Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Microwave oven injuries in patients with complex partial seizures,2004,5,5,772-774,DeToledo Gender differences in risk factors of suicidal behavior in epilepsy,2005,6,3,424-429,Kalinin Suicide in the epilepsies: A meta-analytic investigation of 29 cohorts,2005,7,2,305-310,Tatarelli Gender and suicidality prediction in epilepsy,2005,7,4,657-663,Kalinin Rates and risk factors for suicide suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in chronic epilepsy,2003,4,Suppl 3,S31-8,Jones Death from suicide versus mortality from epilepsy in the epilepsies: A meta-analysis,2006,9,4,641-648,Tatarelli Employment concerns of people with epilepsy in Kerala south India,2007,10,2,250-254,Radhakrishnan Driving prevalence and factors associated with driving among patients with epilepsy,2006,9,4,625-631,Bautista Car drivers with epilepsy (Pilot Hungarian EPIMED Database Evaluation),2003,4,6,761-763,Rajna Depression and suicide in epileptic victims: A population-based study of suicide victims during the years 1988-2002 in northern Finland,2007,11,3,389-393,Hakko Activation of suicidal ideation with adjunctive rufinamide in bipolar disorder,2011,20,2,386-389,Kaufman "The choking game": Self-induced hypoxia presenting as recurrent seizurelike events,2008,12,3,486-488,Ullrich Perceived risk resources and perceptions concerning driving and epilepsy: A patient perspective,2008,13,2,381-386,Elliott People with epilepsy are often perceived as violent,2007,10,1,69-76,Camfield Self-injurious behavior and tuberous sclerosis complex: frequency and possible associations in a population of 257 patients,2008,13,4,650-653,Kopp Electroconvulsive therapy for bipolar depressive and mixed episode with high suicide risk after epilepsy surgery,2008,13,4,707-709,Ozdemir Epilepsy and law,2008,12,4,644-651,Beran Suicidal ideation in epilepsy and levetiracetam therapy,2007,11,1,130-132,Sander Are children with epilepsy at greater risk for bullying than their peers?,2009,15,4,500-505,Anderson How low can we go? A possible relationship between low plasma cholesterol levels and suicide in people with epilepsy,2009,16,2,368,Scorza Forced spousal intercourse after seizures,2009,16,3,563-564,Devinsky Should patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures be allowed to drive? Recommendations of German experts,2009,,,,Thorbecke Wisconsin Card Sorting Test performance and impulsivity in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: Suicidal risk and suicide attempts,2010,17,1,39-45,Machado Disparities in injury death location for people with epilepsy/seizures,2010,17,3,369-372,Aitken Recognition of child abuse in the epilepsy monitoring unit,2010,17,2,296-297,Tran Suicidal thoughts in epilepsy: A community-based study in Brazil,2010,17,4,483-488,Botega Lacosamide intoxication in attempted suicide,2010,17,4,549-551,Bauer Phenomenology of hallucinations illusions and delusions as part of seizure semiology,2010,18,1-2,13-23,Stefan A prospective study of loss of consciousness in epilepsy using virtual reality driving simulation and other video games,2010,18,3,238-246,Yang A review of sleepwalking (somnambulism): the enigma of neurophysiology and polysomnography with differential diagnosis of complex partial seizures,2007,11,4,483-491,Hughes Violence and postictal psychosis: A comparison of postictal psychosis interictal psychosis and postictal confusion,2010,19,2,162-166,Oshima Epileptic seizures and spirit possession in Haitian culture: Report of four cases and review of the literature,2010,19,1,89-91,Cavanna Adding injury to insult: Seizure-related injuries,2010,19,3,195-196,Sirven Depression in epilepsy: Why aren't we treating?,2010,19,3,419-421,Cotterman-Hart Recurrent seizure-related injuries in people with epilepsy at a tertiary epilepsy center: A 2-year longitudinal study,2010,19,3,400-404,Levin Is antiepileptic drug use related to depression and suicidal ideation among patients with epilepsy?,2010,19,3,494-500,Meador Retrospective study of seizure-related injuries in older people: A 10-year observation,2010,19,3,441-444,Lees Accidental overdosage of levetiracetam in two children caused no side effects,2007,11,2,247,Awaad Epilepsy myths: alive and foaming in the 21st century,2007,11,2,192-196,Baxendale Do