Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Boosting booster seat use: use simple education to help properly restrain youngsters,2004,104,8,13,Koschel 'Dying to Tell?': Do mandatory reporting laws benefit victims of domestic violence?,2004,104,10,75-79,Connor 80% of car seats unsafe,2000,100,5,20, Preparing for disasters: Helping yourself as you help others,2005,105,5,112,Papp The London Bombings: how EDs and nurses responded to the terrorist attacks of July 7,2005,105,9,102-103,Parish On the Road to Disaster-and Back: AJN's news director visited health officials and rescuers immediately after Hurricane Katrina,2005,105,11,24-26,Kennedy 'Negligent homicide' charges for nursing home owners: the frailest residents paid the highest price when Katrina struck,2005,105,11,19,Jacobson Carbon Monoxide Poisoning After Hurricanes: Poorly ventilated generators are usually the culprit,2006,106,3,43,Lewin Keeping Newborns and Children Safe: Resolutions on safe haven laws and injury prevention around vehicles,2006,106,3,35-36,Trossman Making the Decision to Report to Work in a Disaster: Nurses may have conflicting obligations,2006,106,9,54-57,Chaffee Sensory Impairment in Older Adults: Part 2: Vision Loss,2006,106,11,52-61,Whiteside Teaching gun safety,1997,97,9,16,Hunter Violence prevention begins at home--with nurses,1997,97,5,80,Hatcher Mandatory reporting law gone awry: The ANA and KSNA fight to protect adolescents' access to confidential care,2005,105,6,73 75 77,Trossman Violence and nursing,2007,107,6,15,Brown Self-injury and suicide,2007,107,10,20,Mennick Steering wheel injury,1991,91,5,54,Donner Violence and nursing,2007,107,11,15,Tedesco A Safety Project in Elementary-School,1960,60,9,1288-1289,Sessoms Traffic Safety,1956,56,5,536-536,Powell Traumatic brain injuries sustained in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars,2008,108,4,47-48, Traumatic Brain Injuries Sustained in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars,2008,108,4,40-47,Lu Preventing falls and traumatic brain injuries in older adults,2008,108,9,22, Disaster Legislation Shields Health Care Workers in Louisiana,2008,108,10,20,Worth Bullying among nurses,2009,109,1,52-58,Dellasega Screening for mistreatment of older adults,2008,108,12,52-59,Fulmer The Impact of Event Scale--Revised: a quick measure of a patient's response to trauma,2008,108,11,60-68,Brown Nonfamily infant abductions 1983-2006,2008,108,9,32-38,Burgess Safeguarding seniors during hurricanes,2008,108,1,28,Berman Emergency: heatstroke in older adults. In this population it's a short step from heat exhaustion,2007,107,6,52-56,Lewis Domestic violence,2009,109,9,12,Myers Domestic violence,2009,109,9,12,Trussler Living and dying. Suicide: an invitation to die,1970,70,2,269 passim,Jourard Limits to service in child abuse,1969,69,8,1710-1712,Shade Violence in Chicago,1968,68,10,2168-2169,Kennedy With suicidal patients; caring for is caring about,1967,67,6,1230-1232,Umscheid Preventing suicide,1965,65,,111-116,Shneidman Carbon monoxide poisoning. Immediate diagnosis and treatment are crucial to avoid complications,2006,106,3,40-46,Rosenthal A case of airway obstruction: a rubber ball in a baby's throat didn't get there on its own. Is it abuse?,2006,106,8,35-38,Weintraub Suicide in the aged,1971,71,11,2153-2155,Gage A mock disaster on a rural road,1972,72,12,2222-2224,Story Working with abusive parents. A caseworker's view,1973,73,3,480-483,Mitchell Head hitting in severely retarded children,1974,74,10,1822-1825,Barnes The potential for suicide,1975,75,10,1782-1788,Bahra Sports injuries in adolescents: emergency care,1975,75,10,1732-9 1744,O'Boyle Control of violence in a mental health setting,1975,75,4,606-609,Penningroth Suicide in relation to time of day and day of week,1975,75,2,263,Vollen Suicide,1975,75,2,260-262,Westercamp A nurse for suicidal patients,1976,76,11,1792-1793,Sumner A guide to assessing parenting capabilities,1976,76,11,1784-1787,Bishop Human violence,1976,76,1,69-71,Sobel Index of suspicion: screening for child