Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Traumatic injuries to the head and spine 1: mechanisms of injury,2004,13,16,940-947,McLeod A balanced approach to dealing with violence and aggression at work,2005,14,4,227-232,Rew Research shows how we can prevent falls in old age,2005,14,5,245,Scott Beyond Zero Tolerance: a varied approach to workplace violence,2005,14,15,810-815,Paterson Personal safety in the accident and emergency department,2005,14,13,725-730,Rew Disaster preparedness and response: more than major incident initiation,2005,14,16,868-871,Davies National Inquiry into self-harm breaks down taboos,2006,15,7,353,Foss Characteristics and trends of self-harming behaviour in young people,2007,16,3,148-152,Cleaver Visually impaired drivers and public protection vs confidentiality,2007,16,4,226-230,Hartry Preventing falls in hospital - time to change STEP?,2007,16,13,770,Hayes Child sexual abuse. 1: Definitions incidence and consequences,1993,2,5,267-273,Gillespie Understanding the coexistence of alcohol misuse and depression,2008,17,11,696-699,Watts The application of crime science to the prevention of elder abuse,2008,17,13,850-854,Cox Role of the school nurse 100 years ago,2008,17,21,1345, Mental health consequences of child sexual abuse,2008,17,22,1428-1433,Mullers Predicting patient aggression against nurses in all hospital areas,2009,18,8,476-483,Chapman Portrayal of mental illness and special hospitals in the UK press,2008,17,16,1058-1061,Dickens Providing an alternative to zero tolerance policies,2009,18,10,619-623,Thompson Abuse by care professionals. Part 3: Analysis of characteristics and reasons,2007,16,17,1080-1082,Barber Abuse by care professionals. Part 2: a behavioural assessment,2007,16,16,1023-1025,Barber Abuse by care professionals. Part 5: implications for nurses,2007,16,19,1230-1232,Barber Caring for patients with suicidal behaviour: an exploratory study,2007,16,19,1218-1222,Doyle Protecting the vulnerable older person,2007,16,12,763,Castledine Abuse by care professionals. Part 1: an introduction,2007,16,15,938-940,Barber Hot pack nursing costs and suicide: the BJN over 100 years ago,2007,16,7,411,Castledine Daniel's story: self-injury and the case study as method,2006,15,3,166-170,Lovell The nature of professional child abuse,1992,1,9,432,Beattie Suicidal behaviour,1994,2,22,1103-1105,McLaughlin Child sexual abuse. 2: Techniques for helping adult survivors,1993,2,6,313-315,Gillespie Child sexual abuse and the right to compensation,1993,2,5,286-287,Korgaonkar Violent attacks: nurses at risk,1993,2,3,187-188,Castledine Elder abuse: raising the awareness of nurses working in A and E units,1993,2,3,167-171,Roberts Preventing childhood accidents: an intervention exercise in Clwyd,1993,2,21,1059-1064,Cody Prevention of falls among older people at home,1993,2,12,609-613,Nolan Nursing management of common accident wounds,1993,2,11,578-582,Cockerill Behaviour at the scene of an accident,1992,1,13,678-680,Platt Never forget the importance of caring,2009,18,8,515,Castledine Consequences of workplace violence directed at nurses,2009,18,20,1256-1261,Chapman The burning issue of injury in Ireland: Part 1,2010,19,6,374-378,Kelly The psychological impact of aggression on nursing staff,2007,16,13,810-814,McLaughlin Legal remedies for employees if they are injured in the workplace,2003,12,3,154-156,Dimond Implications of the James Bulger case for community nurses,1993,2,5,255,Notter Ethical and legal issues in suicide,1993,2,15,777-780,Davis Nursing management of self-mutilation,1994,3,8,382-386,Burrow Hip fractures: can nursing make the difference?,1994,3,7,335-339,Santy Elder abuse and neglect,1995,3,22,1171-2 1189-90,Kingston A brief insight into how nurses perceive patients who self-harm,2010,19,13,840-843,Emerson Homicides and suicides by mentally ill people: resources highlighted,1996,5,2,70,Morris Should nurses who commit rape be allowed back on the register?,1996,5,7,450,Castledine Causation of problematic behaviour in people with learning disabilities: 1,1996,5,9,546-550,Slevin Suicide: the crisis in the prison service,1995,4,4,215-220,Burrow Supervising suicidal patients within a hospital setting,1995,4,4,212-215,Thomas Suicide and psychological debriefing,1995,4,4,209-211,Farrington The aftermath of suicide,1995,4,4,205-208,Morris Use of physical restraints. 1: consequences,1995,4,3,155-7 159,Molasiotis Lessons to be learnt from the Victoria ClimbiƩ inquiry,2003,12,3,137,Powell Confidentiality. 