Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Importance of health education in injury prevention among children,2004,54,7,390-391,Ahmed Harvard Trauma Questionnaire Urdu translation: the only cross-culturally validated screening instrument for the assessment of trauma and torture and their sequelae,2001,51,8,285-290,Halepota Human cost of political violence,2000,50,1,25-29,Jamali Injury prevention and control: National Action Plan for NCD Prevention Control and Health Promotion in Pakistan,2004,54,12 Suppl 3,S57-68,Ghaffar Hazard perception and occupational injuries in the welders and lathe machine operators of Rawalpindi and Islamabad,2001,51,2,71-74,Shaikh Interventions for control of road traffic injuries: review of effectiveness literature,2002,52,2,69-73,Hyder Intimate partner violence before and during pregnancy: experiences of postpartum women in Karachi Pakistan,2006,56,6,252-257,Fikree Presentation of burn injuries and their management outcome,2006,56,9,394-397,Khan Strategies and recommendations for prevention and control of domestic violence against women in Pakistan,2007,57,1,27-32,Khan The suicide note: what can be done in the light of its implications?,2007,57,6,327-328,Gadit Suicide prevention in Pakistan: an impossible challenge?,2007,57,10,478-480,Khan Medico-legal assessment of sexual assault victims in Lahore,2007,57,11,539-542,Aslam Traumatic spinal cord injuries at a tertiary care rehabilitation institute in Pakistan,2008,58,2,53-57,Rathore Childhood injuries seen at an emergency department,2008,58,3,114-118,Rehmani Correlates of unintentional and intentional injuries among grade 8 - 10 students in Jordan,2008,58,3,154-155,Ali Violence against women in Pakistan: a framework for analysis,2008,58,4,198-203,Ali Deliberate self-poisoning: experience at a medical unit,2008,58,8,455-457,Khurram The epidemic of injuries in Pakistan--a neglected problem,2008,58,8,420-421,Xiang Scalp avulsion injuries,2008,58,9,528,Agrawal Drug overdose: a wake up call! Experience at a tertiary care centre in Karachi Pakistan,2008,58,6,298-301,Patel Childhood injury prevention,2008,58,6,293-294,Rehmani Factors associated with hydrocarbon ingestion in children,2008,58,11,608-612,Razzak Karo-Kari: Disturbed psyche or wild ego?,2007,57,3,112-113,Patel Aftermath of child abuse: need to reduce the burden of morbidity,2008,58,12,710-711,Gadit Association between health-related quality of life and children's unintentional injuries,2008,58,12,674-678,Soori Critical incident identification in common orthopaedic injury,2009,59,2,71-74,Anwar Abuse of mentally ill patients: are we ignoring the human rights principle?,2008,58,9,523-524,Gadit Domestic violence against women--perspective from Pakistan,2000,50,9,312-314,Shaikh Road rage behaviour and experiences of bus and wagon drivers in Islamabad and Rawalpindi,2008,58,4,220-221,Shaikh Death wish or suicidal ideation: implications for management,2007,57,3,156-157,Gadit Changing pattern of suicide and parasuicide in karachi,1981,31,4,76-78,Ahmed Battered child syndrome: what should a physician know about it?,1982,32,1,20-24,Husain Tractor injuries: are they always farm related?,1991,41,11,291,Balik Autoerotic asphyxia by hanging,2008,58,8,462-464,Fedakar Social dimensions of child mental health in developing countries,2001,51,6,226-228,Rahman Child labour: a public health issue,2009,59,11,778-781,Gulzar Community emergency/disaster preparedness,2009,59,11,734-735,Rehmani Self inflicted burn; a high tide,2010,60,5,338-341,Kumar Carbon monoxide fractions in cigarette and hookah (hubble bubble) smoke,1993,43,9,179-182,Sajid Penile constrictive band injury,1993,43,7,135-137,Nazir A study of snake bite cases,1994,44,12,289,Mal Acute renal failure following naphthalene poisoning,1995,45,12,331-332,Choudhri Preventing accidents and value of early treatment,1994,44,5,129,Ansari Suicidal symptoms in depressed Pakistani patients,1996,46,4,69-70,Javed Harassment in medical profession--myth or reality in