Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Risk factors for ocular injuries caused by air guns,1996,114,4,469-474,Tielsch Causes of pediatric eye injuries. a population-based study,1990,108,4,603-606,Baker Ocular injuries in hockey,1976,94,1,74-76,Vinger Risk factors for motor vehicle collision-related eye injuries,2005,123,1,89-95,McGwin Changing trends in paintball sport-related ocular injuries,2000,118,1,60-64,Jeffers The effect of frontal air bags on eye injury patterns in automobile crashes,2002,120,11,1517-1522,Herring Soccer-related ocular injuries,2003,121,5,687-694,Fernandes Frontal air bags and eye injury patterns in automobile crashes.
,2003,121,12,1807-1808,Kuhn Test of divided visual attention predicts automobile crashes among older adults,1998,116,5,665,Trobe Eyes brains and autos,2004,122,4,641-647,Kellison Incidence of emergency department-treated eye injury in the United States,2005,123,5,662-666,McGwin Rate of eye injury in the United States,2005,123,7,970-976,McGwin Visual risk factors for crash involvement in older drivers with cataract,2001,119,6,881-887,McGwin Incidence of visual field loss in 20000 eyes and its relationship to driving performance,1983,101,3,371-375,Johnson A comparison of driving in older subjects with and without age-related macular degeneration,1995,113,8,1033-1040,Szlyk Evaluation of driving performance in patients with juvenile macular dystrophies,1993,111,2,207-212,Viana How does visual impairment affect performance on tasks of everyday life? the see project. salisbury eye evaluation,2002,120,6,774-780,Bandeen-Roche The effect of visual field defects on driving performance: a driving simulator study,2002,120,11,1509-1516,Brouwer Visual factors in automobile driving and provisional standards,1969,81,6,865-871, Bioptic telescopic spectacle is a hazard for operating a motor vehicle,1983,101,12,1907-1908,Fonda Bioptic telescopic spectacles for driving a motor vehicle,1974,92,4,348-349,Fonda Bioptic telescopes,1985,103,1,13-14,Bailey Automobile driving with telescopic aids,1980,98,5,930,Lippmann Editorial: field loss vs central magnification. Telescopes and the driving risk,1974,92,4,273,Keeney Functional ability profiles for driver licensing. exemplification by visual profile,1982,100,11,1780-1783,Hales Blunt trauma of the aging eye: injury mechanisms and increasing lens stiffness,2005,123,6,789-794,Herring Penetrating orbital injury by automobile wiper-control stalk,2000,118,12,1701-1703,Schneider Ocular trauma from nail gun cartridge wire,2007,125,5,701-703,Bhandari Anterior segment trauma and air bags,1995,113,12,1567-1568,McDermott Protective eyewear needed with driver's-side air bag?,1992,110,9,1201,Braude Retinal detachment caused by air bag injury,1993,111,10,1317-1318,Han Corneal edema hyphema and angle recession after air bag inflation,1993,111,10,1320-1322,Stiles Air bag: friend or foe?,1993,111,10,1333-1334,Kuhn Eye injury resulting from violence. Research and prevention,1992,110,6,765-766,Vinger Penetrating eye injuries related to assault. The National Eye Trauma System Registry [USA],1992,110,6,849-852,Dannenberg Severe ocular trauma from a driver's-side air bag,1991,109,6,774,Rimmer Ocular Fatigue: A Contributing Factor in Automobile Accidents,1962,68,6,721,Atkinson Plastic Spectacle Frames and Fire Hazards,1963,69,6,837,Keeney Retinal hemorrhages in children following fatal motor vehicle crashes: a case series,2008,126,6,800-804,Jentzen Reported visual impairment and risk of suicide: the 1986-1996 national health interview surveys,2008,126,7,975-980,Lee Ocular manifestations of child abuse,2008,126,8,1141-1142,Elner Pediatric golf-related ophthalmic injuries,2008,126,9,1252-1256,Hink High-rate internal pressurization of human eyes to predict globe