Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearm availability and the incidence of suicide and homicide,1988,88,5-6,387-393,Lester The biological basis of suicidal behavior: neuroendocrine and psychophysiological approach to the role of catecholamines,1995,95,4-5,210-233,Pitchot The determinants of aggression and violence among psychiatric patients: a review,1993,93,5,261-280,Dehon The elderly subject and social violence: The body as a factor in communication,1992,92,4,246-257,Tamburro Considerations upon the attempts of suicide during infant-juvenile growth period,1972,72,3,413-423,Pirozynski Suicidal behavior in the prison environment,1973,73,3,411-426,Cosyns Study of the Rorschach test in the case of a girl who tried to commit suicide,1973,73,3,387-392,Mormont The hysterical psychosis,1977,77,2,216-227,Sirois Dexamethasone suppression test and suicide,1983,83,6,569-578,Wilmotte Detection of suicide attempts likely to be repeated within a year,1983,83,6,558-568,Wilmotte The Risk-Rescue Scale and evaluation of suicidal persons,1983,83,6,549-557,Wilmotte Biological aspects of suicide,1983,83,1,7-12,Linkowski Epidemiological knowledge and clinical truth: objectivity and clinical practice,1986,86,5,622-627,Delahousse High-risk suicide attempts: intent and severity,1986,86,5,539-544,Verrier Suicide: study of events related to patterns of mental functioning of certain subjects at high risk for suicide. Data from the emergency service of a general hospital,1986,86,5,533-538,Henniaux Suicide in psychiatric and non-psychiatric populations,1986,86,5,528-532,Babigian Epidemiological study of psychiatric and psychosocial emergencies at the University Hospital of the Free University in Brussels (AZ-VUB),1986,86,4,476-482,Kaufman Psychiatric disorders spouse abuse and child abuse,1986,86,4,444-449,Bland Dexamethasone suppression test repeated after a suicide attempt,1986,86,3,242-248,Wilmotte (Auto)aggression and serotonin. A review of human data,1987,87,3,325-331,De Cuyper Theoretical considerations on psychological symptoms in a crisis situation. Psychotherapeutic consequences,1988,88,4,281-290,Souris Pockets of violence: a study of regional variation in suicide and homicide rates,1988,88,5-6,394-399,Lester Use of the MMPI in the prediction of dangerous behavior,1988,88,1,42-51,Sloore Projective methods and dangerous behavior,1988,88,1,52-59,Mormont Suicide prevention: past present and future,1989,89,5-6,361-372,Lester The theatrical dimension of suicide,1990,90,2,112-117,Gentili Sexual abuse of minors,1991,91,2,66-82,Hayez Viewpoint apropos transgenerational aspects of child abuse,1991,91,6,327-336,Bastin The idea of closed field conflict,1973,73,2,302-310,Crahay Emotional trauma in accident medicine,1971,71,4,237-260,Titeca Role of the dopaminergic system in depression: clinical correlates of the apomorphine test,1993,93,Spec No,343-358,Pitchot Post-traumatic stress syndrome in burn patients; a review,1993,93,Spec No,359-367,Pitchot Quantitative psychopathology of depression: application of the Newcastle Scale,1994,94,1,23-39,Staner From alcoholism to the alcoholic patient (author's transl),1980,80,2,131-137,Freour Child sex abuse: pretext to a return of sexual repression,1995,95,6,358-368,Marneffe Hysteria and psychosomatic disorders in Portuguese immigrants,1976,76,4,551-578,de Barros-Ferreira Folie à deux associated with methylphenidate addiction,1971,71,2,76-97,Rozberg Family of drug addicts,1972,72,2,256-261,Husquinet Perverse structure and sexual perversion. I. A clinical approach,1973,73,6,725-746,Demoulin Incestuous relationship in a large family,1973,73,6,713-724,Pirnay-Dufrasne Incest: a bibliographic review,1973,73,6,661-721,Devroye Psychological roots of ethics,1995,95,6,326-331,Lekeuche Search for the relationship between interrupted university attendance of first year students and some psychosocial factors,1983,83,6,609-617,Kaufman The sense of using psychotropic drugs in infantile psychoses,1973,73,5,591-607,Lievens Problems of hospitalization and after-care planning. Apropos of a study on the length of stay in 9 Belgian psychiatric institutions,1973,73,1,14-32,Baudour XYY-syndrome. Clinical and behavioural typology,1977,77,2,197-215,Pirozynski The concept of postconcussional syndrome (author's transl),1977,77,4,468-477,Violon Neuropsychological study of the short-term development of patients with skull injuries,1974,74,2,176-232,De Mol Etiopathogenic elements of alcoholism,1980,80,2,138-148,Pelc Psycho-social variables of female rapees not reporting and reporting the first incidence of rape,1979,79,3,332-342,Peretti Detection of simulation in posttraumatic expertises (author's transl),1979,79,3,310-320,Freyens Attitudes concerning military duty and personality structures. Clinical psychometric and projective study of Jehovah wittnesses and conscientious objectors (author's transl),1979,79,3,254-273,Timsit Interventions with a patient in a psychologic or social crisis in the hospital of the psychiatric