Pakistan,1996,46,6,131-132,Shaikh Penile fracture due to "rolling over in bed injury",1997,47,11,289-290,Fawad Open fractures caused by high velocity missiles: the outcome of treatment of 39 fractures followed for 1-3 years,1997,47,11,274-278,Hussain Comparison of two surveys of head injured patients presenting during a calendar year to an urban medical centre 32 years apart,2005,55,12,530-532,Jooma Optimal trauma care requires personnel and infrastructure to deliver optimal care,2009,59,6,423-424,Whitfield Elderly abuse: tip of the ice berg,2010,60,1,3-4,Gadit Chemical and biological warfare preparing to meet the threat,2004,54,4,206-213,Sophie What is the effect of riskshaw noise on its driver?,2000,50,4,124-128,Merchant Benzodiazepine self-poisoning in Pakistan: implications for prevention and harm reduction,1998,48,10,293-295,Reza Changing trends in abdominal trauma in a teaching hospital of Lahore,1994,44,3,80,Yusuf Safety warnings and first aid instructions on consumer and pharmaceutical products in Nigeria: has there been an improvement?,2010,60,10,801-804,Nonyelum Traumatic hip dislocations in children,2010,60,12,1019-1022,Minhas Criminality and mental health: implications for society,2005,55,9,360-362,Gadit Terrorism and mental health: the issue of psychological fragility,2009,59,10,725-726,Gadit Torture and doctors: an ethical dilemma?,2009,59,8,573-574,Gadit Terrorism and health: the responsibility of intellectuals?,2010,60,5,403-405,Kazim Hopkins Symptoms Checklist 25(HSCL-25) Urdu translation: an instrument for detecting anxiety and depression in torture and trauma victims,2001,51,7,255-257,Halepota Bioterrorism: a medical student's perspective,2002,52,4,189,Amin To determine the probable causes of death in an urban slum community of Pakistan among adults 18 years and above by verbal autopsy,2011,61,3,235-238,Abbas Salicylate poisoning,1995,45,6,160-161,Bari Foreign body aspiration in children--a persistent problem,1999,49,2,33-36,Tariq Two years' study of pattern and frequency of fatal injuries,1998,48,10,313-314,Mirza Snake bite experience at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences,1998,48,10,308-310,Zafar Snake bite in the Thar Desert,1998,48,10,306-308,Rab Suicide and parasuicide in Pakistan: time for a change?,1998,48,10,292-293,Reza Hazards of a traditional eye-cosmetic--SURMA,1982,32,1,7-8,Haq Importance of correct interpretation of postmortem artifacts in medicolegal autopsies,1998,48,2,49-50,Mirza Studies on flammability of clothing of burn victims changes therein and their wearability after a borax rinse,1975,25,5,99-102,Raza Violence against doctors in government hospitals and the role of media,2011,61,11,1163-1164,Khawaja Prevalence of exercise-induced bronchospasm in national hockey players of Pakistan,2004,54,2,96-99,Ahad Prevalence and causes of low vision and blindness in Tehran Province Iran,2011,61,6,544-549,Soori Disaster management never part of the medical curriculum in Pakistan,2011,61,5,425,Ejaz Terrorist bombings: medical response in a developing country,2011,61,6,561-566,Zafar Application of geographical information system (GIS) for mapping road traffic injuries using existing source of data in Karachi Pakistan--a pilot study,2011,61,7,640-643,Razzak Neonates--a neglected paediatric age group,2011,61,7,625-628,Mazhar Corneal swapping in a bomb blast victim,2012,62,1,67-68,Ahmad Road rage behaviour and experiences of taxi drivers in Islamabad and Rawalpindi Pakistan,2011,61,1,96-97,Siddiqui Suicide bombing: a geopolitical perspective,2011,61,1,74-80,Kazim Socio-demographic correlates of the health-seeking behaviours in two districts of Pakistan's Punjab province,2011,61,12,1205-1209,Mushtaq Drug utilization patterns in Rawalpindi and Islamabad Pakistan,2012,62,5,426-429,Nasir Assessing health worker's duties from the viewpoint of principals and pupils concerning healthcare of students in the rural areas of Iran,2012,62,6,558-561,Khanjani Ocular injuries in blast victims,2012,62,2,138-142,Alam