Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Making it Safer: A Health Centre's Strategy for Suicide Prevention,2007,78,4,295-307,McAuliffe Modifying the behavior of the violent patient,1993,64,4,359-369,Ball The assessment of dangerousness and predictions of violence: recent research and future prospects,1993,64,3,245-273,Litwack The ongoing risk assessment in the treatment of forensic patients on conditional release status,1993,64,3,275-293,Wack Events and Conscious Ideation Leading to Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence,1961,35,3,507-515,Schneer Study of Attempted Suicides in Psychotic-Patients - A Dynamic Concept,1956,30,3,464-470,Waxberg Suicidal Tendencies Among College-Students,1962,36,4,665-692,Braaten Suicide Attempts of Puerto-Rican Immigrants,1961,35,3,544-554,Trautman Suicide in Denmark,1960,34,3,443-460,Hendin Suicide in Sweden,1962,36,1,1-28,Hendin Suicide and marital status in Italy,2008,79,4,275-285,Lester Psychiatric patient assault and staff victim gender: fifteen-year analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP),2007,78,2,83-90,Flannery Month of Birth a Risk Factor for Violent Behaviour in Suicidal Patients Admitted in Emergency?,2009,80,2,125-130,Cailhol Mental health and other risk factors for jail incarceration among male veterans,2009,80,1,41-53,Rosenheck Reducing inpatient aggression: does paying attention pay off?,2008,79,2,91-95,Nolan The good the bad and the ugly: a meta-analytic review of positive and negative effects of violent video games,2007,78,4,309-316,Ferguson Posttraumatic growth in treatment-seeking female assault victims,2007,78,2,145-155,Resick Psychometric properties of Darryl a cartoon based measure to assess community violence-related PTSD in children,2007,78,2,157-168,Neugebauer The murderers--before and after,1969,43,1,1-11,Lachman Seven years of psychiatric consultation in a juvenile probation department,1969,43,1,147-163,Shoor A psychodynamic study of an attempted suicide,1969,43,2,257-284,Weisfogel Driving histories of alcoholics in a treatment unit,1969,43,4,734-743,Blume Self-insertion of urethral foreign bodies,1968,42,3,479-486,Mitchell If all sin no one sins,1968,42,4,771-778,Piotrowski Survey of suicide among patients on home leave from a mental hospital,1968,42,1,81-89,Wright Motivation for self-administration of LSD,1967,41,1,56-61,Robbins The personality of the alcoholic as an impediment to psychotherapy,1967,41,1,38-45,Selzer Manipulative suicide,1966,40,3,525-537,Sifneos Personality restriction in adolescents,1966,40,2,258-270,Shainberg Characteristics of assaultive psychiatric patients: fifteen-year analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP),2006,77,3,239-249,Flannery The Baxstrom women: a four year follow-up of behavior patterns,1971,45,4,518-527,David The assaultive psychiatric patient,1971,45,3,372-381,Kalogerakis Clinical observations on parricide,1971,45,1,65-69,Sadoff Demographic and mental status profiles. Patients with homicidal assaultive suicidal persecutory and homosexual ideation. The Missouri Automated Standard System of Psychiatry,1971,45,1,57-64,Sletten A review of crisis intervention programs,1971,45,4,498-508,Schwartz Insomnia: old wine in a new bottle,1971,45,2,274-288,Williams Legal responsibility for suicide,1974,48,1,50-64,Schwartz Death thoughts in hysteria antisocial personality and anxiety neurosis,1974,48,3,441-444,Spalt Suicide linked to homicide,1974,48,2,276-282,Virkkunen Disturbing behavior: a study of incident reports,1974,48,2,266-275,Evenson A psychological theory of child abuse,1977,49,1,38-44,Smoller The suicidal character,1979,51,1,64-70,Schwartz A study of suicide in state mental hospitals in New York City,1980,52,3,201-213,Gale The right not to be a false positive: problems in the application of the dangerousness standard,1980,52,2,84-99,Steadman Some problems in predicting dangerousness,1980,52,2,79-83,Schwartz Uncloseting the conscience of the jury--a justly acquitted doctrine,1980,52,2,144-157,Halpern An open-system approach to the mental health treatment of violent offenders,1980,52,2,132-143,Von Holden Dangerousness: legal determinations and