Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Physical abuse around the time of pregnancy: an examination of prevalence and risk factors in 16 states,2003,7,1,31-43,Saltzman Future directions for violence against women and reproductive health: science prevention and action,2000,4,2,149-154,Moracco Pregnancy intendedness and physical abuse around the time of pregnancy: findings from the pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system 1996-1997. prams working group. pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system,2000,4,2,85-92,Gazmararian Violence and reproductive health: current knowledge and future research directions,2000,4,2,79-84,Gazmararian Hopelessness and violence among inner-city youths,2001,5,4,237-244,McCallum Violent behaviors in early adolescent minority youth: results from a "middle school youth risk behavior survey",2001,5,4,225-235,Browne The relationship between birth predictedness and violence during pregnancy among women in La Paz And El Alto Bolivia,2005,9,1,101-112,McCarraher The clustering of risk behaviors among Caribbean youth,2005,9,1,91-100,Blum Parental awareness of health and community resources among immigrant families,2005,9,1,27-34,Yu Formative Evaluation of Home Visitors' Role in Addressing Poor Mental Health Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Among Low-Income Pregnant and Parenting Women,2005,9,3,273-283,Jenkins Spousal Abuse Against Women and Its Consequences on Reproductive Health: A Study in the Urban Slums in Bangladesh,2005,10,1,83-94,Salam Individualized performance feedback to increase prenatal domestic violence screening,2006,10,5,443-449,Duncan Creating a Regional Pediatric Medical Disaster Preparedness Network: Imperative and Issues,2006,10,4,391-396,Baldwin A Comparison of Maternal Interview and Medical Record Ascertainment of Violence among Women who had Poor Pregnancy Outcomes,2006,10,5,451-460,Amaro Immigration-Based Disparities in Adolescent Girls' Vulnerability to Dating Violence,2006,11,1,37-43,Decker Creating a Regional Pediatric Medical Disaster Preparedness Network: Imperative and Issues,2013,ePub,ePub,ePub,Baldwin Increasing Access to Program Information: A Strategy for Improving Adolescent Health,2006,11,1,27-35,Brindis The effects of race socioeconomic status and household structure on injury mortality in children and young adults,1997,1,4,217-227,Hussey Prenatal Screening for Substance Use and Violence: Findings from Physician Focus Groups,2007,11,3,241-247,Taylor Child Injury Risks are Close to Home: Parent Psychosocial Factors Associated with Child Safety,2007,11,3,269-275,Rhodes Health Concerns of Women and Infants in Times of Natural Disasters: Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina,2007,11,4,307-311,Posner Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: Incidence and Associated Health Behaviors in a Rural Population,2007,11,5,495-503,Bailey Seat Belt use Counseling and Motor-Vehicle Injury During Pregnancy: Results from a Multi-State Population-Based Survey,2007,11,5,505-510,Weiss An Exploration of Maternal Intimate Partner Violence Experiences and Infant General Health and Temperament,2007,12,2,172-179,Burke Impact of Pediatricians' Perceived Self-Efficacy and Confidence on Violence Prevention Counseling: A National Study,2007,12,1,75-82,Barkin A systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors for postpartum depression among Latinas,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Le Ride Safe: A Child Passenger Safety Program for American Indian/Alaska Native Children,2008,12,1,55-63,Kuklinski Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Youth: Youth Risk Behavior Survey 1997-2003,2008,12,1,76-81,Park Alcohol Use Injuries and Prenatal Visits During Three Successive Pregnancies Among American Indian Women on the Northern Plains Who have Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Incomplete Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,2008,12,1,37-45,Kvigne Potentially Violent Disagreements and Parenting Stress Among American Indian/Alaska Native Families: Analysis Across 7 U.S. States,2008,12,1,91-102,Moore Acculturation and Depressive Symptoms Among Pregnant and Postpartum Latinas,2008,,,,Cheng Intersections Between Childhood Abuse and Adult Intimate Partner Violence Among Ecuadorian Women,2009,13,4,559-566,Gomez Prevalence of Violence During Pregnancy: Findings from a Jordanian Survey,2010,14,3,437-445,Oweis Racial Differences in the Association Between Partner Abuse and Barriers to Prenatal Health Care Among Asian and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Women,2010,14,3,350-359,Hayes Hurricane Katrina-Related Maternal Stress Maternal Mental Health and Early Infant Temperament,2010,14,4,511-518,Buekens Disparities in Self-Reported Postpartum Depression among Asian Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Women in Hawaii: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) 