abusers,1976,76,1,108-110,Olson When a patient becomes violent,1977,77,7,1144-1148,Anders Marijuana: pro and con,1977,77,4,630-635,Snyder Rescue fantasies: professional impediments in working with abused families,1978,78,9,1483-1484,Scharer Child abuse can be prevented,1978,78,9,1478-1482,McKeel Helping the battered wife,1978,78,4,654-656,Lieberknecht The battered wife,1978,78,4,650-653,Hendrix The suicidal adolescent,1979,79,1,80-84,Hart Adult abuse laws,1980,80,4,739-740,Mancini Student reactions to disaster,1980,80,4,680-682,Palmer Life-saving alarm system is brainchild of plant nurse,1981,81,2,396-400,Smith Was this suicide preventable?,1982,82,7,1106-1111,Hoff Youth prostitution,1982,82,5,832-834,Burgess The child in the car. What every nurse should know about safety,1983,83,10,1421-1424,Righi Nursing in China: 3 perspectives. Psychiatric diagnoses range from depression and violence to social and sexual nonconformity,1983,83,3,393-395,Wilson The "violent" patient,1983,83,3,402-403,Maagdenberg Documentation in child abuse,1983,83,2,236-239,Helberg Victims of incest,1984,84,8,1010-1014,Ledray Is she a battered woman? A guide for emergency response,1984,84,6,724-727,Greany Suicide: two views.'A compassionate solution.',1984,84,5,597-598,Abercrombie Suicide: two views. A chilling encounter,1984,84,5,597-598,Thielemann Managing assault,1986,86,10,1114-1116,Morton Where do women turn?,1986,86,8,912,Snodgrass Battering during pregnancy,1986,86,8,910-913,Helton Reporting child abuse,1986,86,6,663-4 668,Switzer Abused women and chronic pain,1985,85,9,1010 1012,Haber Reporting elder abuse: it's the law,1985,85,4,371-374,Anderson What child abuse really looks like,1987,87,9,1185A-1188F,Wetli At risk for suicide..,1988,88,10,1358-1361,Brown Breaking the cycle of family abuse,1988,88,9,1188-1190,Curry The semantics of sexual abuse,1989,89,11,1437,Hansen The birth-weight/battering connection,1989,89,9,1153-1155,McFarlane The sad state of children's health includes a rise in abuse,1989,89,9,1115-1116,Jacobson The dark consequences of marital rape,1989,89,7,946-949,Campbell Violence in the emergency department,1990,90,9,34-39,Kurlowicz The sorrow and the pity of Final Exit,1991,91,9,7,Mallison Head injury in the conscious child,1992,92,8,22-27,Brown Attempted suicide; then what?,1949,49,5,290-293,Weiss Fires in hospitals and nurses' homes,1949,49,1,40-42,Pellenz Accident prevention in pediatric nursing,1949,49,1,28-31,Graves From square dance to drama,1950,50,8,488-490,Wilson Hangman's break,1970,70,12,2565-2566,Shaw ABC's of pediatric safety,1966,66,8,1768-1770,Hymovich Head injuries at cape kennedy: nursing observations,1965,65,,104-105,Mcmechen Head injuries at cape kennedy,1965,65,,102-105,Laroche Why old people fall,1965,65,,86-88,Peszczynski Why the elderly fall,1979,79,11,1950-1952,Witte Caring for the confused or delirious patient,1978,78,9,1495-1499,Trockman Analyzing nursing's work-related injuries,1976,76,6,924-927,Hill Drowning and near-drowning etiology and pathophysiology,1976,76,6,919-921,Bennett Near-drowning,1989,89,5,680-686,Richter Nursing gets no support in fighting unsafe practices,1988,88,11,1479,Rinker Assessing the elderly. 2. Altered presentations,1985,85,10,1103-1106,Henderson The agitated aggressive patient,1983,83,10,1409-1412,Brigman Violence in the ED: how to stop it before it starts,1993,93,7,22-24,Kinkle Recognizing child abuse,1993,93,3,58, Trauma in pregnancy,2009,109,11,41-47,Criddle Accident control for nursing personnel,1951,51,9,565-567,Kesner The care of psychologic casualties in atomic disaster,1951,51,8,513-514,Stevens Poisoning from chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents,1967,67,1,85-87,Stewart Preventing fires and explosions in the operating room,1953,53,7,809-812,Griffin Nurses help prevent accidents in homes,1955,55,10,1244,Shepard The industrial nurse and home accidents,1955,55,7,811,Smith Home accidents resulting from gas,1955,55,6,720-721,Keehn Community preparation for disaster,1955,55,1,62-64,Nabbe The nurse's role in nuclear disaster,1956,56,12,1580-1582,Werley Nursing in disaster. 