sleep-deprived EEG recordings reflect spike index as found in full-night EEG recordings?,2010,19,3,348-351,Larsson Prevalence of epilepsy and alcohol-related risk in Zayul County Tibet Autonomous Region in China: An initial survey,2010,19,4,635-638,Zhao What are the concerns of older adults living with epilepsy?,2005,7,2,297-300,Vogtle A comparison of physicians' attitudes and beliefs regarding driving for persons with epilepsy,2007,10,1,55-62,Vogtle Association of non-adherence to antiepileptic drugs and seizures quality of life and productivity: survey of patients with epilepsy and physicians,2008,13,2,316-322,Hovinga Racial differences in patient expectations prior to resective epilepsy surgery,2009,15,4,452-455,Baca Counseling for driving restrictions in epilepsy and other causes of temporary impairment of consciousness: how are we doing?,2009,14,3,550-552,Drazkowski Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures and suicidal behavior on a video/EEG telemetry unit: The need for psychiatric assessment and screening for suicide risk,2010,19,4,656-659,Kaufman Can memories kindle nonconvulsive behavioral seizures in humans? Case report exemplifying the "limbic psychotic trigger reaction",2004,5,5,775-783,Pontius Parental report of behavioral and cognitive diagnoses in childhood-onset epilepsy: A case-sibling-controlled analysis,2010,18,3,276-279,Berg Depression and anxiety in children and adolescents with epilepsy: prevalence risk factors and treatment,2009,14,1,8-18,Berkem Depression in children and adolescents with epilepsy,2003,4,Suppl 3,S39-45,Plioplys Suicide outcomes after resective epilepsy surgery,2011,20,3,462-464,Shinnar Epilepsy-associated stigma in sub-Saharan Africa: the social landscape of a disease,2005,7,1,68-73,Birbeck Cognitive function mood behavioral aspects and personality traits of adult males with idiopathic epilepsy,2009,14,1,121-124,Shehata Subacute postictal aggression in patients with epilepsy,2007,10,4,611-614,Kato Neuropsychiatric aspects of patients with hypothalamic hamartomas,2007,11,2,218-221,Verhoeven Aggressive behavior of epilepsy patients in the course of levetiracetam add-on therapy: report of 33 mild to severe cases,2003,4,5,537-547,Dinkelacker Posttraumatic stress disorder dissociation and sexual abuse history in epileptic and nonepileptic seizure patients,2003,4,6,644-650,Dikel Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with epilepsy: implications for diagnosis and treatment,2003,4,Suppl 4,S2-10,Devinsky Early detection of behavioral side effects of antiepileptic treatment using handheld computers,2008,13,2,402-406,Frings Suicidality and epilepsy: A neuropsychobiological perspective,2011,22,1,77-84,Kanner Epilepsy and Violence: When Is the Brain to Blame?,2000,1,3,145-149,Brower Aggression and Violence in Patients with Epilepsy,2000,1,5,364-365,Grisolía Neuropsychiatric evaluations of postictal behavioral changes,2010,19,2,134-137,Ito Questioning the role of abuse in behavioral spells and epilepsy,2010,19,4,584-590,Zirakzadeh Posttraumatic epilepsy in Tunisia,2011,21,4,417-419,Zouari Fetal antiepileptic drug exposure: Motor adaptive and emotional/behavioral functioning at age 3 years,2011,22,2,240-246,Baker Benign rolandic epileptiform discharges are associated with mood and behavior problems,2011,22,2,298-303,Waber Suicidality in temporal lobe epilepsy: Measuring the weight of impulsivity and depression,2011,22,4,745-749,Teixeira Forensic antiepileptic drug levels in autopsy cases of epilepsy,2011,22,4,778-785,Wecht Disobedience and driving in patients with epilepsy,2012,23,1,30-35,Tatum Aggression and Violence in Patients with Epilepsy. To the Editor,2001,2,1,65-66,Ebert Seizure drawings: insight into the self-image of children with epilepsy,2003,4,1,43-56,Stafstrom Bone health in pediatric epilepsy,2004,5,Suppl 2,S30-5,Sheth The impact of subclinical epileptiform discharges on complex tasks and cognition: relevance for aircrew and air traffic controllers,2005,6,1,31-34,Kasteleijn-Nolst Trenité Du rire aux larmes: pathological laughing and crying in patients with traumatic brain injury and treatment with lamotrigine,2006,8,3,610-615,Chahine Emergence of complex partial epilepsy-like experiences following closed head injuries: Personality variables and neuropsychological