Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatic potential of colour marking cartridges (fx ammunition),2004,214,1-2,1-10,Manthei Evaluation of fatal gunshot injuries (the weapon in the hand),1984,174,1-2,1-22,Krauland Gunshot fatalities in connection with hunting and hunting rifles--causes prevention and expert evaluation,1996,197,1-2,1-15,Miyaishi Suicidal gunshot wounds--site and characteristics,1994,193,3-4,65-71,Betz Fatal gunshot injuries in Hamburg 1966-1991,1994,193,1-2,14-22,Koops Suicide with a walking cane gun: weapon injury picture and psychopathology,2001,207,3-4,97-103,Grellner Fatal hunting injuries in North Rhine-Westphalia,2000,206,1-2,20-29,Hartwig Pump-gun as a weapon. type of injuries prohibition of weapons,1999,203,1-2,10-18,Missliwetz Fatal stun gun injury using a modified animal sedation gun,2002,210,1-2,39-44,Fieguth Fatalities in the bathtub,1991,188,1-2,35-46,Trubner Drowning in the bath tub after choking: unusual death accident or suicide? Reconstruction of an unusual fall,1991,187,5-6,163-172,Schmidt Accidental drowning due to tropane alkaloid abuse,2002,210,1-2,16-21,Mobus Fatal accident with a special automobile,2002,210,1-2,10-15,Schmidt Proof of switch condition of intact motor-lights after accidents,1973,152,1,37-45,Burger Examination of live victims of violent crimes at the institutes of legal medicine of Hanover Cologne and Leipzig,2005,216,1-2,7-14,Gahr Fabric evidence studies of seat belts,1987,180,3-4,107-113,Halonbrenner Once again: risk of injury caused by blank pistols,2001,207,1-2,26-32,Koops Medicolegal aspects of witnessed suicide due to gunshot to the head. ii. legal medicine aspects and examination of the firing hand,2004,214,5-6,149-162,Padosch Complex suicides--a review of the literature,2004,213,5-6,138-153,Pollak Suicidal shot in the mouth with a rubber shot shell,2004,213,3-4,76-83,Faller-Marquardt Injury potential of soft-air pistols,2004,213,1-2,15-21,Pollak Homicide by stab to the neck with subsequent attempted suicide by cut to the neck,2005,215,3-4,85-93,Schneider Domestic accident or child abuse?,2006,217,3-4,74-80,Faller-Marquardt Carbon monoxide poisoning in a sauna bath heated by propane. (A critical contribution on the co-operation between investigating agency and forensic medicine),1971,148,3,61-68,Janssen Dual accidental carbon monoxide poisoning,1997,199,3-4,109-114,Oehmichen Accidental CO poisoning by operating a charcoal grill,1996,197,3-4,81-88,Raule Two autoerotic accidents: fatal nitrous oxide anesthesia and thoracic compression,1997,200,3-4,65-72,Schneider Identification of an unusual stabbing weapon based on the shape of injuries of the kidney and humerus,1994,194,1-2,22-28,Yamamoto Deaths in preschool and school age--a retrospective analysis from a medicolegal point of view,2004,214,1-2,30-36,Weiler Suicide in the Geneva Canton (1971-1990). An analysis of the forensic medicine autopsy sample,1995,195,3-4,65-74,La Harpe Are there environmental factors influencing the choice of death by drowning as a means of suicide in the Geneva canton?,1998,202,5-6,152-156,La Harpe Suicide of children and adolescents,1998,202,1-2,1-7,Madea Differentiation between self-inflicted and homicidal stab wounds to the neck,2000,205,3-4,92-101,Madea Death caused by "attack dog" bites. A contribution to current discussion,1998,202,5-6,140-151,Lutz Simulation of attempted homicide by dog bite in unconscious state,1998,201,5-6,165-171,Grellner Wound pattern and identification problems in dog bites,1976,157,5-6,172-178,Staak Dynamics of decapitation after falling in a self-tightening rope noose,2006,218,3-4,108-122,Wehner Not enough help for themselves--the risk of physicians to commit suicide,2006,218,3-4,89-99,Püschel Aggression homicide and rejection homicide: a communicative classification of homicide,2006,218,5-6,173-178,Mitterauerl Homicides in East Berlin from 1980 to 1989. Part I: Victimology and phenomenology,2006,218,5-6,158-172,Strauch A forensic medicine perspective on recurring episodes of intimate partner violence,2007,219,1-2,23-32,Anders Suicides in East Berlin from 1980 to 1989,2007,219,3-4,73-88,Strauch Fatal outcome of play with sexual overtones in the preschool age,1972,150,1,1-4,Frank Clarification of an escalator accident by study of the tracks,1979,163,5-6,164-174,Halonbrenner Reliability of % vol. declarations on labels of wine bottles,2005,215,3-4,65-69,Weiler Reconstruction of a real car-pedestrian-accident. part 2: Modelling and simulation,2004,213,1-2,41-52,Keppler Reconstruction of a real car-pedestrian-accident. part 1: Generating an individual digital topographic image of the victim,2004,213,1-2,32-40,Wehner Rare pattern of injuries after being run over by a railroad train,2003,212,5-6,151-157,Pötsch Serum cannabinoid levels 24 to 48 hours after cannabis smoking,2003,212,3-4,83-95,Skopp Injury pattern in fatal automobile accident passengers due to rear-end collisions,2002,205,5-6,138-146,Pollak Suicide by a locomotive with unusual transport of suicide victims,2000,205,1-2,25-29,Vock Suicidal gunshot to the head while driving a car,2007,219,3-4,124-130,Schulz Suicide with acetylsalicylic acid,2007,219,3-4,115-123,Preuss Unusual findings in a death caused by a car fire,2007,219,1-2,14-22,Schmidt Fitness to drive in spite (because) of THC,2007,220,1-2,11-19,Mattern Homicide or suicide? a contribution to the topic of insufficient investigation,1995,196,3-4,65-69,Bertelmann Child abuse with fatal sequelae in an Essen autopsy sample,1992,190,5-6,141-150,Erkrath An unusual accident in auto-erotic activity,1991,188,1-2,20-24,Betz Self-made "electric chair" for sexually motivated child abuse of children,2007,220,3-4,77-84,Vendura Suicide by self-immolation,2007,220,3-4,103-114,Strehler Do daily newspapers of former West and East Germany cover crime in a different way?,2007,220,3-4,85-102,Liebl Homicide-suicide in the change of time,2007,220,5-6,159-169,Puschel Retrospective analysis of 5108 pediatric case files under traumatological and forensic aspects: A contribution to the differential diagnosis of physical child abuse vs. falls,2007,220,5-6,129-140,Tsokos Homicide-suicide by a single gunshot to the head,2008,221,1-2,17-27,Wirth Death after anal "fisting",2008,221,1-2,28-35,Preuss Fatal attacks of zoo animals on humans--a case report,2008,221,3-4,113-119,Tsokos The shaken baby syndrome: a serious diagnosis on an insecure foundation?,2008,221,3-4,65-86,Maxeiner Double homicide by shooting with removal of the victims,2008,221,3-4,87-98,Wirth Unusual circumstances in a fourfold complex suicide,2008,221,5-6,149-158,Grellner Suicide by means of a charcoal grill. Casuistic report with review of the literature,2008,221,5-6,129-137,Schmeling Suicidal and accidental carbon monoxide poisonings due to charcoal fires in closed spaces,2008,222,1-2,1-13,Tsokos A typology of homicides committed by youth groups,2008,222,1-2,31-37,Fittkau Immunocytochemical examination of biological traces on knife blades,2007,219,5-6,180-190,Martin Fictitious ambush following an attempted 'extended' suicide,2007,219,3-4,105-114,Puschel Cannibalistically intended homicide following a media report,2008,222,1-2,52-63,Wirth Homicides with postmortal emasculation of the victim,2005,215,5-6,140-150,Strauch Injury pattern on the hand after slipping onto the blade during a knife attack--a contribution to the differential diagnostic classification of sharp force injuries of the upper extremities,2005,215,1-2,1-10,Tsokos Murder weapon in a homicide case--signal pen or bullet pen gun?,1996,197,1-2,31-40,Sorgo Three fatalities after communal use of methamphetamine,1991,188,3-4,72-76,Yamamoto Death by electric shock due to blatantly faulty repair,2008,222,3-4,110-116,Wirth Fatal electrocution in prison,2008,222,5-6,145-151,Grellner Homicides by sharp force with nearly complete penetration of the weapon,2009,223,1-2,36-44,Grellner Serial killings in a nursing home for the elderly,2009,223,1-2,24-35,Madea Suicidal carbon monoxide poisoning in an electric car: An unusual case report,1994,194,5-6,145-148,Bohnert Suicidal carbon monoxide poisoning in an automobile with the engine switched off,1986,177,3-4,85-90,Schneider "Homesickness and crime"--a contribution of Karl Jaspers to criminal psychology,2009,223,3-4,98-107,Bachhiesl Excessive use of fentanyl patches as the only means of suicide,2008,222,1-2,23-30,Grellner Perforating gunshot to the head with a power-actuated tool,2008,221,5-6,165-174,Grass Unusual suicide by mechanical neck compression,2008,221,1-2,48-53,Hartwig Suicidal gunshot to the nape from a small-bore rifle,2008,221,1-2,36-42,Peschel Suicidal burrowing behavior--a special kind of the "hide-and-die-syndrome",2007,220,5-6,152-158,Tsokos Two cases of suspected Munchausen by proxy syndrome: the importance of forensic toxicological analyses in handling suspicions and producing evidence,2008,222,5-6,162-169,Madea Postmortem dismemberment/mutilation--medicolegal and criminalistic evaluation of the autopsies performed by the Institute of Legal Medicine at the Hanover Medical School,2008,221,1-2,1-16,Breitmeier An extreme case of undoing and posing in a case of murder-suicide. A forensic pathological approach to crime scene investigation,2007,220,1-2,20-24,Schulz Fatal chest injury from a shotgun slug: homicide accident or suicide?,2007,219,3-4,89-97,Schulz Atypical injury pattern of a pedestrian run over by an unimog in the epigastric region,2007,219,1-2,40-45,Puschel Cable ties used as tool in homicide: relevance of the DNA analysis,2007,219,1-2,33-39,Lignitz Reconstruction of a fire homicide after pouring spirit on the victim,2009,223,5-6,185-194,Bohnert Retrospective analysis of changes concerning presumable homicidal poisoning in the region of the Bonn University Department of Legal Medicine over the last 6 decades,2009,223,5-6,171-184,Madea Medico-legal study on crashes of fighter planes