Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Firearm injuries in children and adolescents: epidemiology and preventive approaches,1994,6,5,519-524,Christoffel Head injury in children,1993,5,3,303-309,Helfaer Interpersonal violence,1999,11,6,588-593,Mollen Foot and ankle injuries in the adolescent runner,2005,17,1,34-42,Kennedy Drowning and immersion injuries in children,1993,5,3,295-302,Kallas The treatment of adolescent depression in the era of the black box warning,2005,17,4,466-472,Richmond Sleep disorders immunizations sports injuries autism,2005,17,6,773-786,Spector Childhood injury prevention at home and play,1999,11,6,578-582,Dowd Prevention of suicide in adolescents,2001,13,5,417-422,Schwarz Effectiveness of anticipatory guidance: recent developments,2003,15,6,630-635,Cheng Therapeutics and toxicology of household poisonings in children - have things changed in the last ten years?,2006,18,2,172-173,Liebelt Unexplained infant and child death: a review of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Sudden Unexplained Infant Death and child maltreatment fatalities including shaken baby syndrome,2006,18,2,196-200,Newton All-terrain vehicle trampoline and scooter injuries and their prevention in children,2006,18,3,260-265,Levine Preventing motor vehicle-occupant and pedestrian injuries in children and adolescents,1993,5,3,284-288,Wilson Sports-related head injuries,1998,10,4,350-355,Chorley Suicidality in children and adolescents: a review,2002,14,6,713-717,Koplin Depression in adolescence,2001,13,6,586-590,Mrazek Epidemiology risk factors intervention and prevention of adolescent suicide,1998,10,4,338-343,Burr Update on childhood sexual abuse,2005,17,2,258-264,Vandeven Update on Munchausen syndrome by proxy,2005,17,2,252-257,Newton Update on child maltreatment with a special focus on shaken baby syndrome,2005,17,2,246-251,Newton Pediatrician's role in screening and treatment: bullying prediabetes oral health,2006,18,6,661-670,Spector Update on child maltreatment,2007,19,2,223-229,Newton 'Pharming': the abuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in teens,2007,19,3,270-274,Levine Activated charcoal for pediatric poisonings: the universal antidote?,2007,19,2,216-222,Lapus Antidotes for nerve agent poisoning: should we differentiate children from adults?,2007,19,2,211-215,Baker Old antidotes new antidotes and a 'universal antidote': what should we be using for pediatric poisoning?,2007,19,2,199-200,Liebelt Violence and children: a view from the emergency department,2007,19,3,245-246,Klig Screening for suicide risk in the pediatric emergency and acute care setting,2007,19,4,398-404,Fein Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and pediatric burn injury: important considerations regarding premorbid risk,2007,19,5,565-569,Fritz Update on child abuse prevention,2007,19,6,711-718,Lane Update on child maltreatment,2008,20,2,205-212,Newton Mosquito repellents and superwarfarin rodenticides--are they really toxic in children?,2006,18,2,180-183,Kendrick Pediatric traumatic brain injury: an update of research to understand and improve outcomes,2008,20,3,294-299,Martin Advances in the prevention of children's injuries: an examination of four common outdoor activities,2008,20,6,719-723,Parkin Update on child maltreatment,2009,21,2,252-261,Newton Sports-related concussions in pediatrics,2009,21,3,288-293,Teach Caustic ingestions in children,2009,21,5,651-654,Kay Lethal means reduction: what have we learned?,2009,21,5,635-640,Johnson Nonsuicidal self-injury and suicide risk among adolescents,2009,21,5,641-645,Lofthouse Suicide screening in schools primary care and emergency departments,2009,21,5,620-627,Horowitz Epidemiology of youth suicide and suicidal behavior,2009,21,5,613-619,Bridge Youth suicide prevention: does access to care matter?,2009,21,5,628-634,Campo Suicide prevention: time for 'zero tolerance',2009,21,5,611-612,Campo Update on child physical abuse sexual abuse and prevention,2006,18,2,201-205,Newton Sexually transmitted diseases and the sexually abused child,1993,5,1,41-49,Hanson Sexual abuse and sexually transmitted infections in children and adolescents,2010,22,1,94-99,Bechtel Hockey injuries: a pediatric sport update,2010,22,1,54-60,Marx Childhood obesity and the built environment,2010,22,2,202-207,Yen Child abuse and neglect: a worldwide concern,2010,22,2,226-233,Newton Adolescents and violent crime,1998,10,4,356-362,Cohall The inflammatory response to injury in children,2010,22,3,315-320,Wood Epidemiology of injury and the impact of health disparities,2010,22,3,321-325,Brown Health-related quality of life after pediatric trauma,2010,22,3,346-351,Winthrop Minor head injury in children,2010,22,3,257-261,Klig Thoracic trauma in children,1993,5,3,325-332,Stafford Blunt abdominal trauma in children,1993,5,3,317-324,Tepas Fractures in children,1994,6,1,85-89,Blasier Sports injuries in