Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author The danger of the game called "paint ball",1994,178,4,671-7; dis,Gazagne Child victims of house fires in France: mortality morbidity prevention,1993,177,7,1233-9; discussion 1240-2,Leveque Anti-glare headlights in the city? Negative response in physiological optics,1980,164,2,145-149,Monnier Automobile accidents: Number one social scourge; outline of a doctrine and an organization for road security,1958,142,1-2,33-49,Richet Judicial management of the violent adolescent,2004,188,8,1361-9; discussion 1370,de Maximy Adolescence today: a clinician's viewpoint on adolescent violence,2004,188,8,1347-59; discussion 1359-60,Jeammet Perinatal and infantile roots of violence -- an opportunity for prevention,2004,188,8,1337-46; discussion 1346,Golse Is there a "biology of violence"?,2004,188,8,1303-12; discussion 1312,Karli Risk-taking behaviors among young people,2004,188,8,1313-21; discussion 1321-2,Le Breton The death seat,1966,150,5,66-71,Muller Visual information and road safety,1994,178,6,1075-82; discussion 1082-6,Perdriel Role of vision disorders in traffic accidents,1982,166,6,757-761,Offret Carbon monoxide poisoning: current aspects,1996,180,5,965-71; discussion 972-3,Mathieu-Nolf Consequences of family violence on children's health,2002,186,6,963-9; discussion 969-70,Duché Harmonisation of personal injury compensation in the European Union. Application to medical liability case law,2006,190,3,725-41; discussion 741-6,Hureau Problem of breath analyser,1979,163,1,34-37,Lereboullet Accidents and illicit drugs,2002,186,2,345-357,Mura Fatigue drowsiness and sleep,1994,178,6,1087-105; discussion 1105-9,Paty The road accident is not inevitable,1994,178,6,1069-1073,Sicard Chemical terrorism and the healthcare response,2007,191,6,981-91; discussion 991-2,Renaudeau Psychological impacts of terrorism on victims and the general population,2007,191,6,1019-32; discussion 1032,Vallet Session: on the subject: "Healthcare response to terrorism armed conflict excepted". Introduction,2007,191,6,967-969,Vayre The windshield: an eye hazard,1970,154,26,698-702,Offret The present and future of child victims of abuse,1980,164,9,848-852,Neimann "Signal" headlights in town? A negative response from the optical physiology viewpoint,1980,164,3,300-302,Monnier Suicidal behavior in children,1981,165,8,1091-1097,Duché Current epidemiological clinico-biological and therapeutic aspects of acute carbon monoxide poisoning,1981,165,4,471-478,Lambert Traffic accidents,1982,166,6,841-842,Sicard Fatigue drugs and vehicle driving,1982,166,6,773-777,Lechat Epilepsy traffic accidents and the driving permit,1982,166,6,743-747,Gastaut Traffic accidents a public health problem. Driver behavior,1982,166,6,733-738,Muller Endemiology of traffic accidents,1982,166,6,727-732,Sicard Medical consequences of earthquakes: apropos of recent shocks in the Mediterranean basin,1982,166,3,441-447,Cara Psychiatric approach to a criminologic event: glue and solvent addiction,1983,167,8,849-854,Botta Solitude in today's world and the rise of suicide,1984,168,7-8,726-732,Baruk Is suicide prevention still possible after the authorized publication of the book entitled: "Suicide--how to do it--history--technic--current status?",1984,168,1-2,40-46,Soubrier From Georges Heuyer's thesis on juvenile delinquents to the present situation,1985,169,2,225-230,Duché Evaluation of the costs of emergencies,1987,171,8,1033-1044,Murat The Armero tragedy: clinical digestive manifestations studied at the La Samaritana Hospital of Bogota,1988,172,8,1181-1184,Albornoz-Plata Neurological lesions in survivors of the Armero catastrophe,1988,172,8,1167-1169,Mendoza Volcanic catastrophe of Nevado del Ruiz (November 13 1985): historical antecedents and geological analysis,1988,172,8,1163-1166,Cavelier Principles of triage applied in wartime and in catastrophes,1988,172,3,333-346,Courbil Abuse and violence against the elderly,1990,174,6,813-20; discussion 820-1,Hugonot Violence within the