Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Aphrodisiac drug-induced hemolysis,2004,42,3,313-316,Stalnikowicz Toxicity following unintentional DDT ingestion,2004,42,3,299-303,Ozucelik Ricin: mechanism of toxicity clinical manifestations and vaccine development. a review,2004,42,2,201-208,Doan Monoamine oxidase inhibitor poisoning resulting from Internet misinformation on illicit substances,2004,42,2,191-195,Brush Australian wolf spider bites (Lycosidae): clinical effects and influence of species on bite circumstances,2004,42,2,153-161,Framenau Position paper: Ipecac syrup,2004,42,2,133-143, Accidental poisoning with autumn crocus,2004,42,1,85-88,Gabrscek Epidemiology of lindane exposures for pediculosis reported to Poison Centers in Texas 1998-2002,2004,42,1,55-60,Forrester Drug detection and trauma cause--a case control study of fatal injuries,1994,32,2,137-145,Blanc Methanol toxicity in a newborn,2004,42,5,673-677,Belson Rattlesnake bites in Europe--experiences from southeastern France and northern Germany,2004,42,5,635-641,Schaper Regional variations in the use and awareness of the California Poison Control System,2004,42,5,625-633,Alsop Compliance with poisons center referral advice and implications for toxicovigilance,2004,42,5,603-610,Watts Space shuttle Columbia disaster: utilization of poison control centers in Texas and Louisiana,2004,42,4,389-390,Borys A case of type F botulism in southern California,2004,42,4,383-387,Richardson Drug identification: a survey of poison control centers,2004,42,4,371-381,Jaramillo Repeated episodes of endosulfan poisoning,2004,42,4,363-369,Sinha Carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning in fire related deaths in Victoria Australia,2004,42,6,855-863,Yeoh Pattern of acute poisonings in Mashhad Iran 1993-2000,2004,42,7,965-975,Afshari Experiences of a poison center network with renal insufficiency in acetaminophen overdose: An analysis of 17 cases,2005,43,1,31-37,von Mach Guideline on the use of ipecac syrup in the out-of-hospital management of ingested poisons,2005,43,1,1-10,Manoguerra Acute poisoning in adults in the years 1996-2001 treated in the Uludag University Hospital Marmara Region Turkey,2005,43,2,105-109,Akkose MS 04-044: demographic features of drug and chemical poisoning in northern Malaysia,2005,43,2,89-94,Ab Rahman Epidemiology of acute carbon monoxide poisoning in a Spanish region,2001,39,1,53-57,Dueñas-Laita Carbon monoxide poisoning monitoring network: a five-year experience of household poisonings in two French regions,2003,41,4,349-353,Saviuc Sample research of hospitalized acute intoxication cases using an epidemiological form,1981,18,10,1133-1143,Marigo Characteristics of acute adult poisoning in Gaziantep Turkey,2002,40,7,833-837,Goksu Epidemiology of adult poisoning at China Medical University,1997,35,2,175-180,Liu Etiologic and demographic characteristics of poisoning: a prospective hospital-based study in Oman,2001,39,4,371-380,Hanssens Methanol-related deaths in Ontario,1999,37,1,69-73,Mann Severe propanil [N-(34-dichlorophenyl) propanamide] pesticide self-poisoning,2002,40,7,847-854,Roberts The National Poisons Information Centre in Sri Lanka: the first ten years,2002,40,5,551-555,Fernando How dangerous is the unintentional use of the word accident in our literature?,1998,36,1-2,1-2,Hoffman Zolpidem binds to omega not mu receptors,1998,36,1-2,143-144,Graeme Nephrotoxicity after acute severe acetaminophen poisoning in adolescents,2001,39,5,441-445,Shannon A retrospective study of poisoning in Tehran,1997,35,4,387-393,Abdollahi Zolpidem (Ambien): a pediatric case series,1997,35,5,453-457,Krenzelok Fatal intoxication with amlodipine,1995,33,3,253-256,Verstraete Podophyllum toxicity: a report of a fatal case and a review of the literature,1982,19,1,35-44,Cassidy Lunar cycle and poison center calls,1983,20,5,487-495,Klein-Schwartz Evaluation of benefits of drug analysis in the routine clinical management of acute self poisoning,1984,22,1,51-61,Rygnestad Strychnine poisoning: clinical and toxicological observations on a non-fatal case,1986,24,3,245-255,Edmunds Neurobehavioral sequelae of subcutaneous injection with metallic mercury,1986,24,2,91-110,Spyker Fatal poisoning with selenium dioxide,1986,24,1,21-35,Schneider Blood concentrations and clinical findings in nonfatal and fatal intoxications involving glutethimide and codeine,1986,23,7-8,557-570,Bailey Fatality due to acute hydrofluoric acid exposure,1987,25,4,333-339,Chan Self poisoning in children: a ten year survey,1987,25,1-2,109-120,Sarikayalar Capsicum and capsaicin--a review: case report of the use of hot peppers in child abuse,1987,25,7,591-601,Spyker A case of sotalol poisoning with fatal outcome,1988,26,5-6,389-396,Perrot Massive insulin overdose: detailed studies of free insulin levels and glucose requirements,1989,27,3,157-168,Samuels Toxicological findings after fatal dextromoramide injection,1989,27,6,385-388,Kintz Severe alcohol intoxication: a study of 204 consecutive patients,1989,27,6,375-384,Slovis Ingestion of 35% hydrogen peroxide,1990,28,1,95-100,Krenzelok Poisoning admissions of black South Africans,1990,28,1,85-94,Joubert Occult carbon monoxide poisoning in patients with neurologic illness,1990,28,1,29-44,Leikin Unintentional methyl bromide gas release Florida 1988,1990,28,1,127-130,Calder Severe self-poisoning with oxetorone: report of one case,1990,28,1,111-116,Leroy Suicide by captopril overdose,1990,28,3,379-382,Park Acute sulfasalazine overdose,1991,29,4,543-551,Minocha Plasma catecholamine levels in cyclic antidepressant overdose,1991,29,2,177-190,Hedges Taiwan National Poison Center survey of glyphosate--surfactant herbicide ingestions,1991,29,1,91-109,Yang Diltiazem overdose: pharmacokinetics of diltiazem and its metabolites and effect of multiple dose charcoal therapy,1991,29,1,45-52,Roberts Rhabdomyolysis after suicidal ingestion of an overdose of caffeine acetaminophen and phenazone as a fixed-dose combination (Spalt N),1991,29,4,521-526,Michaelis Toxicity after self-poisoning by ingestion of potassium chloroplatinite,1991,29,4,467-472,Woolf Acetonitrile serum concentrations and cyanide blood levels in a case of suicidal oral acetonitrile ingestion,1991,29,4,447-458,Kijewski Driving under the influence of isopropanol,1992,30,1,153-155,Jones Acute intoxication by endosulfan,1992,30,4,575-583,Repetto Ethylene glycol poisoning: experiences from an epidemic in Sweden,1992,30,4,565-574,Karlson-Stiber Acute poisoning in Izmir Turkey--a pilot epidemiologic study,1993,31,4,593-601,Bond Hydroxocobalamin as a cyanide antidote: safety efficacy and pharmacokinetics in heavily smoking normal volunteers,1993,31,2,277-294,Rumack Fatal systemic poisoning after skin exposure to monochloroacetic acid,1992,30,4,643-652,Nystrom Clinical evaluation of pediatric ethylene glycol monobutyl ether