2004-2007,2010,14,5,765-773,Hurwitz A Major Public Health Issue: The High Incidence of Falls During Pregnancy,2010,14,5,720-725,Bhattacharya Neonatal Outcomes and Mental Illness Substance Abuse and Intentional Injury During Pregnancy,2012,16,5,979-988,Nannini Intimate Partner Violence and Health Care-Seeking Patterns Among Female Users of Urban Adolescent Clinics,2010,14,6,910-917,Reed Children with Special Physical Health Care Needs: Restraint Use and Injury Risk in Motor Vehicle Crashes,2011,15,7,949-954,Kallan Examining Youth Hopelessness as an Independent Risk Correlate for Adolescent Delinquency and Violence,2011,15,1,87-97,Borowsky An Assessment of State Level Sexual Assault Prevalence Estimates,2011,15,1,77-86,Potter The Epidemiology of Acute Poisonings in Women of Reproductive Age and During Pregnancy California 2000-2004,2011,15,7,964-973,Weiss Studying Sudden and Unexpected Infant Deaths in a Time of Changing Death Certification and Investigation Practices: Evaluating Sleep-Related Risk Factors for Infant Death in New York City,2011,15,2,242-248,Senter Minority health risk behaviors: an introduction to research on sexually transmitted diseases violence pregnancy prevention and substance use,2001,5,4,215-224,Browne Women's lives after an HIV-positive diagnosis: disclosure and violence,2000,4,2,111-120,Gielen Pregnant adolescents: experiences and behaviors associated with physical assault by an intimate partner,2000,4,2,93-101,Rickert School performance in a longitudinal cohort of children at risk of maltreatment,1999,3,1,19-27,Bou-Saada Women in a prenatal care/substance abuse treatment program: links between domestic violence and mental health,1998,2,2,85-94,Kilgallen Are Pregnant and Postpartum Women: At Increased Risk for Violent Death? Suicide and Homicide Findings from North Carolina,2011,15,5,660-669,Martin Correlates of Sexual Risk Behaviors Among High School Students in Colorado: Analysis and Implications for School-based HIV/AIDS Programs,2011,15,6,730-741,Nkansah-Amankra Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy and the First Year Postpartum in an Australian Pregnancy Cohort Study,2011,15,5,570-578,Hegarty The Influence of Prenatal Trauma Stress Social Support and Years of Residency in the US on Postpartum Maternal Health Status Among Low-Income Latinas,2011,15,7,1046-1054,Rodriguez Abuse from In-Laws during Pregnancy and Post-Partum: Qualitative and Quantitative Findings from Low-income Mothers of Infants in Mumbai India,2011,15,6,700-712,Krishnan Immigration Status Acculturation and Dating Violence Risk for Hispanic Adolescent Girls in New Mexico,2011,15,7,1076-1080,Nelson Improved disability population estimates of functional limitation among American children aged 5-17,1997,1,4,203-216,Rogers Violence and Other Stressful Life Events as Triggers of Depression and Anxiety: What Psychosocial Resources Protect African American Mothers?,2011,15,8,1272-1281,Mitchell The Impact of Cyberbullying on Substance Use and Mental Health in a Multiethnic Sample,2011,15,8,1282-1286,Goebert Patterns and average volume of alcohol use among women of childbearing age,2007,11,5,437-445,Boyle The protective influence of parents and peers in violence avoidance among African-American youth,2001,5,4,245-252,Flay Violence against women and reproductive health: toward defining a role for reproductive health care services,2000,4,2,135-140,Goodwin Physicians' screening practices for female partner abuse during prenatal visits,2000,4,2,141-148,Chamberlain Assessing for violence during pregnancy using a systematic approach,1997,1,2,129-133,Covington Caregiver Reports of Serious Injuries in Children Who Remain at Home After a Child Protective Services Investigation,2012,16,2,328-335,Horwitz Social Ecological Determinants of Youth Violence Among Ethnically Diverse Asian and Pacific Islander Students,2012,16,1,188-196,Goebert Pediatric Poisonings and Risk Markers for Hospital Admission in a Major Emergency Department in Romania,2012,16,2,495-500,Peek-Asa The Black and White of Infant Back Sleeping and Infant Bed Sharing in Florida 2004-2005,2012,16,3,713-724,Broussard Poverty near-poverty and hardship around the time of pregnancy,2010,14,1,20-35,Braveman Gender attitudes and health risk behaviors in urban African American and Latino early adolescents,2001,5,4,265-272,Pleck The theory of planned behavior as a model of intentions for fighting among African American and Latino adolescents,2001,5,4,253-263,Fong Introducing domestic violence assessment in a postpartum clinical setting,2002,6,3,195-203,Janssen Correlates of prenatal alcohol use,2008,12,4,442-451,Meschke Women violence and HIV: a critical evaluation with implications for HIV services,2000,4,2,103-109,Moore Urban Teens and Young Adults Describe Drama Disrespect Dating Violence and Help-Seeking Preferences,2012,16,5,957-966,Decker Association between maternal working status and unintentional injuries among 3 to 4-month-old infants in