15: Child protection and unsuitable employees,2000,9,6,346-349,Dimond Children need protecting in death as well as life,2000,9,1,5,Glasper Development of an introductory course in child protection,1997,6,12,686-690,Powell The health of children looked after by local authorities,1997,6,7,386-390,Berridge Protecting nurses who work with young children,1996,5,21,1290,Glasper Child prostitution: reaching out to children who sell sex to survive,1996,5,18,1120-1125,Barrett Law series: 14. Children: proceedings for care or supervision orders,1995,4,19,1167,Luke Law series: 12. Children: suspected child abuse,1995,4,16,975,Luke Blaming the victim,2007,16,16,1033,Castledine Older people deserve better lives and an end to abuse,2005,13,22,1373,Castledine Violence: the duty of the employer and remedies by the employee,2002,11,9,614-618,Dimond Ageism and the abuse of older people in health and social care,2000,9,9,560-563,Ward Systematic approach to community risk assessment and management,2000,9,4,210-214,Arshad Nurses must be protected by law from assault,1998,7,21,1296,Scott Caring for those with mental health conditions on a children's ward,2010,19,19,1226-1230,Buckley Attendance for self-harm in a West Midlands hospital A and E department,2000,9,4,215-220,Kinmond Paracetamol overdose: pathophysiology and nursing management,1996,5,3,145-152,Budden Case 23: the negligent practitioner. Patient who was left unaccompanied in the bath,2000,9,6,325,Castledine Identifying people with learning disabilities who have been sexually abused,1995,4,19,1110-1111,Aylott Child sexual abuse: helping children and their families,1995,4,18,1067-1072,Feehan Learning to respond to disclosure of child sexual abuse,1995,4,18,1066,Powell Is the 1983 Mental Health Act out of touch with reality?,1995,4,2,67-68, Nurse-aid management of children. 1: Accidents,1994,3,11,579-582,Butler Elder abuse by nurses is on the increase,1994,3,13,675-676,Castledine Predisposing factors leading to depression in the British Army,2010,19,21,1355-1362,Finnegan Why do nurses face violent assault in A and E?,1997,6,10,540,Scott Minor injuries clinics: dealing with trauma,1995,4,20,1177-1182,Cable The answer to reducing patient violence towards NHS staff,2002,10,22,1442,Cutcliffe Burn injuries among children from a region-wide paediatric burns unit,2011,20,3,156-162,Alnababtah The prevalence of verbal aggression against nurses,2009,18,12,735-739,McLaughlin Assessment of significant harm: improving professional practice,1998,7,1,31-36,Ayre Psychiatric nurse who physically manhandled a vulnerable patient,2001,10,12,760,Castledine Elder abuse: a wake-up call to nurse educationalists,2004,13,9,510,Nolan Senior nurse who physically and verbally abused elderly residents,2005,13,22,1329,Castledine Workplace stress and bullying: liabilities of the employer,2002,11,10,699-701,Dimond There is no such thing as a child receiving 'a good smack',2003,11,22,1425,Powell Abuse - a day in the life of a student nurse,2007,16,10,573,Bailey Developing disaster management modules: a collaborative approach,2007,16,9,526-529,Douglas Violence against nurses in hospitals: prevalence and effects,2003,12,2,102-107,Atawneh Injury in the workplace: Criminal Injury Compensation Authority,2003,12,4,243-245,Dimond Violence against nurses and NHS staff is on the increase,2003,12,7,396,Scott Clients are not being protected from abuse,2000,9,19,2063,Farmer Older people must be respected not abused,2000,9,18,2004,Alderton Patients deserve trust not surveillance cameras,2000,9,10,608,Beckford-Ball The lived experience and meaning of stress in acute mental health nurses,2008,17,14,880-884,Currid The use of music and colour theory as a behaviour modifier,1999,8,7,443-448,Barber Angry women mentally disordered offenders: a need to do more?,1999,8,10,658-663,Cordall Confidentiality. 10: Child care and the duty of confidentiality,1999,8,20,1390-1391,Dimond Ethical and legal issues in suicide,1994,3,19,1033,Fairbairn The implications of head injury for family relationships,1998,7,14,842-846,Carter What part can nurses play in the prevention of suicide?,2011,20,16,2-3,Glasper The Mental Capacity Act 2005: children and young persons,2008,17,4,248-250,Dimond Self-injurious behaviour: reviewing evidence for best practice,2000,9,2,96-102,Gates Confidentiality. 