Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author External hip protectors in home-dwelling older persons,2004,16,1,41-43,Jalonen-Mannikko Depression in the elderly: new concepts and therapeutic approaches,2004,16,3,176-189,Mecocci Falls incidence and factors associated with falling in older community-dwelling chronic stroke survivors (greater than 1 year after stroke) and matched controls,2005,17,2,74-81,Hill Relationship between falls and physical performance measures among community-dwelling elderly women in Japan,2005,17,3,211-216,Morita An algorithm to screen long-term care residents at risk for accidental falls,2005,17,3,186-192,Becker Using administrative data to track fall-related ambulatory care services in the Veterans Administration Healthcare system,2005,17,5,412-418,Powell-Cope Does dance-based training improve balance in adult and young old subjects? A pilot randomized controlled trial,2005,17,5,385-389,Federici Relationship between dual-task related gait changes and intrinsic risk factors for falls among transitional frail older adults,2005,17,4,270-275,Kressig Vitamin D deficiency in the elderly: it is time for urgent preventive intervention,2005,17,2,71-73,Adami Lower limb function as predictor of falls and loss of mobility with social repercussions one year after discharge among elderly inpatients,2005,17,2,82-89,Quadri Evaluation of an osteoporosis and fall risk intervention program for community-dwelling elderly. a quasi-experimental study of behavioral modifications,2006,18,3,235-241,Timpka Characteristics associated with falls in patients with dementia in a psychogeriatric ward,2007,19,2,97-103,Gustafson Motor speed and lower extremity strength as predictors of fall-related bone fractures in elderly individuals,2006,18,4,320-324,Sipilä Incidence of fractures and changes over time among the aged in a Finnish municipality: a population-based 12-year follow-up,2007,19,4,269-276,Piirtola Lowered vision as a risk factor for injurious accidents in older people,2008,20,1,25-30,Sipilä A randomized controlled trial of fall prevention by a high-intensity functional exercise program for older people living in residential care facilities,2008,20,1,67-75,Gustafson Square-stepping exercise versus strength and balance training for fall risk factors,2008,20,1,19-24,Rantanen Gait variability while dual-tasking: fall predictor in older inpatients?,2008,20,2,123-130,Kressig Physical function physical activity and recent falls. Results from the "Invecchiamento e Longevita nel Sirente (ilSIRENTE)" Study,2008,20,3,234-241,Landi Stepping down backwards as a means of detecting biomechanical differences between healthy older and younger adults,2008,20,3,226-233,Duchene Dual-task interference during obstacle clearance in healthy and balance-impaired older adults,2008,20,4,349-354,Chou Diabetes and osteoporosis,2008,20,4,280-289,Maggi An uncommon case of failed suicide in a 94-year-old woman: "masked"depression or rational decision?,2008,20,4,381-383,Enzi Associated factors of falls in nursing home residents in Hong Kong and the role of restraints: a cross-sectional survey using the resident assessment instrument,2008,20,5,447-453,Chi Characteristics of fall-related hip fractures in community-dwelling elderly patients according to cognitive status,2008,20,5,434-438,Formiga Balance control in the elderly: do Masters athletes show more efficient balance responses than healthy older adults?,2008,20,5,406-411,Woollacott Maximum step length as a potential screening tool for falls in non-disabled older adults living in the community,2008,20,5,394-399,Hauer Suicide and euthanasia in late life,2003,15,2,99-110,De Leo The Effect of a program of Multifactorial Fall Prevention on Health Related Quality of Life Functional Ability Fear of Falling and Psychological Well-being. A Randomized Controlled Trial,2010,22,3,249-254,Schwarz The incidence risk factors and consequences of falling injury among the community elderly in Shihpai Taiwan,2010,22,1,70-77,Chou Association between a history of falls and the ability to multi-task in community-dwelling older people,2010,22,5-6,427-432,Shimada Increased muscle strength improves managing in activities of daily living in fall-prone community-dwelling older women,2011,23,1,42-48,Kivela Particularities of suicide in the elderly. A population-based study,2009,21,6,470-474,Biermann Health status in the oldest old. Age and sex differences in the Umeå 85+ Study,2006,18,2,116-126,Kallin Falls Clinics: an opportunity to address frailty and improve health outcomes (preliminary evidence),2010,22,2,170-174,Whitehead Home-based video exercise intervention for community-dwelling frail older women: a randomized controlled trial,2008,20,5,479-486,Vestergaard Low acceptance of treatment in the elderly for the secondary prevention of osteoporotic fracture in the acute rehabilitation setting,2010,22,3,231-237,Kiel Incidence of fragility fractures,2007,19,4 