poisonings,1992,30,4,557-563,Krenzelok The role of Poison Control Centers in radiation accidents,1989,27,4-5,305-310,Savelkoul High pressure injection injuries: a serious occupational hazard,1987,25,4,297-304,Krenzelok Trends in childhood poisoning: a collaborative study 1970 1975 1980,1984,21,3,321-331,McIntire The effect of controls on sedatives and hypnotics on their use for suicide,1989,27,4-5,299-303,Lester Comparison of poison exposure data: NHIS and TESS data,2002,40,7,839-845,Polivka Poisoning-related visits to emergency departments in the United States 1993-1996,1999,37,7,817-826,Burt Clinical and sociodemographic features of acute carbamate and organophosphate poisoning: a study of 70 adult patients in north Jordan,1996,34,1,45-51,Saadeh Pesticide poisoning in the Asia-Pacific Region and the role of a regional information network,1995,33,6,677-682,Fernando Kinetics of trichloroethylene elimination from venous blood after acute inhalation poisoning,1993,31,2,353-363,Kołaciński A fatal case of acute boric acid poisoning,1993,31,2,345-352,Takahashi Clinical toxicology in the 1990s: the development of clinical toxicology centers--a personal view,1993,31,2,223-227,Vale Regional poison systems--roles and titles,1993,31,2,221-222,Martin What's in a name?--Regional Toxicology Treatment Centers,1993,31,2,219-220,Rodgers Prolonged QT interval and torsade de pointes following astemizole overdose,1993,31,1,121-125,Saviuc Wisteria toxicity,1993,31,1,107-112,Rondeau Ciguatera,1993,31,1,1-29,Swift Butane inhalation and hemiparesis,1993,31,3,483-485,Lazarus Fatal inhalational isopropyl alcohol poisoning in a neonate,1993,31,3,473-481,Beck Carbamazepine overdose: serum concentration less predictive in children,1993,31,3,459-460,Krenzelok Radiopacity of household deodorizers air fresheners and moth repellents,1993,31,3,415-428,Woolf Medications which can kill a toddler with one tablet or teaspoonful,1993,31,3,407-413,Koren The fax machine: a new method of plant identification,1993,31,4,663-665,Phillips Trichlorethylene is radio-opaque,1993,31,4,657-661,Locatelli Fatal paraphenylenediamine (hair dye) intoxication in a child resembling Ludwig's angina,1993,31,4,653-656,Sofer Poisoning caused by the combined ingestion of nifedipine and metoprolol,1993,31,4,631-637,Sato Clinical observations and medical outcome in 149 cases of arsenate ant killer ingestion,1993,31,4,581-591,Hall The basis of the paradoxical disturbance of temperature perception in ciguatera poisoning,1993,31,4,571-579,Cameron Poison center data misleading,1993,31,3,499-500 503-5,Whyte Pathophysiology and management of self-poisoning with beta-blockers,1993,31,4,531-551,Bismuth Validity of AAPCC data base,1994,32,1,99; author reply 101-4,Herrington Inhalation abuse of fentanyl patch,1994,32,1,75-78,Tharratt Organophosphate poisoning: peripheral vascular resistance--a measure of adequate atropinization,1994,32,1,61-68,Whyte Phenthoate metabolites in human poisoning,1994,32,1,49-60,Hayashi Acid-base abnormalities associated with cocaine toxicity in emergency department patients,1994,32,1,31-39,Watson Prediction of acetaminophen concentrations in overdose patients using a Bayesian pharmacokinetic model,1994,32,1,17-30,Gentry Retrospective analysis of calls to poison control centers resulting from exposure to the insect repellent NN-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) from 1985-1989,1994,32,1,1-16,Veltri Response to specific Centruroides sculpturatus antivenom in 151 cases of scorpion stings,1994,32,2,165-171,Clark Melaleuca oil poisoning,1994,32,4,461-464,Hornfeldt Fatality associated with inhalation of a pyrethrin shampoo,1994,32,4,457-460,Wax Hemolytic anemia following a presumptive brown recluse spider bite,1994,32,4,451-456,Murray Guanabenz induced hypothermia in a poisoned elderly female,1994,32,4,445-449,Jones Acute chemical pancreatitis associated with a tricyclic antidepressant (clomipramine) overdose,1994,32,4,425-429,Benitez Acute zolpidem poisoning--analysis of 344 cases,1994,32,4,391-404,Garnier Lead poisoning from gunshots--a five century heritage,1994,32,4,387-389,Manton The treatment of lead poisoning from gunshot wounds with succimer (DMSA),1994,32,4,377-385,Hoffman Methemoglobinemia following ingestion of a monolinuron/paraquat herbicide (Gramonol),1994,32,2,185-189,Vale Acetic acid intoxication by rectal administration,1994,32,3,333-336,Fujita Poisoning by the use of Datura leaves in a homemade toothpaste,1994,32,3,329-331,Pereira Nitroethane poisoning from an artificial fingernail remover,1994,32,3,321-324,Hornfeldt Ibuprofen overdose complicated by renal failure adult respiratory distress syndrome and metabolic acidosis,1994,32,3,315-320,Bosse Methemoglobinemia: an occupational hazard of phenylpropanolamine production,1994,32,3,299-303,Wax Thallium poisoning from maliciously contaminated food,1994,32,6,723-730,Goldfrank Poisoning by amatoxin-containing mushrooms in suburban New York--report of four cases,1994,32,6,715-721,Mofenson Hydrogen peroxide exposure--325 exposures reported to a regional poison control center,1994,32,6,705-714,Caravati Pathophysiology and treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning,1994,32,6,613-629,Thom Anticholinergic intoxication with commercially available thorn apple tea,1994,32,5,589-592,Coremans Mercuric chloride poisoning due to ingestion of a stool fixative,1994,32,5,577-582,Singer Caustic ingestion in adults--epidemiology and prevention,1994,32,5,557-568,Christesen Acetaminophen ingestion in childhood--cost and relative risk of alternative referral strategies,1994,32,5,513-525,Bond Fiscal antidotes needed,1994,32,5,509-511,Soloway Poison center funding--who should pay?,1994,32,5,503-508,Krenzelok Delayed toxic acetaminophen level after initial four hour nontoxic level,1994,32,4,431-434,Walter Fatal cardiac and renal failure due to Ecbalium elaterium (squirting cucumber),1994,32,6,737-738,Vlachos Safety packaging of acetaminophen combination preparations and severity of adult poisoning,1996,34,6,747-749,Chan The milk-alkali syndrome caused by betelnuts in oyster shell paste,1996,34,6,741-745,Wu Accidental ingestion of a zinc and copper sulfate preparation,1996,34,6,725-730,Mahieu Urine benzodiazepines screening of involuntarily drugged and robbed or raped patients,1996,34,6,721-724,Hernández Clinical presentation and prognostic factors in sodium monofluoroacetate intoxication,1996,34,6,707-712,Wu Aluminum phosphide ingestion--a clinico-pathologic study,1996,34,6,703-706,Singh Self-poisoning among adults using multiple transdermal nicotine patches,1996,34,6,691-698,Woolf The National Poison Information Center in Poland,1996,34,6,669-672,Czerczak Information technologies for clinical toxicology in Russia,1996,34,6,665-668,Litvinov Taiwan National Poison Center: epidemiologic data 1985-1993,1996,34,6,651-663,Chen Toad venom poisoning: