Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Gait velocity in senior people an easy test for detecting mobility impairment in community elderly,2004,8,5,340-343,Montero Odasso Effectiveness of a Community Based low Intensity Exercise Program for Older Adults,2006,10,1,21-29,Kolbe-Alexander Minimum data set for research studies in falls and osteoporosis,2007,11,3,283-287,Becker Characteristics of falls producing hip fractures in nonagenarians,2008,12,9,664-667,Formiga Does chair type influence outcome in the timed "up and go" test in older persons?,2010,14,4,319-323,Ferreira Falls' and fallers' profiles,2010,14,7,602-608,Beauchet Balance and walking speed predict subsequent 8-year mortality independently of current and intermediate events in well-functioning women aged 75 years and older,2010,14,7,595-600,Bergman An urgent need to improve life conditions of seniors,2010,14,8,711-714,Hebert Risk Factors for Falling in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Which of them Are Associated with the Recurrence of Falls?,2010,14,9,787-791,Beauchet Association between Benzodiazepines and Recurrent Falls: A Cross-Sectional Elderly Population-Based Study,2011,15,1,72-77,Beauchet Dietary protein intake and subsequent falls in older men and women: the Framingham study,2011,15,2,147-152,Hannan Comparison of different strategies of referral to a fall clinic: How to achieve an optimal casemix?,2011,15,2,140-145,de Rooij Dietary and genetic compromise in folate availability reduces acetylcholine cognitive performance and increases aggression: critical role of S-adenosyl methionine,2008,12,4,252-261,Chan Nutritional Status and Associations with Falls Balance Mobility and Functionality during Hospital Admission,2011,15,5,388-391,Haines Balance and strength of elderly Chinese men and women,1998,2,1,21-27,Liang Prevalence of At-Risk Drinking among Older Adults and Associated Sociodemographic and Health-Related Factors,2011,15,9,789-794,Immonen Community-based programme to promote physical activity among elderly people: the GeroBilbo study,2001,5,4,238-242,Aranceta Physical activity in European seniors: attitudes beliefs and levels,2001,5,4,226-229,Afonso Timed up and go test and risk of falls in older adults: a systematic review,2011,15,10,933-938,Beauchet Vitamin d status in relation to postural stability in the elderly,2012,16,3,270-275,Sharma Fractures in the elderly and vitamin D,2002,6,6,406-412,Simon Hydration and cognitive performance,2012,16,4,325-329,Sécher Editorial: frailty and aging,2012,16,4,283-284,Vellas Predicting falls in elderly receiving home care: the role of malnutrition and impaired mobility,2012,16,7,654-658,Neyens A simple frailty questionnaire (FRAIL) predicts outcomes in middle aged African Americans,2012,16,7,601-608,Morley The decline in Activities of Daily Living at Discharge (DADLD) index: stratifying patients at lower and higher risk,2012,16,10,919-924,Lakhan Frailty in relation to the risk of falls fractures and mortality in older Chinese adults: results from the Beijing longitudinal study of aging,2012,16,10,903-907,Fang Incidence of proximal femur fractures in Marilia Brazil,2004,8,5,362-367,Szejnfeld Characteristics of patients who stop falling after a risk-based multidisciplinary intervention initiated in a geriatric day hospital,2013,17,2,199-204,Bourdel-Marchasson Association of depressive symptoms with recurrent falls: a cross-sectional elderly population based study and a systematic review,2013,17,2,152-157,Beauchet Malnutrition and falls risk in community-dwelling older adults,2013,17,3,277-279,Isenring Adherence to a physical activity intervention among older adults in a post-transitional middle income country: a quantitative and qualitative analysis,2013,17,5,466-471,Garmendia Mediterranean diet and depressive symptoms among older adults over time,2013,17,5,441-445,Li Association of executive function impairment history of falls and physical performance in older adults: A cross-sectional population-based study in eastern France,2013,17,8,661-665,Beauchet Screening for Frailty in Elderly Subjects Living at Home: Validation of the Modified Short Emergency Geriatric Assessment (SEGAm) Instrument,2014,18,8,757-764,Jolly Change in leisure and social activities and risk of dementia in elderly cohort,2014,18,10,876-882,Barberger-Gateau Community-dwelling female fallers have lower muscle density in their lower legs than non-fallers: evidence from the Saskatoon Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMos) cohort,2015,19,1,113-120,Olszynski Prevalence of falls in an urban community-dwelling older population of Cape Town South Africa,2015,19,10,1024-1031,Ferreira The impact of a home-based computerized cognitive training intervention on fall risk measure performance in community dwelling older adults a pilot study,2016,20,2,138-145,Blackwood