Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author An overview of recent developments in the management and research of trauma,1997,26,1,54-59,Wang Incidence and predictors of falls in the Chinese elderly,2005,34,1,60-72,Chu Medical aspects of drowning in children,1992,21,3,433-435,Pearn Drowning and near-drowning--some lessons learnt,1999,28,2,183-188,Goh Forensic investigation of deaths due to fire in mass disaster,1992,21,5,649-655,Chao Review of children hospitalised for ingestion and poisoning at a tertiary centre,2005,34,5,356-361,Hon Road traffic accident casualties in Singapore (with special reference to drivers and front seat passengers),1984,13,1,96-101,Chao Comparative study of 1624 belted and 3242 non-belted occupants of vehicles involved in an accident: a study of the effectiveness of seat belts,1982,11,2,250-258,Thomas Disaster relief and initial response to the earthquake and tsunami in Meulaboh Indonesia,2005,34,9,586-585,Low Carbon monoxide poisoning:a five year review at Tan Tock Seng hospital Singapore,2005,34,10,611-614,Handa The risk of suicidality with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,2006,35,2,96-94,Mahendran Road traffic accidents in the elderly--a major cause of morbidity and mortality,1987,16,1,101-105,Wong Epidemiology of injuries in Singapore,1991,20,2,190-195,Emmanuel Traumatic dislocation of the testes,1998,27,2,269-271,Tan Non-fatal injuries among motorcyclists treated as in-patients in a general hospital,1989,18,6,672-674,Smith Preventing youth suicide,2003,32,4,562-3; author reply 563,Mancinelli Youth suicide and parasuicide in Singapore,2003,32,1,12-18,Ung Eye injuries in Singapore -- don't risk it. do more. A prospective study,2006,35,10,706-713,Woo Burns mass disasters: etiology predisposing situations and initial management,1992,21,5,635-639,Anantharaman Gender Disparity in Pediatric Hospital Admissions,2006,35,12,882-887,Hon Violence-Related Behaviours among Malaysian Adolescents: A Cross Sectional Survey among Secondary School Students in Negeri Sembilan,2007,36,3,169-166,Lee Bodies recovered from wells sewerage systems and pits: what is the cause of death?,2006,35,8,547-551,Esiyok Incest and other intrafamilial sexual abuse,1995,24,5,691-695,Aw Natural disease and alcohol intoxication amongst drivers of motor vehicles in Singapore from 1989 to 1993: A study of 140 necropsies,1996,25,4,516-521,Lau Child development programme in Singapore 1988 to 2007,2007,36,11,898-813,Ho Hamstring injuries: risk assessment and injury prevention,2008,37,4,341-346,Clark Common Lower Limb Sport-related Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes,2008,37,4,315-315,Lau The media and suicide,2008,37,9,797-799,Tor Suicide,2008,37,9,729-731,Mahendran A study of the mortality patterns of taxi drivers in Singapore,1988,17,4,579-582,Koh Effects of ageing on taxi driving,1987,16,1,106-109,Koh Cardiac rupture due to fall: a case study,2009,38,2,156-157,Fedakar Reflections on a mass homicide,2007,36,6,444-447,Lee A review of fatal road traffic accidents in Singapore from 2000 to 2004,2009,38,7,594-596,Lau Suicide letters,1979,8,3,298-300,Chia Suicide of the elderly in Singapore,1979,8,3,290-297,Chia Suicide of the young in Singapore,1979,8,3,262-268,Chia Battered baby syndrome: a review of eight cases,1981,10,4,466-471,Sriram Suicide and depressive illness,1981,10,1,136-139,Chia A failure to communicate: the need for standardization of procedures for the exchange of identification information of crime and mass disaster victims,1984,13,1,8-11,Choi Burnt wife syndrome,1984,13,1,37-42,Tripathi Forensic aspects of terrorism,1984,13,1,32-36,Marshall The importance of autopsy examination in major disasters,1984,13,1,12-15,Mason Suicidal poisoning deaths in Singapore 1975-1984,1987,16,2,300-302,Tan Suicide and schizophrenia in Singapore--a fifteen year follow-up study,1991,20,2,201-203,Tsoi Laboratory screening of body fluids in self poisoning and drug abuse,1991,20,1,91-94,Walker Anatomy of a burns disaster: the Miri Bank