of the National People's Army,2009,223,5-6,145-163,Wirth Evaluation of injuries by means of photographs in a homicide (manslaughter or murder) barred by the statute of limitations,2009,224,1-2,44-52,Madea Cable tie used for suicidal ligature strangulation--a case report,2009,224,1-2,17-25,Madea Lethal intoxication while driving a car,2009,224,1-2,10-16,Ekkernkamp The normative concept of guilt in criminal law between freedom of will and neurobiological determinism,2006,218,5-6,129-157,Czerner Confusing injury findings in a suicidal gunshot fired to the chest from a carbine with a sawed-off barrel,2006,217,1-2,10-19,Perdekamp Morphology of bullet wounds when using police ammunition type QD-P.E.P,2006,218,1-2,22-34,Stein Suicide with two gunshots through the head,1971,148,1,36-40,Reh Importance for forensic medicine of the so-called alcohol-antaethyl psychoses,1971,147,5,176-180,Szabo Stereotyped suicide using electric current,1972,150,5-6,146-151,Staak Who was driving and automobile?,1972,149,5,155-157,Hartmann Unrecognized paranoid development as a result of crimes of violence. A contribution from a forensic psychiatric viewpoint,1972,149,5,129-143,Mollhoff Suicide through asphyxia in a butane atmosphere,1972,149,1,3-10,Bauer Suicide using a revolver discharging blanks,1973,152,3,101-105,Greiner Action capacity after small-shot injuries,1973,152,1,33-36,Greiner Unusual way of self mutilation for the reason of insurance deception,1973,152,1,1-6,Kosa Suicide due to double bolt shot into the head,1973,151,3-4,87-90,Schiermeyer Strangulation and hanging suicide or accidnet?,1973,151,1-2,17-22,Holzer Differential diagnosis of homicide and suicide in stab wounds of the neck,1974,154,1-2,9-24,Bonte Suicide combined with self mutilation,1974,154,1-2,25-28,Greiner Suicides and homicides under the disguise of an autoerotic accident,1974,154,5-6,145-149,Naeve Death due to "harakiri" or gasoline fumes?,1974,154,3-4,77-82,Hauck Suicide by means of a detonator cap,1974,153,5-6,141-143,Greiner Crime in aviation,1974,153,3-4,84-96,Krefft The relationship of forensic medicine to hunting and hunter. 2,1974,153,3-4,65-83,Holzer The relationship of forensic medicine to hunting and hunter. 1,1974,153,1-2,1-15,Holzer Detection of sleeping pills in the skeleton and the soil after having lain in the forest for half a year,1974,153,1-2,36-41,Bösche Foreign bodies in the pharynx--homicide or suicide?,1975,156,5-6,160-168,Bonte Unusual suicide through hanging,1975,156,3-4,80-84,Bauer Heart stab homicide or suicide,1975,155,3-4,103-109,Weiler Two unusual cases of fatal child abuse,1975,155,1-2,19-27,Patscheider Self-strangulation?,1976,158,3-4,80-86,Dirnhofer Drug deaths,1976,157,1-2,42-53,Gerber Suicide of a woman by multiple gash cut and stab wounds,1976,157,1-2,23-29,Bauer Forensic-medicine and criminal aspects involving falls from high altitudes. Report on extensive data (125 cases),1977,160,5-6,176-187,Smerling Suicide through the utilization of postoperative conditions,1977,160,5-6,148-150,Baur Carbon monoxide poisonings,1977,160,5-6,129-147,Maulhardt Legal and forensic medical aspects of falls from a height (II). Report on an extensive experience (125 cases),1977,160,3-4,65-77 CONTD,Smerling Repeated gunshot injury of the head with only a single penetration channel,1977,160,3-4,105-114,Teige Forensic medicine and crime aspects concerning plunges from heights. Report on extensive data (125 cases),1977,160,1-2,39-50 contd,Smerling Suicides using suxamethonium chloride,1978,162,5-6,167-169,Pommerenk Reconstruction of the seating order in automobile accidents,1978,162,3-4,92-102,Metter Accident or planned self mutilation? Probability of accidental injuries during chopping,1978,161,5-6,143-152,Bonte A case of atypical suicide through a throat cut,1978,161,5-6,129-132,Bondi Statistics and phenomenology of combined suicides and other multiple suicidal injuries in the urban area (II) with 2 case reports,1978,161,3-4,68-81,Pollak Statistic and phenomenology of combined suicides and other suicidal multiple injuries in an urban area. With two case reports,1978,161,1-2,20-30 contd,Pollak Suicidal poisonings with insulin and their demonstration on the corpse (radioimmunoassay),1979,164,5-6,142-152,Schneider Murder suicide and theft of the cadaver,1979,164,1-2,31-35,Brinkmann Propane-butane gas embolism following a self-inflicted stab wound in the heart,1979,163,3-4,87-90,Balogh Suicide using a primitive firearm,1979,163,3-4,100-104,Reh Cruelty to animals. The current situation and its consequences,1979,163,1-2,35-46,Wiegand Propane gas poisoning--also outside. With special reference to histomorphological findings,1979,163,1-2,14-24,Puschel E 605 poisoning as an autoerotic accident,1979,163,1-2,25-34,Berg A combined suicide--skull injury and strangulation,1980,166,5-6,145-149,Kleiber The criminalogic significance of "gags" in suicides recovered from water,1980,166,5-6,140-144,Kosa Reconstruction of a fall from a window,1980,165,3-4,85-92,Knuth Unusual suicide cases,1980,165,3-4,65-75,Rittner Contribution to the danger of "free" 4 mm arms demonstrating a fatal gunshot wound,1981,168,5-6,161-164,Weiler The cowcatcher as the cause of injury in a railroad run-over accident,1981,168,3-4,87-92,Mortinger Suicide with an unusual shooting apparatus. A case report,1981,167,1-2,11-20,Schmidt An accident during attempted suicide,1982,169,1-2,17-24,Reiter An unusual suicide--self explosion in the automobile,1983,172,1-2,21-28,Antal Phenomenology of suicide by multiple gunshot wounds,1983,171,5-6,143-150,Missliwetz Death in the chimney. Attempt at an explanation,1983,171,5-6,129-142,Brinker Hanging: suicide or homicide?,1984,174,5-6,141-153,Brinkmann Unexpected effect of a shot from a 765 Browning cartridge: double death,1984,174,3-4,87-88,Sellier Decapitation by hanging,1986,178,5-6,157-161,Schuller Case reports of railway traffic deaths,1986,178,5-6,151-156,Risse Cocaine poisoning,1986,178,3-4,82-87,Schneider Axe blow injuries caused by reflex action?,1986,178,3-4,65-75,Bonte Combined suicide caused by burns and falling from a high place,1986,178,1-2,51-53,Strauch Diurnal relations of criminal behavior,1986,177,5-6,176-184,Laubichler Deviations in findings in hanging by interposition of fingers between noose and neck,1986,177,3-4,76-84,Stellwag-Carion Reconstruction of a suicide by a homemade firearm,1986,177,1-2,19-28,Maxeiner Missing persons with hidden corpse. Criminalistic and criminologic aspects for practice and research,1986,177,1-2,1-8,Brinker Bodily injuries to spectators and athletes at soccer matches. A criminal phenomenological study of diverging forms of delinquency in sports,1985,176,5-6,171-183,Schmitt Perforation of the vaginal and rectal areas--self-inflicted or caused by another hand?,1985,176,5-6,146-152,Missliwetz Electrocution in the bathtub,1985,176,3-4,89-95,Schneider Morphology findings in intentional hand amputation,1985,176,3-4,101-108,Bonte Electrocutions in the bathtub (Hamburg 1971-1983),1985,176,3-4,96-100,Brinkmann Strangulation--murder or suicide?,1985,176,1-2,1-7,Brinkmann Problems concerning pedestrians run over while in prone position,1985,175,5-6,137-144,Brinkmann Findings in intermediate ridges of strangulation marks and their value as signs of vitality,1985,175,3-4,85-94,Mortinger Delayed death following strangulation (hanging),1987,180,5-6,161-171,Maxeiner An unusual case of suicidal carbon monoxide poisoning,1987,180,5-6,155-160,Wehr Suicide by 120 stab wounds of the chest?,1987,180,5-6,143-149,Puschel Protracted suicide as a criminalistic problem,1987,180,3-4,79-87,Markwalder Criteria for differentiating self- or other-inflicted injuries of alleged or real victims,1987,180,1-2,13-27,Konig A suicide decision as a motive for murder--an airplane as the murder weapon,1987,179,5-6,154-160,Kleiber Simulation of a suicide to hide a homicide in a case of autoerotic accident,1987,179,5-6,149-153,Madea Simulation of an attack by self-mutilating cuts and stab wounds,1987,179,3-4,81-93,Reiter Death caused by projectile guns--a retrospective analysis of 34 cases in Berlin and Hamburg,1988,182,3-4,83-93,Koops The hydrodynamic effect of gunshots in cranial explosive shots,1988,182,3-4,75-82,Weiler Carbon monoxide poisoning in the automobile--suicide or accident?,1988,182,1-2,37-42,Koops Death caused by the intravenous injection of an opium extract,1988,181,5-6,155-161,Kosa Infanticide as a sequel of long-term unusual parental abuse,1988,181,1-2,18-25,Cremer Determination of questionable suicide as a homicide by studies of criminal stains,1988,181,1-2,12-18,Vock Unusual suicides with chain saws,1989,184,5-6,168-174,Brinkmann Railroad suicides and suicide attempts in West Germany,1989,184,5-6,129-141,Schmidtke Injuries and fatalities caused by gas-/warning weapons,1989,184,3-4,84-92,Maxeiner Suicide in pregnancy,1989,184,1-2,17-23,Pribilla An unusual death in water,1989,183,5-6,163-167,Gerling Unusual suicide caused by a stab wound in the neck,1989,183,5-6,157-162,Pribilla Zoo accidents. On the nature of such accidents and possible responsibility of the victim and others and recommendations for preventing such incidents,1989,183,5-6,146-156,Krumbiegel A peculiar case of suicide,1989,183,3-4,79-86,Maurri Suicide with an unusual shotgun,1990,186,5-6,140-146,Antal Intentional or accidental suicide? "02 47 41 4D 45 20 4F 56 45 52 21 0D...",1990,186,3-4,91-97,Hauri-Bionda Chloroquine as a poison in murder. Report of fatalities after criminal or suicidal chloroquine administration,1990,186,3-4,85-90,Kijewski Self-mutilation and autophagia,1990,186,1-2,29-36,Koops Fatalities in west Austrian prisons,1990,186,1-2,17-22,Rabl Autopsy finding of "an object in the hand of the cadaver",1990,185,3-4,99-105,Strauch Suicidal administration of elemental arsenic,1990,185,3-4,80-88,Pollak Results of forensic medicine victim/perpetrator studies following sex