rupture,2009,127,4,520-523,Duma The impact of a vision screening law on older driver fatality rates,2008,126,11,1544-1547,McGwin Myopia spectacle wear and risk of bicycle accidents among rural Chinese secondary school students: the Xichang Pediatric Refractive Error Study report no. 7,2009,127,6,776-783,Zhang Battered child syndrome simulating congenital glaucoma,1976,94,5,839-840,Tseng Eye injuries from exploding car batteries,1978,96,3,477-481,Minatoya Racquetball as an ocular hazard,1980,98,11,1965-1966,Soderstrom Automobile driving with telescopic aids,1981,99,3,516,Lippmann Ocular effects following the volcanic eruptions of Mount St Helens,1983,101,3,376-378,Johnson Bioptic telescopic spectacle: a hazard for operating a motor vehicle,1984,102,8,1119-1120,Tallman Optic nerve sheath and retinal hemorrhages associated with the shaken baby syndrome,1986,104,10,1509-1512,Johnson The incidence of acute hospital-treated eye injuries,1986,104,10,1473-1476,Karlson Racket-sports ocular injuries. The tip of the trauma iceberg,1986,104,10,1453-1454,Elman Eye injuries during 'war games',1986,104,10,1435-1436,Ryan Ocular lesions following methyl isocyanate contamination: the Bhopal experience,1985,103,11,1627,Dwivedi Automobile driving with telescopic aids,1985,103,4,476-477,Lippmann Medical management of self-enucleation,1985,103,3,386-389,Khan Abuse of cyanoacrylate in child abuse. Case report,1987,105,12,1632-1633,Blinder Eye injury during "war games" despite the use of goggles. Case report,1987,105,3,321-322,Martin Retinal hemorrhage predicts neurologic injury in the shaken baby syndrome,1989,107,10,1472-1474,Han A private pilot learns,1989,107,10,1422,Hodes Ocular and associated systemic findings in suspected child abuse. A necropsy study,1990,108,8,1094-1101,Albert Hyphema caused by air bag,1991,109,12,1635,Mishler Ocular injuries caused by elastic cords,1991,109,11,1490-1491,Litoff Ocular injuries caused by elastic cords,1991,109,3,371-372,Han The medicolegal implications of detecting hemosiderin in the eyes of children who are suspected of being abused,1991,109,3,321-322,Gilliland Visual function and driving safety,1992,110,12,1697-1698,Johnson Penetration eye injuries in the workplace. The National Eye Trauma System Registry,1992,110,6,843-848,Dannenberg Air blast keratopathy,1972,88,5,575-576,Lemp Refractive correction and associated factors in spectacle glass injury,1972,88,1,2-8,Keeney Orbitopalpebral emphysema and traumatic uveitis from compressed air injury,1972,87,2,228-229,Walsh Intralenticular foreign bodies,1971,86,5,499-501,Keeney Accidental self-inflicted burns as a complication of bilateral patching,1979,97,4,775,Tornambe Indirect optic nerve trauma,1989,107,3,382-386,Lessell Sodium hydroxide masquerading as a contact lens solution. Case report,1988,106,8,1037,Mauger Inadvertent instillation of Hemoccult developer in the eye: Case report,1988,106,8,1033-1034,Ling Corneal abrasion from accidental instillation of cyanoacrylate into the eye,1988,106,8,1029-1030,Silverman Air bag injury producing retinal dialysis and detachment,1993,111,10,1320,Whitacre Air bag-associated ocular injury,1993,111,10,1318,Rosenblatt Ocular injuries and diseases at a combat support hospital in support of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm,1993,111,6,795-798,Enzenauer Airbag-associated ocular injury and periorbital fractures,1993,111,1,25,Scott Falls in elderly patients with glaucoma,1992,110,2,169-170,Tanton Falls in elderly patients with glaucoma,1991,109,2,205-210,Campion Eye injuries due to power lawn mowers,1960,64,,385-387,Barsky Tear gas burns of the eye,1960,63,,698-706,Oaks A report of an unusual self-inflicted eye injury,1960,63,,266-272,Copenhaver Ocular injury due to formic acid,1965,74,6,805-806,Sudarsky Traumatic