children,1994,6,1,80-84,Buckley Child abuse sudden infant death syndrome infectious disease and vaccinations,1994,6,2,225-231,Joffe Child abuse sudden infant death syndrome and psychosocial development,1996,8,2,195-200,Botash Treatment of snake insect scorpion and spider bites in the pediatric emergency department,1996,8,3,256-260,Holve Diagnosis and management of opioid- and benzodiazepine-induced comatose overdose in children,1996,8,3,243-247,Shannon Emergency department management of house fire burns and carbon monoxide poisoning in children,1996,8,3,239-242,Walker Emotional and behavioral sequelae of childhood maltreatment,2010,22,5,610-615,Kaufman Prevention strategies in child maltreatment,2010,22,5,616-620,Scribano An update on child abuse and neglect,2004,16,2,233-237,Wilson Updates on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder child abuse and neglect and sudden infant death syndrome,2003,15,2,216-225,Daley Child abuse and neglect,2002,14,2,251-254,Nagler Current concepts in preventing sexual abuse,2001,13,5,402-407,Paradise Child abuse prevention,2001,13,5,388-401,Lane Child abuse sudden infant death syndrome and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,1995,7,2,235-239,Botash Immunizations neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and animal-induced injuries,2007,19,4,492-502,Bennett Preventing motor vehicle injuries,1999,11,6,583-587,Durbin Health perspectives regarding adolescents in military service,2006,18,4,371-375,Hardoff Abuse and toxicity of methylphenidate,2002,14,2,219-223,Klein-Schwartz Health care issues of gay and lesbian youth,2001,13,4,298-302,Katz Management of the suicidal child or adolescent in the emergency department,1997,9,3,237-241,Press Advances in the study of mood disorders in childhood and adolescence,1995,7,4,401-404,Carlson Accidental and iatrogenic causes of acute kidney injury,2011,23,2,208-214,Twombley Update on child maltreatment: toward refining the evidence base,2011,23,2,240-248,Newton Hypoxic-ischemic brain injury: advancements in the understanding of mechanisms and potential avenues for therapy,1999,11,3,223-228,Biagas Emergency diagnosis and management of physical abuse and neglect of children,1995,7,3,297-301,Paradise Update on pediatric trauma care,1995,7,3,292-296,Wright Child sexual abuse,1995,7,4,405-409,Romans Factitious disorders and the psychosomatic continuum in children,1994,6,4,418-422,Krener Pediatric pain trauma and memory,1994,6,4,411-417,Steward Autism child abuse and sudden infant death syndrome,1997,9,2,189-194,Botash Orthopedic aspects of child abuse,1997,9,1,100-103,Beaty Osteogenesis imperfecta,1997,9,1,94-99,Tosi Childhood injury and emergency medical services for children,1994,6,3,317-323,Ogborn Iron poisoning in children,1994,6,3,289-294,Anderson Child abuse and sudden infant death syndrome,1998,10,2,217-223,Botash Child abuse and neglect: prevention and intervention,2001,13,2,211-215,Toomey Therapeutics and toxicology issues associated with the agitated violent or psychotic pediatric patient,2004,16,2,199-200,Liebelt Bibliography. Current world literature. General pediatrics,2007,19,6,746-747, Ring-a-ring-a-roses: bioterrorism and its peculiar relevance to pediatrics,2003,15,1,107-111,Cieslak Accidental and abusive head injury in young children,2003,15,3,299-303,Bechtel Sudden infant death syndrome child sexual abuse and child development,1999,11,2,175-186,Botash The challenge of childhood maltreatment and trauma,2010,22,5,598,Campo Managing traumatized children: a trauma systems perspective,2010,22,5,621-625,Wilson Animal-induced injuries and disease neonatal jaundice immunizations and viral infections,1996,8,4,417-425,Gerson Understanding teen dating violence: Practical screening and intervention strategies for pediatric and adolescent healthcare providers,2011,23,4,379-383,Cutter-Wilson Stinging insect hypersensitivity in children,1996,8,6,597-600,Graft Caustic ingestion and foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal system,1998,10,5,516-522,Karjoo Anogenital papillomavirus infections in children,1998,10,4,393-397,Gibbs Common pediatric hand fractures,2002,14,1,42-45,Nofsinger Elbow injuries in children,2003,15,1,68-73,Herrera-Soto Overuse injuries in pediatric athletes,2004,16,1,47-50,Lord Stopping sports injuries in kids: an overview of the last year in publications,2012,24,1,64-67,Franklin Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in childhood carbon monoxide poisoning,1999,11,3,259-264,Liebelt Neonatal jaundice animal-based injuries and immunizations,1999,11,4,367-373,Davis Strength training and nutritional supplement use in adolescents,1999,11,4,292-296,Metzl Child abuse pediatrics: prevention evaluation and treatment,2012,24,2,266-273,Newton Toxicity of energy drinks,2012,24,2,243-251,Babu Blunt cervical spine injury in children,2012,24,3,301-306,Tilt Field-based measures of head impacts in high school