profiles,2012,23,2,152-158,Gorham Evidence-based review on epilepsy and driving,2012,23,2,103-112,Classen Do recurrent seizure-related head injuries affect seizures in people with epilepsy?,2012,23,2,159-161,Friedman Injury deaths among people with epilepsy in rural Bangladesh: A retrospective population-based study,2012,23,3,291-293,Black Associations between clinical tests and simulated driving performance in persons with epilepsy,2012,23,3,241-246,Classen Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of Brazilian patients with epilepsy who drive and their association with traffic accidents,2012,24,2,216-220,Walz Depression but not seizure factors or quality of life predicts suicidality in epilepsy,2012,24,4,426-429,Carter Depressive behavior and selective down-regulation of serotonin receptor expression after early-life seizures: reversal by environmental enrichment,2007,10,1,26-31,Stine Patients' ability to react before complex partial seizures,2007,10,1,183-186,Gyimesi Epilepsy-associated stigma in Bolivia: A community-based study among the Guarani population: An International League Against Epilepsy/International Bureau for Epilepsy/World Health Organization Global Campaign Against Epilepsy Regional Project,2012,25,1,131-136,Preux Epilepsy unawareness of seizures and driving license: The potential role of 24-hour ambulatory EEG in defining seizure freedom,2012,25,1,32-35,Fattouch Rates of DSM-IV mood anxiety disorders and suicidality in Australian adult epilepsy outpatients: A comparison of well-controlled versus refractory epilepsy,2012,26,1,29-35,Miller Seizure-related injuries and hospitalizations: Self-report data from the 2010 Australian Epilepsy Longitudinal Survey,2012,26,1,7-10,Peterson Attitude toward epilepsy after media coverage of car accidents related to persons with epilepsy in Japan,2013,27,1,264-266,Abe Neuropsychiatric symptoms seizure severity employment and quality of life of Jordanians with epilepsy,2013,27,1,272-275,Hamid Association between knowledge and attitudes of educators towards epilepsy and the risk of accidents in Greek schools,2013,27,1,200-203,Toli Prevalence of epileptic and nonepileptic events after pediatric traumatic brain injury,2013,27,1,233-237,McArthur Association between knowledge and attitudes of school nurses towards epilepsy and the risk of accidents in Greek schools,2013,27,2,333-336,Toli Health-related quality of life among people with epilepsy with mild seizure-related head injuries,2013,27,3,492-496,Friedman SUDEP and other causes of mortality in childhood-onset epilepsy,2013,28,2,249-255,Shinnar Neuropsychology and behavior in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,2013,28,Suppl 1,S72-S73,Feucht A lay carer's story about epilepsy in an urban South African context: They call it an illness of falling or an illness of fitting because a person shakes and eventually falls,2013,28,3,512-518,Swartz Epilepsy and homicide: Beware of the EEG (a misdiagnosis can occur!),2013,28,3,521,Brigo Functional neuroanatomy of disorders of consciousness,2014,30,,28-32,Laureys Epilepsy-induced behavioral changes during the ictal phase,2014,30,,14-16,Mula Reversible antisocial behavior in ventromedial prefrontal lobe epilepsy,2013,29,2,367-373,Bartolomei Aggression as psychiatric side effect of newer AEDs in patients with epilepsy: cross-sectional study based on Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire,2021,115,,e107546,Kanemoto Screening for suicidal ideation in children with epilepsy,2013,29,3,521-526,Jones Epilepsy and driving: Potential impact of transient impaired consciousness,2014,30,,50-57,Blumenfeld Risk of severe and repetitive traumatic brain injury in persons with epilepsy: A population-based case-control study,2014,32C,,42-48,Wilson Seizure-related vehicular crashes and falls with injuries for people with epilepsy (PWE) in northeastern Thailand,2014,32C,,49-54,Tiamkao Posttraumatic epilepsy - Disease or comorbidity?,2014,38,,19-24,Pitkänen Driving among patients with epilepsy in West China,2014,33C,,1-6,Zhou The relationships among medicine symptom distress self-efficacy patient-provider relationship and medication compliance in patients with epilepsy,2010,19,1,43-49,Tsai Screening for depression in people with epilepsy: Comparative study among Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDI-E) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Depression Subscale (HADS-D) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI),2014,34C,,50-54,Sander The effects of epilepsy on child education in Sierra Leone,2014,37C,,236-240,Ali Seizure detection seizure prediction and closed-loop warning systems in epilepsy,2014,37C,,291-307,Schachter Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: from the lab to the clinic setting,2013,26,3,415-420,Scorza Displaced aggression predicts switching deficits in people with temporal lobe epilepsy,2014,41C,,109-113,Gul An appraisal of the new operational definition of epilepsy--then and now,2014,41C,,217-220,Beran Comments on Jones JE et al. Rates and risk factors for suicide suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in chronic epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior 2003;4(Suppl. 3):S31-38,2014,40,,16-17,Mula Cause-specific mortality among children and young adults with epilepsy: results from the U.S. National Child Death Review Case Reporting System,2015,45,,31-34,Covington Suicidal risk affective dysphoric disorders and quality-of-life perception in patients with focal refractory epilepsy,2015,45,,254-260,Andrade-Machado Self-reported aggressiveness during treatment with levetiracetam correlates with depression,2015,45,,64-67,Mula Do drivers with epilepsy have higher rates of motor vehicle accidents than those without epilepsy?,2015,47,,111-114,Harden Can an exercise bicycle be safely used in the epilepsy monitoring unit? An exercise method to provoke epileptic seizures and the related safety issues,2015,46,,79-83,Joo Sustained improvement of attitudes about epilepsy following a reduction in media coverage of car accidents involving persons with epilepsy,2015,48,,41-44,Abe Can emotional stress trigger the onset of epilepsy?,2015,48,,15-20,Gelisse Fall prevention and bathroom safety in the epilepsy monitoring unit,2015,48,,75-78,Drazkowski Electronic medical record analysis of emergency room visits and hospitalizations in individuals with epilepsy and mental illness comorbidity,2015,50,,55-60,Sajatovic Epileptogenesis after traumatic brain injury in Plau-deficient mice,2015,51,,19-27,Pitkänen The enigma of the latent period in the development of symptomatic acquired epilepsy - Traditional view versus new concepts,2015,52,Pt A,78-92,Hirsch Symptoms of anxiety and depression in school-aged children with active epilepsy: a population-based study,2015,52,Pt A,174-179,Gillberg Ian Curtis: Punk rock epilepsy and suicide,2015,52,Pt A,218-221,Nakken Specific adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs - a true-to-life monotherapy study,2015,54,,150-157,Kowski Seizure-related injuries in children and adolescents with epilepsy,2015,54,,131-134,Lagunju Hospital care for mental health and substance abuse in children with epilepsy,2016,57,Pt A,161-166,Abend Attributing seizures to TBI: validation of a brief patient questionnaire,2016,57,Pt A,141-144,Storzbach Psychoses in epilepsy: a comparison of postictal and interictal psychoses,2016,60,,58-62,Bonelli Suicide among people with epilepsy: a population-based analysis of data from the U.S. National Violent Death Reporting System 17 states 2003-2011,2016,61,,210-217,Hesdorffer Editorial: Preventing death by suicide,2016,61,,292-293,Gattone Worsening of attitudes toward epilepsy following less influential media coverage of epilepsy-related car accidents: an infodemiological approach,2016,64,Pt A,206-211,Abe Alterations in balance and mobility in people with epilepsy,2016,66,,53-56,Camara-Lemarroy Risk factors for posttraumatic epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis,2017,67,,1-6,Yang The legal status of cannabis (marijuana) and cannabidiol (CBD) under U.S. law,2017,70,Pt B,288-291,Mead How do you exercise with epilepsy? Insights into the barriers and adaptations to successfully exercise with epilepsy,2017,70,,66-71,Ellis-Hill Domestic violence among persons with epilepsy and their caregivers,2017,71,,85-93,Trujillo-de los Santos Psychiatric side effects and antiepileptic drugs: observations from prospective audits,2017,71,Pt A,73-78,Brodie Longitudinal investigation into implicit stigma of epilepsy among Japanese medical students before and after