clinical speculations,1980,52,2,108-131,Birns Crime among mental patients--a critical analysis,1980,52,2,100-107,Cohen The suicidal patient: points concerning diagnosis and intensive treatment,1980,52,1,52-70,Stone Suicide behavior and depression in university student psychiatric referrals,1980,52,4,235-239,Spalt Homosexual incest,1981,53,3,184-193,Kaslow Family court--a social laboratory for adolescent and parental interaction,1981,53,1,26-32,Nurnberg Mental illness and juvenile delinquency,1982,54,4,247-253,Mansheim Self and other directed violence on a closed acute-care ward,1984,56,3,178-188,Myers Dangerousness and violence in hospitalized mentally ill offenders,1984,56,2,138-143,Stokman Double parricide--matricide and patricide: a comparison with other schizophrenic murders,1984,56,4,286-290,Hollender Activity attendance hospital expectations and suicide,1984,56,4,270-275,Smith Pedophilia: an update on theory and practice,1985,57,2,89-103,Cullen Clinical and demographic characteristics of 15 patients with repetitively assaultive behavior,1988,59,3,213-224,Vieweg Ethical considerations of clinical use of Miranda-like warnings,1988,59,4,293-305,Leong Clinical flexibility and confidentiality: effects of reporting laws,1989,60,3,195-214,Weinstock Suicide? Accident? Predictable? Avoidable? The psychological autopsy in jail suicides,1989,60,2,173-183,Spellman Reducing the opportunity for inmate suicide: a design guide,1989,60,2,161-171,Atlas Monitoring and managing the suicidal prisoner,1989,60,2,151-160,Rakis The New York State Model Suicide Prevention Training Program for local corrections officers,1989,60,2,139-149,Sovronsky Screening for suicide risk in inmates,1989,60,2,119-138,Morschauser The essential components of a crisis intervention program for local jails: the New York Local Forensic Suicide Prevention Crisis Service Model,1989,60,2,103-117,Cox Manipulation and suicide attempts in jails and prisons,1989,60,1,85-98,Haycock National study of jail suicides: seven years later,1989,60,1,7-29,Hayes Custodial suicide: evolving liability considerations,1989,60,1,31-71,O'Leary Identifying psychological correlates of suicidal behavior in jail and detention facilities,1989,60,1,73-84,Ivanoff Clinical strategies in recognizing spouse abuse,1990,61,3,179-187,Miller Psychiatric disorders of abused women at a shelter,1990,61,4,295-301,Fernandez Assessment and treatment of Spanish-speaking sex offenders: special considerations,1990,61,4,223-236,Cullen The insanity verdict the psychopath and post-acquittal confinement,1992,63,3,209-243,Halpern Adult lifetime prevalence of firesetting behaviors in a state hospital population,1992,63,2,129-142,Geller Post-traumatic syndrome,1948,22,3,487-494,Karlan Attempted suicide; a psychiatric and statistical study,1950,24,1,39-46,Hendin A case of accidental electrocution. A clinical pathological report,1973,47,2,218-227,Lindenmayer Genetic and biologic risk factors for suicide in depressive disorders,1993,64,4,345-358,Roy Psychodynamic motivational factors in suicide,1951,25,4,672-678,Hendin Hypnotherapy in a case of amnesia with suicide attempt,1951,25,3,484-499,Zeckel Neurotic helplessness in the "masochistic situation in reverse",1951,25,3,418-423,Bergler Suicide: an epidemiologic analysis,1954,28,2,225-252,Weiss On the fear of success,1955,29,3,412-420,Schuster Study of attempted suicides in psychotic patients: a dynamic concept,1956,30,3,464-470,Waxberg Psychiatric implications of brain damage in children,1957,31,1,72-92,Eisenberg Parental Combat Injury and Early Child Development: A Conceptual Model for Differentiating Effects of Visible and Invisible Injuries,2010,81,1,1-21,Fitzgerald Ordeal by serpents fire and strychnine. A study of some provocative psychosomatic phenomena,1960,34,,405-429,Schwarz Suicide in Denmark,1960,34,,443-460,Hendin The executioner becomes the executed,1960,34,,92-102,Knight Suicide attempts of Puerto Rican immigrants,1961,35,,544-554,Trautman Events and conscious ideation leading to suicidal behavior in adolescence,1961,35,,507-515,Schneer Delinquency as a manifestation of the mourning process,1963,37,,540-558,Shoor Symbolical self-strangulation