family on a continental scale. Reflections on an ongoing European study,1991,175,5,735-41; discussion 742,Hydle Polytraumatology in the hospitals of Paris and of the Parisian region,1970,154,34,908-911,Metzger Various electromyographic observations in relation to highway safety,1968,152,24,402-406,Patay On the subject of detection of alcoholic intoxication by the expired air,1966,150,21,374-375,Gounelle Excess speed as the cause of most fatal accidents,1965,149,22,541-545,Monod Alcohol and traffic accidents,1951,135,35-36,596-599,Derobert Cold baths and the age of bathers,1951,135,21-22,366-368,Boigey History of ergot poisoning and modern experiments with ergot compounds,1952,136,24-26,492-500,Giraud Mass poisoning by bread at Pont-Saint-Esprit; systematic analysis of its component syndromes either independent or associated (August 1951),1952,136,24-26,465-476,Giraud Comprehensive clinical survey of the food poisoning epidemic at Pont-Saint-Esprit in August 1951,1952,136,24-26,422-436,Giraud Lesions of the central nervous system in chronic experimental poisoning by gaseous hydrocyanic acid,1952,136,16-17,280-285,Valade Inquiry on the responsibility of chronic alcoholism in industrial accidents,1953,137,24,378-382,Morice Childhood in moral danger and alcoholism,1953,137,24,377-378,Huber Psycho-motor balance of chronic alcoholics,1953,137,11-12,192-195,Lamache Commotion cerebri from explosion blasts; some experimental findings,1954,138,1-2,14-20,Valade Subjective syndrome of patients with cranial injuries,1956,140,21-23,365-369,Michon Some dangers resulting from the use of nuclear energy obtained by nuclear fission of atom in propulsion of merchant marine ships especially in case of shipwreck,1957,141,32-33,686-692,Le chutton Project of the Commission on traffic accidents,1957,141,32-33,674-5; discussion 675-81,Leclainche Index of aggressiveness (DL50 limit),1957,141,17-18,362-369,Caujolle Report on automobile accidents,1959,143,1-2,18-19,Loeper Direct and radicular lesions of the brachial plexus caused by sudden backward movement of the head in various automobile accidents and their electric treatment,1958,142,3-4,71-77,Bourguignon Address by Mr. Bonnefous; Minister of Public Works and Transportation,1958,142,1-2,52-58,Bonnefous Alcoholism and highway accidents; note on the dispositions concerning medical examinations of persons at fault in traffic accidents,1958,142,1-2,49-52,Aujaleu Changes in blood alcohol and psychomotor reactions caused by the type of nutritive substances ingested,1960,144,,721-724,Patay On the radioprotective power of some organophosphoric compounds,1963,147,,673-678,Cheymol Study of occupational poisoning by cobalt and its salts. Clinical data and experimental research,1963,147,,408-414,Dervillée The problem of parking automobiles driven by the severely handicapped with lower limb disability,1963,147,,160-161,Besson Conclusions on the subject of legal measures to be taken regarding drivers with the object of reducing the number of accidents occurring under the influence of alcohol,1963,147,,71-79,Monod Crushing of the tips of the fingers,1965,149,18,403-405,Iselin Remarks apropos of automobile accidents,1964,148,,277-284,Piedelievre Prevention of poisoning by organophosphoric products,1964,148,,198-201,Celice On the abusive use of tranquilizing agents and their dangers for drivers,1962,146,,254-257,Monod The medico-surgical aspects of traffic injuries. Current status of the question,1962,146,,27-46,Monod Television in the rescue of persons seriously injured in traffic accidents. (Practical demonstration),1962,146,,47-49,Arnaud Social and cultural determinants of juvenile delinquency,2004,188,8,1323-1335,Roché Female genital mutilations forced marriages and early pregnancies,2003,187,6,1051-1066,Henrion Various reflections on juvenile delinquency,1967,151,15,256-265,Heuyer Health education about alcohol; need to abandon a purely quantitative message,1993,177,7,1115-21; discussion 1121-2,Hillemand Hysterectomy. Indications abuse psychological