Suppl,7-11,Tarantino Effects of a one-year exercise training program in adults over 70 years old: a study with a control group,2007,19,4,310-315,Casillas Old women with a recent fall history show improved muscle strength and function sustained for six months after finishing training,2007,19,4,300-309,Larsen Effects of exercise on the prevention of conditions leading to the need for long-term care,2010,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ohtake Increased intra-individual variability in stride length and reaction time in recurrent older fallers,2010,23,5-6,393-399,Weerdesteyn Improvements in postural control through a dynamic balance training protocol in older overweight women,2010,23,5-6,378-385,Bellafiore Do voluntary step reactions in dual task conditions have an added value over single task for fall prediction? A prospective study,2010,22,5-6,360-366,Melzer Presbyequilibrium in the oldest olds a combination of vestibular oculomotor and postural deficits,2011,23,5-6,364-371,Pyykko Community-based fall assessment compared with hospital-based assessment in community-dwelling older people over 65 at high risk of falling: a randomized study,2011,23,1,35-41,Myint Comments on: Psychometric properties of the German version of the Fear of Falling Questionnaire-revised (FFQ-R) in a sample of older adults after hip or pelvic fracture,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Özden Development and persistence of fear of falling relate to a different mobility functions in community-dwelling older adults: one-year longitudinal predictive validity study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Asai Effects of the fear of falling on muscular coactivation during walking,2012,24,2,157-161,Yamada Psychomotor speed in a random sample of 7979 subjects aged 30 years and over,2011,23,2,135-144,Härkänen Osteosynthesis of fragility fractures,2011,23,2 Suppl,54-56,Tarantino Prevention of falls and role of calcium and vitamin D,2011,23,2 Suppl,20-21,Gatto Age influences rehabilitative outcomes in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI),2011,23,3,202-208,Lauretani Sensorimotor function balance abilities and pain influence Timed Up and Go performance in older community-living people,2011,23,3,196-201,Lord Diagnostic accuracy of three types of fall risk methods for predicting falls in nursing homes,2011,23,3,187-195,Forsén Carotid sinus syndrome is common in very elderly patients undergoing tilt table testing and carotid sinus massage because of syncope or unexplained falls,2011,23,4,304-308,Paling The predictive power of physical function assessed by questionnaire and physical performance measures for subsequent disability,2012,24,4,345-353,Nagatomi Quality of life issues in patients with osteoporotic fractures,2002,14,1,60-63,Minisola Femur bone mineral density age and fracture type in 300 hip-fractured women,2002,14,1,47-51,Cavanna Predictors of falls in the elderly by location,2003,15,1,43-50,Bergland Body mass index and functional recovery after hip fracture: a survey study of 510 women,2006,18,1,57-62,Di Monaco Neural mechanisms underlying balance improvement with short term Tai Chi training,2006,18,1,7-19,Gatts The Epidemiology of Sports-Related Injuries in Older Adults: A Central European Epidemiologic Study,2012,24,5,448-454,Blauth Depressive symptoms and fear of falling in previously community-dwelling older persons recovering from proximal femoral fracture,2011,23,5-6,450-456,Becker Association between disease-related factors and balance and falls among the elderly with COPD: a cross-sectional study,2011,23,5-6,372-377,Ozalevli Reducing fracture risk in the oldest old: aging and the effect of pharmaceutical interventions in osteoporosis,2007,19,1,1-3,Crepaldi Slower adaptation to driving simulator and simulator sickness in older adults,2012,24,3,285-289,Ebe Do behavioral disturbances predict falls among nursing home residents?,2012,24,3,251-256,Sylliaas Analysis of suicide in the elderly in Italy. Risk factors and prevention of suicidal behavior,2012,24,3 Suppl,20-23,Terranova Impaired choice stepping in response to a visual-spatial attention demanding task among older adults at high risk of falling: a pilot study,2012,24,4,361-364,Yamada Postural balance and health-related factors in middle-aged and older women with injurious falls and non-fallers,2004,16,2,139-146,Sihvonen A pilot study of falls fear of falling activity levels and fall prevention actions in older people with polio,2004,16,2,126-131,Hill Strength mobility and falling in women referred to a geriatric outpatient clinic,2004,16,2,122-125,Janssen Effects of home exercises and group training on functional abilities in home-dwelling older persons with mobility and balance problems. A randomized study,2004,16,2,113-121,Helbostad Vitamin D and calcium supplementation prevents severe falls in elderly community-dwelling women: a pragmatic population-based 3-year intervention