fracture of plastic contact lenses,1964,72,,319-322,Brown The eye of the "battered child",1964,72,,231-233,Kiffney Self-inflicted bilateral enucleation,1964,72,,225-226,Gorin The liquid center golf ball: a potential ocular hazard,1966,75,1,68-71,Penner Botanical hazards,1966,75,1,1,Cogan The cerebro-ocular effects of carbon dioxide poisoning,1966,76,1,59-65,Sevel Moonshine earthshine and vision,1967,78,6,695-696,Cogan Experimental Q-switched ruby laser retinal damage,1967,78,5,634-640,Zweng Accidental Q-switched laser lesion of human macula,1967,78,5,596-599,Zweng The prevalence of age-related macular degeneration and associated risk factors,2010,128,6,750-758,Cruickshanks Assessment of driving performance in patients with retinitis pigmentosa,1992,110,12,1709-1713,Szlyk Alcohol use and lens opacities in the Beaver Dam Eye Study,1993,111,1,113-117,Klein Alcohol and cataract,1993,111,10,1312,Drews Lifetime prevalence of ocular injuries from the Baltimore Eye Survey,1993,111,11,1564-1568,Tielsch Unusual penetrating intraorbital foreign body,1994,112,12,1618-1619,Bullock Lightning-induced ocular injury,1996,114,4,501-502,Buettner Baseball hitting and the Pulfrich phenomenon: could it be due to traumatic optic neuropathy?,1997,115,10,1344-1345,Heron Optic nerve avulsion,1998,116,4,540-541,Espaillat Avulsion of the optic nerve head after orbital trauma,1998,116,3,394,Tsopelas Impact of enucleation for choroidal melanoma on the performance of vision-dependent activities,1991,109,4,519-521,Edwards Whiplash maculopathy,1978,96,5,834-835,George Ocular Consequences of Bottle Rocket Injuries in Children and Adolescents,2011,129,5,639-642,Khan Prevalence and sex differences of psychiatric disorders in young adults who had intermittent exotropia as children,2009,127,6,743-747,Diehl Corneal endothelium following immersion of eyes in water,1985,103,3,437-439,Green Corneal sensitivity debate,1997,115,5,686,Arnaud Dissection along the optic nerve axis by a BB,1997,115,5,673-675,Hollifield Optic nerve avulsion,1997,115,5,623-630,Lessell Golf-related ocular injuries,1995,113,11,1410-1413,Nanda Lightning-induced ocular injury,1995,113,8,1076-1077,Lagrèze Selective loss of blue cones and rods in human retinal detachment,1995,113,8,1066-1073,Nork Ruptured globe caused by a fishing sinker,2002,120,3,407,Coden Eye injuries induced by a barbed three-pronged fishing spear,1986,104,5,639,Berger Restoration of vision after optic canal decompression,1986,104,6,804 806,Mathog Microwave injury,1970,84,1,127,Carpenter Prevalence of retinal hemorrhages in perpetrator-confessed cases of abusive head trauma,2010,128,6,795,Margolin The World Trade Center disaster: a brief on-site report from Ground Zero,2002,120,3,395-396,Kurup Retinal commotio and tears from a water balloon injury,1994,112,8,1021,Cohn Relative sensitivity of various areas of the retina to laser radiation,1970,84,3,350-354,Coogan Blank cartridge injury of the cornea,1970,84,5,690-691,Ewald The National Basketball Association eye injury study,1995,113,6,749-752,Jeffers The BB gun is equivalent to the airsoft gun in the Japanese literature,2000,118,5,732,Endo Apoptotic photoreceptor cell death after traumatic retinal detachment in humans,1996,114,9,1158-1159,Sebag 32 cases of sympathetic ophthalmia. A retrospective study at the National Eye Institute Bethesda Md. from 1982 to 1992,1995,113,5,597-600,Chan Out vile jelly. (King Lear Act III Scene VII),1971,85,2,131-132,van Heuven Penetrating ocular injury by a plant seed,1971,85,6,695-698,Albert Arrowhead tear in the macula,1971,86,1,19-20,Jungschaffer Traumatic enucleation from a high-pressure water jet,1999,117,1,127-128,DeAngelis Eye disease among American Indians of the Southwest. I. Overall analysis,1972,88,3,263-268,Bettman Vitrectomy