Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearms regulation: Canada in the international context,1998,19,1,25-34,Cukier The storage of household long guns: the situation in Quebec,2001,22,1,24-29,Chapdelaine Bicycle-related injuries in children: a study in two Ontario emergency departments 1994,1996,17,2,56-62,Brison Safety and safety promotion: conceptual and operational aspects,1997,18,4,179-186,Chapdelaine A descriptive analysis of Canadian youth treated in emergency departments for work-related injuries,2005,26,4,107-113,Breslin Statistical disease cluster surveillance of medically treated self-inflicted injuries in Alberta Canada,2006,27,2,72-80,Rowe A population-based study of hospitalized injuries in Kingston Ontario identified via the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program,1997,18,2,61-69,Brison Do hospital E-codes consistently capture suicidal behaviour?,2002,23,4,139-145,Streiner Suicide in the Northwest Territories: A descriptive review,1998,19,4,152-156,Keogh The cost of suicide mortality in New Brunswick 1996,1999,20,2,89-95,Clayton The Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS),2005,26,1,30-31,Tonmyr Rugby injury in Kingston Canada: A ten-year study,2007,27,4,163-170,Brison Risk factors for falling among community-dwelling seniors using home-care services: An extended hazards model with time-dependent covariates and multiple events,2008,28,4,111-120,Leclerc Injury data in British Columbia: policy maker perspectives on knowledge transfer,2009,29,2,70-79,Smith Deprivation and unintentional injury hospitalization in Quebec children,2009,29,2,56-69,Hamel From rags to genes: mixing research paradigms,2009,29,2,48,Infante-Rivard A descriptive study of childhood injuries in Kingston Ontario using data from a computerized injury surveillance system,1996,17,1,21-27,Pickett Major causes of death and hospitalization in Canadian seniors,1996,17,2,63-73,Lindsay Status report. New research initiatives from the child maltreatment division,1998,19,2,71-72,Phaneuf The role of public health in addressing child maltreatment in Canada,2010,31,1,39-44,Jack Mortality of urban Aboriginal adults in Canada 1991-2001,2010,31,1,4-21,Wilkins Association of comorbid mood disorders and chronic illness with disability and quality of life in Ontario Canada,2008,28,4,148-154,Gadalla Variations in injury among Canadian adolescents by urban-rural geographic status,2007,28,1-2,56-62,Pickett Assessment of hand-arm vibration syndrome in a northern Ontario base metal mine,2001,22,3-4,88-92,Haines The population health perspective as a framework for studying child maltreatment outcomes,2002,23,4,123-129,MacMillan Suicides among Canadian farm operators,1999,20,3,105-110,Faelker Surveillance of drug overdose deaths using medical examiner data,1998,19,4,177-182,Butt The Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program: a new injury control initiative,1998,19,3,108-111,Hartling Estimating the population at risk for Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board-covered injuries or diseases,2002,23,1,17-21,Macdermid Rates and external causes of blunt head trauma in Ontario: analysis and review of Ontario Trauma Registry datasets,2004,25,1,32-41,Brison An observational study of sun and heat protection during Canada Day outdoor celebration 2003,2005,26,2-3,59-64,David Cause-specific mortality during and after pregnancy and the definition of maternal death,2002,23,1,31-36,Kramer