Characteristics of acute adult poisonings in a university hospital emergency department in central Turkey: a three-year analysis,2012,62,2,129-133,Avsarogullari Poisoning by carbon monoxide in Morocco from 1991 to 2008,2012,62,4,335-338,Soulaymani Accidental poisoning in children,2012,62,4,331-334,Abbas Sports injuries and health problems among wrestlers in Tehran,2012,62,3,204-208,Rostami Occupational injuries in welders--perspective from Faisalabad,2012,62,9,978-980,Shaikh Non fatal injuries among infants: a pilot study,2012,62,9,910-914,Lasi Adolescent health problems--need to intervene,2005,55,4,134-135,Naeem Burn injuries and women: a public health concern,2013,63,1,151,Khaliq Occupational hazards illness and injuries faced by child labourers,2013,63,1,139-142,Javed Civilian perspective of firearm injuries in Bahawalpur,2013,63,1,20-24,Niaz Road rage and road side accidents involvement in commercial vehicle drivers of Faisalabad,2012,62,10,1107-1108,Siddiqui Bedtime and its correlates among secondary school children in Karachi Pakistan,2012,62,11,1168-1173,Nusrat Unintentional paediatric domestic injury in a semi rural area of Karachi,2012,62,7,638-643,Ejaz Media created violence: a social determinant of mental health,2012,62,12,1338-1340,Begum Occupational injuries admitted to the emergency department,2013,63,2,179-184,Sayhan An autopsy-based study of death due to road traffic accidents in metropolis of Karachi,2013,63,2,156-160,Hassan Post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with acute burn injury,2013,63,7,888-892,Rao Sleep deprivation and its consequences on house officers and postgraduate trainees,2013,63,4,540-543,Mustahsan Bullying and injury profile of female intermediate and bachelor programme students--perspective from Islamabad,2013,63,3,411-412,Shaikh The analysis of the cases of aspired fuel oil and gasoline through siphonage method,2013,63,3,383-384,Gönüllü Organo-phosphorus insecticide poisoning-review of 53 cases,1977,27,7,361-363,Jamil Patients with acute poisoning seen in the department of intensive care-Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi,1977,27,7,358-360,Jamil Prevalence and correlates of injuries among school attending adolescents in Pakistan,2013,63,11,1449-1450,Shaikh Police response time to road crashes in south-east of Iran,2013,63,12,1523-1527,Ansari-Moghaddam Parent's and children's judgements about their outdoor environment in relation to children's injuries,2013,63,12,1504-1508,Moussa Epidemiology of burn injuries in south-eastern Iran: A retrospective study,2013,63,12,1476-1481,Ansari-Moghaddam The electro-cardiographic changes in organophosphate poisoning (dicrotophos "Carbicron")--a case report,1980,30,2,44-50,Ahmad Road rage and road side accidents involvement in commercial vehicle drivers of Karachi,2014,64,4,481-482,Shaikh Blunt thoracic trauma--an analysis of 264 patients in Rawalpindi Pakistan,2014,64,4,375-378,Subhani Frequent factors for women and children subjected to sexual assaults presenting at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Karachi,2014,64,6,649-652,Khan Risks of drowning and safety concerns at the beaches of Karachi--perspective from lifeguards,2014,64,5,576-578,Shaikh Epidemiological analysis of poisoning cases in Van Turkey,2014,64,5,560-562,Gönüllü Vancouver winters: environmental influences on inpatient adult orthopaedic trauma demographics,2014,64,5,549-552,Noordin Investigation of the preparedness level of the hospitals against disasters in Bandar Abbas Iran in 2012,2014,64,5,506-509,Sobhani Causes of poisoning in patients evaluated in a hospital emergency department in Konya Turkey,2014,64,9,1042-1048,Kara Effect of an intervention on attitudes towards domestic violence among Iranian girls,2014,64,9,987-992,Ghofranipour Pedestrian injuries and fatalities by patterns in reported road traffic crashes--Islamabad,2014,64,10,1162-1165,Sabir U-turns and road safety - perspective from Karachi,2015,65,1,84-86,Shaikh Abuse among school going