2. Civil Defense service,1956,56,10,1291-1292,Schafer Nursing in disaster. 1. Red Cross service,1956,56,10,1290-1291,Magnussen Cooperation to prevent home accidents,1956,56,9,1160-1162,Holthaus Meeting disaster,1956,56,9,1135-1138,Lueth Mushroom poisoning. 1. Types and treatment,1956,56,8,998-1000,Costa Crushing injuries of the chest,1959,59,5,678-681,Hebert Public health nursing in time of disaster,1958,58,6,861-863,Gardiner The nurse's part in poison control,1958,58,1,96-99,Jensen Disaster care: Public health emergencies and children,2009,109,12,28-31,Murray A safety project in elementary school,1960,60,,1288-1289,Sessoms Heat injury,1960,60,,1124-1125,Wilson Mountain sickness,1961,61,,77,Valdivia Disaster and its aftermath,1961,61,,74-76,Dennis Who does what--in defense in natural diaster,1965,65,,118-121,Magnussen Sado-masochistic patient,1964,64,,133-134,Harris The bite of a stray dog,1964,64,,121-123,Creighton The battered-child syndrome,1964,64,,98-100,Greengard Rescuing the battered child,1964,64,,92-97,Jacobziner The angry man,1964,64,,130-131,Elliott Priorities must be established in emergency care of the injured,1962,62,,93-96,Sandick Whiplash injuries,1962,62,,72-75,Cameron Workplace Violence,2010,110,3,11,Taylor Violence in the workplace. Are you prepared?,2001,101,7,55-56,Gilmore-Hall Domestic violence in the workplace,2001,101,7,13,Dowling Workplace violence,2001,101,4,73,Worthington When domestic violence leaves home. It can and does invade the workplace,2000,100,11,92,Carroll Violence in the health care workplace,2000,100,11,69-70,Worthington Workplace violence,1999,99,3,60,Carroll The epidemic hazards of nursing. Nurses lobby for safer workplace conditions,1998,98,11,50-53,Slattery Violence in the workplace: we are the missing link,1996,96,12,80,Carroll Injuries by venomous animals,1966,66,6,1322-1326,Russell Infant abductions,2008,108,12,13; author reply 13,Perry Street-smart advice on treating drug overdoses,1993,93,9,65-72,Soloway Pediatric poisonings: the 10 most toxic prescription drugs,1993,93,7,26-29,Morelli Child abuse. How to recognize it how to intervene,1994,94,3,26-31,Devlin Carbon monoxide poisoning,1996,96,1,48,Huston How many red flags does it take?,2007,107,1,28-31,Burgess After Littleton,1999,99,10,9,Doswell Abuse of nurses,2007,107,7,15,Muñoz-Bennett Abuse of nurses,2007,107,7,15,Lawrence Violence and nursing,2007,107,6,15,Sisay Violence and nursing,2007,107,6,15,Cochran Increasing the safety-promoting behaviors of abused women,2004,104,3,40-50,Smith No holiday from violence. Opportunities for nurses to prevent abuse and detect crimes,2004,104,3,11,Mason Elder abuse and neglect. It takes many forms--if you're not looking you may miss it,2000,100,11,49-50,Hoban Elder abuse: what to look for how to intervene,1997,97,1,26-32,Lynch Putting the brakes on drunk drivers,1997,97,9,80,Bonnono When a disaster happens: how do you meet emotional needs?,1977,77,3,454-456,Morris Emergency! Whiplash injury,2000,100,3,41-42,Gouzd Grease gun injury of a hand,1969,69,6,1264-1266,Nagle Multiple impact therapy,1977,77,2,246-248,Shaw Emergency: acetaminophen poisoning,2009,109,9,48-51,Lopez Antidepressant use in children--safe or not? Hiding unfavorable data makes it hard to know,2004,104,8,25-26,Nelson Burns: the psychological aspects,2001,101,11,38-42,Badger Suicide prevention protocol,1999,99,12,53-5 57,Robie Interventions to reduce teen violence and alcohol use,2011,111,2,67,Singh Joy Reducing off-campus drinking by college students,2011,111,2,16,Potera The emergency nurse's world: always changing always challenging,1992,92,9,67-72,Meyer Emergency nursing of near-drowning victims,1976,76,6,922-923,Caudle How safe is your ED?,1995,95,9,44-50,Keep Helping the victim of domestic violence,1994,94,7,32-37,Chez Reducing violent behavior in adolescents,2011,111,3,19-20,Potera Employing prevention in practice,1997,97,8,40-46,Landis Varieties of elder abuse,1997,97,7,17,Raymond Why must nurses risk their