study,2005,17,2,125-132,Foldspang A short comprehensive assessment to predict outcome of elderly patients after hip fracture,2005,17,2,116-120,Herrmann Failure to treat osteoporosis and the risk of subsequent fractures in elderly patients with previous hip fracture: a five-year retrospective study,2005,17,2,96-99,Formiga Older patients with distal forearm fracture. A challenge to future fall and fracture prevention,2005,17,2,90-95,Magnusson The effect of functional circuit training on self-reported fear of falling and health status in a group of physically frail older individuals: a randomized controlled trial,2013,25,3,329-336,Giné-Garriga Step adjustments among young and elderly when walking toward a raised surface,2013,25,3,299-304,Laessoe Erratum to: A novel infrared laser device that measures multilateral parameters of stepping performance for assessment of fall risk in elderly individuals,2014,ePub,ePub,ePub,Yamada Falls in elderly people: a multifactorial analysis of risk markers using data from the Swedish general population study 'Good Ageing in Skåne',2013,25,1,59-67,Nordell Can the Ordered Multi-Stepping Over Hoop test be useful for predicting fallers among older people? A preliminary 1 year cohort study,2013,25,4,427-432,Doi Guidelines for elderly patients with multimorbidity: how to cope with a dark night without fear,2013,25,6,703-705,Marengoni Resistance training improves single leg stance performance in older adults,2014,26,1,89-92,Hoffman Association with and predictive capacity of self-perceived risk of falling in recurrent falls in older people: A prospective study,2013,25,5,591-596,Gálvez-Barrón Clinical aspects and diagnostic relevance of neuroautonomic evaluation in patients with unexplained falls,2014,26,1,33-37,Marchionni Characteristics and circumstances of falls in hip fractures,2013,25,Suppl 1,S133-S135,Iolascon Group fitness activities for the elderly: An innovative approach to reduce falls and injuries,2014,26,2,147-152,Bellafiore Short Berg Balance Scale BBS-9 as a predictor of fall risk among the aged: a prospective 12-month follow-up study,2013,25,6,645-650,Salminen Differences in muscle activation patterns during step recovery in elderly women with and without a history of falls,2014,26,2,213-220,Ichihashi Progressive resistance strength training and the related injuries in older adults: The susceptibility of the shoulder,2014,26,3,235-240,Sousa Task requirements and their effects on imagined walking in elderly,2013,26,4,387-393,Raab Evaluation of the impact of 6-month training by whole body vibration on the risk of falls among nursing home residents observed over a 12-month period: A single blind randomized controlled trial,2014,26,4,369-376,Crielaard A regression tree for identifying combinations of fall risk factors associated to recurrent falling: a cross-sectional elderly population-based study,2014,26,3,331-336,Beauchet Differential effects of water-based exercise on the cognitive function in independent elderly adults,2014,27,2,149-159,Sato Investigation of key factors affecting the balance function of older adults,2014,27,2,139-147,Wang Differences between participants and non-participants in an RCT on physical activity and psychological interventions for older persons,2005,17,3,236-245,Brouwer Balance performance in older adults and its relationship with falling,2014,27,3,287-296,Jalali Prospective observational study to evaluate risk factors for falls in institutionalized elderly people: the role of cystatin C,2014,27,4,419-424,Peláez The identification of fall history using maximal and rapid isometric torque characteristics of the hip extensors in healthy recreationally active elderly females: a preliminary investigation,2014,27,4,431-438,Smith Feasibility study of dual-task-managing training to improve gait performance of older adults,2015,27,4,447-455,Voelcker-Rehage A long-recommended but seldom-used method of analysis for fall injuries found a unique pattern of risk factors in the youngest-old,2015,27,4,439-445,Nordell The prevalence of frailty and related factors in community-dwelling Turkish elderly according to modified Fried Frailty Index and FRAIL scales,2015,27,5,703-709,Ozturk The "syncope and dementia" study: a prospective observational multicenter study of elderly patients with dementia and episodes of "suspected" transient loss of consciousness,2015,27,6,877-882,Landi Olfaction deterioration in cognitive disorders in the elderly,2015,28,1,37-45,Ottaviano Post-hoc validation of the Conley Scale in predicting the risk of falling with older in-hospital medical patients: findings from a multicentre longitudinal study,2015,28,1,139-146,Palese Measurement strategy and statistical power in studies assessing gait stability and variability in older adults,2015,28,2,257-265,van Dieen Model development to study strategies of younger and older adults getting up from the floor,2015,28,2,277-287,Becker Stochastic fluctuations in gene expression