12: The problems posed by suicide and euthanasia,2000,9,1,52-53,Dimond Deliberate self-harm in children: the nurse's therapeutic style,2001,10,1,34-40,Glasper Will single-sex wards make patients more safe?,2001,10,4,212,Scott The management of ballistic trauma: an infection control perspective,2005,14,4,196-199,Lines Nurses need advanced skills in disaster health care,2005,14,4,190,Davies Preventing rape and sexual assault of people with learning disabilities,1999,8,13,871-876,Aylott Protecting people with disabilities from abuse,1999,8,13,843,Kitson Carbon monoxide poisoning and hyperbaric oxygen therapy,1999,8,16,1067-1072,Durmaz Can nurses stem the rising tide of alcohol abuse?,2012,21,5,312-313,Glasper Use of bullying as a management tool in healthcare environments,2012,21,5,299-302,Barber Research endeavours into suicide: a need to shift the emphasis,2003,12,2,92-99,Cutcliffe Psychology in sports injury rehabilitation,2012,21,8,484-490,Concannon Nurses' role in managing alcohol misuse among adolescents,2012,21,8,474-478,Kiernan What lessons can we learn from conflict resolution?,2004,13,5,237,Nolan The clinical definition of death and the legal implications for staff,2004,13,7,391-393,Dimond Safety of learning disability patients must be improved,2004,13,8,438,Tingle Deputy matron who physically and verbally abused patients in her care,2004,13,8,469,Castledine The assessment and management of falls in residential care settings,2013,22,5,259-263,Duffy Domestic violence: The role of the nurse,2013,22,18,1043-Unknown,Peate A nurse clinician's approach to knife crime prevention,2013,22,13,774-778,England Preventing suicide in England: saving lives,2014,23,4,236-237,Tingle The Hillsborough disaster: how it has changed UK healthcare law. Part 1,2014,23,10,536-537,Griffith Effectiveness of alcohol brief interventions in general practice,2014,23,11,574-580,Clossick Nursing and aggression in the workplace: a systematic review,2014,23,12,653-659,Edward Challenges in acute care of people with co-morbid mental illness,2014,23,13,728-732,Giandinoto Functional independence in teenage patients with burns,2014,23,12,S20 S22-6,Nicolosi Hillsborough part 2: advance decisions and futile treatment,2014,23,12,672-673,Griffith After the tsunami: the need to rebuild services,2011,20,7,395,Morris 'It's the hearing that is last to go': a case of traumatic head injury,2015,24,5,277-281,Tapson Binge drinking and cognitive impairment in young people,2015,24,7,401-407,Thayanukulvat Preventing suicides: developing a strategy,2015,24,11,592-593,Tingle Management of common behaviour and mental health problems,2015,24,11,586-590,El-Radhi Coping with aspects of patient and domestic violence in nursing,2015,24,12,650,Mendes Coping with patient suicide and psychological debrief for nurses,2015,24,14,745,Mendes Being equipped to care for patients at risk of self-harm and suicide,2015,24,15,787,Mendes Safeguarding the welfare of children: what is the nurse's role?,2015,24,15,769-773,El-Radhi Preparedness and training in staff responding to a burns disaster,2015,24,18,918-923,Wood Nursing students' knowledge of child abuse and neglect in India,2016,25,5,264-268,Math An exploration of bullying behaviours in nursing: a review of the literature,2016,25,6,303-306,Wilson Garden hazards: trampoline injuries,2016,25,17,975,Paul Stress and the student nurse in accident and emergency nursing,1992,1,12,27-30,Scullion What do we know about emotional labour in nursing? A narrative review,2017,26,1,48-55,Badolamenti Domestic violence against men,2017,26,6,309,Peate A disclosure scheme for protecting the victims of domestic violence,2017,26,11,636-637,Griffith Domestic violence protection measures,2017,26,13,768-769,Griffith Recognition and nursing management of abusive head trauma in children,2017,26,17,974-981,Paul The advantages and disadvantages of encouraging consumerist notions of health care at two minor injury units,2018,27,6,308-313,Sturgeon Brief interventions to de-escalate disturbances in emergency departments,2018,27,6,322-327,Weiland Acting to prevent male suicide,2018,27,8,458-459,Tingle Indian novice nurses' perceptions of their role in caring for women who have experienced intimate partner violence,2018,27,10,559-564,Math Patient safety and hospital accident and emergency services,2018,27,12,716-717,Tingle Alcohol-related harm: developing a drug and alcohol liaison team,2018,27,15,881-885,Georgiou Taking self-harm seriously,2018,27,22,1291,Peate Protecting healthcare staff from abuse: tackling workplace