careers for safe care?,1997,97,7,80,Adams Considerations in reporting elder abuse,1997,97,7,22,Becker Breaking through the barriers to domestic violence intervention,1997,97,6,26-33,Shea Emergency! Gasoline exposure,1996,96,8,47,Maffeo Children's reactions to head injuries,1970,70,1,108-111,Reeves Reality check. How prepared are we for disasters?,2006,106,3,13,Chaffee Nursing and torture,2005,105,1,15; author reply 15-6,Metcalf Nursing and torture,2005,105,1,15,Combs More on nurses and torture,2005,105,4,15-6; discussion 16,Agar-Newman Violence and nursing,2007,107,2,25-26, Paradoxical reactions to benzodiazepines,2001,101,7,34-39,Roper Be aggressive toward violence,2004,104,5,112,Shogren "The fear is still in me": caring for survivors of torture,2004,104,10,54-64,McCullough-Zander "The dogs that did not bark",2004,104,10,11,Mason Dare to imagine. A nurse adds health care and other concerns to NOW's agenda. Interview by Thomas Schwarz,2002,102,1,102-103,Johnson Street nursing,2002,102,1,73 75 77,Buswell-Robinson Nurse testimony in criminal court,2002,102,5,65-66,Frascogna Have nurses turned a blind eye?,2007,107,12,11,Anderson Emergency: gang members in the ED,2003,103,2,52-53,Grossman Emergency: is it child abuse?,2003,103,4,45-46,Koschel Communication difficulties in hospitalized older adults with dementia,2008,108,3,58-66,Miller Who's the fool?,2008,108,12,88,Ball When faith is used to justify abuse. Helping victims of domestic violence,1999,99,5,32-35,Miles Setting behavioral limits,1999,99,12,40-42,Campbell Responding to 'difficult' patients,1999,99,12,26-34,Jones The mirror. Seeing the future under the exam room lights,1999,99,11,25,Bryant YouTube Self-Harm Videos Under Scrutiny,2011,111,6,20,Potera Reaching out to the suicidal patient,1995,95,3,24-31,Badger Emergency! Pediatric head trauma,1995,95,5,54,Fecht-Gramley Abdominal aortic aneurysm: warning flags to watch for,1995,95,5,26-32,Fellows Effects of electrical current on heart rhythm,1971,71,7,1390-1394,Hochberg Lead poisoning--silent epidemic and social crime,1972,72,12,2180-2184,Reed Assessment of patients with multiple injuries,1972,72,10,1822-1827,Wagner San Diego plan for emergency services,1972,72,9,1615-1619,Murphy A home care nursing program for patients with burns,1972,72,8,1442-1444,Calleia And certain thoughts through may head,1972,72,7,1257-1259,Fallon Alcohol poisoning on campus,1998,98,1,65-66,Bowdler Disaster care: Children of hurricane Katrina,2011,111,8,52-55,Murray Care of the Suicidal Pediatric Patient in the ED: A Case Study,2011,111,9,34-43,Schmid 9/11 and nursing 10 years on,2011,111,9,19-21,Jacobson Disaster Preparedness 10 Years After 9/11,2011,111,9,7,Veenema Courtroom use of hospital records in sexual assault cases,1977,77,1,64-68,Burgess Inhalation injury: carbon monoxide poisoning,1980,80,1,98-100,Brandeburg Inhalation injury: smoke inhalation,1980,80,1,95-97,Gaston Working with abusive parents. Group therapy and home visits,1973,73,3,482-484,Savino Illinois Trauma Program,1973,73,6,1004-1007,Boyd The rape victim in the emergency ward,1973,73,10,1740-1745,Burgess Communication averts an overdose,1998,98,3,12,Lilley Preventing sports injuries,1998,98,7,58-60,Mills The 'Graying' of Trauma Care: Addressing Traumatic Injury in Older Adults,2011,111,11,40-48,Cutugno Original Research: Documentation of Screening for Perpetration of Intimate Partner Violence in Male Veterans with PTSD,2011,111,11,26-32 ,Harel Health care in prison: change in one city's system. Mental health nursing of inmates,1975,75,3,425-426,Winstead-Fry Assessing trauma in the rape victim,1975,75,8,1288-1291,Burgess Prevention and treatment of sports injuries,1975,75,10,1737-9 1744,Ostaszewski Craniocerebral trauma,1973,73,10,1719-1722,Hinkhouse Psychiatric nursing consultation on a burn unit,1973,73,10,1715-1718,Noyes A night of panic in the high Sierras,1973,73,7,1218-1219,Nayyar A tool for assessing families of burned children,1976,76,2,225-227,Graves Special behavioral problems of the burned child,1976,76,2,220-224,Campbell