explosion,1992,21,5,640-648,Wu Moulding press injury of the hand,1979,8,4,493-496,Chow Traffic accident injuries: a survey of the injured driver front-seating passenger and motorcyclists,1979,8,2,118-127,Cheng Hypopituitarism following head injury--a case report,1990,19,6,851-855,Lim Cause and effect of road traffic accidents,1986,15,3,330-339,Williams A study of work injuries in eight Asian countries,1984,13,2 Suppl,429-434,Ong An analysis of sickness absence and clinic visits among employees of a company in Kuwait,1984,13,2 Suppl,423-428,Sadarangani Contributions and limitations of epidemiological knowledge in occupational health,1984,13,2 Suppl,285-296,Tsuchiya Death in sports and recreation,1983,12,3,400-404,Chao Psychological reactions to hand injuries among semi-skilled Chinese workers,1982,11,2,214-217,Chow Management of sequela of friction injuries on the extensor surface of the hand,1982,11,2,267-272,Joshi Going deep into chemical burns,1992,21,5,677-681,Chen Mass ammonia inhalational burns--experience in the management of 12 patients,1992,21,5,624-629,Foo Preparedness for terrorism: managing nuclear biological and chemical threats,2009,38,12,1026-1030,Koenig Men who commit rape in Singapore,2001,30,6,620-624,Parker A 5-year profile of trauma admissions to the surgical intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Singapore,2010,39,5,363-367,Tan The Truro Murders in retrospect: a historical review of the identification of the victims,1993,22,1,103-106,Brown Poisons information in Singapore,1993,22,2,237-241,Chao Acute injury of the neck: anatomical and pathological basis of pain,1993,22,2,187-192,Taylor Epidemiology of Snakebites from A General Hospital in Singapore: A 5-year Retrospective Review (2004-2008),2010,39,8,640-648,Tan Outcome-based approach in development of a disaster management course for healthcare workers,2007,36,9,765-769,Wickramasinghe Aetiology and distribution of mandibular fractures in the National University Hospital Singapore,1999,28,5,625-629,Tan A review of pedestrian fatalities in Singapore from 1990 to 1994,1998,27,6,830-837,Seow Traumatic bronchial rupture--a case report,1995,24,6,883-886,Goh Rehabilitation of traumatic spinal cord lesions--results of 145 cases treated between 1973 and 1977,1979,8,1,59-62,Tan Neurotic depression in the elderly,1994,23,3,367-370,Ko Psychiatric disorders associated with burns,1992,21,5,672-676,Lee Paraquat poisoning - management and prognosis,1981,10,2,233-237,Pang Major Workplace Related Accidents in Singapore: A Major Trauma Centre's Experience,2010,39,12,920-927,Chiu A retrospective study of near-drowning victims admitted to the intensive care unit,1998,27,3,344-346,Lee Tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc's) injuries--results of open reduction and internal fixation,1995,24,6,816-819,Tan Shift work and health--a critical review of the literature on working hours,1994,23,5,699-705,Harrington Social aspects in patients following proximal femoral fractures,1994,23,6,876-878,Mitra Contrast sensitivity in a large adult population,1994,23,3,322-326,Oen Pharmacology and toxicology of chemical warfare agents,1997,26,1,104-107,Lee An overview of the physiological effects of sustained high +Gz forces on human being,1997,26,1,94-103,Fong Legal issues in the treatment of a violent manic patient in a non-gazetted setting: a case report,2005,34,1,134-136,Tan Psychological trauma physical health and somatisation,2000,29,5,658-664,Ng Parkinsonism complicating acute organophosphate insecticide poisoning,2011,40,3,150-152,Hashim Drug-induced impaired performance,1994,23,5,760-764,D'Auria Occupational heat stress,1994,23,5,719-724,Lim Application of neurophysiological methods in occupational medicine in relation to psychological performance,1994,23,5,710-718,Murata Occupational burns in the Burns Centre at the Singapore General Hospital,1994,23,5,680-683,Wong Effects of sleep deprivation on naval seamen: II. Short recovery sleep on performance,1994,23,5,676-679,How Effects of sleep deprivation on performance of