in a transvestite schizophrenic,1965,39,,244-257,Lukianowicz "...I 'ates yer one an' hall",1964,38,,544-553,Bigelow Emergency cases at hesperia hospital helsinki during 1962,1964,38,,537-543,Achté Suicidal tendencies among college students,1962,36,,665-692,Braaten Father-daughter incest: a clinical report,1962,36,,607-632,Weiner Suicide in Sweden,1962,36,,1-28,Hendin Completed suicide and marital status according to the Italian region of origin,2010,81,1,57-71,Lester Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) as a Primary Method of Addressing Acute Pediatric Pathological Aggression Along with Other Modalities,2010,81,2,167-175,Kulkarni Tarasoff Duties in Prisons: Community Standards With Certain Twists,2010,81,2,177-182,Pinta Psychiatric Correlates of Bullying in the United States: Findings from a National Sample,2010,81,3,183-195,Beaver Safety skills of mental health workers: empirical evidence of a risk management strategy,2003,74,1,1-10,Flannery Characteristics of staff victims of patient assault: ten year analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP),2001,72,3,237-248,Flannery Aggression in Borderline Personality Disorder,2010,81,3,239-251,Látalová Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting: Antisocial Traits Fighting and Weapons Carrying in a Large Sample of Youth,2010,81,4,293-302,Ferguson Projection as an etiological factor in "motiveless" delinquency,1967,41,2,228-232,Easson A case of prepartum psychosis and infanticide,1968,42,2,263-270,Bucove "Murder you know",1969,43,3,414-447,Wilmer Marihuana psychosis. A case study,1969,43,4,719-733,Klee North Carolina Resident Psychiatrists Knowledge of the Commitment Statutes: Do They Stray from the Legal Standard in the Hypothetical Application of Involuntary Commitment Criteria?,2010,81,4,363-367,Way Evidence-Based Recommendations for the Treatment of Aggression in Pediatric Patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,2011,82,1,33-42,Barzman Relationship of borderline symptoms to histories of abuse and neglect: a pilot study,1996,67,4,287-295,Skodol Violence and the lax milieu?: preliminary data,1996,67,1,47-50,Flannery Recurrent self-injurious behavior in forensic patients,1996,67,1,33-45,Hillbrand Treatment of major depression in later life: a life cycle perspective,1997,68,3,221-246,Reynolds An Update on the Impact of Gun Control Legislation on Suicide,1998,69,2,127-134,Lambert Characteristics of Staff Victims of Psychiatric Patient Assaults: 20-Year Analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program,2011,82,1,11-21,Flannery Characteristics of Assaultive Psychiatric Patients: 20-Year Analysis of the Assaultive Staff Action Program (ASAP),2011,82,1,1-10,Flannery The Violence Triad and Common Single Precipitants to Psychiatric Patient Assaults on Staff: 16-Year Analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program,2011,82,2,85-93,Flannery The New York Presbyterian Pediatric Crisis Service,2000,71,2,139-152,Feiguine Suicidal Behavior and Insight into Illness Among Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders,2011,82,3,207-220,Kao Assailant and victim behaviors immediately preceding inpatient assault,2005,76,3,243-256,Crowner Precipitants of elderly psychiatric patient assaults on staff: preliminary empirical inquiry,2005,76,2,167-175,Flannery Reducing restraints: alternatives to restraints on an inpatient psychiatric service--utilizing safe and effective methods to evaluate and treat the violent patient,2005,76,1,51-65,Sullivan Sanctuary in a domestic violence shelter: a team approach to healing,2003,74,2,155-171,Madsen Repetitively assaultive psychiatric patients: review of published findings 1978-2001,2002,73,3,229-237,Flannery The Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP) and declines in rates of assault: mixed replicated findings,2000,71,2,165-175,Anderson The Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP): common issues in fielding a team,1998,69,2,135-142,Flannery Clinical and administrative consequences of a reduced census on a psychiatric intensive care unit,1995,66,3,209-217,Citrome Suicide,1956,30,2,267-282,Hendin Who repeats? A