Let the user beware. OTC drugs aren't necessarily 'safe when taken as directed.',2001,101,2,25,Karch Accidental amputation,2004,104,2,50-53,Proehl Brown recluse spider bites,2005,105,2,64-68,Zeglin Tsunami report,2005,105,2,28,Belcher Viewpoint on homosexual youths at risk,2005,105,2,15-16,Dodd Disaster Care: National Disaster Medical System,2012,112,2,58-63,Murray Labeling lapse. When the bottle doesn't contain what you think you're giving,1999,99,3,12,Ahmed Real world drug monitoring,1999,99,5,14 16,Hancock When all else fails try harm reduction,1999,99,10,67-70,Williams The Underutilization of Emergency Contraception,2012,112,4,44-50,Devine Till death do us part. A firsthand account of family presence,2000,100,2,44,Vanderbeek Rose petal corridors: homicide at a college of nursing,2003,103,1,110-111,Campesino Emergency and disaster preparedness: core competencies for nurses,2002,102,1,46-51,Qureshi Communicating with children and adolescents,2002,102,3,34-41,Deering Helping children cope with public disasters,2002,102,3,26-33,Davidhizar After disaster. A crisis support team at work,1990,90,2,61-64,Hayes Crack. The nation's emergency,1990,90,4,42-43,Horrocks Cocaine,1990,90,4,40-45,House Violence prevention training for ED staff,2012,112,9,65-68,Martindell Crisis standards of care: a framework for responding to catastrophic disasters,2012,112,10,61-63,Murray Sports and 'active commuting' mitigate adolescent obesity,2012,112,10,16,Carter Identifying intimate partner violence in women,2012,112,12,42,Rosenberg Actively preventing injury: avoiding back injuries and other musculoskeletal disorders among nurses,2004,104,1,104,de Castro Dial M for murder or L for lawsuit?,2004,104,3,20-21,Sofer Preventing injuries from OTC eyedrops and nasal sprays,2013,113,2,23,Aschenbrenner Move over Joe Camel: makers of alcoholic 'starter drinks' draw criticism,2005,105,4,19,Sofer Accidents in the Home,1941,41,4,391-396,Cole Farm and home safety,1945,45,7,523-525,Olmsted Asymptomatic women of childbearing age should be screened for signs of intimate partner violence (IPV),2013,113,4,17, Genital injury after forced or consensual intercourse,2013,113,5,66,Singh Joy Drowning and near-drowning: etiology and pathophysiology,1976,76,6,919-921,Bennett The alcoholic in industry,1959,59,2,206-207,Holehouse Alcoholism--a family community and nursing problem,1967,67,5,1022-1025,Price Firearm legislation and reductions in mortality,2013,113,6,15, Primary health care: counseling victims of rape,1976,76,12,1964-1966,Clark Gun violence and the role of health care: a confusing state of affairs,2013,113,9,23-25,Graziano Reporting Elder Abuse: It's the Law,1985,85,,371-374,Thobaben Disaster-response nursing,2013,113,12,17,Wallis The poisoning emergency,1977,77,5,842-844,Mennear Illnesses and injuries in a summer camp,1977,77,5,821-822,Rotman Evaluating the trauma of gunshot wounds,1977,77,10,1589-1595,White Mental illness and violence,2014,114,1,49-53,Sabella Guns and nurses,2014,114,1,11,Narayan Giving sexual assault survivors time to decide: An exploration of the use and effects of the nonreport option,2014,114,3,26-35,Johnson Exercise can help prevent fall-related injuries,2014,114,4,57,Singh Joy Coping with disaster,1980,80,4,683,Hargreaves Intimate partner violence in rural U.S. areas: what every nurse should know,2014,114,5,26-35,Evanson Childhood deaths from car accidents decrease,2014,114,5,21,Beal Heat and heat-related illnesses,1981,81,7,1298-1302,Boyd Eggs mean murder,1992,92,2,96,Overton Psychiatric nurses in the emergency room,1979,79,7,1264-1266,Pisarcik The value of life-by what standard?,1980,80,12,2226-2230,Bayles After the fall--confusion,1986,86,2,151-154,Williams Pediatric ACL injuries,2014,114,8,18,Potera Domestic violence questions,2014,114,8,13,Thede Scuba diving hazards: health counseling,1981,81,8,1458-1461,Josephson Scuba diving hazards: emergency management,1981,81,8,1456-1458,Osguthorpe The visiting nurse service of New York's response to Hurricane Sandy,2014,114,10,55-62,Goldstein Screening