Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Epidemiology of suicide,1995,7,2,137-148,Moscicki Alcohol and cognitive performance: a longitudinal study of older Japanese Americans. The Kame Project,2005,17,4,653-668,Larson Alaska native suicide: lessons for elder suicide,1998,10,2,205-211,Kettl Transdermal estrogen patches for aggressive behavior in male patients with dementia: a randomized controlled trial,2005,17,2,165-178,Hall Time since falling and fear of falling among community-dwelling elderly,2007,19,6,1072-1083,Cho The relationship between suicide rates and age: an analysis of multinational data from the World Health Organization,2007,19,6,1141-1152,Shah A cross-national study of the relationship between elderly suicide rates and life expectancy and markers of socioeconomic status and health care,2007,20,2,347-360,Shah Severity of depression and suicidal ideations among elderly people in Singapore,2007,,,1-9,Tan Does long-term economic adversity affect elderly suicide rates? A cross-national comparison,2007,19,4,788-789,Shah The relationship between elderly suicide rates and elderly dependency ratios: a cross-national study using data from the WHO data bank,2007,,,1-9,Shah Elderly suicide rates: cross-national comparisons of trends over a 10-year period,2008,20,4,673-686,Shah The influence of exclusion criteria on the relationship between suicide rates and age in cross-national studies,2007,19,5,989-992,Shah The relationship between elderly suicide rates and mental health funding service provision and national policy: a cross-national study,2007,,,1-11,Shah Pure elderly suicide rates versus combined pure elderly suicide accidental and undetermined death rates: methodological issues in cross-national studies,2008,20,2,421-423,Shah Are elderly suicide rates improved by increased provision of mental health service resources? A cross-national study,2008,20,6,1230-1237,Shah Do elderly suicide rates influence the quantity of published geriatric psychiatry research? A cross-national study,2008,,,1-2,Shah The influence of drug use on fall incidents among nursing home residents: a systematic review,2008,20,5,890-910,van Beeck Should research focus specifically on elderly suicide rates in cross-national ecological studies designed to identify distil risk factors?,2009,21,1,202-204,Shah Screening for alcohol misuse in elderly primary care patients: a systematic literature review,2008,20,6,1090-1103,Berks The relationship between elderly suicide rates and the human development index: a cross-national study of secondary data from the World Health Organization and the United Nations,2009,21,1,69-77,Shah The relationship between elderly suicide rates and the affordability of psychotropic drugs,2008,,,1-3,Shah The relationship between annual predicted future population growth rates and elderly suicide rates,2009,21,2,414-415,Shah The relationship between population growth and elderly suicide rates: a cross-national study,2009,21,2,379-383,Shah Evaluating the working conditions and exposure to abuse of Filipino home care workers in Israel: Characteristics and clinical correlates,2009,21,1,40-49,Ayalon Should ecological studies designed to identify distal risk factors focus specifically on elderly suicide rates or broader age-bands?,2009,21,3,608-609,Shah The contribution of elderly suicide rates of the three constituent countries of the United Kingdom to the overall national suicide rate,2009,21,3,605-606,Shah Nature prevalence and factors associated with depression among the elderly in a rural south Indian community,2009,,,1-7,Prince A comparative study of elderly suicides in England and Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland: trends over time and age-associated trends,2009,,,1-7,Shah Poor sleep quality and alcohol use problems among elderly Taiwanese aboriginal women,2009,21,3,593-599,Chen Dementia and suicidal behavior: a review of the literature,2009,21,3,440-453,Haw Physical assault by aggressive older adults,2009,21,4,796-797,Stubbs Cognitive predictors of unsafe driving in older drivers: a meta-analysis,2009,21,4,637-653,Mathias Is suicidality associated with acetylcholine?,2008,20,6,1291,Niederhofer Do socio-economic factors elderly population size and service development factors influence the development of specialist mental health programs for older people?,2008,20,6,1238-1244,Shah What would help me stop abusing? The family carer's perspective,2009,21,2,309-313,Blanchard An assessment of the attitudes of potential caregivers toward the abuse of elderly persons with and without dementia,2007,19,5,892-901,Matsuda A preliminary cross-national study of a possible relationship between