Article Title,Year,Volume,Issue,Page Range,Author Mechanisms of injury in automobile crashes,1972,116,2,23-29,Huelke Prevention of Facial Trauma in Automobile Accidents,1963,99,6,386,Nahum Spider bites tick bites,1967,106,3,247-249,Dooley Community psychiatry and the population explosion,1967,106,3,189-195,Fischer Statutory Consent for Chemical Test of Alcoholic Content of Blood Breath or Urine in Drunk Driving Cases,1967,106,1,80-82,Hassard The crisis treatment of suicide,1970,112,6,1-8,Tabachnick Suicide prevention--the physician's role,1970,112,3,102-103,Saylor Flexion fracture of the lumbar spine due to lap-type seat belts,1970,113,3,74-76,Harris The potentially suicidal patient,1969,111,3,169-176,Naftulin Attempted suicide by cyanide. A report of two cases,1969,110,5,394-396,De Busk The battered child syndrome,1968,108,6,437-439,Sussman Suicides in San Mateo County,1967,107,2,153-155,Krieger Acutely suicidal patients. Management in general medical practice,1966,104,3,168-174,Litman Suicide in San Francisco: Reported and unreported,1965,102,,426-430,Cohen The battered child syndrome:Responsibilities of the pathologist,1965,102,,102-104,Noguchi Medical aspects of violence,1971,114,5,19-24,Solomon Host factors in dangerous driving. Evidence for the design of countermeasure prorams,1972,116,2,5-9,Pelz Emergency medical care and care systems in California. Motor vehicle accidents,1972,116,2,30-34,Duffey Traffic medicine. An editorial overview,1972,116,2,2-4,Duffey Automobile collisions kinematics and related injury patterns,1972,116,2,16-22,Siegel Methanol poisoning,1946,65,5,230-234,Bogen Intraocular foreign bodies in naval personnel,1948,69,2,114-119,Lucic Alcoholism; the role of psychiatry in meeting the problem,1949,71,6,394-397,Irish Toxicology of organic phosphate insecticides,1950,73,2,183-186,Abrams The use of antabus in the therapy of alcoholic patients,1950,73,2,144-147,Moriarty Leading causes of childhood death,1950,73,1,22-26,Clark The background of delinquency,1950,73,1,16-21,Porter Medicine's place in aviation safety,1970,112,5,79-80,Barron The role of medicine in aviation safety,1969,111,1,55-56,Chesbro Health care for a rural minority. Lessons from the Modoc Indian country in California,1973,118,4,98-104,Guidotti Deaths during skin and scuba diving in California in 1970,1972,116,6,18-22,Lansche Truths traps and tactics concerning alcohol other drugs and highway safety,1972,116,2,10-15,Waller The physician and the atomic bomb,1951,75,6,400-407,Bond The treatment of craniocerebral injuries and prevention of anoxia,1951,75,5,321-323,Adams Some viewpoints on child psychiatry,1951,75,3,213-216,Anderson Psychological problems of aging,1951,75,2,73-80,Simon Prevention of injury from x-radiation,1951,74,3,188-192,Lewis Suicide and public health,1953,79,6,422-424,Bauer Swallowed foreign bodies,1953,79,4,293-296,Feder Traumatic pancreatitis,1953,79,4,279-281,Walters Palm thorn injuries; difficulty in diagnosis of late sequelae,1953,79,1,40-41,Cozen The growing problem of suicide,1953,79,1,6-10,Kern Chest injuries among Korean casualties,1953,78,6,496-498,Chapman Organic phosphorus poisoning in general practice; parathion TEPP HEPT EPN and others,1953,78,6,491-495,Leach Delinquency in women,1953,78,4,299-302,Mcginnis Wider dissemination of castor bean allergen; factors presaging increasing incidence of disease in California,1953,78,2,117,Small Industrial accidents: some medical problems of the Industrial Accident Commission,1953,78,2,107-109,Barritt Epidemicity of poliomyelitis; possible role of seasonal variation in food quality,1954,81,6,409-411,Spetz Prevention of suicide,1954,81,6,396-401,Bennett Psychological aspects of atomic disaster,1954,81,1,29-32,Adams Physicians in major disaster,1954,80,5,392-393,Davis Paternal domination as a cause of somnambulism,1954,80,1,23-25,Kahn Personal injury litigation; the duties privileges and responsibilities of physicians,1955,83,6,446-9; contd,Hoberg Injuries of the fingers and hands; a review of cases from the standpoint of compensation,1955,83,5,366-368,Barritt Civil defense; public health measures