Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Habit formation and college students' demand for alcohol,2004,,,,Williams Stated and actual altruistic willingness to pay for insecticide-treated nets in Nigeria: validity of open-ended and binary with follow-up questions,2004,13,5,477-492,Onwujekwe State motor vehicle laws and older drivers,2005,14,4,407-419,Grabowski Road injuries and long-run effects on income and employment,2005,14,9,955-970,Dano Are mental health insurance mandates effective? Evidence from suicides,2005,15,1,83 - 97,Klick National road casualties and economic development,2005,15,1,65 - 81,Ghaffar Underage alcohol use delinquency and criminal activity,2006,15,12,1261-1128,French The economic value of fatal and non-fatal occupational risks in Mexico City using actuarial- and perceived-risk estimates,2006,15,12,1329-1133,Hammitt Comparison of alternative methods of collection of service use data for the economic evaluation of health care interventions,2006,16,5,531 - 536,Davidson The economic cost of teen drinking: late graduation and lowered earnings,2006,16,4,407 - 419,Renna A theoretical model of adolescent suicide and some evidence from US data,2002,11,8,695-708,Mathur The relationship between road traffic accidents and real economic activity in Spain: common cycles and health issues,2006,16,6,603-626,de Juan Go out or stay in? The effects of zero tolerance laws on alcohol use and drinking and driving patterns among college students,2008,17,11,1261-1275,Liang Alcohol use and the labor market in Uruguay,2010,19,7,833-854,French The cost-effectiveness of a law banning the use of cellular phones by drivers,2010,19,10,1212-1225,Shiell Early health-related behaviours and their impact on later life chances: evidence from the US,1998,7,5,381-399,Propper On what diseases and health conditions should new economic research on health and development focus?,2009,18,Suppl 1,S109-28,Behrman Optimum alcohol taxation: balancing consumption and external costs,1994,3,2,73-87,Richardson Religious participation and risky health behaviors among adolescents,2011,20,10,1226-1240,Mellor Women and work: tipplers and teetotalers,1997,6,5,533-537,Mullahy Quality of life lost due to non-fatal road traffic injuries,2012,21,5,528-550,Cubí-Mollá You save money when you buy in bulk: does volume‐based pricing cause people to buy more beer?,2009,18,5,607-618,Bray Social costs of robbery and the cost‐effectiveness of substance abuse treatment,2008,17,8,927-946,Pollack A grouped data regression approach to estimating economic and social influences on individual drinking behaviour,1995,4,3,237-247,Godfrey How measures of perception from survey data lead to inconsistent regression results: evidence from adolescent and peer substance use,2003,12,2,139-148,Ennett The impact of mental health insurance laws on state suicide rates,2013,22,1,73-88,Lang Parental use of alcohol and children's behavioural health: a household production analysis,1999,8,8,661-683,Salkever On the recurrence of occupational injuries and workers' compensation claims,2013,22,5,582-599,Galizzi Measuring willingness-to-pay for risk reduction: an application of conjoint analysis,2002,11,2,129-139,Telser Alcohol abuse and economic conditions: Evidence from repeated cross-sections of individual-level data,2001,10,3,257-270,Dee Mother's willingness to pay for her own and her child's health: a contingent valuation study in Taiwan,2000,9,4,319-326,Liu The effect of childhood conduct disorder on human capital,2012,21,8,928-945,Martin Determinants of road traffic crash fatalities across Indian states,2013,22,8,915-930,Grimm Uncertainty and the decision maker: assessing and managing the risk of undesirable outcomes,2013,22,11,1287-1294,Gafni Child care subsidies maternal health and child-parent interactions: evidence from three nationally representative datasets,2014,23,8,894-916,Tekin Gender differences in alcohol demand: a systematic review of the role of prices and taxes,2014,23,10,1260-1280,Nelson The effect of sex ratios on suicide,2013,23,12,1502-1510,Kuroki Where there's smoking there's fire: The effects of smoking policies on the incidence of fires in the USA,2013,23,11,1353-1373,Markowitz Has increased body weight made driving safer?,2013,23,11,1374-1389,Dunn Effects of bicycle helmet laws on children's injuries,2013,24,1,26-40,Chatterji Self-perceived job insecurity and the demand for medical rehabilitation: does fear of unemployment reduce health care utilization?,2013,24,1,8-25,Tauchmann A pint for a pound? Minimum drinking age laws and birth outcomes,2013,24,4,400-418,Page The effects of alcohol on