adolescents in three major cities of Pakistan: is it associated with school performances and mood disorders?,2015,65,2,142-147,Khawaja Nail as a foreign body in a neonate an unusual presentation at an unusual age,2015,65,3,315-316,Siddiqui Vulnerable road users are at greater risk during Ramadan - results from road traffic surveillance data,2015,65,3,287-291,Jooma Hair dye poisoning and rhabdomyolysis,2015,65,4,425-426,Bokutz Fear of falling in elderly people living in a nursing home - perspective from Manisa,2015,65,4,418-420,Tavsanli Prevalence correlates and changes in injury epidemiology between 2006 and 2010 among 13-15 year Moroccan school attending adolescents,2015,65,5,552-554,Shaikh Epidemiology of Karachi road traffic crash mortality in 2013,2015,65,5,548-551,Jooma Comparison of risk-taking behaviour and frequency of piercing and tattooing among university students,2015,65,6,587-592,Balci Two accidental hanging cases of children,2015,65,7,790-792,Fedakar Pattern of external injuries sustained during bomb blast attacks in Karachi Pakistan from 2000 to 2007,2015,65,7,715-720,Surani An application of a theory of planned behaviour to determine the association between behavioural intentions and safe road-crossing in college students: perspective from Isfahan Iran,2015,65,7,742-746,Delpisheh Monoamine Oxidase A gene polymorphisms and self reported aggressive behaviour in a Pakistani ethnic group,2015,65,8,818-824,Shah Penetrating cardiac trauma by firearm: better outcomes and importance of prehospital care system,2015,65,9,1032,Karigyo Differences in risk-adjusted outcome of road traffic injuries in urban tertiary care centers of Pakistan,2015,65,9,984-889,Razzak Factors affecting mortality in patients with organophosphate poisoning,2015,65,9,967-972,Dursun Bullying victimization: a risk factor of health problems among adolescents with hearing impairment,2016,66,1,13-17,Akram Bomb blast injuries: tertiary care hospital in-patient experience over the last 20 years,2015,65,11 Suppl 3,S132-5,Noordin Effects of male literacy on family size: a cross sectional study conducted in Chakwal City,2016,66,4,399-403,Khan Epidemiology of drowning and near drowning at Karachi beaches from 2012 to 2014,2016,66,5,602-605,Shaikh Iranian road traffic injury project: assessment of road traffic injuries in Iran in 2012,2016,66,5,517-520,Soori Study of the pattern of mortality caused by Traffic Accidents (TAs) in the south of Iran,2016,66,6,644-649,Zarenezhad Drug and poison information centres: an emergent need for health care professionals in Pakistan,2016,66,6,639-643,Khaliq Epidemiology of drowning and near drowning at Karachi beaches from 2012 to 2014,2016,66,5,602-605,Ma Changing spectrum of traumatic head injuries: Demographics and outcome analysis in a tertiary care referral center,2016,66,7,864-868,Junaid Pattern of firearm injuries in head and neck regions at a tertiary care hospital,2016,66,7,849-852,Wahid Control of poisoning through product labeling of hazardous chemicals,2016,66,7,793-794,Iqbal Sports-related concussion awareness in Pakistan,2016,66,9,e1196,Haider Domestic violence in consanguineous marriages - findings from Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012-13,2016,66,10,1319-1323,Shaikh Trends of acute poisoning: 22 years experience from a tertiary care hospital in Karachi Pakistan,2016,66,10,1237-1242,Khan Descriptive epidemiology of Karachi road traffic crash mortality from 2007 to 2014,2016,66,11,1475-1480,Jooma Dupatta (long scarf) related injuries in female pillion riders in Karachi Pakistan,2016,66,11,1458-1461,Minhas Upper limb birth trauma in a Jordanian population: a prospective study at King Hussein Medical Centre Amman Jordan,2016,66,11,1422-1426,Suleiman Paediatric traumatic brain injury: presentation prognostic indicators and outcome analysis from a tertiary care center in a developing country,2016,66,Suppl 3,S65-S67,Khan Is potassium thiosulfate a poison? Is it safe? A case series,2017,67,1,137-139,Eroğlu Survellience