offenses,1990,185,1-2,19-26,Troger Historical and forensic aspects in obscurity: the execution by crucification,1991,188,5-6,129-145,Marty Secondary combined suicide viewed by the wife,1991,188,3-4,65-71,Schmidt Suicide by severing blood vessels using local anesthesia: reduced risk in extraction of HIV infected tissue using a stomacher,1991,188,1-2,47-53,Zollinger Conscious ability following hanging--a triple attempt,1991,188,1-2,25-34,Schneider Asphyxia protracted after shaking trauma,1991,187,5-6,137-145,Rabl Morphology of Krönlein cranial gunshot exemplified by a suicide with a model cannon,1991,187,3-4,96-102,Schollmeyer Unusual wound morphology after textile penetration by the automatic rifle (StG) 58. A case report,1991,187,3-4,75-83,Rabl Death caused by sharp injury. Criminologic and criminalistic aspects,1991,187,3-4,65-74,Bajanowski Maltreatment by police officers?,1991,187,2,1-12,Missliwetz Fatal exsanguination from a small venous injury,1992,190,5-6,171-175,Rabl Aspiration of gastric contents in hanging with typical position of the strangulation cord and free suspension,1992,190,3-4,97-102,Maxeiner Suicide with chloroquine combined with maprotiline and trimipramine,1992,190,3-4,82-87,Joachim Morphologic patterns in suicidal stab injuries of the neck,1992,190,3-4,72-81,Pollak Unusual cases of self-asphyxiation,1992,190,1-2,9-16,Berg An unusual case of suicide caused by electric current,1992,189,5-6,140-144,Földes How extensive can injury of the larynx in self-choking be?,1992,189,5-6,129-139,Maxeiner Case report of pathologic and criminal self injury,1992,189,3-4,77-82,Weiler "Self-asphyxia"--a forensic medicine-criminal challenge,1992,189,1-2,1-8,Rabl The decrease of tension double breaks in the connective layer of damaged windshields as a parameter of the time interval following an accident,1975,156,3-4,103-109,Kijewski Latent hazards for man and property with reference to rural customs,1975,155,1-2,14-18,Specht Unusual death due to gunshot,1974,154,5-6,UNKNOWN,Lins Unusual stabbing injury of the thoracic organs,1972,150,1,44-48,Patscheider Compression strength of the human spleen under the action of blunt force,1972,149,5,158-174,Kosa Death by burning caused by another person,1972,149,5,144-154,Kosa Acute fatal poisoning with silver nitrate following an abortion attempt,1971,148,3,69-78,Reinhardt Determination of the approximate bullet velocity of ricochets in the clarification of criminal cases,1971,147,1,7-15,Jauhari Strangulation death in infants,1979,164,1-2,17-24,Saternus Current marks as an image of current-conducting parts. (Scanning-electron-microscopy and x-ray-analytical examinations),1978,162,3-4,86-91,Schneider Possibilities of injury through harpoons,1978,162,1-2,10-16,Sellier Flaw streaks in glass as an explanation for very small density differences,1977,160,3-4,87-90,Guthknecht Death in the chimney. Determination and interpretation of CO and alcohol values in heat-coagulated blood,1977,160,1-2,1-19,Berg Unusual fatal brain neoplasm in a traffic accident,1977,159,5-6,175-179,Ronchi Stains on clothing in a lightning accident,1977,159,3-4,93-96,Schaidt Radioimmunological demonstration of morphine in hematoma blood in a day-and-half survived accident,1977,159,1-2,31-35,Gelbke Death in inverted head position,1990,186,3-4,65-74,Madea Impalement following a fall from a great height,1990,186,1-2,12-16,Földes Unusual circumstances in the discovery of a cadaver. Autopsy and results of findings,1990,185,3-4,93-98,Rabl Death caused by hurling a truck plate spring into the interior of an automobile,1990,185,3-4,89-92,Miltner Fatigue-induced unsafe driving by occupational drivers. Criminologic knowledge and legal consequences,1990,185,3-4,65-79,Meyer An unusual death caused by strangulation,1987,179,5-6,161-165,Spielmann Drugs as markers in identification. Detection of melperon (Buronil) in an adipoceratous corpse,1986,178,1-2,25-34,Pollak A spectacular sailing accident. A contribution to the problem of combined/concurrent causes of death in high-voltage injuries,1984,173,5-6,142-150,Dirnhofer Fatal autoerotic accidents,1983,171,1-2,19-25,Schellmann Fatal foreign body aspiration in traffic accidents,1983,171,1-2,15-18,Balogh Unusual suicidal stab injuries,1993,192,5-6,137-148,Madea Physical restraints and gagging in unnatural death,1993,192,1-2,17-26,Grellner Murder of children by children and adolescents--a rare crime,1993,191,5-6,129-138,Risse Electrocution accident with three-week survival,1992,190,5-6,156-162,Pedal Homicide of a supervisor simulating an occupational accident,1992,190,5-6,151-155,Betz Unusual fatalities caused by glass splinter injury,1992,189,5-6,145-152,Hildebrand Fatal injuries caused by glass fragments. Case reports and autopsy findings,1991,187,2,39-46,Rabl Report on a methemoglobin-associated fatality,2003,212,5-6,176-183,Potsch Adhesive tape on the face--criminalistic aspects,2003,211,5-6,139-146,Anders Self-mutilation in men--injury pattern and motivation,2001,208,5-6,165-174,Schulz An extended case of autoerotic accident,1997,199,1-2,27-31,Rauch Drowning in a head-down position--report on an unusual accident,2009,224,3-4,108-115,Madea Death after refusing treatment--causality assessment using the example of a Jehovah's Witness,2009,224,5-6,192-197,Bartsch Werkgartner's muzzle imprint mark--a literature study,2009,224,5-6,145-157,Vendura Unusual questions of evidence in a case of offensive post-mortem dismemberment,2010,225,1-2,46-60,Preuss Attempted and completed homicide in Hamburg--a comparison of two six-year periods,2010,225,1-2,28-38,Anders Analysis of clinical forensic examination reports on sexually abused children,2010,225,1-2,18-27,Schmidt Reliability of the diagnoses of external post-mortem examinations in non-natural deaths before and after the German reunification,2010,225,1-2,1-17,Madea Occupation-related aspects of homicidal act,2000,205,1-2,1-14,Madea Economic crisis and suicide in Geneva: 1991-1995,1998,202,3-4,69-74,La Harpe About suicide methods of physicians medical personnel and related professions,1998,201,3-4,65-72,Grellner Bone injuries in gunshot wounds of the neck,1993,191,1-2,17-21,Schollmeyer Prolonged survival after severe craniocerebral injury caused by an ax strike,1993,191,3-4,85-88,Seidl Technique--a suitable means for prevention of sex offenses?,1993,191,3-4,114-119,Schneider Skull injuries caused by blow with glass bottles,1993,192,3-4,73-79,Madea The missing wife. On the criminology of spousal homicide,1993,192,5-6,170-180,Middendorff Simple projectile localization in the cadaver using a new metal detector,1993,192,5-6,149-152,Sigrist Wound ballistics of extremely short-range shotguns,1993,192,1-2,43-48,Rabl Manifestations of screwdriver injuries,1993,192,1-2,27-36,Pollak Viewing the criminal site in unusual cadaver evidence: concealment identification determining time of death and reconstruction,1993,192,1-2,1-11,Riepert Significant injury of the neck including the cervical spine and soft tissue in suicidal strangulation,1994,193,1-2,23-28,Konig Unusual injection site in a drug fatality in prison,1994,193,1-2,10-13,Betz Drug fatalities with cadaver dumping,1994,193,1-2,1-9,Madea Confusing muscular hemorrhage in a drowned cadaver. A contribution to differentiation between vital and postmortem changes,1994,193,3-4,90-96,Koops Medical autopsy. Problems in the medical field in judicial inquiries and with federal laws,1994,193,3-4,79-89,Schewe Dismemberment with unusual preservation of cadaver parts,1994,193,3-4,72-78,Madea [On the psychiatric examination of fire-raisers],2005,215,5-6,129-139,Knecht Homicide by bow and arrow,2010,225,5-6,181-187,Gunther Medicolegal experiences in external post-mortem examinations before cremation--a retrospective analysis of the years 1998-2008,2010,225,5-6,145-158,Schyma Experiences with the polyvinyl alcohol method in forensic medicine practice,1996,197,1-2,41-46,Schyma The forensic value of "suicide notes",1994,193,5-6,163-172,Ammon Suicide by guillotine,1994,193,5-6,147-152,Nowak Gunshot injuries in the orbital area,1994,193,5-6,139-146,Madea Double suicidal gunshots with submental and parietal gunshot sites,1994,193,5-6,129-138,Pollak Suicide with prothipendyl,1994,193,5-6,158-162,Mattern Impression traces from firearms on cadaver skin,1996,197,3-4,97-103,Koops Lodged bullet or bullet penetration? Re-entry of a projectile and pseudo-shot,1996,197,3-4,89-96,Zollinger Drowning by aspiration of oral saline administration,1996,197,3-4,76-80,Bleich Blank firearms--an underestimated weapon class. Dangerousness mechanical effect and legal classification,1996,197,3-4,65-75,Rothschild Intentional homicides in the Genf canton (1971-1990),1996,197,3-4,111-117,La Harpe Unusual findings in death by hanging--reconstruction of capacity for action,1996,197,3-4,104-110,Fechner Marks on clothing and skin in absolutely and relatively close distance gunshots with fright weapons,1996,197,5-6,175-184,Pollak Gunshot into the eye,1996,197,5-6,155-164,Schyma Discrepancies in homicide statistics by suffocation,1996,197,5-6,129-141,Puschel Cadaver lipid: various origins add to the difficulty of assessing postmortem time,1996,197,5-6,165-174,Schmidt Rare suicidal death by electrocution using a timer and vital reaction,1996,197,5-6,149-154,Weiler The effect of luminous and signal munitions on the human body,1993,191,5-6,151-157,Pluisch Not an ordinary case--homicide with impalement of the victim,1997,200,5-6,167-171,Sannemuller The "golden sniff": suicide by sniffing heroin,1997,200,5-6,154-158,Zollinger Murder of the wife after 2 test killings,1997,200,5-6,143-153,Strauch Death in a fold-away bed,2007,220,5-6,170-179,Wirth Fatal MDMA-intoxication with postmortem diagnosis of hyperthermia,2007,220,5-6,141-151,Wirth Grading the level of suspicion in criminal proceedings restrictions of the proportionality principle and veto options in forensic autopsies,2010,226,1-2,1-23,Czerner