football athletes,2012,24,6,702-708,Broglio Epidemiology trends assessment and management of sport-related concussion in United States high schools,2012,24,6,696-701,Proctor Neuropsychological evaluation and management of sport-related concussion,2012,24,6,717-723,Taylor A pediatric perspective on concussion pathophysiology,2012,24,6,689-695,Babikian Examining the neural impact of pediatric concussion: a scoping review of multimodal and integrative approaches using functional and structural MRI techniques,2012,24,6,709-716,Keightley Sport-related concussion: time to take notice,2012,24,6,687-688,Tasker Subacute concussion-related symptoms and postconcussion syndrome in pediatrics,2012,24,6,724-730,Blume Child maltreatment: promising approaches and new directions,2013,25,2,268-274,Newton Toxicology and overdose of atypical antipsychotic medications in children: does newer necessarily mean safer?,2005,17,2,227-233,Dubois Bullying adverse childhood experiences and use of texting to promote behavior change,2013,25,6,748-754,Spector Acute coagulopathy in pediatric trauma,2014,26,3,343-349,Choi Child maltreatment: a review of key literature in 2013,2014,26,3,396-404,Newton Adolescent health literacy and the Internet: challenges and opportunities,2014,26,4,435-439,Jain Health risk behaviors in adolescents and young adults with special health care needs,2014,27,1,132-137,Pilapil Update on abusive head trauma,2015,27,3,308-314,Shaahinfar Teen victimization: prevalence and consequences of traditional and cyberbullying,2015,27,6,748-756,Pham Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of adolescents,2015,27,4,427-433,English Child maltreatment: a review of key literature in 2015,2016,28,3,395-399,Newton Teen lives matter: an update on adolescent gun violence,2016,28,4,441-446,Dodson Pokémon Go and augmented virtual reality games: a cautionary commentary for parents and pediatricians,2016,28,5,673-677,Serino Fidget spinners: purported benefits adverse effects and accepted alternatives,2017,29,5,616-618,Schecter Leaving the nest: anticipatory guidance for the college-bound youth,2017,29,6,728-736,Adesman Pediatric avulsion fractures of pelvis: current concepts,2018,30,1,78-83,Ghanem Prevention of sports injuries in children,2002,14,6,719-722,Ganley Acute concussion: making the diagnosis and state of the art management,2018,30,3,344-349,Mannix Updates on adolescent dating and sexual violence prevention and intervention,2018,30,4,466-471,Miller Recognizing diagnosing and preventing child maltreatment: an update for pediatric clinicians,2018,30,4,582-590,Newton Nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescents: current developments to help inform assessment and treatment,2018,30,4,483-489,Pluhar Foreign body ingestion in pediatric patients,2018,30,5,677-682,Gurevich Posttraumatic headache in pediatrics: an update and review,2018,30,6,755-763,Blume Button battery and magnet ingestions in the pediatric patient,2018,30,5,653-659,Bolton Cannabis-related emergencies in children and teens,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Chen Pediatric postoperative opioid prescribing and the opioid crisis,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Harbaugh Pediatric disaster preparedness: identifying challenges and opportunities for emergency department planning,2019,31,3,306-311,Simpson Paediatric traumatic brain injury,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Forsyth Understanding and managing intimate partner violence in the pediatric primary care setting: a review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wang Firearm-related injuries in children and adolescents: an emergency and critical care perspective,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Klig Adolescent suicide: what can pediatricians do?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Breslin Defining catastrophic brain injury in children leading to coma and disorders of consciousness and the scope of the problem,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tasker Trauma patients in the pediatric ICU: rational use of a limited resource,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Polcari Ethical and legal considerations related to disorders of consciousness,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paquette Medical genetics expert medical testimony and suspected child abuse cases: a call for evidence-based standards in clinic and the courtroom,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shur A trauma-informed guide to caring for adolescents following sexual assault,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fitzgerald Edible marijuana products and potential risks for pediatric populations,2022,34,3,279-287,O'Connor A review on the disparities in the identification and assessment of depression in Black adolescents and young adults. 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