in aging hippocampal neurons could be exacerbated by traumatic brain injury,2015,28,2,363-367,Parsley Impact of obesity in elderly patients with postural instability,2015,28,3,423-428,Rossi-Izquierdo Hypovitaminosis D is associated with a reduction in upper and lower limb muscle strength and physical performance in post-menopausal women: a retrospective study,2015,27,Suppl 1,23-30,Gimigliano Problems of older persons using a wheeled walker,2015,28,2,215-220,Becker Xbox Kinect training to improve clinical measures of balance in older adults: a pilot study,2015,28,3,451-457,Bieryla Factors influencing falls in the frail elderly individuals in urban and rural areas,2015,28,4,687-697,Yoo Balance measured by the sway balance smart-device application does not discriminate between older persons with and without a fall history,2015,28,4,679-686,Vincenzo Differences in leg muscle activity and body sway between elderly adults able and unable to maintain one-leg stance for 1 min: the effect of hand support,2015,28,4,669-677,Demura Concurrent arm swing-stepping (CASS) can reveal gait start hesitation in Parkinson's patients with low self-efficacy and fear of falling,2015,27,4,457-463,Hu Predicting falls in elderly patients with chronic pain and other chronic conditions,2015,27,5,653-661,Falissard Access to transportation for Chittenden County Vermont older adults,2015,28,4,769-774,Delaney Sit to stand in elderly fallers vs non-fallers: new insights from force platform and electromyography data,2015,28,5,871-879,Frère Factors associating with shuttle walking test results in community-dwelling elderly people,2015,27,6,829-834,Yamada Executive function is necessary for the regulation of the stepping activity when stepping in place in older adults,2015,28,5,909-915,Dalton Changes in dual-task performance after 5 months of karate and fitness training for older adults to enhance fall prevention,2015,28,6,1179-1186,Pliske Rising incidence of fall-induced maxillofacial injuries among older adults,2016,28,6,1127-1131,Parkkari Predictors of institutionalization among home-dwelling older Finnish people: a 22-year follow-up study,2016,29,3,507,Vahlberg Falls risk assessment for hospitalised older adults: a combination of motion data and vital signs,2016,28,6,1159-1168,Connolly Fall prevention in the young old using an exoskeleton human body posturizer: a randomized controlled trial,2016,29,2,207-214,Cacciafesta Risk factors for cognitive decline associated with gait speed in community-dwelling elderly Koreans with MMSE scores of 30,2016,29,2,183-189,Kim Multi-chronic musculoskeletal pain is a useful clinical index to predict the risk of falls in older adults with normal motor function,2015,27,5,711-716,Yamada Physical functioning in older persons with dizziness: a population-based study,2016,29,2,197-205,Frandin Risk factors associated with in-hospital mortality in elderly patients admitted to a regional trauma center after sustaining a fall,2016,29,3,427-433,Jordan Focal muscle vibration as a possible intervention to prevent falls in elderly women: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial,2015,27,6,857-863,Landi Applying different mathematical variability methods to identify older fallers and non-fallers using gait variability data,2016,29,3,473-481,Crozara A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults: the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) statement,2016,28,4,797-803,Maggi The interrelationship between balance Tai Chi and depression in Latino older adults,2016,29,3,395-401,Siu Gait speed response to aerobic versus resistance exercise training in older adults,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Marsh Influence of age gender and test conditions on the reproducibility of dual-task walking performance,2016,29,4,761-769,Wollesen Intersession reliability of self-selected and narrow stance balance testing in older adults,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riemann Standing balance and strength measurements in older adults living in residential care communities,2016,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sparto Ginkgo biloba special extract LI 1370 improves dual-task walking in patients with MCI: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled exploratory study,2017,29,4,609-619,Granacher Alcohol and other drug use in older adults: results from a community needs assessment,2017,29,6,1149-1155,Salzman Physical activity and exercise as countermeasures to physical frailty and sarcopenia,2017,29,1,35-42,Cherubini Evaluation of the turning characteristics according to the severity of Parkinson disease during the timed up and go test,2017,29,6,1191-1199,Kim "Brain-muscle loop" in the fragility of older persons: from pathophysiology to new organizing models,2017,29,6,1305-1311,Lauretani Data set of healthy old people assessed for three walking conditions using accelerometric and opto-electronic