Frailty index and its relation to falls and overnight hospitalizations in elderly Chinese people: a population-based study,2016,20,5,561-568,Liu Effects of Ramadan fasting on postural balance and attentional capacities in elderly people,2016,20,5,553-560,Laatar Visual field dependence is associated with reduced postural sway dizziness and falls in older people attending a falls clinic,2016,20,6,671-676,van den Berg Clinical and functional characterization of pre-frailty among elderly patients consulting primary care centres,2016,20,6,653-658,Serra-Prat A comprehensive fracture prevention strategy in older adults: the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) statement,2016,20,6,647-652,Maggi Climbing stairs handrail use and survival,2017,21,2,195-201,Stessman High-technology based gait assessment in frail people: associations between spatio-temporal and three-dimensional gait characteristics with frailty status across four different frailty measures,2017,21,3,346-353,Schülein Prospective associations of low muscle mass and function with 10-year falls risk incident fracture and mortality in community-dwelling older adults,2017,21,7,843-848,Wills Cut-off points for muscle mass - not grip strength or gait speed - determine variations in sarcopenia prevalence,2017,21,7,825-829,Salva Multi-domains lifestyle interventions reduces depressive symptoms among frail and pre-frail older persons: randomized controlled trial,2017,21,8,918-926,Chan Global performance of executive function is predictor of risk of frailty and disability in older adults,2017,21,9,980-987,Castillo Vitamin D and the mechanisms circumstances and consequences of falls in older adults: a case-control study,2017,21,10,1307-1313,Gautier Falls risk prediction for older inpatients in acute care medical wards: is there an interest to combine an early nurse assessment and the artificial neural network analysis?,2018,22,1,131-137,Simon Physical frailty is associated with longitudinal decline in global cognitive function in non-demented older adults: a prospective study,2018,22,1,82-88,Honda Feasibility acceptability and effects of a home-based exercise program using a gerontechnology on physical capacities after a minor injury in community-living older adults: a pilot study,2018,22,1,16-25,Lauzé Assessment of physical activity of hospitalised older adults: a systematic review,2018,22,3,377-386,Sayer F3ALLS approach to preventing falls,2018,22,7,748-750,Morley The effect of a physical training with the use of an exoskeleton on depression levels in institutionalized elderly patients: a pilot study,2018,22,8,934-937,Cacciafesta Initial validation of the Toulouse St. Louis University Mini Falls Assessment in older adults,2018,22,8,880-884,Morley Cognitive frailty is associated with fall-related fracture among older people,2018,22,10,1216-1220,Suzuki Relationship of incident falls with balance deficits and body composition in male and female community-dwelling elders,2019,23,1,9-13,Qualls Effectiveness of cardiovascular evaluations and interventions on fall risk: a scoping review,2019,23,4,330-337,Jansen Time effects on physical performance in older adults in nursing home: a narrative review,2019,23,6,586-594,Vellas Association between dysphagia and frailty in community dwelling older adults,2019,23,6,571-577,Kılıç Effects of compliant flooring on dynamic balance and gait characteristics of community-dwelling older persons,2019,23,7,665-668,Sittichoke An optimal questionnaire representing slow gait speed(<1m/s) in community-dwelling older adults: the Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study (KFACS),2019,23,7,648-653,Kim A community program of integrated care for frail older adults: +AGIL Barcelona,2019,23,8,710-716,Gomez Frailty falls and osteoporosis: learning in elderly patients using a theatrical performance in the classroom,2019,23,9,870-875,Robles Prevalence and potential associated factors of depression among Chinese older inpatients,2019,23,10,997-1003,Xu Role of gait speed strength and balance in predicting adverse outcomes of acutely ill older outpatients,2020,24,1,113-118,Fortes-Filho The association of gait speed and frontal lobe among various cognitive domains: the Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study (KFACS),2020,24,1,91-97,Seo Neuropsychiatric symptoms and risk factors in mild cognitive impairment: a cohort investigation of elderly patients,2020,24,2,237-241,Pang Combined impact of physical frailty and social isolation on rate of falls in older adults,2020,24,3,312-318,Hayashi Sarcopenia prevalence using different definitions in older community-dwelling canadians,2020,24,7,783-790,Ghosh Correlation between frailty and adverse outcomes among older community-dwelling Chinese adults: the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study,2020,24,7,752-757,Liu