failure of a monoclonal digoxin immunoassay to cross-react with the cardioactive steroids,1996,34,5,529-530,Hoffman Constrictive bronchiolitis obliterans in Sauropus androgynus poisoning,1996,34,5,525-528,Roggli It's happening again--another diethylene glycol mass poisoning,1996,34,5,517-520,Wax Diethylene glycol toxicity revisited: the 1996 Haitian epidemic,1996,34,5,513-516,Scalzo Nicotine poisoning as a cause of cardiac arrest?,1996,34,4,475-476,Martinet Suicide attempt by ingestion of potassium ferricyanide,1996,34,4,471-473,Baud Clinical course of severe poisoning with thiomersal,1996,34,4,453-460,Pfab Herbicide: fatal ammonium thiocyanate and aminotriazole poisoning,1996,34,4,441-446,Kintz Retrospective study of mistletoe ingestion,1996,34,4,405-408,Spiller Pharmacokinetics of hydroxocobalamin in smoke inhalation victims,1996,34,4,397-404,Baud Hydrogen peroxide 3% exposures,1996,34,3,323-327,Singer Relative toxicity of beta blockers in overdose,1996,34,3,273-278,Whyte Suicidal chloral hydrate poisoning,1996,34,1,97-99,Magnusson Two outbreaks of acute Tung Nut (Aleurites fordii) poisoning,1996,34,1,87-92,Lee Predictors of carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide exposure in smoke inhalation patients,1996,34,1,61-71,Gillen Disaster planning--our finest hour?,1996,34,1,59-60,Woolf Disaster preparedness of poison control centers in the United States,1996,34,1,53-58,Clark Urine toxicology screens in drivers suspected of driving while impaired from drugs,1996,34,1,37-44,Cook An evaluation of unleaded petrol as a harm reduction strategy for petrol sniffers in an aboriginal community,1996,34,1,27-36,Powers Pulmonary toxicity following exposure to an aerosolized leather protector,1996,34,1,21-24,Burkhart Silver products for medical indications: risk-benefit assessment,1996,34,1,119-126,Fung Plasma and urine concentrations of atropine after the ingestion of cooked deadly nightshade berries,1996,34,1,113-117,Schneider Acute hexogen poisoning after occupational exposure,1996,34,1,109-111,Descotes Chloral hydrate toxicity from oral and intravenous administration,1996,34,1,101-106,Amitai Outbreak of obstructive ventilatory impairment associated with consumption of Sauropus androgynus vegetable,1996,34,1,1-8,Deng Propoxyphene overdose in Chinese subjects,1996,34,2,251-252,Chan Two very different fatal cases associated with the use of methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA): Eve as deadly as Adam,1996,34,2,241-244,Schmoldt Three suicide attempts with moclobemide,1996,34,2,223-225,Schmoldt Elemental mercury-induced skin granuloma: a case report and review of the literature,1996,34,2,209-216,Bradberry Coin-operated dry cleaning machines may be responsible for acute tetrachloroethylene poisoning: report of 26 cases including one death,1996,34,2,191-197,Gaillard Pharmacokinetics of extended relief vs regular release Tylenol in simulated human overdose,1996,34,2,157-162,Hoffman APAP-induced heart injury? Maybe yes maybe no. Next question?,1996,34,2,155-156,Smilkstein New ways of looking at an old molecule,1996,34,2,149-153,Brent Does acetaminophen damage the heart?,1996,34,2,145-147,Vale Driving under the influence of acetone,1997,35,4,419-421,Jones Unintentional confusion of semantics is not accidental,2003,41,2,207,Osterhoudt Rhabdomyolysis in isoniazid poisoning,2001,39,2,143-151,Panganiban Flumazenil use in an emergency department: a survey,2001,39,1,15-20,Nisse Acute human self-poisoning with the N-phenylpyrazole insecticide fipronil--a GABAA-gated chloride channel blocker,2004,42,7,955-963,Eddleston Forearm compartment syndrome after intravenous mannitol extravasation in a carbosulfan poisoning patient,2004,42,5,649-652,Eroglu Dipyrone overdose,2004,42,3,261-265,Bentur High-potassium haemodialysis in barium poisoning,2004,42,1,117,Szajewski Single-dose dexamemthasone-induced adrenocortical suppression in an intentional self-poisoning--case report,2003,41,6,895,Naumovski Acute oral suicidal intoxication with Captan--a case report,2003,41,5,603,Chodorowski Cleistanthus collinus poisoning: case reports and review of the literature,2003,41,4,369-372,Eswarappa Cardiotoxicity associated with intentional ziprasidone and bupropion overdose,2003,41,2,101-104,Biswas Sustained-release potassium chloride overdose,2001,39,6,641-648,Su Acute ethylene chlorohydrin poisoning: experience of a poison control center,2001,39,6,587-593,Tsai Carbamazepine-associated severe left ventricular dysfunction,2000,38,3,339-342,Labrousse Pancreatic injury following acute methanol poisoning,2000,38,3,297-303,Mahieu Hydroxychloroquine overdose: toxicokinetics and management,1999,37,7,861-864,Le Couteur Predictive properties of a qualitative urine acetaminophen screen in patients with self-poisoning,1999,37,6,769-772,Hollander Insulin-glucose as adjunctive therapy for severe calcium channel antagonist poisoning,1999,37,4,463-474,Tomaszewski Carbamazepine interference with an immune assay for tricyclic antidepressants in plasma,1998,36,1-2,109-113,Ito Massive ingestion of the herbicide 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA),1997,35,4,405-408,Schmoldt Carbamate poisoning in early childhood and in adults,1997,35,1,25-27,Lifshitz Hemolysis after acetaminophen overdose in a patient with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency,1996,34,6,731-734,Shannon Poisoning due to illegal use of carbamates as a rodenticide in Rio de Janeiro,1995,33,6,687-690,Lima Acute poisonings in Poland,1995,33,6,669-675,Czerczak Fatal lorcainide poisoning,1995,33,2,157-159,Evers Non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis complicating antihistamine overdose,1993,31,3,493-496,Frankel Clinical symptomatology of diphenhydramine overdose: an evaluation of 136 cases in 1982 to 1985,1987,25,1-2,53-70,Ibe Parenteral administration of hydrocarbons,1984,22,5,485-492,Wedin Cyclobenzaprine overdosage,1983,20,3,281-288,Rumack Computed tomography demonstration of brain damage due to acute sodium monofluoroacetate poisoning,1983,20,1,85-92,Avrahami Acute overdosage of amiodarone in a suicide attempt,1983,20,2,181-186,Bonati Application of biological monitoring to the diagnosis of poisoning,1995,33,6,617-623,Ikeda The ultimate poison center call--Bhopal,1995,33,1,18,Wax Unintentional childhood poisoning in athens: a mirror of consumerism?,1997,35,6,669-675,Kouri Breath and blood ethanol following use of a cough-cold preparation,1997,35,6,643-644,Woolf Euro bleach: fatal hypernatremia due to 13.3% sodium hypochlorite,1997,35,6,635-636,Bédry Isofenphos poisoning: prolonged intoxication after intramuscular injection,1997,35,4,401-404,Chieregato Fatal bupropion overdose,1997,35,3,321-324,Harris Recurrent ventricular tachyarrhythmias associated with QT prolongation following hydrofluoric acid burns,1997,35,3,311-313,Takahashi Transient diabetes insipidus complicating