricians regarding their self-efficacy in child neglect and abuse,2015,57,5,475-481,Gul A fatal case caused by massive honey bee stings,2015,57,6,611-614,Akyildiz Predictors of self-esteem in adolescents with a psychiatric referral,2016,58,1,69-78,Cuhadaroğlu-Cetin The need for mechanical ventilation in a child exposed to a laundry detergent pod,2016,58,3,323-326,Anil Fatal paraphenylenediamine poisoning due to black henna,2016,58,3,301-304,Şık Foreign body punctured the spleen: an incidental diagnosis,2017,59,1,97-99,İnal-Aslan Non-suicidal self-injury behaviors' features and relationship with adolescents' daily life activities and mental status,2017,59,2,113-121,Etiler A 'glue sniffer' teenager with anuric renal failure and hepatitis,2018,60,2,206-209,Saz Bismuth intoxication resulting in acute kidney injury in a pregnant adolescent girl,2019,61,2,292-296,Ulus Medicolegal evaluation of a maternal filicide attempt: a case report,2019,61,4,622-628,Akçan The factors related to mother's beliefs and behaviors concerning the prevention of poisoning among children under the age of five using the Health Belief Model,2019,61,5,749-756,Farhadian Mother-child interaction and the development status of children who have been accidentally poisoned,2020,62,1,61-67,Kurt Abusive head trauma: two cases and mini-review of the current literature,2020,62,5,872-878,Inanici Internal carotid artery dissection following blunt head trauma: a pediatric case report and review of the literature,2020,62,6,1077-1087,Karakaya Shaken baby syndrome resulting in death: a case series,2021,63,1,31-36,Celbis Evaluation of injury-related under-five mortality in Turkey between 2014-2017,2021,63,1,37-47,Cakir Tracking postural stability of children and adolescents after a concussion: sport-related versus non-sport-related concussion,2021,63,3,471-481,Friedman Pregabalin abuse in adolescence: a case series,2022,64,2,357-363,Akgül Effect of a model-based educational program for mothers on home-related injury prevention among under-five-year children in rural Twiserkan Iran,2017,59,6,648-656,Rezapur-Shahkolai Clinical characteristics of firearm-related injuries in children in Turkey,2022,64,6,971-984,Ulukol Self-inflicted intravesical insertion of 83 magnetic balls in a 10-year-old boy: a case report and literature review,2023,65,1,176-179,Lei The Türkiye-Syria Earthquake: a response from the editors of the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics,2023,65,1,1-2,Düzova Dyskinesia due to mexiletine overdose: a rare presentation,2023,65,4,704-706,Tuygun Adolescent male soccer players have higher growth rates and risk of injury is associated with biological maturity,2023,65,6,990-1001,Ulkar Complete atrioventricular block associated with clozapine intoxication: case report,2019,61,4,618-621,Bilici Gender differences in defense mechanisms ways of coping with stress and sense of identity in adolescent suicide attempts,2016,58,3,271-281,Cuhadaroğlu-Cetin