Criminal aspects of child abuse,1995,195,5-6,129-139,Geerds Death on a sauna stove,2007,220,3-4,115-119,Tsokos Interpretation of the term "hydrocution",2007,220,3-4,65-76,Schmeling An unusual case of a double casualty during sexual intercourse,2005,216,3-4,65-72,Gehl The numerical Hatze-model: also qualified for calculations on children?,2005,215,5-6,164-172,Holley Initially suspected killing with a political background identified as accidental carbon monoxide poisoning,2005,215,1-2,34-42,Verhoff Suicidal excess--presentation of an unusual case,1998,202,3-4,100-108,Bratzke Joy riding and dyssocial behavior. A comparative study based on 84 members of a delinquent group,1996,198,3-4,110-116,Knecht Reconstruction of the explosion site of a hand granade on an automobile seat,1995,196,3-4,105-113,Biermann Joy riding: multiple criminal car rides in an intoxicated state in relation to dyssocial personality with addictive tendencies,1995,196,1-2,1-5,Knecht Reconstrudive significance of stretch mark tears of the skin,2000,206,3-4,88-95,Schmidt Alcohol stove as a source of CO poisoning in a camper,2000,206,1-2,8-13,Nadjem Fatal thoracic compression after being partially run over by an automobile,2002,209,1-2,28-35,Pollak 2 almost unexplained fatal cases due to carbon monoxide poisoning,1973,151,5,139-163,Osterhaus Vital animal predation of the genital region caused by a mongrel dog,2010,226,3-4,119-126,Ekkernkamp Aquatic fatalities--a systematic retrospective analysis,2010,226,3-4,107-118,Gunther Murder without a body or "just" an unusual case of child abuse?,2010,226,3-4,99-106,Görndt A study to narrow down the time when a hyoid bone fracture was sustained,2010,226,3-4,83-98,Verhoff Examination reports on survived strangulation cases,2010,226,3-4,73-82,Gunther White-collar criminals--a homogenous offender population? Reflections on typical and atypical "white-collar criminals",2006,217,3-4,65-73,Knecht Homicide by burning,2001,208,1-2,1-9,Schyma Firesetting in attempted suicide,1995,195,1-2,9-17,Laubichler Multiple homicide. Forensic medicine and criminal aspects,1990,186,5-6,129-139,Schulz Suicidal buflomedil intoxication,2004,213,3-4,108-113,Babel Age determination of an unknown body in early adulthood,2003,211,5-6,129-138,Schmeling Suicidal yew poisoning--from Caesar to today--or suicide instructions on the internet,2003,211,1-2,19-26,Wehner Satanism and suicide in adolescence--2 case reports,2002,210,3-4,76-82,Madea Suicide bomber using a pipe bomb,2001,208,5-6,139-148,Grellner Cervical findings and petechial hemorrhages in falls from high positions,2000,205,1-2,53-58,Maxeiner Toxicologic findings in suicide with doxepin and paroxetine,1999,204,1-2,28-32,Grellner Suicidal hanging or simulated suicide? Once again a case of Kobue: a spectacular case in the history of Japanese legal medicine,1998,201,3-4,97-102,Yamamoto Death in the bathtub--rectal drug administration,1998,201,3-4,80-86,Madea Suicide by a borderline patient at the end of fatal self-destructive behavior,1998,202,1-2,50-58,Schmidt Fatalities during imprisonment in Hamburg 1962-1995,1998,201,1-2,1-10,Puschel Fatalities caused by exposure to heat,1997,200,3-4,79-86,Fieguth Using muscle histology for assessment of vitality in hanging,1997,200,3-4,107-112,Sigrist Analysis of cause of death in Central Rhine prisons and in police detention centers 1949 to 1990,1997,199,3-4,88-96,Steinhäuser Methods of suicide in an autopsy sample of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Hannover Medical School,1997,199,1-2,13-20,Fieguth Errors in autopsy in Germany. Results of a multicenter study (I),1997,199,1-2,1-12,Brinkmann Clinical forensic examination findings in assault cases among adolescents,2010,226,5-6,187-195,Schulz Examination results and autopsy findings in assaults on elderly people,2010,226,5-6,176-186,Germerott Reconstruction of sexual offences--forensic aspects of sperm traces,2010,226,5-6,170-175,Bockholdt Suicide with a manipulated hand grenade,2010,226,5-6,161-169,Preuss-Wössner Tardieu's spots and asphyxia--a literature study,2010,226,5-6,145-160,Wirth Gastric death as first described by Sehrt ("Sehrt'scher Magentod")--a review of the literature,2006,217,3-4,92-100,Wirth Intramuscular bleeding in deaths from an internal cause: forensically significant differential diagnosis between external trauma and hemorrhages occurring during agony,2005,216,3-4,97-107,Püschel Tongue bite injuries--a diagnostic criterium for death in epileptic seizure?,2003,212,1-2,19-29,Ulrich Forensic medicine significance of the fluid content of the sphenoid sinuses,2002,209,5-6,158-164,Pollak Epidemiologic and phenomenologic aspects of suicide caused by leaping from a high bridge,1998,202,5-6,129-139,Puschel Suicide or fatal accident in fantasy play?,1997,199,3-4,97-102,Pollak Detection of fluid in paranasal sinuses as a possible diagnostic sign of death by drowning,1996,198,3-4,89-94,Hottmar 6 cases of premeditated murder of adults by drowning,1995,195,3-4,75-84,Missliwetz Fatalities associated with methadone administration in the Geneva canton (1987-1993),1995,196,1-2,24-29,La Harpe Child abuse caused by thermal violence--determination and reconstruction,1995,195,1-2,38-46,Grellner Fatal hunting accidents caused by shotguns,1995,195,1-2,27-30,Strauch Fatal violence by adolescents toward children--sexual motivation is in the foreground,1995,195,1-2,1-8,Risse "Crows' feet wrinkles" in high voltage electric accident--a sign of survival?,1994,194,5-6,164-170,Grellner Starvation due to child neglect. Case report and aspects of expert testimony,1994,194,1-2,29-38,Madea Self-mutilation with a double-blade razor,1994,194,1-2,15-21,Pedal Possibilities for injuries caused by rubber bullets from the self-defense weapon MR 35 Punch,1997,200,3-4,87-94,Schyma Fatal exorcism. A case report,1997,200,3-4,73-78,Geserick Self-injury with a blank cartridge pistol. A case report,1997,200,1-2,39-44,Strauch Suicidal stab wounds through clothing,1997,200,1-2,31-38,Pollak Crime scene and criminal findings site of an unknown cadaver in the field: reconstruction based on traces and clinical findings,1997,200,1-2,25-30,Rittner Retained capacity for action in brain gunshot injury. Case report and systematic examination,1997,199,5-6,159-166,Brinkmann Dangerousness of blank fright guns and salute rifles,1997,199,5-6,138-142,Schmidt Blank fright guns as assault weapons. Forensic medicine and legal aspects,1997,199,5-6,129-137,Rothschild Errors in autopsy in Germany. Results of a multicenter study (II),1997,199,3-4,65-74,Brinkmann Discrepancies between police breath alcohol measurements in a field trial and blood alcohol concentration according to BGA guidelines and possible consequences for citizens,1997,199,3-4,103-108,Weiler Electroshock devices as weapon,1995,196,3-4,78-86,Missliwetz Homicidal versus suicidal penis amputation. A contribution to the problem of missing and conflicting stains,1995,196,3-4,70-77,Madea A historical skull specimen in Leipheim with evidence of penetrating injury,1995,196,3-4,114-119,Nowak Homicide by strangulation with a lasso sling,1995,196,1-2,6-11,Yamamoto The value of various lung changes in death by strangulation,1995,196,1-2,38-45,Grellner Possible errors in measuring gunshot distance with ricochet full jacket projectiles,1995,196,1-2,30-37,Schyma Person identification with video super-projection,1995,196,1-2,18-23,Bajnóczky Suicidal hanging or homicide? On the criminal significance of "professional knots",1995,196,1-2,12-17,Schellmann Analysis of 1989-1999 homicide crimes in the catchment area of the Bonn Institute of Forensic Medicine with reference to selected aspects,2003,211,5-6,147-159,Madea Morphology and phenomenology of death by kicking (II),2000,205,3-4,65-74,Puschel Roentgen imaging of stab wounds in parenchymatous organs,1990,186,3-4,98-106,Bajanowski Sudden death after "home electrotherapy",1981,167,1-2,43-51,Kosa Suicide in children youths and young adults,2011,227,1-2,33-42,Hagemeier Self-castration with suicide,1994,194,1-2,8-14,Betz Serial homicide in the Vienna-Lainz hospital,1994,194,1-2,1-7,Missliwetz The application of the theory of narcissism in criminal proceedings (forensic theory of narcissism),2009,224,3-4,116-126,Gabbert Fatal child abuse in Japan and Germany. Comparative retrospective study,1998,202,1-2,8-16,Oehmichen An unusual injury pattern in magically increased false sex crime,1998,201,1-2,39-43,Madea Differential burns of head and pubic hair,2001,207,1-2,42-48,Pollak Perpetrator related analysis of intentional homicides in the Genf canton (1971-1990),2001,207,1-2,12-18,La Harpe Unintentional gunshot during police intervention,2001,207,1-2,1-11,Kulle Simulation of homicide to hide child's suicide,2001,208,1-2,54-61,Madea Death in homes for the aged/nursing homes from the legal medicine viewpoint,2001,208,1-2,42-47,Bratzke "Overkill" in a case of neonaticide,2004,213,5-6,129-137,Navarro Snuff. Historical film comments on a current topic,2002,209,1-2,45-50,Benecke Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos: criminal and legal aspects of serial homicide with over 200 victims,2002,210,3-4,83-94,Benecke Stalking--a modern manifestation of erotomania?,2003,211,1-2,1-8,Knecht Neurobiology of excess self-defense use. Case report with summary of neuroscientific principles,2000,206,3-4,65-72,Knecht Fatal child neglect in East Germany 1 January 1985 to 2 October 1990. Results of a multicenter study,2000,205,1-2,44-52,Krause Child neglect death of an infant by faulty nutrition,1992,189,1-2,33-38,Madea Practicability of the mobile one-finger scanner Cross Match MV5 in fingerprinting of corpses: are mobile fingerprinting scanners suitable for use in mass disasters?,2008,221,5-6,138-148,Schulz A case of survived compression of the thorax by kneeling on it--"burking"?,2008,222,3-4,128-132,Rosenbaum Fatal child abuse (caused by physical