Naval seamen: I. Total sleep deprivation on performance,1994,23,5,669-675,Foo Chronic neurobehavioural effects in paint formulators exposed to solvents and noise,1994,23,5,650-654,Jeyaratnam Spectrum of roller-blading injuries,1996,25,4,547-549,Goh Post-traumatic differential osteoporosis of the patella,1995,24,3,479-481,Kumar Paroxysmal hypertension in a C4 spinal cord injury--a case report,1995,24,3,470-472,Tan Radiation-induced pericardial disease: a case report,1995,24,3,459-461,Doi Clinical applications of functional electrical stimulation,1995,24,3,428-435,Pho Incidental cholecystectomy--an old problem reconsidered,1995,24,3,411-414,Wee Infection in diabetic patients with ankle fractures,1995,24,3,353-355,Tan Putting health risks from radiation exposure into context: lessons from past accidents,2011,40,4,158-152,Thomas Pattern of fall and bone mineral density measurement in hip fractures,1996,25,6,820-823,Das De Fatal chloroquine poisoning: A rare cause of sudden cardiac arrest,2011,40,6,296-292,Ponampalam Clinical implications of food contaminated by aflatoxins,1991,20,1,84-90,Hendrickse Novel methods for determining the vital reaction in injured skin,1984,13,1,69-76,Takabe The coroner's role in mass disaster,1984,13,1,16-19,Paul Timing of wounds--an introductory review,1984,13,1,77-84,Raekallio Patients admitted to an intensive care unit for poisoning,1998,27,3,347-352,Seow Outcome of patients with traumatic brain injury managed on a standardised head injury protocol,1998,27,3,332-339,Tan Predictors of long-term outcome in severe head injury,1998,27,3,326-331,Lai Acute upper airway obstruction secondary to gunshot injury splitting cervical vertebra,2011,40,9,430-432,Mohamad Acute mercury vapour poisoning in a shipyard worker--a case report,1999,28,2,294-298,Lee Young Investigator's Award: induction of apoptosis following traumatic head injury in humans,1999,28,3,363-365,Ng A review of mandibular fractures in a craniomaxillofacial trauma centre,1999,28,5,630-633,Foo Adolescent health education programmes: theoretical principles in design and delivery,2003,32,1,78-85,Coffey From recreation to creative expression: the essential features of an adolescent inpatient psychosocial support programme,2003,32,1,64-70,McFerran-Skewes Adolescent alcohol and other substance use: sharing the Australian experience,2003,32,1,29-35,Bonomo Bone fragility in Asian and Caucasian men,2002,31,1,54-66,Seeman Steroid-induced osteoporosis,2002,31,1,48-53,Sambrook Osteoporotic hip fractures in Singapore--costs and patient's outcome,2002,31,1,3-7,Wong Sleep behaviour in a sample of preschool children in singapore,2012,41,3,99-96,Aishworiya Suicidal ideation in medical students: who is at risk?,2012,41,9,377-382,Fan Prevention of suicide in Singapore,2012,41,9,375-376,Chia Work-related injury sustained by foreign workers in Singapore,2004,33,2,209-213,Carangan Factors associated with falls among community-dwelling older people in Taiwan,2013,42,7,320-327,Wu A 10-year profile of trauma admissions caused by interpersonal violence: a major trauma centre's experience,2014,43,3,170-176,Appasamy The pattern of maxillo-facial injuries in Singapore,1980,9,3,374-379,Peck A prospective study of suicides among the mentally ill in a specialist practice,1979,8,3,287-289,Chia Drug eruptions from phenylbutazone in Jamu,1986,15,1,118-121,Lim Pattern of burn injuries in Thailand,1983,12,2 Suppl,420-424,Charoonsmith Orthopaedic problems in the elderly,1987,16,1,58-65,Clark Clinical cases seen in tsunami hit Banda Aceh: from a primary health care perspective,2006,35,1,54-59,Fan After the Indian Ocean tsunami: Singapore's contribution to the international disaster victim identification effort in Thailand,2005,34,5,341-351,Lau Violence against healthcare staff - a multidimensional problem,2015,44,11,511-513,Tan Survey study on the injury patterns dance practices and health seeking behaviour amongst dancers in Singapore,2017,46,2,76-78,Chia Road crashes in older persons and the use of comorbidity polypharmacy score in