follow-up study of state hospital patients' firesetting behavior,1992,63,2,143-157,Bertsch "Ego-Dystonic" Delusions as a Predictor of Dangerous Behavior,2011,82,2,113-120,Joseph The importance of hopelessness among university students seeking psychiatric counseling,2008,79,4,311-319,Dermatis The premature demise of public child and adolescent inpatient psychiatric beds : Part II: challenges and implications,2006,77,4,273-291,Geller Tanning in body dysmorphic disorder,2006,77,2,129-138,Menard The safe treatment of the suicidal patient in an adult inpatient setting: a proactive preventive approach,2005,76,1,67-83,Sullivan Sons and daughters of parents in a support organization,1987,58,1,57-65,Sommer Treatment patterns of young chronic schizophrenic patients in the era of deinstitutionalization,1985,57,2,104-110,Haugland Neighborhood type social disequilibrium and happiness,1977,49,3,187-196,Wenz Auto-interpretation of dreams and art productions. Hypoanalysis of a case of amnesia,1967,41,4,607-630,Barahal Common problems in the treatment of schizophrenia in adolescents,1966,40,2,294-307,Green Religion and Mental Health During Incarceration: A Systematic Literature Review,2011,82,4,287-295,Eytan Factors Associated with Mental Health Utilization Among Minorities Following the Second Lebanon War in Israel,2011,82,4,297-302,Palgi Hospital downsizing and patients' assaults on staff,1997,68,1,67-76,Flannery Assessment and intervention for the suicidal patient with schizophrenia,1997,68,4,361-375,Harkavy-Friedman Violence and psychiatric disorders: results from an epidemiological study of young adults in Israel,1997,68,4,327-342,Link Physical control of patients on an inpatient setting: forensic vs. civil populations,1995,66,2,133-145,Heilbrun Characteristics of assaultive psychiatric inpatients in an era of managed care,1999,70,3,247-256,Flannery Constructing an efficient inpatient incident reporting system,1985,57,2,147-152,Steadman Precipitants to psychiatric patient assaults on staff: review of empirical findings 1990-2003 and risk management implications,2005,76,4,317-326,Flannery Different traumatic experiences are associated with different pathologies,2005,76,1,19-32,Malti Characteristics of violent versus nonviolent patients with schizophrenia,1998,69,2,83-93,Flannery Stories behind the symptoms: a qualitative analysis of the narratives of 9/11 rescue and recovery workers,2009,80,3,173-189,Herbert Staff and patient views of the reasons for aggressive incidents: a prospective incident-based study,2009,80,3,167-172,Citrome Bipolar disorder and violence,2001,72,2,119-129,Feldmann Nonviolent psychiatric inpatients and subsequent assaults on community patients and staff,2001,72,1,19-27,Flannery Bridging healthcare police and court responses to intimate partner violence perpetrated by individuals with severe and persistent mental illness,2004,75,2,139-150,Conner Heterosexual male perpetrators of childhood sexual abuse: a preliminary neuropsychiatric model,2002,73,4,313-336,Galynker Characteristics of assaultive psychiatric patients: ten year analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP),2002,73,1,59-69,Flannery Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM): a statistical review of the literature,2002,73,3,171-182,Flannery Characteristics of staff victims of pschiatric patient assaults: 15-year analysis of the Assaulted Staff Action Program (ASAP),2007,78,1,25-37,Flannery Organizational and unit factors contributing to reduction in the use of seclusion and restraint procedures on an acute psychiatric inpatient unit,2007,78,1,73-81,Pollard Are there racial differences in the experience of harmful or traumatic events within psychiatric settings?,2007,78,2,101-115,Frueh Contextualizing trauma: using evidence-based treatments in a multicultural community after 9/11,2003,74,4,401-420,Marshall Negative symptoms anger and social support: response of an inpatient sample to news coverage of the September 11 terrorist attacks,2003,74,3,237-250,Farooque Characteristics of patient and staff victims of assaults in community residences by previously nonviolent psychiatric inpatients,2000,71,3,195-203,Flannery