violence) in Germany during 1 January 1985 to 2 October 1990. Results of a multicenter study,1999,203,3-4,73-85,Betz Occupation-specific mode of self injury within the scope of a fictitious assault,1999,203,5-6,129-137,Pollak Victim-related aspects of homicide of elderly persons in the catchment area of the Bonn Forensic Medicine Institute,1999,204,1-2,33-41,Madea Fatal child neglect in West Germany 1 January 1985 to 2 October 1990. Results of a multicenter study,1999,204,1-2,12-22,Betz Lethal child abuse (through the use of physical force) in the German Democratic Republic during the period 1 January 1985 to 2 October 1990. Results of a multicenter study,1999,204,3-4,75-87,Krause Death caused by neglect?,1999,204,5-6,156-162,Fieguth Capacity to act after stab and cutting injury,1994,194,3-4,95-104,Mattern At first a clear case: homicide by injury to the neck,1994,194,3-4,78-84,Vock Unusual suicide by gunshot wound to the head with a signal pistol,1994,194,3-4,71-77,Koops Victims of homicide crimes--social conditions and circumstances of the crime,1994,194,3-4,65-70,Fieguth Simulated powder tattooing in gunshots through glass plates,1994,194,3-4,105-110,Ciallella An unusual case of extensive cadaver ingestion by a domestic dog,1994,194,5-6,177-181,Yamamoto How dangerous are "mouse trap projectile traps"?,1994,194,5-6,171-176,Schyma Does a bone gunshot wound leave pure lead bullet metal residues?,1994,194,5-6,155-160,Pluisch Analysis of combined phenothiazine-opiate poisoning,1994,194,5-6,149-154,Rothschild Fatal gunshot wound injuries with so-called shooting ball-point pens,1995,195,3-4,95-102,Pollak Recoil-induced rifle butt mark on the ceiling in suicidal gunshot injury,1995,195,3-4,85-94,Kneubuehl Offensive cadaver dismemberment by an ice pick,1996,198,1-2,11-15,Bonte Fatal chloroform poisoning with subsequent crime,1996,198,3-4,83-88,Strauch Phenomenology of kicking and kicking to death,1996,198,3-4,73-78,Grass Unusual motivation in double suicide of a lesbian couple. Phenomenology psychodynamics and influence of contemporary values,1996,198,3-4,65-72,Grellner Forensic medicine aspects of sudden death in sports,1995,195,5-6,159-165,La Harpe Suicide with a nail gun device: wound ballistics and wound entry morphology,1995,195,5-6,153-158,Karger 2 suicides with self-fabricated gunshot devices: technical forensic and morphologic ballistic characteristics,1995,195,5-6,147-152,Brinkmann Cause of death in a patient lifting device,1995,195,5-6,140-146,Grellner Carbon monoxide poisoning from indoor barbecues--incidents reported to the German-speaking Poison Information Centers and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin,2011,227,3-4,102-110,Ebbecke Medical and legal aspects of genital mutilation and circumcision. Part II: Male circumcision,2011,227,3-4,85-101,Dettmeyer A new detection method for traces of cyanides from their metabolites in decomposed human body tissues in forensic studies,1971,147,1,22-31,Tewari Isolation identification and trace determination of strychnine alkaloids by paper electrophoresis and its use in forensic toxicology,1971,147,5,158-167,Tewari Cruelty to animals as a first step to sadistic crime of violence,1971,148,1,41-45,Krumbiegel Sex murderer Zingerle,1971,148,1,14-23 contd,Holzer Comparison of wound morphology following gunshots by machine guns and sub-machine guns,1999,203,1-2,32-39,Grellner Fatal propane-butane poisoning,1999,203,1-2,27-31,Vock Self-injury or attempted murder--analysis of an unusual case,1999,203,1-2,19-26,Riepert Murder and attempted murder with beer-added nicotine solution,1972,150,3,84-92,Kosa Sex murderer Zingerle,1971,148,3,94-105 concl,Holzer False accusations to camouflage autoerotic acts,1971,148,3,106-110,Kosa Size and form of textile damages in stab injuries,1972,149,3,97-106,Janssen Aspects of identification of tool marks in stab injuries,1972,149,3,77-96,Bonte Reasons circumstances and results of repeat forensic medicine autopsy,1998,202,5-6,173-178,Grellner Carbamide peroxide as source of hydrogen peroxide for the luminol application at crime scenes,2009,223,3-4,73-83,Schwarz Methane in cadaver blood--homicide by natural gas or postmortem formation?,1998,201,1-2,24-30,Sigrist Suicidal chloroform poisoning,1998,201,1-2,21-23,Muller Fatal poisoning with clozapine and perazine. A case report,1998,201,1-2,11-20,Mattern Determination of blood/serum ratios of different forensically relevant analytes in authentic samples,2011,227,5-6,188-203,Mattern Neonaticides in Hamburg Germany from 1998 to 2008,2011,227,5-6,174-180,Anders Negligent homicide caused by exhaust gas escaping from a manipulated chimney,2011,227,5-6,164-173,Wirth The QR code in society economy and medicine--fields of application options and chances,2011,227,5-6,152-163,Parzeller Criminal professional body packers and harmless "swallowers",2011,227,5-6,145-151,Püschel Duration of the fire and degree of charring of a burned cadaver,1992,189,1-2,39-47,Madea Site of discovery in the bath tub. Evaluation of a fatality after four years using postmortem roentgen diagnosis,1992,189,1-2,25-32,Riepert Variability of cannabinoid findings in blood,2011,228,1-2,46-59,Skopp Diagnostic imaging in cases of suspected child abuse--focus craniocerebral trauma divergent guidelines and resulting problems,2011,228,1-2,39-45,Ritz-Timme Clinical forensic examination findings and legal outcome in cases of suspected sexual child abuse,2011,228,1-2,20-38,Gunther Differentiation of epithelial cell types by cell diameter,2011,228,1-2,11-19,Verhoff Injuries of the female genitalia in cases of sexual assault,2011,228,1-2,1-10,Anders Irrational behavior in exposure to cold. Paradoxical undressing in hypothermia,1991,187,2,47-56,Risse Aggressive behavior of dogs towards their keeper,1973,151,1-2,49-51,Luff Cause of death determination and identity of an unknown man,1973,151,1-2,23-25,Rengei Attempted murder with electric current. Criminal-technical investigation,1976,157,1-2,30-36,Carlsson Traceableness of smoldering elements on gunshot entries following the effect of water and fire,1977,159,1-2,23-30,Kijewski Morphology of stab injuries caused by using a screwdriver,1978,161,1-2,31-40,Brinkmann "Thallium poisoning"--neurologic and forensic aspects,1979,163,1-2,1-13,Schmidt Pathomorphological constellation in death resulting from high voltage electricity,1980,165,1-2,1-16,Pollak Forensic chemical studies after bomb explosions,1983,171,3-4,89-96,Megges Gendarme murder of Kindberg. A contribution on criminal psychology,1983,171,3-4,106-120,Gössweiner-Saiko Homicide through poison using a rodenticide-containing thallium,1973,151,3-4,91-95,Fischbach Shot or stab?,1973,151,3-4,81-85,Holzer Pathological intoxication in forensic-psychiatric evaluation of alcoholic intoxication,1973,151,3-4,65-80,Reckel Remarkable cases of electric current induction for criminal purposes,1973,151,5,149-158,Schneider Stab-injury of the heart by a glass-splinter,1973,152,1,7-12,Dietz Small-shot injuries with current plastic-cap munition,1973,152,1,20-32,Schewe A new microchemistry reagent for the demonstration of gunpowder residues in cases of firearm use,1973,152,3,96-100,Tewari Repetition of the external inspection of the corpse as an aid in the assimilation of findings,1984,173,1-2,45-49,Missliwetz Forensic and criminological aspects in solving a case of a dismembered corpse,1974,153,5-6,129-140,Smerling Development of criminology in the 18th and 19th century,1974,154,1-2,1-8,Géza Sudden death with extraordinary patho-anatomical findings,1974,154,1-2,38-42,Henn Preservation effects in forensic ABO-determinations using analysis of results as evidence in criminal cases,1974,154,3-4,91-99,Bhatnagar Natural science contra parapsychology,1974,154,3-4,100-114,Prokop The enforceability of expert opinion in theory and practice,1998,201,3-4,112-119,Grafl Certain aspects of laterality research,1998,201,3-4,103-111,Reiss Analytical confirmation of error in false positive amphetamine immunoassays and results,1998,201,3-4,93-96,Weiler Immunohistochemical insulin evidence at the injection site,1998,201,3-4,87-92,Wehner Harpoons--toy tool weapon?,1998,201,3-4,73-79,Strauch Morphologic detection of Bacillus cereus in blank cartridges,1998,201,5-6,172-181,Rothschild Suicidal gunshots through the mouth in patients with dental prostheses,1998,201,5-6,157-164,Pollak Forensic evaluation of manual temperature estimation,1998,201,5-6,146-156,Tröger Death by burning in open spaces. Death caused by suicide or homicide?,1998,201,5-6,137-145,Sigrist Autopsy before cremation--formality without efficacy?,1998,201,5-6,129-136,Brinkmann Expert assessment of coital injuries from the forensic medicine viewpoint,1998,202,1-2,44-49,Schulz Exhumation and no end. A comparative analysis,1998,202,1-2,38-43,Brinkmann A case of suicidal chloroform poisoning,1998,202,1-2,29-37,Nadjem Simulated suicide by hanging after homicidal strangulation,1998,202,1-2,17-28,Pollak Sensitive technics for the determination of the stimulant khat,1975,155,5-6,155-162,Röhm An example of perceptual distortion explained as "psi-effect?",1975,156,1-2,24-28,Prokop A rare case of sudden death in relation to a sexual act,1975,156,1-2,12-14,Balogh Experimental studies on the toxicity of smoldering and burning gases of different materials,1975,156,1-2,15-23,Schmidt Criminal psychiatry evaluation of sexual aberrations,1975,156,3-4,85-94,Szabo Criminal and criminological research of the Criminal Institute of the Federal Criminal Department. Thoughts on planning and organization,1975,156,3-4,65-79,Gemmer Hitler's dentition,1975,156,3-4,95-102,Endris Documentation of chemical-toxicological findings,1975,156,5-6,153-159,Schmidt Identification of a burned torso and reconstruction of homicide,1975,156,5-6,145-152,Haarhoff Sudden death following foreign body entrapment in the esophagus,1975,156,5-6,141-144,Kiesler A case of abortion