severe suicidal malathion poisoning,1997,35,2,221-223,Abdul-Ghaffar Nonfatal suicidal intoxication by clozapine,1997,35,2,195-197,Suzuki Intravenous self-administration of metallic mercury: report of a case with a 5-year follow-up,1997,35,1,83-87,Torres-Alanís Inadequate stocking of antidotes in Taiwan: is it a serious problem?,2000,38,1,21-28,Ong Benzonatate overdose associated with seizures and arrhythmias,1998,36,7,713-718,Crouch Epidemiology of inhalant abuse reported to two regional poison centers,1997,35,2,167-173,Krenzelok Aluminum phosphide poisoning--a review,1995,33,1,19-24,Ahlawat The clinical picture of olanzapine poisoning with special reference to fluctuating mental status,2004,42,1,27-32,Kupferschmidt New clinical manifestations of acute risperidone poisoning,1999,37,7,893-895,Dueñas-Laita Remarks to the Illinois House of Representatives Executive Committee hearing regarding State Carbon Monoxide Detector Act (HB 603),1999,37,7,885-890,Leikin The history of poisoning in the future: lessons from Star Trek,1999,37,6,793-799,Banner Position statement and practice guidelines on the use of multi-dose activated charcoal in the treatment of acute poisoning. American Academy of Clinical Toxicology; European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists,1999,37,6,731-751, Three new herbal hepatotoxic syndromes,1999,37,6,715-719,Brent Alternative medicines toxicology: a review of selected agents,1999,37,6,709-713,Shannon Causes epidemiology and clinical evaluation of suspected herbal poisoning,1999,37,6,697-708,Ko Amitraz poisoning in humans,1999,37,4,513-514,Chan A retrospective analysis of 96 "asp" (Megalopyge opercularis) envenomations in Central Texas during 1996,1999,37,4,457-462,Borys Recovery after Ecstasy intoxication,1999,37,3,341 343,Nelson Poison center planning for mass gatherings: the Georgia Poison Center experience with the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games,1999,37,3,315-319,Geller Acute poisoning with a herbicide containing imazapyr (Arsenal): a report of six cases,1999,37,1,83-89,Wu Methamphetamine toxicity secondary to intravaginal body stuffing,2004,42,7,987-989,Ruha Plantlore folklore,1998,36,7,751,Jacobsen Yew toxicity less than ipecac,1998,36,7,749-750,Manoguerra Glycolate kinetics and hemodialysis clearance in ethylene glycol poisoning. META Study Group,1998,36,7,659-666,Rose Is sulfasalazine toxic?,1998,36,7,757-760,Smith Indinavir overdose,1998,36,7,747,Burkhart Toxicological deaths of major league baseball players,1998,36,7,737-742,Erickson Survival after massive ecstasy overdose,1998,36,7,727-731,Maes Hemodialysis following butoxyethanol ingestion,1998,36,7,723-725,Burkhart Identification of unknown mushrooms: the good the bad and the ugly,1998,36,6,635-636,Emerson The mortality rate of salicylate poisoning,1998,36,6,639,Schmidt Identification of unknown mushrooms: if it ain't broke don't fix it,1998,36,6,637-638,Mullins Carisoprodol-induced myoclonic encephalopathy,1998,36,6,609-612,Kim Loss of consciousness from acute quetiapine overdosage,1998,36,6,599-602,Benitez ECG conduction delays associated with massive bupropion overdose,1998,36,6,595-598,Paris The pharmacokinetics of continuous infusion pralidoxime in children with organophosphate poisoning,1998,36,6,549-555,James Roots and circles in medical toxicology: a personal reminiscence,1998,36,5,401-407,Comstock Extremely high plasma zinc following zinc chloride ingestion,1998,36,4,375-377,Mahieu Prolonged severe withdrawal symptoms after acute-on-chronic baclofen overdose,1998,36,4,359-363,Tsai Nonaccidental endosulfan intoxication: a case report with toxicokinetic calculations and tissue concentrations,1998,36,4,345-352,Meulenbelt Intravascular hemolysis associated with North American crotalid envenomation,1998,36,4,337-343,Berg Mechanism of action and value of N-acetylcysteine in the treatment of early and late acetaminophen poisoning: a critical review,1998,36,4,277-285,Jones ECG changes and plasma concentrations of propafenone and its metabolites in a case of severe poisoning,1998,36,3,247-251,Buylaert Massive sulfasalazine and paracetamol ingestion causing acidosis hyperglycemia coagulopathy and methemoglobinemia,1998,36,3,239-242,Dunn Poison centers and plants: more pollyanna data?,1998,36,3,225-226,Lawrence Is the yew really poisonous to you?,1998,36,3,219-223,Jacobsen The prospective value of the IPCS/EC/EAPCCT poisoning severity score in cases of poisoning,1998,36,3,215-217,Vale Poisoning severity score. Grading of acute poisoning,1998,36,3,205-213,Persson The dangers of pet tarantulas: experience of the Marseilles Poison Centre,1998,36,1-2,55-56,Wasserman Poison center data and the Pollyanna phenomenon disputed,1998,36,1-2,139-141,Robertson Compilations of therapeutic toxic and fatal concentrations of drugs,1998,36,1-2,133-4; author reply 135-6,Holmgren The carbon monoxide poisoning of two Byzantine emperors,1998,36,1-2,103-107,Lascaratos Chlorine inhalation: the big picture,1998,36,1-2,87-93,Sexton Stachybotrys a mycotoxin-producing fungus of increasing toxicologic importance,1998,36,1-2,79-86,Williams Acute chemical pancreatitis associated with nonfatal strychnine poisoning,1998,36,1-2,67-71,Villanueva Quantitation of postmortem profenofos levels,1998,36,1-2,63-65,Watanabe The dangers of pet tarantulas: experience of the Marseilles Poison Centre,1998,36,1-2,51-53,de Haro Psilocybin mushroom (Psilocybe semilanceata) intoxication with myocardial infarction,1998,36,1-2,47-49,Borowiak Central anticholinergic syndrome due to Jimson weed physostigmine: therapy revisited?,1998,36,1-2,43-45,Stork Fatal serotonin syndrome caused by moclobemide-clomipramine overdose,1998,36,1-2,31-32,Ferrer-Dufol Survival after massive arsenic poisoning self-treated by high fluid intake,1998,36,1-2,27-29,Ohwada Opioid toxicity recurrence after an initial response to naloxone,1998,36,1-2,11-17,Muelleman Poisoning of an urban family due to misapplication of household organophosphate and carbamate pesticides,1992,30,2,295-303,Markowitz Massive strychnine intoxication: serial blood levels in a fatal case,1992,30,2,269-283,Daya The cardiovascular system after scorpion envenomation. A review,1992,30,2,245-258,Ilia Predicting severity of tricyclic antidepressant overdose,1992,30,2,161-170,Dawling Acute and chronic poisoning from residential exposures to elemental mercury--Michigan 1989-1990,1992,30,1,63-67,Taueg Ibuprofen overdose in adults,1992,30,1,23-37,Rumack A computerized library search routine using an HPLC diode array detector for the identification of poisoning by traditional medicines,1992,30,1,149-151,Joubert Strychnine poisoning in an adolescent,1992,30,1,141-148,Yamarick Oxaflozane overdose in a child,1992,30,1,123-126,Autret Carbamazepine overdose,1992,30,3,481-482,Vale Serum sodium and carbamazepine overdose,1992,30,3,479-480,Edge Periodicity of