system for child abuse: bridging the gap between actual and hidden cases,2017,67,1,126-127,Ali Lakhdir Functional and anatomical outcome in closed globe combat ocular injuries,2016,66,12,1582-1586,Islam Road traffic crash related injured and fatal victims in Karachi from 2007 to 2014: a time-series analysis,2017,67,4,622-626,Jooma Descriptive epidemiology of Karachi road traffic crash mortality from 2007 to,2016,66,11,1475-1480,Jooma Hydrogen sulfide gas poisoning in fish garbage room: a report of a fisherman,2017,67,7,1097-1099,Sheikh Main predictors for repetition of suicidal behaviour among women referred to a single public sector tertiary care hospital in Iran,2017,67,9,1379-1382,Mostafazadeh Effects of bomb blast injury on the ears: the Aga Khan University Hospital experience,2017,67,9,1313-1317,Qureshi Causes and severity of suicide in developed nations of East Asia,2017,67,10,1588-1592,Kanwal Non-suicidal self-injury among children with hearing loss and intellectual disability,2017,67,10,1506-1511,Tariq Self-esteem in severely burned adults,2017,67,12,1914-1916,Imran Haider Zaidi Visual outcome and its prognostic factors in patients presenting with ocular war injuries at an army hospital in Pakistan,2017,67,12,1853-1856,Hassan Naqvi Spatial distribution of road traffic crash fatalities in Karachi: perspective from 2008-2012,2018,68,1,105-108,Jooma Effect of balance training in older adults using Wii fit plus,2018,68,3,480-483,Malik Correlates of being sick or injured in under five-year old children by district in Pakistan: a spatial analysis case study,2018,68,4,633-638,Shaikh Pedestrian's exposure to road traffic crashes in urban environment: a case study of Peshawar Pakistan,2018,68,4,615-623,Ali Shah Descriptive epidemiology of Karachi road traffic crash mortality in 2015,2018,68,5,776-779,Jooma Penetrating cardiac trauma: a retrospective case series from Karachi,2018,68,8,1285-1287,Rahim Khan Multiple dimensions of violence against healthcare providers in Karachi: results from a multicenter study from Karachi,2018,68,8,1157-1165,Shaikh Response to Comments on Ayesha Afridi et al (J Pak Med Assoc. 68: 480-483 2018) Emerging role of exergaming rehabilitation of balance problems in the older adults,2018,68,7,1145,Afridi Comments on Ayesha Afridi et al (J Pak Med Assoc. 68: 480-483 2018) Emerging role of exergaming rehabilitation of balance problems in the older adults,2018,68,7,1144,Rathore Perceived social support levels among university students following the 2011 earthquake in Van Turkey,2018,68,7,1019-1023,Guner Training on Biodex balance system improves balance and mobility in the elderly,2018,68,11,1655-1659,Masood Coping mechanisms as predictors of suicidal ideation among the medical students of Pakistan,2018,68,11,1608-1612,Akram Violence against women: affecting factors and coping methods for women,2019,69,1,53-57,Duran Developing a low budget trauma registry,2019,69,Suppl 1,S112-S115,Zafar Pattern of ocular injuries in Bangladesh and its surgical management at hospital setting: a retrospective study,2019,69,Suppl 1,S17-S20,Foroushani Analysing outcomes through orthopaedic trauma registry - a prospective cohort study,2019,69,Suppl 1,S7-S11,Noordin Common balance measures and fall risk scores among older adults in Pakistan: normative values and correlation,2019,69,2,246-249,Masood Gender comparisons and prevalence of child abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in adolescents,2019,69,3,320-324,Masood Female doctors; an easy target for violence?,2019,69,5,756,Imtiaz Impact of heat waves on patients presenting to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital - A single center cross-sectional study,2019,69,5,741-744,Awan Exposure to violence and its association with symptoms of aggression: a cross sectional study among medical students of Karachi Pakistan,2019,69,5,654-658,Naveed Do parents have knowledge of first aid management of burns in their children? A hospital based survey,2019,69,8,1142-1145,Farooq