teens for dating violence in EDs,2014,114,10,14,Potera Statistics alone can't prove murder,1989,89,7,931,Carl A simulated disaster drill,1988,88,3,301-303,Walz Report highlights U.S. data on intimate partner and sexual violence,2014,114,12,17,Potera U.S. Bicyclist deaths in motor vehicle accidents increase dramatically,2015,115,2,17,Halpern Laundry detergent pods pose a dangerous poisoning risk for children,2015,115,2,15,Wallis A cure for gun violence,2015,115,4,19-20,Jacobson A school-based program reduces teen suicide attempts,2015,115,4,18,Potera Rural youths commit suicide almost twice as often as urban counterparts,2015,115,6,15,Wallis Flooring affects risk of fall-related injuries in female nursing home residents,2015,115,7,66,Loguidice Children's exposure to violence in the United States,2015,115,9,16, Sexual assault resistance program lowers rape rate in university women,2015,115,10,52-53,Rosenberg Preventing newborn falls while supporting family bonding,2015,115,11,58-61,Wallace Human trafficking,2011,111,5,12,Prior Human trafficking,2011,111,5,12,Unterman The role of the nurse in combating human trafficking,2011,111,2,28-37; quiz 38-9,Sabella Human trafficking,2011,111,8,13,Lord The tragedy of human trafficking,2008,108,11,11,Glickstein Few happy endings for victims of trafficking,2011,111,2,7,Kennedy Schedules and injury risk among newly licensed RNs,2015,115,12,21,Zolot Gun violence as a public health problem,2016,116,2,7,Kennedy What I forgot to mention in my suicide note,2016,116,3,57,Wald Injuries from cheerleading are comparatively infrequent but may be more serious (NewsCAP),2016,116,3,14, On bullying [letter],2016,116,5,13,S. Violence against nurses in the workplace,2016,116,6,20-21,Potera Ed screening may detect patients at risk for suicide,2016,116,8,54,Rosenberg Analysis finds about 20 veterans died daily from suicide between 2001 and 2014,2016,116,10,17,Halpern More trampoline parks more injuries,2016,116,11,15,Potera Different Strategies Needed to Prevent Suicide in Children and Adolescents,2017,117,2,65,Rosenberg Suicide awareness,2017,117,2,11,Cazarian Rollback of Michigan's motorcycle helmet law results in more head injuries,2017,117,3,16,Halpern Can health care professionals do anything about gun violence?,2017,117,5,18-19,Nelson Laundry detergent pods linked to increased eye injuries in children,2017,117,5,e15,Halpern US bicyclist deaths in motor vehicle accidents increase dramatically,2015,115,2,17,Halpern Health effects following the suicide of a spouse,2017,117,7,64,Rosenberg Significant rise in nursery product-related injuries after years of decline,2017,117,8,56-57,Zolot Gun violence and children,2017,117,9,14,Sofer Natural disasters and resilience training,2017,117,9,13,Gasparrelli Younger female soccer players at higher risk for concussions,2014,114,11,20,Potera Been there done that-what will it take to safeguard seniors in disasters?,2017,117,11,7,Kennedy Rethinking standard disaster planning for nursing homes,2017,117,12,54,Stockwell Nurses rally in Illinois for legislation to end workplace violence,2017,117,12,18, Preventing falls and fall-related injuries at home,2018,118,1,58-61,Powell-Cope Assessing aggression management programs for nurses,2018,118,2,69,Rosenberg The ethical and legal implications of a nurse's arrest in Utah,2018,118,3,47-53,Olsen ED visits for self-harm by girls are on the rise,2018,118,3,13,Stockwell Exploring clinicians' perceptions about sustaining an evidence-based fall prevention program,2018,118,5,24-33,Porter Adopt zero tolerance for hospital staff bullying nursing students,2018,118,5,11,Burkley When disaster strikes,2018,118,6,61-62,Ortelli NewsCAP: APHA unlocks free public access to articles on firearm issues and research,2018,118,6,e17, NewsCAP: Study finds increased infant mortality from unintentional suffocation,2018,118,6,17, Unsafe Firearm Storage in Homes with Children,2018,118,6,17,Mechcatie How media influences perceptions of suicide,2018,118,6,15,Sofer Reducing fall risk in older adults,2018,118,7,21-22,Luo