methods,2017,29,6,1201-1209,Schwartz Elder abuse in Europe's "most elderly" city: an assessment of the phenomenon and an analysis of the data from the Penal Court of Genoa from 2010 to 2015,2017,29,6,1285-1290,Ventura Tools for assessing fall risk in the elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2018,30,1,1-16,Park Fall-induced wounds and lacerations in older Finns between 1970 and 2014,2018,30,1,71-75,Parkkari The impact of polypharmacy and drug interactions among the elderly population in Western Sicily Italy,2018,30,1,81-87,Casuccio Development and examination of a functional reactive agility test for older adults,2018,30,4,293-298,Thompson Subjective cognitive decline and fall risk in community-dwelling older adults with or without objective cognitive decline,2018,30,5,457-462,Aoyama How clinical practitioners assess frailty in their daily practice: an international survey,2017,29,5,905-912,Cherubini Determinants of functional outcome in hip fracture: the role of comorbidity,2018,30,6,643-650,Baiardi Contributions to lateral balance control in ambulatory older adults,2018,30,6,633-641,Kritchevsky Effect of vibration on postural control and gait of elderly subjects: a systematic review,2018,30,7,713-726,Arazpour Effect of somatosensory and neurofeedback training on balance in older healthy adults: a preliminary investigation,2018,30,7,745-753,Azarpaikan Cognitive functioning subjective memory complaints and risky behaviour predict minor home injuries in elderly,2018,30,8,985-991,Caffò Identification and feasibility of social participation initiatives reducing isolation and involving rural older Canadians in the development of their community,2018,30,7,845-859,Levasseur Benefits of resistance training in physically frail elderly: a systematic review,2018,30,8,889-899,Izquierdo Both psychological factors and physical performance are associated with fall-related concerns,2018,30,9,1079-1085,Vikman The effects of a multicomponent intervention program on clinical outcomes associated with falls in healthy older adults,2018,30,9,1101-1110,White Declining incidence in fall-induced deaths of older adults: Finnish statistics during 1971-2015,2018,30,9,1111-1115,Parkkari Does focal mechanical stimulation of the lower limb muscles improve postural control and sit to stand movement in elderly?,2018,30,10,1161-1166,Greco Reliability and validity of the Short Falls Efficacy Scale-International for Japanese older people,2018,30,11,1371-1377,Shiba Falls in Mexican older adults aged 60 years and older,2018,30,11,1345-1351,Al Snih Improved outcomes following implementation of a multidisciplinary care pathway for elderly hip fractures,2019,31,2,273-278,DiGiacomo Benzodiazepine ingestion as a way to die by suicide and related safety: the case of an elderly patient,2019,31,2,287-289,Dell'osso Temporal characteristics of imagined and actual walking in frail older adults,2018,30,12,1453-1457,Nakano Author Correction: Reliability and feasibility of gait initiation centre-of-pressure excursions using a Wii® Balance Board in older adults at risk of falling,2019,31,2,293,Lee Association of fear of falling with acceleration-derived gait indices in older adults with knee osteoarthritis,2019,31,5,645-651,Asai Contribution of hip abductor-adductor muscles on static and dynamic balance of community-dwelling older adults,2019,31,5,621-627,de Abreu Fall-risk increasing drugs and prevalence of polypharmacy in older patients discharged from an orthogeriatric unit after a hip fracture,2019,31,7,969-975,Cruz-Jentoft Simulating the effects of a clinical guidelines screening algorithm for fall risk in community dwelling older adults,2019,31,8,1069-1076,Becker Use of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics is associated with falls in nursing home residents: a longitudinal cohort study,2019,31,8,1087-1095,Hägg Elderly patients visiting the emergency department for deliberate self-poisoning: do they present a more severe poisoning severity score than the nonelderly patients in the initial 24 h?,2019,31,8,1139-1146,Wee Short-Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) score is associated with falls in older outpatients,2018,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lauretani The association between apathy decline in physical performance and falls in older persons,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,van Schoor Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial to examine the impact of a complex intervention in pre-frail older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kerse Perception of parks and trails as mobility facilitators and transportation walking in older adults: a study using digital geographical maps,2019,31,5,673-683,Portegijs Long-term strength and balance training in prevention of decline in muscle strength and mobility in older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Häkkinen Prognostic factors that modify outcomes of vestibular