Cricket ball fatal head injuries,2019,69,9,1408-1409,Meo Illegal motorcycle street racing- a growing threat to public safety,2019,69,9,1411,Mumshad Foot burn from motorcycles exacerbated by polyneuropathy in diabetics: a rising concern in Pakistan,2019,69,9,1410,Majid Workplace violence against doctors involved in clinical care at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan,2019,69,9,1355-1359,Ahmad Factors influencing the community integration of patients following traumatic spinal cord injury: a systematic review,2019,69,9,1337-1343,Darain Role of exercise in reducing risk of fall in geriatric population,2019,69,10,e1576,Malik Balance disorder falling risks and fear of falling in obese individuals: cross-sectional clinical research in Isparta,2020,70,1,17-23,Cetin Successful recovery in a paediatric patient with polytrauma following multiple gunshot wounds: Case report and review of literature,2020,70,Suppl 1,S122-S124,Ahmed Traumatic dental injuries in the primary dentition - a review,2020,70,Suppl 1,S76-S82,Shah Sexual dysfunction in men after high energy pelvic fractures: narrative review of targeted literature,2020,70,Suppl 1,S65-S69,Umer The spectrum of injuries from motorcycle induced road traffic accidents from level one trauma center: a prospective observational study,2020,70,Suppl 1,S37-S41,Ali Impact of time of arrival in emergency unit on estimation of injuries and overall care of trauma victims,2020,70,Suppl 1,S33-S36,Zafar Psychological distress and its associated factors among informal care givers of disabled young adults with traumatic brain injuries,2020,70,Suppl 1,S15-S19,Asad Patient outcomes association with patient factors and care provided: trauma registry derived cohort study,2020,70,Suppl 1,S10-S14,Ahmad Gender based differences in patients of poisoning managed at a Medical Unit,2019,69,7,1025-1028,Khurram Daughters witnessing domestic violence perpetrated by fathers on mothers: case study from a private University of Karachi,2020,70,4,772-775,Shaikh Fall risk and balance outcomes in healthy young adults: a call for research,2020,70,4,769-770,Osama The effect of a multicomponent exercise programme on elderly adults' risk of falling in nursing homes: a systematic review,2020,70,4,699-704,Vennu Intimate partner violence against women in Pakistan: a review of qualitative research,2020,70,5,892-903,Ali Does determination of drug level in intoxicated patients offer an advantage in diagnosis treatment and reducing complications?,2020,70,5,825-829,Saritas Psychometric properties of Urdu version of adolescent peer relation instrument in Pakistan,2020,70,6,1048-1051,Shahzad Assessment of a mass media campaign on giving way to ambulances in five cities of Pakistan,2020,70,9,1510-1515,Ahmed Comparison of aggression in married men and women,2020,70,10,1723-1726,Sadiq Correlation of fall efficacy scale and Hendrich fall risk model in elder population of Rawalpindi-Islamabad,2020,70,11,1938-1940,Shahid Association of presence and severity of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome with accident risk in city bus drivers,2020,70,12(A),2184-2189,Celikhisar Patient-related factors associated with severe heat-related illnesses in Karachi: a hospital perspective,2020,70,12(A),2260-2262,Sajid Digitalisation provisions for controlling depression in developing countries: short review,2021,71,1(A),127-129,Ali Harassment and mental health in surgical training: a pilot survey of surgical trainees in Pakistan,2021,71,Suppl 1,S23-S28,Martins Pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema due to blunt neck injury: a case report and review of the literature,2011,61,7,702-704,Boleken Sub-clinical borderline personality disorder symptoms as predictor of suicidality and non-suicidal self-injury in young Pakistani females,2021,71,2(B),740-743,Ashraf Global surge in intimate partner violence after mandatory lockdown: implications for Pakistan,2021,71,2(B),e780,Hisam Fodder cutter (Tokka) injuries: a preventable