using parsley extract and naphthalene,1973,152,5,161-164,Giusti A simple procedure for the substance-specific identification of base extract substances,1973,152,3,91-95,Schutz A simple technic for the quantitative determination of THC in hashish samples,1973,152,3,86-90,Giusti Can intravenous AN 1 be misused as a narcotic?,1973,152,3,81-85,Klug Charge from an interrogation protocol,1973,152,1,46-55,Redecker Survived stab to the heart in a schizophrenic man,2011,228,3-4,126-131,Kunz Bumping into a knife--exculpatory statement or (tragic) accident?,2011,228,3-4,108-113,Püschel Aiming at the chest but hitting the back,2011,228,3-4,102-107,Thali Suicide by hypothermia with intentional partial undressing,2011,228,3-4,96-101,Gehl Autoerotic fatalities in Greater Dusseldorf,2011,228,3-4,82-88,Hartung Clinical forensic examination findings and legal outcome in cases of suspected physical child abuse,2011,228,3-4,73-81,Gunther Content of free and total histamine of the lung of the newborn infant in regard to the live-born infant,1973,151,5,164-179,Kosa Forensic medicine evaluation of inprisonment trial and work ability,1973,151,5,129-143,Naeve White blood stains?,1976,157,3-4,114-118,Brinkmann Unusual sequelae of a self-inflicted injury: straying of a needle in the coronary vessel system of the heart,1976,157,5-6,165-171,Balogh Individual identification of cadaver parts after a bomb explosion using oligonucleotide fingerprinting by (GTG)5,1998,202,3-4,109-114,Ohshima Death in the milieu of homeless persons. A comparative retrospective analysis of an autopsy sample of different regional population structures (Middle Hessia/Hamburg),1998,202,3-4,95-99,Weiler Phenomenology of ether administration. With a review of the literature,1998,202,3-4,87-94,Sprung Routine case of "auto-erotic accident"--surprising turn in evaluation of cause of death after chemical-toxicologic analysis,1998,202,3-4,75-80,Grass Case report of accidental stab wound to the heart,2000,205,5-6,169-176,Pollak Suicide by double bolt gunshot wound to the head: case report and review of the literature,2000,205,5-6,162-168,Grellner Self-impalement after thoracic stab wound. An unusual method of suicide in psychotic symptomatology,2000,205,5-6,152-161,Weiler Forensic medicine experiences in cremation autopsy in Bonn,2000,205,5-6,145-151,Madea Serotonin 5-hydroxyindolylacetic acid and cholesterol content in blood cerebrospinal fluid and brain areas for differentiation of suicidal from non-suicidal cause of death,2000,205,5-6,131-144,Skopp An unusual case of self-harm with petroleum distillate,2000,205,1-2,37-43,Madea Microscopic study of powders of hallucinogenic mushrooms--Psilocybe sp,2000,205,1-2,30-36,Schäfer Morphology and phenomenology of death by trampeling,2000,205,1-2,15-24,Puschel Criminal process record Winckelmann (Triest 1768). Comments on the criminal process dealing with the murder of Johann Joachim Winckelmann from the forensic historical and legal medicine viewpoint,2001,207,1-2,49-55,Weiler Plastic bag as the method in suicide and homicide,2001,207,1-2,33-41,Pollak Death caused by accidental hanging in the hand strap loop of a garage door,2001,207,1-2,19-25,Schmidt Subject for discussion: is sexual abuse of a sleeping person possible or fantasy or simulated?,2011,228,5-6,203-208,Püschel Criteria for the classification as a "domestic-setting corpse"--a literature search and review to define the term,2011,228,5-6,191-202,Verhoff Death of an 89-year-old man during autosexual activity,2011,228,5-6,171-176,Ottens The sick accused: forensic and emergency aspects in the courtroom,2011,228,5-6,160-170,Buschmann From alcohol to liquid ecstasy (GHB)--a survey of old and modern knockout agents. Part 3: gamma-hydroxybutyric acid ("liquid ecstasy"),2011,228,5-6,151-159,Schütz From alcohol to liquid ecstasy (GHB)--a survey of old and modern knockout agents. Part 2: benzodiazepines and other sedatives/hypnotic drugs,2011,228,5-6,145-150,Schütz Differential diagnostic aspects of forensically relevant findings in the brain stem,1999,203,3-4,108-116,Schulz "Crow's feet wrinkles" as a sign of preserved consciousness,1999,203,3-4,103-107,Sigrist Wound entry findings of animal anesthesia guns without smoke outlets,1999,203,3-4,91-102,Pollak Homicide by gunshot. An evaluation of 50 homicides with reference to gunshot wound site,1999,203,3-4,65-72,Nowak Fatal accidental mixed poisoning of 3 men at the same time,1999,203,5-6,170-174,Oehmichen Inhalation heat shock,1999,203,5-6,159-169,Vock Forensic aspects of spatially and temporally related multiple corpses,1999,203,5-6,152-158,Thomsen Self-inflicted stab wound for simulating self-defense?,1999,203,5-6,147-151,Schnabel Sudden death after release from police detention,1999,203,5-6,138-146,Madea Forensic entomology exemplified by a homicide. A combined stain and postmortem time analysis,1999,204,1-2,52-60,Seifert Eyelid petechiae and conjunctival hemorrhage after cardiopulmonary resuscitation,1999,204,1-2,42-51,Maxeiner Microscopic examination of Guaraná powder--Paullinia cupana Kunth,1999,204,1-2,23-27,Schäfer Malignant narcissism and sexual homicide--exemplified by the Jack Unterweger case,1999,204,1-2,1-11,Haller Homicides--the sociodemographic background of the offender and the behavioral symptoms,1999,204,3-4,65-74,Sannemuller Examples for use of the STR systems in stain assessment with special reference to Y chromosome systems,1999,204,5-6,175-185,Kärgel Appearance of injuries caused by machetes and unusually large knives,1999,204,5-6,163-174,Pollak Value of fingerprints for determining identity. Simultaneously a contribution on significance for reconstruction of the behavior of a perpetrator based on the evidence--trends over time,1999,204,5-6,143-155,Oppermann Suicides by police officials in North Rhine-Westphalia. An evaluation of 58 suicides between 1992 and 1998,1999,204,5-6,129-142,Hartwig Sex determination in blood samples and blood stains of male individuals,1973,151,1-2,41-48,Krüger Microscopic enzymatic and crystal-chemical studies of sperm and urine traces following their lengthy preservation. Use of a rapid test,1976,158,1-2,33-40,Stein Possible applications of Y chromosome STRs in examination of abortion tissue,2003,211,1-2,42-47,Graw An unusual homicide case with subsequent suicide,2003,211,1-2,33-41,Ogbuihi An unusual area of injury in postmortem animal feeding beneath clothing,2003,211,1-2,27-32,Madea Weather-induced changes in cannabinoid content of hair,2003,211,1-2,9-18,Mattern Suffocation due to foreign body aspiration visualized by post-mortem CT,2012,229,1-2,55-61,Gehl Pregabalin--a drug with abuse potential?,2012,229,1-2,44-54,Skopp Puppe's rule--a literature review,2012,229,1-2,34-43,Wirth Illness and death of the violin virtuoso Nicolò Paganini--interpretation based on new hair investigations,2012,229,1-2,11-24,Kijewski School shooting in statu nascendi,2012,229,1-2,1-10,Knecht Cadaver mix-up--an avoidable problem?,2002,209,1-2,9-13,Verhoff An unusual case of 3 fatal accidental CO poisoning cases by re-routed ventilation,2002,209,1-2,20-27,Ottens An initially unexplained death during prison sentence. Diagnostic verification by atomic absorption spectrometry,2002,209,1-2,14-19,Arnold Cooperation between criminal investigators and forensic medicine. A complementary system and its peculiarities illustrated by a case from general practice,2002,209,1-2,1-8,Grass Fatal outcome of poisoning with the benzodiazepines flunitrazepam and diazepam,2002,209,3-4,95-101,Ritz-Timme Continued physical capacity after head gunshot injury,2002,209,3-4,88-94,Matschke Cause of death in heroin users with low blood morphine concentration,2002,209,3-4,76-87,Meissner Suicide with exit bags: circumstances and special problem situations in assisted suicide,2002,209,3-4,65-75,Anders Modern variant of hanging: use of a time-programmed winch,2002,209,3-4,110-115,Grellner Suspicious circumstances on discovery of the cadaver,2002,209,3-4,102-109,Anders Criminology and superstition at the turn of the 19th century,2012,229,3-4,126-136,Bachhiesl Sexual assaults in Geneva between 2006 and 2010,2012,229,3-4,117-125,La Harpe "Natural" death of a person under the care of a custodian,2012,229,3-4,96-106,Heide Fatal crossbow injury in an adolescent,2012,229,3-4,90-95,Hessler Reform of forensic autopsy in the German Code of Criminal Procedure,2012,229,3-4,73-89,Dettmeyer Criminal superstition pregnancy and infants at the turn of the 19th century,2012,229,5-6,198-206,Bachhiesl Fall from height--surprising autopsy diagnosis in primarily unclear initial situations,2012,229,5-6,179-188,Madea Simon's bleedings as a vital sign of hanging--a literature review,2012,229,5-6,163-178,Schmeling Does a positive finding of tetrahydrocannabinol in the blood result from ingestion of Indian frankincense (Boswellia serrata)?,2012,229,5-6,154-162,Skopp Morphology of low-velocity impact stains produced from single drops of blood,2012,230,1-2,42-54,Benecke Post-mortem examination prior to cremation--an instrument to verify the quality of medical post-mortems and uncover non-natural deaths?,2012,230,1-2,13-23,Germerott Criminology and victimology of rape in context with war-like conflicts using the example of the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda,2012,230,1-2,1-12,Püschel Misinterpretation of fetal high voltage and lightning accidents,2000,206,5-6,168-179,Pollak Positional asphyxia--death in a head-down position after falling down stairs,2012,230,3-4,128-136,Madea Definition of a "domestic-setting corpse"--a retrospective study of 211 discoveries,2012,230,3-4,115-127,Verhoff The querulant--troublesome or dangerous?,2012,230,3-4,99-107,Knecht Physical and gynecological examinations in female victims of sexual violence with special emphasis on crime-reporting behaviour,2012,230,3-4,88-98,Thali The M-cycle of crime,2012,230,3-4,73-87,Antholz Death due to