rehabilitation in elderly patients with falls,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rossi-Izquierdo Factors associated with impairment in gait speed in older people with clinically normal gait. A cross-sectional study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Esteban Gait symmetry in the dual task condition as a predictor of future falls among independent older adults: a 2-year longitudinal study,2019,31,8,1057-1067,Salmon Assessment of factors that increase risk of falling in older women by four different clinical methods,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Exercise with active video game or strength/balance training? Case reports comparing postural balance of older women,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maillot Medications and fall risk: a case-control study in nursing home residents in Japan,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Urushihara Effects of task-specific obstacle-induced trip-perturbation training: proactive and reactive adaptation to reduce fall-risk in community-dwelling older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bhatt Motor-cognitive dual-task performance of older women evaluated using Wii Balance Board,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maillot Predicting falls in people with Parkinson's disease: impact of methodological approaches on predictors identified,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sherrington Analgesic and psychoactive medications and the risk of falls in relation to delirium in single-bed rooms compared to multiple-bed rooms in geriatric inpatients,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gregersen Relationship between malnutrition and different fall risk assessment tools in a geriatric in-patient unit,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Adly Dynapenic abdominal obesity and the incidence of falls in older women: a prospective study,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gadelha Dizziness and its association with walking speed and falls efficacy among older men and women in an urban population,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Frandin A simple method to categorize gait speed of older persons based on visual inspection of stepping,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Effect of exergames on physical outcomes in frail elderly: a systematic review,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jia Cognitive performances better identify fallers than mobility assessment among older adults with fear of falling,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bherer Analysis of the health profiles and prevalence of falls for patients over 65 years of age in a thermal environment,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Picot Robotic balance assessment in community-dwelling older people with different grades of impairment of physical performance,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Squeri Root cause analysis of fall-related hospitalisations among residents of aged care services,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bell Late life suicide in Italy 1980-2015,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pompili Age-related differences to neck range of motion and muscle strength: potential risk factors to fall-related traumatic brain injuries,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sosnoff Effects of Nintendo Wii fit game training on balance among Lebanese older adults,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fakhro Estimation of the risk of the frailty syndrome in the independent-living population of older people,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Skrzek Dance intervention effects on physical function in healthy older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Compensatory adjustments in motor unit behavior during fatigue differ for younger versus older men,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Stock The association between light intensity physical activity with gait speed in older adults (≥ 50 years). A longitudinal analysis using the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Bunting Impact of the backward chaining method on physical and psychological outcome measures in older adults at risk of falling: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Frailty and prediction of recurrent falls over 10 years in a community cohort of 75-year-old women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kristensson Driving status and health-related quality of life among the oldest old: a population-based examination using data from the AgeCoDe-AgeQualiDe prospective cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Riedel-Heller Posterior single-stepping thresholds are prospectively related to falls in older women,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Amin Does dual-tasking provide additional value in