The changes in postural stability of women in early old age,2020,24,7,739-744,Olchowik Underweight in men had a closer relationship with falls than women in centenarians,2020,24,9,987-992,Yao Validation of two intrinsic capacity scales and its relationship with frailty and other outcomes in Mexican community-dwelling older adults,2021,25,1,33-40,Gutiérrez-Robledo Effects of multicomponent exercise on cognitive performance and fall risk in older women with mild cognitive impairment,2021,25,2,160-164,Sittichoke Symptom burden is associated with psychological wellbeing and mortality in older adults,2021,25,3,330-334,Kautiainen Cervical injury outcomes among older adults admitted to an inpatient trauma service,2021,25,3,392-398,Freeman Comparison of three frailty scales for prediction of adverse outcomes among older adults: a prospective cohort study,2021,25,4,419-424,Zhao Investigating risk factors for falls among community-dwelling older adults according to WHO's Risk Factor Model for Falls,2021,25,4,425-432,Chi Prevalence and associates of fear of falling among community-dwelling older adults,2021,25,4,433-439,Kılıç Association between sarcopenia its defining indices and driving cessation in older adults,2021,25,4,462-466,Ishii Quantifying muscle mass by adjusting for body mass index is the best for discriminating low strength and function in Japanese older outpatients,2021,25,4,501-506,Arai Community-based peer-led intervention for healthy ageing and evaluation of the 'HAPPY' Program,2021,25,4,520-527,Arai Malnutrition risk rurality and falls among community-dwelling older adults,2021,25,5,624-627,Eckert Prevalence of anemia and its association with frailty physical function and cognition in community-dwelling older adults: findings from the HOPE Study,2021,25,5,679-687,Lee Association between sarcopenia and fall risk according to the muscle mass adjustment method in Japanese older outpatients,2021,25,6,762-766,Arai Association between depressive symptoms and risk of sarcopenia in Taiwanese older adults,2021,25,6,790-794,Wang Gait speed and evolution of verbal fluencies in frail or prefrail older people with type 2 diabetes. a pilot study,2021,25,6,802-807,Bourdel-Marchasson An assessment of the Toulouse Saint Louis University Mini Falls Assessment Tool to predict incident falls among older adults residing in nursing homes: a 6-month prospective study,2021,25,7,933-937,Gillain Association of frailty status with risk of fall among middle-aged and older adults in China: a nationally representative cohort study,2021,25,8,985-992,Deng Cognitive frailty and falls in a national cohort of older Chinese inpatients,2021,25,8,993-998,Xu Practicality and reliability of self vs administered rapid geriatric assessment mobile app,2021,25,9,1064-1069,Merchant Association between cognitive frailty and adverse outcomes among older adults: a meta-analysis,2022,26,9,817-825,Cao Higher dietary vitamin K intake is associated with better physical function and lower long-term injurious falls risk in community-dwelling older women,2023,27,1,38-45,Sim Post-disaster mental health and dietary patterns among older survivors of an earthquake and tsunami,2023,27,2,124-133,Sasaki Comparing prevalence of sarcopenia using twelve sarcopenia definitions in a large multinational European population of community-dwelling older adults,2023,27,3,205-212,Kanis Letter to the editor: Launch of a 2022-2024 National Plan Against Falls in Older Persons in France,2023,27,4,309-310,Berrut Frailty is a risk factor for falls in the older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2023,27,6,487-595,Lin Longitudinal relationship between mobility device use falls and fear of falling (FoF) differed by frailty status among community-dwelling older adults,2023,27,8,673-679,Luo Predictive validity of different walking measures to identify the incident long-term care needs in older adults,2023,27,9,759-766,Arai Association between elevated magnesium intake and reduced risk of recurrent falls and frailty in osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative,2023,27,9,775-784,Shi Motor reaction time sarcopenia and functional skills in elderly women: a cross-sectional study,2023,27,10,878-884,Pereira da Silva Alves Letter to the editor: Comment on "Frailty is a risk factor for falls in the older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis",2023,27,12,1284-1285,Hu Reply to the letter to the editor "Frailty is a risk factor for falls in the older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis",2023,27,12,e1286,Lin Preventable or potentially inappropriate psychotropics and adverse health outcomes in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis,2024,28,4,e100187,Annweiler Serial gait speed measurements over time and dynamic survival prediction in older adults,2024,28,9,e100330,Perera