to be taken in a major disaster,1955,83,4,304-308,Uhl Poisoning by organic phosphate insecticides,1955,83,3,240-243,Kimura Accidental injuries to women; obstetrical and gynecological problems associated with damage claims,1955,83,1,30-33,McNEIL Parent-child relationships,1955,83,1,17-21,Cutler Studies in traumatic amnesia,1955,82,4,330-331,Nielsen Permanent disability evaluation,1955,82,1,35-38,Welch Delinquency,1956,85,6,399-401,Beach Industrial injury; a dynamic concept for rehabilitation,1956,85,4,241-244,Yamshon Alcohol addiction; problems in treatment,1956,85,4,235-240,Bennett The sexual psychopath in California,1956,85,4,232-234,Lieberman Normal psychological changes in adolescence,1956,85,3,171-176,Teicher The San Francisco earthquake and fire; public health aspects,1956,85,1,36-38,Stiles The impartial medical examiner; discussion,1956,84,5,321-324,Allen The impartial medical examiner; a neurosurgeon's differences and agreements with the industrial accident commission,1956,84,5,318-321,Fender The insecticides; their hazard in industry and in the home,1956,84,4,265-268,Johnstone The insecticides; their hazard in industry and in the home,1956,84,4,258-264,Haley The high school football team physician,1957,87,4,263-265,Atsatt Industrial injuries of farm workers,1957,87,3,142-144,Latourette Facts and fallacies on industrial poisoning,1957,87,3,135-139,Thienes Work injury: a second look at the doctor's first report,1957,87,2,82-84,Leggo Subjective compliants in industrial injuries,1957,87,2,79-81,Barritt The child's sexual life; a consideration of clinical implications,1957,86,5,321-324,Teicher Injuries caused by motor vehicles; a statistical analysis,1957,86,2,115-118,Anderson The whiplash injury,1957,86,2,99-103,Purviance Alcohol and driving: application of a definition in a way to deter offenders,1959,91,,335-337,Newman Common eye problems in children,1959,91,,332-334,Wilson Epidemiology in the social sciences,1959,91,,189-192,Chope Single injury and cancer,1959,91,,159,Kotin Psychiatric emergencies,1959,91,2,74,Ziskind Childhood accident prevention; program and statistical survey by a county medical society,1959,91,2,62-64,Williams Medical preparedness for disaster,1959,90,5,353-355,Stein Impalement injuries of the hand: repair of damage from broken bean poles,1959,90,5,339,Monroe Algerian ivy dermatitis; a California disease,1959,90,2,155-159,Dorsey Is suicide preventable,1959,90,2,128-129,Elias Can a single injury cause cancer,1959,90,1,55-57,Hedge Borderline industrial injuries,1958,89,6,409-413,Barritt Suicide problems in medical practice,1958,89,5,343-344,Pollack Whiplash injuries; diagnosis and treatment,1958,89,5,318-321,Huddleston Headache of extracranial origin,1958,89,5,314-317,Seletz Medico-legal aspects of traumatic epilepsy,1958,89,4,276-278,Rubenstein Mortality rates in patients with burns; a report of experience at San Francisco City and County Hospital 1943-1956,1958,89,3,210-214,Clark Preparation for disaster,1958,89,2,132-135,Chesbro Hidden alcoholics,1958,89,2,129-131,O'hollaren Child pedestrian fatalities in Los Angeles,1958,89,1,26-29,Wright Man vs. Automobile,1958,88,5,390-391, Snake venom poisoning in Southern California,1960,93,,347-350,Russell Preparation for disaster in california,1960,93,2,90-92,Cole Poison control. Operation of an information center in a rural and agricultural community,1960,92,,413-415,Bocian Epidemiology of accidental poisoning,1960,92,,416-417,Bissell Recovery from heat prostration and body temperature of 109 degrees F,1960,92,,350,Ajalat Elbow and wrist injuries in sports,1960,92,,264-265,Marmor The California Youth Authority Psychiatric Treatment Program: its historical significance and philosophy,1960,92,,277-279,Gerstle Behavioral characteristics of dangerous drivers: importance of correction,1960,92,,274-276,Friesen CARDIAC INJURY IN BODILY TRAUMA-A Clinical Study,1961,94,2,79-82,Davis Head injuries in infants and young children,1961,94,,66-71,Shelden Small bowel rupture from abdominal blows,1961,94,,17-19,Perelman Prevention of facial trauma in automobile accidents,1963,99,,386-387,Nahum