presentations of drugs of abuse and overdose in an emergency department,1992,30,3,467-478,Leikin Use of the scan statistic to detect temporal clustering of poisonings,1992,30,3,459-465,Hryhorczuk Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure following carbon monoxide poisoning: two case reports with muscle histopathology and enzyme activities,1992,30,3,443-454,Dickson Rapid onset of seizures following aspiration of viscous lidocaine,1992,30,3,413-422,Garrettson Cardiac monitoring during medical management of cocaine body packers,1992,30,3,387-397,Baud Meprobamate intoxication: rare and difficult to find,1992,30,4,683-684,Piette The changes of gasoline compounds in blood in a case of gasoline intoxication,1992,30,4,653-662,Matsumoto Mushroom poisoning in infants and children: the Amanita pantherina/muscaria group,1992,30,1,13-22,Benjamin Acute respiratory fatality associated with exposure to sheet metal and cadmium fumes,1991,29,2,279-283,Fuortes Central nervous system toxicity from nebulized atropine sulfate,1991,29,2,273-277,Herschman Pharmacists' poison prevention advice to the elderly,1991,29,2,265-271,Benson Mass poisoning by sodium arsenite,1991,29,2,209-213,Roses Acute poisoning with bromofosmethyl (bromophos),1991,29,2,203-207,Köppel Hypertension as an unusual feature in an outbreak of tetrodotoxin poisoning,1991,29,1,71-79,Tominack Demographic and electrocardiographic factors associated with severe tricyclic antidepressant toxicity,1991,29,1,31-43,Caravati Full recovery after a chloroquine suicide attempt,1991,29,1,23-30,Lambert Bialaphos poisoning with apnea and metabolic acidosis,1991,29,1,141-146,Horie Acute arsenical myopathy: morphological description,1991,29,1,131-136,Munne Hospitalizations due to poisonings in Finland--1978-1984,1991,29,1,111-129,Lamminpää Isopropanol ingestion: a report of six episodes with isopropanol and acetone serum concentration time data,1991,29,1,11-21,Olsen Diagnosis of snake venoms by a reverse latex agglutination test,1991,29,4,493-503,Karnchanachetanee Philodendron/dieffenbachia ingestions: are they a problem?,1991,29,4,485-491,Dean Mushroom poisoning in the United States--an analysis of 1989 United States Poison Center data,1991,29,4,459-465,Trestrail Chronic neuropsychological and neurological impairment following acute exposure to a solvent mixture of toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK),1991,29,4,435-445,Heath Ipecac home use: we need hope replaced with data,1991,29,4,515-519,Garrettson Is ipecac obsolete?,1991,29,4,513-514,Angle An estimation of the annual incidence of poisoning using automated telephone polling,1990,28,2,193-202,Troutman Toxicity of nightshade berries (Solanum dulcamara) in mice,1990,28,2,185-192,Hornfeldt Philodendron--an infant death,1990,28,2,177-183,McIntire Mushroom toxicology resources utilized by certified regional poison centers in the United States,1990,28,2,169-176,Lampe Full thickness skin burns secondary to an unusual exposure to diquat dibromide,1990,28,1,107-110,Manoguerra Accidental lidocaine overdosage in an infant,1990,28,1,101-106,Blond Neurotoxicological evaluation of hospital sterilizer workers exposed to ethylene oxide,1990,28,1,1-20,Becker Carbamazepine overdose: a prospective study of serum levels and toxicity,1990,28,4,445-458,Krenzelok Toxicological screening: a three year experience in poisonings in Kuwait,1990,28,3,357-364,Angelo-Khattar Gastrointestinal pathology in adult iron overdose,1990,28,3,311-320,Tenenbein Clinical course and outcome in class IC antiarrhythmic overdose,1990,28,4,433-444,Oberdisse Chlorophyllum molybdites--severe mushroom poisoning in a child,1990,28,2,159-168,Augenstein Envenomations by miscellaneous animals,1984,21,4-5,557-560,Wasserman Reptile envenomations,1984,21,4-5,503-526,Curry Black widow spider bites,1984,21,4-5,473-485,Rauber Loxoscelism and necrotic arachnidism,1984,21,4-5,451-472,Wasserman Envenomation by the scorpion Centruroides sculpturatus,1984,21,4-5,417-449,Curry Marine envenomations,1984,21,4-5,527-555,Kizer Bites and stings of Hymenoptera caterpillar and beetle,1984,21,4-5,491-502,Siegel A systematic laboratory approach for the identification of drugs in presumably poisoned (overdosed) patients,1983,20,1,23-46,Vasiliades Evaluation of benefits of drug analysis in the routine clinical management of acute poisoning,1985,22,6,589-592,Teitelbaum The role of the toxicology laboratory in emergency medicine.II: Study of an integrated approach,1985,22,6,503-528,Sunshine An enzyme-linked immunoassay for detection of North American pit viper venoms,1984,22,4,303-316,Minton An analysis of poison control center reports of ciguatera toxicity in Puerto Rico for one year,1984,22,2,177-185,Holt New aspects in the treatment of water hemlock poisoning,1984,22,2,157-166,Knutsen Acute organophosphate poisoning presenting with choreo-athetosis,1984,22,2,187-191,Joubert Apparent suicide with Renewtrient,2000,38,7,809,Baselt Mephenytoin overdose--phenytoin poisoning incognito? Case report and mephenytoin/phenytoin comparison,2000,38,7,781-785,Buchwald A method for detecting current temporal clusters of toxic events through data monitoring by poison control centers,2000,38,7,761-765,Grimson Poison centers at the millennium and beyond,2000,38,7,693-696,Krenzelok Does consensus equal correctness?,2000,38,7,689-690,Hoffman Felbamate overdose complicated by massive crystalluria and acute renal failure,2000,38,6,667-669,Meredith Severe atenolol and diltiazem overdose,2000,38,6,661-665,Kristinsson Lamotrigine overdose in an adult,2000,38,6,659-660,O'Donnell Sildenafil: clinical toxicology profile,2000,38,6,645-651,Krenzelok A profile of methylphenidate exposures,2000,38,6,625-630,Mrvos Phenothiazine butyrophenone and other psychotropic medication poisonings in children and adolescents,2000,38,6,615-623,Wilkinson A descriptive study of an epidemic of poisoning caused by heroin adulterated with scopolamine,2000,38,6,597-608,Nordenholz Witchcraft or mycotoxin? The Salem witch trials,2000,38,4,457-460,Woolf Subcutaneous injection of elemental mercury with distant skin lesions,2000,38,4,441-443,Vieira Acute elevation of blood lead levels within hours of ingestion of large quantities of lead shot,2000,38,4,435-440,McKinney Forensic toxicology in urban South Africa,2000,38,4,415-419,Stewart Is Star Trek over the hill?,2000,38,3,357-359,Schielen Intravenous detergent poisoning,2000,38,3,347-350,Fukuda Unintentional acetaminophen ingestion in children and the potential for hepatotoxicity,2000,38,3,291-296,Caravati Acute beta blocker overdose: factors associated with the development of cardiovascular morbidity,2000,38,3,275-281,Litovitz A case of transient diabetes insipidus associated with poisoning by a herbicide containing glufosinate,2000,38,2,153-156,Takahashi A case of fatal diquat poisoning: toxicokinetic data and autopsy