Japan,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kawachi Intimate Partner Violence Affects Skilled Attendance at Most Recent Delivery Among Women in Kenya,2012,16,5,1131-1137,Harlow Maternal and Infant Characteristics Associated With Accidental Suffocation and Strangulation in Bed in US Infants,2012,16,8,1594-1601,Shapiro-Mendoza Effectiveness of a Combined Home Visiting and Group Intervention for Low Income African American Mothers: The Pride in Parenting Program,2011,15,Suppl,S75-84,Kiely Understanding the Association of Biomedical Psychosocial and Behavioral Risks with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Among African-Americans in Washington DC,2011,15,Suppl,S85-95,Kiely Prenatal Counseling on Seat Belt Use and Crash-Related Medical Care,2013,17,9,1527-1532,Whitehead Preventing Young Children's Injuries: Analysis of Data from a Population-Based Surveillance,2011,15,Suppl 1,S35-S41,Brenner An Integrated Randomized Intervention to Reduce Behavioral and Psychosocial Risks: Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes,2012,16,3,545-554,Katz Relationship Between Birth Spacing Child Maltreatment and Child Behavior and Development Outcomes Among At-Risk Families,2012,16,7,1413-1420,McFarlane Protective assets for non-use of alcohol tobacco and other drugs among urban American Indian youth in Oklahoma,2008,12,Suppl 1,82-90,Aspy The relationship between sexual abuse and sexual risk among high school students: findings from the 1997 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey,2000,4,2,125-134,Raj Sexual violence and reproductive health,2000,4,2,121-124,McMahon Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations for Injuries Among Infants and Children Following Statewide Implementation of a Home Visitation Model,2012,16,9,1754-1761,Localio Alcohol Use Patterns Among Postpartum Women,2012,16,9,1810-1819,Mair Associations Between Preconception Counseling and Maternal Behaviors Before and During Pregnancy,2012,16,9,1854-1861,D'Angelo Reasons for the Increasing Hispanic Infant Mortality Rate: Florida 2004-2007,2012,16,6,1188-1196,Barfield The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence Before During and After Pregnancy in Nurse Visited First Time Mothers,2013,17,2,307-318,Scribano Traditional Versus Internet Bullying in Junior High School Students,2012,16,8,1625-1635,Avitzour Impact of Neighborhood Social Conditions and Household Socioeconomic Status on Behavioral Problems Among US Children,2012,16,Suppl 1,158-169,Ghandour Survey of Minnesota Parent Attitudes Regarding School-Based Depression and Suicide Screening and Education,2013,17,3,456-462,Borowsky Multiple Childcare Arrangements and Health Outcomes in Early Childhood,2013,17,3,448-455,Chen Risk of Spontaneous Preterm Birth in Relation to Maternal Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy in Peru,2013,17,3,485-492,Williams Measuring the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Access to a Personal Healthcare Provider: The Use of the National Survey of Children's Health for an External Comparison Group,2012,16,Suppl 1,S170-7,Stehling-Ariza Prevalence and Correlates of Drinking in Early Pregnancy Among Women who Stopped Drinking on Pregnancy Recognition,2013,17,3,520-529,Parackal Prevalence and Associated Factors of Intimate Partner Violence Among Pregnant Women Attending Kisumu District Hospital Kenya,2013,17,3,441-447,Omolo Dating violence and associated health risks among high school students with disabilities,2013,17,6,1088-1094,Mouradian Reproductive health and sexual violence among urban American Indian and Alaska Native young women: Select findings from the National Survey of Family Growth (2002),2012,16,Suppl 2,347-352,Rutman Unintentional injury in early childhood: its relationship with childcare setting and provider,2013,17,9,1541-1549,Davis Protective factors in American Indian communities and adolescent violence,2013,17,7,1199-1207,Pu Temporal relationship between intimate partner violence and postpartum depression in a sample of low income women,2013,17,7,1297-1303,Schraiber Mental health during pregnancy: a study comparing Asian Caucasian and Native Hawaiian women,2007,11,3,249-255,Goebert Men's controlling behaviors and women's experiences of physical violence in Malawi,2013,17,7,1332-1338,Hindin Women's intimate partner violence perpetration during pregnancy and postpartum,2013,17,8,1405-1413,Stuart Exploring family risk and protective factors for adolescent problem behaviors in the Caribbean,2013,17,8,1488-1498,Maguire Adjusted effects of domestic violence tobacco use and indoor air pollution from use of solid fuel on child mortality,2013,17,8,1499-1507,Pandey Identifying indicators during pregnancy for child maltreatment,2013,17,10,1817-1824,Esernio-Jenssen Prevalence of youth violence in the U.S.. 1999-2009: ethnic comparisons and disaggregating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders,2013,17,10,1802-1816,Hishinuma Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depressive