NewsCAP: Each year an estimated 600 to 1600 newborns fall or are dropped while in the hospital,2018,118,7,16, NewsCAP: Soldiers in the U.S. Army who deploy within six months of an earlier deployment are at higher risk for suicide,2018,118,7,16, Joint Commission issues alert addressing violence against health care workers,2018,118,7,14,Stockwell NewsCAP: Deaths from falls in older adults increased 31% from 2007 to 2016,2018,118,8,17, Study of U.S. Veterans links mild traumatic brain injury to dementia risk,2018,118,8,16,Mechcatie Suicide among nurses,2018,118,8,14,Sofer Bullying nursing students,2018,118,8,13,Kosko Bullying nursing students,2018,118,8,13,McCann Studies document reductions in murder suicide rates with certain gun laws,2018,118,9,13,Stockwell Workplace violence training using simulation,2018,118,10,56-68,Brown Workplace violence,2018,118,10,51-55,Brous Breaking the cycle of human trafficking,2018,118,12,62-64,Ortelli First guidelines for diagnosing and managing concussion in kids,2018,118,12,14,Zolot Workplace violence,2018,118,12,10,Austin Workplace violence training,2019,119,2,10,Coward Workplace violence training,2019,119,2,10,Whaley Using a fall prevention checklist to reduce hospital falls: results of a quality improvement project,2019,119,3,43-49,Johnston Life-threatening bleeding and deaths from synthetic cannabinoids,2019,119,3,15,Zolot The American life span gets shorter,2019,119,3,14,Sofer Joint Commission revises National Patient Safety Goal for suicide prevention,2019,119,3,13, Stricter state gun laws improve school environment and perceptions of safety,2019,119,7,62,Rosenberg NewsCAP: The AAP updates child passenger safety policy,2018,118,12,14, Certain characteristics may help identify patients at higher fall risk,2019,119,8,50,Rosenberg Higher prevalence of sexual assault among transgender and nonbinary adolescent students,2019,119,8,49-50,Rosenberg Female youth suicides on the rise narrowing gap with young males,2019,119,8,e12,Zolot Workplace violence prevention for nurses,2019,119,9,19-20,Hartley Keeping count of women and girls killed by men,2019,119,10,65-67,McSpedon Cosmetic-related pediatric exposures are a main source of calls to poison centers,2019,119,10,14,Brodhead Preventing self-harm in the nonpsychiatric health care setting,2019,119,11,67-69,Liberatore Nursing organizations address discrimination and gun violence,2019,119,11,13,Potera Nonpharmacological therapies have modest benefits for adults at risk for suicide,2019,119,12,59,Rosenberg Transporting children to safety after volcanic eruption,2020,120,2,61-67,Cancio Nonpharmacologic interventions effective for dementia-associated aggression and agitation,2020,120,2,49,Rosenberg Workplace violence outside the hospital setting,2020,120,2,11,Schmidt NewsCAP: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a three-digit hotline number for suicide prevention,2020,120,4,16, NewsCAP: Congress approves funding for gun violence research,2020,120,4,16, Intimate partner violence [letter],2020,120,4,13,Prasad Preventing falls among behavioral health patients,2020,120,7,61-68,Ocker High risk of overdose suicide after stopping opioids,2020,120,7,e50,Rosenberg Psychiatric effects of cannabis use,2020,120,7,e18, Nonconsensual sexting linked to interpersonal violence and depression,2020,120,7,e17, Original research: Nurses' knowledge and comfort with assessing inpatients' firearm access and providing education on safe gun storage,2020,120,9,26-35,Hall Original research: suicide among RNs: an analysis of 2015 data from the National Violent Death Reporting System,2020,120,10,24-28,McGuinness Concussions at school: the experiences and knowledge of school nurses,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Weybright Study ties youth suicide spike in Missouri to lax gun regulation,2021,121,2,e17,No Author(s) Listed Risk factors for suicide in prison are identified,2021,121,6,71,Rosenberg Reimagining injurious falls and safe mobility,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hendrich