morbidity,2021,71,3,1022-1024,Ali Impingement of emotion reactivity to post-traumatic stress disorder among amputees,2021,71,5,1341-1344,Babar Exer-gaming reduces fall risk and improves mobility after stroke,2021,71,6,1673-1675,Malik Wheat pill poisoning: complications and management,2021,71,6,1676-1678,Rehman Covert nail injury to the back: a case report,2021,71,6,1679-1681,Ali Child physical abuse: awareness and practices of medical and dental doctors in Pakistan,2021,71,6,1704-1708,Mubeen Impact of perceived social support and parental bonding in predicting suicidal intent among self-harm patients,2021,71,4,1148-1151,Yaqoob Maladaptive schema modes as the predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder among trauma survivors,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Zaman Reliability of modified functional reach test in the assessment of balance function in people with spinal cord injury: a systematic review,2021,71,8,2040-2044,Darain Psychosocial functioning of the patient with spinal cord and whiplash injury: a case report,2021,71,8,2080-2082,Zaman Self-harm behaviour psychopathological distress and suicidal ideation in normal and deliberate self-harm outpatient's adults,2021,71,9,2143-2147,Aqeel Association of dowry practices with perceived marital life and intimate partner violence,2021,71,10,2298-2303,Ali Mortality rate associated with carbon monoxide poisoning in Turkey: a national database study,2021,71,1(B),262-266,Temrel A survey of violence and vulgarity in children television programmes: a content analysis and assessment of perceptions of parents and children (ViCTiM study),2022,72,2,253-259,Ashraf Jahangeer Cognitive behaviour hypnotherapy and nonsuicidal self-injury disorder: intervention study,2022,72,2,275-279,Qureshi Prolonged lockdown: psychological risk factors among children and their mental health,2022,72,2,317-321,Ilyas Road traffic accident trauma: a model for road safety management utilizing the artificial intelligence with geo-mapping and geospatial data in Pakistan,2022,72,3,400-403,Hammad Ali Camping-related carbon monoxide poisoning: knowledge and risk behaviors among young Saudi campers,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,Aldobeaban Role of media and the media hypes in the aftermath of mass casualty incidents a qualitative thematic content analysis,2022,72,5,822-826,Baig Spousal violence against women in Afghanistan: bivariate mapping of correlates,2022,72,5,961-964,Shaikh The psychology of suicide: from research understanding to intervention and treatment,2022,72,6,1175-1178,Rehna Assessment of frequency risk category and intervention needs in psychoactive drug users by using WHOASSIST Questionnaire among medical students in Karachi,2022,72,7,1285-1288,Mehmood Timed up and go and five times sit to stand test among community ambulant overweight obese Saudi elderly population,2022,72,7,1306-1310,Abd Elkader Emergency management of avulsion injuries: from home to clinic: a multicentre cross-sectional survey among medical doctors and general public,2022,72,7,1422-1425,Alam Clinical outcomes according to intentionality of acute pesticide poisoning in South Korea: retrospective observation study,2022,72,8,1474-1478,Ryu Baro-bullying: an ignored comorbidity of living with obesity,2022,72,9,1876-1877,Kalra Comparison of exergaming and vestibular training on gaze stability balance and gait performance of older adults: a single blind randomized control trial,2022,72,10,1909-1912,Bukhari An overview of injury prevention for soccer players in Pakistan: a sports rehab perspective,2023,73,1(B),435-437,Rathore Effects of Half Somersault and Brandt-Daroff exercise on dizziness fear of fall and quality of life in patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a randomised control trial,2023,73,1,139-142,Haleem Bivariate mapping of intimate partner violence prevalence and its correlates in Liberia by county: results from the 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