Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Recent research and views on shaking baby syndrome,2004,34,2,131-141,Lowenstein How well informed are Australian general practitioners about adolescent suicide? Implications for primary prevention,2001,31,2,169-182,Smith Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: two case reports and an update of the literature,2003,33,4,411-423,Stein Suicide notes: psychological and clinical profile,2006,36,2,163-170,Verma The association of psychiatric and neurological comorbidities with outcomes in traumatic injury patients,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Hayward The case of H.S.: the ethics of reporting alcohol dependence in a bus driver,2007,37,3,267-273,Karol Repetition of suicide-related behavior: a study of the characteristics psychopathology suicidality and negative life events in Iran,2009,39,1,45-62,Sheikholeslami Physical illness and parasuicide: evidence from the European Parasuicide Study Interview Schedule (EPSIS/WHO-EURO),1999,29,2,149-163,Kerkhof Assessment of depressive symptoms in Japanese school children and adolescents using the Birleson Depression Self-Rating Scale,2006,36,2,231-241,Koyama Chronic medical conditions and wishes to die among older primary care patients,2006,36,2,183-198,Brown Physical illness and psychopathology,1974,5,4,483-497,Lipowski Jack the Ripper and doctor-identification,1975,6,3,385-402,Shuster Psychophysiological responses to the urban environment,1975,6,1-2,15-28,Ostfeld Psychological factors in the etiology of ulcerative colitis: objectlessness and rage,1977,7,3,221-228,Levitan Battered women: a medical problem requiring detection,1978,8,2,191-202,Rounsaville Medical origins of psychiatric emergencies: the systems approach,1982,11,1,1-24,Gross Suicide in the medical patient,1987,17,1,3-22,Mackenzie The diagnostic dilemma of myxedema and madness axis I and axis II: a longitudinal case report,1988,18,3,263-270,Risch Repeated suicide attempts by the intravenous injection of elemental mercury,1988,18,2,153-167,Rosen Sequelae of attempted suicide by cyanide ingestion: a case report,1990,20,2,173-179,Feldman Self-mutilation: diagnosis and practical treatment,1990,20,4,373-382,Van Moffaert Ictal and psychiatric aspects 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