elderly suicide rates and tuberculosis,2009,21,6,1190-1195,Shah The provision of walking aids to the overtly aggressive older adult who is a high risk of falls: a careful balancing act,2010,22,1,161-162,Stubbs Attempted suicide in the elderly in England: age-associated rates time trends and methods,2009,21,5,889-895,Shah Does improvement in the treatment of those who attempt suicide contribute to a reduction in elderly suicide rates in England?,2009,21,4,768-773,Shah Validity and utility of the Japanese version of the WHO-Five Well-Being Index in the context of detecting suicidal ideation in elderly community residents,2007,19,1,77-88,Awata Visual attention and self-regulation of driving among older adults,2008,20,1,162-173,Ball Elder abuse and neglect in two different socioeconomic districts in Izmir Turkey,2007,19,4,719-731,Ucku "Why do they become vulnerable when faced with the challenges of old age?" Elderly people who committed suicide described by those who knew them,2009,21,5,903-912,Ekeberg Case-control study of suicide attempts in the elderly,2009,21,5,896-902,Chiu The relationship between elderly suicide rates population density and room density,2009,21,6,1197-1198,Shah A replication of a cross-national study of the relationship between elderly suicide rates and urbanization,2010,22,1,162-163,Shah National alcohol consumption and suicide rates,2009,21,6,1200-1201,Shah Pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of personality disorders in the elderly,1999,11,2,191-206,De Leo Napping in the elderly and its association with night sleep and psychological status,1996,8,3,477-487,De Leo Why suicide? Elderly people who committed suicide and their experience of life in the period before their death,2010,22,2,209-218,Ekeberg Disability and post-traumatic psychopathology in Turkish elderly after a major earthquake,2006,18,1,184-187,Yazgan Elderly suicides by drug poisoning in England and Wales: time trends within two elderly age-bands,2010,22,2,336-337,Shah Comparison of rates of suicide methods used by the elderly in England and Wales,2009,21,6,1198-1200,Shah Suicide in later life: psychological autopsy findings,1991,3,1,59-66,Conwell Late-life suicide,1992,4,2,163,Hasegawa The concept of dementia: retain reframe rename or replace?,2009,,,1-6,Lautenschlager Is the Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) a feasible and valid predictor of short-term fall risk in nursing home residents with dementia?,2009,,,1-10,van Beeck A replication of the curvilinear relationship between population growth and elderly suicide rates in a cross-national study,2009,,,1-2,Shah A replication of a non-linear association of educational attainment and suicide rates among the elderly using five-year data,2010,22,2,339,Shah The possible evidence for an epidemiological transition hypothesis for elderly suicides,2010,22,2,219-226,Shah Alone? Percieved social support and chronic interpersonal difficulties in suicidal elders,2010,22,3,445-454,Reynolds Old age psychiatry and geriatric medicine admissions and elderly suicide rates in England,2010,22,3,502-504,Shah Depressive symptoms and depressive episodes in recently widowed older men,1999,11,1,67-74,Raphael A replication of the relationship between elderly suicide rates and the human development index in a cross-national study,2010,22,5,727-732,Shah Readiness to use compensatory strategies among older adults with functional difficulties,2010,22,8,1225-1239,Gitlin Suicidal plans in patients with stroke: comparison between acute-onset and delayed-onset suicidal plans,1996,8,4,623-634,Kishi Suicide and deliberate self harm in older Irish adults,2010,22,8,1327-1336,Corcoran Social inclusion affects elderly suicide mortality,2010,22,8,1337-1343,Värnik The association between personality disorder and an act of deliberate self harm in the older person,2011,23,2,299-307,Blanchard The effects of old age and distraction on the assessment of prospective memory in a simulated naturalistic environment,2008,20,1,124-134,Nicholls The unspoken secret: sexual violence in World War II,2007,19,4,782-784,Freyberger Caregiver factors contributing to psychological elder abuse behavior in long-term care facilities: a structural equation model approach,2009,21,2,314-320,Wang The safe application of physical interventions in aggressive older adults: considerations from the physiotherapy profession,2011,23,4,672-674,Stubbs Marijuana use among older adults in the U.S.A.: User characteristics patterns of use and implications for intervention,2011,23,5,732-741,Dinitto Is there any additional evidence for the epidemiological transition hypothesis of elderly suicides?,2011,23,2,331-333,Shah Do