Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Severity and pattern of injury in survivors of alpine fall accidents,2004,5,3,349-354,Hohlrieder Pattern and severity of injury in avalanche victims,2007,8,1,56-61,Hohlrieder Mountaineering fatalities on Denali,2008,9,1,89-95,Grissom Medical problems requiring mountain rescues from 1985 to 2007 in Yu-Shan National Park Taiwan,2009,10,1,77-82,Chen Rescue missions for totally buried avalanche victims: conclusions from 12 years of experience,2008,9,3,229-233,Hohlrieder The Qinghai-Tibet railway,2008,9,1,1-2,West Limb paralysis and visual changes during Glaisher and Coxwell's 1862 balloon ascent to over 8800 m,2007,8,3,256-259,Rodway Fatal Accidents among Elite Mountaineers: A Historical Perspective from the European Alps,2010,11,2,147-151,Weinbruch Experience with helicopter rescue missions for crevasse accidents,2010,11,4,375-379,Hohlrieder Positive Association between Altitude and Suicide in 2584 U.S. Counties,2011,12,1,31-35,Cheng Mountain rescue: the highest earthquake in yushu,2011,12,1,93-95,Wu Mountain research and rescue on Denali: A short history from the 1980s to the present,2011,12,3,277-283,McIntosh Freezing and frostbite on Mount Everest: New insights into wind chill and freezing times at extreme altitude,2011,12,3,271-275,Moore Prehospital resuscitation of the buried avalanche victim,2011,12,3,199-205,Brugger Is depression the link between suicide and high altitude?,2011,12,4,403-404,Gamboa Beta-blockers may provoke oxygen desaturation during submaximal exercise at moderate altitudes in elderly persons,2003,4,4,475-478,Flatz Going to high altitude with preexisting ocular conditions,2003,4,4,419-430,Mader Suicide at high altitude: the importance of sociodemographic and mental health care factors,2012,13,2,138,Lowenstein Compromised white matter microstructural integrity after mountain climbing: evidence from diffusion tensor imaging,2012,13,2,118-125,Zhang Pediatric trauma in the Austrian alps: the epidemiology of sport-related injuries in helicopter emergency medical service,2012,13,2,112-117,Voelckel The effects of acute hypobaric hypoxia on arterial stiffness and endothelial function and its relationship to changes in pulmonary artery pressure and left ventricular diastolic function,2012,13,2,105-111,Boos Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic evidence of increased free radical generation and selective damage to skeletal muscle following lightning injury,2003,4,3,281-289,Cooper Termination of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in mountain rescue,2012,13,3,200-208,Ellerton Paralysis and blindness during a balloon ascent to high altitude,2004,5,4,453-456,West Pulmonary edema after complete avalanche burial,2012,13,4,295-296,Brugger Mountaineering medical events and trauma on denali 1992-2011,2012,13,4,275-280,Grissom The impact of avalanche transceivers on mortality from avalanche accidents,2005,6,1,72-77,Hohlrieder Statistical models of acute mountain sickness,2005,6,1,32-42,Pieper Frostbite: prevention and initial management,2013,14,1,9-12,Zafren The Kilimanjaro Score for assessing fitness to fly paragliders at high altitude,2013,14,3,304-307,Wilkes Altitude is positively correlated to race time during the marathon,2014,15,1,64-69,Salinero Mount Everest and Makalu cold injury amputation: 40 years on,2014,15,1,78-83,Mekjavić Full neurologic recovery after prolonged avalanche burial and cardiac arrest,2014,15,4,522-523,Payen Is extracorporeal rewarming indicated in avalanche victims with unwitnessed hypothermic cardiorespiratory arrest?,2014,15,4,500-503,Brugger Does rescue collapse mandate a paradigm shift in the field management of avalanche victims?,2015,16,2,171-172,Pasquier Apparent cooling rate of 7°C per hour in an avalanche victim,2015,16,4,356-357,Paal Drug use and misuse in the mountains: a UIAA MedCom consensus guide for medical professionals,2016,17,3,157-184,Küpper Avalanche accidents causing fatalities: are they any different in the summer?,2016,18,1,67-72,Pasquier The elusive path of brain tissue oxygenation and cerebral perfusion in harness hang syncope in mountain climbers,2017,18,4,363-371,Lanfranconi Psychophysiological response and fine motor skills in high-altitude parachute jumps,2017,18,4,392-399,Clemente-Suarez Suicide and high altitude: an integrative review,2018,19,2,99-108,Betz The physiology of paragliding flight at moderate and extreme altitudes,2018,19,1,42-51,Tipton Management of multi-casualty incidents in mountain rescue: evidence-based guidelines of the International Commission for Mountain Emergency Medicine (ICAR MEDCOM),2018,19,2,131-140,Zafren Frostbite injuries in the Austrian Alps: a retrospective 11-year national registry study,2018,19,4,316-320,Brugger Impact of hanging motionless in harness on respiratory and blood pressure reflex modulation in mountain climbers,2019,20,2,122-132,Tremolizzo Effect of altitude on veteran suicide rates,2019,20,2,171-177,Renshaw Editorial Comment on: Effect of altitude on veteran suicide rates by Sabic et al. (From: Sabic H Kious B Boxer D Fitzgerald C Riley C Scholl L McGlade E Yurgelun-Todd D Renshaw PF Kondo DG. High Alt Med Biol 2019;20:171-177; DOI: 10.1089/ham.2018.0130),2019,20,2,178-180,Lowenstein Influence of natural hypobaric hypoxic conditions on dynamic visual performance,2019,ePub,ePub,ePub,Jendrusch Letter to the Editor RE: Honigman et al. Editorial comment on: Effect of altitude on veteran suicide rates by Sabic et al. (High Alt Med Biol 20:178-180. DOI: 10.1089/ham.2019.0058),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Kondo Rebuttal to Kious et al. Re: "Editorial Comment on: Effect of altitude on veteran suicide Rates by Sabic et al." (High Alt Med Biol [Epub ahead of print]; DOI: 10.1089/ham.2019.0085),2020,ePub,ePub,ePub,Lowenstein Was an avalanche swarm responsible for the devastation at Mount Everest Base Camp during the April 2015 Nepal Earthquake?,2020,21,4,352-359,Semple Extreme cooling rates in avalanche victims: case report and narrative review,2021,ePub,ePub,ePub,Brugger Review and analysis of United States mountaineering accidents 1947-2018,2022,ePub,ePub,ePub,DeLoughery Re: "Cardiomyopathy following complete avalanche burial: a case report" by Libersa et al,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Finsterer Sex differences in mountain bike accidents in Austria from 2006 to 2018: a retrospective analysis,2023,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paal The authors reply,2011,12,4,e405,Renshaw Optimism and Health Self-Perception-Related Differences in Indigenous Kiwchas of Ecuador at Low and High Altitude: A Cross-Sectional Analysis,2022,23,1,26-36,Paz Reduced violence-related burden and mortality at higher altitudes: examining the association between high altitude living and homicide rates in Ecuador,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,West Emergency care for high-altitude trekking and climbing,2024,ePub,ePub,ePub,Paal