Preventing violence to achieve peaceful and inclusive societies,2021,121,9,58-63,Rosa 2020: deadliest year for gun violence in decades,2021,121,10,19-20,Nelson ICU survivors at increased suicide risk,2021,121,8,55-56,Rosenberg NewsCAP: Wearing a baby in a carrier may increase the infant's risk of injury [editorial],2022,122,2,16,American Journal of Nursing Gun violence: the carnage at home,2022,122,8,e7,Roush A tai chi for arthritis and fall prevention program for older adults during COVID-19,2022,122,8,34-39,Lilienthal Intimate partner violence strongly associated with suicide self-harm,2022,122,9,e63,Rosenberg Multidisciplinary care pathway improves outcomes in geriatric trauma patients,2022,122,12,e57,Rosenberg Multifaceted intervention reduces newborn falls in mother-baby unit,2023,123,1,e56,Rosenberg The silent epidemic of workplace violence,2023,123,2,e7,Kirton Original research: patient-to-nurse violence during one-to-one assignments: a silent epidemic,2023,123,2,28-35,Squire Sexual assault care and telehealth,2023,123,4,e10,Wendie Mitigating homicide risk during pregnancy,2023,123,5,e9,Roush Original research: patient perception of fall risk in the acute care setting,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Costantinou Nonsuicidal self-injury,2023,123,6,44-47,Cummings Addressing health inequities in survivors of domestic violence,2023,123,7,e5,Jolie Improving bruise detection in patients with dark skin tone,2023,123,7,46-47,Benjamin Gun-related deaths continue to rise,2023,123,9,e12,No Author(s) Listed Running outperforms antidepressants in improving physical health outcomes in patients with depression and anxiety [Journal Watch],2024,124,1,e54,Rosenberg Enhancing disaster management preparedness through simulation,2024,124,3,38-41,Russin Palliating serious illness during disasters and public health emergencies,2024,124,3,56-60,Rosa Improving child passenger safety through proper restraint system use,2024,124,4,e11,Arends Prevention and management of falls in adults: a best practice implementation project,2024,124,4,46-47,Albertini State abortion bans heap burdens on already traumatized rape survivors,2024,124,5,e12,Roush Armed conflicts and increasing violence against health care,2024,124,5,15-17,Molyneux Microaggressions in nursing,2024,124,5,18-19,Pool Functional limitations persist after mild sports-related traumatic brain injury,2024,124,5,e63,Rosenberg Healing from the violent death of a child,2004,104,4,e19,Ferri Managing depression in older adults,2004,104,6,e20, Warnings revised for two antidepressants,2004,104,9,72H,Aschenbrenner A history of teen pregnancy is associated with early death in women,2024,124,6,e13,Roush Stopping Eating and Drinking,2009,109,9,53-61,Schwarz Mental Health Services Under Strain in Rural America,2022,122,2,e13, Veterans' Needs After Suicide Attempts,2021,121,5,e18, Changes in Ed use During the Pandemic,2021,121,7,58-59,Rosenberg Female Nurses at Increased Risk for Suicide,2021,121,7,14-15, The last four weeks of life,1990,90,12,75-76 78,Coyle 'Death by choice',1991,91,11,e14, Emergency! Tricyclic antidepressant overdose,1997,97,10,e39,Zimmermann Working toward recovery with the lesbian patient,1997,97,5,69-70,Lynch When gambling becomes a losing battle,1999,99,5,e22,Eber Depression then suicide,1946,46,,677-679,Shields Early Symptoms may Help Identify Patients at High Risk for Psychosis,2019,119,3,e50,Rosenberg Mr. Blue and His Six Cats,2019,119,3,e72,Rader Implementing the Brøset Violence Checklist in the ED,2024,124,7,52-60,Sousa Chat-based instant messaging support reduces alcohol use in university students,2024,124,7,e61,Rosenberg Nursing in cases of gas poisoning,1929,29,12,1441-1443,Horner Nurses and suicide prevention,1934,34,9,882-886,Yale Depression then suicide,1946,46,10,677-679,Shields Attempted suicide-then what?: the nurse's professional and moral obligation-in the general as well as in the psychiatric hospital-is to give excellent nursing care and to safeguard the patient's life,1949,49,5,290-292,Weiss