nurses and their assistants hold the key to reducing falls in institutionalized older adults?,2011,23,7,1189-1190,Stubbs Cost-effectiveness of fall prevention programs based on home visits for seniors aged over 65 years: a systematic review,2011,23,5,711-723,Heider Elderly suicide in Finland,2000,12,2,209-220,Lonnqvist Recent life events in elderly suicide: a nationwide study in Finland,1995,7,2,287-300,Lonnqvist Suicide in the elderly: the United Kingdom perspective,1995,7,2,263-274,Lindesay Openness to experience and completed suicide across the second half of life,1995,7,2,183-198,Duberstein Suicide and aging. II: The psychobiological interface,1995,7,2,165-181,Conwell Suicide and aging. I: Patterns of psychiatric diagnosis,1995,7,2,149-164,Conwell Agitation among elderly persons at adult day-care centers: the experiences of relatives and staff members,1995,7,3,447-458,Werner Elderly suicide attempters by self-poisoning in Korea,2011,23,6,979-985,Choi Sense of coherence in elderly suicide attempters: The impact of social and health-related factors,2011,23,6,986-993,Waern Future directions for research on late-life suicide,1995,7,2,357-360,Caine From a cultural stance: suicide and aging in a changing world,1995,7,2,335-355,Corin Suicide in the multiethnic elderly population of Australia 1979-1990,1995,7,2,319-333,Burvill Ethnicity and elderly suicide in Singapore,1995,7,2,309-317,Kua Recent changes in suicide rates in selected eastern European and other European countries,1995,7,2,301-308,Sartorius Mental disorders in elderly suicide,1995,7,2,275-286,Aro Suicide in later life in Japan: urban and rural differences,1995,7,2,253-261,Hasegawa Suicide and aging in Japan: an examination of treated elderly suicide attempters,1995,7,2,239-251,Ishikawa Reflections on cultural influences on aging and old-age suicide in Germany,1995,7,2,231-238,Schmitz-Scherzer Six elderly suicides in a 1-year period in a rural midwestern community,1995,7,2,221-230,Finkel Suicide life course and life story,1995,7,2,199-219,Cohler Suicide in late life: challenges and opportunities for research. Introduction,1995,7,2,131-136,Conwell Non-pharmacological interventions for aggressive behavior in older adults living in long-term care facilities,2006,18,1,47-73,Voyer Behavioral interventions for agitation in older adults with dementia: an evaluative review,2006,18,2,195-225,Spira Behavioral correlates of GABAergic disruption in Alzheimer's disease,2007,19,1,151-158,Herrmann Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist treatment of aggression in Alzheimer's disease: a case report,2005,17,2,313-318,Raskind Aggressive behavior by patients and its relationship to nursing staff attitudes and perceptions,2009,21,3,606-608,Shah The sensitivity and specificity of the Modified Conflict Tactics Scale for detecting clinically significant elder abuse,2009,21,4,774-778,Blanchard Recognition of elder abuse by home care workers and older people in Romania,2010,22,3,403-408,Livingston Agitation in demented patients in an acute care hospital: prevalence disruptiveness and staff burden,2001,13,2,183-197,McCusker Correlates of aggressive behavior in dementia,2004,16,2,141-158,Hall Agitation and aggressiveness among the elderly population living in nursing or retirement homes in France,2002,14,4,405-416,Vellas Sleep disturbances in spousal caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease,2008,20,1,149-161,Chambers Behavioral and psychological symptoms in Taiwanese patients with Alzheimer's disease,2007,19,3,605-613,Liu Anticonvulsants for the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia: a literature review,2008,20,2,293-308,Konovalov Antipsychotics for BPSD: an audit of prescribing practice in a specialist psychiatric inpatient unit,2008,20,4,790-799,Haw Behavioral symptoms in vascular cognitive impairment and vascular dementia,2003,15,Suppl 1,133-138,O'Brien Invasions of personal space in demented and nondemented elderly persons,2000,12,3,345-352,Rapp Characteristics of aggressive subjects in Australian (Melbourne) nursing homes,2000,12,2,145-161,Ames Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia in relation to level of cognitive impairment,2008,20,4,777-789,Karlsson Physical intervention to manage aggression in older adults: how often is it employed?,2008,20,4,855-857,Stubbs Combating ageism,2009,21,2,211,Butler The wills of older people: risk factors for undue influence,2009,21,1,7-15,Jacoby Some methodological issues in using aggression rating scales in intervention studies among institutionalized elderly,1999,11,4,439-444,Shah Depressive symptoms in old age: relations among sociodemographic and self-reported health