timed "up and go" test for predicting the occurrence of falls? A longitudinal observation study by age group (young-older or old-older adults),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Misu Falls and life-space mobility: longitudinal analysis from The International Mobility in Aging Study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gómez Reliability of walking speed in basic and complex conditions in healthy older community-dwelling individuals,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,De Vito Volunteer-led physical activity interventions to improve health outcomes for community-dwelling older people: a systematic review,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ibrahim The modified Healthy Aging Index is associated with mobility limitations and falls in a community-based sample of oldest old,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Liu Task specificity impacts dual-task interference in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Boron The association between fear of falling and orthostatic hypotension in older adults,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Smith Vitamin D supplementation: upper limit for safety revisited?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Rizzoli Between-day repeatability of sensor-based in-home gait assessment among older adults: assessing the effect of frailty,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Wendel The effect of different test protocols and walking distances on gait speed in older persons,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Clinical assessment of gait and functional mobility in Italian healthy and cognitively impaired older persons using wearable inertial sensors,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Pau Validation of the Perform-FES: a new fear of falling scale for hospitalized geriatric patients,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Trombetti Late-life depression and its impact on rehabilitation after traumatic injuries,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Beghi Predictors for functional decline after an injurious fall: a population-based cohort study,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Xu Handgrip strength asymmetry is associated with future falls in older Americans,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cesari Reply to the letter : "Psychometric properties of the German version of the Fear of Falling Questionnaire-revised (FFQ-R) in a sample of older adults after hip or pelvic fracture",2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Mobility performance impacts mortality risk in community-dwelling healthy older adults in Japan: a prospective observational study,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayashi Elder abuse in Europe's "most elderly" city: an update of the phenomenon based on the cases reported to the Penal Court of Genoa from 2015 to 2019 and literature review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ventura Evidence-based recommendations for resistance and power training to prevent frailty in community-dwellers,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Landi Delirium in your house: a survey during general practitioner-programmed home visits,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Tremolizzo Impact of an individual personalised rehabilitation program on mobility performance in older-old people,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Montero-Odasso The effect of the interaction between fall-related self-efficacy and gait function on the occurrence of falls in community-dwelling older people,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Shiba Static one-leg standing balance test as a screening tool for low muscle mass in healthy elderly women,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Williams Objectively measured far vision impairment and sarcopenia among adults aged ≥ 65 years from six low- and middle-income countries,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Gorely Estimate of gait speed by using persons' walk ratio or step-frequency in older adults,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Becker Elderly patients and falls: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Çinar Comorbidity and the association with 1-year mortality in hip fracture patients: can the ASA score and the Charlson Comorbidity Index be used interchangeably?,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hedström The effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine-based exercise on physical performance balance and muscle strength among older adults: a systematic review with meta-analysis,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Si Does the association of therapeutic exercise and supplementation with sucrosomial magnesium improve posture and balance and prevent the risk of 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