findings,2000,38,2,149-152,Mahieu Mechanisms of toxicity clinical features and management of diquat poisoning: a review,2000,38,2,123-128,Vale Mechanisms of toxicity clinical features and management of acute chlorophenoxy herbicide poisoning: a review,2000,38,2,111-122,Bradberry Pyrethroid insecticides: poisoning syndromes synergies and therapy,2000,38,2,95-101,Ray Massive ibuprofen ingestion with survival,2000,38,1,55-57,Seifert Sources of information for acute poisoning in accident and emergency departments in Dublin Ireland,2000,38,1,29-36,Laffoy Hepatotoxicity in acute iron poisoning,2001,39,7,721-726,Tenenbein Neurotoxicology of the brain barrier system: new implications,2001,39,7,711-719,Zheng Toxicologists and the assessment of risk: the problem with mercury (commentary),2001,39,7,707-710,Brent Lead poisoning prevention not chelation (commentary),2001,39,7,659-660,Henretig Acute poisoning with the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid in N-methyl pyrrolidone,2001,39,6,617-621,Lin Ethylene glycol toxicity: the role of serum glycolic acid in hemodialysis,2001,39,6,607-615,Pappas Atropine use in Centruroides scorpion envenomation,2001,39,6,595-8; discussion 599,Suchard Do poison center triage guidelines affect healthcare facility referrals?,2001,39,5,433-438,Smith Sildenafil overdose in a female patient,2001,39,4,423-424,Hung Amatoxin poisoning from ingestion of Japanese Galerina mushrooms,2001,39,4,413-416,Inoue Self-poisoning with Colchicum autumnale L. flowers,2001,39,4,409-411,Danel Erythromelalgia and mushroom poisoning,2001,39,4,403-407,Ducluzeau Age-specific and age-adjusted penetrance as poison center outcome measures,2001,39,4,367-370,Casavant Acute toxicities of betel nut: rare but probably overlooked events,2001,39,4,355-360,Kao Risk assessment by physicians and by the poison center: are nondrug exposures handled too actively?,2001,39,3,195-199,Jacobsen False-positive amphetamine screen following a trazodone overdose,2001,39,2,181-182,Reed Fulminant hepatic failure due to acetaminophen poisoning may be less common in Hong Kong,2001,39,2,175-177,Chan Acetaminophen toxicity nomogram error: Barkin's Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine,2001,39,2,173,Marcus Pediatric acetaminophen overdose,2001,39,2,169-172,Dawson Cardiac damage in pediatric carbon monoxide poisoning,2001,39,1,45-51,Candura Carbon monoxide cardiotoxicity,2001,39,1,35-44,Candura Do not get complacent about carbon monoxide poisoning,2001,39,1,33-34,Krenzelok Poisoning at sea: injuries caused by chemicals aboard Danish merchant ships 1988-1996,2001,39,1,21-26,Hansen Intentional overdose of dimercaptosuccinic acid in the course of treatment for arsenic poisoning,2001,39,1,113-114,Buchwald Methotrexate poisoning with acute hepatorenal dysfunction,2001,39,1,101-104,Okamoto The pharmacology and toxicology of atypical antipsychotic agents,2001,39,1,1-14,Burns Hornet sting induced systemic allergic reaction and large local reaction with bulle formation and rhabdomyolysis,2003,41,7,1009-1011,Lin Massive caffeine overdose requiring vasopressin infusion and hemodialysis,2003,41,7,1003-1007,Baer Status epilepticus from an illegally imported Chinese rodenticide: "tetramine",2003,41,7,991-994,Nelson Acute topiramate toxicity,2003,41,7,987-990,Nelson Comparison of the fatal toxicity index of zopiclone with benzodiazepines,2003,41,7,975-980,Tilyard An outbreak of food-borne illness due to methomyl contamination,2003,41,7,969-973,Tsai Arsenic toxicity from homeopathic treatment,2003,41,7,963-967,Chakraborti Do co-intoxicants increase adverse event rates in the first 24 hours in patients resuscitated from acute opioid overdose?,2003,41,7,947-953,Mirakbari Scorpion envenomations in young children in central Arizona,2003,41,7,937-940,LoVecchio Emergence of imported ciguatera in Europe: report of 18 cases at the Poison Control Centre of Marseille,2003,41,7,927-930,de Haro Suspected pediatric ingestions: effectiveness of immunoassay screens vs. gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy in the detection of drugs and chemicals,2003,41,7,919-925,Kyle Guideline for the out-of-hospital management of human exposures to minimally toxic substances,2003,41,7,907-917,McGuigan Combined initial cyclophosphamide with repeated methylprednisolone pulse therapy for severe paraquat poisoning from dermal exposure,2003,41,6,877-881,Lin Hydrofluoric acid-induced burns and life-threatening systemic poisoning--favorable outcome after hemodialysis,2003,41,6,855-860,Karlson-Stiber DEET: a review and update of safety and risk in the general population,2003,41,6,831-839,Sudakin Effects of envenoming by comb-footed spiders of the genera Steatoda and Achaearanea (family Theridiidae: Araneae) in Australia,2003,41,6,809-819,Isbister Randomized controlled trial of topical aspirin in the treatment of bee and wasp stings,2003,41,6,801-808,Buckley Ocular exposure to rattlesnake venom,2003,41,5,605-606,Cantrell Acute poisonings with Breynia officinalis--an outbreak of hepatotoxicity,2003,41,5,591-594,Lin Do poison center guidelines adversely affect patient outcomes as triage referral values increase?,2003,41,5,585-590,Foster Variability of recommendations for serum alkalinization in tricyclic antidepressant overdose: a survey of U.S. Poison Center medical directors,2003,41,4,331-338,Seger Acute plant poisoning and antitoxin antibodies,2003,41,3,309-315,Eddleston Marine antivenoms,2003,41,3,301-308,Currie Antivenom treatment in arachnidism,2003,41,3,291-300,Isbister Snake antivenoms,2003,41,3,277-90; 317-27,Theakston Clinical toxinology--where are we now?,2003,41,3,263-276,Eddleston Antivenoms: editorial commentary,2003,41,3,261-262,Isbister Methylergometrine poisoning in children: review of 34 cases,2003,41,3,249-253,Blum Envenomation by the Mexican beaded lizard: a case report,2003,41,3,241-244,Cantrell Herbal infusions used for induced abortion,2003,41,3,235-239,Laborde Evaluation of the time frame for home ipecac syrup use when not kept in the home,2003,41,3,217-221,Shepherd Neuropsychologic impairment MRI abnormalities and solvent abuse,2003,41,2,209-10; author reply 211-4,Meggs Bromism from daily over intake of bromide salt,2003,41,2,181-183,Lamiable Nefazodone poisoning: toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics using continuous data collection,2003,41,2,167-173,Isbister Dendrotoxin poisoning in a neurobiochemist,2003,41,2,163-165,Clark Dancing with "death": p-methoxyamphetamine overdose and its acute management,2003,41,2,143-154,Caldicott Prospective study of morbidity associated with snakebite envenomation,2003,41,2,125-130,Spiller Acute hepatitis induced by kava kava,2003,41,2,109-113,Akhtar Of consents and CONSORTs: reporting ethics law and human rights in RCTs involving monitored overdose of healthy volunteers pre and post the "CONSORT" guidelines,2003,41,2,93-99,Buckley