mass media coverage of car accidents associated with people with epilepsy,2017,73,,95-99,Nagamori Epilepsy and stigmatization in Turkey,2017,73,,100-105,Doganavsargil-Baysal Post-traumatic epilepsy associations with mental health outcomes in the first two years after moderate to severe TBI: a TBI Model Systems analysis,2017,73,,240-246,Hammond Do people with epilepsy have a different lifestyle?,2017,74,,27-32,Aguirre Can head trauma trigger adult-onset Rasmussen's encephalitis?,2017,74,,119-123,Beran Perampanel with concomitant levetiracetam and topiramate: post hoc analysis of adverse events related to hostility and aggression,2017,75,,79-85,Chung Semiology of psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: an international cross-cultural study,2017,75,,210-212,Asadi-Pooya The hanging of Derek Bentley a 19-year-old boy with epilepsy,2017,76,,136-138,Nakken Psychiatric and behavioral side effects of antiepileptic drugs in adults with epilepsy,2017,76,,24-31,Detyniecki Understanding variability in driving recommendations for patients with seizures,2017,77,,44-49,Mahmud Mozart's music in children with drug-refractory epileptic encephalopathies: comparison of two protocols,2017,78,,100-103,Verrotti Suicide risk temperament traits and sleep quality in patients with refractory epilepsy,2018,80,,254-258,Castro Driving with drug-resistant and controlled seizures from a patient's perspective: assessment of attitudes and practices,2018,81,,101-106,Arcot Jayagopal Risk of readmission for suicide attempt after epilepsy hospitalization,2018,83,,124-130,Jetté Noncompliance of patients with driving restrictions due to uncontrolled epilepsy,2019,91,,86-89,Hamer Close to 1 million US adults aged 55  years or older have active epilepsy-National Health Interview Survey 2010 2013 and 2015,2018,87,,233-234,Sapkota Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy,2018,88,,41-48,Labudda Behavior problems in children with epilepsy and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Central China,2018,89,,79-83,Zhao Alcohol-related seizures may be associated with more severe depression alcohol dependence syndrome and more pronounced alcohol-related problems,2019,91,,81-85,Gutmane Accidental injuries in patients with generalized tonic-clonic seizures. A multicenter observational cross-sectional study (QUIN-GTC study),2019,92,,135-139,Puig Neurologists' attitudes toward driving among persons with epilepsy in China: a pilot electronic survey,2019,94,,47-51,Zhou Assessing recent suicidal ideation and behavior in the adult epilepsy monitoring unit,2019,94,,100-103,Roaten Who is driving and who is prone to have traffic accidents? A systematic review and meta-analysis among people with seizures,2019,94,,252-257,Xu Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy in the bathtub,2019,96,,33-40,Hayashi Can absence seizures be predicted by vigilance states? Advanced analysis of sleep-wake states and spike-wave discharges' occurrence in rats,2019,96,,200-209,Smyk Risk factors for suicidal tendency in adult patients with epilepsy in China,2019,97,,118-122,Ding Timing of suicide in people with epilepsy: a population-based study from 18 states of the United States 2003-2014,2019,ePub,ePub,106421,Zack Neurobiology of organophosphate-induced seizures,2019,ePub,ePub,106426,Williamson Epilepsy and seizure-related deaths: mortality statistics do not tell the complete story,2019,98,,266-272,O'Brien Memory and motor control in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures,2019,98,Pt A,279-284,Gilad Assessment of psychiatric and behavioral adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs monotherapy: could they have a neuroendocrine correlation in persons with epilepsy?,2019,100,Pt A,106439,Tripathi Psychiatric aspects of posttraumatic epilepsy: a still unexplored area,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Mula Validation of the Chinese version of the Scale for Suicide Ideation-Worst in adult patients with epilepsy,2019,101,Pt A,e106586,Ding Effect of perampanel on aggression in patients with refractory focal epilepsy: a 6-month longitudinal study,2019,102,,e106658,Lee Moral injury in Veterans with nonepileptic seizures,2019,102,,e106681,Stein Risk of readmission for injury in patients with epilepsy in the United States - a population-based study,2019,102,,e106651,Jetté Incidence of seizure exacerbation and injury related to football participation in people with epilepsy,2020,104,,e106888,Fountain Driving in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures,2020,105,,e106991,Asadi-Pooya CDC-supported epilepsy surveillance and epidemiologic studies: a review of progress since 1994,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Croft Suicidal behavior among people with epilepsy in Northwest Ethiopia: a comparative cross-sectional study,2020,111,,e107233,Belete Seizures accidental injuries at work and reasons for resignation in people with epilepsy,2020,111,,e107237,Inoue Absence epilepsy: characteristics pathophysiology attention impairments and the related risk of accidents. A narrative review,2020,112,,e107342,Visser Screening for suicidality and its relation to undiagnosed psychiatric comorbidities in children and youth with epilepsy,2020,113,,e107443,Falcone Comparison of the performance of suicide ideation scales in adult patients with epilepsy in China,2020,112,,e107405,Ding Prevalence severity and associations of depression in people with epilepsy in Guinea: a single-center study,2020,113,,e107475,Mateen Seizure detection devices: a survey of needs and preferences of patients and caregivers,2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Nguyen Ictal injury: epilepsy vs. functional (psychogenic) seizures,2021,116,,e107727,Asadi-Pooya Criminal victimization of people with epilepsy: sixteen criminal judgments in Japan between 1990 and 2019,2021,118,,e107912,Hirabayashi Driving rate in patients with seizures: epilepsy vs. functional seizures,2021,119,,e107985,Asadi-Pooya Factors associated with suicidal ideation in an epilepsy center in Northern New England,2021,121,Pt A,108009,Schommer Individual prediction of motor vehicle accidents for patients with epilepsy,2021,121,Pt A,108046,Zhou Kratom: the safe legal high?,2021,117,,e107882,Coonan Differences in aggression as psychiatric side effect of levetiracetam and perampanel in patients with epilepsy,2021,126,,e108493,Kanemoto Characterizing the driving dilemma among patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: a single-center prospective cohort study,2022,127,,e108454,Drazkowski Aggression is more strongly associated with suicidality independent of depression than emotional instability and impulsivity in people with epilepsy,2022,129,,e108613,Lee Mortality and causes of death among people with convulsive epilepsy in northwestern China,2022,127,,e108492,Zhang Depression and suicide after temporal lobe epilepsy surgery: a systematic review,2022,134,,e108853,Burneo Seizure-related injuries in adults: a prospective case-controlled study on risk factors seizure severity and quality of life,2022,134,,e108849,de Almeida Fischer Sex differences in the relationship between aggression and symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults with refractory focal epilepsy,2022,138,,e108983,Lee Antidepressant drugs use and epilepsy risk: a nationwide nested case-control study,2023,140,,e109102,Tsai Networked vision of epilepsy and mental symptoms: proposal for a "city map of traffic lights",2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,McGonigal Driving status and attitudes of patients with epilepsy holding a driving license in eastern China,2023,142,,e109178,Wang Factors related to the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and their impact on suicide risk in epileptic patients,2023,146,,e109362,Guo Risk of suicide and religious or spiritual beliefs in Brazilian adult patients with epilepsy,2023,147,,e109414,Tedrus Predicting seizure clustering in the epilepsy monitoring unit: a multivariable analysis,2023,147,,e109433,Millis Prevalence of suicidality in children and adolescents with depressive disorders with and without epilepsy,2023,148,,e109467,Rotenberg Seizure-related complication rate in a residential population with epilepsy and intellectual disability (ECOMRAID-trial),2023,140,,e108995,Monté Post-traumatic seizures and factors associated among adult patients with depressed skull fractures at Mulago National Referral hospital; cross-sectional study,2024,152,,e109693,Sajatovic Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults with epilepsy: an indirect relationship with suicide risk,2024,153,,e109672,Lee Epilepsy and driving: A preliminary survey of people with epilepsy at an epilepsy clinic in China,2024,153,,e109668,Ding Psychiatric and behavioral concerns of perampanel with concomitant levetiracetam in children with epilepsy,2024,154,,e109740,Sung Death of a loved one: a potential risk factor for onset of functional seizures,2024,155,,e109769,Libbon Individual and neighborhood-level socioeconomic deprivation and risk of epilepsy after traumatic brain injury: a register-based cohort study,2024,156,,e109807,Christensen Peri-ictal behavioral and cognitive changes,2002,3,1,16-26,Boylan Suicide in epilepsy: Psychopathology pathogenesis and prevention,2002,3,3,232-241,Hermann Tiagabine in the management of postencephalitic epilepsy and impulse control disorder,2002,3,2,190-194,Kaufman Screening for anxiety depression and suicidality by epilepsy specialists in adult services in Scotland,2023,142,,e109187,Chin Have antiepileptic drug prescription claims changed following the FDA suicidality warning? An evaluation in a state Medicaid program,2014,34,,109-115,Mittal Epilepsy comorbidities: Is clonazepam a friend or a foe?,2016,62,,309-310,Tufik Effect of alexithymia and difficulty of emotion regulation neuroticism low extraversion and suicidality on quality of life in epilepsy,2022,135,,108887,Sengul Perceptions of adult and child neurologists of transition programs in epilepsy in Latin America: A cross-sectional study,2020,110,,e107159,Carrizosa-Moog Young adults with epilepsy: Relationships between psychosocial variables and anxiety depression and suicidality,2021,118,,e107911,Taylor Mortality in tuberous sclerosis complex,2021,121,Pt A,e108032,Devinsky Depression and suicidality among Hispanics with epilepsy: Findings from the Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) Network integrated database,2021,125,,e108388,Shegog Ictal level of awareness in psychogenic nonepileptic seizures correlates with the experience of traumatic events in childhood: A cross sectional study,2020,112,,e107492,Rose Cannabidiol normalizes resting-state functional connectivity in treatment-resistant epilepsy,2020,112,,e107297,Szaflarski A systematic review of the behavioral effects of levetiracetam in adults with epilepsy cognitive disorders or an anxiety disorder during clinical trials,2003,4,2,124-132,Devinsky Medical comorbidities in the treatment of epilepsy,2003,4 Suppl 2,,S2-12,Boro A reappraisal of the possible seizures of Vincent van Gogh,2005,6,4,504-510,Hughes Psychiatric issues in epilepsy: the complex relation of mood anxiety disorders and epilepsy,2009,15,1,83-87,Kanner Cholesterol concentrations and clinical response to sertraline in patients with epilepsy: preliminary results,2010,19,3,509-512,Espinosa PEARLS depression treatment for individuals with epilepsy: a randomized controlled trial,2010,19,3,225-231,Unützer Postictal affective episodes,2010,19,2,156-158,Kanner Suicidality and brain volumes in pediatric epilepsy,2010,18,3,286-290,Caplan Antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of psychiatric disorders,2011,21,1,1-11,Kaufman Ethosuximide-induced mania in a 10-year-old boy,2011,21,4,483-485,Chien Long-term outcomes from the PEARLS randomized trial for the treatment of depression in patients with epilepsy,2011,20,3,545-549,Unützer The role of 5-HT(3) receptors in the additive anticonvulsant effects of citalopram and morphine on pentylenetetrazole-induced clonic seizures in mice,2011,21,2,122-127,Rahimian Validation of the Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for Epilepsy (NDDIE) as a rapid suicidality screening tool in Chinese people with epilepsy,2019,94,,216-221,Zhang Epilepsy by the Numbers: Epilepsy deaths by age race/ethnicity and gender in the United States significantly increased from 2005 to 2014,2017,69,,28-30,Croft Increased odds and predictive rates of MMPI-2-RF scale elevations in patients with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures and observed sex differences,2017,72,,43-50,Barr Epilepsy-related injuries - the role of seizure profile somatic comorbidities and adverse medication effects,2024,157,,e109907,Puteikis Adherence to epilepsy quality indicators in a tertiary referral center,2023,146,,e109366,Fırat