Defending the unabomber: anosognosia in schizophrenia,2000,71,4,363-371,Amador Successfully treating aggression in mentally ill prison inmates,2000,71,4,331-343,Lewis Diagnosis and treatment of aggression in individuals with developmental disabilities,2008,79,3,225-247,Antonacci Methodological structure for aggression research,2008,79,4,293-300,Volavka Behavioral rehabilitation and the reduction of aggressive and self-injurious behaviors with cognitively impaired chronic psychiatric inpatients,1999,70,1,27-37,Stewart The aggressive patient/inmate: beyond denial,1999,70,3,199-208,Maier Psychopathy as a risk factor for violence,1999,70,3,181-197,Hare Acute Service Delivery in a Police-Mental Health Program for Children Exposed to Violence and Trauma,2011,76,2,107-121,Rosenheck Amphetamine abuse: a "speed" trap,1971,45,1,92-101,Lynn The stigma of severe mental illness: some potential solutions for a recalcitrant problem,1998,69,3,235-247,Martin Systems ethics and the history of medical ethics,1992,63,4,367-390,Clements The evaluation of homicidal patients by psychiatric residents in the emergency room: a pilot study,1991,62,4,333-344,Mulley Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: a complication of neuroleptics and cocaine abuse,1991,62,4,299-309,Ruiz Childhood asociality in the differential diagnosis of schizophrenia with drug abuse vs. psychosis with drug intoxication,1973,47,2,208-217,Winstead Impulsive acts and confusional states during incomplete arousal from sleep: crinimological and forensic implications,1974,48,3,400-409,Bonkalo Reasons for hospitalization from a psychiatric emergency service,1974,48,3,336-351,Babigian Depression and drug addiction,1974,48,3,374-386,Robbins Creatine kinase elevations and aggressive behavior in hospitalized forensic patients,1998,69,1,69-82,Hillbrand Beck Hopelessness Scale: Exploring its Dimensionality in Patients with Schizophrenia,2011,83,2,241-255,Kao Suicide and aging: international perspectives,2000,71,4,345-362,Kennedy Anxiety in Predicting Suicide-Related Symptom of Typhoon Disaster Victims: A One-Year Follow-Up Study in Southern Taiwan,2012,83,4,481-487,Lung Effects of Personality Disorder and Impulsivity on Emotional Adaptations in Prison Among Women Offenders,2012,83,4,467-480,Vaughn Psychiatrist Decision-Making Towards Prescribing Benzodiazepines: The Dilemma with Substance Abusers,2012,83,4,521-529,Chawarski Mental Health Approaches to Child Victims of Acts of Terrorism,2013,84,1,115-124,Billick Veteran-specific suicide prevention,2013,84,2,219-238,Lamis Manifestations of indirect self-destructiveness and methods of suicide attempts,2013,84,2,197-208,Gruszczyński Reducing suicides in New York State correctional facilities,2004,75,1,61-70,Miraglia Pharmacology and pharmacogenetics of pediatric ADHD with associated aggression: a review,2013,84,4,407-415,Barzman The association between salivary hormone levels and children's inpatient aggression: a pilot study,2013,84,4,475-484,Mossman Comorbid personality disorders and violent behavior in psychotic patients,2014,85,1,65-78,Volavka Forensic implications: Adolescent sexting and cyberbullying,2014,85,1,97-101,Billick Gender Differentiation in Indirect Self-Destructiveness and Suicide Attempt Methods (Gender Indirect Self-Destructiveness and Suicide Attempts),2014,85,2,197-209,Gruszczyński The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors,2013,85,3,257-265,Beaver Juvenile delinquency treatment and prevention: a literature review,2014,85,3,295-301,Billick Characteristics of American assaultive psychiatric patients: review of published findings 2000-2012,2014,85,3,319-328,Flannery Characteristics of international assaultive psychiatric patients: review of published findings 2000-2012,2014,85,3,303-317,Flannery A precursor of delinquency: the hyperkinetic disorder of childhood,1974,48,3,387-399,Barcai The long-term outcome of unresolved grief: an example,1985,57,2,142-146,Geller Psychic distress and the psychotherapy of convicts: an essay in applied psychoanalysis,1985,57,2,134-141,Kamm Laurence Predictors of suicide attempt status: acquired capability ideation and