Cardiotoxicity associated with intentional ziprasidone and bupropion overdose,2003,41,1,79-82,Biswas Mercury vapor inhalation from Chinese red (Cinnabar),2003,41,1,75-78,Lin Multiple dose-activated charcoal as a cause of acute appendicitis,2003,41,1,71-73,Eroglu Transient and reversible parkinsonism after acute organophosphate poisoning,2003,41,1,67-70,Arima Intoxication with foothill camas (Zigadenus paniculatus),2003,41,1,63-65,Peterson Repeated ingestion of 2-butoxyethanol: case report and literature review,2003,41,1,57-62,Gualtieri Post-mortem toxicology: what the dead can and cannot tell us,2003,41,1,47-56,Watson Copperhead envenomations in the Carolinas,2003,41,1,29-35,Lavonas Regional pharmaceutical preparation for biological and chemical terrorism,2003,41,1,17-21,Krenzelok Characterization of gabapentin overdose using a poison center case series,2003,41,1,11-15,Klein-Schwartz Australian tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) and mexican coral snake (Micruris species) antivenoms prevent death from United States coral snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius) venom in a mouse model,2003,41,1,7-10,Dart Acute arsenic poisoning treated by intravenous dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and combined extrarenal epuration techniques,2003,41,1,1-6,Hantson Pharmacy prescription dispensing errors reported to a regional poison control center,2002,40,7,919-923,Seifert Severe puff adder (Bitis arietans) envenomation with coagulopathy,2002,40,7,911-918,Ford Serum acetylcholinesterase and prognosis of acute organophosphate poisoning,2002,40,7,903-910,Aygun A case of levetiracetam (Keppra) poisoning with clinical and toxicokinetic data,2002,40,7,881-884,Williams Topical treatments for hydrofluoric acid burns: a blind controlled experimental study,2002,40,7,861-866,Höjer Evaluating the utilization of a regional poison center by Latino communities,2002,40,7,855-860,Chan An unusual case of methyl bromide poisoning,2002,40,6,817-821,Hoizey Valproic acid toxicity: overview and management,2002,40,6,789-801,Sztajnkrycer Arsenic exposure and health effects,2002,40,4,527-8; author reply 529-30,Guha Mazumder Chronic and criminal administration of Nerium oleander,2002,40,4,523-524,Le Couteur Acute respiratory arrest following hemlock (Conium maculatum) intoxication,2002,40,4,517-518,Biberci Methanol poisoning exposures in the United States: 1993-1998,2002,40,4,499-505,Benson Envenomation by the Vietnamese centipede in a Long Island pet store,2002,40,5,573-574,McFee Zaleplon-induced coma and bluish-green urine: possible antidotal effect by flumazenil,2002,40,5,571-572,Höjer Data collection in clinical toxinology: debunking myths and developing diagnostic algorithms,2002,40,3,231-237,Isbister Data collection in clinical toxicology: are there too many variables?,2002,40,3,223-230,Buckley Diagnostic data in clinical toxicology--should we use a Bayesian approach?,2002,40,3,213-222,Buckley Acute tacrolimus overdose without significant toxicity,2002,40,2,205-206,Nelson Faults suggest a high calling for Delphi priestesses,2002,40,2,197-198,Gugliotta The Delphic oracle: a multidisciplinary defense of the gaseous vent theory,2002,40,2,189-196,Spiller Clonidine toxicity revisited,2002,40,2,145-155,Seger Formate kinetics in methanol poisoning,2002,40,2,137-143,Tomaszewski Trends in illicit drug emergencies: the emerging role of gamma-hydroxybutyrate,2002,40,2,129-135,Nogué Acute wood or coal exposure with carbon monoxide intoxication induces sister chromatid exchange,2002,40,2,115-120,Güler Acute ingestion poisoning with insecticide formulations containing the pyrethroid permethrin xylene and surfactant: a review of 48 cases,2002,40,2,107-113,Lin Status epilepticus after massive carbamazepine overdose,2002,40,1,81-90,Spiller A pilot study for the detection of acute ciguatera intoxication in human blood,2002,40,1,49-57,Matta Mechanism of respiratory insufficiency in pure or mixed drug-induced coma involving benzodiazepines,2002,40,1,35-47,Baud Acetaminophen hepatotoxicity: the first 35 years,2002,40,1,3-20,Rumack Acute poisoning with emamectin benzoate,2004,42,5,657-661,Yen Relative toxicity of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in overdose,2004,42,3,277-285,Dawson A rare ingestion of the Black Locust tree,2004,42,1,93-95,Marraffa Acute Cycas seed poisoning in Taiwan,2004,42,1,49-54,Wu Prospective study of centipede bites in Australia,2004,42,1,41-48,Isbister Delayed dystonia following pimozide overdose in a child,2004,42,7,977-981,Kent Lack of toxic effects following acute overdose of cellcept (mycophenolate mofetil),2004,42,6,917-919,Bebarta Diagnostic accuracy of urinary amanitin in suspected mushroom poisoning: a pilot study,2004,42,6,901-912,Butera Survival after a lethal dose of arsenic trioxide,2004,42,6,889-895,Sabbe A meta-analysis of prognostic indicators to predict seizures arrhythmias or death after tricyclic antidepressant overdose,2004,42,6,877-888,Bailey Retrospective review of Tizanidine (Zanaflex) overdose,2004,42,5,593-596,Spiller Survival pattern in patients with acute organophosphate poisoning receiving intensive care,2004,42,4,343-347,Kularatne Acute renal failure following ingestion of manganese-containing fertilizer,2004,42,3,305-307,Lin A near-fatal overdose of carisoprodol (SOMA): case report,2004,42,2,239-240,Siddiqi Health effects of mycotoxins: a toxicological overview,2004,42,2,217-234,Clark Unintentional ingestion of 60% hydrogen peroxide by a six-year-old child,2004,42,2,197-199,Sansone Accidental dermal and inhalation exposure with fipronil--a case report,2004,42,2,189-190,Chodorowski Acetaminophen: the 150 mg/kg myth,2004,42,2,145-148,Tenenbein Studies on the venom of Oxyuranus microlepidotus,1984,21,3,373-385,Pearn Severe central nervous system damage and profound acidosis in persons exposed to pentaborane,1986,23,7-8,519-536,Yarbrough Acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Risk of late sequelae and treatment by hyperbaric oxygen,1985,23,4-6,315-324,Mathieu Carbon monoxide poisoning a diagnosis frequently overlooked,1985,23,4-6,309-313,Danel Carbon monoxide intoxication: clinical features neuropathology and mechanisms of injury,1985,23,4-6,281-288,Ginsberg Two cases of acute carbon monoxide poisoning with delayed neurological sequelae after a "free" interval,1985,23,4-6,249-265,Akerblom Azalea toxicity: an overrated problem?,1985,23,2-3,91-101,Litovitz Comprehensive toxicology screening and ethanol,1985,23,2-3,241-245,Caravati Syrup of ipecac in children less than one year of age,1985,23,2-3,171-176,Dean Syrup of ipecac . . . 