unusual position of the body--an explanationfor the consequence of reduced venous reflux to the heart,2004,213,3-4,102-107,Rothschild Multiple homicides--forensic and criminologic aspects,2004,213,3-4,92-101,Rothschild Relevance of "psychopathy"-- concepts from the Hare measure for preventive detention,2004,213,3-4,65-75,Habermeyer The history of Polish criminalistics and forensic medicine and their links to Austrian science,2012,230,5-6,190-203,Widacki Homicide by hypothermia,2012,230,5-6,177-189,Madea Death in a rainwater tank--unusual death by hypothermia,2013,231,1-2,55-61,Madea Experimental throws with a knife to clarify a case of domestic violence,2013,231,1-2,46-54,Muggenthaler Death by erotic asphyxiation (breath control play),2013,231,1-2,38-45,Madea Depth penetration of lead-bullets of various calibres into soft tissue,1976,158,5-6,175-185,Sellier Determination of the amino acid spectrum as an aid in the up-dating of skeletal findings,1976,158,5-6,163-174,Bonte Psychological problems in personal description. Report on a research project,1976,158,5-6,144-152,Deusinger The criminologist as a connoisseur of human nature,1976,158,5-6,129-143,Herren Casualties of citizens of the German Federal Republic abroad. Insurance law and aspects of forensic medicine,1977,159,3-4,97-106,Bratzke Case of acute fatal intoxication due to acetylsalicylic acid (Cemirit),1977,159,3-4,89-92,Ronchi Suicide under the influence of "magic mushrooms",2013,231,5-6,193-198,Püschel Medicolegal aspects of a survived suicide attempt by hanging,2013,231,5-6,183-192,Pollak Postmortem detection of accidental methadone intoxication in a 10-year-old girl,2013,231,5-6,175-182,Pollak About the Geserick sign--a literature study,2013,231,5-6,166-174,Wirth Delusional disorder autoaggression und suicide,2013,232,1-2,43-50,Püschel Suicide in advanced age--report on an unusual case of hanging in a lying position,2013,232,1-2,34-42,Madea Medico-legal assessment of the ability to undergo imprisonment: a retrospective analysis of larger numbers of cases from Hamburg,2013,232,1-2,1-16,Püschel Zinc sulfate under the prepuse. Criminal trace in a sexual murder,1977,159,5-6,139-143,Maehly Comparative studies on the size of perforation caused by large caliber handguns on the human skull,1977,160,3-4,91-104,Kuhl Analysis and biotransformation of mazindol (Teronac) a new anti-obesity drug,1977,160,3-4,78-86,Ebel Effects of bullets of various makes on the human body,1977,160,5-6,168-175,Sellier Wound ballistics of prohibited revolver ammunition (partially-coated hollow-tip bullets),1977,160,5-6,156-175,Janssen Illegal production of nerve gas,1977,160,5-6,151-155,Machata Ideal type and history--a critical review of Applied Criminology,2013,232,3-4,119-127,Köchel Death after explosion of an "empty" acetone barrel,2013,232,3-4,113-118,Preuss-Wössner Vehicle-assisted suicide with a nylon rope causing complete decapitation,2013,232,3-4,104-112,Bohnert "Legal highs" from the German internet--"bath salt drugs" on the rise,2013,232,3-4,91-103,Madea Identity theory and community criminality. Report on a field study,1978,161,1-2,1-19,Hellmer An unusual case of a self-inflicted injury to the tongue to simulate a criminal offence,2013,232,5-6,201-207,Doberentz A special facet of testing the ability to stand trial: home visits by forensic physicians,2013,232,5-6,178-200,Püschel Efficiency of inspections of the corpse before cremation performed in the area of the Halle University Medical Centre,2013,232,5-6,161-177,Lessig Passive exposure in detection of low blood and urine cannabinoid concentrations,2001,207,5-6,137-147,Skopp Comparison of the MTP immunoassay with EMIT in blood screening for drugs,1998,202,5-6,165-172,Käferstein Postmortem changes under special conditions,1978,161,3-4,89-94,Brettel Hazards in the use of so-called precision sling-shots,1978,161,3-4,85-88,Sellier Truth curves on soot blackened paper--apparatus-supported lie detection in Graz in the 1920s,2014,233,1-2,41-56,Bachhiesl Recreational boating accidents--Part 1: catamnestic study,2014,233,1-2,20-40,Lignitz Acute fatal poisoning due to heroin sniffing,1979,163,3-4,95-99,Magerl A screening test for Nor-clobazam a principal metabolite of the new 15 benzodiazepine clobazam (Frisium),1979,163,3-4,91-94,Schutz Examinations for the proof of detailed marks of bites,1980,165,3-4,93-106,Kijewski Identification of sawed off shotguns,1980,165,3-4,76-84,Nennstiel Proof of drugs of minute quantities using IR spectroscopy,1980,165,3-4,111-119,Toffel-Nadolny The detection of glyoxalase in stored blood samples,1980,165,3-4,107-110,Schwerd The separation of cannabinoids with reverse-phase TLC,1981,167,3-4,99-109,Neuninger Alcohol-related constellation of symptoms in acts of aggression,1981,167,3-4,70-82,Berghaus Diagnosis of injuries by examination of unbroken bones,1981,167,3-4,110-116,Marek Multiple child murder. A report of the criminal psychology and criminal psychiatry of the murder,1981,167,5-6,175-185,Gössweiner-Saiko Forensic-odontologic findings in chemical destruction of a corpse,1981,167,5-6,164-174,Endris Criminal contagion and criminal imitation,1981,168,1-2,1-16,Geerds An unusual ability following a contact gunshot wound of the head,1985,175,1-2,31-39,Bratzke Use of the film impression procedure--a procedure for the detection of surface distribution of chemical elements in gunshot residues,1985,175,1-2,21-30,Hoffmann Witch signs in forensic medicine of the 16th to 18th centuries,1985,175,1-2,1-12,Birchler-Argyros Art vandalism: criminological and criminalistic thoughts on a phenomenon neglected till now in the area of art and criminality,1979,163,5-6,129-144,Geerds Etiology of combined inhalational hydrocyanic acid and carbon monoxide poisoning,1979,163,5-6,145-159,Dirnhofer Offense sex. A criminologic contribution to the manifestations of exhibitionism and other nuisance practices and their practical significance,1982,169,5-6,169-179,Benz Determination of barbiturates in bone tissue,1982,169,5-6,149-154,Harsányi Chemical findings in deaths from heroin,1980,166,1-2,33-43,Klug Forensic corpse dissection. Anatomy of a criminal procedure,1980,166,1-2,1-17,Krauland Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the study of illegal mescaline/dimethyltryptamine--laboratory findings,1980,166,1-2,21-32,Schubert Sodomy (zoophilia bestiality). A contribution to their consequences for the personality development and the dangers of this sexual aberration for society with examples of cases from forensic practice,1979,164,1-2,36-44,Kosa Occultism and the law. The methods of parapsychology from a forensic and juridic viewpoint,1979,164,1-2,1-16,Wimmer "Biastophilia"--rape as a form of paraphilia?,2014,233,3-4,130-135,Knecht "Piggyback" shot: ballistic parameters of two simultaneously discharged airgun pellets,2014,233,3-4,123-129,Ekkernkamp Analysis of human tissue samples for volatile fire accelerants,2014,233,3-4,95-113,Treibs Recreational boating accidents--Part 2: causes of accidents and deaths,2014,233,3-4,73-94,Lignitz Affective killing. A criminological study based on the case Adolf D,1978,162,1-2,34-42 contd,Middendorff Ritual finger amputations. A contribution on the diagnosis of intentional self mutilation using an axe,1978,162,1-2,17-22,Bonte Narcotic mushrooms with LSD?,1978,162,1-2,23-33,Stahl Emotional killings. A criminological study based on the case Adolf D. (II),1978,162,3-4,65-85,Middendorff Quantitative high-pressure liquid chromatography of narcotics,1978,162,3-4,103-107,Megges Cadaver destruction through dog- and lion bites,1978,162,3-4,108-114,Weiler Forensic medicine significance of paranasal sinus examination,1978,162,5-6,179-180,Jobba Impurities in illegal amphetamine. 6. Identification of phenylpropanol-2 amphetamine and NNl-dimethylamphetamine in methamphatamine,1978,162,5-6,171-175,van der Ark Crystallized thiopental in the right heart in suicidal poisoning,1979,164,3-4,89-92,Schneider Rapid identification of the crude intermediate and end products that occur in illegal methadone manufacture,1979,164,3-4,83-88,Paulig Stimulation of a sexual crime through the effects of animals,1979,164,3-4,78-82,Matzsch Cannabis plants cultivated in Germany: substances in the sense of the narcotics law?,1979,164,3-4,65-77,Maier Possibilities of determining the caliber and the manner and velocity of the shot from the morphology of the bullet channel in the cranial bones,1979,164,3-4,107-121,Kijewski Development of criminality in Hungary (1965-1978),1979,164,5-6,172-184,Korinek Simple procedure for study of the gun hand,1979,164,5-6,162-166,Knuth Determination of the duration of the throttling in hostage murder,1979,164,5-6,153-161,Berg Unusual findings in carbon monoxide-related deaths,2014,233,5-6,192-202,Gerlach Forensic aspects of thermal changes in human head hair,2014,233,5-6,161-180,Kijewski Differential diagnosis of vital and postmortem processes in burn cadavers,1985,175,3-4,65-75,Berg Death of a small child as a result of ether poisoning,1984,173,3-4,103-108,Rittner Postmortem gastrointestinal ruptures in burn cadavers,1986,177,1-2,29-33,Schneider Autopsy and postmortem section. Critical evaluation of paragraph 87 of the criminal code and recommendations for general practice and legislators,1987,179,1-2,45-56,Kimpel Injuries to laryngeal articulations in strangulation and throttling,1987,179,1-2,38-44,Maxeiner Aspects findings and problems in criminal cadaver dismemberment,1987,179,1-2,24-30,Denk Process-related and criminalistic problems of forensic medicine experts in criminal offenses,1987,179,1-2,1-12,Geerds Cannabinoid intake by passive smoking,1987,179,1-2,31-37,Schulz Cranial CT as basis for reconstruction of events and identification of a weapon,2014,234,1-2,59-65,Madea Hand injuries by pyrotechnic articles--case report and reconstructive experimental investigations,2014,234,1-2,43-58,Schröder Intentional