in intraocular trauma. Its rationale and its indications and limitations,1972,87,6,621-628,Haik Ischemic retinopathy due to carbon monoxide poisoning,1971,86,2,142-144,Bilchik Ocular changes following air-blast injury,1971,86,2,125-126,King Avulsion of both eyes: a form of old Hawaiian punishment,1972,87,4,443,Holmes Eyelid neuroma associated with swim goggle use,1998,116,11,1537-1538,Wirta Penetrating ocular injury from contaminated eating utensils,1991,109,1,63-66,Feist Alkali retinopathy,1976,94,1,81-84,Smith Penetrating pellet fragmentation. A complication of ocular shotgun injury,1990,108,1,48-50,Ford Epidemiology of retinal detachment,1982,100,2,289-292,Brown Boa constrictor bite to the eye,1998,116,7,949-950,Kleinman High altitude retinopathy in mountain climbers,1975,93,6,404-408,Swan Retinal changes in Himalayan climbers,1975,93,6,395-400,Rennie Visually evoked response. Use in neurologic evaluation of posttraumatic subjective visual complaints,1976,94,2,237-240,Feinsod Contusion angle deformity in prizefighters,1976,94,2,225-228,Burns Ocular injuries caused by airsoft guns,1999,117,10,1437-1439,Fleischhauer The spectrum of ocular inflammation caused by euphorbia plant sap,2000,118,1,13-16,Eke Orbital foreign body and ruptured globe from needlefish impalement,2006,124,2,284,Thakker Baseball hardness as a risk factor for eye injuries,1999,117,3,354-358,Duma Keratitis and retinitis secondary to tarantula hair,1999,117,8,1096-1097,Robertson Fluorescein angiographic and histopathologic findings of bilateral peripheral retinal nonperfusion in nonaccidental injury: a case series,2012,130,3,383-387,Bielory Safe and sane?,1973,89,3,175,Kinder Differential susceptibility of rod and cone cells to argon laser,1973,89,3,228-234,Wallow Eye injuries in children in Israel. A nationwide collaborative study,1990,108,3,376-379,Romem Penetrating ocular trauma from airsoft gun,2012,130,7,944-945,Adyanthaya Perimacular retinal folds simulating nonaccidental injury in an infant,2006,124,12,1782-1783,Lueder Discussing driving concerns with older patients: II. vision care providers' approaches to assessment,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gillespie Short-term night blindness associated with colon resection and hypovitaminosis A,1994,112,2,162-163,Sloan Corneal damage in hydroquinone workers. A clinicopathologic study,1966,76,2,189-194,Naumann Clinically unsuspected phacoanaphylaxis after ocular trauma,1977,95,2,244-246,Albert Indirect traumatic rupture of the globe,1978,96,2,252-256,Cherry Methyl alcohol poisoning III. Ocular toxicity,1977,95,10,1851-1858,McMartin Whiplash injury as one cause of the foveolar splinter and macular wisps,1979,97,2,360,Daily Vitrectomy in penetrating eye injury. Results of a controlled trial of vitrectomy in an experimental posterior penetrating eye injury in the rhesus monkey,1981,99,2,287-292,Cleary Effect of blunt trauma on the corneal endothelium,1981,99,6,1041-1043,Slingsby Carbon monoxide retinopathy,1985,103,1,66-67,Burke Ocular injuries from beverage bottles,1979,97,5,975,Waikom Ocular injuries from beverage bottles,1979,97,5,975,Fox Corneal trauma from projection of metallic mercury into the eyes,1979,97,6,1116-1120,Babel Ocular injuries from exploding beverage bottles,1978,96,11,2040-2041,Mondino Ocular injuries from exploding beverage bottles,1979,97,8,1544,Savir Germinating seed in anterior chamber. Report of an unusual case,1979,97,9,1651,Abel Laser accidents,1985,103,2,174-175,Wolfe Ocular trauma from break dancing,1986,104,2,176-177,Pulido Inadvertent systemic injection of pilocarpine. Case report,1987,105,1,28-29,Lum Ocular trauma epidemiology,1989,107,4,503-504,Feist Optic nerve avulsion. Case report,1987,105,3,322-323,Chang Quinine iris toxicity,2007,125,3,e430,Zamir