the consumption of hard drugs: regression discontinuity evidence from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth 1997,2014,24,4,419-438,Deza Suicide and organ donors: Spillover effects of mental health insurance mandates,2014,24,4,491-497,Lang The effect of noncognitive traits on health behaviours in adolescence,2014,23,9,1146-1158,Walker The Dow is killing me: risky health behaviors and the stock market,2014,24,7,803-821,Dunn Unemployment and suicide mortality: evidence from regional panel data in Europe,2014,24,8,936-950,Breuer Unrelated medical care in life years gained and the cost utility of primary prevention: in search of a 'perfect' cost-utility ratio,2007,16,4,421-433,Brouwer The meth project and teen meth use: new estimates from the national and state youth risk behavior surveys,2014,24,12,1644-1650,Anderson The welfare cost of homicides in Brazil: accounting for heterogeneity in the willingness to pay for mortality reductions,2014,25,3,259-276,Soares This ad is for you: targeting and the effect of alcohol advertising on youth drinking,2015,25,2,148-164,Molloy The causal effect of education on health: what is the role of health behaviors?,2015,25,3,314-336,Brunello Psychological distress and problem drinking,2015,25,3,337-356,McKee A behavioral economic model of alcohol advertising and price,2015,25,7,816-828,Dave Breaking the link between legal access to alcohol and motor vehicle accidents: evidence from New South Wales,2015,25,7,908-928,Lindo The impact of an increase in user costs on the demand for emergency services: the case of Portuguese hospitals,2015,25,11,1372-1388,Ramos Crime victimisation and subjective well-being: panel evidence from Australia,2015,25,11,1448-1463,Mahuteau The time-varying relationship between mortality and business cycles in the USA,2015,26,2,164-183,Lam Health disparities by income in Spain before and after the economic crisis,2016,25,Suppl 2,141-158,Van Doorslaer Health effects of economic crises,2016,25,Suppl 2,6-24,Ruhm Population health and the economy: mortality and the great recession in Europe,2017,26,12,e219-e235,Tapia Granados Mental health cost of terrorism: study of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris,2018,27,1,e1-e14,Kim Restricting access to alcohol and public health: evidence from electoral dry laws in Brazil,2018,27,1,141-156,Nakaguma List randomization for soliciting experience of intimate partner violence: application to the evaluation of Zambia's unconditional child grant program,2018,27,3,622-628,Peterman The life-saving effect of hospital proximity,2017,26,Suppl 2,78-91,Bertoli Depression hurts depression costs: the medical spending attributable to depression and depressive symptoms in China,2018,27,3,525-544,Hsieh Effects of health insurance coverage on risky behaviors,2018,27,4,762-777,Lee The gift of time? School starting age and mental health,2018,27,5,781-802,Dee The impact of child welfare legislation on domestic violence-related homicide rates,2018,27,5,908-915,Dasgupta Estimating the effects of friends on health behaviors of adolescents,2018,27,10,1450-1483,Fletcher Economic conditions and sleep,2019,28,3,437-442,Niekamp The effects of e-cigarette minimum legal sale age laws on youth substance use,2019,28,3,419-436,Dave The effects of state-level earned income tax credits on suicides,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lenhart Is changing the minimum legal drinking age an effective policy tool?,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Vall Castello The effect of health insurance on crime: evidence from the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,He Medical marijuana and workers' compensation claiming,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Maclean Drink death and driving: do blood alcohol content limit reductions improve road safety?,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Cooper A lottery test of the effect of dispensaries on emergency room visits in Arizona,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Ayres Click it or give it: Increased seat belt law enforcement and organ donation,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brewer Avoidable environmental disasters and infant health: evidence from a mining dam collapse in Brazil,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Sampaio Health policy and genetic endowments: understanding sources of response to minimum legal drinking age laws,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Fletcher Can we mitigate the effect of natural disasters on child health? 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