Fractures of the larynx,1963,99,,382-385,McCoy Change in Work Injury Report Committee on Occupational Health,1963,99,5,353, Poison,1963,98,6,366, Mortality in spinal cord injuries. Follow-up report,1965,103,6,417-419,Nyquist Suicide psychiatrists and therapeutic abortion,1965,102,,407-411,Silver Injury to the throwing arm. A study of traumatic changes in the elbow joints of boy baseball players,1965,102,1,127-132,Adams Traffic deaths. A preliminary study of urban and rural fatalities in california,1964,101,,272-276,Waller Economic aspects of "whiplash" injury,1964,101,,260-262,Snow Injury to human tissues from sea urchin spines,1964,101,,199-202,Halstead Traffic safety. California laws affecting the physician and his patient,1964,101,,188-190,Mills Toward a safer baby bed,1964,101,,145-146,Summers Acute and chronic effects of glue sniffing,1964,100,5317,19-22,Barman Injury to the respiratory tree. Roentgenologic findings after severe blunt trauma,1964,100,5,14-18,Ozonoff Necrotic arachnidism,1966,105,6,457-462,Lewis Traffic Accidents-Chronic Medical Conditions as a Cause,1966,105,3,197-200,Waller Gangrenous spider bite in Los Angeles County (apparently by Loxosceles reclusa),1968,108,4,305-308,Villaveces Electrocardiographic findings with arsenic poisoning,1968,109,2,158-162,Johnson The LSD syndrome. A review,1968,109,5,368-373,Eveloff Pesticide poisoning may appear anywhere,1969,111,1,68-69, The practitioner and school age child problems,1969,110,3,218-223,Teicher Changing drug patterns in the Haight-Ashbury,1969,110,2,151-157, Drowning and hyperventilation syndrome,1969,111,4,322-324,Prasser Neurosurgical aspects of unexplained unconsciousness,1969,111,4,252-261,Reeves Progress in disseminated intravascular coagulation. II,1969,111,4,279-290,McKay Skull injury from stoning--in Western Samoa and in history,1970,112,4,14-18,Judd Impulse noise and neurosensory hearing loss. Relationship to small arms fire,1970,113,3,16-19,Keim Snakebite or frostbite: what are we doing? An evaluation of cryotherapy for envenomation,1971,114,5,25-27,Frank Genetics of human violence,1972,117,1,51,Kostrubala Microwave and man: the direct and indirect hazards and the precautions,1972,117,1,20-24,Merckel The pajaroello tick bite. The frightening folklore and the mild disease,1972,116,5,16-19,Failing Blunt laryngotracheal trauma,1971,115,3,67-71,Butler The destruction of a medical center by earthquake. Initial effects on patients and staff,1972,116,2,63-67,Koegler Emergency medical transportation. A survey of California ambulance operations,1972,116,2,35-43,Meyer Corrosive injury to oro-pharynx and esophagus. Eighty-five consecutive cases,1973,118,1,6-9,Feldman Phenothiazine poisoning. A review of 48 cases,1973,118,1,1-5,Becker Arsenic poisoning,1973,118,3,13-17, Accidental ingestion of water hemlock. Report of two patients with acute and chronic effects,1973,119,2,78-82,Costanza Trauma and lumbar disc herniation in childhood,1973,119,4,66-68,Ambrus Finger tip amputations. Review of procedures and applications,1973,119,2,22-28,Sokol Analysis of absenteeism in industry,1959,91,,348-354,Luongo Acute cadmium fume poisoning in welders--a fatal and a nonfatal case in California,1966,105,4,290-296,Blejer Pesticide-induced illness. Public health aspects of diagnosis and treatment,1966,105,4,257-261,West Pharmacology and diagnosis of pesticide-induced illnesses,1966,105,4,262-264,Johnstone The medical practitioner alcoholism and motivation,1966,104,5,345-351,Hayman Where we stand on drug abuse,1967,107,4,357-358,Watts Complications following ingestion of LSD in a lower class population,1967,107,5,396-398,Tietz Marijuana: social benefit or social detriment?,1967,106,5,346-353,Bloomquist Nitrous oxide inhalation as a fad. Dangers in uncontrolled sniffing for psychedelic effect,1967,106,6,444-446,Dillon The problems of LSD-25 and emotional disorder,1967,106,1,49-55,Ungerleider Narcotic and dangerous drug problems. Current status of legislation control and rehabilitation,1967,106,2,108-111,Quinn Persistent self-mutilation following surgical procedures,1949,70,2,117-120,Gliebe