reasons,2014,85,4,427-437,Hovey Characteristics of international staff victims of psychiatric patient assaults: review of published findings 2000-2012,2014,85,4,397-404,Flannery Suicidality in non-treatment seeking young adults with subsyndromal gambling disorder,2014,85,4,513-522,Grant Subtypes of non-suicidal self-injury based on childhood adversity,2014,86,1,137-151,Vaughn The Bridgewater 100: an analysis of admissions to a hospital for the criminally insane,1980,52,3,190-200,Mikkelsen Types of borderline personality disorder (BPD) in patients admitted for suicide-related behavior,2014,86,1,49-60,Rojas Unintentional Child Neglect: Literature Review and Observational Study,2014,86,2,253-259,Billick Treating psychological trauma in first responders: a multi-modal paradigm,2014,86,2,261-267,Flannery Gender differences in psychological reactions to Hurricane Sandy among New York metropolitan area residents,2014,86,2,285-296,Palgi Functions consequences and frequency of non-suicidal self-injury,2015,86,3,385-393,Pepper The impact of suicide on co-patients,2015,86,4,449-457,Seeman Suicide attempts after emergency room visits: the effect of patient safety goals,2015,86,4,497-504,Robst Medical rapid response in psychiatry: reasons for activation and immediate outcome,2015,86,4,625-632,Manu Violent video games don't increase hostility in teens but they do stress girls out,2015,87,1,49-56,Ferguson The formation of marijuana risk perception in a population of substance abusing patients,2015,87,1,177-187,Davidson Emotional intelligence of women who experience domestic violence,2015,87,1,165-176,Tsirigotis Childhood abuse and mental health problems: does gender matter?,2015,87,1,189-202,Chen The association between psychopathic personality traits and victimization and exposure to violence in a sample of Saudi Arabian youth,2015,87,2,217-228,Beaver Post-traumatic stress and growth among medical student volunteers after the March 2011 disaster in Fukushima Japan: implications for student involvement with future disasters,2015,87,2,241-251,Taku Antidepressant regulatory warnings prescription patterns suicidality and other aggressive behaviors in major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders,2015,87,2,329-342,Erkanli Gender differences in at risk versus offender adolescents: a dimensional approach of antisocial behavior,2015,87,4,619-631,Stephan PTSD's underlying dimensions in Typhoon Haiyan survivors: assessing DSM-5 symptomatology-based PTSD models and their relation to posttraumatic cognition,2016,88,1,9-23,Mordeno Correlation between insight level and suicidal behavior/ideation in bipolar depression,2016,88,1,47-53,Cheniaux The interplay of MAOA and peer influences in predicting adult criminal behavior,2016,88,1,115-128,Menard Physiological arousal and juvenile psychopathy: is low resting heart rate associated with affective dimensions?,2016,88,1,103-114,Vaughn Study of deaths by suicide in the Soviet Special Camp Number 7 (Sachsenhausen) 1945-1950,2016,88,1,93-101,López-Muñoz Self-Injury Implicit Association Test: comparison of suicide attempters and non-attempters,2017,88,1,155-165,Kene Biopsychosocial causes of suicide and suicide prevention outcome studies in juvenile detention facilities: a review,2016,88,1,141-153,Billick Mental health referrals reduce recidivism in first-time juvenile offenders but how do we determine who is referred?,2016,88,1,167-183,Nahhas Understanding patterns of intimate partner abuse in male-male male-female and female-female couples,2016,88,2,335-347,Homel Community effect of alcoholism: a photovoice study in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,2016,88,3,423-434,Katz Obsessive-compulsive tendencies self/other perception personality and suicidal ideation in a non-clinical sample,2016,88,2,411-422,Iliceto A pilot study on developing a standardized and sensitive school violence risk assessment with manual annotation,2016,88,3,447-457,Barzman Victimization and vulnerability: a study of incarceration interpersonal trauma and patient-physician trust,2016,88,3,459-472,Caplan Aggressive event incidence using the staff observation of Aggression Scale-Revised (SOAS-R): a longitudinal study,2016,88,3,485-499,Dixon Everything in moderation: moderate use of screens unassociated with child behavior problems,2017,88,4,797-805,Ferguson Specific contributions of age of onset callous-unemotional traits and impulsivity to reactive and proactive aggression in youths with conduct disorders,2018,89,1,1-10,Stephan Correlates of the third victim phenomenon,2017,88,4,917-920,Russ Impact of a program for the management of aggressive behaviors on seclusion and restraint use in two high-risk units of a mental health institute,2018,89,1,95-102,Guay Elder mistreatment perpetrators with substance abuse and/or mental health conditions: results from the National Elder Mistreatment Study,2018,89,1,117-128,Solomon Clozapine in reducing aggression and violence in forensic populations,2018,89,1,157-168,Kelly Resilience in women who experience domestic violence,2018,89,1,201-211,Tsirigotis Occupational therapy in the assessment of a woman accused of murder,1982,54,2,85-96,Gutheil Rational suicide: considerations for the clinician,1982,54,2,77-84,Siegel The borderline patient in the emergency department: an approach to evaluation and management,1982,54,3,190-197,Perlmutter Characteristics of international staff victims of psychiatric patient assaults: review of published findings 2013-2017,2018,89,2,285-292,Flannery Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviors among college students in northeastern China: a cross-sectional study,2018,89,2,359-370,Xiang Characteristics of international assaultive psychiatric patients: review of published findings 2013-2017,2018,89,2,349-357,Flannery Identifying human trafficking victims on a psychiatry inpatient service: a case series,2018,89,2,341-348,Coverdale Violence towards family caregivers by their relative with schizophrenia in Japan,2018,89,2,329-340,Nakamura Impulsivity and response latency in non-suicidal self-injury: the role of negative urgency in emotion regulation,2018,89,2,417-426,Pepper Investigating the impact of past trauma and defense styles on posttraumatic stress following homicide and psychiatric co-morbidity,2018,89,2,439-449,Chung Social media use and mental health among young adults,2018,89,2,307-314,Ferguson Women femininity indirect and direct self-destructiveness. A review,2018,89,2,427-437,Tsirigotis The impact of dealing with the late effects of National Socialist terror on West German psychiatric care,2018,89,2,475-487,Söhner Indirect self-destructiveness in women who experience domestic violence,2018,89,3,521-532,Tsirigotis Caregiving for relatives with psychiatric disorders vs. Co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders,2018,89,3,631-644,Labrum Listening to the patient perspective: psychiatric inpatients' attitudes towards physical restraint,2018,89,3,691-696,Spinzy Eye gaze patterns associated with aggressive tendencies in adolescence,2018,89,3,747-756,Van der Schoot Bartenders' and rum shopkeepers' knowledge of and attitudes toward "problem drinking" in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,2018,89,4,801-815,Katz Automated risk assessment for school violence: a pilot study,2018,89,4,817-828,Barzman Psychosocial difficulties in adolescents nine months after a railway accident,2018,89,4,829-840,Guay Ending the opioid epidemic by changing the culture,2018,89,4,891-895,Sederer Medical student reactions to disaster after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake: motivation and posttraumatic growth,2018,89,4,1007-1018,Katz Trauma stabilisation as a sole treatment intervention for post-traumatic stress disorder in Southeast Asia,2019,90,1,63-88,Eichfeld Association between falls and balance among inpatients with schizophrenia: a preliminary prospective cohort study,2019,90,1,111-116,Okamura Traumatic brain injury and psychiatric co-morbidity in the United States,2019,90,1,151-158,Vaughn Suicidal thoughts attempts and motives among university students in 12 Muslim-majority countries,2019,90,1,229-248,Mechri PG-13 rated movie violence and societal violence: is there a link?,2019,90,2,395-403,Ferguson Folie du système? 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