variables,2011,23,6,941-949,Nicolosi Elder Abuse: Selected Papers from the Prague World Congress on Family Violence,2006,18,2,376-377,Rushton Risk factors for PTSD after Typhoon Morakot among elderly people in Taiwanese aboriginal communities,2011,23,10,1686-1691,Lai Assessing the cumulative effects of exposure to selected benzodiazepines on the risk of fall-related injuries in the elderly,2012,24,4,577-586,Sylvestre Clinical features of MCI: motor changes,2008,20,1,32-39,Kluger Feasibility and accuracy of fall reports in persons with dementia: a prospective observational study,2012,24,4,587-598,Hauer Impact of familiar and unfamiliar settings on cooking task assessments in frail older adults with poor and preserved executive functions,2012,24,5,775-783,Gelinas Factors influencing commencement and adherence to a home-based balance exercise program for reducing risk of falls: perceptions of people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers,2012,24,7,1172-1182,Hill Suicide among the elderly in Honolulu County: a multiethnic comparative study (1987-1992),1999,11,1,57-66,Purcell Prevalence and correlates of suicidal thought and self-destructive behavior among an elderly hospital population in Iran,2012,24,9,1402-1408,Draper Positive components of mental health provide significant protection against likelihood of falling in older women over a 13-year period,2012,24,9,1419-1428,Anstey Individualized guidelines for the management of aggression in dementia - Part 1: key concepts,2012,24,7,1112-1124,Low Individualized guidelines for the management of aggression in dementia - Part 2: appraisal of current guidelines,2012,24,7,1-8,Low Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence among older Chinese couples in Hong Kong,2012,24,9,1437-1446,Yan When elderly people give warning of suicide,2012,24,9,1393-1401,Ekeberg Sexual violence by occupational forces during and after World War II: influence of experiencing and witnessing of sexual violence on current mental health in a sample of elderly Austrians,2012,24,8,1354-1358,Lueger-Schuster The effect of an educational intervention on junior doctors' knowledge and practice in detecting and managing elder abuse,2012,24,9,1447-1453,Livingston Elderly suicide rates: the importance of a non-linear relationship with distal risk and protective factors,2012,24,9,1363-1367,Shah Elderly patients with deliberate self-poisoning treated in an Australian general hospital,2002,14,1,97-105,Clover Diagnostic utility and factor structure of the PTSD Checklist in older adults,2012,24,10,1684-1696,Galea Interactive effect between depression and chronic medical conditions on fall risk in community-dwelling elders,2012,24,9,1409-1418,Kao The multiple dimensions of frailty: physical capacity cognition and quality of life,2012,24,9,1429-1436,Dupuis Aging and alcohol use disorders: diagnostic issues in the elderly,1990,2,1,55-72,Atkinson The evidence for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in the treatment of severe late-life depression. ECT: the preferred treatment for severe depression in late life,2007,19,1,10-4 27-35; discussion 24-6,Mulsant Increased risk of dementia following mild head injury for carriers but not for non-carriers of the APOE epsilon4 allele,2007,19,1,159-165,Adolfsson Gender differences in determinants of suicidal ideation in French-speaking community living elderly in Canada,2012,24,12,2019-2026,Vasiliadis Physical impairments in cognitively impaired older people: implications for risk of falls,2013,25,1,148-156,Lord The association between cognitive impairment and neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease dementia,2012,24,12,1980-1987,Lee Differences between elderly voluntary and involuntary admitted psychiatric patients in Greece,2013,25,1,25-33,Michopoulos Recruiting older men for geriatric suicide research,2013,25,1,88-95,Brown Falls prevention interventions for community-dwelling older persons with cognitive impairment: a systematic review,2013,25,2,215-227,Watt Fall determinants in older long-term care residents with dementia: a systematic review,2013,25,4,549-563,Kempen Framing abuse: explaining the incidence perpetuation and intervention in elder abuse,2013,25,8,1267-1274,Westendorp Care workers' abusive behavior to residents in care homes: a qualitative study of types of abuse barriers and facilitators to good care and development of an instrument for reporting of abuse anonymously,2013,25,5,733-741,Livingston The dark side of family communication: a communication model of elder abuse and neglect,2013,25,8,1275-1290,Giles Peritraumatic distress but not dissociation predicts posttraumatic stress disorder in the