an Asian population,2017,46,5,185-194,Kuan A survey of tooth injury experience and attitudes to prevention in a group of Singapore schoolboys,1995,24,1,23-25,Stokes Danger in shopping centres - a study on escalator-related injuries in children in Singapore,2018,47,8,353-356,Tyebally Deliberate self-harm in psychiatric outpatients aged 14-35 years in Singapore,2018,47,9,360-372,Subramaniam Predicting suicide and its prevention,2018,47,9,357-359,Wong Bicycle-related injuries in paediatric patients,2018,47,10,424-428,Hong Five-year review of patients presenting with non-accidental injury to a children's emergency unit in Singapore,2018,47,10,413-419,Shen Electronic bicycles and scooters: convenience at the expense of danger?,2019,48,4,125-128,Teo Sports-related sudden cardiac deaths in Singapore - an eleven-year review,2019,48,5,156-160,Oh Multidomain geriatric screen and physical fitness assessment identify prefrailty/frailty and potentially modifiable risk factors in community-dwelling older adults,2019,48,6,171-180,Ng Post-traumatic stress disorder in road traffic accident survivors - can we do more?,2019,48,6,169-170,Ho Managing suicide ideation: a targeted approach,2019,48,9,279-281,Wong Factors that predict delayed neurological sequelae of carbon monoxide poisoning from a 10-year clinico-radiological review,2020,49,5,331-336,Tan Risk stratification of paediatric sports injuries seen at a tertiary hospital,2020,49,12,955-962,Chong Cost of inpatient rehabilitation for children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury,2021,50,1,26-32,Chong Epidemiology and risk stratification of minor head injuries in school-going children,2021,50,2,119-125,Chong Seasonal haze: Knowledge gaps and risk perception behaviours. [editorial],2021,50,7,512-513,Tan A review of child sexual abuse cases presenting to a paediatric emergency department,2021,50,7,527-535,Chong An armed assailant in our hospital: are we prepared?,2021,50,9,712-716,Pothiawala Pressure injuries related to N95 respirator masks among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic,2022,51,1,53-54,Pek Preparing for the silver boom: a falls prevention tool for older adults in the emergency department,2022,51,2,109-112,Ong Non-motorised active mobility device use by children in Singapore: injury patterns and risk factors for severe injury,2022,51,9,531-539,Ganapathy Outcomes of patients admitted for drowning,2023,52,9,488-490,Mathur Potentially fatal paracetamol overdose and successful treatment with 3 days of intravenous N-acetylcysteine regime--a case report,2006,,,108-111,Sule Suicidal ideation suicidal plan and suicidal attempts among those with major depressive disorder,2014,,,412-421,Subramaniam Suicidal ideation in medical students: who is at risk?,2012,,,377-382,Su The media and suicide,2008,,,797-799,Ng The risk of suicidality with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,2006,,,96-99,Mahendran Late-life depression: current issues and new challenges,2003,32,6,764-770,Ong Delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae and recovery following carbon monoxide poisoning,2011,40,11,516-517,Sim Psychological Profile of Patients with Psoriasis,2018,47,12,516-522,Bewley Emergency department falls interventions improve osteoporosis management in frail older adults,2023,52,6,327-330,Low Managing and preventing severe hand injuries among sugarcane juicer operators,2023,52,8,435-436,Low Caregiver reported long-term outcomes in children with major trauma and traumatic brain injuries: a single-centre retrospective study,2024,53,1,15-22,Chiang Factors affecting outcomes among older trauma patients in Singapore: a retrospective observational study,2024,53,5,324-327,Kuan Asian media reporting on suicide: concerning trends [editorial],2024,53,3,127-128,Harris The impact of media reporting of suicides on subsequent suicides in Asia: a systematic review,2024,53,3,152-169,Subramaniam Impact of family and caregiver factors on development and behaviours in maltreated young children,2024,53,6,361-370,Oh