district,1982,82,2,181-194,Corten Milenperone. A selective drug for the control of behavioral disorders in epileptic and alcoholic patients,1984,84,2,151-159,Gelders Observed behaviors during clinical interviews predict improvement in depression,1986,86,,699-720,Beersma The place of psychomotor retardation in depressive psychopathology,1986,86,,686-698,Widlöcher Rorschach test and post-traumatic depressive syndromes,1987,87,,676-687,De Mol Recent stories and psychological function modalities. Contribution of ethnology to psychopathology (author's transl),1981,81,5,471-492,Rotsart de Hertaing Alcoholics and drug addicts at the emergency room of the hospital. Analysis of the staff behavior and patients' progressions,1986,86,2,103-110,Corten The body as hostage of the self. Phenomenological aspects of anorexia nervosa,1988,88,2,105-116,Jonckheere [Therapy for couples in their sixties],1992,92,5,308-319,Gillain [Alice's nightmare. Analysis of a severe case of hysteria],1995,95,4-5,171-191,Meire La dimension théâtrale du suicide = The theatrical dimension of suicide,1990,90,2,112-117,Stella The theatrical dimension of suicide ;; La dimension théâtrale du suicide,1990,90,2,112-117,Stella Suicide prevention: Past present and future ;; La prévention du suicide: passé présent et futur,1989,89,5-6,361-372,Lester Pockets of violence: a study of regional variation in suicide and homicide rates,1988,88,,394-399,Lester Suicide: Study of events related to mental behavior patterns of individuals at high risk: From the emergency ward of a general hospital ;; Le suicide: Étude des évènements en relation avec des modes de fonctionnement psychique de certains sujets à haut risque suicidaire: A partir d'un service d'urgence d'un hôpital général,1986,86,5,533-538,Henniaux High-risk suicide attempts: Intention and severity ;; Les tentatives de suicide à haut risque: Intention et gravité,1986,86,5,539-544,Verrier (Auto)aggression and serotonin: a review of human data,1987,87,3,325-331,de Cuyper Schultz autogenic training and skin galvanic response in the systematic desensitization of a suicidal phobia,1977,77,1,84-91,Mirel Detection of new suicide attempters within a year ;; Détection des suicidants susceptibles de récidive dans l'année,1983,83,,558-568,Wilmotte Dexamethasone suppression test and suicidal behavior ;; Test de freination à la dexamethasone et suicide =,1983,83,,569-578,Wilmotte Repeated Dexamethasone Suppression Tests after a suicide attempt ;; Tests de freination à la dexaméthasone répétés après une tentative de suicide,1986,86,3,242-248,Van Wettere The psychopharmacology of borderline personality disorders,1987,87,3,260-266,Montgomery A study of suicidal behaviors in a penitentiary,1973,73,3,411-426,Cosyns The place of mianserin among the antidepressants,1978,78,5,841-854,De Buck The risk and rescue scale and the evaluation of suicidal acting-out ;; L'échelle risque-sauvetage et l'évaluation de suicidants,1983,83,,549-557,Wilmotte Treatment of a case of chronic obsessive disorder through combined behavioral therapy,1979,79,2,172-184,Fortemps Intervention with patients in a state of psychological or social crisis at the hospital or mental health center ;; Interventions chez la patient en état de crise psychologique ou sociale à l'hôpital et au secteur,1982,82,2,181-194,Pelc Epidemiological study of psychiatric and psychosocial emergencies at the Academic Hospital of the Free University of Brussels (AZ-VUB) ;; Etude épidémiologique de l'urgence psychiatrique et psychosociale à l'Hôpital Universitaire de la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (AZ-VUB),1986,86,4,476-482,Kaufman Assessing depression in elderly patients,1987,87,3,288-301,Godderis Necessity of psychiatric hospitalization Les nécessités d'hospitalisation psychiatrique,1984,84,5,387-395,Korn Crisis intervention in emergency department of general hospitals ;; Intervention de crise à la garde d'hôpitaux généraux,1989,89,5-6,373-384,Pelc Long-term lithium prophylaxis in recurrent unipolar depression: a controversial indication?,1985,85,3,434-443,Horesh Epidemiological knowledge and clinical truth: Objectivity and clinical practice Savoir épidémiologique et vérité clinique: Objectivité et clinique,1986,86,5,622-627,Delahousse he body as hostage of the self: a phenomenological analysis of anorexia nervosa ;; Le corps otage de soi Aspects phénoménologiques de l'anorexie mentale = T,1988,88,2,105-116,Jonckheere A family of drug addicts,1972,72,2,256-261,Husquinet Melancholia and kleptomania,1979,79,1,56-74,Ramelli Epidemiological survey of the 'natural' mortality in psychiatry,1988,88,,349-371,Rorsman Carbamazepine in the treatment of psychotic and behavioral disorders: A pilot study,1981,81,6,532-541,de Vogelaer Evaluation of stressful events in psychiatric patients by the anamnestic forms of the AMDP-System ;; Appréciation des évènements pathogènes chez des patients psychiatriques à l'aide des fiches anamnestiques du Système AMDP,1987,87,2,141-158,Rein