impact,1995,179,9,1855-69; discussion 1869-70,Léger Piercing and tattooing: regulation is needed to reduce complications,2007,191,9,1819-1838,Civatte Antony's fire (gangrenous ergotism) and medieval iconography,2009,193,8,1925-1936,Battin Recent data on the physiopathology of gaze,1994,178,5,837-54; discussion 855-6,Berthoz Hormonal treatments for disorders of sexual conduct,1996,180,3,599-605; discussion 605-10,Cordier Physiopathologic consequences of underwater diving and medical management of divers,1996,180,5,985-97; discussion 997-1002,Méliet Techniques of underwater intervention: means methods research and outlook,1996,180,5,975-983,Gardette Education for emergencies (Emergency medical aid and catastrophic medicine),1996,180,6,1521-1522,Goulon Prevention of violence among adolescents and children,1996,180,6,1503-1513,Boulard Illicit drug consumption among adolescents. An epidemiologic survey carried out in 1993 among 12391 adolescents between 11 and 19 years old,1995,179,2,249-61; discussion 261-4,Choquet Personnel with poor vision at fighter pilot school,1997,181,7,1297-304; discussion 1305,Corbe New concepts in epidemiological surveillance in French army,2004,188,7,1143-51; discussion 1151-2,Touze Medication narcotics and behavior at the wheel,1994,178,6,1111-20; discussion 1120-2,Mercier-Guyon Traffic accidents involving children in the city of Marseille. Transportation admission first aid. Evaluation and perspective,1980,164,5,440-445,Chrestian Socioeconomic incidences of traffic accidents,1982,166,6,779-786,Le Net Acute alcoholism and traffic accidents,1982,166,6,763-772,Larcan Traffic accidents: the role of diabetes,1982,166,6,749-756,Mirouze Role of cardiopathies in traffic accidents,1982,166,6,739-742,Di Matteo Reciprocal rights and obligations of diabetic patients and society,1971,155,15,310-315,Vague Drug-facilitated crime: a public health problem?,2010,194,2,415-28; discussion 428-30,Lacroix Psychiatry and mental health in Morocco,2007,191,4-5,781-782,Moussaoui Physiological adolescence pathological adolescence,2006,190,8,1643-51; discussion 1651-2,Olié The specificity of adolescent psychiatry,2002,186,4,759-72; discussion 772-7,Marcelli External heart massage and drowning,1965,149,,104-107,Genaud Public health law in practice: violence and health in Picardy,2010,194,2,431-40; discussion 440-1,Gignon Cruel and violent children,2002,186,6,991-8; discussion 998-9,Marcelli Child abuse,2002,186,6,971-980,Hochart Consequences of domestic violence on women's health and their management in primary health care,2002,186,6,949-59; discussion 959-61,Chauvin Domestic violence. Epidemiologic data,2002,186,6,939-948,Bréart From alert to laboratory: a coherent network designed to deal with to naturally occurring infectious disease outbreaks and bioterrorism,2007,191,6,1005-1018,Binder Healthcare response to bioterrorism,2007,191,6,993-1003,Garin Medical prevention of recidivism by sexual delinquents,2010,194,6,1033-1044,Olié Accidents in a population of 350 adolescents and young adults: circumstances risk factors and prediction of recurrence,2010,194,6,953-64; discussion 965-7,Marcelli Blood alcohol and the ingestion of alcoholic beverages,1971,155,19,423-431,Lereboullet Brief synthesis of common factors in complications of chemical and antibiotic medications,1972,156,16,489-498,Martin Alcoholism and social advance,1972,156,2,47-51,Bresard Stigmata of the mystics,1981,165,1,35-45,Bolgert Intense physical training of children and adolescents,1981,165,1,121-126,Delmas Risks of early intensive sports training,1983,167,3,207-214,Gounelle de Pontanel Dangers related to the practice of boxing,1984,168,1-2,112-119,Brégeat Sports injuries and their prevention in childhood and adolescence,2010,194,7,1249-1267,Lascombes Sport-related sudden death and its prevention,2010,194,7,1237-1247,Brion Rape: a social problem and a public health issue,2010,194,8,1535-1543,Piet Spouse violence: treat the bully to save the victim,2010,194,8,1525-30; discussion 1531-3,Fremiot