poisoning of two wives by their husband?,2014,234,1-2,33-42,Erdmann Hans Gross as an archaeologist--the significance of archaeology for 'encyclopedic' criminology,2014,234,1-2,19-32,Bachhiesl Cause and manner of death in the autopsy material of the Institute of Forensic Medicine Justus Liebig University Giessen from 2002-2006,2014,234,1-2,10-18,Wollersen Drug-induced unconsciousness with subsequent criminal acts,1988,181,1-2,33-40,Bratzke Crime prevention in residential districts by urban planning measures,1988,181,1-2,1-11,Kube Criminal aspects of sex offenses. Problems of detection in cases of rape and sexual coercion (sections 177 178 of the penal code),1980,166,5-6,175-184,Teufert Sources of error in identification with excreted substances,1981,168,3-4,93-100,Schwerd Criminal political aspects of the legal handling of mentally abnormal law breakers in Austria,1981,168,3-4,106-119,Probst The danger of absolute short distance shots from gas pistols,1981,168,5-6,171-175,Geertinger The importance of postmortem influences on the visibility of strangulation marks,1981,168,5-6,156-160,Kampmann Unusual coloration of intestinal contents. A surprising observation and its harmless explanation,1981,168,5-6,129-132,Maxeiner Gas pistol shots,1981,168,5-6,165-170,Schutz Homicide in the elderly. A study of homicide in the aged based on an Aachen autopsy sample of the 10-year period 1976-1985,1989,183,3-4,65-78,Schäfer Criminal process and legal autopsy for insurance purposes following death in a foreign country,1989,183,3-4,95-100,Madea An unusual grazing gunshot,1989,183,5-6,168-172,Marty Pistols and revolvers as striking tools,1989,184,1-2,30-37,Missliwetz Morphologic findings for airway occlusion in strangulation,1989,183,1-2,37-44,Maxeiner Experimental studies of the development of linear electric current marks,1989,183,1-2,21-28,Schroeder Pattern of findings in injuries caused by "survival knives",1989,183,1-2,11-20,Pollak Identification of dog bites using a comparative video analysis,1991,187,3-4,111-118,Inhülsen Exhumation by reason of the criminal process. A comparative criminologic study,1986,177,3-4,65-75,Brinkmann Causes of body injuries incurred while playing soccer. A contribution to criminal and accident-related factors in this type of crime on the playing field,1987,179,3-4,65-74,Schmitt The problem of highlights in forensic photography,2014,233,3-4,114-122,Bohnert The hooligan and his world image in soccer vandalism. An introduction to this current phenomenon of socially deviant behavior,1988,182,5-6,129-142,Harnischmacher Postmortem tissue embolisms. Report of 3 cases,1989,183,1-2,29-36,Penners Suicide in childhood or accidental hanging? A case report,2015,236,1-2,43-50,Madea Fatal child abuse bodily injury followed by death or accidental fall?,2015,236,1-2,11-30,Madea Sauna deaths in Hesse Germany between 1994 and 2014,2015,236,1-2,1-10,Verhoff Alleged suicide by insulin,2015,235,1-2,43-52,Verhoff Fatal electric accident due to adverse error situation,2015,235,1-2,22-28,Hartung Fatal skiing accidents: a forensic analysis taking the example of Salzburg,2015,235,1-2,1-10,Monticelli Sexual assault during sleep: victim asleep/offender asleep--an update,2015,235,5-6,198-205,Püschel Wrong statement of manner of death after insufficient post-mortem examination,2015,235,5-6,189-197,Breitmeier Peranal exenteration of the intestine during a homicide,2015,235,5-6,182-188,Püschel Diuretics and their potential effect on breath-alcohol concentration--a case report,2015,235,5-6,172-181,Skopp Reddish discoloration of the vascular intima in charred bodies,2015,235,5-6,166-171,Bohnert Suicidal fall from height after restraint or accident?,2015,236,3-4,130-135,Madea Death by avalanche in the minor mountain range,2015,236,3-4,115-129,Pollak Death by alcoholic ketoacidosis--analytical procedure and case report,2015,236,3-4,103-114,Madea Lethal intravenous injection of benzine,2015,236,3-4,96-102,Ritz-Timme Fire disaster due to deflagration of a propane gas-air mixture,2015,236,3-4,73-84,Pollak Alleged assault in a forest: an unusual case of self-inflicted blunt injury,2014,234,5-6,193-200,Kunz Death by explosion of an aerial mine,2014,234,5-6,174-182,Madea Corpse disposal by concealment in transport containers or packaging materials: examination by post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) before forensic autopsy,2014,234,5-6,166-173,Kammal Morphology and phenomenology of crossbow injuries with a review of the literature,2014,234,5-6,154-165,Madea Suicide among physicians--a current analysis for the City of Hamburg,2014,234,5-6,145-153,Gehl Accidental ingestion of methadone by children and suggestions for better prevention,2016,237,1-2,38-46,Schaper Fatal explosion injuries from blasting a cigarette machine,2016,237,3-4,130-142,Madea Homicides committed by women in the area served by the Munich Institute of Legal Medicine,2016,237,3-4,116-129,Schick Carbon monoxide poisoning by a heating system,2016,237,3-4,93-101,Gehl An unusual bodily injury,2016,237,5-6,212-219,Madea Early post-mortem animal bites after suicidal gunshot wound to the head of a police dog handler,2001,207,3-4,73-80,Faller-Marquardt Postmortem dog bites after sexually motivated homicide with multiple stab wounds--differential diagnostic aspects,2000,206,1-2,30-37,Koops Spinal fractures caused by hanging,1982,170,1-2,29-34,Petersen A case of vaginal cyanide administration,1982,170,1-2,21-28,von Meyer Suicide by stabbing while driving a car,2017,239,3-4,109-116,Madea Homicide-suicide double suicide or homicide followed by suicide 2 case reports,2017,239,3-4,87-98,Madea Deaths in Hamburg prisons 1996-2012 - recommendations on suicide prevention in prison custody,2017,239,3-4,73-86,Briken Skide godt! - Phenomenon Olsen gang from a forensic point of view,2016,238,3-4,107-119,Ondruschkal Fatal injuries caused by a bull,2016,238,3-4,99-106,Madea On manual laterality (handedness) in humans and its forensic significance - a literature review,2016,239,5-6,145-166,Geserick Field study to detect illicit and medicinal drugs in car drivers in Southern and Western Hesse,2016,238,5-6,173-187,Toennes An unusual case of an unplanned complex suicide,2017,240,3-4,129-134,Hartung Deaths in hotels,2017,240,5-6,200-211,Held Entomological elucidation of a homicide-suicide,2017,240,3-4,118-128,Schwarz Krönlein shot - A literature review,2015,236,5-6,145-165,Wirth Complex suicide committed by a captive-bolt slaughterer's gun fired to the head and consecutive hanging with unusual findings regarding both methods applied,2018,241,3-4,110-129,Pollak "Internal impalement" - An unusual finding after a fall from height,2018,241,1-2,45-53,Bohnert [Postmortem diagnosis of exogenous insulin administration],1993,191,1-2,28-36,Logemann A severe injury of the neck including the cervical spine and soft tissues due to suicidal strangulation,1994,193,1-2,24-28,Konig Homicidal versus suicidal penis amputation,1995,196,3-4,74-77,Madea [Determination of remoxipride in cadaver blood using high pressure liquid chromatography],1994,193,5-6,153-157,Martz [Detection of metal traces in electric marks],1995,196,5-6,156-164,Raule [Hanging with decapitation. Case report--biomechanics],1995,195,1-2,31-37,Rabl [Identification of unknown cadavers in forensic medicine practice],1996,198,1-2,23-30,Riepert [Expert insect identification in cases of decomposed bodies],1996,198,3-4,99-109,Benecke [Putrefaction-induced green discoloration of cadaver skin with circumscribed sparing of areas in contact with tape strips in suicidal asphyxia],1996,198,5-6,139-144,Hayase [Possibilities for toxicologic evidence in adipocere formation and postmortem interval of several years],1998,202,3-4,81-86,Grellner [Animal bites caused by a song bird?],2001,208,1-2,48-53,Haffner [Criminal and suicidal death with bolt gunshot weapons. An experimental and case contribution],2000,206,5-6,150-159,Kijewski [Development of rust stains on the skin due to contact with a gun],2001,208,1-2,32-41,Zollinger [Suicidal electrocution using timers. Case reports and review of the literature],2001,208,3-4,80-87,Tsokos [Unusual carbon monoxide poisoning],2001,208,1-2,10-23,Schmidt [Evaluation of atypical stab and incision wounds in a case of combined suicidal injuries],2002,210,1-2,28-38,Madea [An unusual case of double death],2003,211,3-4,81-89,Troger [Case reports of suicide with an electric drill],2003,211,3-4,65-72,Schmeling [Contact shot from infantry weapons with a flash-suppressor],2003,212,1-2,10-18,Pollak [Deep incisional neck injuries caused by an electric knife],2003,212,3-4,104-109,Madea [Medicolegal aspects of witnessed suicide due to gunshot to the head. Part 1: Circumstances and psychopathology],2004,214,3-4,65-76,Hirsch [Suicidal monointoxication with flunitrazepam. Further comment on coloration phenomena of the upper gastrointestinal tract],2004,214,3-4,93-98,Tsokos [Complex suicide by two gunshots to the chest and consecutive hanging: circumstances and aspects of reconstruction],2005,215,3-4,94-102,Madea [Suicidal shot in the mouth with an unmodified blank cartridge pistol],2005,216,1-2,1-6,Madea [The death of Kaspar Hauser (17 Dec 1833)--assassination suicide or self-inflicted injury?],2005,216,1-2,43-53,Bartsch [Suicide with multiple graze shots],2005,216,5-6,150-159,Pollak [An entomological case report during the winter months: estimation of the post-mortem interval considering the influence of cold temperatures on the development of the forensically important blowfly Calliphora vomitoria],2009,223,3-4,123-130,Madea [Deaths in hotels],2010,225,5-6,188-194,Verhoff [Medico-legal autopsies in Berlin from 1999 to 2003],2009,224,5-6,158-167,Wirth [Oropharyngeal impalement in a case of paranoid hallucinatory schizophrenia],2010,225,3-4,109-118,Urban [Differential diagnostics of stomach contents showing blue discoloration],2011,227,1-2,23-32,Nadjem