Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Prevention of accidents in young children in the private home,1984,37,25,774-780,Rogmans Suicide and attempted suicide,1970,23,13,670-677,Speijer The nurse's role with mistreated children,1969,22,18,836-838,Kuipers The danger of suicide in rehabilitation of institutionalized psychiatric patients,1969,22,1,8-10,von Ree Depressive states in the elderly,1968,21,13,529-534,Cahn Child abuse and professional secret,1966,19,19,640-642,Kuipers The visual field in a car,1966,19,13,453-456,Lazet Traffic offenders,1966,19,7,241,de Lange What kind of parents are those who mistreat their children?,1971,24,18,858-861,Drogendijk The dangers of drugs for automobile drivers,1971,24,14,672-673,Nelemans Child abuse; preventive diagnostic and referral tasks of the nurse in social health care,1974,27,21,478-481,Arnoldi Suicide in drug users?,1974,27,8,163-164,Huizer The concept of accountability in violent offenses,1977,30,12,569-578,Goudsmit Prevention of injuries due to safety belts,1978,31,9,398-401,Bor Child abuse,1978,31,5,200-206,Nieboer Suicide in children and adolescents,1979,32,22,1003-1008,Rood-de-Boer Suicidal behavior of psychiatric patients,1981,34,6,258-261,Korpel What exactly is pedophelia?,1982,35,1,14-19,Brongersma Attention for suicide problems in nursing education: various recommendations and literature references,1984,37,15,483-484,Kerkhof Saving someone and then leaving him to his fate? Nurses on the reception of persons attempting suicide in the first aid/emergency admission center,1984,37,15,475-479,Kerkhof Suicide: a problem but for whom?,1984,37,15,472-475,van der Hijden Suicide: obstacles in rendering assistance,1984,37,15,465-471,Diekstra Integrated approach: Suicide,1984,37,15,464-484, Torture also a concern for nurses,1984,37,13,412-413,Elbers Refugee and torture. Considerations in victims of torture,1984,37,11,332-335,Rietbergen Hazards of and prevention in radioactive irradiation disasters,1986,40,24,727-732,Zandbergen Child abuse as a signal for developmental disorders,1985,38,25,762-765,Alkema Involuntary commitment: therapy or confinement?,1985,38,2,47-52,Pols Dealing with aggression and acutely violent situations,1987,41,4,108-110,Horstink The Bureau Confidential Physician and child abuse,1988,42,16,509-512,Vesseur Acute violent situations. Violence in psychiatric hospitals,1989,43,16,515-518,Betgem Assistance in suicide--a contribution to the discussion,1991,,23-24,856-859, It doesn't just happen,1970,23,21,1088-1091,Donselaar-Dijksterhuis The probabilities of accidents,1967,20,2,49-52,Noesen Drowning,1966,19,15,522-526,van Heyst Safety tips for mountaineering,1966,19,15,530-531, The sea and its dangers,1966,19,15,527-529, Three quarters of a century of fight for safety,1966,19,13,461-465, The scope of traffic safety in the Netherlands,1966,19,13,456-457, Causes of accidents. Determining the causes is an important preventive measure,1966,19,13,451,Wijnschenk Traffic accidents and "driving under the influence",1965,18,21,777-778, Fire safety in hospitals,1975,28,23,1087-1093,Kruidenier Electric safety of patients in hospitals,1975,28,6,263-270,Bekkering Safety for children,1975,28,5,225-226, First Aid in Accidents on high-speed roads,1980,33,17,811-814,van Dijk Accidental hypothermia in water sportsmen; involuntary submersion and survival time,1976,29,16,735-743,Geeraedts Drowning after rescue?,1976,29,12,567-571,Doppenberg Safety and aggression in psychiatry,1992,,18,638-641,Legemaate Falls in the hospital. Registration of fall incidents,1990,,14,452-453,ten Vergert Adolescents in variety,1967,20,8,292-293,Thurlings Juvenile court and child protection,1966,19,7,213-219,Schröder Measures concerning fire safety in housing for the aged,1968,21,13,544-545, Management of trauma caused by sexual assault and incest,1993,,2,58-62,Goudswaard Letter to an epileptic patient,1975,28,12,555-558,van der Lugt Suicide and prevention,1969,22,13,645, Nursing care of the suicide patient,1969,22,21,1011-1013,Bray Psychology of the severely burned patient and his family,1970,23,5,239-241,de Morgan The GIGV Report on aggression (Medical Inspection for Mental Public Health),1992,,18,636-637,van de Pasch Alcoholic intoxication and the hospital patient,1971,24,1,10-12,Smitskamp Experiences of the National Poisoning Information Center,1971,24,11,523-529,van Heijst Retirement depression,1972,25,20,749-751,Meerloo In light head injuries awaken the patient every hour,1971,24,21,1005-1006,de Lange The psychiatric long-stay patient (the underdog),1979,32,2,72-74,Theunissen The epileptic child in society and in school,1973,26,40,1039-1041,Verhagen Fire prevention in intramural institutions,1984,37,3,69-76,Holleman Interaction with the environment by children with behavior disorders following brain injury,1974,27,32,835-841,Mussert Diseases caused by food,1974,27,35,967-973,Harrewijn Team work between driver and nurse in stress situations in the ambulance,1976,29,12,559-564,Sijbrand Alcohol alcoholism and youth,1966,19,3,86-87, Self mutilation,1977,30,7,303-306,Hoejenbos Is this possible here too?,1977,30,13,613-616,Eikelenboom Aggression in hospitalized children,1977,30,14,647-652,Snel Poisoning,1977,30,18,863-864,van der Kuy Nurse' relationship with patients who attempted suicide,1977,30,19,902-906,van Tol A unique playground for handicapped children,1977,30,22,1042-1043,Alcott Neurological-psychiatric syndromes resulting from somatic disorders,1978,31,12,524-526,Vos Aggression in the psychiatric hospital,1974,27,4,86-89,Jacobs Home care of the young blind and vision-impaired child. II,1982,35,10,327-333,Tas Rape: the reality behind prejudices,1978,31,16,717-720,Doomen Diagnosis and recognition of athletic injuries and the proper first aid for them,1978,31,18,838-839,Inklaar Transportation via ambulance: a refined form of parcel post?,1978,31,18,830-837,De Beer Diagnosis and recognition of athletic injuries and their first aid. II. Various athletic injuries in relation to etiology and treatment,1978,31,19,870-878,Inklaar [How do I get my freedom back? Analysis of a request for discharge in involuntary admission],1991,,14,502-504,van Eikema Hommes [Relationship with persons who attempt suicide and with their relatives. A course for intensive care nurses],1991,,4,130-133,Kerkhof