symptoms among women enrolled in WIC,2013,17,10,1969-1980,Ghandour Somatic symptoms among U.S. adolescent females: associations with sexual and physical violence exposure,2013,17,10,1951-1960,Halpern Associations between neighborhood characteristics and physical activity among youth within rural-urban commuting areas in the US,2012,16,Suppl 2,258-267,Kasehagen Symptoms associated with pregnancy complications along the Thai-Burma border: The role of conflict violence and intimate partner violence,2014,18,1,29-37,McCormick Epidemiology of unintentional injuries among children under six years old in floating and residential population in four communities in Beijing: a comparative study,2014,18,4,911-919,Wang Intimate partner violence and breastfeeding in Africa,2014,18,3,688-697,Yount Posttraumatic stress disorder among women receiving prenatal care at three federally qualified health care centers,2014,18,5,1056-1065,Harrison Adolescent childbearing and women's attitudes towards wife beating in 25 sub-Saharan African countries,2013,18,6,1488-1495,Hindin Discussions about intimate partner violence during prenatal care in the United States: The role of race/ethnicity and insurance status,2013,18,6,1413-1422,Masho Stressful life events and physical abuse among pregnant women in North Carolina,2001,5,3,145-152,Beck-Warden Unhealthy weight control behaviors and related risk factors in Massachusetts middle and high school students,2013,18,8,1803-1813,Goodenow Weapon carrying physical fighting and gang membership among youth in Washington state military families,2014,18,8,1863-1872,Reed Postpartum intimate partner violence and health risks among young mothers in the United States: A prospective study,2014,18,8,1985-1992,Kershaw Maternal-infant bedsharing: risk factors for bedsharing in a population-based survey of new mothers and implications for SIDS risk 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intergenerational transmission of violence in Cebu Philippines,2014,19,3,598-605,Hindin Maternal depressive symptoms and parenting practices 3-months postpartum,2014,19,6,1212-1219,Wang Use of reproductive and sexual health services among female family planning clinic clients exposed to partner violence and reproductive coercion,2014,19,7,1490-1496,Decker Adolescent relationship violence and acculturation among NYC Latinos,2014,19,7,1543-1552,Davidson Domestic violence marital control and family planning maternal and birth outcomes in Timor-Leste,2014,19,6,1338-1347,Hagopian The relationship between planned and reported home infant sleep locations among mothers of late preterm and term infants,2015,19,7,1616-1623,Holditch-Davis Multilevel correlates of broadly- and narrowly-defined intimate partner violence among pregnant women in Los Angeles,2015,19,7,1643-1651,Liu Measurement of perceived stress among pregnant women: a comparison of two different instruments,2015,19,9,1910-1915,Buekens A statewide medicaid enhanced prenatal and postnatal care program and infant injuries,2015,19,10,2119-2127,Meghea A socioecological framework to assessing depression among pregnant teens,2015,19,10,2187-2194,Buzi Erratum to: Healthy Start: description of a safety net for perinatal support during disaster recovery,2015,19,12,2714,Harville Family violence and maltreatment of women during the perinatal period: associations with infant morbidity in Indian slum communities,2015,20,1,149-157,Decker Association between maternal postpartum depression and unintentional injury among 4-month-old infants in Japan,2015,20,2,326-336,Fujiwara Childbearing and economic work: the health balance of women in Accra Ghana,2015,20,2,408-421,Hinde A preliminary study of new parents sleep disruption and driving: a population at risk?,2015,20,2,290-297,O'Brien Refining measurement of substance use disorders among women of child-bearing age using hospital records: the development of the Explicit-Mention Substance Abuse Need for Treatment in Women (EMSANT-W) algorithm,2015,19,10,2168-2178,Cabral Sleep-related infant deaths in Victoria: a retrospective case series study,2015,20,5,1032-1040,McClure Racial/ethnic specific trends in pediatric firearm-related hospitalizations in the United States 1998-2011,2015,20,5,1082-1090,Galea Maternal and child health in Mongolia at 3 years after childbirth: a population-based cross-sectional descriptive study,2015,20,5,1072-1081,Ota Correlates of abuse around the time of pregnancy: results from a national survey of Canadian women,2015,20,4,778-789,Heaman Parents' depressive symptoms and gun fire and motor vehicle safety practices,2016,20,4,799-807,Morrissey Intimate partner violence associated with postpartum depression regardless of socioeconomic status,2016,20,6,1237-1246,Kothari Maternal intimate partner violence: relationships with language and neurological development of infants and 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