elderly,2013,25,6,1007-1012,Brunet Critical concepts in elder abuse research,2013,25,8,1217-1228,Beaulieu Can some aspects of the epidemiology of elderly suicides be applied to dementia,2014,26,2,185-191,Shah Gender differences in the trajectories of late-life depressive symptomology and probable depression in the years prior to death,2013,25,11,1765-1773,Anstey The significance of experiences of war and migration in older age: long-term consequences in child survivors from the Dutch East Indies,2013,25,11,1783-1794,Kleber Determinants of thoughts of death or suicide in depressed older persons,2013,25,11,1775-1782,Comijs The stages of driving cessation for people with dementia: needs and challenges,2013,25,12,2033-2046,Allen Path analysis of suicide ideation in older people,2014,26,3,509-515,Ryu Depressive symptoms are independently associated with recurrent falls in community-dwelling older adults,2014,ePub,ePub,1-9,Bherer Cognitive functioning in older adults with early late and very late onset alcohol dependence,2014,26,11,1863-1869,Van den berg The association of traumatic brain injury with rate of progression of cognitive and functional impairment in a population-based cohort of Alzheimer's disease: the Cache County Dementia Progression Study,2014,26,10,1593-1601,Lyketsos Suicide in centenarians: the international landscape,2014,26,10,1703-1708,Shah Marital status and suicidal ideation among Australian older adults: the mediating role of sense of belonging,2014,27,1,145-154,McLaren Association of alcohol drinking with verbal and visuospatial memory impairment in older adults: Clinical Research Center for Dementia of South Korea (CREDOS) study,2014,27,3,455-461,Son The association of traumatic brain injury with rate of progression of cognitive and functional impairment in a population-based cohort of Alzheimer's disease: the Cache County dementia progression study by Gilbert et al. Late effects of traumatic brain injury on dementia progression,2014,26,10,1591-1592,Sharp Medication development for agitation and aggression in Alzheimer disease: review and discussion of recent randomized clinical trial design,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lyketsos Trends in use of psychotropic medications among patients treated with cholinesterase inhibitors in Japan from 2002 to 2010,2014,27,3,407-415,Okumura Screening for alcohol and substance use for older people in geriatric hospital and community health settings,2014,27,1,157-166,Draper The influence of age-dependent pharmacokinetics on the pharmacodynamics of hypnotic drugs: comparison of two hypnotics with different half-lives,1989,1,1,17-29,Bergener Comorbid anxiety disorders in late-life depression: results of a cohort study,2014,27,7,1157-1165,Voshaar The course of neuropsychiatric symptoms in community-dwelling patients with dementia: a systematic review,2014,27,3,385-405,Pot A change in social activity and depression among Koreans aged 45 years and more: analysis of the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging (2006-2010),2014,27,4,629-637,Choi Older men and older women remand prisoners: mental illness physical illness offending patterns and needs,2014,27,5,747-755,Davoren Factors related to the high fall rate in long-term care residents with dementia,2014,27,5,803-814,Hortobagyi Development of a novel driving behavior adaptations questionnaire,2015,27,6,1017-1027,Mosimann Readiness to reconcile and post-traumatic distress in German survivors of wartime rapes in 1945,2015,27,5,857-864,Kuwert A theoretical and empirical review of psychological factors associated with falls-related psychological concerns in community-dwelling older people,2015,27,7,1071-1087,Brady Suicide in patients suffering from late-life anxiety disorders; a comparison with younger patients,2015,27,7,1197-1205,Pachana Personality disorder traits risk factors and suicide ideation among older adults,2015,27,11,1785-1794,Cukrowicz Ageist attitudes block young adults' ability for compassion toward incapacitated older adults,2015,27,9,1541-1550,Bodner Suicidal behavior and assisted suicide in dementia,2015,27,10,1601-1611,Draper Mobility and safety issues in drivers with dementia,2015,27,10,1613-1622,Carr Relationship between dual task walking cognition and depression in oldest old people,2015,28,1,31-38,Ansai Mental health implications for older adults after natural disasters - a systematic review and meta-analysis,2015,28,1,11-20,Kisely Dementia and intentional and unintentional poisoning in older people: a 10 year review of hospitalization records in New South Wales Australia,2015,27,11,1757-1768,Mitchell Falls in older adults with major depressive disorder (MDD): a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis of prospective studies,2015,28,1,23-29,Stubbs Are religiousness and death attitudes associated with the wish to die in older people?,2015,28,3,397-404,Shah Methodology and preliminary results from the neurobiology of late-life depression study,2015,27,12,1987-1997,Steffens Mental health implications for older adults after natural disasters - a systematic review and meta-analysis - CORRIGENDUM,2015,28,1,21,Kisely Dementia and intentional and unintentional poisoning in older people: a 10 year review of hospitalization records in New South Wales Australia - CORRIGENDUM,2015,27,12,2101,Mitchell Poisoning among older people with dementia: a wake up call,2015,27,11,1755-1756,Etherton-Beer Sleep and agitation in nursing home residents with and without dementia,2015,27,12,1945-1955,Schuz Correlates and predictors of loneliness in older-adults: a review of quantitative results informed by qualitative insights,2015,28,4,557-576,Cohen-Mansfield Insomnia is associated with suicide attempt in middle-aged and older adults with depression,2015,28,4,613-619,Reynolds Natural disaster older adults and mental health-a dangerous combination,2016,28,1,9-10,O'donnell Falling for her psychiatrist: an unusual cause of falls in the elderly,2015,28,4,695-696,Glauser Depressive symptomatology and associated factors in dementia in Europe: home care versus long-term care,2015,28,4,621-630,Hallberg Older people coping with low mood: a qualitative study,2015,28,4,603-612,Gussekloo Satisfaction with aging results in reduced risk for falling,2015,28,5,741-747,Ayalon Anxiety symptoms during hospitalization of elderly are associated with increased risk of post-discharge falls,2016,28,6,951-958,Zisberg Road safety in an aging population: risk factors assessment interventions and future directions,2016,28,3,349-356,Wood To end life or to save life: ageism moderates the effect of message framing on attitudes towards older adults' suicide,2016,28,8,1383-1390,Gamliel The things that batter,2016,28,6,879,Ames Correlates of cognitive functioning in independent elderly patients discharged home from the emergency department after a minor injury,2016,28,8,1313-1322,Emond The German version of the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE): evaluation of content validity and adaptation to the German-speaking context,2015,27,11,1919-1926,Riedel-Heller A systematic review of the relationship between behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPSD) and caregiver well-being,2016,28,11,1761-1774,Orrell Management of impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease,2016,28,10,1597-1614,Dawson Giving up driving: does social engagement buffer declines in mental health after driving cessation in older women?,2016,28,8,1235-1236,Rebok Low socioeconomic status and suicidal ideation among elderly individuals,2016,28,12,2055-2066,Park Gender and age group differences in suicide risk associated with co-morbid physical and psychiatric disorders in older adults,2016,29,2,249-257,Vasiliadis Influence of cognitive impairment on fall risk among elderly nursing home residents,2016,28,12,1975-1987,Seijo-Martinez A new look at nursing home residents' depressive symptoms: the role of basic versus expanded everyday competence,2016,29,1,165-175,Hauer A home-based carer-enhanced exercise program improves balance and falls efficacy in community-dwelling older people with dementia,2016,29,1,81-91,Lord The role of standardized instruments in identifying older adults with alcohol problems,2016,29,2,351-352,Rehm Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in older adults: aging with a TBI versus incident TBI in the aged,2016,28,12,1931-1934,Peters Treatment of depression in nursing home residents without significant cognitive impairment: a systematic review,2016,29,2,209-226,Simning Suicide in older adults: a comparison with middle-aged adults using the Queensland Suicide Register,2016,29,3,419-430,Kolves Prevalence and risk factors for attempted suicide in the elderly: a cross-sectional study in Shanghai China,2016,29,5,709-715,Zhang Leisure activities education and cognitive impairment in Chinese older adults: a population-based longitudinal study,2017,29,5,727-739,Li Development of a decision-making tool for reporting drivers with mild dementia and mild cognitive impairment to transportation administrators,2017,29,9,1551-1563,Herrmann Predictors for repeat self-harm and suicide among older people within 12 months of a self-harm presentation,2017,29,08,1237-1245,Merry The link between childhood adversity and late-life mental health: evidence for the influence of early-life