incivility in nursing,2018,27,22,1336-1337,Glasper Government plans to reduce death by suicide in England,2019,28,4,258-259,Glasper Stigma towards non-suicidal self-harm: evaluating a brief educational intervention,2019,28,5,307-312,Gibson A literature review of the psychological status of asylum-seeking children: implications for nursing practice,2019,28,7,461-466,Coyne Suicide prevention and patient safety,2019,28,9,590-591,Tingle Gender-based violence,2019,28,10,607,Peate Policies and strategies to prevent patient falls in hospital,2019,28,12,806-807,Glasper Assaults on staff: clear policies needed,2019,28,19,1173,Foster Assaults on staff: clear policies needed,2019,28,19,1273,Foster Self-harm presentations in emergency departments: staff attitudes and triage,2019,28,22,1468-1476,Masuku The meaning of hope for individuals with spinal cord injury in Brazil,2020,29,9,526-532,Zuchetto What barriers prevent health professionals screening women for domestic abuse? A literature review,2020,29,13,754-760,Kirk Management of foreign body ingestions in children: button batteries and magnets,2017,26,8,456-461,Kodituwakku Rapid tranquillisation: an issue for all nurses in acute care settings,2020,29,15,880-883,Dickinson Supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic,2020,29,20,1159-1163,Skarparis Recognising and supporting families through domestic violence and abuse,2021,30,3,156-159,Walls The rising costs of bullying,2021,30,8,e460,Barber How the prohibition of torture under human rights law applies to nursing,2021,30,11,680-681,Griffith Self-harm wounds: assessment and management,2021,30,12,S16-S20,Mitchell An insight into the work of sexual assault referral centres and the role of the forensic nurse examiner,2021,30,22,1296-1302,Hand-Oades Tackling workplace violence [editorial],2021,30,22,1317,Foster No change on prison suicides [Editorial],2022,31,2,63,Peate Co-constructing conversations about suicide: the Meeting Space Framework,2022,31,3,156-160,Rebair Developing pre-registration nurses' resilience to mass casualty situations through the pedagogy of simulation,2022,31,3,136-141,Morgan Nursing staff confidence and knowledge when caring for people with self-harm injuries: a service improvement study,2022,31,4,S42-S50,Hill Enhancing the cancer workforce response to domestic violence and abuse: the time is now [editorial],2022,31,5,S4-S5,Douglas Bullying: it never went away,2022,31,13,677,Peate Hypothermia and cold injuries in children and young people,2022,31,15,776-779,Camara Suicide and women living with and beyond a breast cancer diagnosis,2022,31,18,954-960,Milligan Suicide among female nurses,2022,31,19,e973,Peate Providing the right support and care for male victims of domestic abuse,2023,32,1,20-28,Barber Suicide: children and young adults,2023,32,2,e49,Frcn Obe Euthanasia should never be legal,2002,11,9,e603,Smithers Suicide the biggest killer of men,2003,12,15,e895, An aging renal population - Is dialysis always the answer?,2011,20,9,545-547,Noble What part can nurses play in the prevention of suicide?,2011,20,16,1002-1003,Glasper Assisted suicide: A right to professionally-aided death?,2012,21,4,250-251,McHale Can doctors lawfully kill competent patients who want to die?,2012,21,7,442-443,McHale Reforming the law concerning assisted dying,2012,21,2,126-127,McHale Body dysmorphic disorder in children and young people,2021,30,3,160-164,Watson Healthcare in Finland,1992,1,4,208-209,Castledine Getting our act together for the severely mentally ill,1994,3,17,863-864,Morris Counselling the overdose patient in casualty,1995,4,12,688-690 707-708,McLaughlin Student nurses must be supported,1995,4,16,e964,Castledine IV hydration in the terminally ill: ritual or therapy?,1996,5,1,41-45,Fox Assessing therapeutic intervention used by NHS Direct nurse advisers,2001,10,10,662-666,Lees A new Mental Health Act: where is the evidence for it?,2002,11,13,e854,Morris Gap in the level of support for mental health clients,2001,10,10,e632,Scott The concept of hope in nursing 2: hope and mental health nursing,2002,11,13,885-889 891-893,Cutcliffe Treatment of self-harm guidelines issued,2004,13,15,e895, The coroner's jurisdiction 2: the current law in the UK,2004,13,20,1211-1213,Dimond The stigma of mental health still runs deep,2009,18,5,e275,Beckford-Ball An opportunity missed,2017,26,10,e541,Peate Nursing children and young people: what mental health training is required?,2017,26,4,234-237,Thomas