15 ml versus 30 ml in pediatric poisonings,1985,23,2-3,165-170,Dean Emergency induction of emesis using liquid detergent products,1982,19,2,231,Cloyd Strychnine poisoning: abnormal eye movements,1982,19,2,215-217,Stoddart Diurnal trends in reported poisonings,1982,19,2,167-172,Osterhout Phencyclidine intoxication: assessment of possible antidotes,1982,19,3,313-319,Giannini Fetal death due to accidental maternal carbon monoxide poisoning,1982,19,3,297-301,Cramer The role of the toxicology laboratory in emergency medicine,1982,19,4,353-365,Sunshine Fatal rattlesnake envenomation in Arizona: 1969-1984,1986,24,1,1-10,Hardy Fatal iron intoxication in late pregnancy,1987,25,4,347-359,Olenmark Arsenicosis in India,1987,25,4,287-295,Narang Endocrine hormone abnormalities in Amanita poisoning,1987,25,1-2,21-37,Kelner Use of skin surface sampling and ion mobility spectrometry as a preliminary screening method for drug detection in an emergency room,1987,25,6,501-515,Mikhael A fatal poisoning from Nicotiana glauca,1987,25,5,429-435,Garriott Poisoning in the elderly. An increasing problem for health care providers,1987,25,5,411-418,Dean Toxicokinetics of paraquat through the heart-lung block. Six cases of acute human poisoning,1988,26,1-2,35-50,Bismuth Poisoning with the North American Jack O'Lantern mushroom Omphalotus illudens,1988,26,1-2,81-88,French A registry for carbon monoxide poisoning in New York City. Hyperbaric Center Advisory Committee Emergency Medical Service City of New York,1988,26,7,419-441, Five cases of Thermopsis poisoning,1988,26,5-6,397-406,Rumack Cerebral infarction associated with oral verapamil overdose,1988,26,5-6,365-369,Schlaeffer Autoimmunity induced by chemicals,1988,26,3-4,125-156,Bigazzi Can ciguatera be a sexually transmitted disease?,1989,27,3,193-197,Lange Pharmacologic effects on thermoregulation: mechanisms of drug-related heatstroke,1989,27,4-5,199-224,Vassallo Carbon monoxide poisoning: a review epidemiology pathophysiology clinical findings and treatment options including hyperbaric oxygen therapy,1989,27,3,141-156,Thom Flu-like symptoms associated with fluoxetine overdose: a case report,1989,27,6,389-393,Pentel Drug induced esophageal injury,1989,27,4-5,281-286,Dean Characteristics of victims of PCP-related deaths in Los Angeles County,1982,19,9,997-1004,Budd Chlorpropamide toxicity with survival despite 27-day hypoglycemia,1999,37,7,869-871,Ciechanowski Vaginally applied diquat intoxication,1999,37,7,877-879,Rudez Carbofuran-induced delayed neuropathy,2000,38,1,43-46,Lin Pulse steroid therapy in adult respiratory distress syndrome following petroleum naphtha ingestion,2000,38,1,59-62,Ohwada A near lethal case of combined strychnine and aconitine poisoning,1993,31,1,133-138,Martens Acute digitalis intoxication--is pacing still appropriate?,1993,31,2,261-273,Bismuth Pharmacokinetics of obidoxime in organophosphate poisoning associated with renal failure,1993,31,2,315-322,Raikhlin-Eisenkraft Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia associated with baclofen overdose,1994,32,3,291-297,Benitez Fatal and nonfatal methamphetamine intoxication in the intensive care unit,1994,32,2,147-155,Chan Folinic acid and enhanced renal elimination in formic acid intoxication,1994,32,2,199-204,Henry Inhaled nitric oxide in advanced paraquat intoxication,1994,32,2,205-214,Köppel Acute tubular necrosis following endosulphan insecticide poisoning,1995,33,1,67-69,Cockram Acute organophosphate poisoning after disulfoton ingestion,1995,33,2,151-155,Ide Metobromuron/metolachlor ingestion with late onset methemoglobinemia in a pregnant woman successfully treated with methylene blue,1995,33,6,713-716,Yang Propoxyphene-induced wide QRS complex dysrhythmia responsive to sodium bicarbonate--a case report,1995,33,2,179-183,Stork Response to glucagon in imipramine overdose,1995,33,1,51-53,Henry Whole bowel irrigation after delayed release fenfluramine overdose,1995,33,2,161-163,Melandri Skin blisters as a manifestation of oxazepam toxicity,1990,28,3,383-386,Pines Acute pancreatitis following organophosphate intoxication,1996,34,3,343-347,Bullard Delayed peak serum valproic acid in massive divalproex overdose--treatment with charcoal hemoperfusion,1996,34,3,335-341,Graudins Gabapentin valproic acid and ethanol intoxication: elevated blood levels with mild clinical effects,1996,34,4,437-439,Walter Intracardiac injection of T-61 a veterinary euthanasia drug,1996,34,2,235-239,Mahieu Intravenous thiodan (30% endosulfan in xylene),1996,34,4,447-452,Whyte Treatment of severe thallium intoxication,1997,35,1,97-100,Lambert Clinical experience in acute overdosage of diphenidol,1998,36,1-2,33-39,Yang Continuous flumazenil infusion in the treatment of zolpidem (Ambien) and ethanol coingestion,1998,36,7,743-746,Tomassoni Nitric oxide inhalation for paraquat-induced lung injury,1998,36,6,575-584,Raikhlin-Eisenkraft Permethrin emulsion ingestion: clinical manifestations and clearance of isomers,1998,36,1-2,57-61,Okada Pediatric benzodiazepine ingestion resulting in hospitalization,1998,36,3,227-231,Wiley Acute fatal oral chromic acid poisoning,1999,37,3,333-336,Jardin Acute potassium dichromate poisoning: a toxicokinetic case study,1999,37,6,785-791,Kruszewska Diverse manifestations of oral methylene chloride poisoning: report of 6 cases,1999,37,4,497-504,Chang Rabbit syndrome following phenol ingestion,1999,37,4,509-511,Ohwada Overdose of Rogaine Extra Strength for Men topical minoxidil preparation,1999,37,6,781-783,Farrell Use of partial liquid ventilation to manage pulmonary complications of acute verapamil-sustained release poisoning,1999,37,4,475-479,Woolf Triethylene glycol poisoning treated with intravenous ethanol infusion,1999,37,6,773-776,Dowsett Death following cupric sulfate emesis,2001,39,2,161-163,Kashimura Efficacy of continuous venovenous hemodialysis in the treatment of severe lithium toxicity,2001,39,4,393-397,Dawson Treatment of methanol and isopropanol poisoning with intravenous fomepizole,2001,39,1,59-67,Bismuth Alkaline esophagitis evaluated by endoscopic ultrasound,2001,39,6,623-625,Ohwada Cholestatic hepatitis caused by acute gold potassium cyanide poisoning,2001,39,7,739-743,Tsai Intravenous mercury injection and ingestion: clinical manifestations and management,2001,39,7,733-738,Caraccio Organ procurement and successful transplantation after malathion poisoning,2001,39,6,633-636,Kirk Efficiency of high-flux hemodialysis in the treatment of valproic acid intoxication,2003,41,6,873-876,Schumann Fomepizole therapy for pediatric butoxyethanol intoxication,2002,40,7,929-930,Osterhoudt Intravenous paraquat poisoning-induced multiple organ failure and fatality--a report of two cases,2003,41,1,87-90,Lin Quetiapine cross-reactivity among three tricyclic antidepressant immunoassays,2003,41,2,105-108,Hendrickson Effectiveness of delayed use of crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab (ovine) antivenom,2004,42,3,321-324,Dart Speed of initial atropinisation in significant organophosphorus pesticide poisoning--a systematic comparison of recommended regimens,2004,42,6,865-875,Dawson