experiences or illusory correlations?,2017,29,3,357-358,Munro Association of adverse childhood experiences with lifetime mental and substance use disorders among men and women aged 50+ years,2017,29,3,359-372,Dinitto Subjective and objective traumatic death: distinct roles in developing complicated grief and depression among older adults in Hong Kong,2017,29,3,409-417,Tang Suicide attempts among the elderly in East Asia,2017,29,5,707-708,Suh Childhood maltreatment in children born of occupation after WWII in Germany and its association with mental disorders,2017,29,7,1147-1156,Kuwert Suicide and assisted dying in dementia: what we know and what we need to know. A narrative literature review,2017,29,8,1247-1259,Richard-Devantoy From depression to disability,2017,29,6,e883,Joo Suicide in older adults: differences between the young-old middle-old and oldest old,2017,29,8,1297-1306,Kolves Understanding temporal relationships between depression falls and physical activity in a cohort of post-hospitalized older adults - a breakthrough or a conundrum?,2017,29,10,1681-1692,Haines Night-time activity forecast by season and weather in a longitudinal design - natural light effects on three years' rest-activity cycles in nursing home residents with dementia,2017,29,12,2071-2080,Münch Intoxication with alcohol at the time of self-harm and pre-existing involvement with mental health services are associated with a pre-disposition to repetition of self-harming behavior in a large cohort of older New Zealanders presenting with an index episode of self-harm,2017,29,8,e1235,Ames Do suicide characteristics differ by age in older people?,2018,30,3,323-330,Merry A systematic evaluation of impulsive-aggressive behavior in psychogeriatric inpatients using the staff observation aggression scale-revision (SOAS-R),2018,30,1,61-68,Supprian Post-fall reporting in aged acute inpatient mental health units: an 18-month observational cohort study,2017,29,12,2007-2016,Hill Simple diagnostic signs in those with cognitive impairment-anything to improve detection of cognitive disorders,2017,29,11,1761,Woodward Falls in hospitalized geriatric psychiatry patients: high incidence but only a few fractures,2018,30,1,161-165,Zijlstra Validation of telephone-based behavioral assessments in aging services clients,2018,30,1,95-102,Conwell Change in psychotropic drug use in Norwegian nursing homes between 2004 and 2011,2018,30,3,385-394,Engedal What are the characteristics of first time older sexual offenders?,2018,30,5,647-662,Friedman Correlates of physical activity among community-dwelling individuals aged 65 years or older with anxiety in six low- and middle-income countries,2018,30,5,705-714,Stubbs Falls self-efficacy and falls incidence in community-dwelling older people: the mediating role of coping,2018,30,5,727-733,Kneebone Change in fear of falling in Parkinson's disease: a two-year prospective cohort study,2019,31,1,13-20,Pekmezović Aiding medical professionals in fitness-to-drive screenings for elderly drivers: development of an office-based screening tool,2018,30,8,1211-1225,Brijs Older marijuana users' marijuana risk perceptions: associations with marijuana use patterns and marijuana and other substance use disorders,2018,30,9,1311-1322,Dinitto Association between the use of benzodiazepines and opioids with the risk of falls and hip fractures in older adults,2018,30,7,941-946,Machado-Duque Suicide risk of old adults with special reference to aging,2018,30,4,603,Kawada Attention vigilance and visuospatial function in hospitalized elderly medical patients: relationship to delirium syndromal status and motor subtype profile,2018,30,4,493-501,O'Connor Older women who died by suicide: suicide means sociodemographic and psychiatric risk factors and other precipitating circumstances,2018,30,10,1531-1540,Dinitto Sensory loss and suicide ideation in older adults: findings from the Three-City cohort study,2019,31,1,139-145,Carriere Motivations for attempting suicide in mid- and late-life,2019,31,1,109-121,Szanto The effect of errorless learning on psychotic and affective symptoms as well as aggression and apathy in patients with Korsakoff's syndrome in long-term care facilities,2019,31,1,39-47,Rensen A retrospective population-based cohort study of driving under the influence Alzheimer's disease diagnosis and survival,2019,31,4,571-577,Miller Impairments in balance and mobility identify delirium in patients with comorbid dementia,2019,31,5,749-753,Inzitari Poisoning deaths among late-middle aged and older adults: comparison between suicides and deaths of undetermined intent,2018,ePub,ePub,1-11,Dinitto 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