Total eclipse of the sun in August 11 1999: a program of prevention and surveillance of ocular complications,2000,184,5,1049-58; discussion 1058-60,Espinoza Psychiatric issues during and after intensive care (ICU) stays,2011,195,2,377-85; discussion 385-7,Pochard Indications of medical-legal autopsy in France,2001,185,5,839-45; discussion 846-8,Malicier The Laki fog of 1783. Volcanic activity and health crises in Europe,2011,195,4-5,1043-1053,Garnier Incest today,2002,186,6,981-8; discussion 988-9,Gabel Critique to the medical-social management of dangerous mental patients and sexual aggressors in France,2002,186,1,103-12; discussion 113-5,Bénézech Neurologic disabilities after road traffic accidents,2011,195,7,1717-22; discussion 1722-3,Bussel Sleep and accidents,2011,195,7,1635-43; discussion 1643,Sagaspe Life-threatening behaviours suicide attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury,2012,196,2,357-369,Pommereau Sport-related concussion,2012,196,3,747-749,Henrion The Sino-French emergency and disaster medicine training center,2012,196,4-5,1017-1029,Pourriat Diagnosis and control of human food poisoning outbreaks,2012,196,8,1673-1679,Denis Prevention of accidents among children in France,1990,174,7,1061-7; discussion 1067-71,Lévêque Mini-rates of disablement,1979,163,5,477-481,Gortz Hymenoptera and their venoms,1982,166,4,523-530,Bousquet Frequency of cannabis use by adolescents: distribution conforming to the Ledermann model,1982,166,4,509-513,Nahas Health of the homeless,2014,197,2,277-289,Cha Dog bites and infection from bacterial inoculation. Necessity for appropriate therapeutic measures,1989,173,1,39-46; discussion 46-7,Paille The medical chain during medical assistance in catastrophes,1988,172,3,315-322,Noto The means (and possible reinforcement) of civil security,1988,172,3,303-314,Larcan Tetrahydrocannabinol pharmacokinetics; new synthetic cannabinoids; road safety and cannabis,2015,198,3,541-557,Guerbet Neurobiology of endocannabinoids and central effects of tetrahydrocannabinol contained in Indian hemp,2015,198,3,527-38; discussion 538-9,Costentin Cannabis in France new insights,2015,198,3,517-526,Costentin Recreational use of cannabis: from effects to harm epidemiological data,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Goullé CoViD-19 containment and accidents in children's domestic life,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub, Neurobiology of suicide,2017,201,4-6,845-854,Olié Physicians' health: Some elements of debate from a textual analysis of the literature,2017,200,7,1351-1362,Falissard Organ procurement from non-heart-beating donors,2007,191,3,633-638,Cabrol Mental pain: Is it a symptom?,2010,194,3,567-581,Loo Contribution to the " public reflexion of citizens on supporting end-of-life " (Mission Sicard),2012,196,9,1843-1870,Pellerin End of life in France,2013,197,4-5,925-934,Vacheron The antidepressants,2014,198,4-5,847-858,Mouren Press release - End of life: should we go beyond the current legal provisions?,2021,205,8,896-897, After the law of 2 February 2016,2022,206,5,623-625,Leonetti Controversies about Assisted Suicide for people with psychiatric disorders,2022,206,5,632-636,Olié From euthanasia to assisted suicide: Ethicals aspects,2022,206,5,626-631,Le Coz What ethical questions does assisted suicide at the end of life raise?,2022,206,5,637-642,Aubry [Early clinical signs of dementia in the elderly],2005,189,7,1383-1390; discussion 1390-1391,Gallarda [Mental pain: is it a symptom?],2010,194,3,567-578; discussion 578-581,Gaillard [Contribution of occupational medicine to social medicine],2010,194,4-5,779-790; discussion 790-791,Geraut Promoting a dignified and peaceful end to life: Responding to inhuman suffering and protecting the most vulnerable people,2023,207,8,1025-1033,Elefant Young people from the Missions locales de Paris and the risk of suicide. Preliminary results of a controlled trial of a psychotherapeutic follow-up suicide prevention (MLADO) proposal,2023,207,6,779-786,Guedeney